"Hello?" "Yo, who dis?" "Um...who's this?" "Dis be tha Mack Daddy." "Who?" "Mack Daddy, mothafucka, you heard me!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ***************** ******************* ******************* ******************* ********************* ********************* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ********************* ********************* ******* ******* ******************* ******************* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******************** ******* ******* ***************** ******* ******* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Digital Phreak P1mps %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !Issue numero dos! Edited by Napalmoliv! Procrastinated by Napalmoliv! Handcrafted from the best plain text m0ney can buy! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Blah blah blah: For educational/humorous purposes only! Don't do any of this shit! It's wrong! And mean! And bad! And you'll get a lump of coal in your stocking! Besides, we assume no responsibility for your lack of common sense, you buck-toothed Garth Brooks talkin' stiff legged "I-don't-understand-how-to-operate-a-can-opener" type motherfuckers! We mean it! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "This payphone is turned off between the hours of 7 am and 4 pm. No lost change will be refunded." "Please observe a five minute courtesy limit while using this payphone." -My high school's Administration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0 ..0 Editor-of-the-moment: Napalmoliv......Napalmoliv@yahoo.com ..0 ..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0 ..0 Other Editors/Members: ..0 ..0 Hatredonalog..........................Hatredonalog@hotmail.com..0 ..0 Sphinx................................Sphinx@hotmail.com ..0 ..0 Dark|||Knight.........................dkknight@texoma.net ..0 ..0 MMX_Killa.............................Ubione@aol.com ..0 ..0 Neptunium Overkill....................quixilver@mailexcite.com..0 ..0 Nothingg..............................Nothingg@yahoo.com ..0 ..0 Enzyme................................papa_gorgio@hotmail.com ..0 ..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Eleeeet Table Of Eleeeet Contents: 1. Introduction...........................Napalmoliv 2. Hook and Hole..........................hobKnob 3. Novell Netware Exploits, Parts 1-4.....Evil_Gremlin 4. The Walter Levy Log....................Hatredonalog 5. The Mack-Daddy Log.....................Napalmoliv 6. How to Get School Comp. Passswords.....Neptunium Overkill 7. Exchangin' y0 Broken Tone Dialer.......Napalmoliv 8. Free Long Distance for Your SOUL!......Mars 9. My Experiences With RCMAC..............Hatredonalog 10. Editorial..............................Napalmoliv %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Introduction.... So. Welcome to Digital Phreak P1mps issue number two. As you may as well know, it's late. Four days late, to be precise. Why? Well, so happens, there's this thing called WORK. It gets in the way from time to time. There's this other thing called HIGH-SCHOOL. Yes, you may have heard of these things. One provides a person with income, while the other provides you with a bunch of textbooks and a whole lot of styrofoam ceiling tiles. Or maybe they both do. It all depends. And what does all this mean? Well, it means that I took my sweet fucking time putting this shit together. And it's barely even telecom- related this time! But it's still cool! Or not. I don't know, decide for yourself. Whatever. Enjoy. Your Editor and Employee of the month, Wal-Mart #1184, -Napalmoliv %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hook and Hole...a cool vending machine rip by hobKnob (behoth@hotmail.com) Ok...so ya want a snickers bar? fuck that. Ok...so ya want 10 snickers, 5 bags o' chips, some life savers a couple snackie cakes, some cheesy poofs, and a over priced bag of flaming hot peanuts? Read on. I know what yer thinkin.. "hey, paw, lets you and me go rustle up the shotguns, and rob us a 7-11!" Well... not that I have any problems with that...I suppose it kinda lacks the subtlety of smashing into a coke machine with yer truck.. Off topic again...back to subject. I have never seen a text on this before. In fact, I have never heard of anybody besides me and a few friends doing it... It's what I have labled the "Hook and Hole" method. What you need: #1 1 coat hanger #2 1 hand drill (use a manual one, as they don't make any noticable noise.. i also reccomend the Fiskers one, as it'll fit in j00 pocket) #3 a loot bag. (I have a nice Milwaukee Journal/Setinal newspaper bag bright fuckin yellow) #4 a candy vending machine Now...when nobody is around...or paying attention...go up to the machine and drill a hole in the plexiglass some place where it won't be noticed. Make sure you use a small drill bit... One barely bigger than the diameter of your coat hanger. (What we did was actually drill 4 holes in the glass, one in each corner about 1' from the corners. You'll see why later on.) Now go back to what ever it was you were doing... Come back later with your coat hanger and your loot bag. Straighten out the coat hanger and make bend in one end of it, like so: -------------------------/ / Insert the hook end through the "hole" and use it like a "hook" to snag shit from the spiral holders. Just keep pulling the items out and droppping it into the receptical... Have a friend stuff it into the bag to speed it up. Pretty simple eh? -options- if you're just lookin for a fee treat everyonce in a while.. drill a hole near the group of food stuffs you will be after.. and go to a hardware store and lift one of those small claw things.. they look like this. | | / |o|oooooooooo-- | | \ open | | |ooo|oooooooooo0 | | closed The outer diameter of the "barrel" is about .25 inches, and the whole thing is about 18 inches long. It's also quite flexible, as the barrel and such has a spring for the housing. Simply reach in...snag what you want...drop it...and your're set- a free snack whenever you want! -Note- I suggest drilling 4 or 5 holes in the plexiglass.. one in each corner, (6-12" from the edges) and one dead in the center of the glass... Not only does it look like ventalation holes, but it lets you get at everything in the machine with little difficulty! Once you got your bag o loot you can do almost anyting with it.. sell it for prophet...eat it...or just give it away (yeah right). -hobKnob %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Novell Netware Exploits- How to use them to your advantage by Evil_Gremlin (evil_gremlin@hotmail.com) Let's face it. Most people who own computers are idiots. To compensate for this lack of knowledge, software developers make their software more "user-friendly" and easy to use. And the more software is easy to use, the easier it is to exploit. Novell Netware is known for being an easy-to-use platform that is very secure. I hope to show you that, like every good program, it has its flaws. These flaws, if abused correctly, can open up security gaps wide enough for Sally Struthers to slide through. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% O v e r V i e w 1.) Why Novell Netware? 2.) The Basics 3.) Accessing Accounts 4.) Account Passwords %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% W h y N o v e l l N e t w a r e ? Novell Netware, owning 60% of the market share, is the most common platform despite the tireless efforts of both Windows NT and UNIX systems. Its extremely fast and reliable File\Print services are major strengths that these systems are just now attaining. Netware systems are used because of their easy-to-use but powerful environments which can tailor to the needs of both system managers and copy-boys. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% T h e B a s i c s The success of almost everything in this document depends on the way that the network is set up. Not everything will work. In most cases, you will need to know the version of Novell Netware that you are using. If you don't know it, try running VERSION in the SYS:PUBLIC directory. You need some basic knowledge on how a computer operates. Now, I know that very few, if any of you are professional hackers. You wouldn't be reading this if you were. This isn't the most complete Novell Netware article. I left out some details that weren't practical either because they could only be used under very slim circumstances or because they don't accomplish enough. This document is centered around the intermediate or beginner hacker. Most of the programs described in this document come with Netware. Any programs that don't will be listed on the last page along with where to find them. I guess what I am saying is to sit back and relax. In Netware, there are common levels of security that are offered to certain users. The security levels and your what you can execute within them are listed below: (1) Not Logged In - Very basic commands, usually programs in the SYS:LOGIN directory (2) Logged In - Basic commands and programs controlled by trustee rights (3) Operator - Basic access, control of print queues, a few special commands such as FCONSOLE (4) Supervisor - Full file system access, control of user access, server configurations, and security (5) OS Access - Console access, all NLMs and most commands typed at the console run at this level, partial file access, optional supervisor access Now, onto accessing the server. When logging in directly (a physical console), versions 3.x and 4.x take two very secure measures. They both use packet signiture and password encryption techniques. But, to log into the server from a remote location using RCONSOLE (Remote Console), all thats required is a single password. This is designed so that administrators can execute commands as if they are actually at the server console. RCONSOLE establishes a session with the server. This is the one major weakness of Novell Netware's security. Now, some of the techniques described in this document won't work on 4.x versions. This isn't a problem, however, because almost everybody still has 3.x versions. Those who do have 4.x versions usually still have one or more 3.x servers still being used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A c c e s s i n g A c c o u n t s As stated in the introduction, people are stupid. When Novell Netware is installed, the platform creates a list of default accounts that are used for a variety of different things. These accounts are can be used as a user name and, without entering a password, provide you with access to the server. Keep in mind, however, that smart administrators will have disabled these accounts. The following is a list of these common accounts and what Netware uses them for. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERVISOR - Default supervisor-equivilant account GUEST - Default account for non-clients to use ADMIN - Version 4.x uses it as a default account with administrator eqivilance USER_TEMPLATE - Version 4.x uses it as a default account for testing security or client capabilities LASERWRITER - Printing to a second server LASER - Printing to a second server HPLASER - Printing to a second server PRINTER - Printing to a second server PRINT - Printing to a second server POST - Using a second server for e-mail MAIL - Using a second server for e-mail GATEWAY - Connecting the server to a gateway machine GATE - Connecting the server to a gateway machine ROUTER - Connecting the server to an e-mail router BACKUP - Used to make tape backups of the server WANGTEK - Used to make tape backups of the server FAX - Connecting the server to a dedicated fax unit FAXUSER - Connecting the server to a dedicated fax unit FAXWORKS - Connecting the server to a dedicated fax unit TEST - Temporary account usage ARCHIVIST - Default account for Palidrome WINDOWS_PASSTHRU- Supposably needed for sharing resources without a password ROOT - Default account for Shiva LanRovers that allows for ADMINGUI command-line equivilance CHEY_ARCHSVR - Default backup account for Arcserve - Password WONDERLAND may be required ALT-255 - Less common but works NOT_LOGGED_IN - Less common but works PC-CLAS_LOGIN_DO_NOT_REMOVE - Less common but works -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now don't shoot yourself if none of these worked. There are other ways to access accounts. If you want to access existing client accounts, try going to the SYS:PUBLIC directory and running SYSCON. Go into User Information and you will be able to view all defined accounts and their user's full name. If this didn't work, try doing the same thing by running USERLST. If you are using version 4.1, you can use CX to get accounts. When 4.1 is installed, the SYS:PUBLIC directory is added to the Root as a Trustee. This means that the SYS:PUBLIC sirectory has browse access to the entire tree. To utilize this, load all of the VLMs and run CX /T /A /R. You won't even have to log in and will be given a list of almost every account on the server. Many accounts will use its user name as its password. This happens when people act like idiots or when accounts are created for users that aren't currently using them. These accounts can be view by using CHKNULL. CHKNULL will only work if Bindery Emulation is on. If none of the above methods have worked, don't bother guessing accounts and passwords. Netware will ask you for a password whether the user name you entered was valid or not. This can lead to disaster if Inturder Detection is turned on. But, if you have a burning desire to do so, use ATTACH to log in instead of LOGIN. At least, with ATTACH, you won't be asked for a password if the user name wasn't valid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A c c o u n t P a s s w o r d ' s If you've got an account, you're probably wondering how to get that account's password. The files that store the passwords in Novell Netware are located in different places in different versions. In versions 2.x and 3.x, every object and its properties are kept in bindery files. In 4.x, they are stored in an NDS database. Accounts are bindery objects and their passwords and user names are properties. The following shows where the files are located for each version, the file names, and what attributes, or flags, that they have. To access these files, run the Norton Disk Editor with a /M parameter. Then, press F2 to view everything in hexadecimal format. Next, press Ctrl-S to load the search routine. Enter the file name you're looking for and you're done. VERSIONS LOCATIONS FILE NAMES ATTRIBUTES ---------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 2.x SYS:SYSTEM NET$BVAL.SYS Hidden System NET$BIND.SYS Hidden System 3.x SYS:SYSTEM NET$VAL.SYS Hidden System NET$OBJ.SYS Hidden System NET$PROP.SYS Hidden System -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.x In versions 4.x, the password files aren't as easily accessible. They can only be viewed through RCONSOLE using the Scan Directory option. They will then be stored in SYS:_NETWARE and are as follows: VALUE.NDS NDS Subpart BLOCK.NDS NDS Subpart ENTRY.NDS NDS Subpart PARTITIO.NDS NDS Partition MLS.000 License VALLINCEN.DAT License Validation TO BE CONTINUED IN THE FUTURE....(parts 5-8) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Walter Levy Log by Hatredonalog One day I went beiging too early and almost got caught. I ran to the closest KwikTrip parking lot payphone. I dial a totally random 800 number. And who picks up? Walter of course. He asked me who I was and I said that I if I did I would have to kill him. he said "haha, goodbye!" and hungup. Well, anyways, here is a compilation of some of the better calls I made to him. Walter- Walter Levy hatred- Excuse me? who is this? Walter- Who are you calling? hatred- I'm calling, eh, roy. Walter- You have the wrong number. *click* Walter (machine)- blah, blah, blah... hatred- Yo this is roy, And bitch I want my stuff, you can call me back at... (picked up in the middle of my recording) Walter- Listen up asshole, If you've got something to say, say it! hatred- uhm, no. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- Man, we need you to get here fast! Walter- Excuse me? hatred- don't play games with me! OCI fun factory! Dude, the tuna turtles fell off their shelves!... Walter- haha... hatred- ...You don't understand! Their runnning around squirting feces all over the customers! Walter- haha, goodbye. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- yoyoyo what the dilly0 mo'fo! Walter- Stop calling. hatred- hell no. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- I'll take 3. Walter- You little bastard, stop calling me! *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- hi. Walter- Who is this? hatred- uh, this is the royal cheese inspector! Walter- Yeah right. hatred- Really, do you eat a lot of cheese sir? Walter- haha, goodbye. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- hello, this is roy, lemme talk to kay! Walter- You have the wrong number roy. hatred- no i don't. Walter- Haha, goodbye. hatred- no. Walter- no what? hatred- no goodbye, fuckface. *click* Walter- Walter levy. hatred- I would like to purchase your services! Walter- do you know what this is? it's a mortuary. hatred- Good! I think this man here at the other phone is dead! *click* Walter- Walter levy. hatred- Im dead, come get me or something. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- Roy is dead man. Walter- haha, goodbye. *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- You don't understand man! Roy is dead! Walter- If you don't stop calling I'm gonna call the police! hatred- But roy's dead! dead, dead, dead! *click* Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- Roy! roy! roy, roy, roy royroyroy! Walter- Roy, you can shove it up your ass! hatred- Roy! *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- hello walter, pick up your phone. It won't hurt you to pick up your phone. come on...(goes on until recording time is over.) *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- yoyoyo mother fucker the DPP 0wns your ass. *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- We 0wn you shithead. *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- y0 what the diilY y0? Tha DPP 0wns your sorry ass. Now get off your ass and stop being depressed because of all these calls. *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- yes this is thomas cactus with the FBI, we're sorry, we aren't going to come over and trace these prank calls, the DPP paid us off. They 0wn us too. *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- haha, DILLY YO! *click* machine- blah blah blah...*beep!* hatred- is your milk good? Mine isn't! I need some new milk!@!# so get your ass over here and gimme some more milk!@#$ Walter- Walter Levy. hatred- YeeeeO! Walter (sounding scared) Is this roy? hatred- Hell no, don't you remember? roy died. *click* Well, anyways you can tell I had some fun with this guy. I don't know where he lives or anything. I am not able to call his number from my area anymore, it gives me a recording. Now I have to find someone new to harrass until they cry... -Hatredonalog %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Mack-Daddy Log by Napalmoliv (napalmoliv@yahoo.com) It all started one rainy day in November...GTE had recently installed two shiny new payphones in my high school...one right next to the cafeteria. So, as usual, me n' Evil_Gremlin had nothing better to do...so I called up an ANAC, got the payphone's number (GTE's leaving them off these days?!), and whipped out my cell phone.... (No offense to all you P.C. white suburban gangsters.) Girl: Hello? Napalmoliv: YO! Whad up in the muthafuckin' hey-ouse? G: What? Who is this? N: Dis-is tha Mack Daddy, who-my talkin' to? G: Um, this is a payphone, um... N: I don' care, I's lookin fo' sum weed! G: Some what? N: Weed, muthafucka, you heard me! G: But, but this is a payphone in a school! N: Hey, y'all know Tyrone? G: Um, no. Who are you looking for? N: I SAID I'm lookin' for some action! G: But this is a high school! N: I know, bitch, I like 'em young! G: (hands phone to friend) Other Girl: Hello? N: Hey, muthafucka, whad up? OG: Um, I dunno? N: What the fuck? Where's Ty-rone at? OG: Um, like my friend said, we don't know Ty- N: Look, I can't be playin' games! I need ta' buy me some weed! OG: Um, I don't think I can help you... N: Bullshit! Where's Tyrone at? OG: Look, I don't know who you're... N: Fuck this, I gots me a schedule! OG Um... N: Peace out, brotha! If YOU want to practice your Ghetto-Slang, call 608-835-9906 sometime around noon. -Napalmoliv %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% How to get the password to your school's internet account by Neptuium Overkill (quixilver@mailexcite.com) WARNING: Do not attempt this during a technology class because a few of those teachers know what they're doing...so try it in another teacher's room with a computer. Also do not attempt this if your school has a program called WinShield.....it will not let you run a program that is not on the start menu. INTRO: Getting your school's internet password is a very simple procedure which can be easily done by anyone who can run a program. It is probably considered an imature lamer activity by "L33T" people, but hell, why pay for internet access when you can use your school's account at home for free? PROCEDURE: Download a Windows Keystroke Logger at http://www.amecisco.com/ik97v12s.exe. Copy it to a disk and bring it with you to school. OK, now go up to your teacher and ask if you can use the internet for a science project or something. Slide in your disk and execute the keystroke logger. Set it so it runs in background mode (So you can't see it on the taskbar or when you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL). The above program has this feature and is the best keystroke logger that I have found, so use it, foo. OK, now open the Windows 95 dialer. If there is a password typed in with Save Password checked, uncheck it and delete what's in the password field. If there is no password in the password field, you're set. OK, now get your teacher and say that there is no password typed in. They will say OK and come to the computer and type it in. They will hit connect and leave the computer. Wait until they are not looking, then spring open the keystroke logger and viola! the school's internet password for you to do whatever you want with it. Have Phun! -Neptunium Overkill %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Exchanging y0 Broken Tone Dialer by Napalmoliv (napalmoliv@yahoo.com) In my various electronic tinkerings, I have destroyed not one, but two Radio Shack 33 number memory tone dialers. Why? because they're cheap, flimsy pieces of dog shit that somehow sell for $25. Well, suppose you break the switches... or you drop it down the stairs...or you try to install the "redbox" crystal with an electric meat carver. At any rate, your tone dialer still LOOKS perfect on the outside, but is a big pile of solder and silicon on the inside. What to do? Collect aluminum cans? Maybe. Sell your spare tire? Sure. But the fact remains- you just lost $25. SO, to help rectify the situation, you will EXCHANGE it for a new one, or better yet get $25.00 cash back. First off, when you first buy the thing, don't give 'em your real name/address, in case they catch on later. The first tricky part is keeping the tone dialer perfect. No scratches or stripped screws. Put everything back inside the casing, all nice and neat. The next thing you'll need is your reciept. It also must be less than 30 days old! Otherwise, you're screwed. From here on out, it's just like the old modem scam. But there's two routes you may take: A. To get another dialer, simply tell the Radio Shack clerk that it "doesn't work". Chances are, they won't open it up, they'll just give you a new reciept and a new dialer. This is the safer of the two options. Radio Shack's policy does NOT allow a customer to get a refund if merchandise is defective- only an exchange for a similar item. B. To get your money back, you must tell them that you changed your mind. However, the Sales-Dork will now carefully inspect your cannibalized dialer to make sure that it appears to be saleable. They might try it out with batteries- when they find that it doesn't work, simply tell them, "I never even opened the package" and say stuff like "wow, I'm glad I returned it!" Good luck, and please try to be more careful next time!! -Napalmoliv %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Free Long Distance for Your SOUL! by Mars (mars@frontiernet.net) I was bored today so I decided to prank someone. I looked up a random name, Mary Groweski (something like that). This is a transcript of one of the funniest pranks I've made (I was also pissed at AT&T). Enjoy! Mary: Hello? Me: Hi, this is Matt, from AT&T Mary: Yes? Me: We have a new long distance plan, and we think you would be VERY interested Mary: What is it? Me: AT&T will give you 5 years of free long distance calls! Mary: Really? Why? Me: Because you are a VALUED costumer Mary: That's all? Me: Yup, well, that and we want your soul Mary: Excuse me? Me: We'll just send you a little contract, sign on the dotted line, and... Mary: Contract? For what? Me: Your Soul Mary: My soul?!? Me: Yes, 5 years of free long distance calls for your little old soul!!! Mary: Ummm, Ahhhh, I'm sorry, I can't Me: but WE WANT YOUR SOUL!! AT&T NEEDS SOULS TO LIVE! MWA-HA-HA-HA! Mary: No, No, No! Damn, it was funny. -Mars %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% My Experiences with RCMAC by: Hatredonalog (hatredonalog@hotmail.com) I've only had a few experiences with rcmac. They were not pleasant ones either. I am going to tell you a few pointers and tips and things they say, general inform- ation. I will not tell you, however, _how_ to access rcmac. If I give it out, it will porbably be shut-down and non of us want that now do we? So no number for all you little kiddies out there, I got it, so why can't you? A brief Explanation of What RCMAC is: RCMAC stands for Recent Change Memory Administrative Center. From this you can add special services like Three-Way calling, CallerID, and such. You can also Put trouble flags on people's lines and they won't be able to use their phone service. RCMAC is one great big thing. It's not just local, or something like that. You can do stuff to people in other states if your smooth enough. The only exception is where GTE is the RBOC. They use the Mark System, and I don't know much about this, so therefore I won't get into it. Well, anyways its a big Switch database and it is very powerful. It resides under the SOPC (Service Order Provisioning Center) along with LAC and NAC. On with the article you say?... The first time I called rcmac they were not nice. I somehow get the feeling that Ameritech hires the meanest operators for this job, but it's probably just them trying to keep us from playing with it. First off, you will probably not get anywhere from calling rcmac. You will need a work order to do anything. If you can get around that (easy enough, just tell them that you left it in your truck) then your in another pickle. They are going to ask you for your name and employee number (get these trashing) and then for your mobile phone number to confirm it. Even if you do have they're mobile number (which I do) your shit out of luck. This is because if you give it to them, and they call the lineman you are impersonating, he's gonna say "What? Hell no I didn't want DTF put on 920-830-6624!" Now I imagine that this can be avoided by giving them the number of the payphone next to you or your own cell (sounds dangerous though.) If you bullshit them enough, they will either get the MA on the line and have security trace the call, at which point you will never get anywhere. They will probably be on the watch for supisious calls for a while, but that's probably just paranoia on my part. On one occaison they asked me who my supervisor was, and I pronounced it wrong, and they got all bitchy again. So, before you call know your shit. know it. One thing you can do (I got this from a file by Brain- phreak, so it's not original unforunately) is tell them you so-and-so at another rcmac, in my case the eau claire rcmac. It'll go something like this, hopefully: rcmac- hello, this is so and so, how may i help you? phreak- hello, this is the eau claire rcmac and our computers are down. my supervisor told me to place a trouble ticket on . Can you do that for me? (if they aren't doing dialtones, you should be set.) rcmac- yes i can. phreak- thank you. *click* Dialtones is when they check to see if there is a dialtone on your line or not. If your up at like 3 AM on a conf and you hear clicks for no appearant reason it's prolly that. otherwise it's some little punk tapping into your line. If you do succeed in getting rcmac to do something for you... you might want to know Lineclass codes. Heres A small list of Lineclass codes: ESF=speed calling CWT=Call Waiting CFB=Call Forwarding Busy CFV=Call Forwarding TWC=Three Way Calling TTC=Touch Tone Dialing (fun to remove) UNA=No Long Distance PXX=Block All Long Distance services CHD=Centrex CPU=" " ACB=Auto Call Back FRE=Free Calling DTF=Payfone CFD=Coinless Charge a call Line Problems: NDT=No DialTone CC=Cant Call DTWD=DialTone While Dialing CH=Cant Hear CBH=Cant Be Heard Well, have phun! Until next article... -Hatredonalog %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Editorial: "Destructo-Rant" by Napalmoliv So I'm sitting around, browsing through alt.phreaking. All the time, pretty much every other day- there's some idiotic post about destryoing "Ma Bell". Well, I've got some opinions about that. Phreaking is NOT destroying the phone system. Phreaking is about learning it, using it, loving it. Get it right. Going out and stealing a payphone does not make you a "phreak" either. Stealing the payphone, learning every detail of how it operates and having a greater UNDERSTANDING of the phone system might. (note the use of the word MIGHT, rather than WILL.) Learn from the old, build the new... Blueboxing, redboxing, most (all) other forms of "boxing" and phreaking were NOT developed by driving around with a bunch of fuck-up stoners on saturday night, dumping acid on payphones or other stupid vandalism shit. So cut it out. Ripping the handset off that phone? Stop. Think. You = Stupid. I walk up to the payphone. Everything's intact. It's not busy. It's off the beaten path. No drug dealers. No stoners. Cool. Maybe I'll learn something cool tonight. Napalmoliv, Signing off... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "This payphone is turned off between the hours of 7 am and 4 pm because we here at the administration are fascists. And by the way, we're gonna need that quarter for another case of Depends(tm) Adult Undergarments." "Please observe a five minute courtesy limit while both GTE and the administration fuck you up the ass simultaneously." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Direct all unwanted bell trucks, central offices, switching systems, and non-perishable food items to: Napalmoliv@yahoo.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Super-Secret bonus mega-prize Trivia question: What's the dilly, y0?