F O R E V E R A L I V E L i t e ------------------------------------------------------------- Issue Number 4 Dec 1995 - Jan 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------- Forever Alive is the world's premier magazine on the subject of physical immortality. We offer a new vision of humanity, as completely whole, beyond the polarities of life and death, spirit and body, mind and heart, male and female. This pioneering magazine explores the transformative powers of embracing a life without limits. This file is best viewed in a monospaced font, such as Courier. ------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S * PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY EQUALS FLESH by Bernadeane * A KINGDOM OF FLESH by James Russell Strole * THE POWER OF ONE by Charles Paul Brown ------------------------------------------------------------- M A S T H E A D Editor: Herb Bowie Forever Alive Lite is the electronic equivalent to Forever Alive magazine, a periodical printed on actual paper. The paper version is published quarterly, while its electronic "lite" counterpart is published monthly. Both are published by People Forever International. E-MAIL ADDRESS herbbowie@aol.com MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 12305, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-2305 TELEPHONES 1 (602) 922-0300 Voice 1 (602) 922-0800 FAX 1 (800) 2B4-EVER Toll-Free Forever Alive Lite is copyright (c) 1995 by People Forever International. You may freely distribute this file electronically on a non-commercial, nonprofit basis to anyone, and print one copy for your personal use, but you may not alter or excerpt this file in any way without direct permission from People Forever International. ------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY EQUALS FLESH by Bernadeane Physical Immortality When people hear about physical immortality, they naturally think in terms of being here forever. I want to tell you, though, that physical immortality is not about living forever. Physical immortality is about the flesh. Physical immortality is about the human body. Don't confuse physical immortality with longevity. I don't want longevity. I'm not interested in staying around for a long time. I'm not interested, for that matter, in staying around forever. I'm interested in staying with you. You are physical immortality. I'm not interested in staying with forever. I'm not interested in staying for millions of years on this planet. That is not physical immortality. Physical immortality has nothing to do with time. It has to do with the body. So, if there's a conflict going on with you concerning physical immortality, the conflict is with yourself. Your conflict is not about staying many years on the planet. Your conflict is not with me. Your conflict is with yourself. Your problem concerning physical immortality is not me. Your problem is you. Your problem is in not being able to receive your own flesh. Your problem is in not being able to receive yourself wholly. I don't want to leave any mysteries surrounding the subject of physical immortality. The physical body has been a mystery to us. Each person has been a mystery to himself. I want to awaken you to end the mystery of yourself! One Chance To Live I could say that we get one chance to live. We don't get many chances, because that has to do with time, and you may not find the time to have a chance. You may die before you find the time to make a chance for you to live. I can say to you, right now, that you have one chance to live. Physical immortality is not the future--it's you. Physical immortality is not the now--it's you. You have one chance only to get in touch with you. People have been confused when they feel a movement within their own flesh. Your one chance to live comes when you feel that movement. When you experience what I call a cellular awakening, it goes past the conscious reasoning. Be thankful when this happens, for the reasoning of the conscious mind by itself will do away with who you really are. Once you feel this movement, your only way out of the confusion is to allow yourself to experience this new feeling all the way. When you go with the cellular awakening, your brain clears up. Your conflict and your confusion come when you refuse to go with the feeling. The confusion comes when you allow the reasoning of your conscious mind to take you separate and apart from the cellular awakening taking place within you. Let Go Of The Dark I used to be affected when people refused to go with this awakening. I don't take it personally any longer. I'm not touched by it anymore. When people experience this conflict, I now realize that it's their conflict. I don't take it on anymore--it's not mine. I'm enjoying who I am on this planet! I'm enjoying the wholeness of my flesh! I'm here to remind you constantly that you can enjoy in the midst of everything that's going on around you. Even if you're having financial problems, or problems with your health, I'm here to remind you that they can all flee as a result of your receiving yourself wholly! If you feel a quickening of yourself as you read these words, then don't deny what you feel. Decide to go with all that you are. It's your freedom from death! It's not by some great work or deed that we become physically immortal--we are physical immortality! We're just waking up to who we already are! There's no struggle! Oh, it's so enjoyable. It's so soothing. I'm looking out of different eyes than I did before. I'm hearing differently from these ears. My whole body is full of light now. I used to feel a conflict with light and darkness. We don't have to live these polarities anymore. We don't have to experience difficulty to enjoy life. We don't have to go through some kind of pain and then come out on the other side bright again to know the difference. We don't have to know darkness to see the light anymore. Some people think we have to go through hardships to become greater. That's a lie of death. We do not have to suffer in order to feel good on the other side. Receiving All People Once you receive yourself wholly, then you will be able to receive all people. This is what's happened to me. I don't care how well known you are. If you happen to be famous, then I think it's great that you're famous, but I'm not impressed with that. I don't want to be with you because you're famous--I want to be with you because you're really awake with me, and because we nourish one another. There is no class consciousness with me. I enjoy every person, no matter what their profession. I'm not concerned with your profession--I'm concerned with you. I think it's great if you've created a position for yourself in society. I think it's a wonderful attribute. I think it's great, but it does nothing for me. What does something for me is when you look in my eyes and you give me that feeling of being with me 100%. That's what impresses me. There is no age difference with me. I enjoy every person, no matter what their years. It doesn't matter to me what race you are--I love them all. I love that you're different from me. I love that you dress differently than I do. If you do dress like me, then I love that too. I just love to be with you, no matter how you come to me. We may not speak the same language. The language of each country is different, but there is one language that is understood very well without one word being spoken. There is a language of the body that is understood by all who are awakened. I travel to Israel often. Many times, when I am there, I hear people speaking Hebrew to each other when there's not any translation. I don't always understand the words that are being used, but I understand what is being said. There's a language of the body going on at that moment. I feel the emotions. At times, I feel what is happening so strongly that I find myself almost speaking out. We can't throw every person we meet in the same basket. I cannot treat everyone the same. There is no equality on this planet. If we were all the same, then there could be equality. Every person is different Hallelujah! That's one word that every language understands. I want you to be the person you are with me. That's when it's the most fun for me. I'm not interested in you being like me or anyone else. It would be very boring for me if we were all the same. Flesh We ought to have the greatest passion for one another. Even when someone makes a mistake, it ought to be that we rush to that person, rather than running from them or talking behind their backs. How can we keep turning away from one another? We need to go to that person face to face. We need to let them know we're here for them. Let's move to dissolve whatever is going on between us. That's the kind of passion we need to have. It's the passion I have. Join me in it! You can never do anything that will cause me to walk away from you never! We need to move so we have peace here with one another forever. We need to bring peace first of all right here within our own forms, then with one another, then in the world. This is when we will find such a joy of being together. What draws us together? Why are we with each other? There was a joy we once felt together. There was a drawing unto one another. Let's not forget our first love. It's so important that we don't forget our first love with each other. I know that this is the only way we're going to end the hell on this planet. We end it with one another. We're so vast. We are so huge. Let's remind ourselves of this. Let's keep moving for the vastness, the hugeness of who we are. It's so life giving. It's what physical immortality is all about: the treasuring of human flesh. - - - Originally published in Forever Alive magazine, Issue no. 24. Copyright (c) 1995 by People Forever International. ------------------------------------------------------------- A KINGDOM OF FLESH by Jim Strole The Value of Life Our living is so precious. It's wonderful to feel the preciousness of our bodies. It's great to be in touch with the true value of our flesh. This is what we mean when we speak of physical immortality. We're talking about your precious flesh. We're talking about your flesh being here forever. People are so often out of touch with this feeling. I hear so many people ask the same questions: "Why physical immortality? Why end death?" I want to say back to them: "Do you have children? Do you have anyone you love? Do you have anyone you care about? Would it matter to you if they were splattered all over the street? It would? Well then, why does it matter any less when someone dies of what is called old age?" Old age is as ugly to me as having a small child run over in the street. I want people to wake up and realize that no death is acceptable! Paradise Lost I was recently reading a history of the Hawaiian islands. Before their contact with the rest of the world, disease and sickness were virtually unknown there. The people there lived long lives, not even knowing what sickness was. They were passionate people. They so loved being with each other. They enjoyed each other in all sorts of ways. They knew the value of their flesh. They only had one problem. Even though they didn't suffer from disease, the Hawaiians still experienced old age and death. Even though they were disease-free, they still died. So the missionaries came in and said, "We will give you immortality through Jesus. If you follow the laws of God, then when you die, you will go to this heavenly place and you will live forever." This appealed to the natives of Hawaii. And that's how the missionaries brought them under their control: they promised them immortality. Because they still died. So the missionaries constantly preached that if they didn't live by the rules of their God, then they wouldn't earn a place in heaven. They wouldn't be with their loved ones after their deaths. This is what they wanted: to be with each other forever. Then the missionaries said: you cannot love each other the way you're loving each other. You cannot feel the way you're feeling about each other's flesh. The missionaries went in there and educated them. They brought them God. They also brought them disease. They brought them epidemics. The Hawaiians had one of the healthiest and happiest societies on the face of the earth. And they gave it all up for the promise of a spiritual afterlife. A Clear Purpose I want to make my purpose very clear. I'm not out to start a new religion. I'm not trying to spread a new philosophy, a new truth, or some type of new doctrine. I'm not out to proselytize people for some new belief system. I'm not here to convert you to immortality. I'm out to establish a kingdom of flesh on this earth. My goal is to create an environment in which you can thrive as a person. I'm here to awaken you to how wonderful your flesh is. I'm out to stir you to want to live. My purpose is to cause you to feel the preciousness of your own flesh. And then, when you begin to feel that, you'll start to feel how precious other bodies are around you. I'm not trying to motivate you by guilt. I'm not pressuring you to live. I have no interest in your wanting to be immortal because you're afraid of death. I'm not offering you heaven as a means of avoiding going to hell. I simply want you to feel a joy of being alive! I want you to be immortal because you want to live! Worthy To Live So many people have been persuaded to forsake their flesh for the promise of a spiritual eternity. People have been taught that their bodies are dirty and sinful. They've been programmed by so many religious systems to redeem their bodies in exchange for a place in some kingdom of heaven. I'm telling you something different: you're acceptable now. Your body is wonderful now. I don't care what sins you think you've committed. I don't care if you don't think I'm worthy--I'm telling you I am worthy. I'm worthy to live right now. I'm worthy to live on this planet. I'm worthy to love, to feel, to cry, to make mistakes. I've made the decision that I'm worthy, because there's no one else who can make that decision for me. To want to live, without shame, without guilt--this is the greatest treasure, the greatest gift we have on this planet. This naked desire to live is worth much more than a supposed place in some heavenly kingdom. No Excuses Many people agree that life on earth is supposed to be this way--eventually. "Just wait," they say. "One hundred, perhaps two hundred years from now, some great happening will take place, and then it will all be different." What great happening? I'm not willing to wait. The happening is right now or it never will be. It's our movement right now. It's people like you and me who are ready to take the responsibility now to make this world of ours a great place to be in. That's the great happening. Other people agree that the sort of life I'm describing sounds wonderful--they just think it can never happen. "This world is so shitty," they say. "No one's ever going to change this. This life is so terrible that I'm ready to die. I'm looking forward to an afterlife." Let me tell you something: I'm speaking of a different life. As long as you're looking from death-oriented eyes, then you're not going to see any possibility for change. You're going to be looking out of critical eyes and all you'll see is what's wrong. You'll see the world as unchangeable. Are you unchangeable? Or are you willing to change? If you're changeable, then there must be more people in this world who are changeable too. You see, it gets right down to you and me. This is how powerful we are. This is the power of what we're doing together. It comes right down to you and me. You have to decide for yourself, but I made the choice that I want to live: I'm changeable. A Safe Place To Live I want this world to be a safe place for human beings. What do I mean by "a safe place"? I don't mean a place where you're not taking risks. I mean a place where you can be all that you are without fear of being persecuted, without fear of being abandoned, without fear of having your flesh destroyed. I'm talking about a place where you feel safe to go all the way. Have you ever found yourself saying something, and then wondering if you went too far? Have you ever taken thought that maybe you crossed some invisible line? Have you ever had the feeling that you've gone over the edge, that you've gone beyond a point where people can receive you, that you're pushed too many people's buttons? Have you ever found yourself wondering if there was anyone still left standing next to you? Have you ever pulled yourself back, because of these feelings? Safety is not having to pull yourself back. Safety is not having to hold yourself back anymore. Safety is being able to take the greatest risk in the world. It's going all the way and more. It's knowing that, even when you feel a bit strange, you can look around and still see other people with you: other people just as strange as you are; other people who aren't embarrassed about you being too much, about you being too alive; other people encouraging you to live. We're not trying to create a new way of life--we've already created it. What we want to do now is to find other people to be with. We don't want to change you--we want to be with you. We want to be with human beings as they've never had anybody be with them before. A Feeling For All Flesh Our society has so many prejudices about love. We have so many labels we put on it: male, female, homosexual, bisexual. I loved what a film actress said during a recent interview. She had just played a love scene with a woman, and she was asked if she felt self-conscious about the role. She responded, "I don't think people can love each other enough, no matter what their sex is." The reality is that every person has the capacity to enjoy both males and females. This doesn't mean you're going to have sex with others of the same gender (although it's fine if you do). But it means you're going to feel a sensuality that flows from your body, a passion that does not discriminate against male or female. This sensuality is so important, because it is the very core of the life flow in your body. Until we can all feel that abandoned, passionate feeling of the flesh, then human beings will continue to destroy each other. This is what I'm doing here. I'm not trying to talk anyone into anything. I'm causing people to wake up to this feeling for the flesh. A New Beginning Begin to think differently. Something new can happen. I feel a new movement happening: a constant newness. Be an immortal all the time. Move deathlessly. Always come from your heart. Risk being too much for people. Move in this way and you'll soon find you have people around you who really care about you--not what they can get from you. Don't sit on the sidelines and wait to see what's going to happen. Don't wait to see how things are going to evolve. How about you evolving it? Make the choice that you're going to evolve with me right now. We're going to evolve together. I'm putting out a strong call to everyone. I don't know how many people are going to choose to live. All I know is this: I'm creating more and more of these people around me all the time. I'll be with you, no matter what. Just be with me all the way. That's the key. This is what I'm out for in the world: people who are so cellularly connected to me that here cannot be any separation. Then there's a treasuring of each other's flesh like we've never known before. - - - Originally published in Forever Alive magazine, Issue no. 23. Copyright (c) 1995 by People Forever International. ------------------------------------------------------------- THE POWER OF ONE by Charles Paul Brown The Chemistry of Separation There is a covert chemistry that exists to keep people from really coming together as one. There's a fear of people really joining together. There's a power in oneness, and people are afraid of that power. So they do their best to divide and separate people, to keep us apart. Let me give you an example of the way this chemistry operates. I have heard that some people are afraid to bring their friends to our meetings in Scottsdale. They say their friends like hanging out with the people, but they are afraid their friends won't like Jim, Bernie or myself. Other people confide in us that they think we are wonderful, but that they can't stand some of the people who come to the meetings. Sometimes I wonder if it's the same people who are saying both things! Do you see the way this chemistry works, to divide and separate us, and to keep us from coming together in a total oneness? This chemistry of separation can be found in many elements of our culture, but it can be seen most clearly in our religions and our political structures. It's so easy for religions to make people suspicious of one another. Many religions warn people not to be seduced. Some even predict that in the last days, there will be all kinds of wicked spirits who will deceive many, even the elect. All these dire warnings cause people to fear one another. They begin to feel one another, but then they begin to question their feelings. What they feel with one another may contradict what they have been taught are the right beliefs. So they leave one another because of their beliefs. Of course, this separation is never preached openly: it is all done covertly. All the religions say that you can trust the righteous--it's just that you can never be quite sure who the righteous are, so you end up not fully trusting anyone. This chemistry of division can also be seen in the way religions seem to break up into sects. While we were in Israel recently, I couldn't help noticing all the different Jewish denominations. You can go to one section of a city and all of a sudden everyone is wearing these little beanies. So of course they won't have anything to do with someone who isn't wearing a beanie. You cross another street and suddenly everyone has their hair in curls, so they want nothing to do with the ones in beanies. All these belief systems are created to keep the people from really being one. Their purpose is to keep people from really finding one another. It's the same way in the Christian religion, the Buddhist religion, and the Islamic religion. People separate from others standing right in front of their faces, all in the name of a God they've never seen. Amazing, isn't it? It's as Paul the Apostle said in the Bible, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." You see, the real war is going on between the gods of our minds. It's the war of ideologies, the war of different belief systems, that maintains a separation and division within the body. Legend has it that at one time the gods became so afraid of people working together, building a tower to heaven, that they decided to create all our different languages, to sow confusion among us. Supposedly these gods said to each other, "See, the people are one, they can accomplish anything they put their minds to. We've got to confuse them" I want to tell you that it was no gods coming out of the sky who confused our language, but the gods within ourselves. It was these gods in our minds that brought people down from the oneness they were beginning to feel, and created all the confusion. These gods want to confuse you. Religion wants to confuse you. Politics wants to confuse you. All these human creations operate to keep a separation going, rather than letting us really become one flesh, rather than letting us create a quality of life that's never before been on this planet. What we've done so far is wonderful, but it's minuscule compared to what we can really do in being one. This is one thing I feel the gods were right about: there's nothing we can't do when we come together as one. There's a oneness of our flesh together that can absolutely dissolve any disease. There's a oneness of our minds together, a oneness of our cells, that can take care of any problem. One Road I must be with those people who are one. I'm not after the many--I'm after the one. I'm after the oneness, the people who can be the greatest individuals on the planet, and yet still come together as one body. Why do I have to be with the one? The one doesn't have a choice. The many do have a choice. The many can find a million paths to walk in separation, but the one has only one road, has only one direction. The one can even experience an illness that it is not unto death. The many can experience illness and it will be unto death. I have no choice. If you have a choice, there are many open doors. I don't have many open doors. I don't have many exits. I don't have an invisible dimension to go to. I've already been invisible. I took form. I'm not going back to that which is lesser. I don't care how often I hear of spiritual entities in invisible worlds--I'm staying right here. I don't care how many times I hear that there's a light at the end of the tunnel--I'm not going towards the light of the spirits. The only light I'm going towards is the one generated by the cells and atoms of your body. I thought recently of a friend who spent many years studying yoga. He was taught how to leave his body and travel to another dimension. He realized later that he was being taught how to die. Oh, Anthony, I am so glad that you screwed it up! I'm so glad that you didn't graduate. I'm glad you flunked your course and became a dropout. I'm glad you dropped out of a system that was preparing you to die. I'd like to begin to see a few more dropouts like you. I wish there would begin to be such a resistance to this world of angels. I don't understand how people can get so worked up over them. It doesn't make sense. The Bible clearly says that the world to come is not given to angels: "For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak." Where are people? Why can't they see the whole picture, instead of just seeing it in parts? My world isn't given to angels--it's given to flesh, bone and blood human beings. It's given to people who are making a covenant of everlastingness in the cells and the atoms of one another's flesh. We are here, one body, to make a difference on this planet. Are you here to make a difference, or are you just passing through? If you're just passing through, then you'll leave this earth even more of a mess than it was when you came into it--just as individuals leave the hotel room a mess, because they're travelers. They leave it for the maid to clean up. That's the way it's been. Human beings have always left it to someone else to clean up. We must take responsibility and clean ourselves first, and then we will clean the planet up automatically. But we won't do it if we're just passing through, if we're going from one dimension to another. Yes, you may say, but what about all the immortals in the other dimensions? Come on down, honey. Come on in and make yourself at home. You say, but yes, I know of a 263-year-old woman who came from another planet. Come on down honey--I'm here. I don't claim to be 263 years old. I don't claim to be from another planet, to keep you from asking for my birth certificate. Why is immortality more credible when it's coming from someone claiming to be an alien from another planet? It's the same division working, the same chemistry of separation that makes it easier to believe when it's coming from the gods, than when it's coming from another human being. Please, don't let the gods rob us from reaching our heaven with one another. Don't let them keep us from experiencing nirvana with one another. Don't let them take from us the power of one. Think from a deathless intelligence. Make an everlasting covenant with me, in the cells and the atoms of my flesh. Give up the choice of death and separation. Let the trumpets sound, proclaiming that it's time for all dimensions to come together in the dimension of the physical body, and time for us to remain here forever as one flesh. - - - Originally published in Forever Alive magazine, Issue no. 24. Copyright (c) 1995 by People Forever International. ------------------------------------------------------------- FOREVER ALIVE MAGAZINE Forever Alive magazine is the paper-based big brother to this e-zine. It has been published quarterly since 1989. R. Seth Friedman, in Factsheet Five, Issue No. 56, said about Forever Alive: "This publication breaks the mold of fringe immortality zines with informative, rational (and very readable) essays in a bright colorful package." Carol Wright said about us, in the Spring 1994 edition of the NAPRA Trade Journal: "This quarterly publication is probably the only immortalist (as opposed to longevity) magazine around. Forever Alive offers recent information about longevity, bodywork, nutrition and so forth. But their upbeat philosophical essays separate them from other health magazines. They challenge your most deeply seated beliefs about life and death." The Alternative Press Review, in their Spring/Summer 1995 edition, said: "Forever Alive is a nicely-produced, 42-page quarterly magazine devoted to bodily health and human immortality...." Forever Alive has now grown to 52 pages, with no outside advertising, and featuring a full-color cover. The magazine is available at better bookstores, including the Barnes & Noble and Borders chains. The cost is $6 for a single issue and $24 for an annual subscription (4 issues). Subscriptions and single issues may be ordered directly from People Forever. Distributors for Forever Alive include Desert Moon, New Leaf, Armadillo & Co. and Ingram Periodicals. You can order our latest issue online by visiting Desert Moon's World Wide Web home page, at http://www.swcp.com/xines/homepage.htm. ------------------------------------------------------------- --PART.BOUNDARY.0.6908.emout05.mail.aol.com.819603171--