uhm. flam 6. there was no 5. once apon a time there was a little boy . we will call him X. X favorite color is green. all of his clothes are either green or black. x had three friends: gom, mod, and dionop. but dionop was a goat. and x didn;t all that much like goats so he made him not-his-friend dionop was very much hurt. the end. here is another story, by, sadly, me. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FERMAT: THE EPIC this is for dto. hmm. fermat was a young person. fermat wanted badly to be an onion but the person would not let him. the end. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BLEH BLEH BLEH OBVIOULY RABBITS AREN:T VERY GODO AT THIS EZINES STUFF. ARE THEY? here is a poem. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a poem. by aster :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: it took me very long to write that poem. oh dear. here is a quote, taht i collected. "they munch on small colored balls of fruit flavored grain, like trix. rabbits like trix. but they can't have it because the trix kids steal it away, and i think that jamesy's brother is a trix are for kids kid, though jamesy isn't" i didn;t say that, no. goodbye.