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"*giggle*" by mogel i giggle sometimes and guys aren't supposed to giggle. it's because of "the macho thing". it's not particularly masculine to giggle but i like to giggle so i have a problem if i want to be A REAL MAN but i don't really want to be a REAL MAN particularly but i still hate to be looked at in a funny way by some people even though i shouldn't care what they think and there's no logical reason why i should act like a REAL MAN and what the heck is a real man anyway? i just like to giggle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it looks like THIS when i giggle: hehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!! i can giggle all day long for HOURS!!!!!! hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! i'm feeling MANIC. i'm in a PANIC. hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! giggling is free and happy and wonderful and pretty silly and silly is ALWAYS good except in a dire emergency or when your mom dies it's not really appropriate to giggle then although i might be tempted then just because giggling is so fun hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! sink down sink down sink down to the bottom of the river!!!! hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! i stand right up in the heart of hell!!!!!!! and hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! and also hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! don't forget at least a little bit more of that hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! by the way could you please pass me some of that hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! excuse me sir but i seem to have dropped my hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! i'm not gay. ----------------------------------- i can't get all the phlegmy crap out of my throznitch. that is my throat, that is the tube that connects my head to my feet. that is the thing that sorority girls use on guys' members. i shouldn't say that. not all sorority girls are bad. i'm talking too much about sex in these last few flodises. that's funny, because i've never talked about sex before. never. not even while having it. i've had sex while talking about it. no, i've never had sex. no, that's not right, that's false. some guys talk like girls, and they SQUEEL and that doesn't mean that they're gay. but the bombers are coming out of the sky and they're aiming right for this lame ass message that i'm writing to anjee and tasha. see, it's time for you to pick up guitars and instruments and make the music of your lives, it's time to express your every thought through any method you can. be like ET and land on this earth with a bunch of big lights and men walking around with flashlights. push aside the dewy nighttime palm fronds and search for the scurrying alien. play your instruments and breathe fire. eat pigments from the wallpaper, bash your fists through the static and the noise. i got the blues, and i can't be satisfied. but really, i shouldn't be satisfied with what i got, cos it's not a lot. but i make the best of it. you can have the rest of it. i'll play the piano and sing slowly to monkeys hanging from chandeliers, they have big bright eyes and they're staring at you right now. look at the hanging monkeys staring at you. they're over there, on the chandelier. uh-oh, they're pointing at you. haha, aren't you the fool, with the monkeys knowing your false game. stand up, wise up to the primates. tell them they're wrong! but you can't. you know you're wrong. they're right. it's all one big charade. you should be at church instead of watching these realty shows on sunday afternoon television. -- ŠÕÕª .-. Š»ÕÕÕº Šª Š»ÕÕÕÕº ŠÕª ŠŠÕÕÕÕÕÕÕª | | this was an †† †† †† ŠÕª † † †ÕÕ† ††† | | honestly bad †»ÕÕÕº †† †† † † ŠÕÕÕÕ†Õ† † † ††† | | time-waster †† †† †† † † † † † † † †»ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕº | | email-box †† ŠÕÕÕÕÕª †ŠÕÕª † † † † † † »»» | | filler »º »ÕÕÕÕÕº »»ÕÕºÕº »ÕÕÕÕ»Õº »ÕÕº »»ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕº | | from .----------------------------------------------------------| | trilobyte `----------------------------------------------------------`-' flodis / flowers of disruption #a / 29.07.99 / trilobyte@hoe.nu tell your friends to squeeze their wanker with flodis ..................................................................... ................................................... LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENT FLODIS ASSIGNMENT #1 WRITE A STORY INVOLVING : CHAPSTICK SEASHELL LUNAR ECLIPSE ELMER FUDD CARTOON the resulting stories from flodis readers will be printed in flodis in succession don't make 'em too long but make 'em good i'll write one too i am trilobyte i live in rockford, illinois, united states and i am going to send this email now. byebye.