# anada "Rhinos, Rocketships, # 225 and Little Boy +### +### +#### +### Vampires" # # # # # # # # # # by # # # ## # # # # # # 28 Amy # .# ## # # .# # .# # .# nov *### * # * *### * *### * *### * 2000 .+#################################################################.net We lay there on our backs, bored completely with blowing the fuzzy heads off of the dandelions. Staring straight at the wasting sun in the cemetery. We were marvelling at the spots from the sun still in our eyes even after we looked away. We are laying there, all alone in the cemetery-- right on top of the graves--feeling so fearless. Beneath us were the bodies of those who had stared at the sun before us. So close to the dead. If only we had known how close to death you truly were. Go back... To the night we were laying in the field. Sucking on popsicles (to get the taste of the stolen cigar out of our mouths) and talking about if little boys come back as vampires if they died. The gray clouds crossed over the moon like a scene from a horror film and we were terrified. We vowed then that if one of us was to die we would come back somehow. As a purple rhinocerous, a chain rattling ghost, or a vampire. Just to let the other know what the other side was like. We stared at the moon. At the blue/grey clouds strewn across it and decided that it wasn't as scary as we thought. That a blue moon must mean something significant. If only we had known then that I would carry that moment in my pocket forever. Christmas time--1993, you and I lay there. In grandma's floor. This time on our bellies. Older, we discussed more important things. I had my boyfriend and you asked me questions about kissing. You had your ball games and I asked you about winning. The lights from the tree reflected in your eyes as we agreed that when we were a few years older we would drive to California and find your real mother. I said I would do anything if it would make you feel better about things than you had been. You said to me that it would be so cool. To go and go an go till we found her, or something so amazing that we wouldn't even take a picture. That some things were better just burned into your brain. You let out a long sigh and we made our 1994 resoloutions. To always be close and to remember our pact forever. If only we had known that today I would still be looking for that 'something so amazing'. Christmas eve (still 93--3 days later), I'm laying there. Daddy has just dealt me the news. Accident... belt... hung... DEAD. Flat on my back. Instead of Christmas music I hear Boyz II Men. It's so hard to say goodbye... The room is so dark and tears are streaking my makeup. You are not there with me, but you are. The mix of emotions are more than I can bear. What to do? Where to go? But whatever I did or wherever I went it would have to be alone. Chrismas eve, you asshole. Why did you leave me on Christmas eve? (anger) Oh my god... there is no god... (futility) Empty, hollow, pitiful, painful rage swept through, above, around and within me untill all I could do was go on. If I had only known then that I should have held on a little longer so the guilt wouldn't eat me alive today. The last time I saw you. Lying flat on your back. Staring at the sun through your closed eyes. Pillows of satin surrounding your sweet head. As I bent down to kiss your forehead (though you would have socked me if I did it when you were 'awake') I couldn't say goodbye. I still can't say goodbye. I still turn when I see a 12 year old blonde boy, though you'd be 19 today. I notice people's teeth now. I watch the skies and nature shows. Looking still for a rainbow, a rocketship, a purple rhinocerous or a little boy vampire just so I can know you are ok. I could care less what the other side is like, just to know you were happy. I guess if I only knew... I could finally see you on our way. (Love you Kissyfur! @--/---Mamie) christopher william karmann died as the result of a hanging accident on 12-23-93. he was 12 years old. my cousin named after my father. i was 16. .+########################################################################## anada225 by Amy (c) 2000 ###################################################################anada.net