From the desk of CV.CRUD War Media Coverage for the Intellect #C-004.txt Who too believe...? The question stands un-answered. As the war in Iraq wages, we are left with little to decipher from conflicting reports from a wide array of media outlets. Should you believe the capitolist run media? Surely not, I mean who could believe reports from a profitable organization? Of course their bias is going to lean towards investors, and boards, and whom ever has some sort of grip on their finances. Of course, you could go with the Iraqi STATE RUN media. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't believe this respectable news agency, along with its owners, Saddam Hussein, Uday Hussein, and Quday Hussein? Then again, the only report your getting from them is what is good for the Saddam and Ba'ath Party Regime. Then you got your "Independent Media" outlets. Some of these include reports from Indymedia news associates, human sheilds, and other "activists" reporting the "atrocities". But then, their reports are already poisoned by their own personal beliefs... It wouldn't be so bad coming from these people, except they infect their views on what they report. I have found that if you want to stay current with what is going on in the middle east, the most honest way is get reports from soldier blogs. They are just as un-informed as the public, and only report what they see. Still you come across those raging partriots of ours that are supped up on testosterone that refuse to believe what they see. Then those who really havent seen any action and only report what they want to see. Taking in all of these accounts, which are left open for interpretation (no law says you cant form your own opinion after hearing all sides, and for those of you who dont know, as a matter of fact its your right) is the path of the intellect.