# anada "Income Taxes: A Government- # 208 Endorsed Protection +### +### +#### +### Racket" # # # # # # # # # # by # # # ## # # # # # # 06 Bradford W. Sherman # .# ## # # .# # .# # .# nov *### * # * *### * *### * *### * 2000 .+#################################################################.net Imagine the following scenario. You are sitting at home on a saturday. You just put in a hard week's worth of work and are using this day to let your body and mind relax. Your pay check comes in the mail. Excited that your hard work has paid off you run towards the mail box, rip open the envelope, endorse the check, and mosey on down to the bank to cash it. However, once leaving the back, men in business suits grab you, hold a gun to your head, grab the envelope from you, ruffle through the cash and hand you one third of it. They tell you if you keep money from them--if you're not paying your fair share--then they will come again, put you in handcuffs, and drag you off to prison. This is a protection racket. You pay me a certain amount of money per week, and I won't kick your ass. This is a felony and will result in prison time. However, the government does this to its citizens every time one receives a pay check. You give us a portion of your money. We won't haul you off to jail. It's known as the Federal Income Tax. The Federal Income Tax is amoral. It is statism in its worst form. The message that a government sends by instituting an income tax is that the fruits of your labor are not yours. They are the government's first, and whatever they don't want, you can have. Why does a government do this to its citizens? Because if you have any material wealth, you are lucky. You didn't work hard, study, stay off drugs, keep good company, make wise and thoughtful decisions regarding your money, or did not parent children mindlessly. No, you have won life's lottery. Others who are not as lucky as you, regardless of the fact that they do not work, did not stay in school, use drugs, hang around with garbage, piss their money away, or have multiple children scattered throughout the globe deserve a portion of your money. This system of wealth redistribution must be put to a complete halt. Each citizen should keep all of their money and be free to do whatever they wish with it. One could use that money to go on vacation, buy a new car, donate it to charity, or save it for retirement. Families could have a parent stay home to take care of children. It's their money and their choice. Some may say "The people who need the money will starve!" Private charities have existed for centuries. Those who want help will seek it, and those charities who really help those in need will survive. The charities who continually waste their funds will not. Poverty has actually increased since "The War on Poverty"--redistributing wealth via an income tax--began. Some may say "Most peole will take the money and run!" This is their choice. It may be mean, and one may not like it, but who has the right to tell another person what they have to do with their money? The United States is the most charitable country in the world. People donate now and will continue to do so. And those who really want to donate their extra money will also contribute. Some may ask "What about things like roads and schools?" New and creative ways can be found to fund truly usefull public services. Roads could be paid for with car registration fees. Parents could use the extra money they make to send their child to the school of their choice, thus becoming more involved in the educational process. Funds for police and firefighters could come from the states or towns. States with high taxes and wasteful spending do not get citizens. States with low taxes and wise money management do. Some may ask "How is the government supposed to make money?" Governments do not exist to make money. They exist to protect its citizens. The government who robs Peter to pay Paul is not performing its proper function. Governments who pay $1000 for a toilet seat are obviously not managing money wisely. Governments who spread their military halfway across the globe are not defending their people. Governments who do not follow the functions specifically enumerated in their respective constitutions are expensive, bloated, and do a disservice to their citizens. With no income tax people will have freedom that has not been seen in this country in over one hundred years. They will have the freedom to succeed--or fail--on their own accord. Society as a whole will benefit. Good behavior will be rewarded, while bad behavior will be punished. The country will prosper beyond the wildest dreams of those who inhabit it. And we, thepeople, will have a new found pride in America--the richest, freest, greatest country in the history of the world. .+########################################################################## anada208 by Bradford W. Sherman (c) 2000 ###################################################################anada.net