# anada "Lard # 205 Umbrella" +### +### +#### +### # # # # # # # # # # by # # # ## # # # # # # 01 Mike Shmike # .# ## # # .# # .# # .# nov *### * # * *### * *### * *### * 2000 .+#################################################################.net black: nice jewtanks Bluck: theyre new Black: how many jews bodies do they burn up bluck: alot of them black: i cant hardly fit thirty jews into my jewtank bluck: have you a cigarette black: no bluck: have you any cocaine black: yes bluck: your standing on my shoe-jew black: im sorry bluck: are any of his fingers broken black: no bluck: he bleeds black: yes bluck: ah well,he still can shine black: his hip looks broken bluck: he crawls with vigor black: will he tend to my shoes bluck: yes black: nice jewtanks bluck: theyre new black: i cant hardly burn up thirty jews in my jewtank bluck: have you any cocaine black: yes bluck: trade cocaine for big jewtanks black: no bluck: i wrote my name on my jew tanks B L U N K black: may i kiss your asshole bluck: guards! black: yes bluck: take yourself to the gas chamber black: no bluck: why black: fuck you bluck: would you like a radish black: no bluck: would you like a frying pan black: no bluck: have you the time black: its many years ago bluck: is it not black: what bluck: look down black: ah miraculous bluck: i had jews cut fingers off jews black: yes bluck: and each nail painted a different color black: no bluck: then tossed here to mulch black: oh bluck: the most delightful gnat-hats grow here black: gnat hats bluck: i invented them black: oooooh bluck: and look at this black: ? bluck: its venus flytrap with human toothing black: what bluck: i invented it with my powers black: you dont have powers bluck: do so black: do not bluck: watch black: AHAHAHAHAHAHA bluck: hAHAHAHAHAHAHAh black: would you like to go over there bluck: not yet my knees ache black: let me smear ointment on them have you any warts bluck: ive got a goiter black: oh my i always thot that was a second brain grafted to your neck bluck: its really ugly black: its from the jews bluck: which one black: um i dont see him bluck: he must be hiding in the toilet black: have you an orange bluck: i have an orange tooth black: that will suffice give it here bluck: its mine black: but i want it bluck: well you cant have it black: what are you chewing on bluck: a fish skeleton black: your gum bleed from your lips bluck: my molars fell out so i replaced them with nuggets black: did it not hurt bluck: eh intermezzo Villianous coctto ohen ns(ctto on) intermezzo black: i like your seat of scrotums bluck: its not mine eh black: whose bluck: lung-sick black: your imaginary friend bluck: hes real black: its a lung bluck: i refuse to listen to you because your quite ruthless and cruel black: giggle bluck: jew black: jew bluck: jew black: oh lung-sick: enough black: shall we go over there lung-sick: i have no legs bluck: not yet my knees have pain black: will you not eat a pain-aspirin bluck: i cant swallow pills black: ill mash it into your paste bluck: what lung-sick: have either of you a cigarette black: where does this water come from bluck: i urinate on your leg black: oh bluck: who broke all these in half black: it was somebody bluck: where is my goiter black: maybe you got better bluck: oh here it is black: did you put this mint in my pocket lung-sick: ooh ooh bluck: yes lung-sick: i like mint bluck: you stand on my shoe-jew black: he crawled under my feet bluck: blasphemy black: hes dead bluck: lets ressurect him black: it doesnt work bluck: i ressurected you black: no you did nt bluck: did so black: ah indeed bluck: your penis roles down the floor black: ah well where is the washing machine of scents and dreams .+########################################################################## anada205 by Mike Shmike (c) 2000 ###################################################################anada.net