flam number twenty here is a story about the sun. once apon a time there was a little boy named joe. he was a very great maker of things like boxes and helpful suches. but he did nto like living in a dark place like he did. so he made a sun. and he fastened it up in the sky and it lit everything up. one little girl he knew did not like all this brightness at all at all. so she sewed a great big black blanket and covered the boy and his sun with it. the little boy died. one day the little boys sister decidided she hated the little girl who made everything dark again so she unwraped her brothers sun from the dark cloth. but she wasn;t strong enough to hold it up so it came crashing down and hit her toe. so she picked it up again and this time it burned off her foot. and then her hand. and her hair. and then she died. but the sun was uncovered and shined an ugly brightness upward. so the first little girl took her black cloth and wraped the sun in it very tightly. then she tied a strong string around it and threw it outside her window. once day an old old old man was walking along and triped over a strange black package. he unwraped it and found a bright shinging ugly thing. it blinded him and he wandered off into the forest. then a man came and picked the sun up and threw it into the first girl's house. "take your sun!" he said. so the first little girl took the sun and hide it in a cabnet. and so now everything is dark. the end.