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"damn dog-bat rats," said mr. x, as he pulled out his shotgun and obliterated the egg on his path. out came golden nuggets which he loaded in his pockets and started walking toward las vegas. he didn't make it there because the path he was on only connected three things -- the creepy castle, the flaming forest, and the grape ape. "did i see something shiny come out of the egg on the path?" asked the grape ape. "why, yes, grape ape. how big are your hands?" replied mr. x. "they seem to be quite a bit larger than your entire body," said the grape ape. "well, grape ape, i will give you two golden nuggets if you will carry me in your hand to the mythical fun palace known as 'las vegas'" mr. x said. "yes, yes i suppose i could do that, i could trade the golden nuggets to a turkey who likes to eat shiny things and choke on them, and while the turkey is eating the nugget, i can watch the large bulge travel down the turkey's long slender neck," grape ape told mr. x. "yes, you most certainly could do that. and then you could give me the turkey." "whatever for?" asked the grape ape. "well, i would like to pluck its feathers and use them on my face to make myself pretty," mr.x replied. "you are already very pretty, sir," the grape ape told him. mr. x blushed, and said, "why, that is very much so too kind of you. fine ape, do you accept my offer?" "no. no, i do not accept your offer, mr. x. i think you should find a turkey who would like to eat your golden nuggets, and allow that turkey to fly you to las vegas. air travel is catching on with the youngsters these days and you might catch you one uh dem hot yung girls on the way. i hear they sleep on the first date." "why would i want my date to sleep while we're on a date?" "i don't know, sir, that's just what i've been told. so go find yourself a turkey, i must go back underwater." mr. x nodded. "as you wish, fine grape ape. enjoy your afternoon." the grape ape made a strange noise of agreement as he sunk his body back into the pool of water he had been wading in. at least, it seemed like he was wading. "if i had a white spot floating around above my head, i would be considered 'surreal' and would be massacred by the united states government," thought mr. x. "lucky i live in new jersey!" ŠÕÕª .-. Š»ÕÕÕº Šª Š»ÕÕÕÕº ŠÕª ŠŠÕÕÕÕÕÕÕª | | this was an †† †† †† ŠÕª † † †ÕÕ† ††† | | honestly bad †»ÕÕÕº †† †† † † ŠÕÕÕÕ†Õ† † † ††† | | time-waster †† †† †† † † † † † † † †»ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕº | | email-box †† ŠÕÕÕÕÕª †ŠÕÕª † † † † † † »»» | | filler »º »ÕÕÕÕÕº »»ÕÕºÕº »ÕÕÕÕ»Õº »ÕÕº »»ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕº | | from .----------------------------------------------------------| | trilobyte `----------------------------------------------------------`-' flodis / flowers of disruption #8 / 25.07.99 / trilobyte@hoe.nu tell your friends to baste their lines with flodis