From the desk of CV.CRUD CONTRADICTIVE COMPLIMENTS 10/18/2002 #-------------------------# "What are you doing teacher?", the young student questioned. "I am meditating on the essence of light and dark." the wise one replied. "But what is the essence of light and dark?" the young one questioned again. "You see child, when most people think of light and dark, they see a line between the two. People think that they are contradicting each other, when in reality, they are complimenting each other." "But, How So?" "Well child, the same reason that one is light and one is dark, IS the same reason that they compliment each other. You cannot have light without dark, and you cannot have dark without light. Thus they are one and the same." "I dont understand." "Then understand." "But how?" "By realizing that you already understand one side of the story, then you can figure out the other." "I see." said the student as he got up and turned away.