--(w0g)------------------------------------------------------------------------ y0lk 47: outer space, ice cream, streetcars and gophers --(y0lk)----------------------------------------------------------------------- i am a machine!!@$ this is the fourth y0lk i'm releasing this hour! it's easy when you're stealing somebody else's writing! on with the moronic factoids! --(no!)------------------------------------------------------------------------ corn-flavored ice cream is a favorite in south america. the movie-makers have it all wrong when they show us creatures from outer space. david hines, a nasa researcher, says intelligent aliens aren't blobs or giant mosquitos or clawed tigers. he says they probably look like six-legged horses! if standing up in class and reading an essay is as difficult for you as making a trip to the dentist, you're not alone. most adults don't like talking before a group either. public speaking is america's biggest fear today. at the turn of the century, new yorkers could travel by streetcar all the way to boston for less than $4. the longest nonstop streetcar route in those days ran from freeport, illinois, to utica, new york- a distance of more than 1,000 miles. when children are asked to draw their parents as animals they almost always draw dad as a lion and mom as a bird. early american colonists made gray paint for their houses by boiling blueberries in milk. between the ages of 20 and 70, the average person spends at least five years just standing in lines. a jet plane has a point right behind the engine's exhaust where no sound at all is registered. a pound of raw shelled peanuts cointains as much protein as two pounds of sirloin steak or four quarts of milk. when swarms of grasshoppers have devoured all plant life, they'll eat paint off your house, chew your clothing and mom's curtains and, if they get a chance, your ankles and elbows. the polar bear doesn't need overshoes in the winter. polar bears have fur on the soles of their feet. monaco has a national orchestra larger than its army. the orchestra has 85 members and the army has only 82. make music, not war. if you have a cavy running around the house, you have a guinea pig. a cavy is an animal without a tail and does most of its eating at night. during the late show. north dakota is known as the flickertail state. a flickertail is a gopher, and in north dakota a gopher just loves to flick 'er tail. --(hmm)------------------------------------------------------------------------ well. uh. some of it was goofy.