Red Alert Madness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Red Alert Internet Map Edit Guide Version 2.01 November 24, 1997 Copyright 1997 Jaakko Nenonen. All Rights Reserved DISCLAIMER The purpose of this mapedit guide is to aid you to put units, structures and and other things on your own multiplayer maps in the game Command & Conquer: Red Alert, by Westwood NEW STUFF IN YOUR MAP When you downloaded this guide you got NEWSTUFF.MPR. At this map there are some new stuff like different types of walls, Money and Healbase crates and icefloes, which you can copy to your own map if you follow next instruction: 1.Go to Terrain Editor 2.Load the map "New stuff which youcan copy in your maps" 3.Create with mouse the region that you want to copy. Click mouse's right button that should be followed by a small window on the screen. Choose COPY 4.Load your own map 3.Create with mouse the region to which you want to put your copy. Click again right button and a small window will appear on the screen. Choose PASTE and thats it! When I tested my snow map, in which I had put this new stuff, only the walls functioned but if you manage to put crates and icefloes on your map so that they work please E-Mail me and tell me how you did it. GETTING STARTED First Build your the map and then edit xxxxxxxx.mpr (xxxxxxxx=the name of the map) using MS-DOS Edit or alike. REMEMBER ALWAYS THAT, if you save your map in Terrain Editor it will destroy all that you have written your .mpr file!!! That's why you should make a copy of your .mpr file before you visit next time Terrain Editor! Check that .MPR file has following sections [Basic] [Map] [Waypoints] [Mappack] [TERRAIN] [Overlaypack] [Digest] If you find all, you are able to start editing 1. RULES-SECTION ---------------- You can put your own rules to your maps. You must have RULES.INI, of which you can copy parts to your own .MPR file, after which you can change them as you like. They must be situated before [basic]-section. I give you two examples: [General] GrowthRate=20 [GAP] Owner=allies,Soviet [TeslaZap] Range=15.0 In this example orefields grow two times faster than usually, Soviets also have Gap-generator and teslacoil's laser's distance is two times longer [General] CrateMinimum=6 CrateMaximum=5000 CrateRadius=5.0 CrateRegen=2.0 BridgeStrength=2500 [Recharge] Chrono=5 IronCurtain=5 Nuke=5 [JEEP] Speed=15 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=400 [Powerups] Cloak=30,STEALTH2 Money=0,DOLLAR,2000 TimeQuake=50,TQUAKE In this example powerup-crates appear about three times more often than usually, crate's radius is five cells, bridges are 2.5 times stronger than usually and Soviets use ranger too and is better than before. Chronoshift, Iron Curtain and Atom Bomb charges in five minutes. Stealth- and Quake crates are most usual powerup crates and moneycrates dont appear at all. As you see you have to copy only those parts in RULES.INI that you will change. The changes that you do will be ONLY in this map. 2.BASIC-SECTION --------------- [Basic] NewINIFormat=3 <1 Name=xxx <2 1.Don't know 2.Name of the map. This is the easiest point to change the name of the map 3.TEAMS-SECTION --------------- Write beetween [Basic]-section and [Map]-section as follows [USSR] < 1 Maxunit=500 < 2 Maxinfantry=500 < 2 Maxbuilding=500 < 2 Edge=East < 3 Techlevel=9 < 4 Allies=USSR,Neutral < 5 1.Name of the team 2.Probably maximal dimensions? 3.The edge of the map , where team's reinforcements arrive. The alternatives are South, North, East and West, buy this is of little consequence. 4.The techlevel of team. it doesnt matter 5.The allies of the team. In this point you have to name the enemies and friends of this team. In this example neutrals are friendly to USSR You also have to include the information of following teams: Colours: [ENGLAND] [GERMANY] [UKRAINE] [FRANCE] [TURKEY] [SPAIN] [GREECE] Blue [ITALY] [NEUTRAL] Yellow [GOODGUY] Blue [BADGUY] Red [SPECIAL] Yellow As you can see teams are hostile to each other. If you dont include information of teams in your .MPR file, you won't get structures and units on the map 4.MAP-SECTION ------------- [Map] Theater=SNOW <1 X=0 <2 Y=32 <2 Width=126 <3 Height=64 <3 1.type of terrain. SNOW, TEMPERATE or INTERIOR, which means inside mission. 2.The location of left upper corner. 3.Width and Height of map. Once I tried to change them to 126x126. Terrain Editor showed the map at the size of 126x126 but at the game it was anyway 126x64. By changing this point you can at least do smaller maps but how about 120x80 for example? I haven't tested yet. 5.WAYPOINTS-SECTION ------------------- [Waypoints] 0=2720 < 1 1=4163 < 1 2=4328 < 1 3=13343 < 1 4=12493 < 1 5=11743 < 1 98=12363 < 2 ^^ ^^^^^ 3 4 1.Start positions. In this example there are six start positions. It might be possible that you can put more than eight of them here, I dont know. 2.Dont know 3.Number of waypoint 4.Position of waypoint, the cell. 6.MAPPACK-SECTION ----------------- This is same as in C&C .map file in packed. Terrain Editor takes care of this 7.TERRAIN-SECTION ----------------- [TERRAIN] 5886=MINE 13011=TC01 ^^^^^ ^^^^ 1 2 1.The cell where tree is located 2.code of tree. MINE is a mineshaft Terrain Editor takes care of this. This section is useful when you search right places for structures and units. 8.STRUCTURES-SECTION -------------------- If you want Structures on your map write between Terrain-section and Overlaypack-section as follows: [STRUCTURES] 0=Goodguy,GUN,256,7623,0,None,0,0 1=Special,MINV,256,12754,0,None,0,0 2=Neutral,BRL3,256,9876,0,None,0,0 ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.Number of structure. Next structure will be number one, and the next after it number two and so on. 2.Owner of the structure. If the owner is Goodguy, Badguy, Neutral or Special, not anyone of players can control them 3.The abbr. name of Structure. Examples you find in Rules.ini except following structures: MINV=Anti Vehicle mine MINP=Anti Personal mine BARL=Exploding barrel BRL3=Three exploding barrels 4.The condition of Structure. 256=max 5.The cell, where structure is located. The location where you want to put your structure you find out as follows. Go To Terrain editor and load your map. Put mineshafts (no trees) at the map to places, where you want structures. Then go to edit xxxxxxxx.mpr. Go to end of [Terrain] section. It should look according following example: [Terrain] ... ... 12729=T08 4250=TC05 4281=T01 2232=MINE < Here you can see mineshafts which you have put. 2232, 2840=MINE < 2840, 3029.. etc. are the cells where mineshafts are 3029=MINE < located. Write those numbers to the places of the cells 11614=MINE < of the structures and delete rows 2232=Mine -> 11343=Mine 9234=MINE < 12849=MINE < 11343=MINE < 6.The direction of structure. This has meaning only in Gunturrets. 0 is towards north, 64 to east, 128 to south etc. 7.Name of the Trigger. Trigger has no ANY meaning. Use only None ATTENTION! Remember to write [STRUCTURES] with capitals, otherwise you wont find any structures! 9.UNITS-SECTION --------------- If you want to put vehicles on your map write as follows after [STRUCTURES] section: [UNITS] 0=Badguy,4TNK,256,7752,0,Guard,None 1=USSR,V2RL,96,12242,64,Hunt,None 2=Goodguy,HARV,235,6762,128,Harvest,None ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.The number of vehicle 2.The owner of vehicle 3.The abbr. name of vehicle. Examples you find in Rules.ini 4.The condition of vehicle. 256=max 5.The cell where vehicle is located. 6.The direction of vehicle. 0 is towards north, 64 to east, 128 to south etc. 7.The order of the vehicle. I tell here all I know so far: Guard=Guards area which is as big as his weapons distance Area Guard=Guards about twice as big area as in Guard-order Hunt=Goes to search enemies Sticky=Wakes only when somebody shoots it Sleep=Does nothing ever Harmless=dont know Harvest=Harvests ore. Only Ore Trucks 8.Name of the Trigger. Trigger has no ANY meaning. Use only None ATTENTION! Remember to write [UNITS] with capitals, otherwise you wont find any vehicles! 10.SHIPS-SECTION ---------------- If you want to put Sea units on your map, Write as follows after [UNITS] section: [SHIPS] 0=Badguy,SS,256,5000,0,Hunt,None 1=Greece,CA,96,13020,64,Area Guard,None ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 1.The number of sea unit 2.The owner of sea unit 3.The abbr. name of sea unit. Here you have a list of sea units: SS=Submarine DD=Destroyer CA=Cruiser BT=Gun boat LST=Transport 4.The condition of sea unit. 256=max 5.The cell where sea unit is located. 6.The direction of sea unit. 0 is towards north, 64 to east, 128 to south etc. 7.The order of the sea unit. Same as in vehicles except Harvest 8.Name of the Trigger. Trigger has no ANY meaning. Use only None ATTENTION! Remember to write [SHIPS] with capitals, otherwise you wont find any sea units! 11.INFANTRY-SECTION ------------------- If you want to put infantrys and dogs on your map, Write as follows after [SHIPS] section: [INFANTRY] 0=Badguy,DOG,256,11529,0,Hunt,0,None 1=Goodguy,E7,50,5555,128,Sabotage,2,None ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.The number of infantry 2.The owner of infantry 3.The abbr. name of infantry. Here you have a list of most important infantrys: E1=Rifle soldier DOG=Attack E2=Grenadier THF=Thief E3=Rocket soldier SPY=Spy E4=Flame thrower MEDI=Field Medic E6=Engineer C1-C10=Civilians E7=Tanya GNRL=Field Marshal 4.The condition of infantry. 256=max 5.The cell where infantry is located. 6.The direction of infantry. 0 is towards north, 64 to east, 128 to south etc. 7.The order of the infantry. Same as in vehicles and also perhaps these: Capture=Attacks base and tries to capture structure? Only engineers Sabotage=Attacks base and tries to use C4-explosive to structures? Only Tanyas Im not sure about functioning of these orders 8.Location in the cell (0-4). Cell is divided in five smaller parts.In following example I have five grenaders in cell 10000: [INFANTRY] 0=Badguy,E2,256,10000,224,Area Guard,0,None 1=Badguy,E2,256,10000,32,Area Guard,1,None 2=Badguy,E2,256,10000,128,Area Guard,2,None 3=Badguy,E2,256,10000,160,Area Guard,3,None 4=Badguy,E2,256,10000,96,Area Guard,4,None 9.Name of the Trigger. Trigger has no ANY meaning. Use only None ATTENTION! Remember to write [INFANTRY] with capitals, otherwise you wont find any infantrys or dogs! 12.OVERLAYPACK-SECTION ---------------------- Terrain Editor takes care of this 13.DIGEST-SECTION ----------------- You have to delete this section. If you dont delete it and you play your map Red Alert informs that "Scenario is corrupted". I know this thanks to Joshua Heyer ( 14.BEFORE ANY TESTING --------------------- Check before testing that the structure of .MPR file is following: <-------- Map's rules [Basic] <-------- Information of teams [Map] [Waypoints] [Mappack] [TERRAIN] <-------- [STRUCTURES] <-------- Write these [UNITS] <-------- in capital [SHIPS] <-------- letters! [INFANTRY] <-------- [Overlaypack] Wrong organization may cause that map doesnt work. If everything seems to be allright and all small writing errors have been corrected, Map is ready for testing! PS. If you map doesnt work or you have any other problelms with your map you can e-mail me to