::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Mar/99 ::: The Discordant Opposition Journal ::: Issue 3 - File 7 ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :the principals of discordia: cronus Discordianism is the religion of the 90s and the anti-religion of the 21st century. As Pope Icky once said; Is it a religion for the 90s? A joke for the religious? Or just a lot of fun? Who knows, who cares, why bother? Here's a phone card, call someone who gives a shit. Discordianism offers you the ability to lead a morally and also ethically correct live without the downsides. When thinking of what Discordia might offer you, first think of what it doesn't offer you. It doesn't offer Eternal Damnation! Also not in it is Guilt! Or Death! Okay, maybe you WILL die, but your memory will live on in your Wholly Writings, which can only be inspired by Eris! Eris, who inspired the Principia Discordia, the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, and the Tasteless Jokes series! Eris was the greek goddess of Chaos. Daughter of Zeus and sister of Nyx the goddess of Night. All Discordian ethos and powers are derived from Eris, the goddess of Chaos. Discordians can envision the Law of Fives in all aspects of life and death. The Law of Fives states simply that: All things happen in Fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of Five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5. The Law of Fives has been shown never to be wrong. In the ERISian Archives, an old memo from Omar to Mal-2 says; "I find the Law of Fives to be more and more manifest the harder I look." Also since 2+3=5 the number 23 is seen to be the most discordant number and recognised as such. Discordianism is based on the Prinicipia. The Principia Discordia is the soda fountain from which the ERISian Movement flows like Pure Coca-Cola Syrup, bringing unto mankind the giggling, unblinking, caffeine and sugar mania that is Discordianism. It was written by Malaclypse the Younger and Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst. Both respecable leaders of Discordanism. Discordians are split in the Wholly 5 Orders. The seeds of the ORDERS OF DISCORDIA were planted by Greyface into his early disciples. The Orders are composed of persons who are all in positions of authority, security and control. Some do not know that they belong to Orders of Discordia. But we know; 1. The Military Order of THE KNIGHTS OF THE FIVE SIDED TEMPLE. This is for all the soldiers and bureaucrats of the world. 2. The Political Order of THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL. This is reserved for lawmakers, censors, and like ilk. 3. The Academic Order of THE HEMLOCK FELLOWSHIP. They commonly inhabit schools and universities, and dominate many of them. 4. The Social Order of THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE FOR CONCERNED CITIZENS. This is mostly a grass-roots version of the more professional military, political, academic and sacred Orders. 5. The Sacred Order of THE DEFAMATION LEAGUE. Not much is known about the D.L., but they are very ancient and quite possibly were founded by Greyface himself. It is known that they now have absolute domination over all organized churches in the world. It is also believed that they have been costuming cabbages and passing them off as human beings. Joining Discordia is a simply 5 step process. Make five copies of your application form stating you full personal details, any sexual fetishes and your intentions within the sacred temple of Eris. Place one copy under your post box. Burn one copy and scatter the ashes throughout the parish you wish to rule. Flush one copy down your toilet to show that you can be humble and remain the true Discordian. Finely chop one copy and mix it into a Hashish cake. Eat the Hashish cake to prove your devotion to the cause, if you are unable to obtain Hashish for the baking of your cake common garden dirt is the best substitute. Then finally give your last copy to someone who doesn't care to show that you are willing to indoctrinate others. Cronus (AKA Saint Cronus the Sex-Offender of Discordia) and Rue-the-Day (AKA Pope Rue the Blonded One of Discordia) are happy to answer questions about Discordianism As if this file has cleared it all up for you. [discordia@rue-the-day.net] ! All Hail Discordia ! cronus (at) iol (dot) ie ___________ ____ ____ __ __ ______ _/ ___\_ __ \/ _ \ / \| | \/ ___/ \ \___| | \( <_> ) | \ | /\___ \ \___ >__| \____/|___| /____//____ > \/ \/ \/ http://www.rue-the-day.net/discordia http://homepages.iol.ie/~cronus