[I CANT REALLYY DRAW IN ASCII FILE OR LOGO SO JUST PRETEDN THAT ONE IS HERE HEHE OK?] heldlo and welcomfe to the first isdssue of DESPARATE ADDICTS UNITE! it is written by me (pud!) annd him (sickboy!). we are both 12 and we love drugs but wehave no $$$$ so we muszt smoke and snortt anythingg we can to get high!!! this will bevery informationnadls so u can get hihg with no menoy too! ok first i will tell you whatt i did last night i coudld not get any real drugss so i had to smoke our colgate toothpasste. what i did did was this what is what i did?:: 1) i putt some toothpaste on one of my moms cigareettes (i stole it from her while she was takingg a shower!) and then i let it dry then when it was dryy i smoke it and i gott a real good rushh like i was on a rollercoastter at disney xept now evrytime i coff or breathh out it smells like mintt so you get two good hitngs in 1 which r gettingg high and ha ving good breath :) 2) i did ita gain!! i hope this swill help any fellow DESPARATE ADDICTS and the next issue will be by sicckboy and he will gigve you more tips so until then l8r!!!! (c) DESPARATE ADDICTS UNITE! - a dto prodccction hehehe pud! and sickboy! 04/28/97