_____________________________________________________________ GUIDE TO LEARNING HOW TO HACK Part 1 - Ver. 1 Mind Frame! ________________________________________________________________ Carolyn MyAnal, Gay Pee, every Newbie and the Media have finally driven me to write this guide due to their entire misunderstanding of what it means to hack. It is hoped that these people read this guide and comprehend what the scene is really about. This guide is in three parts, part 1 covering the mind frame of the hacker, part 2 covering the approach to how to learning how to hack and part 3 covering how you should best use the knowledge that you gain. I will start with the correct mind frame in order to prepare you for your knowledge gathering experience. *********************** Newbie note: Though this guide will not teach you how to hack, you should read it and use it to learn how to hack, as the name suggests. *********************** Definitions: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ \|/ What is H/P/V/A/C? \|/ H/P/V/A/C is acronym for Hacking/Phreaking/Virii/Anarchy and Cracking. It is a colective term, and refers to all the things that the governments wish people did not have access to, H/P/V/A/C texts are often found on servers with warez and mp3's. \|/ What is a hacker or hacking? \|/ - Hacking is the term that originated in the early 50's for a writer or a hack who spent a whole load of time typing on his typewriter. It later was used to refer to people who knew a whole load of stuff on a certain subject and is now used to refer to any person who uses his\her knowledge on computers\electronics to break into a system, be it a computer system, phone system, or whatever. Hackers have one goal, to learn new things, especially if they are denied that knowledge. Hacking over recent years has become a sub culture on its own, and has lately piqued the interest of the most respectable media houses, leading them into the temptation of misinforming the public as to what hacking is about. If you are serious about learning to hack, please promptly forget all that the media has said about what hacking is about, it has almost nothing to do with what they believe. \|/ What is a cracker? \|/ - A cracker is the preferred term by the hacking community for any hacker who misuses his knowledge to damage a system, either physically or by restricting bandwidth. Crackers believe that through their destruction they are becoming respected hackers. They are delusional and misled, as a real hacker has more respect for a system than to intentionally damage it. - Another meaning for a cracker is a person who cracks software, or renders all forms of copyprotection and limitation useless. The fact that there are two meanings for one word is confusing, so most refer to people of the first definition as black hat rather. The reason that we have shoved black hats over to crackerdom is because cracking is considered to be unethical as you are stealing money from a software vendor. \|/ What is a viroligist? \|/ - As opposed to the real world meaning, a cyber virologist is involved in creating and couriering, not studying, computer virii. This is also considered to be unethical as a virologist has no consideration for the systems he harms through his virii. \|/ What is phreaking? \|/ - Phreaking is the art of defeating the phone systems to make free calls from any phone available. It is also a good way to cover your tracks. \|/ What is anarchy? \|/ - Anarchists are using the internet to spread material that is considered illegal, such as drug making texts, bomb making texts and anti government sentiments. \|/ What are Warez and Mp3z? \|/ - Warez is the cyber term for Pirated software that has risen to a new peak with the internet and faster bandwidth. Some hackers are actively involved in warez, though not all hackers, as it is considered unethical. - Mp3z are the recent format of compressing cd music and spreading it through the net, also an illegal past-time for some hackers. \|/ What are Cypherpunks (cryptoanarchists)? \|/ - Cypherpunks freely distribute the tools and methods for making use of strong encryption, which is basically unbreakable except by massive supercomputers. Because the NSA and FBI cannot break strong encryption (which is the basis of the PGP or Pretty Good Privacy), programs that employ it are classified as munitions, and distribution of algorithms that make use of it is a felony. Some cryptoanarchists advocate strong encryption as a tool to completely evade the State, by preventing any access whatsoever to financial or personal information. They typically read the Cypherpunks mailing list. (Extracted from Steve Mizrach's "Is there a Hacker Ethic for 90s Hackers?") \|/ What is White-Hat and Black-Hat hacking? \|/ - A hacker who subscribes to the white hat ethic is known as a good person who is entirely ethical and non-malicious. They are often also old-school hackers who enjoy learning new thingz -The opposite to this is a black hat hacker, who destroys every system he can get a hold of. -There is a rumour to grey-hats who are so skilled that they never get detected or caught and have root on many systems that are thought to be secure. They also don't damage a system, sometimes keeping root on them for years and never tell the sysop about the security risk. These hackers are generally a mixture of the two and finding them is a wonder of the modern world. \|/ What is Old or New school hacking? \|/ - An Old-School hacker is any hacker, even if they are from the new generation, who obsessively seek NEW knowledge and often (re)write a tool that they would need - A New school hacker is often the new generation of hackers that are quite happy to go around calling themselves hackers and only using other peoples programs, learn only one operating system (inevitably windows) and learn that OS just barely. It is suggested the reason these people are so content to be this way is due to a birth defect coupled with a low mental capacity. \|/ What is Lamer or a Newbie? \|/ Contrary to popular belief these types of people are not always the same. - A lamer only cares about is getting warez and forgetting credit where credit is due. All a virus spreader(aka Lamer) wants to do is spread viruses and delete files. People such as this are to be considered scum, and they give the true hacker a bad name. No skill or artistic expression is required to do what they do. (Extracted from My Code of Ethics by scorpio@info66.com coz I like what he says and agree wholeheartedly, also I have modeled my own ethics on his and many other sources, including my own sense of right and wrong) - A newbie is like any other hacker when he starts out, though it is true todays newbies tend to have less of a clue and a will to learn, they start out almost entirely neutral, tainted only by the media's misrepresentation of Hackers, and they tend to have a greater chance of becoming malicious lamers. It is up to all Real hackers to respect them and to point them in the right direction. Though not all newbies want to learn, there are the few that have what it takes to join the ranks of Hackers, all Real hackers should make texts accessable and help them when they do not find the correct information in the texts you have provided them. *********************** Newbie note: If you do not have a computer or do not understand words such as operating systems and configuration, please don't bother reading the rest of this file, you need some experience. *********************** ________________________________________________________________ Explanation: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now that you now basically what hacking is all about you are faced with a decision. Which train of thought will you join? The best way to decide is to see your game vs. play ratio on your system. This is how often you play computer games rather then disassemble your operating system or playing with your configuration. If you tend to stray towards more gaming and have never messed up your system so bad that you needed to reformat, it is suggestable that you leave hacking to other people and start ignoring people who tease you on IRC (btw: I do not beleive there are *any* hackers who can claim to never have played a computer game, gaming is an important step to learning, but if you have had a computer for the last 20 years and still only play games, it is suggested you quit now.) ############### Digression: I once asked a Newbie why he does not fiddle around more in windows and he replied that his father would kill him if he broke something. I promptly replied that he would need some form of intelligence to learn hacking, and that still holds true, you can fiddle without killing everything. ############### Method 1 ( The easy way): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now, if learning and reading worries you, here is your easy way out. Please note that following this Method will not enable you to call your self a hacker, you will be vastly unpopular, you will not learn anything you will have a deformed brain and you will not goto heaven (the hackers one that is). Step1: Find winunke.exe or any other such nuker\DoS ^^^^^^ Step2: Nuke everybody off IRC ^^^^^ Step3: Goto www.bo2k.com and download BO2k ^^^^^^ Step4: Customise it (the only real customising) ^^^^^^ Step5: Send it to everybody on IRC ^^^^^^ Though I respect the cDc for making Back Orifice, I have zip respect for any people who use it. It is a lame form of trojaning at best, and using it's use has nothing to do with hacking. ________________________________________________________________ On with the real stuff: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The rest of this text is focused on aiding you to become a White-Hat, Old-School hacker, the most satisfying and the only real way of hacking. Though alot of the methods that follow can be used by both White and Black Hat Hackers, I will focus alot on White Hacker ethics. This text is only focused from this point on towards Old-School hacking, and focuses on the learning experience. ________________________________________________________________ Ethics of a White-Hat Old-School Hacker: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -=> Thou shalt respect knowledge & freedom of information above all else in cyberlife. Thou Shalt respect all systems and treat them like you would treat your own. -=> Thou shalt develop an addiction to knowledge, gaining it all the time and taking pride in new knowledge you have gained and can share with others in your own name. -=> Thou shalt only take credit for things you have yourself discovered and give FULL credit to all revisions. -=> Thou shalt not hack systems to profit from any information contained within. -=> Thou shalt not damage, modifify or make copies of any data on a system whatsoever. (With exception to log files, which are advisable to modify to prevent detection). -=> Thou shalt not make use of other peoples scripts and programs more than thou'est makes use of raw methods and invent your own. -=> Thou shalt e-mail every sysadmin from an anonymous account to inform him\her of the flaws in the system and where he\she can download a patch, do not fix the system yourself -=> Thou shalt not intentionally harm a systems bandwidth (portscans and security scans are inevitable and don't harm bandwidth so much) and thou shalt not crash a system intentionally (including DoS attacks) -=> Thou shalt share thine knowledge freely, not profit from any knowledge and assist all people who require knowledge. -=> Thou shalt not take stupid risks, leave traces of yourself (or anyone else for that matter) on systems or narq on others. Tis Thine duty to keep all hackers outside of prison. ________________________________________________________________ Hacking and the law: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Worse than any mass genocide, worse than all the biblical stonings, worse than any murderer, rapist, thief or hi-jackist, considered by the law to be scum of the scum, below paedophiles, below any single entity that humanities criminality has dredged up. This is where hacking is seen on most law systems. The reason hackers are persecuted to such an extent leaves no pause for thought, it is unthinkable that any single group of people are hated so much. When a hacker is brought before the law for hacking a paedophillia site, he is well and truly fucked just for being a hacker, while the paedophile will walk free. Hackers are hated for a number of reasons, I will list a few that seem the most plausible. A) As a general rule, public servants, especially cops, tend to be inbred hicks with a level of education to match their IQ. Hackers tend to have the same level of education, but tend to be countless times more intelligent. B) Hackers are the only group of people to have up till now put all form of racial and sexual discrimination behind them. We are more united and unbiased then any Holy Church, and hippie colony and any Law System would like people to think. C) Hackers are just the epitomy of perfection in the human race, we are what every body else wants to be, free and evolved. Rapists and murderers are still a part and product of society, society needs them as much as they need society. Hackers have broken all ties with society and its biases, its miseducation. Hackers are the new breed of human, and as through out history, anything seen as near perfection will be destroyed by the countless uneducated hordes of humanity. So now, as a wannabe hacker, you will have to face up to the fact that you will be hated, you will give up all human rights you would have had, you will be punished without resolve and your future in prison will either result in a painful death by the systems preferred rapists and murderers or you will be locked up and forgotten, left to decay in an unmarked cell. You are about to transgress upon a law of humanity from which there is no return, you will embark on the path to perfection, leaving the rest of basic humanity behind. ________________________________________________________________ Why you should want to learn: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "All men by nature desire knowledge" Aristotle 384-322 B.C. When you come across a problem that you have not experienced before, and that you spend hours working on, you are faced with the decision of either asking those in the know what to do or continue figuring it out. Though it is a good idea to ask people what to do, if it becomes a habit you will not learn anything and any problem you come across that no-one can help you with will become quite a bitch to work out yourself. Solving the problem by yourself is much more rewarding. You set your mind to the problem and have overcome it, not only do you recieve knowledge on that situation, but also gain experience on similar situations and techniques that can be applied to many other problems. You may believe that this applies to only hacking, but it is a technique used in many other fields. Things learnt first-hand are things learnt eternally. Many trades in the real world apply this technique of self-training because it is the best technique to-date. Don't get us wrong, you can be taught how to hack, but people who have not got what it takes to learn how to hack on their own never make good hackers in the end. You will only learn what your Mentor knows, you will not gain his experience or ability to work with new problems. The online world is in constant evolution, it changes on a daily basis, as do the systems that support it and all technologies. If you are reliant on somebody elses knowledge and cannot adapt to a new format, you will not be a cutting edge hacker, you will have to wait till everybody else learns that particular system, and you will decieve yourself by thinking that you are a hacker, where as a real hacker will want to be able to boast and say that he was among the first to crack a new system or discover a flaw in a technology. If you finally do solve a problem you have been working on, you will be able to boast that you yourself have solved that problem, that you were the first. You will experience a natural high, an adrenalin rush beyond comparison. Your friends may tell you that that bug is old, common knowledge. Do not let this deter you, you have still done it without anybodies help, it is your own doing, sure you may have found a similar bug or code, but in the end it was your ingeniousity that saved the day. The rush experienced from doing your own hack, without someone elses tools or scripts, using your own intelligence does in no way compare to any high you may get from nuking someone or convincing irc kiddies to install trojans. It is pure elation from your superiority over systems. *********************** Newbie note: Do not let this superior feeling get to your head, not only will there always be someone better than you, but there are others who can do things that you have no idea about. Remember this, you are just a hacker, you DO NOT control the world *********************** ________________________________________________________________ Eliteness (aka 31337n3ss or just 1337ness): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many people argue as to what eliteness really is, but it can be best regarded as a state of mind, not of how much you know, how well you use it, or how many people you "OWN", it is a state of mind in how you apply yourself. I have met many newbies that knew jack-shit, but knocked the socks off of many Super hackers who considered themselves elite. Eliteness is not being superior in anyway, in hacking there ARE NO better hackers, there are those who stay safe but learn nothing new, there are those who spend more time in prison and one should consider how good they are to be caught and there are those who are in every system and never get caught, but all hackers can still learn a thing or two from other hackers. Acting elite is one the easiest ways to get close to the people who know alot, and they will answer alot more questions if they think they are talking to a fellow hacker who is good but got in a jam. Do not act superior, act like you know alot, but need a little help on something you don't know. Do not ask questions you might find the answer to somewhere else, do not say "this might sound lame but ..." . How to do it would be to be friendly to every newbie, point them all in the right direction, if you get ops in a hacking channel, pretend you don't have control to kick, and only op those that the other people usually op (regging a channel comes in handy here). Say what you need help on and make sure you know enuff other stuff about it to cover your ass. The best approach that is always sure to get an answer (if you are asking in the right place) is asking a question like "Where can I find info on the Sys V OS?" or "Who knows of a good place to get a secure firewall for MacOS?". Construct your questions well and you will get more answers. If asked a question by a person who knows something do not tell him bullshit to make it look like you know what you are saying, rather tell him something like "I am sorry, I don't use Irix that much, but I am sure its the same for all Unixes". ________________________________________________________________ Finito: ^^^^^^^ That concludes part 1 of the GUIDE TO LEARNING HOW TO HACK: The Mind Frame! Remember hacking is as much thinking like a hacker and learning as it is hacking. Catch part 2 of this guide how to go about learning to hack. ________________________________________________________________ ***** 1999 Electronic Pneuma ***** You may forward the GUIDE TO LEARNING HOW TO HACK as long as you leave this notice at the end, don't change my spelling or grammar errors and remember to drink at least four ice cold beers while uploading . ________________________________________________________________