13 MEAGER MOONS by Amerikan Junkie 026 Dear Friends, I must write you with a story of love and betrayl. A story, of trusting oneself, and the powerful addiction of a woman. Henceforth, this has been writ: Once, there was a young man. A soul of the fast. He would sometimes stay out, and socialize, drink, etc. Then, one winters night, his eyes lay fall upon a woman he once knew. A beautiful woman, quite astonishing. He use to dance with her, he reminisced. Ohh, how lovely they danced. She made his heart race with pure, exalting pleasure, only to make him beg for more. She would lift him high, and then drop him hard. But so long as she was present, everything was known to be alright. She was of fair skin, and streaking blonde hair. She always wore white, which made the maiden glow bright with awe. She was gorgeous. Everyone wanted my fair maiden. I had to render her will to my own. For even if she did not want me; I had to make her mine. I would spy her dancing with others. Sometimes, troubling the bloke for a dance, she would smile... smile... Allowing him to answer for her. He would respectfully deny my request with a sarcastic grin. How I wanted to indulge in her, just once more. I knew... for I had been there. Once so eager to allow others the oppurtunity to dance with the maiden. Then after several weeks of being with the woman, so cautious not to let even one bloke take a glance. This infuriated me. My soul sank deep. Emptiness with out her.... I had felt this before. And now it was coming back upon watching her dance again. How painful the sight of her was. It had been only 13 meager moons scince she had last danced with me. 13 meager moons too long. Signed, Amerikan Junkie