Moe1's Uber-Elite Telkom Homosexuality Warez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, we're constantly going on about how gay Telkom and their monopoly are, but we can't just throw comments like that around without proper motivation, right? So here it is... proof that Telkom really IS gay... Session Start: Tue Jan 04 19:10:24 2000 hi there r u there yep how are you? fine where are you jhb and you? randburg, which bit of JHB rosebank work or live there live and u? live in randburg, work in various places in northern subs ah, various places? What do u do? work in computing, based in Sandton, but clients in randburg, sandtn, rosebank, vic park etc. ohh ..what sort of computing? installations/networkin? that sort of stuff? no more telecom based work yourself? installations etc install networks and tuff stuff. are you living on your own? yup u? how old are u? i'm 45, I guess your 18 yep you live in a flat or house flat u? house, I'm married married? to..?! wife, I'm bi I guess, enjoy cock fun with guys leave the screwing to the females. Yourself? bi i also guess been with many guys? a fair amount u? quite a number, mainly masseurs what do you like doing not fussy do u have an email address? what hours do you work? yep. you? do u want my isp one rather? cause webmail/hotmail are unreliable ok and u ? but my isp mail is bad so hotmail will do for now ok what isp do u use ? are you asian, the name is interesting nope No real ISP. I've been on the net raw for years so the name! how does that work? how can u connect without an isp i dont know, ask my parents..its after my grandfather I guess his name was graham or is it an anagram of graham OK how do u use the net without an isp? have modems on the net. I helped set up network mgmt of most of the ISP when Internet was very new. As a result I even had my own class C address. 8 years ago the net was for techies only oh which is why it appears I have a CT POP and not JHB wow doesnt it cost alot though to dial ct ? or are you not dialing ct it just appears that way? I don't dial CT and to make you really sick, it costs me nothing as it is dial back!! oh my god i wish i had something like that my stats, 1.8m 85kg, brn hair/eyes smooth bod, non-smoker, clean shaven, you? 1.8 64kg, dark hair/eyes, non-smoker too be back in five ok bak cock? wb. hi where did you disappear to busy speaking to someone OK, which chat group are you in chat group? whats a chat group? according to gaysa you are not currently in the room which confused me oh yeh i left no-one was speaking to me :( but your still chatting to you anyway before you vanished for a while I asked about your cock. I'm 16cm cut. cool and you? 17 cut ! sounds nice what hours do you work? sort of flexi-time? not really so what time do you usually get home? 8/9 that late ? yeah and start? depends what i have to do that day ? but not too early nah what are you wearing just now? Session Close: Tue Jan 04 20:32:14 2000