flamflamflam the it. the it. the it. the it. the it was an it. the it liked being an it. the it thought being an it was fun. the it also thought being an it was very itish. he thought this because being an it is very itish. the it looked like most its, except the it was less itish than some its are. this it was very smart. or at least less itsmartish then most its. most its are not smart at all. this it was smartish. this it had less it friends than most its. one day this it was walking through the itforest and she came across a that. now, thats are very annoying. thats are also very mean. but this that was very nice. this that was not like other thats at all. this that was speacial. so, the it saw the that and also saw that the that was nice. "why are you a nice that?" "I am a nice that" "oh. I ma a different it." "w0w" "you are an odd that" "I am an odd that" "you are not a smart that, are you?" "I am not a smart that, am I?" "no, yo8u are not." "I am not" "hmm" by this time the that had thourouly confused the it. the it decided that it wanted to go now. so it walkied on trhought the itforest till it got to the thatforest. the it did not like the that forest. so the it left the thatforest. the it went to the thisforest. the thises are vedry nice but scary. the it met a this on the way. this this was very very scary. more scary than most thises. the it was very scared of the this. the it hid in the thisbushes. but the this came after the it and killed the it. the this was very sad. so the this went home and became a thisnothing.