From their website: "March 18, 2003 - Amerisuk Communications is a (now defunct) group of leeto hax0rs from around the 419 area. During it's prime, there were like 8 members. Exploits were coded, zine's were written, answering machines were owned. The group fell apart soon after. Lack of time, scene wh0res, and varying group maturity levels were all to blame. What remains is only what was published by the group. The archive. As for the group, most members now have legitimate employment being their leet selves. People are doing unix administration, perl foo, and other development. You might recognize them by their distinctive odor, ability to work long hours fueled only by caffiene, and insanely high productivity."
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfile
zine1.txt | 53667 | Amerisuk E-zine #1 (1999)
| zine3.txt | 49718 | Amerisuk E-zine Issue #3
| |
There are 2 files for a total of 103,385 bytes. |