2-9-97 Blind Faith Sherman sat in his prison cell and thought about the journey that had led him there. For as long as he could remember, his momma had told him he was one of God's Chosen. "Sherman, honey," she used to say, "you're one of God's special children, you gonna do great things." He never thought much of it 'till God started to tell him to do things in his head. His momma knew her greatest hope for him had come to pass. "God has chosen you to act in his name on Earth." She told him, and as the years passed he believed it more and more. So it was in God's Name he killed the kitten that scratched him when he was eight, snapped its little neck. "And don't tell no one," Momma said, "they don't know how special you are, like I do." It was in God's Name he raped and killed the cheerleader that called him "Weird" in high school. Buried her body behind the A&P, deep down where dogs won't pick up the scent and dig it up, as Momma had instructed. No one ever found out, God watched out for Sherman, His Chosen One. So Sherman was acting in God's stead the day he walked into the K-Mart in the shopping mall with an AK-47 and began shooting (as it appeared to those "unenlightened") random people. In truth he was acting out his destiny -- to execute those deemed unworthy of life by God. Sherman was so caught up in "playing God" that when the cops came, he told the he was God. And that, as Momma said, was what "done got him in trouble". "God ain't watchin out for you no more boy," she said at his trial. And she looked away in shame as as he was dragged away. "Momma's wrong," Sherman thought as they strapped him to the gurney. "God's still watchin' out for me," he thought as they slipped the needle into his arm. "I'm goin to the Kingdom of Heaven to sit beside Him," he thought as the poison took hold, and he died. miranda varnadore -- WTF high-intensity hypermodern psychobabble http://www.psnw.com/~posterkid/wtf/