Disclaimer TCAHR is an evil organization dedicated to the memetic infection of the world. No, really, we are! To that end, the material within the TCAHR website, TCAHR correspondence, or TCAHR newsletters may contain elements which may be considered offensive or controversial. You have been warned. Don't come crying to TCAHR if you end up infected by our memes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Mission Statement To aid in the incubation, breeding, and release of butterflies in Asia. 2. Origin TCAHR was started in the hopes of releasing memes of interest to TCAHR into the datasphere. The thought processes behind the origin of TCAHR are not only based upon the concepts of memetics, but also steeped in Taoism and chaos theory. This, like all ideas, are subject to change. 3. Philosophy The premise of TCAHR is to engender thought and discussion. To that end, TCAHR may create articles which may have questionable elements. TCAHR, however, will never give you the safe, wishy-washy article reeking of self-check and cowardliness. TCAHR does this in the belief that the right idea, infecting the right mind,can bring about changes in the world. Therefore we believe our opinions must be strong and truthful. 4. Correspondence All serious correspondence to TCAHR can and will receive a response. It may take us time, but e-mail to us will be answered. TCAHR may have posted articles in part for our amusement and/or the hope of affecting change, but we serve the potential hosts of those whom we wish to infect with ideas. If TCAHR can't read and return e-mail, risking infection by memes itself, then TCAHR has no right to attempt memetic infection. 5. Manifesto This Manifesto is subject to change at any time.