::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Dec/98 ::: The Discordant Opposition Journal ::: Issue 1 - File 6 ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :Give it Some Thought: Well. Here we go. The fact that so many newbies come to the underground and assume that they can point and click their way to hacking really bugs me. They say something lame and then people flame them and then they start nuking people and get in big trouble and so on. They need to think for themselves. Nobody should tell them a certain thing or a certain way of doing things will make them a hacker. A newbie cant follow somebody else's route. It just doesn't work. They need to learn what hacking is for themselves. So, a newbie goes and reads the Diary of a Hacker and the Manifesto and they get the feel for WHY hacking is fun and cool. It is because those text don't contain any technical information. They don't have to think about any of it. "Oh look, hacking is neat, lets do it!" Turns into something like TV. Just a few coloured pictures and nothing that they need to understand or to comprehend. They just sit and watch. That's not how it goes. They have to WANT to know how things work. WHY they work. There should be technical information sprouted out more. If all they see is some well written things saying how much fun and how cool hacking is then they don't understand it can be boring and tedious and very difficult at times. If they think that it is just gonna be a thrill ride that all that do is sit back and watch, then how are they going to figure out that THEY must learn to do more than what everyone else [besides hackers] in the world does. That is what makes a hacker different then little Susan who regularly checks her mail and goes to web pages on dieting and music, and only that. Hackers are different because they expand their thinking. If we never tried to figure out new things then we wouldn't be here. Hackers have to spread out to survive. They have to exchange things. All these Trojans are just a fad. They will go away someday. And then so called 31337 hackers who do nothing except flame people, will have to find another way to call a person lame. There has to be a dominant force somewhere. I mean those hackers who either are, or pretend to be knowledgeable. Those are the people that newbies look up to. They figure that they know everything about hacking because they don't see the fact that hacking isn't about knowing everything. Its about knowing that out there in the void there is something a hacker doesn't know. Something they need to find out. Because if they don't then their style ceases to exist. And we couldn't let that happen, or could we? There are those out there who say that they only hack a certain thing or a certain type of thing. They wouldn't be a true hacker then, would they. Because if they enclose themselves like that then they cant try to understand things about something else. It is like Hadrian's Wall. Rome built it as a boundary. It signified some weakness. Some sort of fear of the outside. They closed themselves in. They didn't go past the wall. And they never got to spread the information of what was on the other side. Then a few thousand miles away, the Germanic peoples uprose and conquered the Romans and they ceased to exist, at least as they were before. It all seems to tie together if you think about it. It does have significance. No matter what anyone tries to believe. You cannot close yourself in and expect to survive. Alight. That is all for now. -DA digital@pobox.alaska.net