--(guh)------------------------------------------------------------------------ y0lk #46: rollerskates, indians, eagles and cougars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i can't get enough of this crazy book. here's the next chapter. --(w0o)------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 2: rollerskates, indians, eagles and cougars if thomas jefferson hadn't been a statesman, he would have been remembered as the man who invented the swivel chair. thank tom for that. the word "tuxedo" comes from an algonquin indian word that used to mean "he has a round foot." it still means that today, but doesn't come up much in conversation. your baby ruth candy bar wasn't named for babe ruth, the famous baseball star. it was named for president grover cleveland's daughter. the united states has its own version of italy's leaning tower of pisa. our own washington monument is settling into the ground at the rate of about half a foot per century. that means it will disappear entirely by the year 113073. you'll probably miss that. there are 22 kinds of plants that will grow only in death valley. the unusual plants are of great interest to scientists. they include varieties of cactus and mesquite as well as desert shrubs and grasses. if your cat lives a good, long life, it'll add up to more than $1,500. in cat food. that's a lot of num-nums. teenagers spend more time listening to the radio than watching tv. the average teen spends nearly three hours a day now listening to the radio. sixty-five percent of rollerskating injuries are fractures and dislocations. protective clothing, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads, and even mouth guards can help keep you from skating to the emergency room. at the rate of one drop each second, adripping faucet can waste 900 gallons of water in one year. if your eyes were as large as an eagle's in porportion to your body weight, they would weigh several pounds each. most eagles can see eight times better than you can. in fact, a soaring eagle can spot a rabbit two miles away. that's what adults mean when they say someone is "eagle-eyed." they say you "see red" when you lose your temper. if YOU see red you'd better get into "the pink" fast. scientists say the color pink can actually make you quiet and peaceful. you can change a cougar into a pussycat if you get him to "see pink." if you think laverne and shirley are "crazy" here, in thailand, where women never talk back or make jokes, the laverne and shirley program is shown with a notice telling viewers that the two are actually inmates from a mental hospital. --(igh)------------------------------------------------------------------------ this issue seemed a bit more factual and un-funny. oh well.