HACKING A URINE ANALYSIS TEST by Amerikan Junkie 033 (_)_)=====D~~~~ HACKING A URINE ANALYSIS TEST So your on probation, and you didnt have the will power, now your about to get anally raped by your PO cause in 2 days you got a UA. What do you do? Chances are if you do happen to be in this situation, you probably know how to get out of it. But in case there are those people who were never completly clued in, I will describe a few ways you can get rid of those toxins. 1. TOXINS So you know that the toxins that are left behind are what is going to get you busted. Toxins hide in a few different parts of the body: a) Blood Stream b) Kidneys c) Liver d) Fatty Tissues e) Hair Folicles 2. HOW LONG AGAIN? Now, Toxins are usually out of your blood stream in 24-48 Hours. They generally disperse from the Kidneys in 48-64 hours. Toxins leave the liver in a couple of weeks. They stay in the fatty tissues sometimes for up to a month; and toxins are traceable in hair folicles for up to 5 years! [NOTE: You probably wont have to worry about a hair folicle test, because they do not want to know your drug history. And they cant tell WHEN you did them from a folicle test. They can only tell which ones you did.] 3. HOW DO I GET THIS SHIT OUT? There are numerous ways to make your urine clean, or even mask it for a few hours, and make it "seem clean". If you go buy some "Zygote", or "Terminator GOLD 60", they all contain one thing in common.....CREATIN (cree-uh-tin). Yea, the weight gain, muscle building bullshit. Creatin gets in your fatty tissue, and does some wild shit, and masks the toxins for a few hours, holding them in the fat, instead of releasing them. Now, it is theoretically possible to drink a few creatin drinks before having to go administor the test, piss a few times before you leave, and you should be good to go for 3 hours or so. If you dont want to take your chances on that then you can do several things: a) Water. Drink SHITLOADS of it. Try and force the toxins out of your system. About 1 gallon every 6 hours for 4 days should be sufficient. Ive had a friend drink 4 gallons about a hour before he went, and passed. b) CERTO! This powerful cleaning supplement can be found in your local grocery store in the cleaning section. Mix this powder shit in some water, and drink. TASTES NASTY. GARUNTEED TO WORK. (also known as shure-a-gel) c) PERSCRIPTIONS! Goto the doctor and complain of major kidney pains. Tell him you think you got a kidney infection. Ask him for a thing called "DIA-RETICS". They clean you out in about a week, and turn your piss *BRIGHT* orange. d) DONT USE YOUR PISS, use someone elses. Thats right! Get someone who you know FOR SURE that does not do any drugs, and get him to piss in a cup. Get a visine bottle, and empty the contents. Fill the visine bottle with clean urine, close and TAPE it around the inside of your leg close to your groin about 2 hours before having to go take the test. This is done because the urine has to your body tempature. Thats right! They check the tempature of the urine. So make sure you do that. And the bottle makes lots of high pitched noises when you are emptying the specimen into the container. So try and keep it down. That is all.... #EOF