db d8888b. .-------------------------------------------------------. 88 `8D | impulse reality press presents... | `88' 88oobY' `-------------------------------------------------------' 88 88`8b [ ir file no. 244 | released 04/19/03 | 100% tasty text ] .88. 88 `88. [ "there's a lot to be said" ] Y8888P 88 YD [ written by linear ] .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | the revolution will be one fueled by art and love alone, | | there is no hope for revolution based on anything else. | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' There’s knowledge beyond that found in lecturing, There's beauty beyond centerfold models ...like your smile. I like your smile. These days it feels like we're all being drained I've never been one for nostalgia... but without a future to look forward to anymore, I've nothing but what I can look back on Maybe I can always be the first to say I'll stop at Nothing short of Revolution... but really I mean I'll drop everything just so I can hold your hand. It's not so much that I'm lonely or anymore lonely than I've ever been before, It's that I'm bored, more and more often and miss how it use to feel to not know how to feel. The spontenaity of uncertainty is a good thing! Or at least it can be. basing your actions on the merits of the actions themselves, without the comfort of an outcome so predictable... there's a lot to be said for that. It's not hard for me to justify things these days. Not because I've become any better at making excuses (I've always been rather well at that), But because experience has taught me a whole new perspective. I don't know if that's a good thing. I lost everything and got over it. How did I start caring again? .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | impulse reality happy fun time goodness | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' permission is granted to spread material within this text document freely. we kindly ask that you properly credit it's author(s) for their hard work! all rights are retained by the author(s), respectively .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | IMPULSE REALITY E'ZINE CAN BE REACHED ON THE WEB AT... | | http://www.phonelosers.net/ir | | | | FOR IMPORTANT, UP-TO-DATE TEXT SCENE NEWS, VISIT... | | http://www.textscene.com | | | | THE OLD WORLD IS BEHIND YOU. | | | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'