Low Self Esteem Issue 14 Why I HATE Valentine's Day Written By: Sarah Amy Freitas Feb. 25th, 1997 [*] LSE NEWS [*] First Of All, I'd Like To Say That You Can Find Issues Of Low Self Esteem On The Following FTP Site: FTP://FTP.EText.Org/pub/Zines/LowSelfEsteem, Thanks To The Operators Of The EText Archives For Giving This T-File Collection A Home. You May Also Request An Issue By Writing EMail To Me At The Following Address: PARKER_LEWIS@HOTMAIL.COM, You May Send Me Mail Concerning Comments, Flames, Or If You Want To Write Something For Low Self Esteem. I'd like to first say that my name is Sarah and this is my first attempt to write something for Low Self Esteem. I'm 15 years old and from Massachusetts, USA. And I am what most people call UGLY, a loser, a reject, a geek, a nerd, and any other name that they can think of. This issue is going to be about why I hate Valentine's Day. I hate almost all holidays, but Valentine's Day is one in particular that I can't stand. Why do I hate it so much? Because the focus of the day is on LOVE. Boy- friends, girlfriends, lovers, husbands, wives... I can't stand anything like that. On Valentines Day, I didn't even wear red and white, the traditional Valentine's Day colors. Instead, I dressed completely in black to express my hate for that day. If you are a really cool and popular person, you might ask, "Why do you hate Valentines Day?". Well, if you're a really cool and popular person then why are you reading this zine anyway? But, if you must ask, I hate it because I have NOBODY. I have no boyfriend, and I never have. I didn't receive any- thing from any guy for Valentine's Day, not even a card. I also didn't give anything, because if I did I would probably get laughed at by the guy and he would probably throw the present in my face. I am also not invited to any Valentines Day parties. In all my life every Valentines Day I've stayed home. Any other loser or reject can probably relate to me. It SUCKS. It all starts about a week before Valentine's Day. It seems like everyone is trying to get a boyfriend or girlfriend. Well, the cool people and cool people wannabes are trying. Most of the losers, rejects, and geeks don't even try. They know that they will be just turned down and don't feel like going through all the humiliation. But we still have to listen to the people with luck talk about "Oh...I'm going with him this Valentine's Day", and "Ooooooh, I'm getting her a teddy bear!". It really gets sickening. Once THE DAY finally comes, I hate having to be around all the cool people getting the attention. At school, everyone was giving each other cards, teddy bears, flowers, balloons, kisses, you name it. Well, everyone except me. It's a bad feeling to stand in the background of all this.If you've never had this feeling, just think of being in an elevator with a couple that was kissing like mad. You have no choice but to be near them. It's hard to describe the feeling. It's kinda embarassing (and maybe even makes you a little jealous?). I know that you're going to think "Well, you see couples everyday". But, Valentine's Day makes it all worse because it's a special day for that kind of stuff. Now you may think that if I had a boyfriend I would think differently about Valentine's Day and say that it was the best day in the world. If you want to know the truth, you're probably right. But I want to warn you, if you had the best Valentine's Day of your life this year, don't be excited about next Valentine's Day. Your boyfriend/girlfriend might break up with you, your husband/wife might get a divorce, the boy/girl in the next house will stop bringing you roses, anything could happen. So maybe you should save this zine until next year or the years after, because one Valentine's Day you may not be so lucky, unless you're the luckiest person in the world. I think I already wrote too much, so I'm going to stop writing here. I doubt that I will have a boyfriend next Valentine's Day or any day at all.I checked the calendar, Valentine's Day is on a Saturday next year. That means I won't have to go to school and see all the love going on. I'm going to stay in bed all day next V-day.