SHATTERED MANAQUEINED BELIEFS by Amerikan Junkie [/editorials/005.txt] Have you ever, felt something to be true? Only to be revieled, shattered and hollowed to you? How about freedom, and the dream? How about privacy, and the unforseen? Every physical thing in this world is a lie. Our lives will not last forever, just as this earth. Are we something more? Who knows. I do not. What about the promises you made to yourself? Are they fufilled? Have you given up? Have you convinced your mind that it is ok to put these things off till a later time? Have you conviced yourself that "you have all the time in the world" to accomplish your tasks? You do not. Everything that you can touch, or see is false. Every essence will last forever. Everything that you can smell, or hear is limited. Everything that you can feel is forever. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || (c)2000 amerikanjunkie "fuck. me. i. will. die." !005! #EOF