::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::May/99 ::: The Discordant Opposition Journal ::: Issue 5 - File 10::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :Conclusion: For a change we decided to include something different. Thanks EarthShaman; Technology Revolution The other type of revolution is that of New Technology. Now a days there has become a big boom in technology. Calculators have moved up from the bulky abacus, to the cheap and affordable tool used by almost everyone on a daily basis. There are satellites that provide Entertainment, and aid in forecasting weather. Commun- ication via satellites is a relatively new thing, but any people are harnessing it's power. Power such as cellular phone, video phones, wireless computer communication, and Global Positioning Systems have all become available via satellites. Another power of Satellites is that of Military and Government. Anyone remember the 'star wars' project? Where satellites with munitions could take out missiles launched at the United States. Who's there to say there isn't already spy satellites out there that can follow you everywhere and peer into your 'secret' lives? (Movie Real Genius comes to mind). And all this eventually boils down to computers. Computers have evolved tremendously in 40 years, from the big warehouse computers that ran off of punch card programs. This is where the well known term "bug" came from. Where actual bugs crawled across or ate the vacuum tubes and caused shorts. Jumping ahead a few years to the some what affordable computers such as Tandy's TRS-80 Model 100. The first cheap 'laptop' computer. And now near the end of the century, there are a surplus of computers for any and every profession. Laptops, Palm computers and desktop computer have overrun today's society, with world wide companies competing for the "best" computer. But as always, for every up, there is a down. Computer Viruses have been in production since the origin of the computer. These small, yet complex lines of code, created by Crackers have made it to the headlines of media all around the world. Recently unleashed was the "Harmless" Melissa Macro virii, and of course the CIH virus, designed to rewrite Bios chips and "meltdown" computers world wide. (It ended up getting some 600,000 computers worldwide). Remember the good ole days when hackers (yes hackers, crackers are the malicious group of people). Created such viruses as the "Yankee Doodle Virus", that played a melody on one's internal computer speaker on July 4th? In recent years, the media has latched onto the "Cracker Crimes" and defaced the hacking community, by labeling everyone that does malicious things a "hacker". The sad this is that everyone believes the media. Examples of this is while I am sittin in #Hackerzlair or #Hackerhelp (dalnet), and people saunter in and ask us how to hack into someone's computer and delete things on it. I'm sure hackers have broken into computers before, just to prove they can(commin' from personal experience), then some of us send the Admin the hole in his system, and go along our merry ways. After all "gaining access" into computer systems is an activity of immense thinking and planning. Alas a favorite past time activity. Just recently the Clinton Administration has passed many laws regarding computer crime and even set up agencies to take these people down that commit crimes via computer. Often charging these people with nonsense crimes and holding them in prison for inappropriate sentences. Such as the case of BernieS, who was thrown in Jail, beaten and served an extremely long sentence for simply possessing a Rat Shack Tone Dialer with a modified crystal in it. Some even say it never had any batteries in it. And the famous Kevin Mitnick, who as done the crime of stealing cellular information, bus has been in jail for years with no trial, and given the same treatments as a rapist or murderer. In conclusion, technology has changed dramatically since the advent of the "chip". For better and for worse. You never know, maybe AI (Artificial Intelligence) shall rule the world in 2020, tables will turn and we shall all be slaves to the computers. Watch your back, ~EarthShaman Alittle bout the Author(like anyone gives a shit): ES has been working with computers since the dawn of TRS-80's, and has been online (started out bbs'in) since the late 80's. He is currently a Y2K Researcher/Consultant in central California. Known to frequent "dalnet's" #Hackerzlair and #hacker_help. Drop in and drop me a line if ya read this.