THE _ __ _ _ _ __ | |/ / (_) | | | | / _| | ' / _ __ _ __ _| |__ | |_ ___ ___ | |_ | < | '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \| __/ __| / _ \| _| | . \| | | | | (_| | | | | |_\__ \ | (_) | | |_|\_\_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__|___/ \___/|_| __/ | |___/ _____ _ _____ _ _ | __ \ (_) | __ \(_) | | | | | |_ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ | | | |_ ___ ___ ___ _ __ __| | | | | | | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| |/ __| | | | | / __|/ __/ _ \| '__/ _` | | |__| | |_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | | (__ | |__| | \__ \ (_| (_) | | | (_| | |_____/ \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|\___| |_____/|_|___/\___\___/|_| \__,_| __/ | |___/ #0010 "Erik the 1st wants to run naked through a field of pure data" Project 0rder FAQ Lately less and less people kept ask0ring us the same old shit, they like totally made the esteemed KODD write you a fucking FAQ. What, are you stupid or something? Read it. 1. What the fuck is this Project 0rder I've never heard fuck all about? Project 0rder is a movement started by a group of idiots that have decided to highjack an industry term for something most of them ain't even a part of. They are 'sick and tired' of the apparent success of another group of people they have targeted who are referred to with another media/industry given pointless label. They also think the word "definitory" is real. FYI: No results found for definitory. Did you mean Defiatory (in dictionary) or Definitor (in encyclopedia)? They've organised into "cellz" to look cool and start an imaginary war about nothing for no reason other than to group bitch something that they appear not to be a part of and barely understand anyway. They gots the skillz, just not the brain cellz. 2. Oh Project 0rder, why do you hate ? Just because they earn money? Despite the fact that this is apparently considered a 'redundant question', people keep asking it all the time!? But it's not about the money kids; it's about the IT Industry lying to idiots on the internet about the malicious intent of hackers... who totally don't go around r00ting and other servers for fun at all. The danger isn't real; despite advocating it in this document! Malicious hacking NEVER happens. Hackers are the good guys; believe that, or they'll '0wn j00' - and your friends and family (who are the idiots being warned about hackers by the industry in the first place). They have such p0wer. This is a real threat taken from other Project 0rder materal. 3. Why are you guys against full disclosure? 'Disclosure is, never the less, a bad thing'. This sentence a) may seem like really bad English, and b) like it stands against everything hacking in the media demonised sense was born out of ("Information wants to be free") but it's not k, cos we are el337 as fuck! That's right... 'It's not that they [the Industry] care for the regular company[s] that can't afford to hire a decent administrator... They want publicity, they want media attention, all this resulting in material benefits...' Now I know in Question 2 we said it wasn't about the money. But yeah it is. They got some we want some but no one will employ us. Glad we could clear this up in Question 3. And remember d00dz; 'knowledge given is power lost. Why giving powerful weapons to the kids all over?' For fun? Who knows. Anywayz... So in summary; we wantz the moniez, and we wantz the powerz. Because as previously stated, we are el337 as fuck w00t w00t. 4. Real blackhats stay in underground. Why did u come out front? Because Kevin Mitnick and the early 90's were there being all sexy 'n' shit and we couldn't hold it in any longer. No seriously... 'people think that blackhat equals script kiddie and hacker equals IT security researcher. This is so wrong! Hackers hack!' Yeah, and like, hack cannot possibly mean anything other than r00ting a system. Seriously; anyone who says otherwise is a n00b. And like, I know we said hackers don't hack in Question 2 but like... fuck this is all just meaningless rhetoric coming right off tha top of mai head anywayz. Fuck j00. 5. Is Project 0rder visible to us? Dudez, if you don't already know, j00 never will. EOF