HOW TO MAKE FAKE CRACK by Amerikan Junkie 013 _ - * - _ / \ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ [x.x| / \ / \ /\____________/ \ / \_/A\_/ \ / \____________/\ \_/ _\J/_ \_/ For those of you that arent ghetto - literate, youths in the all the ghetto's across Amerika make fake "yay", or "crack" as it is most commonly called, to support their brand new Jordon shoe wearing, unable to afford gold, but its all they got having asses. It brings in lots of cash, and scince deals are usually made in a quick way, there is hardly any danger of them finding out its fake; till they try to smoke it, then you better hope they dont find your ass. It was explained to me, while I was living homeless in the Ghetto (parkside villages) in Wacko TX. { to see just how ghetto parkside is here are some links: } As I was saying, it was explained too me in a run down crack apartment #208b, by a crackhead ex-sniper for the us marine corps, who was just a little bit wacky (he shot another sniper, and when he went to check the kill, it was a 10 year old vietnamese boy). So he was a little crazy, which leads to a story with the moral: UNLESS YOUR PERSCRIBED THEM, NEVER TAKE ANTI-PSYCHOTICS. NOT anti-depressants, but ANTI-PSYCHOTICS. Just trust me. Anyway, Im going to explain it too you, how it was explained too me: "Say man, check it nigga. You just take these right (holds up light colored peanuts), and you take this shit right (points to orajel), and you cut the peanuts into about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch squares right, they ain't gotta be perfect. This is about the size of 20 rock... got it? You take the orajel (a tooth numbing medicine), and you coat the peanut like so, got it? Take some of this shit (points to baking soda), and you sprinkle this shit on the coated peanut. Now take this shit here (a white candle) and light it. Put one drop of melted wax on the (coated/powdered) peanut. After that, lay them out on a wax sheet on a flat pan, and bake them on VERY LOW, for about 10 minutes. Baking the shit causes the oragel to come up to the surface of the wax a little bit" So thats how it was explained. He left with his batch, and came back about an hour and later with about $200 and 4 old ass pagers about the size of a pack of cigarettes. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |2000 amerikanjunkie *got them ghetto techniques, and we like | rock and roll*