************************************************************************ NemesisEra's Guide to: H######## /#M: =#@: X#######XH######## X#######X @#######H H######## ###+ .##@ =##M. =###= ###+ =###= ### /### ###+ ###X////= ### =###= =###= ###/ =###= ### /### ###X////= /////###/ ### =###= =###= ###/ =###= XXX /### ###X////= ./###, /###/$###- =###= %##H- =###= -$##X %##H- #####@: ########% #########.%#####/ ######### =#####$. .%#####/ 35 ways to kill yourself 01/07/01 ************************************************************************ Heh, I am making this document for the hell of it, because I am just bored out of my mind. If anyone is REALLY THINKING about committing suicide please get some help! NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT SUICIDE! THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! ************************************************************************ Okay, so you want to know ways of committing suicide? Well I am going to name many many ways you can accomplish this, enjoy! remember this is for entertainment purposes only! Note: Not all these methods described guarentee death. ************************************************************************ 1. Go Play in traffic and get ran over 2. If you can't swim, drown yourself 3. Hang yourself 4. Shoot yourself (more powerful gun, the better) 5. Create a stick of dynamite and blow yourself up 6. Piss a horse off and get stomped to death 7. Get Alcohol Poisioning and die 8. Drink Household Cleaners 9. Mix Household Cleaners in hopes for a poisonuous gas 10. Jump off a bridge 11. Go naked outside in the cold and die of hypothermia 12. Poor gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire 13. Sniff Household Cleaners/Products 14. Huff lots of Gas (great brain damage) 15. Drive off a cliff 16. Jump off a cliff 17. Stab yourself to death 18. Overdose on narcotics 19. Overdose on caffiene 20. Hire someone to kill you 21. Use the imfamous carbon monoxide poisoning method in your car. 22. Jump of buildings (in NY you are guarenteed death, because the punishment for jumping off buildings is death) 23. Do a crime and get the death penality (NOT RECOMMENDED) 24. Take a bath and drop a radio, or any other device into the tub 25. Submerge yourself in ICE (tub or outside) 26. Use an object to choke yourself (Pen, Pencil, etc.) 27. Break your nose shoving the bone into your brain 28. Break the Zyphoid Process, the bone located right in the middle of your rib cage. 29. Drink Bleach 30. Drink Water (Takes 2 gallons in under a 30 minutes) 31. Get Buried alive 32. Sink in Quicksand 33. Kill yourself with starvation 34. Don't drink any water 35. Drop something heavy on you (on head perferably)