__ / \ /____\ .________/][][][\_______. \___________ __________/ ! / /!/ //!\ \! __!_\ ! / /_/ // \\ \ \_____ / __ // /\ \\ \_____ \ / / / // ____ \\ \____\ \ /_/ /_//_/ \_\\_\______\ T-File_3____December_31_2004 Word Games: Dyslexicondominium _By_Emoticon_ Emoticon@radicalshell.net INTRO ----- Dyslexicondominium is another simple but fun word game that got it's name from the first round ever played. PLAYING_THE_GAME ---------------- Dyslexicondominium can be played with as many people as you like. To begin, you simply write a word, called the root word. From that word, you must create a new word that uses at lest two letters from the beginning or end of the existing word. You simply repeat this process until you cannot think of a new word to add. If you are playing with other people, you take turns choosing the root word. The person who is unable to think of a word, thus ending the round, is the official loser. There are, however, no winners, because anyone playing the game is a loser. A_FEW_NOTES ----------- Please note that no spaces are allowed, so words like "New York" don't count. Proper nouns are STRICTLY forbidden. Misspellings, if correctly challenged, and checked against a dictionary agreed upon by all parties before the start of the game, result in the misspeller losing the round and the round ending. If the opponent does not see where you added a new word, you are obligated to point it out to them. There is to be absolutely no repeating of words! Pluralizing, or turning a word into an adverb is allowed but frowned upon. This shouldn't be an issue, but in case there is confusion, acronyms, because they are not words, are NOT usable. SAMPLE_ROUND ------------ automobile automobiletter krautomobiletter krautomobilettergonomic krautomobilettergonomicrophone krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklace krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklacelery krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklacelerye krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryes krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimate krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimaterrible krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimaterriblessing ANOTATED_SAMPLE_ROUND --------------------- automobile THE ROOT WORD IS "AUTOMOBILE" automobiletter THE WORD "LETTER WAS ADDED TO THE "LE" ------ krautomobiletter THE WORD "KRAUT" WAS ADDED TO THE "AUT" ----- krautomobilettergonomic THE WORD "ERGONOMIC" WAS ADDED TO THE "ER" --------- krautomobilettergonomicrophone THE WORD "MICROPHONE" WAS ADDED TO THE "MIC" ----------- krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklace "NECKLACE" ADDED TO "NE" -------- krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklacelery "CELERY ADDED TO "CE" ------ krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklacelerye "RYE" ADDED TO "RY" --- krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryes "YES" ADDED TO "ES" --- krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimate "ESTIMATE" ADDED TO "ES" -------- krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimaterrible "TERRIBLE" ADDED TO -------- "TE" krautomobilettergonomicrophonecklaceleryestimaterriblessing "BLESSING" -------- ADDED TO "BLE" THE_BONUS_ROUND --------------- A bonus round can be played at the end if the game to overturn the result of the round. If a player can pronounce the entire word in one try without pausing, with up to one full minute to read the word silently, they win the bonus round. If the loser of the main round wins the bonus round, they are no longer the official loser. If the winner wins, they are double cool. If the person who wins the bonus round chose the root word, they get the option of taking the other player's turn to choose the root word in the next round. If the bonus round winner does take the losers turn, he still chooses the root word in the round after that, and then the turn-taking continues. ENJOY ----- Live long and prosper. Not in a material way, but prosper in a more genuine manor. Find true love, joy in your everyday activities, and all your missing socks.