EddyHawk's Info List --- INTEL --- 8088 16 bit word-alignment has no effect for data fetching 8086 80186 bug: IDIV 80286 more opcodes: -ENTER -LEAVE -PUSH immediate -extended IMUL, SHL, SHR protected mode (max 16Mb memory?) shift+add is faster than MUL 80386 32 bit more opcodes: MOVSD protected mode (max 4Gb memory) bug: -32 bit multiply -POPAD -INSB -STOSB -MOVSB optimize: dec jnz is faster than loop PIQ (Prefetch Instruction Queue) ? 80486 more opcodes: BSWAP 80586 (Pentium) bug: FDIV branch prediction under branch instruction, we can't determine which instruction sequences should be prefetch-ed until the jmp is executed. If processor choose IQ before jmp & the IQ is proved to be wrong after jmp is executed, then the pipeline must be refilled, which is costly, especially on larger PIQ then the branch prediction is added to try to guess which IQ to be taken, based on previous jmps record (Branch Target Buffer) Pentium Pro 2 level branch prediction, much more powerful than previous branch prediction 4-bit history 16 x 2 bit pattern (total 32 bit) capable to learn repetitive branch pattern handle 16 different pattern MMX introduced at begin of 1997 MMX register is mapped to FPU register Celeron: Pentium II: Pentium III: MMX2 or SSE (Streaming SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Extension) Pentium 4: --- AMD (Advanced Micro Device) --- K5 K6 K6-2 (+3DNow!) K6-3 K7 (Athlon) Giga Athlon Thunderbird (copper interconnect) Mustang (optimized Thunderbird, for mobile computer) Spitfire (Duron, low cost Thunderbird?) Sledgehammer (64bit) --- Cyrix --- 6x80686 MediaGX M II 1st appearance: 1998 >= 300mhz supports MMX --- NEC --- V20 V30 --- UMC --- NEXGEN --- 586 uses 386 instruction set --- MOTOROLA --- 68000