Asmodeus -------- Greg Hoglund 1997 -------- Introduction. First of all, thanks for taking the time to test this program. I hope you find it useful. Many people have contributed and offered suggestions. Since this is a work in progress, you can expect it to change over time. If you like Asmodeus, then please offer your suggestions. I can be emailed at Why did I choose the name? It's sort of a play on SATAN, the unix based scanner written my Wietse and Farmer. A few years ago I was running an ISP and I wanted to scan customers machines for security holes. I used SATAN. To make a long story short, that's what got me started. I liked the idea behind SATAN, but it was clumsy to use and difficult to install and compile. Anyway, Asmodeus was originally inspired by SATAN, so credits to those boys. Further credits go to roomate Jason who helped me with the main GUI graphics. Greets to Fyodor for general coolness, Jeff for a great party in Vegas and good times past, Aleph One for inspiration, and everyone at the ieway stomping grounds. Special thanks to ISS for not hiring me, for which I would have never written Asmodeus (but all the free booze was great!). --------- What does it do? Two main things: SCANNING and SNIFFING Unfortunately it doesn't do everything. I have received so many suggestions, and I have so little time. Beleive me, I still have a super-list of stuff to do w/ it. Right now, Asmodeus is capable of scanning ranges of TCP ports on subnets. At the time i originally wrote the socket engine, it was the fastest scanner on the 'net. Since that time, a few other scanners have been released which are pretty darned fast. Most of these are commercial and very expensive at that. Asmodeus can keep up.. I have scanned entire class C's in less than a minute. You can scan some small countries in one night ;) I beleive Asmodeus can stream along at a modest 30,000 sockets per minute under optimum conditions. All of the data that is gleaned from the scan is passed through a user-supplied script. This script allows the you to define what security holes will be checked for. Also, you can trigger events based on what you find. If you REALLY want to hear a wav file play every time you find an IMAP service running, go crazy. You can spawn external processes, or other scripts. Also, Asmodeus can promiscously sniff your ethernet segment. Other than some commercial applications (like Micro$ofts SMS) I haven't really seen a good sniffer. Asmodeus can filter the packets and search them for certain data. You can log packets to file, or have an external application deal with them. For instance, you can have your alphanumeric pager software go off if Asmodeus detects a certain kind of packet (i.e., say a samba packet from a certain address). Using the built in scripting language, almost anything is possible. This gives you the ability to monitor your network 24 hours a day. ---------- How do I install and use it? SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows NT 4.0 Asmodeus doesn't stuff crap into your registry, it's a stand alone binary. It must have all of it's associated script files in the same directory. If you don't have the script files with the program, your not going to get far. Windows 95: Don't try to force it to run on Win95. It may barely work if you install Winsock 2 first, but do me a favor.. write a program for 95 that opens about 70 sockets or so and watch what happens. Asmodeus opens and manages upwards of 2500 sockets at any given time under NT. I rest my case. IMPORTANT: Installing the promiscuous packet driver If you already have a packet driver like this installed, they may not co-exist together very well. I haven't tried this yet. I know some other vendors have a *very* similar packet driver to Asmodeus... so you may experience problems... hard to say. >> Go into your Network Properties and add a PROTOCOL. Click HAVE DISK and supplky the path to the Asmodeus "Driver" directory. you should be able to select "Asmodeus Packet Driver". You then have to REBOOT. >> ----------- Scanning Class C's and Single Machines This is all very easy. To get started, just create a NEW database. The thing to remember is that everything you do is based on whatever NODE you currently have selected in the database. If you scan a site, then the results of this scan are placed under the currently selected database node. >> Open or create a NEW database, select the first node (you will see a little red and yellow arrow highlighting it...), and then click on SCAN SINGLE IP. Enter an IP Address and let her go. The results of the scan are placed in the database tree. >> If you want to get busy, try the same thing with the "SCAN CLASS C" button. This will scan an entire class C range of machines.. or 255 machines. The data that is collected is run through a script file called "default.spn". Take a look at this file to see how Asmodeus determines what to post in the database. This file is where you will add checks for new security holes. As long as you can get a system OS type, a Service ID, and a Version Number.. you can cross refernence any number of known security holes. ------------ Tuning and Performance By default, Asmodeus is pretty conservative. You can change that. If you have the machine and the bandwidth, you may want to play with the "TUNE" button. This controls the number of threads, the number of sockets per thread, and the timeout values associated with each socket. There are some presets available to get you started. On a PentiumPro 200 with 64 megs of ram, I can use the highest settings on a local IP scan... If you start getting "out of buffers" errors, you need to tune it down a little. ------------ My Religious Statements: "Hackers don't follow links, they map them." -Greg Hoglund To me, the Internet is a giant game of Core Wars. TCP/IP is only a way of InterProcess Communication... It's more than a bunch of computers, its a bunch of memory spaces.. a bunch of process spaces... The Internet is just one giant distributed machine. Ultimately that is what Asmodeus is about, mapping the locations of all processes on the 'Net. Asmodeus isn't smart enough yet to interrogate those processes to learn what they do. That job is up to you, the Hacker. Asmodeus provides you with a tool to manage your "map" of the 'net. It places everything in address space, handles scanning and basic informaiton retreival, and sorts this for you in a database. Network power is related to the number of nodes it contains and the number of processes which can be accessed. The endpoints of process communications must be labelled or identified in a unique way, otherwise how do we find them? Enter the arena of Internet, the global IPC Space if you will, a million computers, and millions of processes.... Processes that serve files and information, databases, and CPU time. This is true cyberspace. So how do we make a *gods map* to this cyberspace? I am beginning to live there (cyberspace), but not in front a web browser. What maps the Internet? It's NOT URL links on web sites, with their chaotic cross-pollination and 404 errors... The web is not a map for the Internet, it's spaghetti. What about the Internic domain name system? Nah, it's overlord commercialism. One entity trying to control the commercialism of the net thru a name. That's downright wrong. You see, Hackers dont follow links, they map them. At any particular point on the "wire" that connects us, what information can be gained? The true structure of the Internet is based on numbers, 32 bit addresses and associated port numbers. All this binary data forms a packet, encapsulating destination ports, data fields, and option flags. Magnify the data packets and take a look at the payload. What information is going where? How does it effect the machines and processes who receive this packet? Eventually I would like Asmodeus to function as a pattern analysis tool. Look at the data stream, see it for what it is, find the tell tale patterns and analyse analyse analyse. For instance, we know that if we frame out octets 26 thru 29 of an ethernet packet, we have the destination IP address of the packet.. ie., or something similar.. and that if we look at the 4th bit of octet 18, and it is set, then the packet is going to cause the machine located at to crash (if it is running Micro$loth Windoze, that is...).. give it the "Blue Screen of Death" as it's so kindly known. To my mind, and indeed mathematics, the Internet is an abstract collection of data spaces, each mappable with some unique methodology. Information Theory. Every particular frame of bits from the packet can be thrown in it's repsective bucket, and we can create "spaces". Number spaces. Address spaces, port spaces... It's only a matter of detail to look at what's stored within something. The web space, the file space, any particular pattern of data behind a port... ----------- Future Plans Of course, the scanning and sniffing engines will be upgraded. Right now, the scanning engine uses a ping sweep method. There are at least a dozen methods for scanning that aren't approached yet. These will be added. UDP scanning is not yet incorporated. This will be added. A full set of SAMBA utilties will be added, for drive mounting and browsing. This is easy to do and I've already stubbed in most of the code. Of course, the scripting language will only get better, alot better. I plan on allowing variables and a few sorts of conditional loops. Also, the scripts will be able to do alot more to attempt and detect exploits.. including remote buffer-overflows. There are many places in the code where I can optimize yet.. so it's only a matter of time for a more compact, cleaner binary. It uses MFC for the GUI so I figured I was doing pretty good at keeping it less than a meg.... ;) ----------------------------------------------- SCRIPT FILE REFERENCE ----------------------------------------------- # a hash mark indicates a comment. Anything after the hash is ignored until we encounter a newline ------ IfCompare(substring){function block} IfCompare("ZPOP") { PostChild("Post Office Zmail", 4); ExpandThis(); } This command will compare the substring against the banner retreived at the current node. If the substring is located, then the block is executed. Else, it is skipped. As always, function blocks can be nested within one another. Version 1.0 note: This will work on packet analysis as well. ------ PostChild(string to be posted, icon number); PostChild("Post Office Zmail", 4); PostChild is fairly simple. It posts information to the database tree. It does not use a function block. You can change the icon used to represent this data. Try values between 1 and 7. Another version of this command is PostParent. PostParent is exactly the same except that it posts the data to the parent node. ------ ExpandThis(); ExpandThis(); Expands the current node so all children are visible. This is very handy. It operates only in context of the current node. ------ PrintLED(string); PrintLED("-------------=Microsoft ==Windows ==System == == =------------"); This is a cool little function. It prints whatever data you want to the LED sign. Keep in mind the number of characters you are passing. Alignment is crucial here. If you play with the command you will get the idea. See the examples in the default.spn file. Also, note that if you pass more charcaters than will fit on the sign at once, the sign will actually cycle through the entire string.. giving you a sort of rudimentary ASCII animation. ------ PlaySnd(filename.wav); PlaySnd("mushroom.wav"); This is something you would want to use sparingly. Make sure your .wav file in the same directory w/ Asmodeus. The thread is blocked until the wav file has completed, so this would slow you down ALOT if you had sound everywhere. However, it is very handy when you are running huge scans and you need to be alerted to a particular detail of some kind.. ------ Script commands below this point are all version 1.0 and will not work with older alpha versions ------ IfCompareHex(string){ function block } IfCompareHex("00 00 0A AA AC CD 3F 1A") { # do something } This is used mainly for packet analysis. You can look for pattern of hex code, just type a string of 2 character hexadecimal values. You can then do things like log the packet to a file. ------- LogPacket("filename"); APPENDS the contents of this packet to a file. ------- AddScript("filename"); Adds a script to the user-script window. ------- IfIPDest("") { function block } Will execute the function block if the destination IP matches (dotted decimal notation) ------- IfIPSrc("") { function block } Will execute the function block if the source IP matches (dotted decimal notation) ------- Connect("ip address", "port"); #note port is a string, enclose in quotes Establishes a TCP session. IF ip address = "NIC" then the command will use the ip address of the target in a drag and drop operation. i.e., Connect("NIC", "23"); will connect to the target's telnet port. These commands are expirimental. Once you have connected, the script file has a session. This is all in context of the current script file. Further read/write operations will operate on this socket. ------- Send("string"); Sends the string over the current TCP session. Limited in functionality at this time. Asmodeus interperets the following characters as script tokens: "{" "}" "(" ")" "," ";" "\n" "\r" " " "\t" "\"" "#" Within the string, you cannot have a quote charcater, else asmodeus will think the string is complete. I'll fix this later. ------- Recv(); This forces a blocking receive operation on the session. Once again, this is testing. All further IfCompare and IfCompareHex commands should operate on this data. Don't waste huge amounts of time writing attack scripts using these commands, I haven't finsihed working on them yet. ------- CloseSocket(); Closes the session. ------- The last thing to note. The scripting is very sensetive to mistakes. I have tried to do my best to catch typo's and mis-aligned function blocks.. but if you type a bunch of garbage into a script file, Asmodeus isn't going to like it. So watch your coding very carefully.. if Asmodeus does find weird stuff, it tries to report it to you.. and it also will make a backup of your database in case something goes haywire. ----------------------------------------- -Best regards.. please visit for latest updates! -Greg Hoglund ( -Dec 2. 1997