___________________________________________________________________________ ( ____ ____ ____ ) ) | || |\ \ ( ( | || |/____/ Words Unheard 2.0 ) ) | || |\ \ ir file number 036 ( ( |____||____| |____| released 09.20.00 ) ) | || |\| | by Xade ( ( |____||____| |____| we're just fucking with your mind. ) ) _impulse reality_ ( (___________________________________________________________________________) Continuing the segment on understanding Xade.... (: >>> Xade's smilie; for some reason typing this smilie face comes quite naturally to her--so dont bitch at her for doing it to "avoid aim auto-insert-smilie" because that's not the reason; she cant help that she's rightie-smilie impaired... *sniffles...* Assmonkey >>> 1. Some unexplainable force. "Ack! Assmonkeys are giving me lag!!!" 2. bothersome person. see also nudnik. "Get away from me you son of an Assmonkey!" biznatchio pudding >>> something or some situation considered unpleasant; can be used as an exclamation. "biznatchio pudding!! I lost my eyeballs!!" lixx >>> term of endearment received from Xade; (not loosely translated) .`lixx linear all over sheeyeah >>> term used to show doubt in validity of something. "sheeyeah.. right... i dont believe you" ack! >>> term of alarm or surprise. "ack! stop tickling me!!" eeps! >>> similiar to ack! although more of a surprising reaction. .'eeps!! .'runs and hides smeg >>> term to be inserted and used where seem fit. origin: Red Dwarf smeghead, smeg'for'brains, smeggie, smegface, smeg-ass, 'you're full of smeg' >>>> Have fun kids, and take care! (: ___________________________________________________________________________ ( ) ) Copyright (c) 2000 Impulse Reality - http://phonelosers.net/ir ( (___________________________________________________________________________)