Evolution (1996-1997)

Filename Size Description of the Textfile
evo01.txt 8242
Evolution Issue #1 (December 10, 1996)
evo02.txt 18454
Evolution Issue #2 (December 12, 1996)
evo03.txt 1767
Evolution Issue #3
evo04.txt 9093
Evolution Issue #4 (December 16, 1996)
evo05.txt 11145
Evolution Issue #5 (December 26, 1996)
evo06.txt 10146
Evolution Issue #6 (January 7, 1997)
evo07.txt 18889
Evolution Issue #7 (January, 1997)
evo08.txt 14442
Evolution Issue #8 (February 8, 1997)
evo09.txt 6172
Evolution Issue #9 (March 20, 1997)
evo10.txt 11652
Evolution Issue #10 (May 1st, 1997)
evo11.txt 7017
Evolution Issue #11 (November 18, 1997)
evo12.txt 8020
Evolution Issue #12 (November 30, 1997)

There are 12 files for a total of 125,039 bytes.