# anada "I Am # 203 Everything" +### +### +#### +### # # # # # # # # # # by # # # ## # # # # # # 01 AphexTwin23 # .# ## # # .# # .# # .# nov *### * # * *### * *### * *### * 2000 .+#################################################################.net I am a writer without the pen. A poet without the words. The seeker who's never looking, and the dreamer who doesn't remember her dreams. I am the bitch that crushed your poor heart, and the exgirlfriend that lends you a hand when falling out of love. I am the perfect cheater. I am the honest liar. The sane psychotic. The healthy drug abuser. I am the diverse racist. I am the killer that saved your life. The god who damned you to hell. I am the demonic angel. I am the whore that thinks adultery is wrong. My life is so chaotic. I am a walking contradiction. I know of no hypocrite greater than myself. I've searched for my true self and found nothing. I am the narcissistic conceited bitch who lies in questioning of everything she does. I threw away my sense of humor but yet you still laugh. I'm the sociable antisocial. I'm the one who loves society but hates people. I am the romantic who doesn't believe in love. I live dangerously but am afraid of death. I'm the attention striving whore who hates to be noticed. I'm the judgemental bitch who hates prejudice. I see no point to life but think there is a purpose. I'm the best friend who'll stab you in the back. I am good and evil, love and fear, heaven and hell. I need people but I don't trust anyone. I hate to see you cry, but love to watch you scream. I am your worst fantasy and your best reality. I'm so confused as to who I am. .+########################################################################## anada203 by AphexTwin23 (c) 2000 ###################################################################anada.net