|================ David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book: Preface ==================| David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book Version 8.0 (c) Copyright 2002 David Dayton. All rights reserved. E-mail: DavidDayton AT potchgult DOT com (convert that to a real address) http://codebook.potchgult.com http://codebook.daviddayton.com Greetings, gamer. This is David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book, containing over 16,000 codes, tips, tricks, glitches, cheats, bugs, and "undocumented features" for tens of hundreds of Nintendo games. Take a look at this chart if you want a better idea of the game coverage. GAMES WITH CODE ENTRIES, LISTED BY SYSTEM NES 8-bit 391 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Super NES 470 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Game Boy 287 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| GB Color 128 |||||||||||| GB Advance 68 |||||| Game&Watch 2 | Virtual Boy 11 | Nintendo 64 232 ||||||||||||||||||||||| GameCube 30 ||| Arcade 4 | | = 10 titles. All systems with at least 1 title have 1 bar Total: 1623 (Checked: 139, Partial 82, Unchecked: 1400) Before you begin searching through these codes, make sure that you view this code book in a fixed width font, such as Courier. Charts, tables, and even bits of ASCII art can be found throughout this work, and they really won't make any sense if your word processor is displaying everything in proportional text. The file is also formatted for an 80 column display. If you have an ancient computer, or one of those new-fangled Palm top things, some of the entries might be a bit messy. Oh, please make sure that you read and understand the following legal notice: This entire archive, consisting of all the text data found within, is (C) Copyright 2002 by David Dayton. No reproduction of ANY kind is permitted without express permission of the author. David Dayton is in no way responsible for any damage or injury to the reader, their equipment, or their sanity as a result of reading and using the procedures and information found within these text files. The author hereby grants permission for the free distribution of this work until such a time as the author should revoke this permission. The author retains full ownership of this work at all times. This work must be distributed as a whole. The author may revoke your privilege of reading, using, copying, or distributing this work at any time, with or without any prior notice. Full ownership, copyright, and all other legal rights concerning this work remain in the possession and under the authority of the author. With that legal disclaimer out of the way, I hereby grant you permission to: 1) Read all files found within this archive. 2) Duplicate and distribute this original archive, untouched and unedited in any way. However, you may transfer of ALL the files found within this archive into a new archive of a different type (ARC, LZH, ARJ, SIT, etc.) You may NOT, however, cut & paste my codes into your website. Oh, one more thing! This code book is "cartware". If you really like it, kindly take one of your extra video game cartridges (Game Boy ones work well for this sort of thing; quite inexpensive to mail) and mail it to me at: David F. Dayton 5207 Esmeralda St. Sacramento, CA 95820 I've received a grand total of one cartridge so far... Pac-Man for the Atari 2600, from Aaron Kuhn -- one of my assitant editors! Thanks! Keep those carts coming... I'm pondering the idea of giving away free gifts to randomly chosen donators. ----- File and Game List Information ----- Anyway, getting back to the important stuff... this archive should contain the following files: NESCODES.TXT The main file containing the preface and codes. REVISION.TXT A list of revisions. INDEX .TXT A list of all games covered in this archive FILE_ID .DIZ The description of the archive. The game entries in NESCODES.TXT are listed in alphabetical order. The articles "A" and "The" are ignored. If a game title begins with the word "Super" merely because it is a sequel to a previous game on a Nintendo platform, the game will be found under the series name (example: Super Castlevania IV is listed after Castlevania III. Super Bomberman is listed after Bomberman). There is one exception to this rule - all Super Mario games will be found in the S listings. Next to each game title is an abbreviation used to designate the system the game is for. nes Nintendo Entertainment System snes Super Nintendo Entertainment System gb Game Boy (grey cartridges) gbc Game Boy Color (black and transparent cartridges) gba Game Boy Advance vb Virtual Boy n64 Nintendo 64 gc GameCube gw Game & Watch Please note that the GBC code will refer to both dual-compatible games (the black cartridges that will run on both a Game Boy Color and an ordinary Game Boy) and those that will only run on a Game Boy Color (the transparent cartridges). The GB code is only used to refer to games that have no built-in support for the Game Boy Color. This is important, as there are many games being released for the Game Boy Color that have the same title as older Game Boy games, even though the game program may be different (for example, the standard Game Boy Defender/Joust is an entirely different game than the Game Boy Color Defender/Joust). ----- Symbols Used in Code Descriptions ----- To understand the codes given in this code book, you'll need to understand the abbreviations I use to refer to the controllers. CNTRL I/II/III/IV Game controller number 1, 2, 3, or 4. If none are listed, use controller number 1. [On the N64 and Game Cube, this will be used when the code can be entered using either the joypad or the joystick.] PAD I Crosskey Joypad (+) on Controller #1. [On the Virtual Boy, PAD I is the joypad on the left side of of the controller, and PAD II is the joypad on the right] STICK I Joystick on Controller #1. cU cD cL cR Up, Down, Right, and Left on the C buttons OR C Stick U D L R Up, Down, Left, or Right on the joypad or joystick. U+R U+L D+R D+L The four diagonal directions possible on the pad/stick. U+R is the upper right diagonal, D+L the lower left, etc. These rarely appear in the code book. A B X Y Z The A, B, X, Y, or Z (trigger) buttons. [R] [L] The R and L shoulder buttons on the top of the controller. [On the Virtual Boy, these are the two triggers on the underside of the controller] SELECT The Select button START The Start button RESET The Reset button on the system itself Symbols used for special code moves: + Press two buttons at the same time. For example, "Press A+B" means you must press A and B at the same time. It might also mean that you should hold the buttons down in the order given; that is, hold A and then also hold B. x Number of times a button must be pressed. Ax4 means you must press A four times, or "A A A A". () Repeat a set of buttons a certain number of times. For example, "Press (A B)x2" means you must press A B A B. "Press U (A+B)x2 B" means you must press U A+B A+B B. A little piece of advice: often, you can make a one player cheat code into a two player one by pressing SELECT before you press the final START in the code on the title page, as this highlights the 2 Player option usually available. ----- Checked Codes & Assistant Editors ----- You'll probably notice that every game title has a small line under it which reads CHECKED-something. This is my system for determining which codes are fully confirmed, and which codes ... aren't. CHECKED-YES These codes work. I guarantee it. CHECKED-NO These codes probably work. Please tell me if they do or don't CHECKED-PART Some of these codes are confirmed, some aren't. Every code in the book is preceded by a small ASCII arrow. In CHECKED-PART entries, these arrows tell you if a code has been confirmed (=>) or if it hasn't been confirmed (->). CHECKED-YES and CHECKED-NO entries only use the => arrow, as I think it looks nicer. So remember, a -> arrow means that the code hasn't been tested by me yet; if it doesn't work, let me know. Some codes are split into multiple sections using * asterisks. When a code is marked as -> to indicate that it is partially confirmed, I may use . periods instead of * asterisks to indicate that a piece of the code has not yet been confirmed. Hey, would you like to be an assistant editor? Please say yes. All you need to do is volunteer to test the codes. If you are interested, send just send me an e-mail and I'll sign you up to the special Assistant Editor mailing list! ----- Mailing List & Updates ----- Do you want to always know when the new edition of the code book has arrived? If so, subscribe to the Code Book Update Mailing List. Go to Yahoo Groups (Http://groups.yahoo.com) and search for NinCodeUpdate . Or, send a blank e-mail to: NinCodeUpdate-subscribe@yahoogroups.com (to subscribe) NinCodeUpdate-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (to unsubscribe) ----- Mirrors of the Code Book ----- While you can always browse the Code Book on the Internet at http://codebook.potchgult.com, there are some people that have permission to use my codes on their own pages. Here are some of them. Please remember that the complete code book, in its most recent edition, can always be found at http://codebook.potchgult.com . * David Dayton's Home Page (As Stals.com has gone down) http://www.DavidDayton.com * Dirty Little Helper Cheat Database Program http://www.dlh.net * Patent Pending http://www.kontek.net/pp ----- Special Thanks, etc. ----- * All my assistant editors! * Tune into http://www.classicgaming.com/tmk to visit The Mushroom Kingdom. While there, listen to WTMK, the Official Internet Radio Station of my Nintendo Code Book. * Bits Studios: Dylan Beale (R-Type DX producer) and David Levy (artist) for revealing the R-Type DX Life game access information. * Douglas Crockford, NES Maniac Mansion programmer, for explaining the security keypad in Maniac Mansion. * Robert Baffy and Mike Mika, for producing great Game Boy games and giving me interesting info on them...bwa ha ha. These guys made a freeware Yar's Revenge clone several years ago as "Genetic Fantasia", and are currently working at Digital Eclipse. Visit them at http://www.digitaleclipse.com * Dan the Man, Professor of Mariology... http://www.classicgaming.com/TMK * David Wonn, game glitch artist extraordinaire! Originator of the really odd method to take Rambi to other levels in Donkey Kong Country, the nifty rabbit glitch in Super Mario 64, and more... visit his web page at http://davidwonn.tcgn.net/ * Everyone in the Fido Net Video Game Echo * All those at Nintendo - for producing such great products! * All at all of Nintendo's licensee companies, for the same reason! * And, most importantly, God - He made it all happen! Comments? Queries? Problems? E-mail me at DavidDayton@bigfoot.com - David Dayton Video Game Enthusiast 5/05/02 |==============================================================================| David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book Version 8.0 (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants permission for the free distribution of this work until the author should revoke this permission. Full ownership of the work remains in the author's possession at all times. This work must be distributed as a whole. The author may remove your right to read, use, copy, or distribute this work at any time, without any prior notice. Full ownership and all legal rights concerning this work remain under the authority of the author. |========== Chapter A ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. A*MAZING TATER (gb) checked-no |YBTF5ZZFT2| Floor 3 AAAHH!!! REAL MONSTERS (snes) checked-part ->Sound Test: Press A B X or Y on the Nickelodeon screen for sounds. =>Blinking Gromble: Press [L] or [R] on the pre-level screen. Press [R]+D or [L]+D to make his eyes open wide. ->Stage Select: In stage one, reach part 2, make your way to the garbage pile and press [L] [L]+[R] [R]x2 U D [L]+[R] SELECT START. A scream will sound. ABADOX (nes) checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the Press Start screen, press L U R D U R L D and then press one of the following: U - Stage 2 D - Stage 4 SELECT - Stage 6 L - Stage 3 R - Stage 5 B - Stage 7 =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press A A U B B D A B START. During the game, press STARTx2 to pause and unpause and receive full weapons. =>End Of Game: On the Press Start screen, press A A U B B D A B B START. ACTION FIGHTER (nes) checked-no |SPECIAL| Begin the game fully powered up ACTION MAN (gbc) checked-no |7!B!| All stages open ACTRAISER (snes) checked-no =>Professional Level: After finishing the game, you will be given a menu with 2 options - CONTINUE and NEW GAME. Press Up or Down to find the PROFESSIONAL level; it has all the action sequences with NO simulation sequences. =>Extra Lives: There are at least 3 extra 1-Ups to be had while directing the building of towns. If you cause it to rain over the lake east of Bloodpool, the people will find and present you with the first one. In Kasandora, once you have uncovered the pyramid cause an earthquake and another source of life will be uncovered. The third one is collected by striking the Northwood temple with lightning. ACTRAISER 2 (snes) checked-no |XZKC XBZM WTHC| Benefic |MFLH MFDS MXPS| Almetha |JCLD XYTX TMCT| Tortoise Island |MFMJ PLBW LPCX| Palace 1 |MLWK BPZW YJCW| Altheria |MFMJ TTLK FPTP| Palace 2 |MMFH MBKC FFTL| Modero |MFMJ TWSY HMTF| Gratis |MSCY HKHD ZFHC| Demon's Cave |MFXT SHJT CYTP| Stormrook |MFLT CMSP XWFZ| Deathfield |MFCY BPXF DWKL| Tower of Souls |MFCL SYMC MSXF| End of Game - Death Heim |MFMJ TVSY FVPX| End of game, 38 lives |MTkM SkTk HNSH| View Credits |Xxxx Yyyy Zzzz| Fight Boss from Actraiser 1 |BJQX YRKC DLSZ| Play Demo - Set difficulty to HARD and enter this password THE ADDAMS FAMILY (snes) checked-no |11111| 100 lives |99966| Start with 3 hearts |&#KKN| Start |V1913| After Pugsley |B&J15| After Grandma |BD#K4| After Wednesday |BL91B| After Fester |BZXYC| 5 Hearts, Pugsley rescued |BDSXY| 72 Lives, Granny rescued |BLKX8| 72 Lives, 5 Hearts, only Morticia missing |B&1&B| 80 Lives, 5 Hearts, Granny & Pugsley rescued |71117| 100 Lives, 3 Hearts, Sword |W111W| 100 Lives, 4 Hearts, Sword |21112| 100 Lives, 5 Hearts, Sword |BLKX8| Final Door Open in the Music Room |BLS&P| Final Stage after entering Music Room =>Secret Door: Begin the game, enter the stairwell area and walk left. When you pass the last door on the left, press U to enter the hidden door leading to Pugsley's Den, filler with Power-Ups. =>Extra Lives: In the Lower Gallery, walk into the bear's mouth that does NOT produce small bears. =>Snappy Tune: During the opening screen, use [L] or [R] to make Thing snap his fingers. =>More 1-Ups: Once you lose all your lives and the "Continue Quit" screen appears, just walk off the screen to the left and grab four extra lives in the hidden room. If you wish to reach this room quickly while playing, just pause the game and press SELECT, and choose to quit. =>Open Basement: If you enter the music room and wait for the music to stop, the passage to the basement will be unblocked. =>Power-Up: Watch the demo and press START when Gomez grabs an item to begin the game with that item. =>Pit Items: Jump into every "bottomless" pit you find... they all contain items. THE ADDAMS FAMILY (gb) checked-no =>Full Energy: Immediately after losing a life, hold D+A+B+SELECT and press START to restore all your energy. THE ADDAMS FAMILY: PUGSLEY'S SCAVENGER HUNT {*} please see PUGSLEY'S SCAVENGER HUNT ADVANCE WARS (gba) checked-no =>Advance Campaign: Once you complete the Campaign mode, you can buy the Advance Campaign option in the Battle Maps store. When you own it, you can begin a special Advance Campaign by holding SELECT when starting a new campaign; this makes the words Advance Campaign appear in the top left corner of the screen. Please note that the Advance Campaign is tougher than the standard one, but you will rewarded with more coins after each mission. =>Extra Rivals Mission: Use Sami as your commander and complete the missions "Captain Drake", "Naval Clash", "Wings of Victory", and "Battle Mystery". After you complete the "Final Battle" mission, you will be faced with the bonus mission, "Rivals". =>Sonja's Missions: Complete the Kanbei missions within a certain time frame and Sonja's missions will be enabled. Complete "Kanbei Arrives" in 8 or fewer days, "Mighty Kanbei" in 10 days, and "Kanbei's Error" in 12 days. If you do this, a special branch in the story appears and Sonja's missions are available. More details are listed below in the Extra Commanders code. =>Extra Commanders: Once you complete the Campaign Mode, you can earn additional commanders. Olaf is awarded to you free when you complete the Campaign Mode, but each of the remaining commanders must be purchased for 50 coins in the Battle Maps store. However, these commanders are only available in the Battle Maps room once certain conditions have been met. * Olaf: Just finish the Campaign Mode. * Kanbei: Complete Campaign mode and purchase. * Grit: Use Max to beat Mission 4. * Eagle: Use Sami in missions 15-18, then use Sami to complete special mission 22. * Drake: Use Andy in missions 15-18. * Sonja: Beat mission 9 using 8 days or fewer, mission 10 in 10 days, mission 11 in 12 days, then complete secret missions 12-14. * Sturm: Once you've earned all of the previous commanders, Sturm is available for purchase. ADVENTURE ISLAND (nes) checked-no =>See Boss: To see the leader of the next stage, simply kill the first boss and pause the game as he flies off the screen. =>Continue: At the end of the first stage, just before the G sign, will be some platforms and a cliff. Jump up at the edge of the cliff to reveal an egg containing the Hudson Bee. Grab it, and you can continue your game on the Game Over screen by holding R and pressing START. Or, hold U+A+SELECT and press START. =>Controller: In world 1-4, play until you see a red flower, which indicates that a coyote will attack you from behind. Shoot the coyote two times while jumping, and a Nintendo controller will appear. Grab it for 1000 points. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D U L R B A B A. ADVENTURE ISLAND (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, after Higgins gets bonked by the coconut, press R L R L A B A B. =>Continue: Find the Hudson Bee in Fern Isle, the first stage. Enter the left cave (3rd level), progress to the 4th skull and begin to jump up and down to locate the bonus room, where you will be rewarded with the Hudson Bee. Now, should your game ever end, hold L and press START to continue from your last stage and with all your items. SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press START. Wait for the title screen to reappear, then press and hold [L]+R+X and press START. ADVENTURE ISLAND II (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, after Higgins gets bonked by the coconut, press R L R L A B A B. =>Continue: In the first cave on the first island, walk just past the fifth skull and jump up and down to find the elevator to the secret room holding the Hudson Bee. When you die and return to the title screen, hold L and press START to continue with all of your collected items. ADVENTURE ISLAND II (gb) checked-no |01|7516| |03|5903| |05|7262| |07|2026| |0894| Get 99 of each item |02|9529| |04|9461| |06|4842| |08|7587| ADVENTURE ISLAND III (nes) checked-part =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D U L R B A B A. ->Continue With Items: Inside the 5th cave on the first island, work your way to the 5th skull. After passing the skull, jump up and down to find a secret room with the Hudson Bee. When you continue, hold L and press START. THE ADVENTURE OF LINK {*} please see ZELDA II: THE ADVENTURE OF LINK ADVENTURES IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM (nes) checked-yes =>Item Shop: During any level of the game, press SELECT to bring up a special menu where you can use your stars to buy health or special powers. THE ADVENTURES OF BATMAN & ROBIN (snes) checked-no =>Batcave: You can always pause the game and opt to return to the Batcave. If you do, you can restart the level with full energy AND additional lives and continues. ^=Triangle, O=Circle, #=Square, _=blank Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 _^O# #O## O__# ##_^ O### O__# _OO_ OO^^ ^_O# #_^_ OO__ #_^O OO_# OO^# ^O#^ ##__ #__# ^O_^ O### #^^^ #^_O _^O_ _O#^ _#_# __O_ ^^_# OOO_ _^O_ THE ADVENTURES OF DINO-RIKI (nes) checked-no =>Continue: On the title screen, hold R and press START. Or, press U+START. THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO (nes) checked-no |1-1| | |3-1|BQBG| |5-1|CHZP| |7-1|CYYZ| | 9-1|DMYJ| |1-2| | |3-2|BRBD| |5-2|CHZM| |7-2| | | 9-2|DPYH| |1-3| | |3-3| | |5-3| | |7-3| | | 9-3|QYDL| |1-4| | |3-4| | |5-4|CLZK| |7-4|DCYT| | 9-4| | |1-5|BHBP| |3-5|BYZZ| |5-5|CMZJ| |7-5|DDYR| | 9-5|DTYC| |2-1|BJBM| |4-1|BZZY| |6-1|CPZH| |8-1|DGYQ| |10-1|DVYB| |2-2|BKBL| |4-2|BZZY| |6-2| | | | |10-2|DYVZ| |2-3| | |4-3| | |6-3|CRZD| | | |10-3|DZVY| |2-4| | |4-4|CDZR| |6-4|HJKR| | | |10-4|VPDP| |2-5|BPBH| |4-5|CGZO| |6-5|CVZB| |8-5|DLYK| |10-5|GCVT| =>Special Password Trick: If the second letter in your password is earlier in the alphabet that the fourth letter, switch the two to skip forward to a higher floor; this trick should work with all passwords beginning with A, B, C, or D. THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO II (nes) checked-no |Floor1|Flr 2|Flr 3|Flr 4|Flr 5|Flr 6|Flr 7|Flr 8|Flr 9|Flr 10| Room 1 | PPHP |PBPM |PYPL |PKPH |HRKJ |HZKC |HDKQ |QVDT |QGDG |QTDV | Room 2 | PHPK |PLPY |PMPB |HPPP |HBKM |HYKL |HKKH |QRDJ |QZDC |QDDQ | Room 3 | PQPD |PCPZ |PJPR |HHKK |HLKY |HMKB |QPKP |QBDM |QYDL |QKDH | Room 4 | PVPT |PGPG |PTPV |HQKD |HCKZ |HJKR |QHDK |QLDY |QMBD |VPDP | Room 5 | PRPJ |PZPC |PDPQ |HVKT |HGHG |HTKV |QQDD |QCDZ |QJDR |VHTK | =>Pro Levels: Use the passwords PROA, PROB, PROC, or PROD. THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO III (nes) checked-no ^ = triangle * = heart $ = diamond Lolo |6B5R TQ*6 C236 *VWH| 4-7 = Lolo|V4Y$ 23G^ 5J$+ JNDN| 9-12 Lala |MMDY WQH4 B2C9 *B^H| 4-7 = Lala|JWB+ L^FF PB^V 326B| 9-12 Lolo |ZGNY PTR5 +QTZ 3Q5V| 14 = Lolo|QKKH SQ53 6DP$ NJ+6| 16 Lala |Y2+V WGDN J+GG NSZ6| 14 = Lala|W8S* 4M4* GVRZ WM42| 16 Lolo |96HW 56R8 *B^B 93G5| 17 = Lala |D49^ DKQ* Q^QP T56V| 17 = Bosses of levels 4 through 7 |JY8H JPLG 893Q C*2L| Bosses of levels 9 through 12 |TTHR MR7H $V3^ L493| King of Eggerland |4R4N SPDD F*L4 5BTJ| =>Rainbow Bridge: Enter |2222 2222 2222 2222| and start. Enter the first two levels, grab both the Egg and Key, then go to Level 3 and build a Rainbow Bridge. Unfortunately, you won't be able to continue past level 8. ADVENTURES OF RAD GRAVITY (nes) checked-no |1$2N0K!C5530FWMX7$NS| Planet Telos THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE (nes) checked-no =>Limited Warp: Begin a new game and press CNTRL II: B A A START A B B A. Now you can warp to another level by pressing CNTRL II: B. You will be invincible after doing so, but will be unable to jump. THE ADVENTURES OF YOGI BEAR (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press U R D L Y B U R D L B Y U R D L START on the title screen. AERO FIGHTER (snes) checked-no =>Hidden Characters: Go to the Character Select screen and hold [R]. While holding [R], press L D R X Y A B L D R D X Y A B. Extra fighters will appear when the game begins. You may have to hold CNTRL I: [R] and enter the rest of the code on CNTRL II. =>Boss Endurance Mode: On the Character Select screen, hold [R] and press CNTRL II: A L Y R X D B U. =>New Colors: Press [R] on the plane select screen, or hold [R] while choosing your plane. AERO GAUGE (n64) checked-no =>All Vehicles/Tracks: Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+Z as you turn on the system and keep them held down. Press PAD II: U+cD when PUSH START flashes on the screen, then press CNTRL I: START before the title screen vanishes. =>Bonus Vehicles: * N64 Controller Car: Finish the time attack mode with a time ending with .064 seconds. * Prowler: Use the Hornet to get 1st place in Expert mode. * Vengeance: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Avenger. * Reaper: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Shredder. * Dominator: Beat the game using the Black Lightning on expert. =>Turbo Start: Hold A+B until the announcer says "Go," then release B. =>Neo Speedway: Beat Grand Prix at intermediate, earning 1st on each course to get the Neo Speedway available. =>China Town: Earn 1st place on all expert Grand Prix tracks for the China Town Jam Track. =>Turbo Boost: During the race, hold A, then drift hard left or right while holding Z. Release both buttons for a burst. =>Color Change: On the selection screen, press [R]. =>Bikini Beach Secret: At the end of Bikini Beach, fly into the waterfall to get an energy recharge in the recovery tube. =>Starting Boost: Hold A+B and release A when the announcer says "Go!" =>Credits Tip: Hold START to zoom through the credits. AERO THE ACRO-BAT (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Complete any level and press [R] while the bonus points are being counted up. =>Cheat Mode: On the stage select screen (accessed by pressing [R] while the bonus points are being counted up at the end of the level) press [L] [R] X B L U R D Y A. The screen will now have new options. * Infinite Stars: On the new cheat menu, press A Y [L] U D [R] A Y R L. * No Collision: On the new cheat menu, press D A Y [R] Y B U [L] Y A. =>5 Extra Continues: When you first turn on the game, wait for the title screen to appear, then quickly press X Y B A X A B Y U [L]. =>9 Continues: On the Title Picture with Aero flying (NOT the title screen), press X Y B A X A B Y U [R]. A tone will sound. =>Level Skip: When the start screen appears, press D A D Y D A D Y. Begin a new game, pause it, and press U X D B L Y R A [L] [R]. From now on, you can skip past any level by pressing START SELECT. AEROBIZ (snes) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold SELECT and press START. AEROBIZ SUPERSONIC (snes) checked-no =>Flag Game: Press SELECT on the save screen to play a game in which you match flags to their countries. =>Control Tips: To quickly move around the map, press [L] or [R] and use Y to choose a region on the map. To speed up scrolling text, hold D. =>Commie Tip: If you are based in Berlin or Moscow during the cold war, be sure to give money to U.S. foreign reps that come begging. Once "relations with the United States have improved," you will be able to purchase American planes. AEROFIGHTERS ASSAULT (n64) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press PAD: U cD L cR D cU R cL [L] [R] Z during the intro. =>Mao Mao as Pilot: On the title screen, with the logo and PRESS START, press cL cD cR cU cL cR cD. Go to a plane select screen and you will see an F-15 with Mao Mao on the far left. =>Bonus Missions & Spanky: To play as Spanky, you must complete all four bonus missions... * To reach "Air Docking" you need a very high score. * To reach "Shuttle Defense" complete all the levels before "Desert" very quickly. * To reach "Goliath Defense" beat the first two bonus levels. * To reach the elusive "Space" bonus level, you must beat all the previous levels (both the regular and the hidden ones previously mentioned) prior to the Ice Cave; beat the Ice Cave and reach Space. =>Color Select: While selecting your plane, press [R] to change the color. =>F-14 Firepower Trick: While flying in an F-14, use your special weapon, then a missile, and finally a chaff... five Tomahawks and four heat-seekers will be launched. =>Bonus Jets: Every time you beat one of the six stages, you earn a new jet. Beat them all for all six. =>Ice Cave Shortcut: Fly down the cave until it widens, then turn around, and fly back... pass through the grey bars and keep going until you reach the boss. =>Unlimited Continues: As long as you have at least one continue left, you can continue an unlimited number of times. Just press RESET before you use the continue and then continue your game on the main menu. Your continues will never decrease this way. AFTER BURNER (nes) checked-no -- Tengen unlicensed game -- =>Sound Test: On the GAME OVER screen, press A+B+SELECT. Or, try holding B until the screen fades away. =>Reverse Mode: Hold CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START. AFTER BURNER 2 (nes) checked-no =>Continue: On the title screen, press Lx3 Bx3 Ax3 START. =>Reverse Flight Mode: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START. AFTERBURST (gb) checked-no |05|31520347| |10|11145378| |15|13020060| |20|36985214| |25|93493887| AGENT UNDER FIRE {*} please see JAMES BOND 007: AGENT UNDER FIRE AIR FORTRESS (nes) checked-no |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| | 2 | I8TA | 11NA | | 5 | 8NYU | NDA4 | | 8 | SUGA | 7NDA | | 3 | KA91 | 8AJI | | 6 | 2APP | MA1K | | 7NDE | | 4 | 6KAI | TOBI | | 7 | OS85 | DOMO | =>Recover Energy: You regain energy as you rest in elevators. AIR STRIKE PATROL {*} please see A.S.P. ALADDIN (snes) checked-no G = Genie A = Aladdin P = Princess S = Sultan M = Abu J = JaFar |GMAS| 1 The Cave of Wonders |PJSP| 5 "A Whole New World" |JMPG| 2 Escape from the Cave of Wonders |JPAJ| 6 Jafar's Palace |GJAM| 3 Inside the Genie's Lamp |APMS| 7 Final Battle |MAGP| 4 The Pyramid =>Stage Select: Before you begin the game, go to the options screen and then quickly press CNTRL II: [L] [R] START SELECT X Y A B. A chime will sound. Return to the Main Menu, where a stage number will appear over the START option. Hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R] and press U and D to choose the stage, L and R to choose the section. =>Bonus Trick: Tap B when the Genie blinks and you will usually nab some extra lives on the roulette table at the end of each level. Also, during the magic carpet and Princess Jasmine bonus sequence, tap B when the Genie blinks. =>Special Ending: Get at least 70 red gems for the special ending. ALADDIN (gb) checked-no =>Stage Skip: Pause and press A Bx2 Ax2 Bx2 A to skip to the next level. SUPER ALFRED CHICKEN (snes) checked-no |08|Balloon 2up Star Moon 1up| |15|2up Star Moon 1up Balloon| =>Warp-Matic: Work your way through Stage 1 until you find the giant Sunflower Balloon. Without releasing the balloon, work your way to the right side of the screen and jump straight up to reveal a hidden block. Use the block to jump up and left off of the screen, then walk left to the Warp-O-Matic, where you can warp to levels 2, 3, 4, or 5. ALIEN SYNDROME (nes) checked-no -- Tengen unlicensed game -- =>Transfer Men: If you lose all of your men in a 2-player game, press A+B to steal one from your partner. =>Double Weapons: During a 2-player game, have both players touch a weapon simultaneously and both will receive it. ALIEN VS. PREDATOR (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press SELECT START to enter the configuration screen. Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+A+X and press CNTRL I: START. ALIEN 3 (snes) checked-no |02|QUESTION| |04|MOTORWAY| | 06|SQUIRREL| |03|MASTERED| |05|CABINETS| |End|OVERGAME| =>Special Options: Begin playing the game, then press CNTRL II: A+B+Y+X CNTRL I: A and a number will appear in the top left corner of the screen. Reenter the code on CNTRL II, then press A, B, or X to increase the number by 1, 2, or 4. If you try to increase the number past 7, you will end up subtracting from it. Add the same number and you will exit the cheat mode. Repeat this process to activate the desired cheat option. 1 - Invincibility 4 - Unlimited Weapons 2 - No Damage 5 - Unlimited Weapons + Invincibility 3 - Invincibility 6 - Unlimited Weapons + No Damage ALIENATORS: EVOLUTION CONTINUES (gba) checked-no |02|MDKMZKCC| |05|JLPFDKHB| |08|GLPKLKRB| |11|GLDKBKZF| |03|BHSZSKTC| |06|HMDBRKCB| |09|GLDJBKKF| |12|GLPKBKRF| |04|ZKTSHKMC| |07|GLDKLKZB| |10|GLPJBKFF| ALL PRO BASKETBALL (nes) checked-no |BEOLEHPPHRMR| LA Breakers, Championship series, 34-0 record |NFJNKMMJMJFQ| Seattle Sonics, undefeated, 1/2 through Championship ALL-STAR BASEBALL '99 (n64) checked-part |GOTHELIUM | Big heads, feet, and bats |PRPPAPLYR| Paper players |GRTBLSFDST| Ball smoke trails on |BBNSTRDS | Giant Ball |ATEMYBUIK | Choose Alienopolis stadium, and the second team will be Aliens ->|ABBTNCSTLO| Thin and Fat Players ->|BRKNBAT | Increased number of broken bats ->|BEST | AL and NL All-Stars ->Stats Bug: In the season mode, the game may occasionally destroy your player stats. If this happens, just load the season saved data twice, and your stats should be normal -- just don't save with bad stats! =>Dancing Homer: When the enemy team scores a run, walk your player up to home plate and you'll see the victorious player dancing... Macarena or YMCA. =>Easy First: Hold cD and aim for third base to do a low bunt that will almost always make you safely to first... or the other guy to second. ->Camera Freeze: Turn on the manual camera and you can freeze the game by pressing PAD: U. ->View Credits: On the title screen, press [R] A Z [R] cR A B to put a credits option on the menu. ->Hidden Messages: On the title screen, press cU [R] B B. ->Faster Running: When running between bases, try pressing Z rapidly to advance quicker or [R] to return more quickly. ->Computer Bunt: If the computer attempts to bunt but misses, he will almost always attempt to bunt on the next pitch. For that pitch, use B to toss the pass far outside his hit area... he'll earn a strike. ->Backwards Batter: Pause and replace the batter with a different one that bats with the same hand. Return to the game for a moment, just long enough to see the new batter, then return to the line-up screen and replace this batter with one that bats with the opposite hand. ->Weird Catcher: Begin a game and change it to a Computer vs. Computer game. When the game begins, press PAD: D and the game will freeze. Press START and restart the game. Move the camera and you will see that the catcher is long, with a glove on each hand. Press PAD: L to restart the game. ->Quick Recovery: Put the injured player back into the minors, then bring him back to your team. He will no longer be injured. ->Lizard Team: In Kaufmann Stadium, if the ball hits one of the "Win a Lizard" signs, the team will become lizards. ->More Pitches: Start an arcade mode game and hold Z while pitching. ->Tiny Home Run Derby: Keep a roster slot open on your team; that slot will say "Empty" instead of a player's name. Enter the Home Run Derby and choose Empty. A tiny, invisible player will slowly walk to the plate. ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2000 (n64) checked-no |BCHBLKTPTY| Beach Ball Mode |WTOTL| Blackout Mode - No stadium/turf |MYEYES| Fog Mode |WLDWLDWST| Ball Trails |FLYAWAY| Fly Back to Dugout |TOMTHUMB| Tiny Players |LTMTBTTR| Lots of Homeruns =>Green Monster: When playing at Fenway Park, hit five home runs over the big green wall and you will become a gigantic green man. =>Lizards: In an exhibition game at Coors Field, hit the Lizards sign in the outfield to turn your team into lizards. =>Warehouse: At Camden Yards, when you step up to bat and the music begins to play, press [R]x2 [L]x2 U D U D. Move the ball to the bottom of the aid and press A. =>Easy Strike: Select a pitcher with a quick dropping pitch, such as a curve or spitball. Move the aiming cursor to the top of the screen, and pitch so that the ball drops to the bottom corner of the strike zone. The batter should ignore or miss it. * Super Fastball: In an Exhibition Arcade mode game, choose the fastball, pitch, and while it is flight hold A+cD and the CPU player should usually miss it. =>Run: Use Z to run faster. ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2000 (gbc) checked-no =>Invisible Runners: With a man on base, hold A for about 30 seconds, then hold U for about 13 seconds, then press A B U D START. ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2001 (n64) checked-no |WLDWLDWST| Baseball trails |MYEYES| Blurry mode |WTOTL| Dark Mode |BCHBLKTPTY| Big baseball |FLYAWAY| Flying mode |TOMTHUMB| Tiny players |HOLLOWBATS| Aluminum Bats =>Lizard Team: In the Kaufmann Stadium, hit the "Win a Lizard" sign with a ball to make the entire team lizards. =>Player Boost: If you are in the field and the batter hits a fly ball, hold Z for a power boost which will aid you in catching the ball. ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2003 (gc) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: On the Controller Selection screen, press [L] to activate cheats. =>Credit Commentary: While the credits roll, press A to hear commentary on the developers and staff. ALLEYWAY (gb) checked-yes =>Paddle Speed: Hold the A button to move your paddle quickly, or B to move it slowly. ALTERED SPACE (gb) checked-no UL = Upper Left Wall, LL = Lower Left wall, etc. =>Warp from 1 to 3: From the beginning of Stage 1, go UR UL LL LL UL UR UL LL UL and use the Warp Device. =>Warp from 3 to 5: Starting at the Stage 3 elevator, go UL UR LL LL LR LL LL UL LL UL and use the Warp Device. NOTE: In both cases, the last move is THROUGH a wall. AMAGON (nes) checked-no =>Easy Elephant: In stage 2-1, when Elephant Man attacks, jump upon the branch on the far left side of the screen, then move as far left as you can go on the branch. Elephant Man should walk off of the screen. =>Stage Select/Continue: When you reach stage 4, you will have the continue and stage select feature, but this will be lost if you opt to replay stages 1 through 3 and die before reaching stage 4 again. AMAR STORY (gb) checked-no |1|LISUEURD| |2|NINTENDO| |3|ROBSONIC |4|OUTRUNST| AMAZING PENGUIN (gb) checked-no |1|678163| |3|152876| |13|678163| |21|153876| |29|054217| |37|916328| |2|302945| |9|235403| |17|302945| |26|840492| |33|689721| THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (gb) checked-no =>Level Five Trick: To more easily survive the first section of level five, where you must climb walls, just repeatedly press A to jump and U to grab onto the wall. This will let you jump up most of the wall, avoiding enemies. AMAZING TATER {*} please see A*MAZING TATER AMERICAN GLADIATORS (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the Password option screen, press the following buttons. Stage 2 |A B Ax4 Bx2 | Stage 4 |A B Ax2 Bx4| Stage 3 |A Bx2 A B Ax3| Final level, 10 lives |A B A Bx5 | AMERICAN GLADIATORS (snes) checked-no =>Joust Trick: At the beginning of a jousting match, step forward twice, hold B and press back. You will do an overhead smash that the CPU player will not block - and as long as you keep holding B you can repeat this move until he loses. AMIDA (gb) checked-no Passwords: |TLKSS| |LEIQX| |VOTAJ| ANIMANIACS (snes) checked-no Y = Yakko W = Wakko D = Dot R = Ralph (guard) P = Pinky B = Brain N = Nurse C = The CEO |RRBC WPDY DNBD| Studio |NNBR DBYD YCCW| ... and Aquatic |BDBD RNWD YCPW| S & Sci-Fi |PDNP CWRB NBBY| ... & Adventure |RWPN YPDW DNYD| " & Fantasy |CYWD RPBN CYYR| All levels & all of script =>Endings: There are three endings, depending on whether you get less than 10 pages of the script, more than 10, or all 24 pages. =>Small Secret: Start the game and break the plant behind the CEO to open up a secret coin room. =>Custom Password: To create a custom password, begin a game and die without doing anything. Write down your password (there are 8 of these passwords, one of them is |YWDR PBNC YWDR|) You will use this "empty" password as a base to create your custom one. To edit a password, follow the chart below, "adding" the specified value to each character in the chart. If you are told to "add" 3 to a Dot character, you would change Dot to Brain. Adding 4 to the Nurse would give you Dot (the cycle starts over; that is, go from the CEO back to Yakko). Whatever you add to a character in the code must also be added to C3. D3 will never change. Columns are numbered from A-D, rows from 1-3. Thus, the top left corner of the code grid is A1, the bottom right is D3. In the "empty" password given above, A1 would be Yakko, and D3 would be Ralph. Stage Completion: Intro: B1+1 Aquatic: A1+1 Fantasy: B1+4 Sci-Fi: B1+2 Adventure: A1+2 Pinky/Brain: A1+4 Script Pages: Aquatic: C2+2, C2+4, B2+2, B2+4, B2+1, C2+1 Fantasy: A2+4, A2+2, D1+1, A2+1 Sci-Fi : D1+2, C1+1, D1+4, C1+2, C1+4 Adventure: A3+1, A3+2, A3+4, D2+4, D2+1, D2+2 Pinky/Brain: B3+2, B3+4, B3+1 For a perfect ending, take an empty code, subtract 1 from all characters except C3 and D3, add 2 to C3, and play the game. ANIMANIACS (gb) checked-no |Dot Yakko Yakko space Yakko Dot Dot Dot Wakko| Stages 1 and 3 complete ANTICIPATION (nes) checked-yes =>Grey Puzzle: In the third board or the later ones, press A repeatedly to keep your piece on the grey square. Eventually you will get a puzzle in the catagory "Thing" with no music nor background. =>Computer Hints: When playing against the CPU, it will sometimes "buzz" in an answer. If it answers incorrectly, the letters used will be part of the actual answer. ARCANA (snes) checked-no =>Sound Room: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R]+B and push START. =>Energy Refill Tip: In a dungeon, find a location that previously held a treasure chest, stand there and spin in circles until the spirit energy is refilled. Enter a battle and have the Fire Spirit cast HP Restore, healing the humans. Repeat as necessary. =>Spirit Energy: Keep moving left and right to rebuild your spirit's power. =>Chapter Select: On the title screen, press D SELECTx2 X Y SELECTx2 [L] [R] SELECTx2 L R U, then press the appropriate button from the list. However, using this code will only advance the chapter and your status levels; it will not give you the items you may need to beat those areas! A - Stage 2 B - Stage 3 X - Stage 4 Y - Stage 5 ARKANOID (nes) checked-yes =>Skip Stage: Right before a stage starts, hold START and press A to skip to the next level. This works between rounds 1 through 16. =>Continue: Hold A+B and press SELECTx5 START. This must be done before the GAME OVER screen appears. =>Stage Select: Hold START+A+B until your chosen stage appears, then release. ARKANOID: DOH IT AGAIN (snes) checked-no |12|?Z?5671H?RF3| |13|12X2W13HWMFQ| |14|!2!7VV?B!313| |99|1V91327W?RCT| |02|X2612V?B!LK2| |28|X74673?VC7!L| |54|8VV0??CB?6HQ| |80|86V7!6!??2FS| |03|W45X736H?QJM| |29|8!64V!7?C2B7| |55|7WX1?2RVHL?2| |81|43VZ2WMBHQ14| |04|W38?66?C?6Z2| |30|2157!VVVG6HR| |56|7V10V2?C?2C2| |82|35XV7!CBBL1S| |05|V321WV2CV2ZR| |31|7?43V33?WRW2| |57|31357?MWBMDP| |83|55??27MGBAF4| |06|V241V??G?2F3| |32|6!34V6V??RWR| |58|20373VG!H614| |84|33W!76GCCRJN| |07|V261?32BVLDL| |33|713Z6!6?!LC2| |59|3!4927QVB21T| |85|4SZ?!?MHB209| |08|X34!?7!WHL13| |34|3?706!WB!QB6| |60|3?3672H!G3D8| |86|84?XW!HBG2XN| |09|0X?52!6!HQXM| |35|6!2W732W?MCR| |61|6625VWMVB2JS| |87|54X0!2RGH3KS| |10|VWZ66V!!HMJ6| |36|6!3027!!?3!6| |62|8953V!C??Q05| |88|93XXV6BGC2FS| |11|0Z04776?HQDL| |37|7?4?!?7??2H3| |63|9934!6R?!R1N| |89|45563?2WG2X8| |12|0V!262?G?LD7| |38|5Z7XVW??!6BM| |64|6754!3B??LF8| |90|72543?WWC3D9| |13|13X3V?2WH307| |39|4Z8XV6MHCM?2| |65|675!3?L?WRJN| |91|9S77766WB6FS| |14|04W2?V?VC7ZR| |40|603?!2CHGR?R| |66|99307?CW?6X8| |92|639833!WWMX8| |15|1207W22!G6F3| |41|X4W53WMBCRH3| |67|266Z627?CQ1S| |93|?V96?!3?VLZT| |16|?5W5?3?!G3FQ| |42|W2X52!BGGQCR| |68|374W76W!GLD9| |94|!V27V??!WRJ8| |17|?4ZW7?6??LX6| |43|Z5W366MGG3!6| |69|377!WV3!BMF5| |95|X!63?72V?6V8| |18|05X07!?VWM0L| |44|XSZ263HHB3VL| |70|589?V?WG209P| |96|Z?43?6?V!6!P| |19|15W0373V!QF3| |45|61Z7WV3BVLBM| |71|5780?52WG70P| |97|V0312!2VV3H4| |20|?30177WVWRKR| |46|9Z?3VWGGG2GL| |72|876WV7VWC3FS| |98|0!2W3WCGGL!8| |21|X8?WWW2W?2?3| |47|5XX8?2MB!QV7| |73|80W22W7W!LZ5| |99|105V333WC7CT| |22|?4X1!VW?!61Q| |48|7XZ3V3BCWQWQ| |74|7?X32!VV!RXN| |23|Z6XVW27CV7B7| |49|6XVX3!LGVRB6| |75|91?9323W?RJ8| |24|V8WZ?6?GW2CQ| |50|9X0X7VGC?MCR| |76|7?X363?V!RDP| |25|W6873V6?GM?3| |51|6X?127MHV7V7| |77|69Z8VV3V!214| |26|Z9793?V!CR?Q| |52|6XW132CH!3?R| |78|9704!VVVCMF4| |27|W942773WBRC3| |53|9V11?WMBW3H3| |79|3413V63?W3D9| =>Alternate Two Player Mode: If you start a one player game, lose, let the CONTINUE timer run out, then start a Two Player Mode C game, you will find yourself playing through the normal single player levels and bosses using two players. =>Alternate Single Player Mode: Play a Two Player Mode C game and let one player lose, but make sure not to continue. After the CONTINUE timer runs out, enter a password and you will find yourself playing the one player game with two scout ships on the screen, representing players one and two. Also, when fighting the Super Doh boss, repeatedly press START to make the screen scramble and the game will switch to the two player battle mode music. ARKISTA'S RING (nes) checked-yes =>End Game: While the first quest has 32 stages, the entire game consists of 125 stages. You have to beat stage 125 to end the game. =>Power Ring: The ring only heals you while you are walking around with it. =>Status Screen: Press SELECT between the stages to view the status screen. ARMORINES: PROJECT S.W.A.R.M. (n64) checked-no |02|PNTNNP| |05|DQRFKW| |08|VKPDMX| |11|NWVCHJ| |Hive2|NGQDCZ| |03|NGMLQP| |06|PSQQLW| |09|SDKNSX| |Hive3|VRGBNZ| |04|SPLGZW| |07|NBGJVX| |10|PVBWGJ| |Hive1|PNRVBPZ| |Hive4|SVPQQZ| =>Cheat Codes: Pause the game and enter these codes on the Cheats menu. Please note that only one multiplayer character code may be used at a time. |SONIC| Turbo run mode |SKETCHY| Wire frame mode |SKIPPY| Stage select |LOADED| All weapons |GOLDENPIE| All cheats |GODLY| God mode |SORTED| Unlimited ammo |SONIC| Turbo running |UGLY| Hive Fodder in multiplayer |LEGGY| Hive Guard in multiplayer |CLAW| Egypt Fodder character in multi |GODDESS| Female trooper in multi |RUBBER| Volcano Guard in multi ARMORINES: PROJECT S.W.A.R.M. (gbc) checked-no |BBBBBBBB| Cheat mode ARMY MEN ADVANCE (gba) checked-no |NQRDGTPB| All levels opened |02|HJRDCHMC| |05|DQRNBBMC| |08|TJRDQFPC| |11|QGRNRSPC| |03|GGRSGJMC| |06|CSRJGCMC| |09|SGRSCQPC| |12|PSRJCTPC| |04|FSRSMKMC| |07|BQRDMDPC| |10|RJRNLRPC| ARMY MEN: OPERATION GREEN (gba) checked-no |02|5VKPR6*B| |05|62BVXHXY| |08|44BQQCWH| |11|*HBNVVV4| |03|5PK5LL*4| |06|MQ5310VP| |09|F4J1ZRWG| |12|85M3QCF*| |04|Y8DTF4HK| |07|SZQR6W1J| |10|FFOOWP36| ARMY MEN: SARGE'S HEROES (n64) checked-no |1 Attack |LNLGRMM| |7 Thick |STPDMN| |13 Sandbox |HTKTTN| |2 Spy Blue|TRGHTR | |8 Snow |BLZZRD| |14 Kitchen |PTSPNS| |3 Bathroom|TDBWL | |9 Shrap |SRFPNK| |15 LivingRoom |HXMSTR| |4 Riff |MSTRMN | |10 Ft Plastro|GNRLMN| |16|The Way Home|VRCLN | |5 Forest |TLLTRS | |11 Scorch |HTTTRT| |6 Hoover |SCRDCT | |12 Showdown |ZBTSRL| |DRVLLVSMM| Small players |NSRLS| All weapons |THDTST| Debug Mode |MMLVSRM| Max ammo |VRCLN| All characters in multiplayer |PLSTRLVSVG| Play as Gen. Plastro |GRNGRLRX| Play as Vikki |TNSLDRS| Play as Tin Soldier |PLYHVR| Play as Hoover =>Cycle Through Guns Backwards: Hold Z and press B. =>Light Candles: In the living room, climb on top of the couch and approach the ruler. You can use your flame thrower or mortar to light the candles. =>Restart Level: Hold [L]+[R]+cD. =>Kill the Commander: You can kill your commander on the obstacle course or live fire ranger. ARMY MEN: SARGE'S HEROES 2 (n64) checked-no |02 Bridge |FLLNGDWN| |10 Desk |DSKJB | |03 Fridge |GTMLK | |11 Bed |GTSLP | |04 Freezer |CHLLBB | |12 Blue Town |SMLLVLL| |05 Inside Wall|CLSNGN | |13 Cashier |CHRGT | |06 Graveyard |DGTHS | |14 Train |NTBRT | |07 Castle |RNKNSTN | |15 Rockets |RDGLR | |08 Tan Base |BDBZ | |16 Pool Table|FSTNLS | |09 Revenge |LBBCK | |17 Pinball |WHSWZRD| |DRVLLVSMM | Play as Tiny Soldier |GRNGRLRX| Play as Vikki |PLSTRLVSVG| Play as Plastro |TNMN | Play as Tin Soldier |SLGFST | Full ammo |GBZRK | All weapons |CLLPINGBB | No clipping mode |THDTST | Debug Mode info =>Violent Vikki: Enter the boot camp and kill all the green soldiers. This will make an alarm sound. Once you finish the combat course, a grey-clad Vikki will shoot at you with a bazooka. Kill or attack her and you fail boot camp. ART OF FIGHTING (snes) checked-no =>View Credits: Begin a new game and select the Story Mode. When the game begins, press SELECT to pause the game and then press CNTRL I: U X L Y D B R A [L] Y. Continue the game and skip directly to the credits. =>Secret Moves: For Mr. Karate, press X while dashing and he will stop and bend his upper body, then make a strong punch. While bent, no punch or kick can hurt his upper body. Press Y while dashing and he will stop, bend forward and then make a high kick. No punch or kick to his upper body will affect him (though a low kick will). =>Ryo Sakazaki's Super Attack: When his strength gauge is low, press DOWN, DOWNRIGHT, RIGHT + [R]+X to do his 2.8 second power attack. ASMIK WORLD {*} please see BOOMER'S ADVENTURE IN ASMIK WORLD A.S.P. (snes) checked-no =>Refuel: Pause the game and press CNTRL II: A B A B SELECT A B. Your fuel and armor will be refilled, and your supply of missiles will double. =>Super A-10: Begin a new mission, choose the A-10, and begin. As soon as GOOD LUCK disappears, shoot your 30mm cannon once, then hold X. Keep holding X until SUPER A-10 appears in the bottom left corner of the screen; it can destroy buildings. ASTERIX & OBELIX (gba) checked-no |Obelix Asterix Dog OldMan| Condor Level |Asterix Obelix OldMan Blonde| Helvetia Level =>Asterix and Cleopatra Minigame Passwords... Barrel Crisis |3121| Mummy Ball |3113| Bonus Level |1232| Stone Em All! |1213| Slip Em All |1322| Sculptoris |2331| Shoot Romans |2123| ASTEROIDS (gbc) checked-no |02|SPACEVAC| |03|STARSBRN| |04|WORMSIGN| |05|INCOMING| |QRTREATR| Classic Asteroids |PROJECTX| Excaliber Ship =>Classic Asteroids: If you see a old, vector line asteroid in a level, shoot it and 1979 will appear. After your current game ends, you will be able to play the classic Asteroids game. =>Cheat Menu: Enter the password |CHEATONX|. During the game, press SELECT to activate the cheat menu. There, use U and D for stage select, L and R for Zone selection, and use A to turn to 001 for invincibility. ASTEROIDS HYPER 64 (n64) checked-no =>Extra Modes: On the main menu, hold [L] and then press cL cR cU cD A cU cD cL cR START. Classic and Credits will appear on the main menu. Relentless mode will appear when you choose a normal mode game. =>Cheat Menu: Pause the game, hold [L] and press cLx2 cRx2 B A cUx2 cDx2 START. ASTYANAX (nes) checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press U D L R Bx4 START =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press Ux4 D L R U START =>Game Continue: When GAME OVER appears, press A B SELECT START. =>Stage 5 Maze: Only enter doors guarded by skeletons. ATHENA (nes) checked-yes =>Power Up: In Area 1, find a small red and white mushroom and crouch down on top of it. You'll get the Fire Sword, Dragon Helmet, and Lion's Shield. The mushroom should be about the second one you find. ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE (gbc) checked-no |DCNC| Submarine |CFCS| Fire |TJJT| Volcano |QNFS| Palace |XDKV| Cove |DHCV| Ice |JMFJ| Internal ATOMIC PUNK (gb) checked-no =>Note: This was released in Europe as Dynablaster. |35NPSDJD| Faria |B0MNDPBL3NCB3L2H2DJJ| Stage 50 |44PP4P4P| Game A Ending =>Walk Through Walls: Play the game, die, and get your password. Reenter the password, but change the second to last character to any other one. Play the game and you will be able to walk through breakable blocks during your first life. This only works in game B. AUSTIN POWERS: OH BEHAVE! (gbc) checked-no =>FAB-DOS Codes: Enter these at the FAB-DOS prompt to enable things. * Desktop Wallpaper |CCTV| Ivana |CHRISTMAS| Flowers & Evil |DOG| Swallow's Eye |HANDS| Driving |LOOK| Foxy Felicity |SPACE| Bust an O-ring |TEARS| Hands Up |TEETHING| Austin Steam |TWO OF US| Sausages |SPRINGER| Elvis lives |STEIN| Fembot Vanessa * Sound Effects |GET YOU| Evacuation 1 |IDIOT| Who is he |NO MOJO| Goo |JUMBO| Evacuation 2 |MAGPIE| Urination * Screen Saver |GRACE| Moving logo screen saver * Secret Messages |SHAG| |SHAGADELIC| |HORNY| |RANDY| |BABY| =>Faster Austin: For a faster Austin in the Maze mini game, enter the code |SPEEDY| at the FAB-DOS prompt. =>Invincibility: To be invincible in the Platform game, enter |RAT POISON| at the FAB-DOS prompt. AUSTIN POWERS: WELCOME TO MY UNDERGROUND LAIR (gbc) checked-no =>EVIL-DOS Codes: Enter these at the EVIL-DOS prompt to enable things. * Desktop Wallpaper |BANGERS| Evil & Mini-Me |DRIVING| Mini-Me Hands |ELVIS| Springer Evil |FOXY| Evil Look |IVANA YUM| Evil CCTV |STEAM| Teething |STICKUP| Evil Tears |SWALLOW| Alpha-Dog |TASTY FEMBOT| Evil-Stein |OIL RING| Mini-Me in space * Sound Effects |ANOTHER PLAN| Plan 2 |DOCTOR| Evil Dr |HUG| Hug |MINI LAUGH| Mini-Me Hehe |SUPERVISOR| The Boss |TABLE| Table Problem * Screen Saver |CHRISTMAS| Flowers & Evil screen saver |GRACE| Moving Logos * Hidden Messages |EVIL| |LASER| |BIGGLESWORTH| |MOJO| =>Faster Evil: Enter the code |125CC| on the EVIL-DOS prompt to make Dr. Evil faster in the Mojo Maze game. =>Infinite Lives: Enter the code |INVINCIBLE| in EVIL-DOS to enable infinite lives in the Mojo Maze game. AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Cars: Beat all the series modes in both Easy and Expert difficulties to earn new cars. Each series reveals one new car. =>Reverse Tracks: Beat Championship mode on Novice and Expert. =>Turbo Start: Press the gas right after the announcer says one and the words fade. AVENGING SPIRIT (gb) checked-no =>Expert Mode: On the title screen, press U+A+B simultaneously. You will hear a tone. Press START to play. =>Bug: On level 3, at the beginning of the level, ride the elevator up but don't reach the top floor. Rather, jump off the elevator just before the top floor, towards the left wall. Hold D and you should go through the wall. AXELAY (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Pause the game and press X. "Muteki!!" should appear. You can also press L or R on the title screen for a stage select. It seems that this code has been disabled in some versions, such as the European one. AZURE DREAMS (gbc) checked-no =>Rare Monsters: To capture the rare monsters, throw an Ovaseed at them. |========== Chapter B ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. BABE AND FRIENDS (gbc) checked-no |02|B0B| |03|RN6| |04|G5M| |05|RM1| |06|N6W| |07|TYQ| BABY BOOMER (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Extra Lives: Certain objects yield extra lives if you shoot them repeatedly. In level one, the fire hydrant. Level 2, the tall & skinny tombstone. For level 4, the stalactite hanging over the bridge. For level 6, the torch. BACK TO THE FUTURE (nes) checked-yes =>Bonus: At the end of a level, jump and freeze. The higher you are, the more bonus points you receive. BACK TO THE FUTURE 2/3 (nes) checked-no =>Warp To Part 3: Hold B+SELECT, then enter |FLUXCAPACITORISTHEPOWER| BACKTRACK (gba) checked-no =>Cheat Code Entry: Cheat codes are entered on the "Build Secret Base on the Dark Side of the Moon" menu. To enable this menu, simply press SELECT and then [L] R B [L] [R] L. Now, tap A to enter the password screen and enter one of the following cheat codes... |weap| All Weapons |ammo| Refill Ammo |god| Invincibility BAD DUDES (nes) checked-no =>64 Men: When the title screen appears, press CNTRL II: B A D U D U. Now, press CNTRL I: START. =>Power Punch: Hold A until you flash, then release. =>Play as Super Man: On the title screen, press U D L R A B A B B A B A R L D U. =>Spin Kick: Press A+B+L or A+B+R. It only works if you make contact. BAD NEWS BASEBALL (nes) checked-no |4yt49?ahwSGUh(heart)@Y:| or |4yt49?ahwSGUh(heart)Y:| The Final Game =>Girl Team: Hold CNTRL I: D+L, hold CNTRL II: U, and press RESET. A small heart will appear on the screen if the code worked. BALLOON FIGHT (gw) checked-yes =>Warp: Hold TIME as you press GAME to start on level 17. BALLZ 3-D (snes) checked-no =>Hyper Mode: Press Ax9 on the title screen. =>Character Select: Want to change into another character? Enter one of these codes during the game. * Divine - U L X+Y * Boomer - R L X+Y * Kronk - L L X+Y * Yoko - U R X+Y * Crusher - D R X+Y * Turbo - R R X+Y * Tsunami - L R X+Y * Bruiser - D L X+Y =>Finishing Move: Press Dx3 when your opponent's lifeline is of 2.5 life balls or less. BANDIT KINGS OF ANCIENT CHINA (nes) checked-no =>Popularity Trick: In Scenario 4, Welcome Rain, give rice to the people of Prefecture 10 and 20 until the support level is 95 or more. You popularity rating will dramatically increase as well. BANJO-KAZOOIE (n64) checked-part =>Extra Animations: When choosing a game on the load screen, you can get new animation sequences. Watch carefully; each of the three slots has a bonus animation that appears randomly. =>Code Entry Notes: Cheat codes of all sorts can be entered in the sand castle in Treasure Trove Cove. Find a bucket on a ledge near the submerged castle, and drop eggs into the bucket. The bucket will drain the water around the castle. Enter the castle, kill the crab, and you will notice lettered tiles on the ground. Ground Pound the letters to spell out the codes and enable cheats. =>Cheato Codes: Cheato book pages are hidden throughout the game. Every time you find one, you will be given a code. Once you find a page, you keep it, and can enter the code at any time in the sandcastle without having to go after the page again. * 200 Blue Eggs: The first page is in Bubblegloop Swamp. As an alligator, leave the level and hop into the swamp water. Turn around and enter the tunnel behind the entrance hut. Progress up the left ice hill, enter the tunnel marked with a gold feather (previously blocked by an block of ice that you should have crushed while a normal bear) and grab the Cheato page for the |BLUEEGGS| code that gives you the maximum 200 blue eggs. * 100 Red Feathers: The second Cheato page is in Mad Monster Mansion. As a pumpkin, exit the level and return to the lava in the overworld. Follow the path past Brentilda until you reach a Cheato named |REDFEATHERS|. * 20 Gold Feathers: The third Cheato page is in Rusty Bucket Bay. Above and to the right of the entrance is a tunnel. Go through the underwater tunnel to the right, and you should reach Shrapnel in the next room. Swim to the three pipes, break the middle one, and enter the pipe to find a switch. Hit the switch and quickly swim back to the cave near the entrance for the Cheato page |GOLDFEATHERS|. * Total Refill: Once you have all three pages, you can simply enter the code |BLUEREDGOLDFEATHERS| for a refill of all three items. =>Bottles Cheats: Enter Banjo's house, stand on the green rug, and stare at Bottles's picture using cU to zoom in. Bottles will give you some puzzles to solve. Every time you beat a puzzle, you get a code. These codes are not saved to the cartridge - you must solve each puzzle and enter the corresponding code every time you play the game. |BOTTLESBONUSONE | Big head Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSTWO | Big hands Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSTHREE| Big head Kazooie |BOTTLESBONUSFOUR | Tubular Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSFIVE | Big Banjo, small head |BIGBOTTLESBONUS | Big Banjo & Kazooie |WISHYWASHYBANJO | Washing Machine Banjo |NOBONUS | Enter this at any time to turn off the Bottles codes =>Super Cheat Codes: These codes require no skill, but they still can't be saved to the cartridge. First punch the word |CHEAT| in the sand castle and you will hear a cow moo. Then, enter these codes... |A GOLDEN GLOW TO PROTECT BANJO | Infinite Golden Feathers |LOTS OF GOES WITH MANY BANJOS | Infinite Lives |DONT BE A DUMBO GO SEE MUMBO | 99 Mumbo Tokens |BANJO BEGS FOR PLENTY OF EGGS | Infinite Eggs |AN ENERGY BAR TO GET YOU FAR | Maximum Energy |GIVE THE BEAR LOTS OF AIR | Infinite Air |NOW YOU CAN FLY HIGH IN THE SKY| Infinite Feathers =>Stop & Swap Item Cheat Codes: Do you want to nab the hidden items that Banjo-Tooie is supposed to somehow enable? Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then enter these codes after you hear the moooo. These codes only work if you have already visited the levels they deal with. * This opens the locked gate in Gobi's Valley, and allows you to snag the Blue Egg - |A DESERT DOOR OPENS WIDE ANCIENT SECRETS WAIT INSIDE| * Raise Sharkfood Island in Treasure Trove Cove and find the Purple Egg inside - |OUT OF THE SEA IT RISES TO REVEAL MORE SECRET PRIZES| * Get rid of the ice wall in the ice cave of Freezeezy Peak and grab the Ice Key - |NOW YOU CAN SEE A NICE ICE KEY WHICH YOU CAN HAVE FOR FREE| * Open the X cask in Mad Monster Mansion's cellar and get the Light Blue Egg - |DONT YOU GO AND TELL HER ABOUT THE SECRET IN HER CELLAR| * In the Mad Monster Mansion bathroom, find the Green Egg by entering - |AMIDST THE HAUNTED GLOOM A SECRET IN THE BATHROOM| * In Click Clock Wood, enter Nabnut's house and grab the Yellow Egg - |NOW BANJO WILL BE ABLE TO SEE IT ON NABNUTS TABLE| * Enter the Captain's Cabin in Rusty Bucket Bay to collect the Red Egg - |THIS SECRET YOULL BE GRABBIN IN THE CAPTAINS CABIN| =>Level Unlock Codes: Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then one of these codes to open up a level or Note door without having to collect the all the Jiggies or Notes first. * Treasure Trove Cove |THIS COMES IN HANDY TO OPEN SOMEWHERE SANDY| * Clanker's Cavern |THERES NOWHERE DANKER THAN IN WITH CLANKER| * M. M. Mansion |THE JIGGYS NOW MADE WHOLE INTO THE MANSION YOU CAN STROLL| * Gobi's Valley |GOBIS JIGGY IS NOW DONE TREK ON IN AND GET SOME SUN| * Rusty Bucket Bay |WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP INSIDE GRUNTYS RUSTY SHIP| * Click Clock Wood |THIS ONES GOOD AS YOU CAN ENTER THE WOOD| * F. Peak |THE JIGGYS DONE SO OFF YOU GO INTO FREEZEEZY PEAK AND ITS SNOW| * Bubblegloop Swamp |NOW INTO THE SWAMP YOU CAN STOMP| * Note Door 2 |THESE GO RIGHT ON THROUGH NOTE DOOR TWO| * Note Door 3 |NOTE DOOR THREE GET IN FOR FREE| * Note Door 4 |TAKE A TOUR THROUGH NOTE DOOR FOUR| * Note Door 5 |USE THIS CHEAT NOTE DOOR FIVE IS BEAT| * Note Door 6 |THIS TRICKS USED TO OPEN NOTE DOOR SIX| * Note Door 7 |THE SEVENTH NOTE DOOR IS NOW NO MORE| =>Gruntilda's Lair Codes: Enter |CHEAT| and one of these codes to change some aspect of Grunty's Lair. These would normally be activated as you progress through the game and hit switches, etc.. * |BOTH PIPES ARE THERE TO CLANKERS LAIR| Raises the two pipes near Clanker's Cavern. * |YOULL CEASE TO GRIPE WHEN UP GOES A PIPE| Raise big pipe by C. Cavern. * |ONCE IT SHONE BUT THE LONG TUNNEL GRILLE IS GONE| Open the passage by Clanker's Cavern that leads to the Click Clock Wood picture. * |DONT DESPAIR THE TREE JIGGY PODIUM IS NOW THERE| Makes the C.C. Wood Jiggy podium appear. * |THE GRILLE GOES BOOM TO THE SHIP PICTURE ROOM| Removes the grill blocking the path to the Rusty Bucket Bay picture. * |SHES AN UGLY BAT SO LETS REMOVE HER GRILLE AND HAT| Opens the grill inside of the giant Grunty statue. * |ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY AS THE ICE BALL MELTS AWAY| Removes the ice that blocks the Freezeezy Peak picture. * |WEBS STOP YOUR PLAY SO TAKE THEM AWAY| Removes the cobwebs * |GRUNTY WILL CRY NOW YOUVE SMASHED HER EYE| Break open the giant statue's eye, thus letting you fly up and snag the Jiggy. * |UP YOU GO WITHOUT A HITCH UP TO THE WATER LEVEL SWITCH| Raises the water level outside Rusty Bucket Bay. * |YOU WONT HAVE TO WAIT NOW THERES NO CRYPT GATE| Opens the gate to the crypt near Mad Monster Mansion. * |THIS SHOULD GET RID OF THE CRYPT COFFIN LID| Opens the lid of the coffin inside the aforementioned crypt. * |THEY CAUSE TROUBLE BUT NOW THEYRE RUBBLE| Remove all breakable walls. =>Pad Activation: Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then these codes to enable the Fly and Shock Jump pads without having to learn the moves from Bottles first. * Flight Pad |YOU WONT BE SAD NOW YOU CAN USE THE FLY PAD| * Shock Jump Pad |YOULL BE GLAD TO SEE THE SHOCK JUMP PAD| =>Rusty Bay Puzzle Answer: Enter the code |312 111| on the keys. =>Mad Monster Mansion Secret: Jump through the chapel's stained glass window of Banjo-Kazooie. =>Warp Cauldron Locations: Purple cauldron 1 is in a passage near Treasure Trove Cove's puzzle. It connects to the cauldron behind the spider web in the large cavern that leads to Freezy Peak. * Blue cauldron 1 is in the large cavern that leads to Freezy Peak, on top of the spiral walkway. It connects to the cauldron in the room with the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay, on top of the crates. * The first red cauldron is in the pipe under the passage that leads to Clanker's Cavern, which is also the room leading to Treasure Trove Cove. The second red cauldron is in the room with Click Clock Wood, inside one the passageway connecting the bottom of the two trees. It's hidden in the grass. * The first cauldron is at the beginning of the game show room. It connects to the cauldron is at the top of the spiral staircase after the game show. =>Transparent Banjo: In Bubblegloop swamp, grab the boots and wait until they are just about to wear off. Stand on the entrance/exit portal; when the boots wear off, they will interrupt the exit sequence, leaving Banjo in a state of molecular chaos. =>Gnawty's House in Spring: In Click Clock wood, in the Spring section, climb the tree until you are directly above the boulder blocking the entrance to Gwawty's house. Drop eggs down onto the boulder and you should be able to break it, thus gaining access into Gnawty's home during the Spring. ->Free Mumbo Transformation: Play Bottle's puzzles to earn the washing machine code, turn yourself into a washing machine and enter a Mumbo hut. If you have enough Mumbo tokens to pay for the transformation inside, stand on the tile and press B. You will transform without losing any of your Mumbo tokens! ->Kill Bees: Use the Wonderwing (gold feather invincibility) to smash open a bee hive. Keep the wonderwing move turned on, and the bees will die when they attack you. BANJO-TOOIE (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these like you would Cheato codes. You don't need to have the Cheato pages to enable these, however. Note that these codes are made up of the word CHEATO and the normal code name, but entered backwards. |CHEATOSREHTAEF | Doubles the maximum feather total |CHEATOSGGE | Doubles the maximum egg total |CHEATOFOORPLLAF| Lose no energy when you fall |CHEATOKCABYENOH| Energy regenerates |CHEATOXOBEKUJ | Enables the jukebox in Jolly Roger Bay |CHEATOYGGIJTEG | Signs in Master Jiggywiggy's House give Jiggy hints =>Cheato Codes: As you find missing Cheato pages and return them, Cheato will reveal various secret codes. A new code is revealed for every 5 pages you return. Enter these codes in the Code Chamber in Mayahem Temple's Jade Snake Grove. Some codes require special activation; notes are given after such codes |FEATHERS | Doubles the maximum feather total |EGGS | Doubles the maximum egg total |FALLPROOF| Lose no energy when you fall |HONEYBACK| Energy regenerates |JUKEBOX | Enables the jukebox in Jolly Roger Bay |CHEATOSUPERBANJO| Superspeed Banjo |CHEATOSUPERBADDY| Superspeed bad guys |CHEATOHONEYKING | Infinite energy/air |CHEATONESTKING | Infinite eggs |CHEATOJIGGYWIGGYSPECIAL| Open all levels |CHEATOJIGGYSCASTLIST | Unlock the 90 jiggy character parade movie |CHEATOPLAYITAGAINSON | Enable movies/bosses/minigames options at menu |GETJIGGY | Signs in Master Jiggywiggy's house give jiggy hints; To earn this code, visit Gruntilda's fortune telling booth in Witchyworld repeatedly until she gives you the code. |HOMING | Eggs home in on nearest enemy; See the Blue Egg Game Pak code to enable this. =>Game Paks: Three secret items can be found, hidden inside some Banjo-Kazooie game paks. * Ice Key: In Jinjo Village, head behind the green Jinjo's house. Go up the steps, hang from the ledge, and ease your way right until you can climb up. Enter the cave and smash open the Game Pak to get the Ice Key. * Pink Egg: In Spiral Mountain, head towards the area where speed shoes and rubber boots are found. Look for a fenced off section in the wall, and break it open with a grenade egg. Enter, smash the Pak, grab the egg, then go to Heggy in Wooded Hollow to have the egg hatched and learn the Breegull Bash. * Blue Egg: In Spiral Mountain, fly over to the waterfall and enter the cave that the water comes from. Proceed up through the small river, then hop onto the ridge on the left. To get behind the fence, do a backflip and grab the ledge (Grip Grab move). Smash the Pak to get the Blue Egg, then get Heggy to hatch it and you will get the Homing Egg cheat... which only works after you enable it in the Code Chamber. =>Mega Glowbo: Enter Gutter Gulch Mine, grab the sneakers, then run to the beginning of the river. Hit the switch, then enter the gate and follow the stream to the cave. Jump down to the bottom, and swim underwater to find a boulder that Kazooie can smash with her Torpedo move. Enter the door and unlock the chest with the Ice Key. =>Dragon Kazooie: Once you have the Ice Key, Mega Glowbo, and Kazooie's Talon Torpedo move, visit Humba Wumba in Pine Grove and she will turn Kazooie into a dragon. Press B to spit fire. Return to Humba Wumba to get Kazooie back to normal. =>Jino in Multiplayer: Enter Heggy's House, split up and have Kazooie climb up the ramp. Hatch the egg to get the cheat. BART AND THE BEANSTALK (gb) checked-no =>Energy: Find a place with three coin in a column. If you grab all three in a single jump, you will get an energy increase. BART SIMPSON'S ESCAPE FROM CAMP DEADLY (gb) checked-part =>Music Toggle: Pause the game and press A to turn the music on or off. ->Cow Walk: Another pointless trick... in the stable, keep moving the cows to the front door and push them out of it. You will now find yourself walking slowly with the cows. BART VERSUS THE JUGGERNAUTS (gb) checked-no =>Hop, Skip, & Fry: Press A+B with your direction to jump further. =>Secret Board: During Captain Murdock's skateboard jump, roll at maximum speed and hop over the juggernaut to find the hidden board. BART'S NIGHTMARE (snes) checked-no =>Safe Passages: These are the safe routes through the Temple of Maggie. 1 - R Dx2 Rx2 * Rx5 * R [R] * U R U Rx2 * Rx3 U L * L L D R D * Rx3 [R] * R Ux2 Rx2 [R] * Dx3 R U * U Rx2 D R * Rx3 U R * U Rx2 [R] * R D R D R * Rx4 2 - Rx3 Dx2 * Ux2 Rx2 U * Rx3 D [R] * Rx3 U R * Rx4 [R] * R D R Dx2 * R U L Ux2 * R [R] * R D Rx3 * Rx3 U R * Rx2 [R] * R D R Dx2 * L R U Rx2 * Rx2 BASE WARS (nes) checked-no =>Super Weapons: Select Team Edit, choose Team A or B, then name your team |Terminator 2|. Team A will now have Laser Guns or Team B will have Laser Swords. =>Destroy Enemy Team: Have your pitcher throw only bean balls; every hit damages the batter. When they run out of energy, they explode! If you kill enough players this way, the other team has to forfeit. BASEBALL SIMULATOR 1.000 (nes) checked-no =>Unskilled CPU: When playing against the computer, you can deactivate his super skills. When the computer chooses a super skill, use a time out and enter the pitch hitter/relief pitcher screen, and choose Cancel. When you return to the main screen the super skills will have vanished. BASEBALL STARS (nes) checked-part =>Super Team: When selecting your team, the cursor will be in the upper left corner of the screen. Press D R L D D R U to move it to "Balanced Team" and press A. Your team name is now |WHEN ISNT IT|; change it to |WHEN IT IS.| and you will have a super team. ->Female Team: From the main menu, enter Make Team, and on the new screen press D R L D D R U U (D U)x2. The Veterans should be highlighted now. Press A and the team name will be "WHAT IS A WREN?" - change it to "A BIRD." and press START. The new name will be "WHEN ISNT IT?" - change it to "WHEN IT IS." Your team will now consist of only female players. Note: If you type "WHEN" on the first line and "IT IS." on the second, you will be able to give your team a new name. If you put "WHEN IT" on the first and "IS." on the second line, the team name will be "WHEN IT IS." BASEBALL STARS 2 (nes) checked-no =>Ultimate Pitcher: If you have a custom team that earns at least $60,000 per game in the League mode, this code will work. Enter Make Team from the main menu and select Strong Pitchers. The last pitcher on the new team will either have a pitch skill maximum of just a single digit or an arrow and a digit; this means that they can be brought up to 15 points for every skill attribute. Have fun! SUPER BASEBALL 2020 (snes) checked-no |American Dreams| Aussie Battlers |Battle Angels |Battle Heroes| | 2|D833556885A |29235668DA9A |A8244578288A |19344577988A | | 3|C8436569881A |49236769D39A |C8254679278A |394455789889 | | 4|B953756A88DA |3924776AD35A |E825568A268A |295456799489 | | 5|D964766A88D9 |2A24886BDF5A |0926578B258A |496557799488 | | 6|F974776B88C9 |1A34987BDF1A |2936588C257A |6975587B94F8 | | 7|E984877B88C5 |0A44A88BDB1A |1946688D253A |5985687B9438 | | 8|D994978B88C1 |FA54B89BDBDA |3956788E2539 |4A96688B94F8 | | 9|F9A4988C88B1 |EA55C8ABDBD6 |2966798F2139 |3AA6788C94B8 | |10|E9B4998D84B1 |DA65D9ABDBD2 |487689802138 |2AB6788C94B8 | |11|DAC59A8D84BD |FA66E9ACDBD1 |39868A812D38 |4AC6898E90B8 | |12|FAD69B8D84BC |EB67F9BCDBDD |29968B822938 |3AD6999E90B3 | |13|EAE69C8E8OBC |0B6809CCDADD |49A69B832937 |2BE6A9AE90BF | |14|0BF6AC8F80BB |2B6919CDDADC |69A79B942927 |1BF6B9BE90BB | |15|F906AD808CBB |4B6A29DDD9DC |5AA98BA529E7 |3A06BABF90AB | |Korea Dragoon |Mechanical Brains|Metal Slashers| |02|58335577085A |79244668F899 |68334677149A | |03|48435687045A |99345768F898 |583447871496 | |04|68436698035A |B9355869F897 |783547981486 | |05|884466A9034A |D935696AF797 |684548A81086 | |06|795467B90F4A |F9366A6BF787 |894649B81F86 | |07|995567B90F4A |1A376B6CF777 |A94749C91F76 | |08|896568DA0B3A |3A476C7CF763 |994759DA1B76 | |09|7A6668EB0BFA |2a577d7cf763 |895769EA1B72 | |10|9A6678FCOAFA |1B678E7cf76f |7A586AFA1B7E | |11|8967780D0ABA |3b688f8cf66f |99587A0B1A7E | |12|A967881E09BA |2A69809CF66B |B9597B1B197E | |13|C977892E09AA |1A7981ACF26B |A95A7B2C193E | |14|B987993EO9AA |0B8982BCFE6B |9A6A8B3C19FE | |15|A997A94E09A2 |FA9983CCFA6B |BA6B8BAD19EE | |6A87BBC439E7| Last password, Tropical Girls =>Computer Vs. Computer: Select 1 Player Game, press and hold SELECT, then press START. Enter a password if desired or continue to team select screen. Select League and the computer will select two teams and begin playing. BASES LOADED (nes) checked-no |GEEDFBH| New Jersey 34-7, 1/3 through season Codes for 1 game away from the 80 game world series: |LFBDJHE| Boston |PNCBNHD| Kansas |PFDAJHH| New York |LNBCJPD| Utah |LFDBJHE| Philly |LNADJPD| Hawaii |PFACNHK| D.C. |LNDAJPD| Omaha |LFADNHH| New Jersey |LNCBJPD| Texas |PFCANHK| Miami |PFBCNPD| L.A. |JAELECO| Pennant between New Jersey and New York |CHXAACC| Pennant between New York and Boston, game 162 |EBDBAAJ| 0 Game Season, Philadelphia vs. New Jersey pennant =>BaseBrawl: If you have the bases loaded in the third inning, just bean the fourth batter. The batter will attack, but be ejected. If you want to keep the batter from being ejected, press B when asked for a pinch runner. * Try beaning the third or fourth batter in the innings after the third. Fights are still rather hard to pull off. * Your best odds of getting fights occur when you hit: Agua, Bacon, Caras, Debro, Fendy, Frieda, Lynn, Marcus, Oko, Paste, Starr, or Warner. =>Save Face: If your player storms the mound and is about to get thrown out of the game, repeatedly press B until the next guy gets up to bat and you will save your player. BASES LOADED II (nes) checked-no Passwords for 50 wins, 0 losses: |CMDUIID| New York |SCTLRYQ| L.A. |CNDUIIE| Boston |IANOXXG| Kansas |XSQQUVO| New Jersey |ASFWGGH| Omaha |FICCJDE| Philly |GRYYMEM| Texas |BNGXFHF| Miami |XBQQUVW| Hawaii |CRDUIII| D.C. |WDPPVUV| Utah |MLOSSOM| L.A. vs. New York in the World Series |JTTPTWD| New Jersey vs. L.A. in the World Series SUPER BASES LOADED (snes) checked-no =>Demo Baseball: On title screen, hold down either [R] or [L] and press RESET. When the credits begin, you can change the direction of the baseball by pressing any direction on the controller. =>Endings: Score 100% for a special game ending. =>Pitch Tricks: For a better curveball, hold L until you release, then hold R. For a great lob, use a tired pitcher and hold D throughout the entire pitch and ball flight. BASS FISHING (gbc) checked-no =>Level 2: Enter a password consisting only of K's to start at level 2. BASS HUNTER 64 {*} please see IN-FISHERMAN BASS HUNTER 64 BASS MASTERS CLASSIC: PRO EDITION (snes) checked-no |MW0CVBLBB BLNBBBCHV BK*QBBB0N| Eagle Lake, S. Ramires, $1500 |MVDTX8* 4 D4TBBBBWB BTPJBCWNR| Eagle Lake, S. Ramires, $680, best equipment |RVDTX8**7 N4TBBBDSL BZVNBCWN*| Ronkonkoma, S. Ramires, $3130, best equip |WVDTX8**7 N4TBBBFZB BVNVBCINV| Sydney Lake, S. Ramires, $4600, best equip |0LFBBBLLB BBLKF4TFW N8PGBBBBG| 3rd Day, Lake Calabasas, Amateur |1M0CVBLBB BNLHSB043 LVSQBCOBH| 3rd Day, Last Calabasas, Pro BASSIN'S BLACK BASS WITH HANK PARKER (snes) checked-no =>Debug Mode: Hold down CNTRL I: X+Y and CNTRL II: A+B while turning on your SNES, and DEBUG MODE should appear on the top of the screen. Begin a game and you may do the following... * Adjust Conditions: Hold CNTRL II: A on the Boating screen and go to the Casting screen. * Catch Random Bass: Press CNTRL II: B while on the Casting screen. * Speed Up Time: Press CNTRL II: X while on the Boating screen. * Random Non-Bass: Press CNTRL II: Y while on the Casting screen. BATMAN (nes) checked-yes =>Wall Jump: Jump against a wall, then press B again as soon as you touch it. You will cling to the wall, and you can press B again to continue jumping. =>Boss Tips: The level 2 boss, when you get to the ball that turns inside out and shoots 3 bullets, can be destroyed if you get as close as possible to the ball and duck. The bullets will fly over your head. Jump and punch. In level 3, get to the boss with full power and 99 batarangs. Stand in the middle of the screen and shoot batarangs to the left and right. For the level 4 boss, enter the room, jump onto the left, then face right. Duck and punch until one of the blocks is destroyed. Fall to the bottom ledge, then duck and punch rapidly. If you punch quickly enough, the boxes will pass through you. BATMAN (gb) checked-no =>Sound Test: Hold U+R and press START. =>Fake Wall: In stage 2-3, you can get some hard to reach items by hopping to the area before it and going through the wall. BATMAN BEYOND: RETURN OF THE JOKER (gbc) checked-no |02|C76564J| |03|L88R8TC| |04|Y539WZG| |05|NTTJ9KY| BATMAN: CHAOS IN GOTHAM (gbc) checked-no BM=Batman BG=Batgirl MB=Batmobile CY=Batcycle |02|BM MB BM CY| |05|MB CY BG BG| |08|BG CY BM MB| |03|BM CY BG CY| |06|CY CY BM BG| |09|BG BG MB CY| |04|MB MB BM MB| |07|CY BG BG BM| BATMAN FOREVER (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the game start screen, press L U L L A B Y. Change the game type to NORMAL and press START. Choose your character and press START to access the stage select screen. This also gives you access to all of the weapons. What's more, you can play as the Riddler in the Practice Mode. Also, you can activate a smart bomb during the levels by pressing START+[L]+[R]. =>Riddle Solutions: * "Unlucky ... baker's dozen" - Blast off elevator's roof and use grappling hook to reach the 13th floor. * "Steel ... fall through the floor" - In Two-Face's hideout, use the grappling hook to yank down the hanging safe and thus open up a room. * "A musical ... rewards" - Knock an enemy into the electric cords on Claw Isle. * "Looking ... found" - Raise yourself with grappling hook to save hostages. BATMAN FOREVER (gb) checked-no =>Debug Mode: On the difficulty selection screen, press U R D L U D R. BATMAN: RETURN OF THE JOKER (nes) checked-no |MDRR| 1-2 |NWKL| 2-2 |GPTW| 3-2 |KHCN| 4-2 |WBZT| 5-2 |CKQG| 6-2 |NMLL| 2-1 |LGZQ| 3-1 |GNXF| 4-1 |QGVN| 5-1 |FFHG| 6-1 |GPZT| 7-1 BATMAN RETURNS (nes) checked-no |1996 14 BBBB 61| Lvl 1.2 |199B 14 BBBB 17| Lvl 3.2 |1991 14 BBBB 66| Lvl 5.2 |1998 14 BBBB 81| Lvl 2.2 |199Y 14 BBBB 14| Lvl 4.2 |1993 14 BBBB 64| Lvl 6.2 =>Level Passwords with Invincibility: Lvl 1-1 |1995 14 BBBB 51| Lvl 3-1 |199! 14 BBBB 18| Lvl 5-1 |199* 14 BBBB 89| Lvl 6-1 |1992 14 BBBB 21| Lvl 6-2 |1993 14 BBBB 64| =>Stage Select: Enter the password |31 21 3191 11|. You should now be able to use CNTRL II: L and R to switch between levels. BATMAN RETURNS (snes) checked-no =>Extra Men: Go to the Option Mode and highlight REST. Press CNTRL II: U U D D L R L R B A B A and you will hear a tone. You can now select up to 10 men. =>9 Continues: Go to the Option screen and highlight the REST option. Press CNTRL II, press U X L Y D B R A U X and a tone will sound. Begin the game. BATMAN: VENGEANCE (gc) checked-no =>All Weapons & Unlim. Ammo: If you find a secret item, you can enable these cheats after beating the game once. At the very beginning of Plant Electrocution 2, fall into the second hole on the slide. There will be a small lit area near the bottom of the hole; land on it and you will find a key. This key will later unlock a special door, right next to some vines behind a large glass window. Inside that room is a special envelope marked "C". Beat the game and you will be able to start a new game with all the weapons and unlimited ammunition. =>Unlim. Handcuffs: On the menu, press X Y X Y [L] [R]x2. A tone will sound. =>All Powers & 120 Achievement Pts.: On the main menu, press [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R] [L] [R]. A tone will sound. =>All Movies: On the menu, press [L] [L] X X Y X [L] [R]. A tone will sound. =>Infinite Baterangs/Elec.Baterangs: On the menu, press [L] [R] Y X. =>Infinite Weapons (Not Baterangs): On the menu, press Y X Y X [L] [R] [L] [R] =>Play as Bruce: On the menu, press [L] [R]x2 [L] [R]x2 [L] [R] [L] [R]x2 [L]. Hold [L] when selecting your stage. =>Unlock the Joker: Enter the password |JOKER4LIFE| BATMAN: VENGEANCE (gba) checked-no |02|GOTHAM| |07|TIM| |12|CATWOMAN| |17|BATARANG| |03|BATMAN| |08|BATGIRL| |13|JAMES| |18|BRUCE| |04|BARBARA| |09|FRIES| |14|DRAKE| |19|QUINZEL| |05|GRAYSON| |10|VICTOR| |15|HARVEY| |20|JACK| |06|ROBIN| |11|ALFRED| |16|SELINA| |21|EDWARD| |NORA| Cinema Mode =>Advanced Mode: Choose Advance Mode and enter the password |ARKHAM| when prompted. You must find all three discs in the level to proceed. Please note that you normally receive this password after completing the game. BATTLE ARENA TOSHINDEN (gb) checked-no =>Scorcher Mode: On the Takara screen, press SELECTx3 Ux2 SELECT A Dx2 SELECT B to enter Scorcher mode, where special attacks may now be enabled. =>Jet Mode: On the Takara screen, press SELECTx3. Or, press Ux2 SELECT A Ux2 B. =>Gaia & Sho: On the Takara screen after Ellis's demo, press R L A B. Also, you can now play the hard game to fight Gaia II and Sho. =>All Fighters: On Elis's demo screen, press U D A B L R A B when Elis begins to dance. =>View Dialogue: When the Takara logo appears, press B A L R B A D U B A. BATTLE BLAZE (snes) checked-no =>Extra Mode: On the options screen, hold [R], then press U+X, [R]+A, D+B, [L]+Y. If done correctly, you will enter the Extra Play Mode. =>Extra Continues: On the options screen, hold [L] and press U+X, [L]+Y, D+B, [R]+A simultaneously. A Credits Option will appear on the screen. BATTLE BULL (gb) checked-no |01|LK**| |08|WF**| |15|W***| |22|67**| |29|F3**| |36|QZ**| |43|1T**| |02|LP**| |09|WK**| |16|6F**| |23|6***| |30|F7**| |37|Q3**| |44|1Z**| |03|LT**| |10|WP**| |17|6K**| |24|FF**| |31|F***| |38|Q7**| |45|13**| |04|LZ**| |11|WT**| |18|6P**| |25|FK**| |32|QF**| |39|Q***| |46|17**| |05|L3**| |12|WZ**| |19|6T**| |26|FP**| |33|QK**| |40|1F**| |47|1***| |06|L7**| |13|W3**| |20|6Z**| |27|FT**| |34|QP**| |41|1K**| |48|$F**| |07|L***| |14|W7**| |21|63**| |28|FZ**| |35|QT**| |42|1P**| |01|LGBC| |04|LVVM| |07|L4QM| |10|CGQ7| |32|8FC*| |02|LLBM| |05|LQV5| |08|L8Q5| |11|CLQ7| |39|8*C*| |03|LQVM| |06|LOQM| |09|WBQ5| |24|FCC*| BATTLE CARS (snes) checked-no =>Mystery Mode: On the title screen, press U D [L] [R] SELECT. Go to the options screen and turn on Mystery Mode to play with an overhead view. =>Play as Opponent: On the title screen, press [L] [R] U. Begin a one player game and you will control your opponent's car. BATTLE CITY (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: Start and game and when you see the screen that says you are on level one, use U to choose your desired stage and then press START. BATTLE CLASH (snes) checked-no =>Set Difficulty Level: On the title screen, press CNTRL I: [L]+SELECT. After you adjust the aim and options with the Super Scope, a difficulty select screen should appear. BATTLE FOR NABOO {*} please see STAR WARS: EPISODE I BATTLE FOR NABOO BATTLE OF OLYMPUS (nes) checked-yes | password | Items |zALtRX QiMPnLA 2enrbl H1z7P!Q| Sandles and 1 ambrosia. |3u2Lz7 0IqxFFa SAFNlr tZlvBnv| Above plus Harp and 2 ambrosia. |U6EU2e ZrFmOyp h18Sqw SimIaIg| Above plus Staff of Fennel. |smxX9p CUeNpJ8 0cZ3Re gMwCUii| Above plus Red Sword. |zEfS4k fxDoMsj b36Ukz VhNr7bf| Above plus flask, ocarina, and 3 ambrosia. |7!9Gu2 zFv622P HNooIv XXDxBPw| Above plus 1 nymph and key. |63VW8o DVfMoI9 1dY2Yd ZVZfygz| Above plus Blue Sword. |qLVHVb UmITjnc UCDOmP u9tLes!| Above plus bracelet. |FYgzx1 wCsvHrg Y8HKiT qrwGb3K| Above plus Fire Shield and 3 nymphs. |6!8SQW RjNOmKB 3fmrzC 5WFz0Uk| Everything - now go to Hades BATTLE PING PONG (gb) checked-no Codes: 7822 6524 1604 0781 5802 8731 0511 1199 BATTLE TANX (n64) checked-no |01|FRHBWNTNTK||04|VVSLGGVHRF| |07|HPJMKGMCJV||10|HHRBKPVWGB| |13|LTSLTSGNGS| |02|LHTTTBKRLS||05|LPFFLNHJJF| |08|WHSNKNFRGS||11|WFHMKCFWLB| |03|RCJRWPCLGM||06|CTMGPRWGBH| |09|CRFPHGCTKP||12|SPLJTFLRFS| |WMNRSMRTR| Extra Multi-Player Gang - the all-women Storm Ravens |LTSLTSGNGS| Choose Gang in Campaign Mode |CJSKPFLGMH| State Street, Chicago w/ 10 lives, 1 nuke, 5 goliaths; but it won't work if you have a memory card plugged in. |MSTSRVV| Invulnerability |CRSTLCLR| Invisibility |FRGZ| Frog Plague |TDZ| Toad Queen Lords =>Super Weapons: In the multi-player mode, gather more than 15 of a weapon, then press A+B to fire an upgraded version of that weapon. This won't work with grenades. =>Campaign Trick: If you enter the Select Gang code and play as the Nuclear Knights, the levels are easy to beat. When you start a level, drive just a bit towards the enemies, then lob a nuclear bomb towards the general location of the bases and enemies. Run away as quickly as possible. This should destroy most of the enemies. =>Self-Destruct: Hold down cU+cD+cL+cR to self-destruct. =>Death Camera: Play a two player Annihilation mode game with two computer players as well. Have one player die very quickly and lose their entire team while the other player remains alive. The LOSER message should appear on the screen, but it won't be moving. The dead player can still move. =>Warp in 51: In the multiplayer area 51 level, blast both UFOs. You can then drive into the wreckage of one to warp to the other. BATTLE UNIT ZEOTH (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select & Invincibility: Wait until the music on the title screen stops playing, then press D+A+B and a tone will sound. Repeat this process until the number of tones equals the number of the stage which you wish to play, then press START. Six tones will bring you to the end of the game. BATTLESHIP (nes) checked-no |1-1| |2-4|1536| |4-2|3642| |5-5|9376| |7-3|8831| |END|1992| |1-2|9946| |2-5|3328| |4-3|4412| |6-1|1553| |7-4|9457| |1-3|8472| |3-1|9537| |4-4|8379| |6-2|7850| |7-5|6098| |1-4|5535| |3-2|8777| |4-5|8182| |6-3|5669| |8-1|9617| |1-5|1929| |3-3|2037| |5-1|8004| |6-4|9381| |8-2|5036| |2-1|7390| |3-4|5289| |5-2|5529| |6-5|9374| |8-3|6297| |2-2|6501| |3-5|4174| |5-3|4524| |7-1|4653| |8-4|8629| |2-3|5340| |4-1|3500| |5-4|4797| |7-2|5012| |8-5|8397| BATTLESHIP (gbc) checked-no |02|QYBGTK| |10|NPGGYM| |18|NTFGTB| |26|BCSQBV| |34|ZHPQCW| |42 |CGYQJS| |03|QYGZXK| |11|NXHGTL| |19|NRMGTD| |27|BDVQJQ| |35|JCXQJV| |43 |CDTQZQ| |04|GKPQZP| |12|NQBGYD| |20|BBQQBP| |28|YYFGPK| |36|TVDGTL| |44 |CBPQBP| |05|QRKGTD| |13|NQZGPD| |21|YPHGTM| |29|BJRQZN| |37|TTLGPB| |45 |CMXQCQ| |06|QPDGYM| |14|NNCGYK| |22|YRBGTD| |30|TRGGTD| |38|JZWQKX| |46 |CKSQJP| |07|QQLGTD| |15|HJXQCN| |23|YRZGXD| |31|JDNQJQ| |39|JMRQCQ| |47 |CLVQZV| |08|QXFGTL| |16|NYDGTK| |24|YQCGTD| |32|TXBGTL| |40|PXGGTL| |48 |PPFGYM| |09|QNMGTK| |17|NWLGTM| |25|YSKGPC| |33|ZKTQKP| |41|CHNQBW| |End|PQMGTD| SUPER BATTLESHIP (snes) checked-no |C31D5 | Level 2 |7159BG | Level 4 |BDFHGF4| Level 6 |F2F406F8| Level 8 |32FH42| Level 3 |0007207| Level 5 |012745F| Level 7 BATTLETANK (nes) checked-no =>Pause: To pause the game, press A+B. SUPER BATTLETANK: WAR IN THE GULF (snes) checked-no =>Super Bullets: To destroy your enemies with only one of your machine gun shots, start a game and go to a place where you can confront an enemy. Once you have an enemy in your sights, switch to the machine guns and begin to fire. Once your target is hit, pause the game. If he is still flashing red while the game is paused, he is still taking damage. Wait a bit and then unpause, and the he should blow up. SUPER BATTLETANK 2 (snes) checked-no |DFCTPPGM| Levels 5-8 |LCMSNLYZ| Levels 9-12 |WDLWHSLW| Levels 13-16 BATTLETANX (n64) checked-no |01|FRHBWNTNTK| |06|CTMGPRWGBH| |11|WFHMKCFWLB| |16|LNKNSWKGTH| |02|LHTTTBKRLS| |07|HPJMKGMCJV| |12|SPLJTFLRFS| |17|WMNRSMRTR| |03|RCJRWPCLGM| |08|WHSNKNFRGS| |13|LTSLTSGNGS| |04|VVSLGGVHRF| |09|CRFPHGCTKP| |14|TMFNJMKJGF| |05|LPFFLNHJJF| |10|HHRBKPVWGB| |15|PPJLJHRCVV| |CDPLT| Story Mode |WSMBCPVRWS| Armageddon HWY |FRGZ| Plague of Frogs |TMFNJMKJGF| Crimson Gate |TDZ| Turn Queen Lord into Toad |LHTSPMFRGS| The Tunnel |LTSLTSGNGS| All Gangs in Campaign Mode |LPGCVBBJCF| Heartland |LTSFBLLTS| Unlimited Primary Ammo |PLVRZM| All Weapons |HVRL| Hurl Mode - Spinning Screen |CNCTHRTM| Groovy Mode |MSTSRVV| Invincibility |CRSTCLR| Invisibility |LVFRVR| Unlimited Lives |WMNRSMRTR | Enable the all-women Storm Ravens team =>Area 51 Warp: In the multiplayer Area 51, blast the both UFO's and drive into the debris to warp between the two. =>Power Weapons: In multiplayer, nab at least 15 of a weapon and press A+B to shoot a super version of it. This works well with mines, swarmers, and lasers. =>Camera Mode: In Annihilation Mode, begin a two player game with two CPU players. Have one time lose very quickly; when LOSER appears on the screen, it shouldn't be moving. Now roll through the streets and look around. =>Gun Buddy Wall: Grab a Gun Buddy, back into an indestructible wall, and drop the buddy. It will be half lodged in the wall, and it can't be destroyed, although it will still attack. =>Self Destruct: Hold cU+cD+cL+cR. BATTLETANX: GLOBAL ASSAULT (n64) checked-no |TRDDYBRRKS| Custom Gang 1 - M2 Hydra available in multiplayer |WRDRB| Boat Assault bonus stage in Campaign mode - or, beat Campaign Mode |RCKTSRDGLR| All Weapons |NNKNHCKS| Brandon Mode |HPPYHPPY| Invincibility |8ODYS| Stage Select =>Powered Weapons: Certain guns can be powered up to more powerful versions. If you have at least 15 of them, press A+B+Z to blast a special weapon. =>Self Destruct: Hold cU+cD+cL+cR. BATTLETECH (snes) checked-no |02|STJNNN| |03|GRBCHU| |04|BBYLND| |05|BMBRMN| BATTLETOADS (nes) checked-no =>5 Extra Toads: Hold D+B+A and then press START. This works on both the title and game over screens. =>Warp Light Flashes: * Level 1 - Quickly Battletoad Butt the first pair of Psyko Pigs and keep running. The warp to the turbo tunnel is on first ledge. * Level 3 - On the fifth speeder course, aim at the tenth wall. A warp to level 5 will appear before you crash into the wall. * Level 4 - In the last section, fall halfway onto the first platform. Quickly and repeatedly hop up to get to the warp to level 6. * Level 6 - In the second section, ride the snake as high as you can go. Run right, jump, then run right to warp to the elevator. =>2 Player Special Continue: Let the continue clock run out for a dead player. When you want to bring the 2cd player back in, press START on the next map screen. BATTLETOADS & DOUBLE DRAGON: THE ULTIMATE TEAM (nes) checked-no =>5 Lives: On the Player Select screen, hold U+A+B, then press START. If entered correctly, you will start with 5 full hearts. You must reenter the code on the continue screen to use it again. =>Stage Select + 10 Men: On the player select screen, press D U U D A B B A. BATTLETOADS & DOUBLE DRAGON: THE ULTIMATE TEAM (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select + 10 Lives: On the character select screen, press U D D U X B Y A. If entered correctly, the screen will flicker red. Try it with both CNTRL I and CNTRL II. BATTLETOADS IN BATTLEMANIACS (snes) checked-no =>Extra Lives/Continues: Before the title screen appears, hold D+A+B. When the title screen appears, press START. You will have 5 Toads and 5 Continues. =>Super Jump: On the title screen, press U U D L R B START. BATTLETOADS IN RAGNAROK'S WORLD (gb) checked-no See the NES BATTLETOADS, as these two games are virtually identical. =>Extra Toads: When you turn on the Game Boy, wait until the title screen appears, then hold D+A+B and press START to begin with 5 Toads. You must reenter the code each time you Continue. =>Hard Mode: Hold A+B on the title screen and press START. BATTLEZONE: RISE OF THE BLACK DOGS (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Go to the main menu, hold Z and press... * Unlock Levels : cU cR cD cL START * Infinite Ammo : [L] [R] [L] [R] * Free Buildings: A B A B * Infinite Armor: U R D L * Free Satellite: B cL cD A BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: Pause the game, then press L Y [L] D. The game should resume, but you will now be able to end a stage by pressing SELECT+[L]. BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD (snes) checked-no Gwar Concert |Woa Hah Yah Huh Woa Woo Hee Woa| After Hospital |Woa Hah YEA Hee Heh Heh Woa Hah| After High School |Woa Hah Yah Hee Hah Woa Huh Yea| After Streets |Yea Hee Yah Hee Yah Huh Huh Woa| Turbo Mall 2000 |Hee Hah Yah Yah Hah Woo Hee Hah| BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD (gb) checked-no |1|PTRSR| |3|RLPDV| |5|VXJCD| |?|TMSWB| |7|QYBMZ| |2|FTGBR| |4|ZPQNL| |?|RLPDV| |6|FKLTM| BEE 52 (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Warp to Level 4: When choosing a level entry door, enter the left door, then walk left to the final flower and enter it. =>Start with Jr.: On the Get Ready screen, press R A B A B START. BEETHOVEN (snes) checked-no =>Lion's Roar: On the title screen, press Ax6 B A A [R]x2 [L]x2 [R] and the game's dog bark will be replaced by a roar. BEETLE ADVENTURE RACING (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: Play Coventry Cove in the one player Championship and find the barn with the two haystacks. Smash into the stack closest to the road and you will smash a hidden box. Finish the race and the Options menu will now feature Cheats. You can enable addition cheats as well. =>Enable Battle Mode Health: In Mount Mayhem, play until you reach snow, then jump the first ramp and progress straight up the path. At the next jump, go down the standard path, turn left off of it and aim for the large snowy area. Turn around and drive upwards, and smash the box. =>Coventry Cove Cheats: In Coventry Cove there is a jump that occurs after the tunnel but before the mine. Zoom off the ramp and make your way to an island with lots of Stonehenge rock structures on it. Smash the box that is here and finish the race. Boxes on the island should open up the Fisheye, Flip, Mist, Map, and ? Box cheats. =>Turbo Start: When the announcer says "Go", press [L] and you'll jump ahead. =>Extra Beetles: * Alien: Beat the Expert Championship Metro Madness. * Police: Beat the normal Championships and the Bonus Mode. When you are the Police beetle, press cL to activate your siren; if you are close enough to other Beetles, they will pull over to the side of the road. * Racing, 4x4, Number 8: Beat the Championship Mode on Novice and Advanced. =>Handicap Cheat: In Championship mode Coventry Cove, cross the drawbridge and you will see a white stone fence; follow the fence to the hole in it, and go through the hole. Smash the crate and finish the race. =>Ladybug Color Speed: In Inferno Island, go through the first shortcut to the right and enter the cave. In the middle of the cave, where there is a large open section, hop off the bridge and smash into the house. Stop the Beetle, look for the box, smash it, and complete the race. This cheat option lets you adjust the rate at which ladybug icons change color in the battle mode. =>Battle Mode Stages: To activate a battle mode stage, you need to smash all the boxes in the tracks in Championship mode. Collect 100 points in a stage to enable that stage's battle mode. You don't need to get first place to enable the battle stage, but you must qualify. =>Time Limit Battle: In Inferno Island, play until you reach the burning village; take the small path to the left of the finish line and smash the house on that path. Break the box and finish the race. =>View Cheat: On Inferno Island in the village, look to the right for a house with flat roof. Jump onto the roof and smash the box there, then finish the race to enable the Normal, Fisheye, and Tunnel lens cheats. BEST OF THE BEST: CHAMPIONSHIP KARATE (snes) checked-no |MHT255WZKB| Cogneur left to defeat, $975,000 =>Power-Up Fighter In Kumate: Go to the options screen and enter the password |RHT255457K|. You will get all your character's attributes set to 99%. Fight Ivanov, win, enter Kumate with the powered-up player, and choose PAD vs. SNES until both characters look the same. Defeat your clone and all the fighters from the regular tournament appear in the Kumate. BIKER MICE FROM MARS (snes) checked-no |_^#_| ^=Triangle #=Square X=X V=V O=Circle _=Space *=Diamond |X#_O| |_#_X| $30,000 password |#**V| =>Hard Mode: At the main menu, press CNTRL II: U X L Y D B R A U X and you should hear a laugh. You can now choose the Super Hard difficulty in the race or battle modes. =>Speed Boost: While racing, tap B rapidly and repeatedly for extra speed. BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT GAME BOY ADVENTURE (gb) checked-no Level 2 |555-4239| Level 5 |555-4118| Level 8 |555-6737| Level 3 |555-6767| Level 6 |555-8471| Level 9 |555-6429| Level 4 |555-8942| Level 7 |555-2989| Level 10|555-1881| BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT VIDEO GAME ADVENTURE (nes) checked-no |555-5864| Level 6 BILL ELLIOT'S SUPER NASCAR (snes) checked-no |RVHC/Q9J4MBSJ.!VK XXK!/DXKFFFFBR7K!| The Final Race BILLY BOB'S HUNTIN'-N-FISHIN' (gbc) checked-yes |PIG BOAT CAP DEER CAP DEER| Hunt Turkey, Fish for Pike =>Passwords: Having trouble figuring out WHAT those icons in the password are? Well, starting from the cap and going down through the list, there the CAP, FISH, CAN, DEER, GUN, BOAT, PIG, BIRD. BIO FREAKS (n64) checked-no Actually titled BIO F.R.E.A.K.S. =>Creation Date: Press cL as soon as you turn the system on to view the date your cartridge was made. Laughter will sound if you are successful; try pressing cL a few times if it doesn't work right away. =>Screen Saver: Pause the game and wait for the screen saver. =>Easy Win: Begin an arcade mode fight, pause, enter the Disables menu and turn off shields, unpause and do nothing but fire at your opponent. This won't work for Purge. =>First Person: To have a first person perspective, hold PAD: L and press START. To return to the standard view, hold PAD: D and press START. =>Taunt: Press cL+cR to taunt your opponent. BIONIC COMMANDO (nes) checked-yes =>Skip Message: At the beginning of the game, press A+B to skip to the map. =>Exit Any Level: To exit any level while in the midst of it, hold START and press A+B. =>Continues: To earn continues, you must intercept the enemy convoy trucks. When you go down to fight them (in the overhead view), you will find that certain hard-to-kill enemies yield eagle icons when killed. Each icon that you grab is worth a continue. BIONIC COMMANDO (gb) checked-yes Key:|Level #|Circles|Triangles|Squares|Items |01|A34 B124 C124 D34 E3 F2 |B3 E12 F1 |C3 D12 F3| 3 continues, 5 life bars |03|B2 C3 D2 E34 F134 |A23 B134 D1 E12 |A1 C12 D4 F2| + Bioprotein |04|B14 C3 |A3 B3 C24 E2 F4 |A14 B2 D134 E134 F13 | 7 bars, Wide Shot |06|A3 B14 C2 D4 E24 F23 |B3 D3 F1 |A24 B2 C1 D12 E13 | Goggles, Video B |07|A3 B4 C2 D2 F2 |A4 B2 D3 E34 F4 |A1 B3 C134 D4 E2 | Grenade Launcher |08|B14 C1 D1 E4 F123 |A1234 C2 D34 E123 F4 |B3 C34| Leg Armor |09|A1 B23 C34 D24 E2 |A2 B4 D3 E1 F24 |A4 B1 C12 D1 E4 F1| Permit |12|A23 B2 |B3 C12 D14 E4 F123 |A14 B4 C3 D3 E12| Hyper Barrel, Video G |13|A134 C1 D4 E4 |B2 C3 D2 F2 |A2 B34 D1 E23 F4| Vulcan; go to area 15 1st |16|A4 B4 C1 D3 |A3 B1 C2 D24 E2 F23 |A2 C4 D1 F1| |17|A1 B23 C4 F3 |A3 C2 D14 E3 F124 |A4 B4 D2| Protective Suit =>Exit Any Level: To exit any level while in the midst of it, hold START and press A+B. BIONIC COMMANDO: ELITE FORCES (gbc) checked-part =>Exit Any Level: To exit any level while in the midst of it, hold SELECT and press A+B. ->Extra Uniforms: You can get a different color uniform by finding the hidden promotion message rooms. . In Area 4, find the waterfall and stand on the lowest platform. Progress until you reach the skull & crossbones. At that point, swing across and enter the Communications room. Use a green decoder and call your commander to open up Area 16. Complete Area 16 to earn a new uniform. . In Area 11, make your way to the blue section with the lamp post. Drop down the hole and swing across the ceiling (NOT across the lights) and rapple up to the red platform. Swing to the light post, fall into the second pit, and enter the Communications room. Use the yellow decoder to talk to your commander and open up Area 17. Complete Area 17 to earn a promotion and new uniform. ->Exit Level: To return to the map while in a level, hold SELECT and press A+B. BIONICLE: TALES OF THE TOHUNGA {*} please see LEGO BIONICLE: TALES OF THE TOHUNGA THE BLACK BASS (nes) checked-no |TSVWDEDODIBPUYGC| Class B |0YHEXZ0TZXHNTMUQ| San Lake =>Catch Increase: Enter your name as |HBMAX| to catch more fish. THE BLACK BASS (gb) checked-no =>Both Lakes: Enter all K's for your password to have access to both lakes. SUPER BLACK BASS (snes) checked-no ^ = diamond @ = heart * = star Amateur|LJZ^Q20X^JD11| Pro|FBQ^P7M@CR97T| Super Pro|15Q*F22222D5B| |1FB7H331B7R19| |15T3D7D1JV117| |9DVFJ751BV9BF| Clear |HJR222P5Z5H1F| Lake |HNR222P5Z5P1F| Bluestone |H5P5Z5R222B3L| Lake |9PBRL33171319| Murphy |9PJDL531V3L3R| |9JN7H731FT11J| BLACKTHORNE (snes) checked-no |FBWC| Stage 1-1 |ZS9P| Stage 2-2 |GSG3| Stage 3-2 |NRLF| Stage 4-2 |QP7R| Stage 1-2 |XJSN| Stage 2-3 |BMHS| Stage 3-3 |J6BZ| Stage 4-3 |WJTV| Stage 1-3 |CGDM| Stage 2-4 |Y4DJ| Stage 3-4 |MJXG| Stage 4-4 |RRYB| Stage 2-1 |TJ1F| Stage 3-1 |HCKD| Stage 4-1 |K3CH| Stage 4-5 BLADES OF STEEL (nes) checked-no =>Easy Victory: Get a good lead, then let the computer score. When you have the puck, skate behind your goal and wait for the game to end - the computer can't reach you there. =>No Goalies: Hold A+B on both controllers and press CNTRL I: START. BLADES OF STEEL (gb) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the Ultra Games screen, press U U D D L R L R B A B A START. =>Easy Goal: When you are shooting to the right, grab the puck, move towards the bottom wall and move right to the blue line. Press D+R and shoot to score fairly often and easily. BLADES OF STEEL NHL {*} please see NHL BLADES OF STEEL BLADES OF STEEL NHL '99 (n64) checked-no =>Turbo Mode: When the match is about to begin and you are setting the ice conditions, press L R cU cD A+B START. =>Easy Goal: Skate with the puck to the end of the face off circle and move towards the goal. Skate around the outside of the circle, and as soon as you reach the end, press cR to knock it in. BLAST CORPS (n64) checked-no =>Ghost Racer: Play one of the race course levels. When you've finished, replay the race with a different car, and you will race against your "ghost" from your previous race, just like in Mario Kart 64. =>Other Planets: Once you take care of the blimp on earth, rescue the all the scientists, etc, you get to go through outer space and take care of more planetary disasters. Get a gold medal in every normal stage on earth, and you will be able to play on Mercury... then Venus... then Mars and Neptune. =>Pac-Truck: Beat Oyster Harbor, find the communication device (in a building near the first barge; you need TNT to destroy it), then leave the stage and you will go to a special 'Gibbeon's Gate' bonus round... essentially Pac-Man with trucks. =>Save the Scientists: Find the smart guys at Argent Towers, Ironstone Mine, Ebony Coast, Tempest City, Oyster Harbor, and Glory Crossing. Beat the game after saving these guys, and wait until the credits end for a new bonus stage to appear. =>Bonus Stages: If you've completed all the bonus stages of a level, the ring around the level will be red. If not, it will be green. =>Turbo Boost: In the racing stage, press the accelerator on the last beep, just as the light turns green, to zoom off with a burst of speed. =>Platinum: Finish the planets, and you get to try to beat all the major levels in an even shorter amount of time for the Platinum ranking. =>Easy Blast Cheat: Drive right up next to something, then try to get your man to hop out of the car by pressing Z. If you are too close to get out of the car, the man will simply yell and stay put. Keep holding Z and the obstruction will blow up. This can be used on many levels to greatly improve you times, as the only real objective in some of the platinum medal levels is to eliminate all buildings in the path of the carrier. =>Invincible Man: Walk your man in front of the moving missile carrier and hold Z. In many cases, the carrier will drive right through your man without taking or causing any damage. =>Green Pixel Mess: Reenter Ember Hamlet after clearing it, press cLx4 to rotate your view, then ride the cycle along the road to the right until you reach a white hill. Drive over the section nearest the road and drive straight; when you hit the stage's boundary, green pixels will fly all over the place. =>Save Game Menu: Hold START as you turn on the system. BLASTER MASTER (nes) checked-part =>Easy Kill: To quickly and easily kill the bosses of levels 2, 4, 6 and 7, toss a grenade at them. When they begin flashing after being hit, pause the game. As long as the game is paused, the boss will continue to suffer new damage from the grenade as it flashes. If you wait long enough, a single grenade will completely kill a boss. ->Easy Kill Boss 5: While the boss is entering the screen, pummel him with grenades repeatedly. You should be able to do hefty damage to him quite quickly. ->Plutonium Boss Tip: When you face the Plutonium Boss, with the level seven music playing, get him in stuck in the top right corner of the screen and blast away with you gun and grenades as quickly as possible. You may get hit a bit, but you should do much more damage to him; also, he generally won't be able to attack you diagonally while he is stuck in the corner. * Or, once you beat the big head boss, die. When you reappear, don't move, and only use your gun (not grenades) to attack. He shouldn't be able to hurt you. BLASTER MASTER BOY (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: Highlight CONTINUE, hold A and press START. BLASTER MASTER: ENEMY BELOW (gbc) checked-no |01|E6C3D3KF| |03|E7C3D3KH| |05|F6C3D3KQ| |07|F7C3D3KU| |02|E6D3D3KG| |04|E7D3D3KI| |06|F6D3D3KR| |08|F7D3D3KT| BLODIA (gb) checked-no Passwords: AIJD DIFP DJGN BKQF ANPD CNGL APQD DQMQ BNCE CPHI BLOODY ROAR: PRIMAL FURY (gc) checked-no =>Kid Mode: Beat the game three times to open up Kid Mode. =>Extra Characters: * Kohryu: Play Arcade Mode without losing a single round of a single match until you battle Kohryu in match 4 or 5. Complete Arcade Mode. * Uranus: Complete Time Attack Mode in less than 20 minutes. * Cronos the Phoenix: Beat the game twice. * Ganesha the Elephant: Beat the game one time. BLUE MARLIN (nes) checked-no |63CX.F-WSHJK PFTT.4 6PPPPWWWWLH5| Hawaii 3 |C3C3C3 755XCQ L955HQ 3F2PP5 LLTTZKP| Stage Select =>Catch a Blue Marlin: Follow the seagulls to find and catch a blue marlin. * To more easily catch sailfish, swordfish, and marlins, set your line to 160 pounds and 100 feet, lure to skirt L or plug H, the depth to float, stay a bit behind a school of fish and do diagonal passes. BLUE SHADOW {*} please see SHADOW OF THE NINJA BO JACKSON HIT AND RUN (gb) checked-no =>Strikeout Tip: To strike out right handed batters, select a curveball, move the pitcher to the far left side of the mound, and throw the ball without moving it in the air. BO JACKSON'S BASEBALL (nes) checked-no =>All-Bo Team: Choose a squad. On the team roster screen, press L+SELECT+B at the same time. B.O.B. (snes) checked-no |196420| Maximum power up |0900| All equipment |593172| Level 3-1 with 99 of each weapon and 9 of each remote |999999| Full weapons -- enter the code, then start a normal game Goth World Anciena World Ultra World |01|000000| |01|672451| |05|462893| |01|743690| |05|481376| |02|171058| |02|272578| |06|583172| |02|103928| |03|950745| |03|652074| |03|144895| |04|472149| |04|256648| |04|775092| =>99 Rounds: Get 99 rounds of ammo in any level by changing the second digit in the password to a '9'. BODY HARVEST (n64) checked-no =>Cheats: Play your game using the name |ICHEAT|, and at any point during the game punch in one of the following codes on PAD I. The name of the cheat will appear on the screen if it worked. Repeat the code to turn it off. | Name | Code | Effect | |Fat Legs |L A R D |Aliens have fat legs | |Mutant Alien |cD U Z Z cR R |Harvesters become Mutants | |Serious Weapons |cD cU U Z Z L cR |Increase Weapon Power | |Surreal Mode |cD U Rx2 cR A L |Bouncy Buildings | |All Weapons |A R cD cR cU A L |All Weapons for stage | |Suffer |cD U Z Z cRx2 |Unknown... but it is a cheat!| |Weapons Power Up|D Y Y Z Z |Receive more powerful weapons| |All Artifacts |U cD cR Z U L |Receive all stage artifacts | |Black Adam |cL cR A cD cR L |Become your evil twin... | |Dancer |D U cU D cRx2 |Make Adam dance | |Kill Adam |B L cRx2 D |Kill yourself | |Restore H/F |D U R A B L cR |Restore Health & Fuel | |Smart Bomb |A cUx2 U L |Kills most onscreen stuff | |Invincibility |A cU cD B [L] [R]| |Short Adam |D cL A R Z | |Tall Adam |B A cU A cU A | |Weak Boss |Z cRx2 B L cR |Makes the boss alien weak | =>Very Easy/Hard Modes: When you are choosing the difficulty setting of the game, keep pressing L to access Very Easy or R to access Very Hard mode. =>Stage 1 Trick: The crate of dynamite on the mountain can be used as often as you like... so you effectively have unlimited dynamite. =>Java - Rocket Launchers: After you escort the villagers from the volcano, going from West to East Rua-Rua Village, enter the large house with two locked boxes inside. Talk to the guy there and he will open the boxes and give you the rocket launchers inside. =>Weapon Crystals: Gather all the crystals in a level to build a special weapon. * Greece: After passing under the dam while on the way to the second Processor, keep moving forward until you reach a house. Enter the side of the house to find a crystal, and alien artifact, inside. - Find another crystal inside the house by reading the note and searching the corpse. - Find the last crystal in the house that is just before the bridge that gets blown up. * Java: Look for two white houses near the first generator. A path leads to a shelter with a crystal inside. - When on the ship that you use to break through the alien barrier, talk to the captain, walk forward until you hit a wall, then turn right to find the box containing the crystal. - In Blackfield with the army base where there was a Harvester attack, there will be a fighter plane parked atop a large building. Pilot a gyrocopter and land on the building, then enter to find the crystal. * America: After you jump the canyon next to the school, you will find a Tipper dump truck outside of a house. This should be on the road running alongside of Halsall Storm Drain. Inside the house is a hippie. Check the drawers on the third floor. - In the second area, enter the mine near the rock you blew up with a rocket launcher. - Close to the start of the third area, enter the house that hides the valley leading to the base. Talk to the man in the front room about the UFO's and lights, go downstairs, return up and talk to the man in black. Search downstairs for the crystal. * Siberia: In the first stage, hop into the hover craft and hover down the left side of the river. After a while you will see two houses; the crystal is inside the bigger of the two. - In the second area, search the pump house at the nuclear plant. - In the fourth area, look for a house near the area where you receive the SCUD missile. You'll need to fly to reach the crystal, as the house is on the same land as the alien target. =>Alien Artifacts: * Greece: After passing under the dam while on the way to the second Processor, keep moving forward until you reach a house. Enter the side of the house to find an artifact, and crystal, inside. - Before you reach the first airport, follow the road to find a church with an artifact inside. - In the first area, search the small town in the NW corner of the map. You will be able to enter only one house; inside it is the artifact. * Java: After you get the Boat Parts in Java area 1, begin to walk back to the cable car, but stop before you reach the generator. Look for a rock; across from it will be a grassy path on the left (where a Roach Gunner was), leading to a house with an artifact. - After you reach the Black Harbor base, fly back to Java 3. Fly along the wall of the force field. In the far east corner of the force field, you will see a landing area with planes, and a house. Inside the house is an artifact. - Finally, you can find the last artifact when flying south of the processor. About half way down the battlefield, look to the west to spot a runway and a building. Fly to the building. * America: In the second area, after the first harvest, look for a Dusty vehicle parked behind a house. Follow the path behind it to a house, and check out the second floor. - In the first area, find the area with a blue wall, sewer pipe, and Karl's Kustom Kars. Turn left, take the next left, then right, turn left at the Edzil sign, left again, enter the supermarket and search the drawers downstairs. - In the second area, once you've cleared out the canyons and can communicate with your partner again, drive the Monster Bug down the river and search the cave. * Siberia: In the first area, search the cave in the mountain located at E-7 on your map. - In the fourth area, search the radio station in Vadensk, the town which you will blow up. - In the fourth area, look for three houses to the south of Zhivago. Enter the biggest house and solve a puzzle. BOMBERMAN (nes) checked-no |03|FEPCOBFEFHOLOLKEFEFH| |14|JDHIMECGKFNMNMPPCPCN| |34|DJIGPPBLOGJDJDPDJIHC| |07|FEBABAMNMADJDJOMNMNH| |17|FEKGDANDJLLOLOIJDDJL| |40|FEHIMCHPCGJNJDEFECPA| |10|DJEFPGGKGLPCGKMFEFEG| |20|BADJODAHICDJNMEHIMNF| |50|JDNMKLGJDJGGCPOLOMNF| |11|ABMNDDNMNNABABPJDJDL| |27|DJLOEHCMNNCPCPDJDDJC||End|BACDIHCLOAFHABDNMOLG| |13|JDBABAMIHFNMNMPPCPCH| |30|FEABECHCPAFEKGDNMIHJ| |??|FECPIANNMJGGKGIDJABA| =>Extend Bonus Games: Hold A after your bombs explode, then walk around and keep laying bombs in the path of the explosions. If you have the remote, you will need to hold A+B. BOMBERMAN II (nes) checked-no Sound Room |K3456712| U and D to select, A to set, and START to play. SUPER BOMBERMAN (snes) checked-no |5656| Mini-Bombermen =>Sound Test: Plug the Multitap into the SNES, insert a controller into slot 5 and then turn on the SNES. On CNTRL V, hold down R to make the Sound Test appear. =>Super Blast: When you start a level, you will be flashing and temporarily invincible. Drop a bomb, and as soon as it explodes, press A rapidly while running around the screen. You'll destroy everything you touch, and can do this as long as your invincibility last... but make sure you quit before it wears off, or the explosion will hurt you. 1-1 |4554| 2-1 |6052| 3-1 |3452| 4-1 |1155| 5-1 |4253| 6-1 |1653| 1-2 |1504| 2-2 |2004| 3-2 |6404| 4-2 |2105| 5-2 |7204| 6-2 |2603| 1-3 |4545| 2-3 |1045| 3-3 |5442| 4-3 |1143| 5-3 |2243| 6-3 |1642| 1-4 |0513| 2-4 |4013| 3-4 |0412| 4-4 |3115| 5-4 |6213| 6-4 |3613| 1-5 |2525| 2-5 |7024| 3-5 |5424| 4-5 |1122| 5-5 |5225| 6-5 |7623| 1-6 |1563| 2-6 |4062| 3-6 |6463| 4-6 |5165| 5-6 |6262| 6-6 |5663| 1-7 |2533| 2-7 |7035| 3-7 |2432| 4-7 |1134| 5-7 |2234| 6-7 |7632| SUPER BOMBERMAN II (snes) checked-no |4361|Level 1 |6442|Level 2 |3903|Level 3 |9564|Level 4 |7735|Level 5 |1111| Begin the game with 6 Bombs, 6 Flames, and the Detonator(until hit). |5656| Sudden Death screen - tiny playing area =>Color Change: Press SELECT on the player select screen to try out different color schemes for your character. =>Jumping: Plug a multi-player adapter into Control Port II, and plug a controller into port V of the adapter and use it to begin your Battle Mode match. You will now be able to hop over walls by pressing Y. =>Flame Lines: Nab a heart, stand on or next to a bomb, and press B until it stops. SUPER BOMBERMAN III (snes) checked-no |4622| Alternate Battle Stages |5656| Single player battle - earn 3 trophies to become the Golden Bomber Level 4 passwords -> |8967| |2787| |9473| |2301| Final Level -> |6363| SUPER BOMBERMAN IV (snes) checked-no |1-1|7352| |1-7|6892| |2-5|4370| |3-3|5725| |4-1|5389| |4-7|8902| |1-2|8831| |1-8|6722| |2-6|6682| |3-4|7821| |4-2|4080| |4-8|0721| |1-3|7255| |2-1|7793| |2-7|4677| |3-5|5890| |4-3|2501| |1-4|5714| |2-2|6428| |2-8|4692| |3-6|7258| |4-4|5736| |1-5|5289| |2-3|8492| |3-1|4680| |3-7|3379| |4-5|3211| |1-6|1352| |2-4|7490| |3-2|2247| |3-8|6009| |4-6|5589| BOMBERMAN GB (gb) checked-yes |2|9634| |3|1637| |4|0320| |5|6524| |6|3260| |7|4783| |8|5472| |5151| Start w/ Atomic Detonator |2145| Sound Test |5656| One player Battle Mode |4622| Start w/ all power-ups BOMBERMAN HERO (n64) checked-no =>Gossick World: Grab all 24 Other-Dimension Bombs and earn 5 on every stage. =>Slider Race: The 1st mystery option, earned by grabbing 5's on all stages. Once you have three gold medals on any world, it opens. =>Golden Bomber: The 2cd mystery option, earned by grabbing all 5's in the stages and beating Gossick. Grab gold cards to become the Golden Bomber. =>Millian's Treasure Hunt: The 3rd mystery option, earned by gathering 5's on every stage (through Gossick). When you have all six medals, it opens. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press A+B+Z. Try this on the options menu as well. BOMBERMAN 64 (n64) checked-no =>Extra Stage: Gather 100 cards and beat Altair a second time to open up the Rainbow Palace. =>Earn Extra Battle Modes: Get 100 cards and beat Altair on easy, then beat the Rainbow Palace to earn two additional battle mode stages. Do the same on the hard mode for the last two stages. =>Extra Battle Modes: On the title screen, highlight BATTLE and tap START until you hear a tone. You can now play the additional 4 battle mode stages. =>Extra Mode: Gather all 120 gold cards and you will have access to two more battle stages and will be able to start any stage with all the power-ups. =>Credits: Collect 100 Cards, beat the game, defeat the extra world boss, and the Options menu will now contain a CREDITS option. =>Sound Test: Beat the adventure mode at normal difficulty. =>Golden Armor: Beat the game on hard in under 3 hours and make sure you've found all 120 gold cards. You will receive the Golden Armor equipment. =>Boss Trick: To easily beat Altair, knock him out with a bomb, pick him up, and toss him off the ledge to take off a lot of his energy. =>Recovery Trick: If your Bomberman is dizzy, spin the STICK to make him get back up quickly. =>Rotation: Use Z and [R] to change the camera angle when in the Custom Bomberman screen. BOMBUZAL {*} please see KABLOOEY! BOOGERMAN (snes) checked-no RD = Red Drop, ST = Scabby Thing, FD = Flying Dark Thing, B = Boogerman SG = Strutting Yellow-Green Thing, D = Goggled Duck thing with Stick WG = White Giant, RG = Red Giant, YG = Yellow Giant |RD WG ST| Swamps 1 |WG B SG| Pits 4 |SG ST YG| Nasal 1 |WG ST D | Swamps 2 |RD FD WG| Boogerville 1 |RD B SG| Nasal 2 |SG B SG| Swamps 3 |RG YG WG| Boogerville 2 |ST B FD| Palace 1 |FD RD ST| Swamps 4 |YG D B | Boogerville 3 |B D RG| Palace 2 |ST RD FD| Pits 1 |WG B RD| Boogerville 4 |RD YG ST| Palace 3 |YG SG D | Pits 2 |SG RD FD| Mucous 1 |D B YG| Palace 4 |B SG RD| Pits 3 |SG RD RG| Mucous 2 Boss Passwords |FD SG FD| Hick Boy |B ST D | Flyboy |RG SG SG| Revolta |FD RD RG| Deodor Ant |ST WG B | Booger Meister BOOMER'S ADVENTURE IN ASMIK WORLD (gb) checked-yes |ANCIENT| stage select -password-lvl--password-lvl--password-lvl--password-lvl-- |SCARAB | 8 |REMORA | 15 |DEWLAP | 17 |GILA | 25 | |AXOLOTL | 8 |PANGOLIN| 16 |MINORCA | 23 |HYDRA | 32 | |BLUTEN | 9 |CHIMERA | 16 |ELYTRON | 24 |IBEX | 33 | |JEDOCH | Top of tower |ZAHNBELA| Battle Bouncer BOULDERDASH (nes) checked-no |225378| Relic World |752053| Volcano World |840967| Ocean World |635870| Ice World |840137| Sand World BOXING FEVER (gba) checked-no |90HG6738| Amateur beaten |8G3D97B7| Professional beaten |H7649DH5| Top Contender beaten |B3G58318| World Title earned |2GG48HD9| Pro Am beaten |G51FF888| Survival completed BOXXLE (gb) checked-no *=spade symbol...|CODE| level |B*XW| 1 |G*XY| 3 |J*X!| 5 |L*X0| 7 |N*X2| 9 |Q*HT| 11 |D*XX| 2 |H*XZ| 4 |K*X?| 6 |M*X1| 8 |P*X3| 10 =>Credits: Hold A+B+U on the title screen, then wait. BOXXLE II (gb) checked-no |0K84| 5th floor A BOY AND HIS BLOB (nes) checked-part =>Coconut Trick: When on Blobolonia, you can transform Blobert into coconut form and roll him through the cornfields to kill the kernels. Simply start running and throw the coconut about a screen before the corn screens; he will roll through and crush the kernels. =>Cherries: Blast the dropping cherries with your Vita-Blaster and vitamin C. You could try rolling a coconut through the screen, in the hopes that the cherries will explode while you are safely at the beginning screen of the level, but this doesn't always work well. ->Brick Transformation: Feed Blobert a honey bean, and during his change throw him a ketchup jelly bean. ->Boss Tip: Blobert trapped in a cage? Toss him an apple jelly bean. BRAIN BENDER (gb) checked-no |3081| level 5 THE BRAINIES (snes) checked-no B=Blue Y=Yellow R=Red G=Green |05|BYRGYR| |25|RBGRRY| |45|GBRYBG| |65|RYGRBB| |85|YYRRGR| |10|RGRRRY| |30|GBYGRR| |50|YGRBGG| |70|YGGYBY| |90|GGYGYG| |15|YYBYGR| |35|BRGBYB| |55|YGYBRB| |75|GBBRBB| |95|RYYGBG| |20|YYGGRB| |40|BRRYYR| |60|BYBRYR| |80|RBRYBG| BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: Once you complete the first level, continually press Y+X. If you do this quickly enough you will skip straight to Journey to Civilization. BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (gb) checked-no =>Secret Room: In the first level, Daytime part 1, progress until you reach the box of axes. Break the platform, turn right, face the wall, and run into the wall jumping. In this new room, walk up to the man to wake him, and take the boxes. BRANDISH (snes) checked-no =>Free Warp: Begin the game, go north 4 steps, flip the switch, and enter the door. Go east through the next door, then go E2 N1 E3 S2 E2 S5 E1 S2. Turn west and flip the switch. Enter the door and go W2 S3, enter door, S2 W3 N1. Jump north, landing in a big room. Walk all the way west, north, and east. =>Endings: There are 2 endings, depending on whether you fight or help Alexis. =>Energy Refill: Tap [L]+[R]. The screen will momentarily go black and your energy will refill. BRAWL BROTHERS (snes) checked-no =>Play the Japanese Version: When the "Jaleco" screen appears, press B A X Y and repeat that sequence repeatedly. If you do this quickly enough, the screen will become scrambled. Wait until a sword slash is heard, then press START. When the screen changes, press Dx3 START. Exit the options screen to see the Japanese title screen and play the Japanese version of the game. * In the Japanese mode, Kazan can do a special uppercut if you jump and then attack. =>Same Player: On the two player character select screen, have both players move their selection cursor to the same character at the same time, then press Y. =>Special Move: Hack/Norton can do a special uppercut if you jump and attack at the same time. Also, Kazan can jump three times in a row - jump in midair to jump higher. BREATH OF FIRE (snes) checked-no =>Chun Li: In the town of Bleak, give the Magician 100 gp. When he says "Look behind you", answer 'No' twice, then answer 'Yes'. You will see Chun Li of Street Fighter II execute the lighting kick. =>Dragon Armor: Go to Spring City, find the duck pond and fish there for the Dragon Armor. You may need the tablet first; to get it, go to the well in the mountains and fish with the fourth rod - you can then return to Spring City, search the cave for a dead end filled with water, and walk into the water with the tablet to find the hidden cave duck pond. =>Emperor Sword: When you beat Jade in Scande, walk behind his chair and use A to grab the Emperor Sword. =>Jade Tip: When you reach Jade and ask to join him, wait and do nothing. He will start sending monsters out for you to fight, thus bringing you some extra experience. BREATH OF FIRE II (snes) checked-no =>Endings: 3 possible ones. A) Tell the dragon at the gate that you don't want to fight Deathevn. B) Kill the Old Man & Guardeyes in Evrai and kill the Deathevn. C) Let the Old Man Live, kill Guardeyes, talk to Eichichi before defeating Deathevn. =>Easy Money: Go to Coursair and deposit all your money in the bank, then enter the church and try to make an offering. The priest will give you 10 coins. Collect $100 this way and deposit it in the bank, then repeat the process. =>Houses: Sumner from Tunlan will enter House 5 and play the game's music. =>Carpenter: Have the carpenter from the wood & brick house build in your town and you will have access to a cook. =>Money Recipe: Any 3 Attribute raising items (Miso Soup, Luck Candy, Dinker, Condition Up, Power Food, GutsBl) + Shrimp yield 2 gold bars. =>Extra Character Bleu: Give Grandpa the whale, then enter the desert in the southeast corner of the map. Make your way to the beach then look for a vague circle somewhere in the sand; talk to a ghost there, who will tell you that Bleu isn't there. Return to the magic school in your hometown, then enter the leftmost room on the second floor. Talk to the girl on the left seat and you will meet Bleu. =>Extra Character Shaman: Visit Rand's mom, who asks you to give an offering at the shrine. Enter the shrine and donate cash... keep doing do until you give $200. Beat St. Eva's church then return to Rand's mom, and you will find Earth Shaman. =>Grand Church Path: The correct path across the arrow tiles in the Grand Church is as follows. Starting on the tile aimed at the right side of the screen, move D U U R R. Then, go U to get the treasure chest or D R to reach the stairs. =>Empire Sword: Using Mina as a bird, fly to the mountains east of your town's original spot; land in the smallest spot that is nearest to your town. You should find a fishing hole. Use the Charm Rod and Urchin Bait to get it. =>Baba Battle Tip: Use the Firerock from Mt. Fubi right before you begin the fight with Baba in the Tagwoods and you should easily defeat him. BRETT HULL HOCKEY (snes) checked-no =>No Goalie: When playing against the computer, pause the game and highlight the Goalie option. Press CNTRL II: R and then unpause with CNTRL I. The computer's goalie will no longer be inside the net. To put him back in, pause, highlight Goalie, press CNTRL II: L and unpause. BRITNEY'S DANCE BEAT (gba) checked-no |HMNFK| Unlock all secrets BRUTAL: PAWS OF FURY (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: To play as Dali Llama, wait for the title screen to appear and then press X A B A L A. A tone should sound, and you will now be able to choose the Dali Llama. BUBBLE BOBBLE (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Enter password |DDFFI|, and choose a 1 or 2 player continue round. Press A or B to choose a round. =>Happy Ending: To receive the "Happy Ending", you must be playing a 2 player game. If you reach the final enemy in the final room while playing a 1 player game, surround the enemy with bubbles, press START SELECT START to add a second player, then pop the bubble. =>Sound Test: Beat the Super Bubble Bobble mode and get a happy ending to reach the sound test. =>Steal Lives: If you are playing a two player game and you lose all your lives, you can press START SELECT to steal a life from the other player. |01|BBAAB| |20|AFFFB| |47|ICGGJ| |59|FGCCJ| Super Game: |02|BAAAB| |26|AJJJI| |48|FFFFB| |60|FCEEG| |01|HCICD| |03|BABBI| |30|AGJJJ| |49|FFIIG| |61|FCGGJ| |01|EECFG| |04|BIIIB| |32|IIIIB| |50|FFIFG| |63|FJEEJ| |89|CAJFI| |05|BIFFB| |35|IFIIG| |51|FIIIG| |77|JIAAI| |96|GGJBI| |06|BFFFB| |39|IABBG| |52|FAAAJ| |81|CCJJI| |99|GEJFJ| |07|BFIIG| |41|IGEEB| |53|FABBG| |99|NEJJJ| |E6|HBGBD| |08|BJJJB| |42|IEEEB| |54|FBBBG| |B2|EECJJ| |09|BJCCB| |43|IEJJJ| |55|FBAAG| |C6|GHCCB| |10|BCCCB| |44|IJGGG| |56|FEEEB| |F5|HJFAB| |11|BCJJI| |45|IJEEG| |57|FEJJJ| |16|AAAAB| |46|ICEEG| |58|FGJJJ| BUBBLE BOBBLE (gb) checked-no |4LL1| Level 25 |VLLD| Level 97 |KGBJ| Stage Select |1GBF| Level 50 |VGLD| Level 98 |VLT1| Harder Game |HLB3| Level 75 |KLLD| Level 99 |KZ5K| Secret Level |BGL3| Level 96 |KZBJ| Level 100 |KGLJ| Levels 1-100 |KG5D| Levels 101-200 |KZ5J| End of game BUBBLE BOBBLE PART 2 (gb) checked-no |>5>V| Stage Select BUBSY IN CLAWS ENCOUNTERS OF THE FURRED KIND (snes) checked-no 1 |JSSCTS| 4 |MKBRLN| 7 |STGRTN| 10 |MSFCTS| 13 |TGRTVN| 16 |STCJDH| 2 |CKBGMM| 5 |LBLNRD| 8 |SBBSHC| 11 |KMGRBS| 14 |CCLDSL| 3 |SCTWMN| 6 |JMDKRK| 9 |DBKRRB| 12 |SLJMBG| 15 |BTCLMB| =>Game Reset: Press START+SELECT at any time to reset the game. BUBSY II (snes) checked-yes =>Cheat Codes: Key in any or all of these codes on the title screen to activate the game's secret cheat functions: High Jump |U Yx3 D| Rubber Floors in Medieval Stages |B A B Y| 99 Diving Suits |B L U B| 99 Portable Holes |R U SELECTx2| 99 Nerf Balls |B A L L| 50 Lives |B U B SELECT Y| Invulnerability |X A B Y U D| All Levels Completed |U Ax3 D| BUCK BUMBLE (n64) checked-no =>Text Scroll: Press Z to scroll text faster, or A to skip it. =>All Weapons/Energy: On the title screen, press PAD: L R U D, hold Z and press R R L L. A tone will sound. During the game, press A+B+[R] to refill your energy and receive all the weapons. =>Invincibility: On the title screen, hold Z and press [R]x2 [L]x2 U D L R. =>Infinite Lives: On the title screen, press [L] [R] B A Z L R. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, hold Z and press PAD: R D D R. Release Z and press R U D L L U R R. A tone will sound. Start your game and choose your stage. =>Dark Stinger: To play as Dark Stinger, enter this code before the title screen appears. Hold Z + STICK: U and press cU cR cD cLx5 B A B. A tone will sound. =>Special Weapon: In mission six, grab the nuclear device, then fly to the steel drum in the mountains. Fly over the drum and a new gun will appear. BUCKY O'HARE (nes) checked-no v = upside down triangle |5NJZJ|Blinky |68L!3|Jenny |MRWvL|Salvage chute |MRMvX|Escape |M7K2J|Deadeye |MRX24|Recaptured |M!L2X|Magna Tanker BUGS BUNNY'S CRAZY CASTLE (nes) checked-no |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |SZWS|02 | |WXCS|14 | |WTFZ|26 | |2XEW|38 | |2TWX|50 | |PYCX|62 | |W1F2|74 | |ZS2S|03 | |XWAS|15 | |X2JZ|27 | |TW4W|39 | |T22X|51 | |YPAX|63 | |X3J2|75 | |ZZPS|04 | |XXOS|16 | |XTKZ|28 | |TX9W|40 | |TTPX|52 | |YYOX|64 | |X1K2|76 | |SW3S|05 | |S2SZ|17 | |WPMZ|29 | |PSRW|41 | |2P3X|53 | |S3S2|65 | |WEM2|77 | |SXES|06 | |STWZ|18 | |WYCZ|30 | |PZFW|42 | |2YEX|54 | |S1W2|66 | |WHC2|78 | |ZW4S|07 | |Z22Z|19 | |XPAS|31 | |YSJW|43 | |TP4X|55 | |Z322|67 | |XEA2|79 | |ZX9S|08 | |ZTPZ|20 | |XYOZ|32 | |YZKW|44 | |TY9X|56 | |Z1P2|68 | |XHO2|80 | |WSRS|09 | |SP3Z|21 | |2SSW|33 | |PWMW|45 | |P2RX|57 | |SE32|69 | |WZFS|10 | |SYEZ|22 | |2ZWW|34 | |PXCW|46 | |PTFX|58 | |SHE2|70 | |XSJS|11 | |ZP4Z|23 | |TS2W|35 | |YWAW|47 | |Y2JX|59 | |ZE42|71 | |XZKS|12 | |ZYPZ|24 | |TZPW|36 | |YXOW|48 | |YTKX|60 | |ZH92|72 | |WWMS|13 | |W2RZ|25 | |2W3W|37 | |22SX|49 | |PPMX|61 | |W3R2|73 | BUGS BUNNY'S CRAZY CASTLE (gb) checked-no =>Passwords: All the passwords for the NES version of this game work. See the above entry for passwords. BUGS BUNNY'S CRAZY CASTLE II (gb) checked-no |02|TEST| |07|SHOP| |12|ZOOM| |17|ROOT| |22|TYRE| |27|KING| |03|GAME| |08|SIZE| |13|DISK| |18|READ| |23|LOVE| |28|GIFT| |04|SHIP| |09|QUIZ| |14|MOLD| |19|TAPE| |24|NOTE| |05|RACE| |10|DOLL| |15|ZERO| |20|UNIT| |25|JAZZ| |06|WORD| |11|DATE| |16|FIRE| |21|SONG| |26|HELP| BUGS BUNNY'S CRAZY CASTLE III (gbc) checked-no |01| | |11|5TBV4R| |21|N0B8BB| |60|GXXVPL| |02| | |12|0LB84W| |22|28B8G2| |60|97X3GW| Level 60 w/ 56 lives |03| | |13| | |23|R4B8G2| |End|6JX*GL| |04|SXBX47| |14|81BV47| |24|HGB24V| |05|XCB84R| |15|45B2G7| |25|7MBXGZ| |06|CTB84R| |16|GLBVG7| |26|W3B8G6| |07|CSB8G7| |17|QLBVGW| |27|JNBX4K| |08|TXB24H| |18|?5BVGW| |28|92B249| |09|1SB849| |19|MDBX4K| |10|LCB8GW| |20|30B84K| BUGS BUNNY'S CRAZY CASTLE 4 (gbc) checked-no |12|PL3 S00| |13|R4KJ?7| A BUG'S LIFE (n64) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the main menu, move to the ant hill, hold Z+cU+cD+cL+cR and press [R]. An arrow will appear at the bottom of the screen, pointing to the right. =>Extra Life: Enter the training mode and spell FLIK to earn a life. Repeat until you have enough lives, exit the training mode, and start a new game will all of those lives! =>Invincibility: When the level name and description appears, hold Z+[R]+[L]. A BUG'S LIFE (gbc) checked-no |02|9LKK| |04|5P9K| |06|BKK2| |08|6562| |Bonus|BL26| |03|BL26| |05|6652| |07|2PLB| |09|L59B| BUMP 'N JUMP (nes) checked-no =>Continue: On the Game Over screen, hold CNTRL I: SELECT + CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL II: STARTx2 to continue. =>Extra Gas: While in the repair shop, press A repeatedly to gain extra gas. =>50000 Bonus: Complete a level without touching another car. BURAI FIGHTER (nes) checked-no |Stage2|Stage3|Stage4|Stage5|Stage6|Stage7| Normal Level | BALL | CAMP | DOLL | EDEN | FACE | GAME | Albatross Level| HEAD | JEEP | KING | LIME | MILD | NILE | Ace Level | PALM | FALL | IDEA | PLAN | MONK | IDOL | Ultimate Level | FLAG | JOKE | ONCE | PAIL | GOAL | ICHI | |LOBB| Power Up all weapons BURAI FIGHTER DELUXE (gb) checked-no | Type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |100 Lives|HGDM| |Eagle | |HGKM|CPFG|JJCM|DKLF| |Albatross| |HGNC|BMHB|DGBF|JGJH| |Ace | |GBHL|MHCB|CDMN|KDPG| |Ultimate |GDLP|LMCJ|LLHL|HFKP|BNGN| |GBAL| |IDCP| |MHCB| |LEOJ| |JJOE| |ODEN| |COHL| |KDPI| |AFKP| =>Through Wall: In stage 5, fly at the bottom of the screen until you reach the dead end. Move to the lower left corner and hold D+L. You will fly right through the wall. BURGER TIME DELUXE (gb) checked-no |2-1|Egg Egg HotDog Pepper| |5-1|Tomato Tomato Pickle Pepper| |3-1|HotDog Pepper Pepper Pickle| |6-1|Pickle Tomato Tomato HotDog| |4-1|Pickle Egg Egg Pickle| BUST-A-MOVE (snes) checked-no |XJZBOX| lvl 10 |LTH3DB| lvl 40 |SV6RTR| lvl 70 |23Q66$| lvl 100 |FG2FWC| lvl 20 |TZDK2K| lvl 50 |46V4C2| lvl 80 |5SNRT9| lvl 30 |60GCKW| lvl 60 |$K5TT$| lvl 90 BUST-A-MOVE 2: ARCADE EDITION (n64) checked-no =>Extra Levels: On the title screen, press PAD: [L] U [R] D and a small creature will appear on the screen. Choose your puzzle mode, and then select "Another World." =>Extra Characters: Select puzzle mode, and then press Lx2 U D [L] [R] [L] [R] [L]+[R] and you now be able to play as Bob, Bub, and the bosses. =>Just Bub: To play as Bub, press Z+[L]+[R]+A on the game select screen. =>Stage Skip: While playing, press Z+[L]+[R]+A. =>Screen Saver: Pause the game and wait about 45 seconds. BUST-A-MOVE 2: ARCADE EDITION (gb) checked-no |DINO| Time Trials 1-20 |SHAM| T.T.'s 1-30 |CHUN CHUN| T.T.'s 1-50 |Maita| 60 |Chokkinta| 70 |Bublen| 80 =>Bonus Levels: On the title screen, press A U B D. A small figure will appear in the corner of the screen. BUST-A-MOVE 4 (gbc) checked-no =>Extra Characters: On the main menu, press U D L L R U A B B A. =>Extra Puzzles: On the title screen, press A L R L A. A small orange guy will appear in the bottom corner of the screen. BUST-A-MOVE MILLENNIUM EDITION (gbc) checked-no =>Hidden Mode: On the title screen, press L R B B. A yellow icon will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen if entered correctly. BUST-A-MOVE '99 (n64) checked-no =>Arcade Mode: On the title screen, press B cL cR B. A small picture will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen, and the Arcade Mode is now available in the puzzle selection. SUPER BUSTER BROS. (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press START to go to game select screen and press CNTRL I: [L] [R]x2 [L] U D. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OF STAR COMMAND (gbc) checked-no |02|BBVBB| |05|YVVBB| |08|3BVBB| |11|MVVBB| |03|CVVBB| |06|GBVBB| |09|4VVBB| |12|7BVBB| |04|XBVBB| |07|HVVBB| |10|LBVBB| |13|8VVBB| |========== Chapter C ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. CACOMA KNIGHT IN BIZZYLAND (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: On the player select screen, press U U D D R L R L B A. SUPER CAESAR'S PALACE (snes) checked-no |292323Y6GG35B6D4| $190,000 |9CR7L6CFD1RC6935| $7,500,000 |9FY7F3NCR242D7T7| $2,000,000 |HBF1T2CF29S87JSC| $9,000,000 CAL RIPKEN JR. BASEBALL (snes) checked-no Enter these codes to play as Atlanta vs. ____ in the Championship |Atlanta |RCCJKJBDSPKDGGGFFRC| |Los Angeles |XQDJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| |Baltimore|RGGJKJBDSPKDGGGFFRC| |Minnesota |WPDJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| |Boston |SLCJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| |Oakland |VNDJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| |Chicago |RHHJKJBDSPKDGGGFFRC| |San Francisco|RFFJKJBDSPKDGGGFFRC| |Detroit |XQDJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| |St. Louis |SLSJKJBDSPLDGGGFFRC| =>All Ripken Team: Select one of the Exhibition Games and press START. On the Team Select screen, hold [L]+[R] and press START. The ALCAL'S Team will appear for your use. CALIFORNIA GAMES (nes) checked-no =>BMX Dirt Bike Track Tricks: You can perform several special moves here by pressing back, or pressing jump and any direction. * Easy Points: If you have a turbo controller, turn turbo on and press SELECT and the jump button. You should stay in one place and do thousands of jumps to earn lots of points. * Quick Stop: Press SELECT to stop faster than you could with B. =>Squinty O'Toole: Rumored move in the foot bag game worth extra points; to do it, do a left outside kick, a right outside kick, jumping head butt, two 360's and finally kick or knee the bag in front. CALIFORNIA SPEED (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Cars: Get 1st in Sports Cup for the Five-O car * Beat the Heavy Cup for the Mountain Dew car. * Beat the Sports Cup with the Five-O car for the Predator car. * Get first in the California Cup for the Semi and/or Bulldozer. * Beat the Light Cup to get the Squirrel Car. * Beat the Sport Series with any car but the Five-O car to earn the Mano. =>Bonus Tracks: Complete all of the Series Mode for the California Track. * Clover Track - Play the Sports series and access the Fuji track. Progress to the third week and a ? will appear after the Fuji track; beat Fuji again for the Clover Track. * Fiji Track - In the Sports Series, use the 486SE car to make it to the 5th race in the second week, beating that race within the given time. =>Mirror Mode: Enter Practice, set the track to Mirror, enter the Practice track, then exit and start a Series race. You will now be racing in Mirror Mode. Turn off the Mirror option in Practice to deactivate it. =>Colored Fog: Highlight Single or Practice Race and hold PAD: [L]+[R]+D+cU+cD+cL+cR. When the track appears, release the buttons and use PAD: R to cycle through all the course one full time, then choose your track, highlight Mirror, and press PAD: Rx3. The fog will now be of a different color. CANNON FODDER (snes) checked-no |XCYDW| Mission 2 |CDSCH| Mission 4 |SGDHC| Mission 6 |GHBHT| Mission 8 |ZDBGS| Mission 3 |NDYGH| Mission 5 |GGPHH| Mission 7 |BCBCY| Mission 1 |SGPLR| Mission 6 |HLDRG| Mission 11 |NPSXD| Mission 16 |SCSDX| Mission 2 |GHBNP| Mission 7 |RLWRY| Mission 12 |BRDYN| Mission 17 |CDBGW| Mission 3 |XHSPN| Mission 8 |DNHSX| Mission 13 |DRWYZ| Mission 18 |TDSHT| Mission 4 |WKLPR| Mission 9 |NNSTT| Mission 14 |WSLZX| Mission 19 |HGDKS| Mission 5 |DKWPR| Mission 10 |XPBWR| Mission 15 |NTCCS| Mission 20 =>Stage Skip: Enter the password |QNFJR| and ignore the INVALID message. Begin a game and you will be able to skip any stage by pressing SELECT. CAPTAIN COMIC (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Game Lock-up: When you reach Space World, turn left, jump atop the wall that is behind the door, and press U. A door will appear and the game will lock up. CAPTAIN COMMANDO (snes) checked-no =>Running Attack: Press twice in the same direction to run (hold the button to continue running). If you run, jump, and attack during the jump, you will do a special attack that does more damage than a normal attack. Unlike your Special Attacks that consume your own life energy, a running jump attack is free. CAPTAIN PLANET (nes) checked-no |1-2|763 754| |3-1|148 574| |4-2|799 274| |End|506 210| |2-1|955 783| |3-2|786 565| |5-1|344 551| |2-2|637 511| |4-1|920 272| |5-2|829 443| CAPTAIN PLANET (gb) checked-no |2-1|EEHB| |3-1|HBBP| |4-1|PEEP| |5-1|TTPB| |6-1|PTTH| CAPTAIN SKYHAWK (nes) checked-yes =>Invincibility: Press (U R D L U)x4 while letters are falling on the copyright screen. Press START to be invincible. =>Extra Lives/All Weapons: Push START and wait for the title screen to appear. When it does, press A D START. =>Stage Skip: Press CNTRL II: U+B. CARMAGEDDON (gbc) checked-no |0Z6SZD[skull]V| All cars and trucks CARROT CRAZY (gbc) checked-no Easy |01|Marvin Elmer Daffy| |02|Daffy Elmer Taz| |04|Sam Elmer Daffy| Hard |02|Taz Sam Marvin | |04|Marvin Sam Taz | =>Stage Skip: Enter the password |Taz Elmer Daffy|. During the game, pause and press SELECT. Now press A to advance to the next stage. CASINO KID (nes) checked-no |QPHAQ PPEAM JGSBE AGLAQ PPEAM GGJBL| 6 players down, $10000 |QHGAQ PPEAM GGJBH EHGAQ PPEAM GUJXW| 12 players down, $180000 |QIFAQ PPEAM GWJII DNAAQ PPEAM GUJXE| Bruno, $350000 |QOGAQ PPEAM GWJXI FVTAQ PPEAM GUJXG| Ready for Cindy, $600000 CASINO KID 2 (nes) checked-no |5G0G0 00C74| defeat J.Nagule, $300 |E0QC0 CXCC4| all Blackjack players + 2 poker players, $12400 |CAHC1 YXFJL| one roulette player left, $41570 |CRDV5 YYYGG| King Las Vegas =>Roulette Dealer's phrases and safe bets to make: Rie Lenka - China "I may hit 00, or I may not." 00 1 or 27 "How about the Black or the Red?" Black "Try Twelve" Odd and 2cd 12 "Have you tried Twelve?" Odd and Red "Listen to me carefully, Kid." Even and 3rd 12 "What I say is very helpful!" Red and 3rd row "Watch the Wheel, not the layout." 0 2 28 "I'll hit the first twelve" 3rd 12 "Try the Even or the Odd" Even "Think Kid, think!" Black Paul Kieton - England "I don't like black cars" Black "Well, well, well" 2cd 12, red and even "I can read you very well" 3rd row, red and even "Teasing? No way!" 0 2 28 "Don't get too excited" 1st 12 and odd "You get excited and lose it all" Odd "How old are you?" 1-18 "I may land on 00. Do you believe me?" 00 1 27 "I cannot be defeated by you." 3rd 12 Abu Ganzil - India "I am always the winner" Odd Red "It will be a full moon tonight" 0 5 6 "I never lose!" 1st 12 "I'll bet it's odd. Do you believe me?" Even "How about trying Even?" Odd CASPER (gb) checked-no |1-4|Rope Duck Meat Egg Cracker| |2-4|Nail Bucket Ball Lamp Mag Glass Candle Rocket| |3-4|Bucket Funnel Ball Weight Pan| CASTLEVANIA (n64) checked-part =>Goddess Astronomy Puzzle: Gold on 2, Red on 4, Blue on 8. =>Dracula Power-Up: Once you leave the Clock Tower you will begin climbing a long staircase. Dracula's room is the third chamber up, and you'll notice it has a large pillars of flame on each side of the door. Jump onto the platform holding the flaming torch, then follow the ledge around the back of the tower. Smash the standard torch in the back for some red jewels. Now, walk straight from the location of the jewel torch to the torch on the platform out in space - you will walk over an invisible platform. Smash the torch and grab a healing kit. You can also get a healing kit by examining each of those large pillars of flame. =>Alternate Endings and Battles: If you take too long to reach the end of the game, or use too many cards (four, perhaps?), you will be forced to fight your dear associate Charlie and garner a "bad" ending. * Renon's Contract: If you buy more than a total of $30,000 worth of items from Renon during your game, you will be forced to battle him at the end of the game. This does not cause a bad ending, however. ->Hard Mode: In the first stage, the Silent Forest, you will find a platform floating next to a bridge. Jump to it, smash the torch, and you'll get a green jewel that will appear on your item list as Secret #1. Complete the game, save, and you will now be able to play on the hard difficulty mode. ->Reinhardt's Alternate Costume: In the Tower of Execution, make your way up to the third level and smash open one of the iron maidens to find the Execution Key. Return to the second level and open up the locked iron gate. Walk through the hallway and look over the edge to find a floating platform with an iron maiden; jump to this platform and smash the maiden to find Secret #2 - a purple jewel that will enable Reinhardt's alternate costume once you beat the game. When you start a new game and are choosing your character, press U to switch to the new costume. ->Carrie's Alternate Costume: At the top of the Tower of Sorcery, right before the exit, you see a floating platform with a torch. Toss Holy Water and the path to the platform should become visible. Smash the torch to earn Secret #2 - a purple jewel that will enable Carrie's alternate costume once you beat the game. ->Hedge Maze: At the entrance to the garden hedge maze, look up to the right and you should see a platform. You can climb up to it using an invisible ledge right in front of it. Oh... when running through the maze with Malus, first turn left, open the door (now unlocked), then go left, right, right, left, left, left, right, right, enter the gate and grab supplies, exit via the gate and run right, left, right, left, left, right. Now take a leisurely jaunt down the passage, grab the key, walk through the Villa, reenter the maze, run like crazy down the long passage towards the tower, then enter the door to the right. ->Unlimited Cash: After killing the bull in the Castle Center, move back to the white save crystal. A large crate should be somewhat nearby; smash the crate to get $2000. Save the game, reload, and repeat. =>Time Events: * Villa: At 3 a.m., Rosa will appear in the rose garden in the villa. Talk to her then. * Courtyard: At midnight, a platform will rise in the courtyard fountain, allowing you to nab the items on top of the fountain. =>Items: Examine most statues to earn chickens or slabs of beef. ->Replay Clock Tower: Once you complete the Clock Tower with Reinhardt and walk through the third door, ride the elevator up the right side of the tower rather than climbing the staircase. On the roof of the Clock Tower, run off of either of the two edges of the roof that face the staircase. Fall for a bit, then hold the jump button. If timed correctly, you will end up landing on the platform where you fought Death. Go down the elevator here and you will arrive at the beginning of the Clock Tower stage. ->Dual Tower Shortcut: Fight the first miniboss, climb up the ledge and hop to the next platform. Look down from the corners of this platform. From one of the corners, you will be able to see some platforms floating down in the liquid on the floor of the tower. Run and jump off the platform and try to land on those floating platforms in the liquid. Proceed along this path and you will fight the last miniboss, thus skipping about three minibosses. CASTLEVANIA II: BELMONT'S REVENGE (gb) checked-no C = Candle H = Heart O = Orb _ = blank |CHHO| after Crystal Castle |OHCH| Dracula battle |HHH_| after Plant Castle |CCHH| Start with 10 men |HHO_| after Rock Castle |HHHH| Sound test |HOC_| Dracula's Castle 1 |_O_O| Harder Game |HCOO| Dracula's Castle 2 =>Resume Game with 10 Lives: Enter the 10 men password and begin playing any castle. Press A+B+START+SELECT to return to the title screen, then enter any password to begin your saved game. You will start with 10 lives. =>Hidden Rooms: In Crystal Castle, find the room with hanging ropes and giant eyeballs falling from the ceiling. Climb up a rope through the ceiling. * In Cloud Castle, find the room right before you reach the third floor. A monster should be hanging from the ceiling and spitting out eyes. Grab the rope left of the ledge and climb through the ceiling. * In Plant Castle, once you pass through the third door, keep going left over the bridge and climb the rope into the ceiling. * In Rock Castle, pass through the third door and keep going right. Climb the rope up into the ceiling. * In the second stage of Dracula's Castle, look for a room with an upside- down monster. Climb the rope up, you guessed it, to the ceiling. CASTLEVANIA II: SIMON'S QUEST (nes) checked-part |OFIC M5YX XD4C Q3AA| Thorn Whip and Holy Water |OFIT M5QX 1P5S QBQA| Drac's Rib, Chain Whip and Blue Crystal |SZMH QXE1 5PXW UESE| All of the above plus Drac's Heart |TIRH DYDZ 4O5V 81B1| Above plus Drac's Nail, Flame Whip and Red Crystal |MLIE WUCW VNKU SCBC| Above plus Ring and Cross |RIG7 NVFX E45V 07BT| Ready for Dracula - Kill him for the First Ending |OYZY UQAU R12S SMIA| Kill Dracula for the Second Ending |C1DF O26D L1KN SWJK| Kill Dracula for the Third Ending |PSPR VRBV U2DT RFIZ| The Everything Password |EXKM WSUW 532U UWBG| Everything, in under 5:12:00 for the best time -> |MLIT WVCW T3KU SFZC| Start the game with everything =>Talk: Try talking to people behind boarded-up windows. =>Rib Shield: Once you retrieve Dracula's rib, you can use it as a shield. =>Invisible: After beating Dracula, use laurels when you begin your next game. CASTLEVANIA III: DRACULA'S CURSE (nes) checked-part =>Sound Test: During the demo at the beginning of the game, while the film strip is rolling, hold A+B and press STARTx2. Now press U and D to change the music, B to start, and A to stop the music. =>Name Codes: Start a new game, and on the Enter Your Name screen enter these codes. |HELP ME| Start with 10 Lives |FUJIMOTO| Start with Grant |OKUDA | Start with Alucard |AKAMA | Harder version of the game |URATA | Start with Sypha ->Lightning Attack: When fighting the first Cyclops, you should notice bolts of lightning in the background. Every once in a while, the sky changes color and a larger bolt zaps forth. If you throw the dagger just when the screen blinks with the bolt, the bolt will hit the Cyclops for 4 points of damage. ->Passwords: H=Heart C=Cross W=Whip-=blank Use the name |HELP ME| C--W stage CC-W stage HW-- stage -C-W stage -C-- stage -H-H 3-01 -H-- 4-0A -C-H 5-06 ---- 5-0A H--- 6-01 --W- Grant H--- Sypha C--- Alucard --W- Sypha --C- Alucard ---- ---- --W- WW-C WH-C -C-W stage -W-W stage -H-- stage -WH- stage --W- stage C--- 6-0A ---- 6-0A ---- 7-01 --CW 7-0A --CW 7-0A -W-- Sypha ---- Trevor -WH- Alucard -W-C Sypha ---W Trevor CW-H CW-C CH-H C-W- H--- -WC- stage -WW- stage -C-W stage ---- stage -H-W stage --CC 8-01 --CC 8-01 H--- 9-01 W--- 9-01 H--- A-01 -W-H Sypha -W-H Trevor -W-- Sypha --W- Trevor -W-- Sypha H--- C--- WC-C WC-H CC-H ---- stage -H-- stage ---W stage WW-W Quest 2 W--- A-01 H--- A-01 H--- A-01 -C-W lvl 1 -WC- Grant --H- Alucard -WW- Trevor C-W- Sypha CC-C CC-H CC-C ---H SUPER CASTLEVANIA IV (snes) checked-no Level Passwords: Do not enter a name on the password screen. H=Heart W=Holy Water A=Axe -=blank Level 2 Level 4 Level 8 Level A Final Level A--W ---W ---- ---H ---A -A-- WW-- WW-- WH-- W--- -A-- -W-A -W-W -H-H ---H WW-- ---- WW-- AW-- HH-- 2nd Quest Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 HA-W ---- ---A ---W ---- ---- A--H W--- W--- WW-- W--- WW-- -A-- ---- ---- -W-A ---A -W-A -H-- W--- H--- ---- WA-- WA-- Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level A Level B Last ---W ---- ---A ---H ---A ---W WH-- WW-- WW-- WH-- W--- WW-- -H-W -W-W -W-W -H-H ---H -W-- -A-- WW-- HP-- AW-- HH-- -HA- =>Invisible Staircase: In the level before Dracula is a staircase leading to Drac's lair. Jump into the pit, aiming for the fair side, and you should land on an invisible platform. An invisible staircase is on the left of this platform. Move left as far as you can and power-ups will fall on top of you. Refill yourself, then go off and fight Dracula. =>Power-Ups: Jump on any stage 9 Treasure Chest 255 times for a power-up. =>Bonus Rooms: Bonus rooms exist in stages 3-1, 6-2, and 9-2. THE CASTLEVANIA ADVENTURE (gb) checked-no =>1-Up: In stage 1, skip the first candle you see. A 1-up will now be found in the 3rd candle after you climb the rope. =>Bonus Rooms: There are various bonus rooms found in the game. * 1st Stage: After you've encountered the third set of rolling eyes, climb the rope, but climb INTO the ceiling. * 2cd Stage: After the bridge, continue downward until you come to a place where rolling eyes are falling down to the right and stairs are leading the same way. Destroy one of the eyes, making sure it explodes on the second step from the bottom. A small hole will appear; fall into the hole and climb down the invisible rope into the bonus room. * 3rd Stage: Near the end, before the mini boss, you will climb a long rope on the left side of the screen. A rather wide wall is to the right. Half way up the rope, jump into the wall. CASTLEVANIA: CIRCLE OF THE MOON (gba) checked-no =>Reset Memory: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R]+A+B and press SELECT. You will be able to choose whether to erase the memory or not. =>Extra Modes: While playing, you may have noticed that your status screen says VAMPIRE KILLER. This indicates you are playing in the standard, Vampire Killer mode of the game. After you beat the game, you can play in other modes... * Magician Mode: Once you beat the game normally, begin a new game and enter your name as |FIREBALL|. You will play the game in Magician mode, which means that you start with all the DSS cards but different stats. You have lower strength/hp but higher intelligence and magic. * Fighter Mode: Once you complete a game in the Magician mode, you can enable the Fighter mode. Start a new game with the name |GRADIUS| to do so. You have a greater hp and strength, but a much lower intelligence and magic rating. No DSS cards can be found in the game in this mode. * Shooter Mode: Once you've beaten Magician, you can play the Shooter mode. Start a new game with the name |CROSSBOW|. You will have the stats of the Magician mode, but you will have to find the DSS cards. You have more item hearts, and your special weapons do much more damage. Also, you can use the Homing Dagger by grabbing two daggers in a row. * Thief Mode: If you beat the Shooter mode, you can now take on the Thief mode. Enter the name |DAGGER| for a new game and enjoy. You have really low defense, strength, and attack stats... but you have a very high luck rating. This means that finding high powered armor and the DSS cards is much easier. CASTLEVANIA: DRACULA X (snes) checked-no A=Axe W=Holy Water H=Heart F=Flame/blank |FHA| Stage 2 |WFF| Stage 3 |AAA| Stage 4 |FHW| Stage 5a |AAA| |AAF| Get Key |FWW| Free Maria |WAF| |AWW| |FWW| |AHH| with Key |AHH| |HWH| Stage 5b |HAH| Stage 6 |WAA| Stage 6+ |HAH| Stage 7 |WAH| |WFH| |WFW| |FFH| |HHH| |WFH| |AWF| |WWF| |WWW| Stage 7+ |AFH| |FFA| =>Key: In Mission 3, don't fall off of the pillars and make sure to pick up the key, found near the chamber of the headless knight. Use this key in Mission 4 to free Maria and open the path to the alternate Mission 5, which will give you the better ending when you complete the game. The codes for Missions 6 and 7 'b' are for the better ending path. =>Final Power-Up: When you reach the stairs to Dracula at the end of the game, walk under the stairs and jump out as far as you can to land on an invisible platform. Walk along the platform and climb the invisible stairs, which leads to an extensive power-up room. =>Key Tip: Use the key as a weapon in crash attacks. You'll be surround by fire, which damages enemies, but invincible. CASTLEVANIA: LEGACY OF THE DARKNESS (n64) checked-part =>Extra Characters: Beat the game as Cornell to enable Henry's quest. Reinhardt and Carrie can be enabled by rescuing children in Henry's quest. =>Dracula Power-Up: Once you leave the Clock Tower you will begin climbing a long staircase. Dracula's room is the third chamber up, and you'll notice it has a large pillars of flame on each side of the door. Jump onto the platform holding the flaming torch, then follow the ledge around the back of the tower. Smash the standard torch in the back for some red jewels. Now, walk straight from the location of the jewel torch to the torch on the platform out in space - you will walk over an invisible platform. Smash the torch and grab a roast beef. You can also get a roast beef kit by examining each of those large pillars of flame. ->Cornell Tips: Want to get those items on the fountain outside the Villa? Just flip the switches on the tombstones in the proper order of Master, Wife, Child, and Unknown. That info's in the Archives, by the way. * Thorn Key: This key unlocks the gated area in the hedge maze. To get it, you'll need to be in the Rose Garden in the Villa at 6 a.m. One rose in the center planter will stand out from the rest. Grab it for the key. Oh, and if you can't figure out what to do with the Rose Brooch... try the fountain. * Hedge Maze: Want the path through the maze while saving Henry? Go left, right, forward, right, right, right, forward, left, left, right, and through the door. ->Reinhardt/Carrie Tips: See the Castlevania entry for more tips, as the quests for these characters are nearly identical. The secret item crystals aren't in this game, however. For the hard mode and other costumes, you need to rescue the kids in Henry's game. * Endings/Renon: See the Castlevania entry. * Hedge Maze Path: I thought this Hedge Maze was easier to complete than in the other Castlevania, but if you need help... after Malus starts to run, go left, through the door, then right, forward, right, right, right, forward through the arch, left, left, right. Malus departs. Feel free to grab the copper key that is in this long path, then run through the Villa, return to the maze, and take the first right to find the Copper Door. =>Forest of Silence Shortcut: See the instructions for finding Henry's first child in the Forest of Silence for a nice shortcut through this level. =>Children: When playing as Henry, you need to save those six children to activate six different special modes or cheats. These special options are not enabled until you either rescue all six children or end the seventh day. To choose alternate outfits, press U or D when selecting a character at the beginning of the game. The Outer Wall secret is tricky... it seems that you may have to enter it during the evening to actually get to the Outer Wall, otherwise you show up in either the Waterways or the Tunnels. The best piece of advice I can give is to just keep using Moon or Sun cards to advance the time by six hours, then hopping in the coffin. If it's the wrong place, leave, use a card, then reenter. * Forest of Silence - Hard Mode: When you reach the area with the switches that raise the pillars in the muddy area (not the river), look behind the last switch to find steps leading down the cliff. Climb down and smash through the cliff wall to find a hidden passage leading to Edward. You can then jump to the island, throw the switch, and climb the cliff to face the boss. * Castle Wall - Alternate Cornell Outfit: Enter the left tower and make your way to the row of four turning spike blocks. Jump from the middle two blocks to the platform sticking out of the pillar in the center of the room to rescue the girl. Return downstairs and walk through the gate. * Villa Hedge Maze - Enable Reinhardt: Enter the Villa and go through the right door to the white save crystal room. Enter the hedge maze, pass through the door, turn left, right twice, then right under an arch to find the next child. Go through the coffin in the Crypt to proceed. * Outer Wall - Carrie's Alternate Outfit: To reach the Castle Wall, you need to enter the coffin in the crypt with 7 or 3 remaining days. You may also need to jump in during the evening. At the wall, proceed to the first elevator, climb the pillar, hop to the roof and walk towards the path leading to the alcove area. When you reach the end of the path, drop down to land on the small platform. Continue to travel downwards to reach the next child. * Underground Tunnels - Enable Carrie: Jump into the coffin in the crypt with 5 or 2 days left. Play through until you get off of the second gondola and take the elevator up. Proceed forward, ignore the first pit to the right, then proceed across the second pit (actually two pits combined). Proceed forward, turn left at the shovel and you will see a save point. The passage on the left leads to a Moon Door with Diana inside. After you save her, cross back over the two pits and head towards the Sun Door at the end of the corridor. Enter, kill the boss, and walk through the door to return to the coffin in the crypt. * Underground Waterway - Reinhardt's Alternate Costume: Enter the coffin in the crypt with 4 or 1 day left. Enter the first flight of stairs, cross the collapsing bridge, then hop across the small ledges on the wall to the right. Inside the alcove (which used to be a waterfall) is the child. Return to the entrance to exit. CASTLEVANIA LEGENDS (gb) checked-part M=Meat C=Candle A=Axe H=Holy Water W=Watch K=Knife +=Cross |level|Norm|Light| | 4 |W KM|CAWC| |Bonus|K CM|M MC| | 2 |AA K|+AAW| | 5-1 |WHMC|CHMM| | 3 |A+ C|++ M| | 5-2 |KCCC|MCCM| ->Hidden Level: In stage five, after beating the first boss (jumping demon), proceed through the doors and take the upper path, staying to the right. There should be an opening the wall leading to the next screen, where you will find two bats and a platform, with a platform beneath it. Jump into the hole beneath the smaller platform, and whip the candle that appears as you fall. When you land on a platform, whip the white candle. Get off the platform, but don't exit the room. The floor below should have disappeared; jump into the void to find the hidden level. CAT TRAP (gb) checked-no |R61H| stage 100 =>Level Skip: Hold A+B+START+SELECT until you skip the level. Or, try quickly pressing SELECT repeatedly. * Or... pause the game, hold SELECT, hold START, and keep the two buttons held for about five seconds and a Level Clear screen will appear. CATERPILLAR CONTRUCTION {*} please see MATCHBOX CATERPILLAR CONTRUCTION CEL DAMAGE (gc) checked-no Enter these passwords as player names in the LOAD screen |BRAINSALAD| Space Stages unlocked |MULTIPLEX!| Movies unlocked |GUNSMOKE! | Range Weapons unlocked |TWRECKSPAD| Jungle stages unlocked |MOVEITNOW | Movement pickups unlocked |COUNTDEAD | Count Earl & Haunted Stages |FATHEAD | Everything unlocked |WHACKFAD | Whack Angus & All Desert Stages =>Big Head Mode: During the game, hold PAD: [L]+[R]+U for three seconds and all characters in the game should receive huge heads. CENTIPEDE/MILLIPEDE (gb) checked-no =>With 2 Gamelinked Game Boys, you can play a simultaneous Centipede game. CHAMELEON TWIST (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Level: Collect 20 or more crowns in each level and a new option is available. On the Stage Select screen, a small box called "...?" will appear, leading to a new level. This level is a boss battle room, where you can fight all of the game's bosses. =>Pool: Enter the sixth castle with at least 50 crowns and enter the door next to the rabbit to find a giant pool table. CHAMELEON TWIST 2 (n64) checked-no =>Hidden Pictures: Beat the game and save to a memory card. Press RESET and exit any options screen to see the new images. =>Costumes: Earn all 20 gold coins in a level and defeat the boss to earn a costume. To use them, press START on the stage select screen. Move to Costumes and press A. CHAMPIONS WORLD CLASS SOCCER (snes) checked-no Ireland vs. Germany |N7D77C56C| Australia vs. Uruguay |SK0Y5BK6F| THE CHAOS ENGINE {*} please see SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE CHARLIE BLASTS TERRITORY (n64) checked-no C=Clubs H=Hearts D=Diamonds S=Spades Desert |02|4C 5H 10C QC QC| Alpine |11|7D 4S 9D 7H QH | |20|6D JC 3H 4C 8H| Islands|03|4C 5H 10S 9C 4C| Islands|12|6D 4D 9C 8C 4C | |21|AC JS 3C 7H 9H| |04|AC 7D 6H 6S 2H| |13|5C 9C JH 6C 4C | |22|9H 6C 2H 6S 2S| |05|6H 2H AS 5H 8H| |14|2H 3D 9D 3D 2C | |23|2H 3D 7C QD 8D| |06|9D 10D JD JH QH| |15|4C 5H QS 4C 8C | |24|AC 7D 6S JC 4H| |07|9D 10H 10H 7D 5H| |16|6D JS 2H AD 6H | |25|AC JC 3D JH KH| |08|AC 7D 8D 5C 8H| |17|6H 2H QC 7S 3H | |09|6D 4H 9H 6H QC| |18|6C KH 10H AC 3S | |10|7D 10H AH 9S 6H| |19|2H 3D 7H 6C 10D| =>Examine Level: In the Puzzle Mode, pause the game and use the C buttons to zoom and pan the level to view it all. CHASE HQ (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, hold D+A+B and press START. The score will change to 11, which represent the selected stage. Use A & B to choose. CHASE HQ: SECRET POLICE (gbc) checked-no |02|NDHQ| |04|JD1S| |06|BHKT| |08|14FQ| |10|MMQG| |03|WVLF| |05|NC4Z| |07|ZDKW| |09|XVNP| |Stages 1-5|H3MV| CHAVEZ BOXING (snes) checked-no please see RIDDICK BOWE BOXING CHIMP CHASE {*} please see THE WILD THORNBERRY'S CHIMP CHASE CHOPLIFTER II (gb) checked-no |SKYHPPR| 1-2 |RGHTHND| 2-3 |CMPTRWZ| 4-1 |LVLYTYZ| 5-2 |LKYBY55| 1-3 |GDGMPLY| 3-1 |CHPYBY5| 4-2 |GDDYGMZ| 5-3 |CHPLFTR| 2-1 |TRYHRDR| 3-2 |VRYHPPY| 4-3 |BYM5FWR| 2-2 |SPRYSK5| 3-3 |GMBYQZD| 5-1 CHOPLIFTER III (snes) checked-no lvl Easy Normal Hard lvl Easy Normal Hard |01| QLVDMRP | MZNSTTW | TSSRVBL | |09| MRXZVXL | NVLLVLT | YPWGMNV | |02| BCCMQWT | JNGLSTH | GLJHYNZ | |10| THRSHPS | SHPSLTH | VHTRSNV | |03| PPNLXZW | BSHSTFR | QVBCCRS | |11| GDNSSGC | BTSLVFR | HVNKNWS | |04| SHNLNTS | DSRTLLN | NDRWSCT | |12| WHTDFFN | MDCTLVN | GDMRNNG | |05| JMSHLPR | CVRNSGT | GRNTRTH | |13| WHYSTSW | RRTSTTW | HWMNLVL | |06| MRKMYNR | DRKNSTR | SNDRSNF | |14| GRMSCTT | THRNLTH | NMLCLMN | |07| TCMLLRF | LLVRLVF | XTRMNTG | |15| RTHKKRS | RQHHSTF | DRRNBRM | |08| CDGGBVN | MRDSTGN | LPMWWQZ | =>Unlim. Repairs: If you leave a repair station before your energy bar fully refills, you can come back to that station again. If you never fully refill at a station, you can always come back to it. CHOPPER ATTACK (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Characters: To get King 10, find and kill him in level 7 and complete the mission. For Stingray, do the same in level 7. =>Super Choppers: On the main menu screen, hold [L]+[R]+Z and press START. =>Jumping President: Press Z+cU+cD and launch a homing cluster, and if it hits your opponent the president will hop out of the plane. =>Stage Select: On the start screen, press cUx7. =>Bonus Weapon/Level: Play through the game on the expert setting, and after level 7 you will be able to fight on the moon and buy the alien weapon, homing plasma. =>Rotate Copter: On the helicopter selection screen, press [L]. On the new copter stats screen use the STICK to rotate the helicopter. =>Boss Trick: When fighting the large green plane boss of level 6, try to fly underneath and shoot the large green missiles upwards for an easier kill. =>Cheat Menu: When Press Start appears on the title screen, hold Z and press R L U D A B START. CHRONO TRIGGER (snes) checked-no =>Silver Points: In Leene Square, bet on a racer in the foot races. Stand in front of the line, then walk back and forth in front of the racers you did not bet on. You will slow them down, thus allowing your racer to win. =>Music Glitch: Enter the Epoch and travel to 1999 A.D., and when you have the choice, escape. Press B to continue the game, and you will be asked again if you wish to escape; this time, fight Lavos. Crono's second theme music will be sped up. =>Name Change: Destroy the Blackbird jet, then return to 65,000,000 BC Laruba Ruins and find Nu, a handy guy who will rename you. =>Charm: Try using the Charm spell on Mother Brain, Son of Sun, Rust Tyrano, Yakra XIII, Golem, and other major enemies to receive special items. =>Soda Trick: If you have a rapid-fire controller, go to the northeast corner of the fair at the beginning of the game and play the soda-drinking game again and again, holding U and using rapid-fire A. You'll rack in the silver in no time at all. =>Black Stone: In the second village on the 12000 B.C. floating island, find the tables with books, and read the books in this order: Water, Lightning, and Fire. This trick also works in the first village, where it yields a magic tab. =>Ethers: Beat the brown bunny on the 600 A.D. mountain near Truce. =>Better Equipment: For many chests, you can improve the contents if you open them in the past, choose not to take the contents, then open them in the future. One such thing occurs if you power up the pendant in Zeal, then go to 600 A.D. and find the four black chests. Go open the chests but choose not to remove the contents. Go to 1000 AD and open these chests to find powered up equipment. =>Lower Prices: The Mystic will lower his prices if you beat Magus for the first time and also beat Ozzie (fly the Epoch to the place northeast of the palace of Magus). =>Hidden Tabs: Search Toma's Grave in 1000 A.D. after pouring soda on it; another is in the factory in 2300 A.D. near the lower right wall by the door in the room where the battle with Atropos occurs. =>Magus Equipment: In Ozzie's Fort, ignore Ozzie. Right before you leave the fort, enter an invisible door under the upper exit and you will be able to pick up all the equipment. =>Mop: Use Charm on Nu in 65 million B.C. =>Extra Scene: In the cell, open the bag and drink from the cup. =>Endings: Yes, there are several endings to this game... here are directions for reaching the first few; -1- Get Crono back in your party. Use the Epoch Time Machine or the Bucket at the end of time to reach Lavos and defeat him to see scenes concerning Crono and Marle. -2- Get Crono back in your party, then reach Lavos by battling through the Black Omen fortress. -3- Challenge Lavos and lose. Very depressing. =>+ Endings: If you complete the game by going through the Black Omen to reach Lavos, the Game Selection screen will show a New Game + option. The + game contains your characters at the same power levels they were at at the end of the previous game, and allows you to reach a variety of new endings. In the + game, the right telepod of Lucca's device will occasionally sparkle; stepping on the sparkle and pressing A will transport you to Lavos. Going a different times yields different endings. -1- Enter the Lavos Gate at the beginning of the game for a visit with the programmers. -2- Defeat Lavos at the Ocean Palace in 12000 B.C. or enter the Lavos Gate after exiting the Heckran Cave yields an ending featuring Nu and a frog. -?- Same as 2, but make sure to put the ruby knife in the Mammon machine. -3- Go through the Lavos Gate after returning from your first trip to 600 A.D. and you will find everyone looking like frogs. -3.5- As soon as you get the Masamune. -4- Enter the Lavos Gate after getting the Masamune and having Frog join the party. You'll see Frog fight Magus. -5- Enter the Lavos Gate after getting Ayla back in your party; you'll jump to the beginning of the game, but with everyone looking reptite. -6- After your first battle with Magus, enter the Lavos Game (save game name will be "The Magic Kingdom") and watch Magus fight Lavos. -7- After Schala breaks the seal. -8- After defeating Azala in Tyrano Castle. -9- Before restoring Chrono. -10- Use the bucket to beat Lavos after killing Magus but without restoring Chrono to put Frog back as a human. -11- After the first battle on Zenan bridge, but before getting the Hero's Medal from Tata, so he is mistaken for the hero. -12- After getting the Gate Key in 65 million BC. -???- You must play through most of the game; these endings have a lot to do with whether or not 2 key characters are in your party when you confront Lavos for the final time. You may wish to use the Epoch Time Machine instead of the Lavos Gate for one of the endings. CHU CHU ROCKET! (gba) checked-no =>Speedy Credits: When the credits roll, hold B to zip through them. =>Earn Extra Modes: For the Hard Mode, solve all the standard puzzles in in Puzzle Mode. Beat all Hard Mode puzzles for the Special Mode, and beat all Special Puzzles for the Mania Mode. CIVILIZATION (snes) checked-no =>Stop Production: To keep a city from producing, and thus build up your cash supply, order it to build an improvement. When the improvement is completed, do not issue a new improvement command. =>Bomb Trick: If you can't get a nuclear device back to your carrier or town, bring it to one of your foe's irrigated areas and use the Plunder command. This should destroy their irrigation system. Bwaa ha ha ha. CLASH AT DEMONHEAD (nes) checked-no |673CC A7MHG DQ2S9 SSUS1 4347J PP89D| before Gov. Bopper.. just go UP |URSAG GFIML ILQ34 POPQI KK5MO 8Q2AB| Last boss, then enter saucer & medals =>Shop Specials: On your 30th visit to the Super Shop, everything will be half price. =>Award Order: There is a cycle to the awards that appear after killing bad guys. After getting an apple, killing 3 more yields cash, 3 more results in more cash, 2 more brings a heart, 4 more results in more cash, 2 more gives an apple, and then the cycle repeats. =>Medallions: The correct medallion placement changes every time you play; luckily, correctly placed medallions stay in place, so you can use the process of elimination to set them correctly. CLAYFIGHTER (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: Play a one-player game until you reach N. Boss. Intentionally lose both rounds, then don't press any buttons until the options screen appears. Select Vs. Battle. Player 2 will control N. Boss. CLAYFIGHTER: TOURNAMENT EDITION (snes) checked-no =>Mini-Fighters: Select a 4-Player tournament, then choose and name the following fighters in the following order. When the game begins, all will be shrunken. 1 Frosty |POSSE| 2 Frosty |JASON A| 3 Blob |STEVE C| 4 Taffy |JOHN S| =>Options: On the Character Select screen, choose your character and quickly hold SELECT+L to make the secret options screen appear. CLAYFIGHTER 2: JUDGEMENT CLAY {*} Please see C2: JUDGEMENT CLAY CLAYFIGHTER 63 1/3 (n64) checked-no =>Random Fighter: Hold [R]+[L] to have your fighter chosen randomly. =>Secret Options: On the Character Select screen, hold [L] and press cU cR cL cD B A. Enter the Options screen to find the secret options. =>Secret Options 2: On the Character Select screen, hold [L] and press (A B)x3 cL cR cU cR cL cR. =>Stage Select: During a 2 player Verus game, while on the Character select screen, use the C buttons to select a stage then press B to confirm. =>Bonus Fighters: On the Character Select screen, hold [L] and press: * U R D L R L - Booger Man * B cL cU cR cD A - Dr. Kiln * A cD cR cU cL B - Sumo Santa =>Color Code: Press cD instead of A while selecting your player to use their alternate color outfit. =>300+ Hit Combos: Execute a combo, and when your opponent's life bar turns red, perform a Special Move. =>Taunts: You can "taunt" an opponent just for the fun of it. Try pressing [L] [R]+A or [L] [R]+B to do one; different fighters require one or the other. CLAYFIGHTER 63 1/3: SCULPTOR'S CUT (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Fighters: On the fighter select screen, hold Z, enter the following code, listen for the tone, then highlight ? and press [R] * Bx2 cRx2 cLx2 - Boogerman * cU cD cL cR B A - High Five * A cR A cR cD cU - Sumo Santa * B cL cU cR cD cU - Earthworm Jim =>Color Change: Highlight a fighter and press cD. =>Random Fighter: Press [L]+[R] on the fighter select screen or select a ?. CLAYMATES (snes) checked-no =>Warps: * Africa: In Japan 2, jump four time on top of the first monster machine. * Cape Claynaveral: Start Clayton's Yard but don't hop down the first tunnel. Jump over the gap and jump onto the first flower four times. Try hopping twice on the third flower for a warp to Cannon. * Japan: In Cape Claynaveral 1, go up to the magnet drop and quickly hop on it four times. COBRA TRIANGLE (nes) checked-no =>10 Lives: Enter the name |HELP ME| on the name entry screen. =>Bonus: When crossing a finish line, do a spin for 1000 points. CODE NAME: VIPER (nes) checked-no |040471| Area 4 |081629| Area 8 |081620| Last seven |745765| Final Boss |217298| End of Game COLLEGE HOOPS '99 {*} please see FOX SPORTS COLLEGE HOOPS '99 COLLEGE SLAM (snes) checked-no =>Fraternity Teams: On the title screen, press U D L R U D L R. =>Quick Reset: On the selection or options screen, press [L]+[R]. =>Codes: Enter these on the Tonight's Match-Up screen after the announcer speaks but before the screen fades. =>Shot %: Press Ax3 Bx3 =>Quick Hands: Press L A B B Y =>Max Power: Press A D A R =>On Fire: Press L R L U D D =>3-Points: Press Yx3 Ax3 =>Whirlwind: Press U R D L U R D L =>Goal Tending: Press Dx3 Ux3 =>Power Dunks: Press D U D U D U. COLLEGE SLAM (gb) checked-no =>Display Shot %: On Tonight's Match Up press D B U U D. =>Improved 3-Pointers: On Tonight's Match Up press D U U D L R L. =>Better Skills: On Tonight's Match Up press Ax4 Bx3 (A B)x3 SELECT. =>Bonus Players: On the title screen, press Bx2 Ax2 Bx2 A B A Bx2 A B SELECT B SELECT A SELECT. =>Bonus Teams: On the title screen, press Ax2 (B A)x2 Bx2 A B A SELECT. THE COMBATRIBES: THE SILENT MISSION (snes) checked-no =>30 Credits: Turn on the game while holding CNTRL II: SELECT+[L]+[R]. Press RESET. Wait for the title screen, go to the Options screen and set credits to 30. =>10 Credits: Hold CNTRL II: X+A+[L] and press RESET. Release the buttons when the title screen appears. =>5 Rounds: For 5 round VS. fights, hold CNTRL II: X+Y and press RESET. Start a new Vs. game. =>1 Round: Hold CNTRL II: A+B and press RESET. Choose a Vs. game and play. =>Double Life: Hold CNTRL II:[L]+[R]+U and press RESET. In the normal game, your energy will last twice as long. =>Super Hard Level: Hold CNTRL II: A+B+[L]+[R] and press RESET. Enter the options screen, where you can set the difficulty to SUPER. =>Fighter Passwords In Vs. Modes:|0197| |1180| |5093| |4949| =>Play as Bosses Password: |9207| COMMAND & CONQUER (n64) checked-no =>All Missions: On the "Press Start" screen, press B A [R] [R] A cR U D A. Enter the "Replay Mission" menu and press [L]. All missions will now be available. =>Camera Control: Hold [L] and use cL and cR to zoom in and out. =>Sandbag Tricks: Sandbags can be used for all sorts of nasty tricks. To build them just about anywhere, all you need to do is build a large chain starting from your base. Enemies will only destroy sandbags if your troops are nearby. Keep your troops away, and the computer will never destroy the sandbags. * Corral enemy troops in sandbag prisons. * Block off the entrances and exits of the enemy base, and they won't be able to ship in or out anything. This will cause them to quickly run out of cash. =>Prevent NOD Reconstruction: When playing as GDI, build two APCs and assign each to a C button. Make two groups of five engineers and place each group on a C button, then load each group into an APC. Send the APC's to enemy base, stop next to the construction yard (or barracks or airstrip) and send all your engineers into the NOD buildings, starting with the construction yard. This prevents NOD from rebuilding when you destroy buildings, or their airstrip or Hand of NOD. =>NOD gets Attack Helicopters: As NOD, wait until GDI gets Orca technology. Steal a GDI helipad (with an engineer) and a weapons factory or construction yard. You can now build attack helicopters. =>Selling Tricks: To sell soldiers, put them near or inside an item being sold, then sell the item. You will get full price for the soldiers. * To sell vehicles, put them in the Repair Facility and try to sell the facility. The vehicle will vanish, while the facility remains. =>Steal Harvester: Capture a refinery while a harvester is depositing into it, and you will nab the harvester. COMMANDO (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Play one game and die. Select CONTINUE, then press CNTRL II: R L A B U D and hold CNTRL I: A+SELECT. =>See Ladders: Press CNTRL II: Lx3 B B Ax4 CNTRL I: START. Now, all hidden ladders and rooms will be visible. CONFLICT (nes) checked-no |HEXASOURYOKUSEN| Final battle password SUPER CONFLICT: THE MIDDLE EAST (snes) checked-no =>To avoid 90% of damage when retreating, first press START to bring up the menu. Select the Preferences option and press A. Set Combat Mode to Long and return to the game. When an enemy attacks you, press [R] rapidly and repeatedly to retreat, and you should be able to escape with no damage (usually). =>Mission Select: When on the scenario map with the jeep, hold [L]+B+X+Y. While holding all of these buttons, release X, then hold it again. Release all of the buttons, then move the jeep to an unlit area. Press [L]+B to light up this area. =>Computer vs. Computer: Place the jeep on an unfinished area, hold SELECT and press X. A computer battle will begin. CONGO'S CAPER (snes) checked-no |Blank Blank Blank Blank | Valley World completed |Crown Monkey Fuzzy Monkey| Water World completed |Fuzzy Crown Star Monkey | Final Level =>Extra Lives: In the Haunted Stage levels, find a statue of Joe and whack it with your club until you receive extra lives. Repeat until you have all you need. CONKER'S BAD FUR DAY (n64) checked-no |DRACULASTEABAGS| 50 Lives |SEXYMANN| Birdy & Squirrel scene |EASY| Easy Mode (?) |VERYEASY| Very Easy Mode (?) =>Chapter Passwords: Enter these to open up the following chapters. |CLAMPIRATE| Bats Tower |BEELZEBUBSBUM| It's War! |PRINCEALBERT| Barn Boys |CHOCOLATESTARFISH| Heist & extra cash |ANCHOVYBAY| Sloprano |WELDERSBENCH| Open ALL Chapters/Scenes |MONKEYSCHIN| Uga Buga |SPANIELSEARS| Spooky =>Multiplayer Passwords... |WELLYTOP| Enable Conker |EATBOX| Enable Cavemen |EASTEREGGSRUS| Enable Neo Conker |CHINDITVICTORY| Enable Weasel Henchman |BILLYMILLROUNDABOUT| Enable Greg the Grim Reaper |BEEFCURTAINS| Enable Villager and Zombies |RUSTYSHERRIFSBADGE| Enable Sergeant and Tediz Leader |BOVRILBULLETHOLE| Enable bulletholes in everything |DUTCHOVENS| Use the frying pan in RACE mode |DRACULASTEABAGS| Use the baseball bat in RACE mode |SPUNKJOCKEY| Camera slow/pan when using the chainsaw or katana to decapitate an opponent. "Matrix" type effect. =>Commentary: Enter profanity on the code screen for feedback. =>Skip Intro: Turn the N64 on, and press RESET. When the N64/Rare logo starts up, press START to skip right into the game. CONKER'S POCKET TALES (gbc) checked-no =>WARNING: If you save while playing on a Game Boy Color, then put the game into a normal Game Boy, your saved game will be erased. =>Hidden Tune: Well... this is yet another this is a pathetic tip, albeit a somewhat neat pathetic tip. If you own the game, I'm sure you know about this. If you don't, it's a neat piece of info. So really, this code doesn't need to be put in the code book... unless, of course, I'm just trying to puff up the game totals with as many entries as I can. If I really wan- er, oh yes... the code. * Whilst playing the game, leave it alone for a bit. Conker will sit down and pull out a Game Boy... and Donkey Kong Land/Country music will play. =>Restore Health: If you are about to die, save the game, turn off the system and start your saved game. You should have 4 units of energy now. =>Presents in Willow Woods: The first is on the left side of Conker's house. * Talk to the forest guardian twice for another. * Solve the puzzle at the windmill. * Beat the target game in the windmill and look on the right side of the forest guardian's house. * In Spooky Forest, look on the second floor of Forest Wong's house. * Get one from the first house in the Mushroom Village. * Solve the puzzles in the first room of the second house and go to the next room. * Search the southeastern corner of the map, near the whirlpool, after you beat Histamean in the Mushroom Village and speak to the Evil Acorn. CONQUEST OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE (nes) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold SELECT and press A+B. =>Cheat Codes: On the title screen, press SELECT+A. Release them and press SELECT+B. Repeat this process until you hear a tone. Begin the game; while playing, hold down SELECT and press: R - Temporary Invincibility L - Add gold U - Super Jump D - Restore life meter U+R - Add lives (99 max) D+L - Power Up Sword U+L - The Fire Weapon CONTRA (nes) checked-part =>30 men for 3 continues (120 men): On the title screen, BEFORE the demo begins, enter U U D D L R L R B A B A START. Press SELECT before START for a two-player game. ->Harder Game: Once you beat the game, start a new one. You'll begin with the same number of lives you had remaining, but the game now features tougher enemies. ->Steal Lives: If you lose all your lives in a two player game, just press A+B to steal one of your partner's. SUPER CONTRA {*} please see SUPER C CONTRA FORCE (nes) checked-no =>Kill Boss: In the single player mode, there is an incredibly easy way to kill off the bosses - simply call in a computer assistant, then hide while the computer attacks. When the computer player leaves, call it back again. Repeat until the boss is dead, and you'll never get hurt. =>30 Lives: When the Contra Force title screen is scrolling down after you turn the NES on, press U U D D L R L R A B SELECT START. If you want to play a two player game with 30 lives, press SELECTx2 instead. =>Continue: On the Game Over screen, hold A+B+SELECT and press START. CONTRA III: THE ALIEN WARS (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the player select screen, press L D D+L L in one motion, then press START. A humming sound will tell you if it worked. =>"30 Gun Contra Commando Salute": On the player select screen, press: R D D+R R START in one fluid motion. A death scream will inform you of your success. =>Sound Test: On the title screen press D+R quickly while pressing X rapidly and repeatedly. This may start the Sound Test, but it is not guaranteed to work on the American version of the game. =>Double Spin: In stages 2 and 4, tap the [L] or [R] button once very quickly, then press it and hold it and the screen will spin at an alarming rate. =>Reset: To return to the title screen mid-game, hold [L]+[R]+START and press SELECT. =>Double Weapon: If you have a rapid fire controller, set the X to auto and it will rapidly switch between your weapons, creating a double weapon effect. =>Extra Lives: Near the middle of stage 3, where there is a ship dropping bombs and soldiers, stand on the left side of the screen, face the right, then hold the fire button down or turn on a turbo controller. Leave the game alone and it will slowly rack up extra lives - up to 30. CONTRA: THE ALIEN WARS (gb) checked-part |3KNT| Stage 2, 3 men |2S3W| Stage 4, 7 men |B32R| Unlimited Lives |MDWH| Stage 3, 6 men |1Z5C| Stage 5, 7 men -> |F5F5| Factor Five code -- level 5 w/ flamethrower and equip =>Stage Skip: Enter the password |H2F2|. The game will reset. Start a new game and press START at any time to complete that stage. =>Easy Mode Level 4: The easy game normally ends on level 3, but if you enter the password |21LN| you can play the easy level 4; however, the game will end once you complete the stage. COOL SPOT (snes) checked-no =>Best Ending: Complete the game on the HARD level of difficulty. =>Ending and Credits: At title screen press [L]x2 [R]. COOL WORLD (snes) checked-no =>View Credits: On title screen, press [L] L [R] R U X D B. You can switch the images at the end by pressing A. =>Logo Trick: When you turn on the system the Virgin Games logo will appear. Use the buttons to alter the logo. COOL WORLD (nes) checked-no |GXUVTKVK| Infinite Lives |SXSTOTVG| Inf. Bombs |SXVVKTVG| Inf. Erasers COSMIC EPSILON (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press A B R L R L D D U U. =>Continue: On the Game Over screen, hold SELECT and press START. On the title screen, press START to continue. COSMO TANK (gb) checked-yes =>Sound Test: Press START to bring up the subscreen during quest mode, then hold D+A+B and press START. COTTON 100% (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: On the title screen, press U X D B L Y R A [L] [R]. On the cheat screen, you can use U and D to select a stage and press Y to see the demo for that stage. CRASH BANDICOOT: THE HUGE ADVENTURE (gba) checked-no =>Super Run: Once you beat the game once, you can hold [L] while playing to run faster. CRASH DUMMIES (gb) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: On the title screen, hold A and press START. =>Two Player: On the title screen, press SELECTx2 START. CRAZY CHASE {*} please see KID KLOWN IN CRAZY CHASE CROC (gbc) checked-no |PQHPBFDHJB| Stage Select CRUIS'N USA (n64) checked-no =>Secret Cars: When selecting your car, hold cU+cD+cL to bring up the hidden jeep, police car, or school bus. =>Flashing Lights: Enter your initials on the 'Hot Times' screen, then move down to the bottom of the list where the metal rollers are. Hold PAD: L for about 35 seconds, letting the rollers roll until a game designer's head appears and speak. Now, when driving the police car or school bus, you can start the lights (and siren, on the cop car) flashing by pressing the brakes twice and the gas once. The lights will flash as long as the gas is pressed. =>Turbo Boost: Enter the above code for flashing lights, but while racing press brake, brake, brake, gas, brake, gas for a boost instead. You can use one boost per checkpoint. =>Color Change: Once you've earned new cars, use cU on the Car Selection screen to change the car color. =>Two-Player Upgrade: Play a two-player cross-country race, with each player using a different save file or controller pak. When you reach the Washington D.C. race, pause and quit the game. Now, you have two different save files, each one with only the D.C. race left. Win a one-player game with each file and you will get car upgrades for both files instead of just one. Remember, you can upgrade your cars to the point of having seen all 28 car power-ups. =>Bad Axle: At the end of a two-player challenge race, have the loser rotate the joystick clockwise repeatedly, and his front right wheel should fall off. =>Secret Levels: Hold the buttons and press START to replace the old course with the new course. To Play | The Old Course | Hold | Golden Gate Park | US 101 | [L]+cL+cD | Indiana | Beverly Hills | [L]+cU+cR | San Francisco | Grand Canyon | [L]+cR+cD | =>ATV Bonus: On course with dirt/gravel on the roadside, drive with one wheel on the gravel, and the other just on the road. Your speed should increase. =>Track Secrets... * Chicago: If the second place player smashes the wrecked car that appears early in the course so that it flies into the sky, it should land in front of the first place player. * Iowa: Enter the second corn field and head towards the pine tree in the middle left side to find a hitchhiker. CRUIS'N USA (arcade) checked-no =>Additional Cars: Yes, there ARE hidden tricks in arcade games. When you are in the garage where you normally choose your vehicle, hold down the VIEW 2 CRUIS'N button. You should now be able to pick from 3 additional vehicles - a jeep, a police car, and a school bus. CRUIS'N WORLD (n64) checked-no =>Extra Tracks: Beat the Championship mode on Easy, Medium, and Expert difficulties. The credits will play. Afterwards, you will now be able to race in Russia, Japan, or Florida * Moon Tracks: Once you beat all the tracks, including the hidden ones, wait for the credits to end and you'll be shot off to race on the Moon. =>Color Change: When choosing a car, press [L] or [R]. =>Hidden Picture: In the tunnel in Germany, hit the left wall to make a picture of a girl appear. =>Extra Cars: Enter Practice Mode and race the following tracks in Practice Championship. Beat the tracks, in less than the times listed, to earn the car listed. |Australia|1:49|Surgeon | |Hawaii |3:47|Monster | |China |1:14|Enforcer | |Japan |2:48|Rocket | |Egypt |1:07|School Bus| |Kenya |2:06|Conductor | |England |1:46|Bulldog | |Mexico |1:46|Howler | |France |2:15|Tommy | |New York|2:11|Grass Hopper| |Germany |2:27|NY Taxi | |Russia |1:58|Rocket | =>Tricks: Some of these tricks will earn points, which can be used for enhancements. * Two Wheels: Press Ax2 when turning to drive on two wheels. Do it when jumping a ramp for 2 points. * Turbo: Press Ax2. This speeds you up by popping a wheelie. Use this when you are about to jump over a ramp or another car to flip or barrel roll and earn 1 point. * Flips: If you are about to do a jump, press Ax2 and you should do either a flip or barrel roll. * Car Hopping: If you are speeding up behind a car, press Ax2 to pop a wheelie and jump over the car. * Break Drift: Press A+B while turning to slide. Do it when hopping a ramp for 1 point. =>Enhancements: By placing in the top three Championship races or by performing stunts during races, you will earn points which can be cashed in for upgrades. Here are the upgrades. * 8 Points - Power Level 2, Max Speed 160 mph * 20 Points - Paint Job * 100 Points - Power Level 3, Max Speed 178 mph * 150 Points - Two-tone Paint Job * 500 Points - Power Level 4, Max Speed 189 mph * 1500 Points - Power Level 5, Max speed 208 mph * 9999 Points - Speed Demon Car =>Turbo Start: Hold the accelerator just after the announcer says "Set!" CRYSTAL MINES (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Stage Select: Press START at the title screen. When the screen with the player and level number/name appears, use A and B to cycle through the levels. CRYSTALIS (nes) checked-no =>NOTE: Once you save the game in the final tower, you cannot leave it. =>NOTE: Remember, you can always go back to Leaf to get cheap equipment. =>Warp: During the game, hold CNTRL I: A+B and press CNTRL II: A to warp to one of 10 different points in the game. Repeat as often as you like. =>Flying: Once your dolphin, near the third wise man, you can fly at the first island made available once you get the boat. Look for the island part that juts out on the left side; use the dolphin, run into that part, jump as you hit it and you will fly. Try going up the waterfall and behind the whirlpool for the Barrier spell. =>Blizzard Bracelet: To nab the bracelet early in the game, after you have the Sword of Water and Ball of Ice, go to the river to the east of Brynmaer and build a bridge of ice over it. Afterwards, go south to the Amazon village, paralyze the guard at Aryllis's Chamber, enter, walk around Aryllis and the guard without touching them, then walk up the stairs behind the throne. =>No Blocking: Is someone blocking your path, such as the Amazones guard? Stand next to them and walk into them twice while pressing A to close the messages that appear. Now, press the direction opposite of the way that is blocked. Repeat this to eventually push your way through. =>Pause: Press CNTRL II: B to pause the game. C2: JUDGEMENT CLAY (snes) checked-no =>Secret Characters: Enter these codes on the Game Select title screen. * Butch - Hold [L] and press X [R] A X [R]x2 * Peelgood - Hold D+L then press B Y Y A Y * Sarge - Hold X, then press [L]x2 U D L D * Jack - Hold U and press A A [R]x2 Y A * Ice - Hold B and press U [L]x3 R * Thunder - Hold U+L and press Y B X B B X A * Slyck - Hold Y then press [L]x2 U [L] L [R] * Spike - Hold [R] then press X B B A Y L A =>All Codes: To activate all the hidden character codes, hold [L]+X and press U U SELECT U U R. =>High Speed: To raise the game's speed to a level of 10, go to the game start screen, hold Y and press [L]x2 [R] D L [R]. Go to the option screen, where you will now be able to set the speed to 10. =>Auto-Select: On the Character Select screen before a battle, press [R]+[L] simultaneously to have your fighter randomly chosen for you. CUTTHROAT ISLAND (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: In Two Player mode, to jump to level four, make your way to level two and have the first player enter the first wooden door at the same time that the second player enters the dark door, which is next to the wooden door. Now, have both players press U. CYBERNATOR (snes) checked-no =>6 Continues: On the title screen, hold U+[L]+[R] and press START. =>Special Napalm Weapon: Get to the end of the first mission without shooting anything, then beat the boss without using you side guns. You should now have a score of 2800. You will have unlimited napalm in the asteroid level; if you die, you lose it, but if you beat the mission, you'll have it for the rest of the game. =>Bad Ending: End the game without completing all of the game's missions. CYBERNOID (nes) checked-no =>Super Human: When you reach an area with a lift/elevator, use up all the bouncers and fire the guns at the panel to the left of the lift. A "T" balloon should appear, which will transform you into a highly-powered humanoid for six screens, with all weapons, maces, and a shield. =>Power-Up Gem: At the beginning of levels 2 and 3, empty your reserve storage of items left over from the previous level. After doing so, a power-up gem will appear, granting you full power and 5 shields when you fly through it. CYBERSPIN (snes) checked-no Peru |MBC27-44111 11111-3P121| Kenya |GYP74-MGD11 2121K-4R161| Spain |NZR78-MRH11 21211-1K179| America |V?X8K-MTH11 21211-2C189| CYBERTIGER WOODS GOLF (n64) checked-no =>Alternate Tiger: Rename Tiger as |Prodigy|. =>Extra Characters: Rename a character as |Ufo| for the Alien, |Rapper| for Kimmi, or |Starr| for Starr. =>Volcano Course: Change your character's name to |Sthelens| to enable the Volcano course. CYRAID (gb) checked-no |02|DRAGON| |03|SLAYER| |Final Level|RUGGER| |========== Chapter D ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. DAEDALIAN OPUS (gb) checked-yes |ZEAL| Stage Select |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |code|lvl| |KING| 2 | |STEP| 7 | |LOVE|12 | |SING|17 | |BEST|22 | |EAST|27 | |WOOD|32 | |EASY| 3 | |LIVE| 8 | |JUMP|13 | |TOUR|18 | |WILD|23 | |RAIN|28 | |BASS|33 | |NICE| 4 | |CITY| 9 | |CORE|14 | |LOOK|19 | |TIME|24 | |LONG|29 | |MIND|34 | |BORN| 5 | |MEGA|10 | |BEAT|15 | |SOUL|20 | |SHOW|25 | |CLUB|30 | |STAR|35 | |FREE| 6 | |SONG|11 | |BURN|16 | |OPEN|21 | |MOON|26 | |TOWN|31 | |FINE|36 | DAFFY DUCK: FOWL PLAY (gbc) checked-no |02|JLSR| |03|M3GT| |04|VPF7| |06|TKNX| |RT3J| Last level, 49 lives, no money DAFFY DUCK: THE MARVIN MISSIONS (snes) checked-no =>50 Ducks: Begin a new game, and when the screen shows "Where There's Duck, There's Fire," press L L R R U D Y A B X. A voice will say "Mother." Begin. DAFFY DUCK: THE MARVIN MISSIONS (gb) checked-no |01|72308| |02|86300| |03|04070| |04|82048| =>Weapon Select: After earning 10 points by defeating 10 enemies, pause the game and then press the following for the specified gun or bonus. Laser = Ux2 Big Bullet = Dx2 Bouncing = Lx2 Rapid Fire = Rx2 = SELECT Health Refill = Bx2 DARIUS TWIN (snes) checked-no =>50 Ships: Move the cursor so that it points towards the desired number of ships, hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] + CNTRL I: SELECT and press CNTRL I: START. =>Empty Demo: Get the high score and enter ZZT as your initials. Wait for the demo, which will contain no enemies. =>Safe Spot: In the first stage, move your ship above the last three digits of your score. Nothing will hit you until you reach the boss. DARK ARENA (gba) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Enter the password |NRYRDDS| to enable the cheat mode, then enter one of the following cheat code passwords. |ALL| God Mode |HEALTH| Unlim. Health |KEYS| All Keys |AMMO| Unlim. Ammo |SKIP| Stage Skip |MAPS| All Maps |SFX| Sound effects test DARK RIFT (n64) checked-no =>Note: Some TV's only display this game in black & white -- a glitch. =>Boss Codes: On the Start screen, press L R cU cD cL cR and a beep should sound, indicating that you can now play as Sonork Nezom. To play as Demitron, press A B [R] [L] cD cU instead. * To learn Demitron's specials, enter Practice with Demitron, pause, and turn on Combos from Button Display. =>Special Battle: On the title screen, press U cL R D B B cU for a one player Demitron vs. Demitron battle. =>Fight Trick: As soon as a battle begins, run away as far as you can, and keep moving away from your opponent. When they get close, press L+U+cL to do a quick jump attack. Retreat. This should let you easily win any battle. =>Ending Screens: Enter these codes on the title screen to see the ending sequences for each character. * Aaron U cL [R] R D [R] [R] cL * Morphix U cL [R] R D [R] [R] B * Demonica U cL [R] R D [R] [R] cU * Nikki U cL [R] R D [R] [R] A * Demitron U cL [R] R D [L] [L] cD * Scarlet U cL [R] R D [L] [L] cL * Eve U cL [R] R D [R] [R] cR * Sonork U cL [R] R D [L] [L] cU * Gore U cL [R] R D [R] [R] cD * Zenmuron U cL [R] R D [L] [L] cR DASH GALAXY IN THE ALIEN ASYLUM (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen hold U+L+A+B and press SELECT. Or, hold U+L and press A+B+SELECT. Use U and D to select a stage. =>Bonus Areas: To reach the secret rooms, cover the number on the ground with crates. DAVE MIRRA FREESTYLE BMX (gbc) checked-no |R6KZBS7L1CTQMH| Full Game Mode DAVE MIRRA FREESTYLE BMX 2 (gc) checked-no =>Super Cheat: On the menu, press U R D L Rx2, U D L R U, L Rx2 D B. A tone will sound if entered correctly. This will enable most of the codes. =>Cheat Codes: On the main menu, enter one of the following codes. A tone will sound if the code is entered correctly. * All Obj. in Editor: U L D R D U U D R R B. * All Themes in Editor: U L D R D U D R L L B. * Enable Mike Dias (contest winner): U L D R R L U D U R B. * All Bikes: U L D R D D R D D L B. * All Videos: U L D R L L R L U D B. * Amish Skater: U L D R R L L D U L B. * Colin Mackay movie: L L R R D D R U B. * Colin Mackay Outfit 2: U D R D U R R U B. * Dave Mirra Outfit 2: U D U D R L U U B. * Dave Mirra movie: L L U R U L U U B. * Joey Garcia Outfit 2: U D U L D R D R B. * Joey Garcia movie: L L U U D R D B. * Kenan Harkin Outfit 2: U D L D L U D U B. * Kenan Harkin movie: L L L L R R D D B. * Leigh Ramsdell Outfit 2: U D D L D D D L B. * Leigh Ramsdell movie: L L D D L R D L B. * Luc-E Outfit 2: U D L D L R L L B. * Luc-E movie: L L R R D D R U B. * Mike Laird Outfit 2: U U D D L R R L B. * Tim Mirra movie: U D R L L U D U B. DAY DREAMIN' DAVEY (nes) checked-no |MBTLN| Dream 11 DAZE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (snes) checked-no NOTE: This game was only released in Europe. |TNFRN| Level 2 |SLJFT| Level 3 |SNJLB| Level 4 |KRLHG| Level 5 DEAD HEAT SCRAMBLE (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen press Bx8, Ax8, B as many times as stages you wish to skip, then START. DEADLY ARTS (n64) checked-no =>Alternate Clothing: Highlight a fighter, hold [L] and use PAD: L or R to choose different outfits. Continue to hold [L] when you choose the fighter. =>Extra Stage: Beat the Tag Team mode on Very Easy in under 21 minutes using only one character - make sure not to let anyone join in! The new stage will appear near the Tokyo one. =>Energy Recovery: When you are knocked to the ground, repeatedly press the C buttons to recover about 2 units of energy. =>Extra Bodies: Create a character, train it, and continue until it learns 90 moves. Create a new character and there will be two new bodies to choose from. =>Boss Codes: On the title screen, press U U D D L R L R B A for Gourki or A B R L R L D D U U for Reiji. When playing as Reiji, wait for your life bar to be at about the 1/3 mark then press [L]+[R] to change into Yami or Hikiri. DEADLY TOWERS (nes) checked-part ->Final Password, Ready to defeat Rubas: |EF1KDK.KTX| =>Super Password: Start the game and immediately die. Change the first two letters of your password to FE or EF and enter it; you will begin the game fully powered in all aspects and with the max of 102 hit points. THE DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: In the Sound Test, play 0B, 29, 2C, and 05. Start a new game. At any time, press A+B+X+Y to refill your energy or hold those buttons and press SELECT to skip to the next level. DEATH VALLEY RALLY {*} please see ROAD RUNNER'S DEATH VALLEY RALLY DEFENDER/JOUST (gb) checked-yes =>High Scores: Hold L and press SELECT on the title screen to jump to the high scores. DEMON SWORD (nes) checked-no |GDZ+QT QHA ?KI HGH IE| level 4 DEMON'S CREST (snes) checked-no |BDLK BXPB GHGG FQKL| Stage 2 |TRTL STGZ FQMF XFLF| Stage 3 |RBNL XHGB VGBB LYLD| Bosses Only Mode |QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ| All items |FDQP QRMB FGNH GTKL| Play as Ultimate Gargoyle =>Start With 5 Vials: Hold A on the title screen with the burning background and press START. This won't work if you try to change the options or enter a password. DESERT COMMANDER (nes) checked-no =>Background Music: Press SELECT to enter the Battle Statistics screen where you can choose different background music for each player. DESERT FIGHTER (snes) checked-no =>Super A-10 Fighter: Choose an A-10 fighter and lift off. When the "Good Luck" message disappears, maintain your speed and direction. Fire one round of you air-to-ground cannon and hold X until the words SUPER A-10 appear. DESERT STRIKE: RETURN TO THE GULF (snes) checked-no Stage 1 |3ZJMZT7| Stage 3 |JR8P8M8| OR |Stage 2 |RZJ23J3| Stage 4 |RR8JKHD| Stage 2 |K32L82R| Stage 4 |F9N5CJ8| <> |Stage 3 |K32H82L| Win |89CCWQD| =>10 Copters: Enter |BS9JS27| as your password. NOTE: You can now press START to begin or enter another password as well. DESTINATION EARTHSTAR (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: During a level, hold CNTRL II: D+SELECT, press Bx3 A, then release D (a tone will sound). Now press CNTRL II: A START R to change levels. To merely skip to the next stage, press START+R. Enter this code in a Star Stage will repair all your damage. Entering it in a Base Stage will give you 9 extra lives. =>Stage Skip: Press CNTRL II: R+START+A to skip to the next stage. DESTINY OF AN EMPEROR (nes) checked-no =>Reach Level 51: The ordinary final experience level is 50, but you can reach 51. When you reach Ji Zhoe castle, don't talk to the man in the house at the outskirts of the castle; he would normally raise your level. When all your armies are at level 50, talk to the old man in the top right corner just outside the castle walls - he'll raise you to level 51. DESTRUCTION DERBY 64 (n64) checked-no =>New Cars: Beat the World Championship with any car, and with all the tracks open for play, enter Time Trial and beat the track and lap records using different cars. Each car you achieve a victory with will enable a new car. These new cars are the Ambulance, Baha Buggy, Blue Demon, Hot Rod, Hatchback, Low Rider, Pickup, Police Car, Street Rocket, Taxi, and Woody Wagon. * Example: Beat the Legend Circuit with the Pickup for the Ambulance. * Alternate Code: Every time you beat the World Championship using a different car, a new car will be enabled. Different cars are made available in the various difficulty settings. =>Parking Lot Shortcut: In Sunset Canyon, you will see a large fountain in the city. After the fountain is a junction; take it and enter the parking garage, marked by the neon Parking sign. DEXTER'S LAB: DEESASTER STRIKERS (gba) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes to enable the cheats listed. * Extra Life: [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R] [L]x3 [R] [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x2 * Faster Dexter: [L] [R]x4 [L] [R] [L] [R]x2 [L]x2 [R] [L] [R]x2 * Faster Enemies: [L] [R]x5 [L]x4 [R]x4 [L]x2 * Slower Enemies: [L]x2 [R]x3 [L] [R]x3 [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x2 R * Stronger Enemies: [L]x2 [R]x4 [L] [R]x3 [L]x6 * Less Damage: [L] [R]x4 [L]x3 [R] [L]x6 [R] * Low Gravity: [L]x2 [R]x6 [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x3 [R] * More Ammo: [L] [R]x3 [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x4 [R] [L]x2 [R] * Reverse Controls: [L] [R]x6 [L] [R] [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x3 DICK TRACY (nes) checked-yes |207 119 060| case 2 |036 224 136| case 4 |164 003 201| case 3 |007 215 047| case 5 DICK TRACY (gb) checked-no |49730| stage 2 |64608| stage 3 |59715| stage 4 |56115| stage 5 DIDDY KONG RACING (n64) checked-no |BOGUSBANANAS | Bananas SLOW you down |ZAPTHEZIPPERS| No Zippers |JOINTVENTURE | Two Player Adventure Mode |BOMBSAWAY | All red balloons |BODYARMOR | All Balloons are yellow |TOXICOFFENDER| Green balloons |BYEBYEBALLOONS | No weapons for computer |ROCKETFUEL| All blue balloons |OPPOSITESATTRACT| All Balloons are Rainbow |VITAMINB| Unlim. Banana pick-up |BLABBERMOUTH | Pressing Z does a voice instead of the horn |NOYELLOWSTUFF| Bananas are worthless |TIMETOLOSE| Smart computers |FREEFORALL| All balloons at level 3 |FREEFRUIT| 10 Bananas at startup |JUKEBOX| Music Test |ARNOLD| Big Racers |TEENYWEENIES| Tiny Racers |DOUBLEVISION| 2 Players can choose the same racer |WHODIDTHIS| Credits |OFFROAD| No speed lost on off road tracks =>Double Boost: Right before you enter a zipper (the stripes or rings that zip you forward) or use a speed boost item, let go of the accelerator. The zipper or boost will shoot you forward nearly twice as quickly as when you held the accelerator while using it. Once the boost ends, hold the accelerator down again. =>Battle Mode: Each of the four battle mode courses can be opened by the key hidden in each world. Get the key, open the golden locked door, and you will be able to play the Battle Mode course in the multi-player Tracks mode. * Dino Domain's is in Ancient Lake, Snowflake Mt.'s is in Snowball Valley, Sherbet Island's is in Crescent Island, and Dragon Forest's is in Boulder Canyon. There is NO key in Future Funland. =>Dino Domain Boss Tip: Halfway up the mountain you will pass a tall pillar on your right w/ two balloons and some bushes. There is a shortcut tunnel behind the bushes. =>Future Funland: Beat Wizpig for the first time, gather all the trophies and amulets (Wizpig and T.T.), then drive up to the sign next to the lighthouse and honk your horn to fly into Future Funland. =>Adventure 2: After you beat Wizpig for the second time, you will be able to play Adventure mode 2, featuring mirrored tracks and silver balloons. You will also be able to play all the races in Tracks in mirror mode. =>Star City Trick: With the |DOUBLEVISION| code entered, have two of the same character race in Star City. The skyline will be blue, rather than the red it normally is. =>Drumstick: Beat the game and gather all the amulets, then look for a feathered frog in the central area of the island. Smash him to free the racing rooster known as Drumstick. =>Speed Boost: Press A right after "Get Ready" and the words begin to vanish. =>Strange Accleration: There MAY be a way to speed your car up to oddly insane speeds. If you tap A repeatedly and in the correct rhythm and pattern, your vehicle will go faster and faster. However, this may or may not work in all versions of Diddy Kong Racing. Bug Uncle Tusk about it. =>Keep Crosshair Visible: If you have a homing missle, hold Z down to keep a crosshair on your closest opponent. Releasing Z fires the missle. =>TT Times: If you want to play as T.T., you have to beat his ghost on every track of the game. Enter the Time Trial mode, select the default vehicle for each course, then drive like mad. Beat the first time to make T.T.'s ghost visible, and beat the second time to defeat it. | Stage |To Meet|To Beat| | Stage |To Meet|To Beat| |Ancient Lakes |1:07.00|1:01.28| |Pirate Lagoon |1:34.00|1:28.56| |Fossil Canyon |1:37.00|1:30.18| |Treasure Caves |1:10.00|1:05.63| |Jungle Falls |1:08.00|1:02.50| |Windmill Plains |2:22.00|2:13.13| |Hot Top Volcano|1:35.00|1:30.71| |Greenwood Village|1:46.00|1:40.61| |Everfrost Peak |1:53.00|1:48.00| |Boulder Canyon |2:11.00|2:02.35| |Walrus Cove |2:10.00|2:06.28| |Haunted Woods |1:22.00|1:09.51| |Snowball Valley|1:13.00|1:06.41| |Spacedust Alley |2:12.00|2:06.16| |Frosty Village |1:44.00|1:39.40| |Darkmoon Cavern |2:20.00|2:12.05| |Whale Bay |1:19.00|1:13.11| |Spaceport Alpha |2:16.00|2:09.03| |Crescent Island|1:39.00|1:33.16| |Star City |2:07.00|2:01.45| DIG DUG 2 (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: After the beginning animation ends and the title screen appears, press SELECT+A+START. DINO CITY (snes) checked-no ] = Upside-down E ... |8SSZ9 ] S0H4H4| Last level DIRT TRAX FX (snes) checked-no |XFBM| Radical Circuit |HTJV| Forbidden Circuit |ZDPL| Nightmare Circuit |CLRF| 500 cc Smokin' Circuit |NRWG| Doom Circuit DIRTY HARRY (nes) checked-no |BIRD| stage 3 |CLYDE| invincibility DISNEY games Please look under the actual game title, which follows the word "Disney." Thus, try TARZAN, ADVENTURE IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM, and THE JUNGLE BOOK. DR. CHAOS (nes) checked-no |MGABPJC8253VENK6WR| ready for Canbarian DR. FRANKEN (gb) checked-yes Final Password |JHT87 [HEART]V7VN VG20Z| DR. MARIO (nes) checked-yes =>Flying Items: On virus levels 5, 10, and 15 on the medium and high speeds, if you wait long enough on the intermission screen of three viruses sitting in the tree, a secret object will fly across the top of the screen. Each speed/level combination listed above will yield a different item. =>Quick Reset: Press START+SELECT+A+B to reset the game. DR. MARIO 64 (n64) checked-no =>Super Hard Story Mode: In Story mode, highlight HARD and press Z. This will change it to S-HARD. Press Z again to return to HARD mode. =>Smarter Computer: When playing Vs. Computer and Flash, hold [L] and press A to change to Hard mode or [L] and B for Super Hard Mode. If you enter these codes while your computer opponent is highlighted, one or two stars are added to their skill level. =>Extra Characters: In Story Mode at at least Normal difficulty, reach Rudy and beat him without losing even one time. If you were Wario, you will then fight Metal Mario. If you were Mario, you will then fight Vampire Wario. Beat that character without losing once to enable that character in the player selection screens. DOGZ (gbc) checked-no =>Quickly Get All Dogs: As soon as you get a new dog, get it into the playpen and retire it. It will retire as a happy dog, and you can continue this until you've earned all the dogz. DONKEY KONG (arcade) checked-yes =>Point Trick: In the rivet/girder stage, when you make Donkey Kong fall, stand right next to Donkey Kong and jump. Each jump yields 100 points. However, the timer is going down faster, so there is really no advantage to this method, as your point bonus is going down faster than your score is. =>Fireball Escape: In the rivet stage, if you are standing at the edge of the screen and are about to be hit by a fireball, jump off the edge of the screen. You will get bounced back by the invisible border, and land back on the platform. If you were lucky, the fireball may have moved away. DONKEY KONG COUNTRY (snes) checked-part =>There is a possible 101% completion rate<= =>An exclamation point after a level name signifies completion<= =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. =>Sound Test: Go to the Game Select screen and highlight the Erase Game option. Press D A [R] B Y D A Y. Press SELECT to change the music playing. =>Practice Bonus Games: Turn on the SNES and before the Game Select screen appears, press D Y D D Y. =>DYDDY Continue: If you have but one life left, enter a level you have previously beaten, then die. The Game Over screen will appear; press any button to return to the opening screen (Cranky Kong). Now, press D Y D D Y to enter the Bonus Game practice cave. Play Bonus Games until you have earned plenty of lives, then press START to pause the game and press SELECT. You will return to the area of the game in which you had been killed. =>50 Lives: To place 50 lives in any active file, highlight ERASE GAME on the Game Select screen, then press B A [R] [R] A [L] (i.e. BARRAL). Now, begin any game with 50 lives in reserve. ->Mario-Style 99 Lives: Enter the Maniac Mincers stage, then find a Krusha who is stuck in a whole. Have Diddy bounce on him repeatedly to earn lives. =>Bad Buddy A: Normally, while playing a Team game, the inactive character cannot play until tagged by the other player. However, if you go to the Game Select screen, highlight ERASE GAME, press B A D B U D D Y A, then start a two-player game, the inactive character can press SELECT at any time to take over. =>Easy 1-Up: When you begin the game and boom out of DK's hut, reenter it to collect a red 1-up balloon. ->Warp: While walking between Coral Capers and Funky's Flights in the Kongo Jungle, tap B quickly and repeatedly to warp to Orang-Utan Gang in Vine Valley. Keep trying until you get the code to work. ->Unverified Warps: Press B+Y+U+R when walking through the bends in the first world map. A similar trick is noted above, so this MAY work. ->Oil Drum Alley Bonus: The second bonus area in Oil Drum Alley contains its own bonus area, but reaching it is difficult. When inside the bonus game containing the item barrels, stop all three on the single banana and a barrel will appear. Using Diddy, pick up the barrel and jump up and right so that the wall stops you from any further movement and you slide down it. When you hit the ground, Diddy's barrel will automatically smash the wall open and you will walk right into the hidden bonus area. You can't reach this area by tossing the barrel at the wall, for that would end the current bonus area before you could reach the door. ->Flights: In Mine Cart Madness, reach the half-way point and then die. When you reenter the level, hold Y+B right after you fall from the barrel but before you enter the cart. You will now be able to fly through the level, but you can't complete it unless you land in the mine cart. * Run Away Railroad Glitch: With both Kongs in a mine cart, crash into the first broken cart. Quickly tap B and Y until Kong starts hopping in the air; keep him hopping with the buttons. ->Rambi Bug: In Bouncy Bonanza, enter the cave where you find Winky. Hop onto Winky and exit the cave, the reenter the cave without Winky. Inside, hop on Winky, the hop off and exit the cave without him. You should find yourself falling down the passage atop Rambi. ->Double Control: Enter Oil Drum Alley, hit the midway barrel, then exit the stage. Reenter the level and proceed left until you reach the blast barrel that would normally shoot you up to the tall platform. Choose Donkey as you character, but make sure you have Diddy running behind you. Stand on the edge of the platform but don't touch the barrel; turn left so that Diddy is standing inside the barrel. Quickly switch your characters twice; if you time the switching just right, both Kongs will blast out of the barrel with about 1 second between them. Hold R so that they fly over the platform without falling to their deaths. You will now be able to control both Kongs simultaneously; that is, Diddy will perfectly mimic Donkey's actions. Diddy can now kill enemies, yet remain invincible. If either Kong falls into a pit, both will die. NOTE: Diddy is faster than Donkey, so if you need to have Donkey catch up, make them squat, press B for a hand slap and hold diagonally downwards; Donkey will stay still and Diddy will cartwheel towards whatever direction you wish. Also, this code can be done in other levels where such a barrel situation is possible. Finally, if you swap characters or get hit, you will have to repeat the trick. ->Super-Rambi: After doing the Double Control trick listed above, continue through the level until you find a Rambi crate. Try to keep Diddy up away from the small pit where the crate is located, then have Donkey jump onto Rambi, bounce out via the tire and move right. If Diddy gets trapped in the pit, press A to send Rambi to him, then have Rambi jump and have Diddy leap off of him at the height of the jump. Now one character has Rambi, and the other doesn't. Hold down diagonally and Rambi will stay still while the other character moves. You are now ready to take Rambi to other levels. With Donkey on Rambi, let Diddy drop into a pit and die while Donkey remains safe. You will lose one life and exit the level. Enter any level with animal buddy crates inside, and you will start with Donkey on Rambi. If you want to have Diddy ride Rambi, have Donkey fall into the pit instead while Diddy rides on Rambi. Start in any animal buddy level, reach a bonus area, and switch to Donkey before you enter. When you exit, Diddy will be on Rambi. For Diddy to ride Rambi in a water stage, first make sure you know what animal medallion is in that stage, then collect two of the medallions before you begin this entire trick. After getting Diddy on Rambi and having Donkey die as normal, enter the water level. Find the 3rd medallion and switch to Donkey right before you grab it. When you finish the bonus stage, hold D+R until you reappear, lest you become stuck in the scenery. Other neat tricks that can be done involve letting both Kongs leap onto Rambi simultaneously - two Rambis. Or, try the cheat that lets you have Diddy on Rambi. After killing Donkey and beginning a new level, press SELECT to switch players rather than going to a bonus room - weird things will happen. DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 2: DIDDY'S KONG QUEST (snes) checked-part =>Completion Notes: There is a possible 102% completion level. Also, an an exclamation point after a level name signifies completion. =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. =>Sound Test: When you begin a new game, you are given a choice of one player, two player team, or two player contest modes. Keep pressing D and a Music Test option will appear as well. Continue pressing D and a Cheat Mode option will appear. =>Cheat Mode: After finding the Music Test option by using the above code, continue pressing D to find a Cheat Mode option. With Cheat Mode highlighted you can enter these codes on the controller. A tone will sound after you enter the code correctly. |B A R R A L A X | No DK barrels in levels, but start with both chimps |Y A SELECT A D L A D| Start the game with 50 lives =>75 Kremcoins: Begin Pirate Panic and enter K. Rool's cabin. Exit, hop over the two bananas, grab the bunch, and return to the cabin. Take the balloon, exit, hop over the two bananas again, grab the bunch atop the barrels like before, then return to the cabin to claim a token worth 75 Kremcoins. ->Coin Total Screen: On the map, press ([L] [R]) repeatedly until Cranky's score screen appears. DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 3: DIXIE KONG'S DOUBLE TROUBLE! (snes) checked-no =>Turbo Ski: Use the Turbo Ski to hop the waterfall on the map; you may have to accelerate a bit by sailing in circles first. =>Flags: Blue flags represent levels beaten by Kiddy, pink belong to Dixie. Fully waving flags are on levels that have no remaining Bonus Coins; yellow pennants are upon the flags of levels you've found the DK coin in. =>Cheat Codes: Go to the Game Select screen, highlight a new or an old game and press ([L] [R]x2)x2 ([L] [R])x2 and you will hear a giggle. You can now enter any of the following codes in the save game name space. |LIVES| 50 lives |MUSIC| sound test |COLOR| purple Dixie, green Kiddie |HARDR| extra hard mode |TUFST| no DK nor continue barrels |MERRY| Christmas theme bonus games |ASAVE| auto-save after completing each stage |ERASE| Erases time records. May damage your game. |WATER| 85 Bonus coins - swim into the waterfall to the west of Bazaar, then play and win the bonus game. =>105%: To get 105%, enter the |TUFST| cheat and beat the game as you would to get 103%. You will gain an additional 2%, and be able to view a new ending and rating. You could also try the |HARDR| mode, which will only let you earn 104%. =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. =>Game Over Music: On the game over screen, press [L] [R] A B X Y to make the music continue. If you let the music end, you can press the buttons to make the musical note blocks hop. =>Lost World: Find the four boulders forming a circle in the water. Sail the jet ski around the circle of rocks counter clockwise until a tone sounds and the lost world appears. =>Banana Bird Caves: There are 15 Banana Birds, hidden inside caves. When they are on the map, you'll need to go to the location and press B to access them. * On the beginning map, go to the beach east of Funky's Rentals. * The northern beach on the Lake Orangutanga map. * Use the hovercraft to check the beach to the west of Bazaar Bear's shop. * In Lake Orangutanga, give one of Bazaar's shells to Barnacle. * Beat the record of 1:15 in Riverside Race (Kremwood Forest), then go talk to Brash. Complete Bobbing Barrel Brawl for the cave. * In Cottontop Cove, swim straight ahead in the water to find the cave. * Use the turbo charges to send your boat up the western waterfall on the main map. * In K3, check the area to the left of Blizzard's Base Camp. * Get the gift from the Base Camp, give it to Blue for the cannon ball, then give the ball to Bazooka and fire away. * Go to Razor Ridge and use the wrench (give the mirror to Barter) to fix the ski lifts. Ride them up to the cave. * Find the rocks at Kaos Core and walk around them in a figure eight until the bonus game appears. * After beating K. Rool in Kaos Core, visit Bramble. Pick the flower, then enter the bungalow. * On the Kaos Core map, use the gyrocopter to reach the cave in the northeast. * Check the island to the east of K3. * Look below Bazaar's store. DONKEY KONG LAND (gb) checked-yes =>An exclamation point signifies level completion<= =>Saving: To save your game, you must collect the letters "K O N G" all within a single level and then complete the level, or you must beat a boss. =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. DONKEY KONG LAND 2: DIDDY'S KONG QUEST (gb) checked-no =>Maximum completion level of 100% =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. =>47 Kremcoins: Highlight a saved game, hold L or R and quickly press A B A B. A sound will be heard if the code is entered correctly. =>40 Banana Coins: Highlight a saved game, hold L or R and press Bx2 Ax2. =>47 Lives: Highlight a saved game, hold L or R and press Ax2 Bx2. =>Lost World: Collect all 47 Kremcoins, go see the big guy with the club. You can then play through the Lost World and fight the second K. Rool. Also, if you beat him when you have all 40 DK coins you will get a special ending. =>Delete Saved Games: On the Load Game screen, press START+SELECT. DONKEY KONG LAND 3 (gb) checked-no =>Exit Completed Levels: Pause and press SELECT. =>Bear Coin Trick: Beat Lift Shaft Lottery in Cape Codswallop. Play it again, head left and grab the bear coin. Press START SELECT to exit and replay the level to grab another Bear coin. =>Infinite Lives: On the title screen press D D U L R. This won't work in Time Attack, though. =>Card Game: On the title screen, press U U D L R. DONKEY KONG 64 (n64) checked-part =>Banana Fairies: Once Tiny earns the shrinking ability, go to Banana Fairy Island, shrink, and enter the cave. The great Banana Fairy will give you the camera. Start taking pictures of Banana Fairies to earn these rewards. |BF's| Bonus Name |Effect| | 2 |DK Theater |Play the DK Rap or the cinema scenes| | 6 |DK Bonus |Rambi & Enguarde Arena mini games | | 10 |DK Bosses |Boss Battle mode | | 15 |Krusha Battle|Use Krusha in Battle Mode | | 20 |DK Cheats |Open the cheat menu! | * Once you get the banana camera, you will also have a new flash shock attack. Just hold B to power up and release when you are flashing. =>Battle Mode: Once you find another Kong, you enable the multiplayer battle mode. Find three for three player and all four for the full mode. =>Arcade Locations: The DK arcade game in the third level, Frantic Factory. Complete the Blast Barrels bonus stage to make the power switch appear. Use DK's new Gorilla Grab move to pull the switch and play the game. Play through all four screens in a single life and you will be given the chance to play for the Nintendo coin. * To play Jetpac, just earn 15 Banana medals (you get 1 for collecting 100 bananas in a level), then go talk to Cranky Kong anywhere and he'll let you play the game. Earn 5,000 points and Cranky will let you play for the Rare coin. Just collect it when it appears in the game. * Once you have both coins, you can open the locked door in Hideout Helm and nab the final K. Lumsy key... and a Banana Fairy. =>Energy Refill: Jump into a Kong Tag Barrel and your energy will be refilled. ->Quick Swimming Stop: Press cU when swimming to stop moving. ->Free Doors: Stand in front of B. Locker as Lanky and press B to punch. Keep it up until Lanky punches into the portal and goes inside, right through B. Locker. This way you don't have to worry about meeting those golden banana totals. ->Bonus Game Menus: Once you collect all 40 blueprints, Snide will give you a new bonus menu where you can replay any of the mini games. ->Special Ending: Gather all 201 gold bananas and beat king K. Rool. =>Kong Locations: Diddy is in level 1, Jungle Japes. Make your way to the mountain and shoot the three switches. * Lanky: In level 2, Angry Aztec, use Donkey Kong to free the Llama. When you meet the llama later in the temple, play the drums to turn the lava to water, then through a passage in the water to help Lanky. * Tiny: In level 2, Angry Aztec, use Diddy to jump across the platforms in the temple. Shoot the target, go to the bridge, play the guitar, and swim across the newly thawed pond to find Tiny. Use the Chimpy Charge to push in the buttons to spell KONG. * Chunky: In level 3, Frantic Factory, find a switch on top of a pipe that connects the wall and floor. Stomp the switch to open Chunky's cage. =>Swim Through the Ground: Get a Kong in the water and swim up to a beach, or anywhere in the game where the land gradually rises to the shore. Find the point closest to the shore where pressing Z makes the Kong dive (if you are too close, Z will make the Kong either crouch or do nothing at all). As soon as you do, tap B to make Kong swim into the land. If done correctly, you will swim right through the land and into the background. DOOM (snes) checked-no =>Chainsaw Bug: First of all, collect the chainsaw in stage 2. When you have this, simply choose a weapon and fire all of your ammo, but keep holding down the fire button while the game automatically switches to a new weapon. There is a good chance you will receive a more powerful weapon for free. For example, use up your pistol and get the plasma rifle. The game usually awards weapons in the standard order, but you can't seem to get the BFG. =>Level Jump: In Shores of Hell part two, find the room filled with pillars and imps. From there, enter the room filled with green sludge, then turn right into a hall and follow it until you find a room with a demon. There, turn left into another hall and follow it until you reach a room with an EXIT sign... it will move you two levels ahead. DOOM (gba) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: While playing, hold [L]+[R] and enter a code. If you are playing the European version, pause the game, then hold [L]+[R] and enter a code. * Perm. God Mode: A A B Ax5 * Temporary God Mode: Bx3 Ax5 * Computer Map : B Ax7 * Radiation Suit: B B Ax6 * Berzerker Mode : B A B Ax5 * All Weapons : A B B Ax5 * Skip to Next Level: A B Ax2 Bx3 A * Skip 10 Levels: A B A A B B A A (only works in levels 1-14) DOOM 64 (n64) checked-no * Cheat Menu |?TJL BDFW BFGV JVVB| * Super Power |W93M 7H2O BCYO PSVB| |Level - Be Gentle! | Bring it On! | I own Doom! | Watch Me Die! | |02|CDP89BJ2 68ZTSVK?|CJPR9BJ1 68Z?QVK?|CNN89BJ0 680TNVK?|CSNR9BJZ 680?LVK?| |03|CXM89BJY 681TJVK?|C1MR9BJX 681?GVK?|C5L89BJW 682TDVK?|C9LR9BJV 682?BVK?| |04|DDK89BJT 683S9VK?|DJKR9BJS 68397VK?|DNJ89BJR 684S5VK?|DSJR9BJQ 68493VK?| |05|DXH89BJP 685S1VK?|D1HR9BJN 6859ZVK?|D5G89BJM 686SXVK?|D9GR9BJL 6869VVK?| |06|FDF89BJK 687SSVK?|FJFR9BJJ 6879QVK?|FND89BJH 688SNVK?|FSDR9BJG 6889LVK?| |07|FXC89BJF 689SJVK?|F1CR9BJD 6899GVK?|F5B89BJC 68?SDVK?|F9BR9BJB 68?9BVK?| |08|GD?89BC? 69BR?BK?|GJ?R9BC9 69B88BK?|GN989BC8 69CR6BK?|GS9R9BC7 69C84BK?| |09|GX889BC6 69DR2BK?|G18R9BC5 69D80BK?|G5789BC4 69FRYBK?|G97R9BC3 69F8WBK?| |10|HD689BC2 69GRTBK?|HJ6R9BC1 69G8RBK?|HN589BC0 69HRPBK?|HS5R9BCZ 69H8MBK?| |11|HX489BCY 69JRKBK?|H14R9BCX 69J8HBK?|H5389BCW 69KRFBK?|H93R9BCV 69K8CBK?| |12|JD289BCT 69LQ?BK?|JJ2R9BCS 69L78BK?|JN189BCR 69MQ6BK?|JS1R9BCQ 69M74BK?| |13|JX089BCP 69NQ2BK?|J10R9BCN 69N70BK?|J5Z89BCM 69PQYBK?|J9ZR9BCL 69P7WBK?| |14|KDY89BCK 69QQTBK?|KJYR9BCJ 69Q7RBK?|KNX89BCH 69RQPBK?|KSXR9BCG 69R7MBK?| |15|KXW89BCF 69SQKBK?|K1WR9BCD 69S7HBK?|K5V89BCC 69TQFBK?|K9VR9BCB 69T7CBK?| |16|LFT89BB? 69VP?VK?|LKTR9BB9 69V68VK?|LPS89BB8 69WP6VK?|LTSR9BB7 69W64VK?| |17|LYR89BB6 69XP2VK?|L2RR9BB5 69X60VK?|L6Q89BB4 69YPYVK?|L?QR9BB3 69Y6WVK?| |18|MFP89BB2 69ZPTVK?|MKPR9BB1 69Z6RVK?|MPN89BB0 690PPVK?|MTNR9BBZ 6906MVK?| |19|MYM89BBY 691PKVK?|M2MR9BBX 6916HVK?|M6L89BBW 692PFVK?|M?LR9BBV 6926CVK?| |20|NFK89BBT 693N?VK?|NKKR9BBS 69358VK?|NPJ89BBR 694N6VK?|NTJR9BBQ 69454VK?| |21|NYH89BBP 695N2VK?|N2HR9BBN 69550VK?|N6G89BBM 696NYVK?|N?GR9BBL 6965WVK?| |22|PFF89BBK 697NTVK?|PKFR9BBJ 6975RVK?|PPD89BBH 698NPVK?|PTDR9BBG 6985MVK?| |23|PYC89BBF 699NKVK?|P2CR9BBD 6995HVK?|P6B89BBC 69?NFVK?|P?BR9BBB 69?5CVK?| |24|QF?89BF? 6?BM?BK?|QK?R9BF9 6?B48BK?|QP989BF8 6?CM6BK?|QT9R9BF7 6?C44BK?| |25|QY889BF6 6?DM2BK?|Q28R9BF5 6?D40BK?|Q6789BF4 6?FMYBK?|Q?7R9BF3 6?F4WBK?| |26|RF689BF2 6?GMTBK?|RK6R9BF1 6?G4RBK?|RP589BF0 6?HMPBK?|RT5R9BFZ 6?H4MBK?| |27|RY489BFY 6?JMKBK?|R24R9BFX 6?J4HBK?|R6389BFW 6?KMFBK?|R?3R9BFV 6?K4CBK?| |28|SF289BFT 6?LL?BK?|SK2R9BFS 6?L38BK?|SP189BFR 6?ML6BK?|ST1R9BFQ 6?M34BK?| |29|SY089BFP 6?NL2BK?|S20R9BFN 6?N30BK?|S6Z89BFM 6?PLYBK?|S?ZR9BFL 6?P3WBK?| |30|TFY89BFK 6?QLTBK?|TKYR9BFJ 6?Q3RBK?|TPX89BFH 6?RLPBK?|TTXR9BFG 6?R3MBK?| |31|TYW89BFF 6?SLKBK?|T2WR9BFD 6?S3HBK?|T6V89BFC 6?TLFBK?|T?VR9BFB 6?T3CBK?| |32|VBT89BD? 6?VK9VK?|VGTR9BD9 6?V27VK?|VLS89BD8 6?WK5VK?|VQSR9BD7 6?W23VK?| =>Full Power: To start the game with everything, enter one of these codes. |?QDM7HYC BB4XFJVB|?LD47HYB BB4DCJVB|?GFM7HYT BB9XKHVB|?BF47HYS BB9DHHVB| =>Special Demo: Enter the password |RVNH 3CT1 CD3M 0???| and wait until the standard game demo screens start. The 4th demo will now show you how to beat level 32: Hectic. =>Messages: Die and don't press any of the buttons; the screen won't turn red. Let the game sit there and eventually cute comments will appear. =>Cheat Menu: Either enter the Cheat Menu password, or get it the hard way. Start a new game and destroy all of the 10 barrels in level 1 except for the one to the right of the starting place. After blasting all but the first one, take the teleporter behind the blue door to reappear at the start. Blast the final barrel and quickly enter the door behind you; a secret door will be open inside, and it leads to level 32. Once in level 32, you can get the Cheat Menu if you find all 3 keys, return to the beginning of the level, unlock the 3 bars surrounding the switch, and throw the switch. DOOM TROOPERS {*} please see MUTANT CHRONICLES: DOOM TROOPERS DOOMSDAY WARRIOR (snes) checked-no |gg2hcbd6| Amon |6bbd6bg6| Daisy |g45hff76| Grim Lock |4b894bcb| Layban |6g5d161c| Nuform |4b5f0ghd| P-lump |643cgb94| Sledge DOUBLE DRAGON (nes) checked-yes =>Easy Kill: At the end of level two, when the boss Chin comes out of the door at the top of the building, quickly run back down the ladders. Keep going down the ladders until you hear the tune indicating the end of the level. You will have beaten the boss without fighting. =>Quick Power-Up: In level two, climb the fence and get the bat from Williams. Now, climb back down and slowly walk to the right. When the Williams carrying dynamite appears, move as far up as you can, against the pile of girders; he will follow you. Before Williams can walk past the girders, climb up the fence. Go back as far left as possible, then return. Williams will be gone, but you can swing the bat or kick at the space he was formerly at and earn points. Do this as long as you want to earn heart points and quickly learn advanced moves. =>Move Tips: Use punches to defeat enemies; punches yield more experience than kicks do. This enables you to earn the advanced moves more quickly. DOUBLE DRAGON (gb) checked-no =>Easy Extra Lives: Punch an enemy three times in a row and they will double over. Wait. When they stand back up, punch three more times. Repeat as often as you can. If done correctly, the enemy will never die and you can score an infinite number of points off of them... and ever 20,000 points will earn an extra life. SUPER DOUBLE DRAGON (snes) checked-no =>Unlim. Continues: Play until you have only 1 credit left, then press START on both controllers at the same time. Both players will continue with 7 extra credits, and you can use this trick as many times as you wish. DOUBLE DRAGON II (gb) checked-no =>Odd Stage Skip: Link up two Game Boys, one with Double Dragon I and one with Double Dragon II. Turn them on, and on the title screen press START on both. On DDI choose 2 player mode and press START. Disconnect both GB's, play DD2 until you see 1p continue. Press START to jump to level 4. DOUBLE DRAGON II: THE REVENGE (nes) checked-part =>Note: To reach level 9, you must play on the Supreme Master difficulty. =>Extra Lives: Start with up to 7 extra lives. Begin a 2 player game and kill the second player. You will gain an extra life every time you kill the second player. =>Continue: To continue from stages 1-6, press CNTRL I: U R D L A B on the Game Over screen. To continue from stages 7-9, press CNTRL II: A A B B D U R L, CNTRL I: START. ->Continue: To continue from stages 4-6, press U D L R B A A on the Game Over screen. ->Stage Select: On the title screen, press U R D L A B for stages 1-3, U D L R B A A for stages 4-6, or CNTRL II: A A B B D U R L for stages 7-9. DOUBLE DRAGON III (nes) checked-no =>Continue During 4th/5th Missions: During the GAME OVER screen, quickly press U D L R B A START. =>Super Spin-Kick: In the two player mode, have both players stand next to each other and use the Cyclone spin-kick. The two players will lock arms and perform a super spin-kick. =>One Player With Billy and Jimmy: Start a two player mode B game. Kill the first wave of bad guys, then position yourself near the guy sitting on the mat, but don't get close enough so that he begins talking. Use Billy to kill Jimmy; when Jimmy is dead and flashing, move Billy to the sitting guy. If you do this before Jimmy fades away, Jimmy will recover and stand there with next to no life. Use Billy to kill the new wave of enemies, but make sure that Jimmy is not harmed. When the room is empty, have Jimmy exit the room first; in the new section of the building, only Billy will appear. You can now switch between Jimmy and Billy on the character menu. DOUBLE DRAGON V: THE SHADOW FALLS (snes) checked-no =>Bonus Skill Points: On the mode screen, enter one of the following codes to receive extra points to add to your abilities (in a two-player game, both receive the points.) +2 Points - [L]x3 [R] [L] [R] [L] [R] +4 Points - U R D L D R [R]x2 +6 Points - R D D L U R [L] [R] [L] [R] [L] [R] =>Boss Code: On the mode screen, press [L] [R] U [L]x2 D [R]x2. An evil laugh will cackle. Begin a new game and choose from your two new fighters. =>9 Continues: On the mode screen, press L R L R [L]x2 [R]x3; you will hear someone yell "Fight!" In the Quest Mode you will now have 9 continues. =>No Dizzies: To turn off the ability to become dizzy, on the Main Menu screen press D D L U U [R]x2 [L]. =>No Throws: On the Main Menu screen, press [R] R [L]x2 L L [R]x2. =>Fatalities: During the final round, wear your opponent down so that one more hit will kill him/her, then use the appropriate final attack... Billy Lee - Low fierce punch Jimmy Lee - Low fierce kick Seka - Medium punch Vs. Jaw Breaker - Fierce punch =>Dizzy Move: As Jimmy, do a fierce jump kick to knock down your enemy, move up to them, press D+[L] to do a sword slash and make them dizzy. Repeat. They will have no way to block against this attack sequence. DOUBLE DRIBBLE (nes) checked-no =>Shatter the Backboard: Play as Chicago. When you have the ball, go to the foul line and pause the game. Now, press A B A B, un-pause, and pause again very quickly. Press A B A B, unpause, pause, press A B A B and unpause. Now execute a fast dunk or take a quick shot. DRAGON BALL Z2 (gb) checked-no =>Bonus Game: On the title screen, when "Dragon Ball Z 2" is moving around, press U D L R D U R L A. DRAGON BALL Z3 (snes) checked-no =>Character Select: On the character intro screen, press U X D B [L] Y [R] A. =>Increase Attack Points: During dialogue before a fight, press L [L] R [R]. DRAGON DANCE (gbc) checked-yes |01|3128| |16|5108| |31|7005| |46|0698| |61|5818| |02|1497| |17|6482| |32|0047| |47|5641| |62|4069| |03|7434| |18|1277| |33|6959| |48|8231| |63|0576| |04|4163| |19|2460| |34|1356| |49|1958| |64|5503| |05|9224| |20|4838| |35|8702| |50|5967| |65|1657| |06|6230| |21| | |36|5284| |51|7393| |66|8486| |07|4592| |22|4440| |37| | |52|1523| |67|3644| |08|7271| |23|9875| |38|7973| |53|3591| |68|9649| |09|2315| |24|0851| |39|8119| |54|8088| |69|7581| |10|2042| |25|1804| |40|9579| |55|2811| |70|3261| |11|9913| |26| | |41|6121| |56|6389| |12|9354| |27|9729| |42|0436| |57|4633| |13|1720| |28|2999| |43|9009| |58|8564| |14|3310| |29|5400| |44|8990| |59| | |15|0170| |30|2726| |45|2166| |60|4932| =>Speed Adjust: While playing, press SELECT to increase the speed of the ball. The speed meter in the bottom right corner of the screen will change to reflect this. When you reach the maximum speed, pressing SELECT again will return to the lowest speed. DRAGON SPIRIT: THE NEW LEGEND (nes) checked-no =>Sound Test: Hold CNTRL II: A+B+U and press RESET. =>Stage Select: Enter the Sound Test code. After pressing RESET, press on CNTRL II: B U U B D D B. =>20 Dragons: Hold CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START =>Gold Dragon: Die on the first boss to enable the Gold Dragon. DRAGON STRIKE (nes) checked-no |lvl|silver| gold |bronze| |lvl|silver| gold |bronze| | 2 |PLPKMK|KHVJMG|FKHHMF| | 9 |PLPHGD|MXVNGJ|FMHMGH| | 3 |PLPKRF|KHVNRD|FMHMRB| | 10|PLPHLJ|KHVHLG|FMHMLC| | 4 |PLPKFG|KHVNFH|FKHMFD| | 11|PLPHVG|KHVHVJ|FMHMVF| | 5 |PLPKKB|KHVNKC|FKHMKJ| | 12|PLPHMT|KHVHMR|FKHMMR| | 6 |PLPKDK|KHVNDJ|FMHMDG| | AP|PLPHRP|KHVHRM|FKHMRM| | 7 |PLPHJK|MLLHJF|FMHMJB| |ABY|PLPHPS|KHVHPQ|FKHMPQ| | 8 |PLPHSH|KHVNSB|FMHMSD| DRAGON: THE BRUCE LEE STORY (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the Options screen, highlight Test Music and quickly press B A [R]. DRAGON WARRIOR (nes) checked-part =>Golem Tip: Play the flute to put the Golem to sleep. =>Quick Money: Kill the Golem, but don't enter the city he was blocking. Return to the king and save your game. Turn your system off, then back on, reload your game, and then kill the Golem again. You can repeat this as often as you like, earning $1000 each time. =>Edrick's Armor: This armor is in Hauksness. Search the eastern side, enter the ruined building with a poisoned floor and two trees. You will fight an Axe Knight. Kill him and search for Edrick's Armor. =>Special Items: After killing the Golem, move down and right to a locked door. Enter and buy the Silver Shield and Flame Sword from the guard. ->Free MP: In Tantegel, enter the central castle and talk to the man sitting at a desk to the right side of the screen. He'll restore all your magic points. DRAGON WARRIOR I & II (gbc) checked-yes =>Rename Royalty: To rename the Prince and Princess, turn on your Game Boy and get to the Dragon Warrior II Continue/Option etc. screen. Select Continue and press A so that the list of saved games appears. Move the cursor to your saved game, then hold L+START and press A to rename the Prince or hold R+START and press A to rename the Princess. Press B to escape from the rename screen. DRAGON WARRIOR III (nes) checked-yes =>Easy Money: Leave the castle, go to the Adventurer's Hall of Registration and create a list of soldiers. Go downstairs to the Eatery, enlist 3 of them, sell their equipment, remove them from your party, and repeat the procedure. An easy 400 gold each time. =>Easy Spells: To begin the game with 8 combat spells, immediately go to see the King in Aliahan. Create characters in the town until you are told to erase one. When you leave, you will lose all your gold but you will gain 8 combat spells. * Note: Get the HEAL and RETURN spells before doing this; after you do this trick you will be unable to earn the spells while fighting. =>Orb Locations: Red - House of Pirates, Green - Tedanki, Yellow - New Town, Purple - Jipang, Blue - Navel of Earth, Silver - Shrine of Necrogond =>Goof Sages: When Goof-Offs are at level 20, take them to the Hall of Registration to make them into Sages. DRAGON WARRIOR III (gbc) checked-no =>Fools to Sages: If you can get a Fool to level 20, bring them to the Registration hall back in the first town and you can change them into a Sage. DRAGON WARRIOR MONSTERS (gbc) checked-no =>Special Monsters: * Dragonlord: To get a Dragonlord, from the original Dragon Warrior, simply crossbreed a Servant and a Great Drak, making the pedigree Servant. * Gophecada: Breed a Madcat and a Giant Slug. * Landowl: Breed a Bullbird with a monster of the beast family, keeping the Bullbird as the pedigree. =>Breeding, Skills, etc.: A baby monster can only learn skills that its parents knew. =>Labyrinth Passage: In the Labyrinth, go U U U L D D L to find and battle Dark Horn. Don't worry about the treasure box and the Warbuo doll; they're fakes. =>Secret Gates: At the Bazaar, give the guy in the bottom right corner a monster with fire attack. * In the Well, give the scientist a monster with lightning attack. * When you beat BattleRex, go to the right of the Shrine of Starry Night and beat Goopi five times in a row. * After you beat BattleRex, a Traveler's Gate will be in the top right corner of the Monster Farm. * When MetalMan gives you a ZapBird, talk to Metally. * When you have at least 100 monsters, talk to the assistants in the Library and one will open up a hidden room. * When you beat the Starry Night Tourn., beat Goopi five times in a row. * After the Starry Night Tourn., go to the Bazaar and give the guys a monster with Yell. * Once you beat the Starry Night Tournament, go to the guy that won't let you through his Traveler's Gate. Read the journal on the bookshelf, then talk to the little girl. Once you show the grandfather a Gold Slime, you can use the gate. DRAGONHEART (gb) checked-no |BCDLST| Level 2 |LCTBSD| Level 4 |TTSCDC| Level 6 |BVDVSC| Level 8 |DCLTSB| Level 3 |CBLSBT| Level 5 |SDCDTS| Level 7 DRAGON'S LAIR (nes) checked-no =>30 Lives: Get a high score and enter the name |BATS|. DRAGON'S LAIR (snes) checked-no |2D 4C 6A 8B| After Snake Bosses |3D 4B 5C 6A| After G. Reaper |1B 2D 7A 8C| After Large Bat |1A 3B 5C 6D| Dragon's Lair DREAM T.V. (snes) checked-no |02|SBKW| |03|HGDS| |04|MMWS| DRIVEN (gba) checked-no |29801| All cars/tracks |07913| GameStop Car |62972| Master Car DUAL HEROES (n64) checked-no =>Gyn: Beat the Story Mode on Expert with any player to earn the fighter Gyn. =>Ray: Beat the Story Mode on Hard with Hana to play as Ray. DUCK HUNT (nes) checked-part =>Duck Patrol: CNTRL I can control the ducks in one of the game modes. ->Freeze Trick: Press START to pause, then unpause. The screen will remain frozen for a very small amount of time, giving you a chance to shoot those critters. DUCK TALES (nes) checked-no =>Bonus Stage: When the ten thousands digit of your score (10,000) is 7, fly home with Launchpad and you will get to play a bonus stage. For example, a score of 70000, 75000, or 170010 points would work. =>Pass Amazon Statue for Free: In the Amazon level, you will find a large grey statue which demands money in exchange for passage. Opt not to pay, then return a little left until a plunger-tossing enemy appears. Stand under the rope near the top of the screen and bounce off that enemy to jump up to the rope without paying the statue. =>Extra Ending: Earn at least one billion points and beat the game for a different ending. DUCK TALES (gb) checked-no =>Extra Lives: Go to the African Mines without a key and you will be sent to Transylvania. There, climb the mine car tracks and collect the 1-up. Exit Transylvania without the key by warping, and repeat the process. =>Bonus Stage: When the ten thousands digit of your score (10,000) is 7, fly home with Launchpad and you will get to play a bonus stage. For example, a score of 70000, 75000, or 170010 points would work. THE DUEL: TEST DRIVE II (snes) checked-no =>Customize Cars: Start a game, choose a car, and start a race. Before the cars move, hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] to make the car customization screen appear. Use CNTRL II to change any of the options. Also, you can press CNTRL II: A to jump over traffic, if you are moving fast enough. DUKE NUKEM (gbc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the title screen. If you want both, enter the invulnerability code first. * Invulnerability: Press U D D L R L U U. * Stage Select: Press L R U U D U R L. =>Rapid Fire Gun: There is a rapid fire gun hidden in level four. Stand on the diagonal platform and press A repeatedly to stay there long enough to find the gun. DUKE NUKEM 64 (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: On the title screen, press L L [L]x2 R R L L. You can then enter one of the following codes on the main menu and turn it on or off at the cheat menu. * Item Toggle : Press [R] cR R [L] cL L cR R. * Invincibility : Press [R]x7 PAD: L. * Monster Toggle: Press [L] cL L [R] cR R L L R. * Stage Select : Press [L]x3 cR R L L cL. =>Energy Refill: Break something that spews water, then stand in the squirting water and hold A to regain energy. Also, if you are quite low on energy, you can gain a small amount by using a toilet or urinal. =>Teleporter Cheat: Shoot stuff into a teleporter and it will fly out the other end in the Deathmatch modes. However, only one item can travel through at a time. =>Fire Walk: Press jump rapidly and repeatedly when on lava and you won't get hurt. =>Size Glitch: This works in co-op or deathmatch modes. Get the Invincibility code activated and get your weapons ready. Shoot someone with the shrinker, turn on invincibility, then turn it back off. The player will never return to normal size. * For a big Duke, shoot someone with the expander. Turn invincibility on just before he explodes, stop shooting, then remove invincibility. He will remain a giant. * For a small Duke that isn't tiny, first make someone a big Duke using the trick above. Now, use the small Duke trick on them. They will end up being short but not tiny. =>Gun Glitch: In a Deathmatch, shrink someone and turn on invincibility. Step on the tiny guy. Stomp three times and his weapon will appear, as if you killed him. Repeat and another weapon will appear. You can do this for as long as you want... but too many weapons on the screen may mess up the game. =>Zombie Duke: In a co-op game, charge up a plasma gun and shoot your pal. Pause the game when the screen is white, turn invincibility on, and Duke will be all black. Or, you could try turning invincibility on when the screen is red for another dead effect. =>Ghostly Duke: In a deathmatch, turn on the All Items cheat and kill yourself with a pipe bomb. Before you press any buttons, turn on Invincibility and you will come back to life. Turn off invincibility and you will be invisible to the Dukebots. =>Boss Trick: When fighting the Overlord, stay in the water but don't dive under the surface. As long as you don't use explosives, you should be able to hit the Overlord without getting hit by him. =>Level Warps: In level 27, walk through the yellow card key door and find the large body of water near a waterfall. Go through the waterfall, walk past the trees to find a level ending switch. Smash it to warp to level 30. =>Hidden Level: To reach the hidden Duke Burger level, in level 1 find the attic, stand on the box on the ground, turn around enter enter the entrance to the hidden level. =>Elevator Action: In a Duke Match level, shrink one player, then turn on invincibility. Enter the elevator and stand in separate corners. Have the big player step on the small guy while the small guy presses A repeatedly. After a while, go back to your corners, and the elevator should start moving really fast and the background will change colors. DUKE NUKEM: ZERO HOUR (n64) checked-part ->Extra Levels: To reach the Going Down Titanic stage, all you have to do is find all the pieces of the time machine before reaching The Rack. If you do so, an extra exit portal leading to Going Down will appear to the room to the left. * To reach Wetworld, play through Stage 3, Nuclear Winter, until you find the rails leading to the communicator. Drop off the roof to the med kit below, hop off this roof into the water, and swim to the platform floating there. Take the exit to Wetworld. =>Regain Health: Shoot a fire hydrant or toilet, stand next to the spurting water, and press A to regain HP. You can return to it at any point in the level to fill your energy. ->Extra Characters: Every time you beat a level of the game, a new Duke becomes available in multi-player mode. ->Alternate Character Sets: Enter one of the following codes on the "Press Start" title screen. A tone will sound after correct entry. * Set 1 |A [L] [R] L B D U | * Set 4 |Bx3 [R] L A | * Set 2 |B A A [R] [L] | * Set 5 |R B L [L] A Z | * Set 3 |[L] [L] U D [R] B A| * Set 6 |U D B A A L | ->Extra Modes: Beat the game to enable First Person Mode and Action Mode (1 hit kills). Beat every level of the game saving all babes and killing all enemies to enable the Extreme mode difficulty. Or, enter these codes on the "Press Start" title screen. A tone confirms correct entry. * Action Mode : Press D D A Z Z L A. * First Person Mode: Press D U [L] B Z L cU cR cL Z. ->Freeze Thrower: On the "Press Start" screen, press D U A [L] [R] Z. You will play the game with a freeze thrower with unlimited ammo. ->Rifle w/ Ammo: On the "Press Start" screen, press cU cD cL cR [L] [R]. ->Cheats: Complete the requirement in the level listed to earn the cheat for that level. | Cheat |Level| Requirement | |Big Head Mode | 2| Rescue all babes | |Big Gun Mode | 3| Kill all enemies | |Flat Shade Map | 4| Find all secrets | This is Wetworld |Ice Skin | 5| Rescue all babes | |Weather | 6| Find all secrets | |High Speed Zombies| 8| Rescue all babes | |Max Blaster Ammo | 9| Kill all enemies | |Max Shotgun Ammo |10| Rescue all babes | |Max Rifle Ammo |11| Rescue all babes | |Max Revolver Ammo |12| Kill all enemies | |Max SO Shotgun Am |13| Kill all enemies | |Max SMG Ammo |15| Find all secrets | |Max Gatling Ammo |16| Kill all enemies | |Max Volt C. Ammo |17| Find all secrets | |Max Sniper Ammo |19| Rescue all babes | Going Down |Max Freeze Ammo |20| Kill all enemies | |Max Gamma Ammo |21| Rescue all babes | DUNGEON MAGIC (nes) checked-no =>Extra Coins: Watch the game's intro, and when the picture of the village appears in the bottom left corner of the screen, press CNTRL II: Ax2 CNTRL I: START for bonus coins. =>Cursed: Near the end of the game, monsters can poison you. If you don't cure yourself, the poisoning sometimes turns into a curse... while cursed you can fight stronger enemies without getting killed. DUSTY DIAMOND'S ALL-STAR SOFTBALL (nes) checked-no |LgtwwRG7MtdHTR 7R941v0v24y342J| Fast Pitch Mode, Game 5 |vlkyVQKTlplbQQ vB751w6w8x39yxT| Slow Pitch Mode, Game 5 |XYRjv12XYnB0kT ZHlPkNxJhjYWypT| Beat School |RmjnyYrdbwR9wR lKbPnN3ZzhZPvnG| Beaten School & Island DYNABLASTER {*} please see ATOMIC PUNK DYNOWARZ: THE DESTRUCTION OF SPONDYLUS (nes) checked-no Level 1 |8547| Level 3 |9892| Level 5 |7452| Level 7 |6425| Level 2 |5431| Level 4 |6315| Level 6 |1697| =>View Dynos: Enter |7777| and press START. Hitting U and D will show you all the dynos out there. |========== Chapter E ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. EA SPORTS PRESENTS MLBPA BASEBALL {*} please see MLBPA BASEBALL EARTHBOUND (snes) checked-part =>Waterfall Password: Trying to get to the Base of Belch? Have no idea what the password is? No problemo. When you receive the 'Say the Password' message, just sit there. Do not touch the controller... wait... and wait... and wait. Eventually, the door will open by itself. =>Money Man: Enter the Twoson Hotel and go to the room left of the entrance. Talk to the man there until he gives you cash. ->Experience Trick: Enter the Scaraba Desert and search for the Criminal Caterpillar, a small red bug that tends to flee from you. Fight it; you should automatically win and earn about 28000 exp. points. ->Money Tricks: Buy eggs/chicks for $12 and wait until they become chickens, then sell 'em for $110. Buy broken cannons in Scarabia, sleep in Paula's house until Jeff turns them into Spectrum Beams, which sell for a decent amount. ->Unlim. Stat Boosts: Buy Rock Candy and lots of Condiments, such as Sugar Packets. Put the Rock Candy in the last slot of your inventory (use the GIVE command to give it to the same person), then enter a battle and use your Rock Candy. Instead of the Rock Candy being used, the Condiments will be used. Repeat until you run out of Condiments, then buy more and do it again. EARTHWORM JIM (snes) checked-no =>Shiny Code: Pause the game, then press L+A B X A A B X A START. The Options & Info screen will appear, and will allow you to play in the Cheat Mode (invincible), to Start in any Level, to "Freeze" the screen (pause the game without going dark), or use the Map View to see the entire level before you play it. NOTE: I can't be sure, but if you use this code, you may not be able to complete the game... =>Cheat Codes: Pause the game and press... * Stage Skip: A B X A A+X B+X B+X A+X * Extra Continue: A B A B X Y X Y * 8 Plasma : A A B+[L] A A X B+[L] X * Full Ammo: A B B+[L] B X A X X * Energy Refill: A+X B A B B X+Y B A * Extra Life: B B X X+Y Ax4 * Nick Jones Fake Code: Y A B B A Y A B B A * View Map: (A X)x2 Ax4 =>Warp Codes: Pause the game and press... * What the Heck? : Y X Y X A B A X * Down the Tubes : U D L+D L D D U+L D * Snot a Problem : A B X B A B B B+L * Level 5 : A+B B+X X+Y L L R L R * For Pete's Sake: (A B X)x2 A B+R * Buttville : A X L L X+Y U D L * Andy Asteroids : A+L A R+A A B B X B * Who Turned Out The Lights: A B (U+Y)x2 L R L R * Princess : [L]+A Xx2 X+B X A X [L]+A =>Stalactites: The stalactites won't fall if you don't pick up the 100% Energy refill. =>Level 3 Bug: If you hold R and begin pressing B before the level starts, you will be able to hover to the right, and avoid falling down the tube. Move right as far as possible to skip parts of the level. =>Entrance to Hidden Level Who Turned Out The Lights: In level five, after the first few balls of electricity. When you see two hooks, swing from both of them but don't use the third hook; hop towards the wall and jump. If done in the proper place you should warp into the hidden level. EARTHWORM JIM (gba) checked-no =>Stage Select: Pause the game, then press R [R] B A [L] [L] A [R]. =>Individual Stage Select Codes: Pause the game and enter a code... * Buttville: [L] A U [R] A [R] A SELECT * Down the Tubes: U [L] D A [R] A * For Pete's Sake: [R] [L] [R] [L] A [R] * Level 5: [R] [L] A B B A [L] [R] * Snot a Problem: [R] U SELECT [L] [R] [L] * What the Heck?: SELECT [R] B D [L] B EARTHWORM JIM 2 (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Pause the game and enter the code... * Lorenzen's Soil |A X L R X L R L| * Villi People |A B X A B X L R| * The Flyin' King |A B X L R L A B| * Udderly Abducted |U B X L R D A X| * Inflated Head |U D X A B Y L R| * Level Ate |X X D D A L R L| * ISO 9000 |A B X L L R L R| * See Jim Run |A B X L L L L R| * Puppy Love 1 |L R A B X L R A| * Puppy Love 2 |D R A B X L R A| * Puppy Love 3 |U R A B X L R A| =>Cheat Codes: Pause the game to enter these codes. 1 shot codes may be entered just once per game. * Stage Skip: SELECT B X A A X B SELECT * Plasma Gun: Xx4 Ax3 SELECT * Max Ammo : SELECT Xx6 SELECT * 3-Shot Gun: Xx4 A A X SELECT * Max Ammo 1-Shot: Xx7 SELECT * Homing Gun: Xx4 A A B SELECT * Invincibility : A A X A L R R L * Bubble Gun: Xx4 A B A SELECT * 1-Up: (L SELECT R SELECT)x2 * Barn Gun: Xx4 A B X SELECT * 1-Up 1 Shot: (SELECT L SELECT R)x2 * View Map: SELECTx7 B * Bomb Teleport: Xx4 Bx4 * Invisible Soil: A A B A A X B * 1 Continue: A SELECT A B X Y X Y * 81 Meal Worms: (A B)x4 * Energy: X SELECT X B X SELECT X A * 10 Metal Worms: A A B A A Y B Y * Config Screen: SELECT L R A X X L R * Bright Pause Screen: Ax8 * End Game: SELECT L R [L] [R] L R SELECT * Instant Continue: Y SELECT Y B X B X B =>Secret Stage 37: Play through Level Ate until you reach the Continue point. Continue traveling right, using Snott to travel along the ceiling. When you see a hill of bologna and a strip of bacon, stand on the far right edge of the strip of bacon. Jump up and right, then use the Snott parachute option to float down and left under the strip of bacon. Walk left and you will warp to Stage 37. =>Floating Jim: In Lorenzo's Soil, pause and press Ax9. =>Cow voices: When you beat a level and a cow says "Well done," you can press A B X or Y to change the speed of the cow's voice. =>Snott Shield: Press U+X to activate this protective barrier. EARTHWORM JIM 3D (n64) checked-no =>Easy Extra Lives: Go outside the entrance to Hungry Tonight? and get the Power Parp Tin from Snott, then use it to grab the 1up nearby. Enter Hungry Tonight? and then exit it. Talk to Snott again and grab the 1up again, then repeat. =>Earthworm Kim: Nab 1000 marbles and beat the game with a rating of Smart Superhero to enable play as Earthworm Kim. Earthworm Kim's game is much harder. =>Stage Select: Pause the game and press R [R] B A [L]x2 A [R]. =>Tiny Jim: On the title screen, hold Z and press cU cD L. 8-EYES (nes) checked-no |EAAPPPDPNE| House of Ruth |ONAPPMBPPF| Ending 1 |TAXANTAXAN| Game 2 |CKBPPAAPEE| Ending 2 |FINALSTAGE| Game 3 |GBCPHAAHAD| Ending 3 =>Stage Order: Spain, Egypt, Italy, India, Africa, Germany, and Arabia. =>Jewel Order: Yellow, White, Green, Orange, Blue, Purple, Red, Black. 18 WHEELER: AMERICAN PRO TRUCKER (gc) checked-no =>Extra Parking Levels: Once you complete all four parking levels, you will earn a bonus parking level. Complete that level to earn another bonus level. =>New Truck/Trucker: Complete Arcade Mode with all four truckers on any difficulty setting to earn Nippon Maru. You will also earn two new trailers to be used in Score Attack mode. ELEVATOR ACTION (gb) checked-no =>? Doors: Enter the ? door when the hundreds digit of your score is _ to receive a _. |0/1| Shotgun | |4/5| Pistol | |8/9| Heart| |2/3| Machine Gun| |6/7| Grenade | THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (nes) checked-no =>All Force Powers: Press START while playing the game to bring up your current powers, hold R and quickly press B B START A B START B B START. The action will restart, but you will have ALL of the Force Powers. =>Stage Skip: Pause, hold R, press START+SELECT+A+B, B B START A B START B B START, release R and you will skip that level of the game. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (gb) checked-no =>AT-ST Tip: If you lose your snowspeeder, stand under an AT-ST and press A+U to destroy it with your lightsaber. =>Snowspeeder Cables: In the snowspeeder, press B+SELECT to arm the tow cables. Shoot them at the legs of AT-ST's to finish them. SUPER THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (snes) checked-no | Level | Easy | Brave| Jedi | |First Cave |WDWDWB|TCCPSJ|FHPSMN| |Outside Cave |CSPTNP|SSFJND|CCTLFR| |Second Cave |NSRSCL|NLBJJF|MDWNDF| |Probe Droid |WFBJTB|JRWNPL|THNTLR| |Hoth Hangar Bay |BHRDHL|DGBDPL|LQYSCH| |3D Snowspeeder |HMGPWJ|RCWJMF|GQTVDD| |Side Scrolling Snowspeeder|LDGLTJ|JRGRTD|PNFDHJ| |Inside AT-AT |LLJFBG|MDBNMR|SCWWFZ| |Han in Hoth Base 1 |WLJWDN|HDPPLL|LFHWWB| |Han in Hoth Base 2 |WBWHRW|GTLCNP|RBHNFC| |Millennium Falcon |NCCGSP|WWBGHF|KCDFZK| |Dagobah |GLTTDJ|PGBNBH|KCCVGJ| |Habogad |GJBHNF|TNPSPL|RBQRWS| |Han at Bespin |MCDGRJ|DLPMMD|QBTTXX| |Ugnaught Factory |PGPNMG|SHRBLW|ZGLKDV| |Carbonite Chamber |NGMSJB|LNGPNN|VVDQXC| |Chewbacca vs. Boba Fett |RLMSWJ|FSFMSR|FGTTVV| |3D Fight at Cloud City |MBRCGB|FCPDPC|YDHBQT| |Luke vs. Vader |SWPMSS|HPLSHJ|TNHJSK| =>Full Force: On the title screen, quickly press X B B Y X A A and a tone will sound. Press START to begin a new game, but will ALL the Force powers. =>Darth Vader: To start the game at the end, press A X B A Y X B A A X B B Y X on the title screen. If you enter it before the demo appears, the game will automatically switch to the last stage. =>7 Continues: On the title screen quickly press X Y A B X X and a tone will sound. =>View Credits: On the Game Select screen, press A B A B A B A B. =>Unlim. Thermal Detonators: When the game select screen first appears, press A X B X X A Y. Darth Vader will say "Impressive." Press START before the demo appears. =>99 Lives: On the game select screen, press X Y Bx3 X A Y Y B A X Y. Vader will say "Impressive." Press START before the Demo appears. =>All Force, Unlim. Bombs, Debug & Invincibility: When the Main Menu appears for the first time, press A B Y X A B Y X A B A B Y X X Y A B Y X. Vader will say "Impressive". START the game. Press CNTRL II: [L]+[R] during the game to access the debug menu, or hold CNTRL II: SELECT+A+B+Y+X and release them all to become invincible. START skips to the next level. =>View High Scores: On the Main Menu, press A A B B. =>Sound Test: During any of the side-scrolling action levels, press and hold (in this order) A+B+X+Y. While holding these buttons, press D and press START. Repeat for different messages. =>Play Intro: This allows you to play around with the words in the intro screen. When the menu screen first appears, press Yx4. Darth Vader will say "Impressive," your cue to wait for the Star Wars logo to fade, then use PAD I and [R] and [L] to rotate or scroll the intro and the Star Destroyer. EQUINOX (snes) checked-no =>Unlimited Life: On the title screen, press [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x3 [R]x3 [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R]. The copyright box will turn green. ESPN CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF 2002 (gba) checked-no =>Unlocking Courses: When you've earned enough prize money, you are allowed to play in new courses. Here are the required amounts... * Seaside - Earn $600,000 or win the Pacific Country Club tournament * Northern Hill - Earn $900,000. * Evergreen Club - $1,700,000 ESPN SPEED WORLD (snes) checked-no =>Wind Resistance Trick: Drive directly behind a car to cut down the wind resistance against your vehicle and greatly increase your speed. Pass the vehicle to retain a quick burst of speed. ESPN SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL (snes) checked-no =>Downs: Score a touchdown, line up for a field goal, then use a timeout. You will get a first down. Repeat as much as you want. E.T.: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (gba) checked-no |L L A [L] R R B [R]| Last Stage EVEL KNIEVEL (gbc) checked-no |LEVELS| Unlock Grand Finale Mode |LASTSTAGE| Unlock Snake River Canyon |RESET| Reset the game E.V.O.: THE SEARCH FOR EDEN (snes) checked-no =>Human Body: When you are a mammal, evolve the Cat Jaws and Rabbit Body. You will be able to choose the Ramothecus Body, and with 2 more evolutions it will become human. =>Mermaid Body: If you have 10,000 evolution points when in the Final Ocean Stage of Chapter 5, select HAND & FEET when you evolve your character, and choose the Try To Evolve option. If you continue to evolve 3 times, you will become a Mermaid. =>Flying Dino: In Chapter 4, kill the Mother Prime Frog and climb up the island near the mountain. Jump off of the top and you will be able to fly; however, you will lose your current body and return to standard abilities. =>Dragon: In Chapter 3, after you become a winged dinosaur, look for a cloud that floats over the different levels. Enter the level the cloud is currently flying over to enter a special maze; complete it to nab a gem that allows you to evolve into a dragon. EXCITEBIKE (nes) checked-no =>Quick Recovery: Press B repeatedly to get your biker to recover and return to his bike more quickly after a crash. EXCITEBIKE 64 (n64) checked-no =>Original NES Excitebike: Complete the Tutorial Mode by performing all the stunts and you will enable the original Excitebike for the NES. =>3D NES Excitebike: Earn first place in the Pro Season Challenge Round. =>Hill Climb Mode: Earn first place in the Amateur season Gold Round. =>Soccer Mode: Earn first place in the Novice season Silver Round. =>Cheat Menu: On the main menu, hold [L]+cR+cD+A. You can now enter the following cheat codes... |BLAHBLAH| Big head mode |SHOWOFF| Stunt bonus |INVISRIDER| Invisible bikers |PATWELLS| Harder Game |YADAYADA| Mirror mode |MIDNIGHT| Night mode |PINHEAD| Small head mode |XLURIDER| Translucent biker |ROTOCLS| Multicolored tracks |IMGOINGNOW| Debug mode info |TRICKSTER| All Tricks enabled |XLURIDER| Clear biker |MOWER| No crashing |UGLYMUGS| Programmer pics |WHEEEEEEE| Reverse Hill Climb - enter then try the Hill Climb level EXODUS (nes) checked-yes -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Stage Select: On the stage selection screen, press A to skip to higher levels and B to return to lower ones. EXODUS (gb) checked-yes -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Stage Skip: On the Player/Level screen that appears before each level, press A to skip to a higher level or B to return to an earlier level. You can skip up to level 81. EXTRA BASES (gb) checked-no |2CCZ| 7 wins, 0 losses EXTRA INNINGS (snes) checked-no =>Sound Test: Highlight Setup, hold [L]+[R] and press B. =>Faster Game: Hold [L]+[R] while selecting your team. =>Ending Screens: For all these codes, highlight the option on the options screen, then hold [L]+[R] and press B or START. Edit Team I - See the end of game scoreboard screens. All-Star - Losing screen A Pennant Race - Losing screen B 2 Player - Win pennant/see credits 1 Player - See home run cinemas EXTREME-G (n64) checked-no |51GG95| All tracks and the Roach |61GGB5| or |81GGD5| All Tracks, All Worlds, both bikes =>Hidden Track: Complete the Extreme level in the Meltdown circuit using a standard bike, earning first place on every track, to get the hidden board. It is only available in single and multi-player modes. =>Bonus Bikes: Complete the final circuit of Meltdown on Extreme to receive the Neon, with maxed out attributes. * Complete the Contest Mode on the Meltdown difficulty to get the Roach. =>Developer Mode: Enter your name as |XGTEAM|, then change your name to the first name of one of the game's developers (Asg, Greg, John, Justin, Shawn, etc.) to race with the developer's faces on the bikes. Change the name to Fergus to make the drones into his face. =>Turbo-Start: Hold Z while the announcer is counting down to start the race, and release Z right before he says "Go!" =>Super Jump: When jumping a ramp, use the Super Boost and press D. =>Super Boost: When you enter a nitro haze, use a nitro boost. =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes in the name entry screen of the Contest Mode. Press [R] on the bike select screen, then press [R] again for lower case. |roller | Rock Mode |banana | Slippery Track |nitroid | Unlimited Turbos |xtreme | Extreme Mode |magnify | Magnified Mode |ghostly| Ghost Mode - Transparent track |antigrav| Race upside down |stealth| All racers invisible |uglymode| Ugly Mode |wired | Wire Frame Mode |fisheye | Fisheye Lens Mode |roller | Boulder-mobiles |arsenal | Unlim. Weapons |ANON.R1| Max Weapons??? |RA50 | QUIT a track and it counts as being completed. |FERGUS | Puts Probe's directors face on the drones in the Shooting modes EXTREME-G 2 (n64) checked-no |68QCMH3H9HT | Venom Bike - or come in first in Atomic Contest mode |55Hz1MH3H9H1| Wasp Bike - or complete the Contest Mode on Critical Mass =>More Multi-Player Levels: Enter either the Venom or Wasp code and then enter|N31GG76CG9DZ|. =>Specter Bike: Earn first place in Extreme Contest on meltdown. =>Name Codes: Enter these as Names on the bike selection screen in the extreme contest mode. If entered correctly, you will hear a voice after you enter the code. Reenter the code to deactivate. |2064| Wipe Out Mode |SPIRAL| Spiral Screen |SPYEYE| Overhead view |XXX| Turbo Mode |XCHARGE| Unlim. Lasers/Shields |MISTAKE| Unlim. Weapons |NITROID| Unlim. Nitros |FLICK| Blurry Graphics |PIXIE| No antialiasing / No Fog |LINEAR| Wireframe Mode |NEUTRON| "Tron" Mode |MISPACE| Remove one engine from bike |JUGGLE| Random course select in time trials |NOPANEL| No onscreen displays EXTREME-G 3 (gc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter all cheat codes on the title screen. * Double Bonus Money: [L] [R] Z [L] [R] Z [L]+[R] * Extreme Lap Challenge: ([L] [R])x3 Z [L]+[R] * Unlim. Shields/Turbo: [L]+[R] Z [L]+[R] Z . Repeat to deactivate. * Unlim. Ammo: [L] [R] [L] [R] [L]+[R] Z * All Teams: [L]x2 [R]x2 Zx2 [L]+[R] Z * All Tracks/Teams: [L]x2 [R]x2 Zx2 [L]+[R]+Z * Always Win Race: [L]+[R]+Z [L]+[R] Z [L]+[R]+Z. This code will ensure that you win, even if you quit the game during the race. =>Enable Pion 6: Complete the Career Mode to enable the Pion 6 in Arcade. =>Enable Team Starcom: Complete Career Mode, beating the race on Pion 6. =>Turbo Start: Near the end of the countdown, hold U, and press A right as "GO!" appears. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (snes) checked-no =>Pantry: In Level __ you will find a small alcove named Pantry. Fill it with at least 5 rations to receive experience and to transform them into Iron rations. =>Nest Egg: In Level 6, drop 10 eggs in a single pile inside the Nest room. |========== Chapter F ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. F-117A STEALTH FIGHTER (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select & Invincibility: Enter the code |4093CB1#| and return to the main menu. Highlight Theater and press SELECT. On the world map, use U and D to select your mission. You will be invincible during the mission. F-15 STRIKE EAGLE (nes) checked-no |61OD2751112C1515| Start in Baghdad |800D24D31144151D| All medals, high rank |0E0D273611241515| final mission and all stages open F-15 STRIKE EAGLE (gb) checked-no |02|FH1D6390| |06|C31J63C8| |10|072173FH| |14|B12473C1| |18|F72673B9| |03|911F638D| |07|7D10637B| |11|BD2273CD| |15|3H257317| |19|5J277374| |04|441H6348| |08|F71073B3| |12|5F237376| |16|9725736B| |20|062773F9| |05|H01H63BD| |09|80217365| |13|JG23730F| |17|31267343| F-ZERO (snes) checked-yes =>Master Class: Reach this racing class by choosing the Expert class and completing all five courses in any of the leagues, placing 1st, 2cd, or 3rd in each. =>Turbo Start: Unless you're driving the Golden Fox (yellow car), you can get a quick turbo start if you keep the accelerator held to full before the race starts and you lean to the right. This way, you lean into the lane of the next car, get hit from behind, and get shot ahead. The pink Fire Stingray can get two jumps if you let Blue Falcon hit you, then move right and let the green Wild Goose smash you. =>Track Jump: In Port Town II, get a Super Jet and steer left after passing the finish line. Use the Jet just before reaching the ramp, then immediately pull right to fly over the ramp and zoom to the other side of the track. F-ZERO X (n64) checked-yes =>All Cars/Tracks/Cups: On the mode select screen, press [L] Z [R] cU cD cL cR START. A tone will sound. =>Place/Time: During a GP race, press [L] to see far ahead/behind you are to the second/first place racer. =>Joker Cup: Beat Jack, Queen, and King cups at normal difficulty. =>Master Level: Defeat the Jack, Queen, King, and Joker cups on all three difficulties to reach the Master difficulty level. This also lets you view the credits, enables the last six cars, changes the title music, and enables the X-Cup random course generator. =>Extra Custom Tricks: Press [R] on the car customization screen to change your car color, or use the C buttons to rotate the car. If you hold down all the C buttons, the car will stop moving. Hold [L]+[R] and press cL+cD to shrink the car. * On the track selection screen, use the C buttons to rotate the track. =>Death Race: You can win a race while burning... just approach the finish line with very little energy left, then ram into a wall at the finish line. You will explode, yet win. =>Ghost Cars: Like in Mario Kart 64, you can unlock ghost racers to compete against by beating certain times on certain courses. Just complete the following courses in the required times to open up the ghost racers. =>Spin Out Attack: Hold Z and tap [R]x2 or reverse to do a quick spin/roll attack move. =>Title Screen Changes: The title screen splash image will change when you beat the Expert and Master difficulties. | Stage | Time | | Stage | Time | | Stage | Time | |Mute City |1:23:00| |D. Forest 2|1:24:20| |White Land 2|1:13:00| |Silence |1:13:00| |Mute City 2|1:19:00| |Mute City 3 |1:46:00| |Sand Ocean |1:15:55| |Big Blue 2 |1:07:00| |Rainbow Road|2:11:00| |Devil's Forest|1:23:00| |White Land |1:40:00| |D. Forest 3 |1:20:00| |Big Blue |1:35:00| |Fire Field |1:23:00| |Space Plant |2:04:00| |Port Town |1:36:00| |Silence 2 |1:35:00| |Sand Ocean 2|1:35:00| |Sector A |1:22:00| |Sector B |1:45:00| |Port Town 2 |1:52:70| |Red Canyon |1:19:00| |Red Canyon2|1:40:00| |Big Hand |2:27:00| F-ZERO: MAXIMUM VELOCITY (gba) checked-no =>Difficulty Levels: Complete any series in Expert class to enable the Master Class. Complete the Expert class in Pawn, Knight, and Bishop to enable the Queen series. =>Championship Course: Get your name in the high score ranking for all of the Pawn, Knight, and Bishop courses -- a total of 15 courses. =>Extra Craft: For the Dirty Joker, complete the Pawn, Knight, and Bishop series in Standard Class. * For The Stingray, complete Pawn, Knight, and Bishop on Expert Class. * For Silver Thunder, complete the Queen series Expert Class. * For the Falcon MK-II, complete any series on Master Class. * For Fighting Comet, complete Pawn, Knight, Bishop and Queen in the Master Class. * For the Jet Vermillion ship for racing, either complete the Pawn, Knight, Bishop and Queen cups at the Master level of difficulty using all 9 of the other ships OR complete the Championship Circuit stage 255 times. =>Erased Saved Data: To erase all saved game information, hold [L]+[R] when you turn on your Game Boy Advance. Choose YES when asked if you want to delete. =>Computer Demo: Press SELECT on the title screen to view a tutorial on racing. =>Rocket Start: Before the race begins, rev up your engine until the fuselage begins to glow. Make sure the sound of the engine is normal, and NOT whining at a high pitch. If you keep your car in this condition, you will blaze out to the front of the pack when the race starts. FACEBALL 2000 (gb) checked-yes =>Stage Select & 9 Lives: In level one, shoot the exit five times. You will be warped into a special bonus room. Use B to open the pods for speed power-ups and 9 extra lives, and enter the doors to warp ahead. The door that appears in the place the level 1 exit was in warps to level 10. The next door to the left warps to 15, the next to 20, and the last one to 25. =>Warp to Level 10: Face the level 1 exit, turn around 180 degrees and shoot the wall. Enter the room, blast the wall, and enter the exit to warp. =>Warp to Level 20: Face the level 10 exit, turn around 180 degrees and shoot the wall. Enter the flashing exit to warp to level 20. =>Warp to Level 71: As soon as you start level five, turn to the left wall and run into it five times, then turn around to the right wall and shoot it five times. Enter the room that appears, open the pod and grab the key, then go into the new room (where the left wall used to be) and enter the warp to go to level 71. FACEBALL 2000 (snes) checked-no =>Cyberscape: On the screen allowing you to choose the number of players, hold [L]+[R]+L and press START. You will now be able to play Cyberscape as well as Cyberzone. =>Config Screen: On the stage select screen, hold [L]+[R] and press START. =>Pod Farming: In areas with Gremlins or Yellow Smiloids, a Pod Drone will appear each time you touch a low-level enemy. Shoot the flashing Pod Drones for armor, coins, and Power-Ups. FAMILY FEUD (snes) checked-no |FFHKPQ| $12,000 |HFHKRQ| $14,000 |LLLQRX| Maximum cash FARIA (nes) checked-no =>Super Start: Enter your name as |GaoGao| and you will start with $99,999 and a full life meter. FATAL FURY (snes) checked-no =>Extra Character: On the Takara logo screen, press D D+R R D D+L L X in one fluid motion. The Fatal Fury logo will turn blue and the Ryo Sakazaki will be available. =>Extra Fighters: In a street fight when Player 2 can choose a fighter, press D to choose from one of the bad guys. FATAL FURY SPECIAL (snes) checked-no =>Extra Fighter: To play as Ryo Sakazaki, turn on the SNES, wait for the Takara logo to appear, and then quickly press either: * D D+R R D+R D D+B B X in a fluid motion, or * L D R R D L X If entered correctly, the Fatal Fury logo will become blue and the extra character will be available. =>Big Bear Special: To perform the super drop kick easily, pause the game, hold A for about 5 seconds, then unpause and release A. FATAL FURY SPECIAL {*} please see REAL BOUT FATAL FURY SPECIAL FATAL FURY 2 (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: When you first turn on the game, wait for the TAKARA logo to appear, and before the logo fades press B A X Y U L D R [L] [R]. Complete it before the logo fades away and you will hear Terry Bogard say "Ok!". You can now play as any of the 4 bosses. =>Bosses' Secret Moves: ===== B. Lawrence ===== Sword Thrust - L DL D DR R then Y Flying Punch - Hold L, hold R, press Y Cape Flip - Hold D, hold U, press B ===== W. Krauser ===== High Fireball - D DR R then Y Low Fireball - D DL L then B Hands of Fire - R L DL D DR K then Y ===== Billy Kane ===== Bo Thrust - Hold L then R and Y Air Thrust - Hold DL then UR and Y Bo Spin - Y or X pressed repeatedly Pole Vault - DL D DR R then B ===== Axel Hawk ===== Fireball - L DL D DR R then Y Sliding Punch - Hold DL then R and Y Super Combo - Hold X and A for 8 seconds FAXANADU (nes) checked-no |aLf?cv?,IJNJjMFukpYQhA | Dartmoor |B4qMAPtkCEAYxzwhA | Forepaw |zKPcAvt1iEQoFzwhAxjA | Mascon |Raz8Mvu0CIUKLhsHwgWEA | Victim |DL7,cv20SoWOx2XIbBL4PhA| Daybreak |3qOsA?t1iEIiIGaEHwak| |pJOsgvtliEIiGRBqTG| =>Cash Refill: Visit the king whenever you have 0 coins and receive $1500. =>Dragon Slayer: To find the Dragon Slayer, start at the door to the fortress and move right, up, right, down to a door, through the door, right, down, right 3 screens, up, enter the door and fight the enemy. =>Magic Ladder: After you move the boulder at the fountain, move right one screen, then return and hold R. As you leave, a ladder appears. FERRARI GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE (nes) checked-no |CZV8LN4FSLJBFRFSFBFBB| final race FESTER'S QUEST (nes) checked-yes =>Extra Energy Bar: Sneak through the hidden path through the bushes to the Addams Mansion to find an extra bar for the life meter. A previous life bar could be found in the first white house Fester traveled through (the 3-D view house). =>Music Off: Run into a wall and repeatedly shoot; while doing this, quickly press SELECTx2 to pause and unpause the game. Sometimes this will turn the music off. To turn the music back on, press SELECTx2 without firing. FIFA '98: ROAD TO THE WORLD CUP (n64) checked-no Enter these cheat codes on the Player Edit screen in all capital letters |Team |Code |Effect | |Team |Code |Effect | |Vancouver|ANATOLI|Big Heads | |Slovakia |LASKO |Ghost Players | |Sheffield|WAYNE |Invisible | |Canada |MARC |Pencil/Paper Mode | |Vancouver|KERRY |Tiny Players | |Australia|NWODEDISPU|Upside Down | |Ireland |SPUD |Hot Potato | |Wales |WARREN |Invisible Walls | |Vancouver|TED |Upside Down 2| |Vancouver|DAVE |Unlim.Player Points| |Japan |YUJI |Road to World Cup Round 2| |Any Team |CATCH22|No Stadium/Fast Framerate| =>Feedback Preview: As Japan, enter the code |NORIE|, go to the round select screen and press Z+cL+cU for victory animations. =>Developer Names: Name a player |BuryFC| and go to England; all the players will now have the developers' names. FIFA 99 (n64) checked-no =>Atlanta Attack: Beat the Champion Cup with Brazil at the Professional Level to earn the Atlanta Attack team. =>Odd Players: Choose Canada, enter Player Edit and name the first player |Joe|. Begin a friendly game and all members will be giants with oddly colored outfits. =>MLS Team: Win the league game in each country's league and in the world league, then beat the U.S. league on the hardest difficulty setting. Now, all MLS teams are available under the U.S. in Team Select. =>Ronaldo: Ronaldo is available on the Inter Milan team as G. Silva. FIFA 2002 WORLD CUP {*} please see 2002 FIFA WORLD CUP FIFA INTERNATIONAL SOCCER (snes) checked-no =>Super Codes: Enter these on the Option screen to add the following options. You can enter multiple codes by exiting and reentering the Option screen. However, some of these do not work in Tournament Mode. Super Offense - 5x[R] [L] [R] Super Kick - B A 8xB Super Defense - 5x[L] [R] [L] Super Goalie - 5xA 5xY Invis Walls - 3xY X 3xA B Crazy Ball - X A B Y Y B A X Dream Team - A A B B Y Y X X Power Kicking - (B A)x3 Crazy Curve Ball - B A R B Y L (use [R] and [L] after kicking) FIFA SOCCER 64 (n64) checked-no =>Sounds: After a goal, press any of the C buttons to let out a victory chant. Also, pressing the PAD at any point in the game makes your fans boo the opponent. =>Player Edit: Go to the EA Sports screen and press A B A Bx3 A Z. You will now be able to change the Fifa colors and edit the players. =>Easy Win: You can always pause the game and use the Controller Switch option to give the computer the losing team and yourself the winning team... this should still hurt your favorite team's stats, though. =>Perfect Season: Pause the game at the beginning, place the controller icon under the opposing team, then dribble the ball into their goal. Repeat, but switch back to the ordinary control before the end of the game. Repeat all season. =>Big Heads: Enter Customize Squad and select the Vancouver team, then change any of the players' names to |ANATOLI| to give the entire team big heads. =>Tiny Players: Change one of the Vancouver's team members' names to |KERRY| for tiny players. =>Unlim. Customization Points: Change a Vancouver player's name to |DAVE|. FIFA SOCCER '97 (gb) checked-no |k00ky| Crazy Ball |b.t#*m| Dream Team FIGHTER'S DESTINY (n64) checked-no =>Note: For most of the boss character codes, you will need to have beaten the game once for the code to take effect. =>Boro: Beat the game on Easy to play as Boro. =>Robert the Robot: Beat all the fighters in less than 1 minute total on the Fastest Mode to gain Robert. =>Ushi the Clown: Stay alive in Rodeo Mode for 1 minute or more to earn the ability to play as Ushi - but don't kill Ushi. Ushi has one secret move, activated by pressing [L]x2. =>The Joker: Beat all 100 characters in Survival mode to earn the Joker. =>The Master: Beat the Master Challenge and you will be able to play as the Master. Try holding D+Block during the match and waiting for the Master to explode. =>Alternate Poses: For different winning poses, press A or B rapidly. =>9th Skills: To earn the 9th skill/ability, you must beat Master Challenge and Win or Lose. Or, if you have a saved player on the controller paks in CNTRL I and CNTRL II, enter a two player battle in Win or Lose Mode and beat the other player; the loser will lose an ability, but the winner can pick up the 9th skill this way. =>Outfit Change: Hold [R] when choosing your character to pick an alternate outfit. Do not release [R] until the match begins. =>Were-Pierre: Begin a match with Pierre wearing his alternate outfit. When in the match press [L] rapidly and repeatedly. Pierre will spin around and his nose will grow until there is an explosion, leaving him looking a bit like a werewolf. =>Victory Kills: If you are standing right next to your opponent when the match ends, your victory pose will hit your enemy... which could kill them if their energy is low enough or if they are next to a ledge. FIGHTER'S HISTORY (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: When the title screen fades in, quickly press R R U U [L] [R] START. Or, try SELECT START if you want to try for a 2 player game. FIGHTING FORCE 64 (n64) checked-no =>Special Weapons: If you completely destroy a car, Smasher can grab its engine and use it as a weapon. * In the Airbase, destroy the plane and you can use its gun. * In the Hovercraft level, destroy the two large black structures to earn a flare gun. * In the Car Park stage, smash the police car to find a rocket launcher. =>Floating Fighter: Begin a two player game and make your way to level 2.2, Truck Driver. Let the trucker grab one of the players, and when he is about to toss that fighter, have the other player knock the trucker down. The fighter will remain suspended in space for the rest of the game. =>Stage Select: On the main menu, hold [L]+Z+cU+cD and you will go to the fighter selection screen. There, use cL and cR to choose your level. You will be invincible when you play. =>Double Ammo: On the fighter selection screen, press cD cU [L] cR cD [R]. A voice will say "All right" and your weapons will now hold 10 shots. =>Extra Cash: Walk up to a wall and roll against it. Continue doing this and money will appear. =>Extra Moves: The fighter bio screens each list a special move; each move can be used by any of the fighters. =>Turnstiles: In mission 4's subway, you can either destroy the turnstiles or drop money in to open them up. Punch a payphone, grab the coin that appears, then walk right up to the turnstile machine (not the bar) and the turnstile will open for you. =>Soda Power: Smash soda machines enough and you can grab cans of soda, which restore energy, and a metal bar for smashing things. FINAL FANTASY (nes) checked-part =>Bonus Game: When you are on the ship, hold A and press Bx55. A sliding puzzle game appears. If you get all the tiles in order from 1 to 15, you will win $100. =>Map: In the overworld, hold B and press SELECT for the Overworld Map. ->Secret Magic Shop: In the last town, Lefein, go to the northeast corner of the town and enter the hole in the wall. Follow the path to a special magic shop with the spells LIF2 and NUKE. ->Invisible Man: In castle Coneria, go north of the Queen's Chamber and on the opposite side of the wall. Move into the area with a guard, two pillars and some stairs and enter the room (on the left side of the castle with an entrance on the left). Press A to talk to the invisible man. His speech changes after you save the princess. ->Warmech: This enemy can be found on the bridge leading to Tiamat's room in the Sky Palace... but only 1 out of every 64 times you cross the bridge. Simply walk back and forth on the bridge until he does appear and battles with you. ->Sky Palace Warp Tip: When you leave the warp near the intersection of the maze, go up two screens and then left two screens, then step into the warp. FINAL FANTASY II (snes) checked-no =>Note: This game is Final Fantasy IV in Japan. =>Special Weapons: Special weapons can be won by defeating certain enemy groups... Crystal Ring <--- Behemoths or Red Dragons Dragoon Spear <--- 3 Red Dragons or 1 Red Dragon + Behemoth Heroine Robe <--- Warlock, Kary, and Red Giant together Rune Axe <--- 2 Red Giants or group of Macgiants Medusa Sword? <--- rumored to sometimes be awarded if you steal from the Medusas in the tower of Babil =>Cloning Weapons: To make a duplicate of any weapon, have a character equip that weapon, and when that character's battle turn comes, select the ITEM option. Select a blank spot in the list of items, press A, select the weapon in your hand, and press A again. The weapon will now appear in the list. Press B to return to battle, then run away. Go to EQUIP and equip the same weapon that you dropped before, and it will split - leaving 2 of them in your hand. =>Multiply Items: Equip Cecil with a bow in his bad had and arrows in his good hand, enter a battle, and enter the Item command. Move the arrows in his hand to an empty inventory space, then choose the Avenger sword and exchange it for the bow equipped in your hand. Now leave the item menu and you will notice that his commands disappear. Don't have any other character do anything. When Cecil kills the enemy and the battle is over, enter the Equip screen to see the Avenger in his bad hand and a number in the other. Unequip the avenger and equip a weapon you want 255 of in his good hand, where the number is. De-equip it, then re-equip it. You now have 255 of it. =>SquareSoft Face: Look at the moon. The mountains on it should form a face; this may or may not be the secret Square Soft symbol that they place in many of their games. See the Secret of Mana code listing for more information. =>Spoon!: Play the game until you get the drill attachment for the ship. Find Yang in the Sylph cave and talk to him, then get the drill attachment and drill your way out of the underground caverns. Go to Fabul and talk to Yang's wife to get the Frying Pan. Return to Yang to get the Call of the Sylph. Return to Yang's wife and get the Spoon, a powerful throwing weapon. =>Zombie Tip: Use Cure or Fire on the undead for easier kills. FINAL FANTASY III (snes) checked-part =>Note: This game is Final Fantasy VI in Japan. =>Important Tip: Before you enter the World of Ruin (after the floating island sequence), you should do the following: * Get the Atma Weapon from the cave that leads to the sealed gate. * Have Mog (go to Narshe, check the houses to find the thief, follow him to the northern cliffs, and choose to save Mog rather than get the Gold Pin). * Have Mog learn the Water Rondo dance. ->Items: Why are these so hard to find? * The Chainsaw: In Zozo, set the clock to 6:10:50 to get the chainsaw. . Economizers: These lovely devices make all spells consume just 1 MP. Go to the Dinosaur Forest (east of Gau's father's house) and wander around it until you find a Brachiosaur. Have Relm cast CONTROL on the dino (she must be wearing the fake Mustache). Have your party attack the Brachiosaur using -only- magic. Repeat as you like. Or, enter the Phoenix Cave and have Locke steal from the Apuila bird that appears. This will sometimes give you economizers. Or, bet a Gem Box at the Coliseum and win the battle. . Paladin Shield: Wear a cursed item for 255 battles to remove the curse and receive something fantastic. Equip the cursed shield from Narshe and win 255 battles with it to get the Paladin Shield. . Genji Glove: When you are at the Returners' base for the first time, keep telling Banon "no" when he asks you questions. When he sends you inside, go back to him and say no again. Repeat until a wounded soldier appears. You should get a Genji Glove instead of a Gauntlet. . Experience Egg: This relic will double the amount of experience you earn in each battle. In Darill's Tomb (in the World of Ruin), find a chamber containing four tombstones and read each stone. When you find a blank tombstone later in the Tomb, you will be asked to carve an inscription. Carve THE WORLD IS SQUARE and the game will tell you where to find the egg. . Rename Card: Would you like to rename your party members? You can earn Rename cards by betting Elixirs at the Colosseum. . Moogle Charm: When you first get Mog to join your team, search the wall that was behind him using A. When this charm is equipped you will never enter a random battle. . Memento Ring 2: On the second floor of Strago and Relm's house, search the tables and chairs in the left corner. =>Extra Characters: * Mog: Before you get to the World of Ruin (second half of the game), you will return to Narshe. The elder will tell you that she'll talk to the Espers. Exit the house and find the house filled with treasure boxes near the upper east side of town. A thief named Lone Wolf will be stealing something. Follow him and when you are given the choice of saving either Mog the Moogle or Lone Wolf, save Mog. * Gogo: Do you want to find Gogo, the mimic? If so, once you are in the World of Ruin, go to Triangle Island (in the northeastern part of the world map). Fight a Zone Eater and let it swallow your party. Explore the inside of the Zone Eater to find Gogo. * Umaro: In the World of Ruins, return to Narshe. Make your way to the northern part of the town where the frozen Esper Tritoch is located. After you fight Tritoch, a large piece of the cliff will collapse. Enter the new hole in the mountain and walk through the maze to find Umaro, who will only join you if you have Mog in your party. Search for a cave with a skull, inspect the skull, and Umaro will appear. * Shadow: To find Shadow in the World of Ruin, you need to wait for him on the floating island which occurs at the end of the first half of the game. When on the exit edge of the floating island, choose to wait twice, and Shadow will appear at 5 seconds until doomsday. You will later find Shadow in the world of ruin in Relm's cave and at the Coliseum (if you bet the weapon from the Veldt cave). If you don't wait for Shadow on the floating island, you will never meet him later. =>Strago's Lores: To learn many of Strago's Lores, enter Kefka's Tower and battle Dark Force. Dark Force will use most of the lores that Strago can learn. =>Water Rondo Dance: In the World of Balance (where you begin the game), have a group with Mog in it go to the Serpent Trench (from Gau's cave in the Veldt) and hop in. While underwater, fight, but don't use Mog's Dance command. After the battle, Mog will learn the Water Rondo dance. =>Vargus/Blitz Tip: Are you playing the game without a manual and you are completely lost when you get to Vargus? Once you beat him normally, Sabin goes up to fight. You must use Sabin's pummel Blitz attack to finish Vargus. To do the pummel (or any) blitz, 1) Highlight BLITZ on the battle menu and press A. The small white arrow will now point at Sabin. 2) Enter the blitz code... for Pummel, press L R L. 3) Press A to confirm. Now, when Sabin goes up to attack, he will perform the Blitz. Other attacks are listed in the game menu under Sabin's skills. =>Automatic Experience: You will need a controller with a turbo function to do this trick. Once you reach the Lete River raft at the Returner's hideout, bring up the game menu, enter CONFIG and set the cursor to MEMORY. Board the raft and float until you reach the first save point; save, then return to the raft. When you are asked if you want to go Up or Left, choose Up - this will start you on a small loop that returns to this point. During the battles, have Banon always use HEALTH and set the other three to FIGHT (Edgar can use the Auto Crossbow). Now, turn TURBO on, keep the A button held down somehow (try a rubber band), and leave the game alone for a while. The raft will endlessly circle this path, and your party will win every battle while being recharged by Banon. It may take a day or so, but they should reach level 99 eventually. =>Life to Undead: Whenever fighting an undead creature, just try using a little Fenix Down or a Life spell; this will often destroy them in a single 'attack'. This works on the Ghost Train. =>Multi-Players: Did you know that the configuration screen lets you set FF3 to a sort of a multi player game? Change the setting from single to multi, then press A and assign the controllers. This lets multiple players control the characters during the battle scenes, but nowhere else. * Multi-Player Vs: Ok, this really isn't a trick, but... if you set each controller to two characters, then find & enter into battle with a REALLY pathetic enemy that has no chance of ever killing you, then the two players can fight each other. =>Easy Kill: First, use Vanish on your enemy to make them invisible. While they are, cast Doom or X-Zone on them and you will have a MUCH better chance of killing them with the spell. This works on most of characters, including bosses, in the game, with a few exceptions. ->Glitching: As you may have heard, FF3 tends to be a bit glitchy, especially when Relm is sketching. Glitches can erase your game, give you weird items, and do all sorts of odd things. The following method may or may not work on your FF3 cartridge... Equip a party of four, containing Relm and Gau, and travel to the Veldt. Make Gau leap, then wait for him to return. When he returns after the last monster is destroyed, he will spin and say something. Before he says anything, have Relm sketch Gau. When the message appears, have Relm sketch him again. Her second sketch will cause the game to glitch up and will give you tons of stuff. Gau will be equipped with Fenix Down. ->Glitch 2: Go to the Ruin World Narshe, and search until you battle a Test- Rider. Cast Vanish (which should miss), then have Relm sketch him, then have everyone run away before anyone can attack him. If successful, you should have a ton of stuff. ->Chocobo Ride: When the party splits into three groups early on in the game, take the one with Edgar, Terra, and Banon and go down the Lete river as usual. After the trip, you will be near Narshe; go southwest into the Figaro desert until you reach the forest with a Chocobo stable. With Banon as the lead character in the party, rent a Chocobo. As Banon was never programmed to ride the birds, the game will glitch, resulting in a small dance and a character riding the Chocobo that resembles the morphed Terra. ->Magic Tips: Equip a magic user with both the Gem Box and Economizer, then cast X-Spell and select Ultima and Quick. Quick gives you two more turns; each time, select X-Spell and two Ultimas. Would you like to quickly earn Magic Points? In the World of Balance, fly to the small island in the north-east corner of the map. This is where Zone-Eaters and Gogo are in the World of Ruin. Battle until you encounter an invisible enemy. Kill it with Doom and you will get 10 MP. ->Dragon Locations: Having trouble finding all 8 dragons in the world of ruin? You will find them at the opera house, Mt. Zozo, Kefka's Cult Tower, two in Kefka's domain, the Fenix cave where Locke was found, the mountain in Narshe where you fought Kefka for the esper, and Odin's castle. ->Imp Info: Ever wonder if the imp status was good for anything? Imp players have great ratings if you have the proper equipment. Search the forest to the east of Gau's dad's house and fight Tryanosaurs until you have two Imp Halberds, then bet one of them at the Coliseum to earn the Turtle Shell. Equip an imp with both. FINAL FANTASY ADVENTURE (gb) checked-no =>How To Find Medusa Cave: Find an oasis with two palm trees and walk in a figure-eight-like manner around them like this: +->>-+ <<-+ | PP | PP | +-<< +->>-+ =>Break Walls Without Mattock: Use the weapon named Star to break walls, rather than using a Mattock. =>Unmoogle: If you get moogled, and you have a Chocobo with you, ASK the Chocobo and you will ride it. ASK again to dismount, and you will be normal. =>Quick Experience: In Menos, buy a Wind Spear, then go to the area with four werewolves standing in a row. With the power gauge at full, kill the row of werewolves with the spear. Leave the screen and return to kill them again. Repeat as necessary. You will receive lots of experience and level up quickly this way. FINAL FANTASY LEGEND (gb) checked-part =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold D+START+B for about five seconds, and then release. ->More Power Punch: Equip two rounds of Power Punch on the same team member. Use one until it has only 1 Punch left, then use the second round. As long as you leave the single Punch in the first round alone, all of the Punches in the second round will be much stronger. This works because the final Punch in a round is more powerful, and the game is confused into treating all the Punches in round 2 as powerful ones, because only 1 Punch is in the first round. ->One Hit Kills: Equip a character with level 99 strength with the Saw. When he/she attacks any enemy with the saw, the enemy will die on the first blow. However, the saw can only be used once before it breaks. FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II (gb) checked-no =>57 Sound Test: On the title screen, press SELECT+B+START simultaneously. Use the control pad to choose sounds and the A button to play them. =>Sound Test 2: If you want to be able to hear more than the 57 sounds in the first sound test, select the Continue option and highlight any of the files containing a party built up past level 57, then press B, returning to the title screen. Press SELECT+B+START to enter the Sound Test and use A to listen to the sounds; the number of available sounds will equal the number of your party's levels. =>Odd Cheat: In some parts of the game, double-clicking on the Trashcan will allow you to increase the Agility or Strength of the party members. NOTE: This trick is unverified, and seems to be rather dangerous. Some players have experiences glitches, resulting in the destruction of their game (the game became impossible to play due to the loss of vital pieces of equipment, etc). =>Dragon Riding: During the dragon race section, you can use your mutants' abilities to fly away. Fight one of the bosses, with magi, which are found on the track. Fight the boss until a mutant receives teleport (you may want to save before fighting, just in case you don't receive teleport); use teleport while flying on the dragon, and you will be able to fly around the world - through walls, doors, etc. Pick up high-level weapons, cheat like crazy, etc. (you can even fly to the end of the game and then go backwards, claiming items as you go). You can always retrieve a lost dragon by starting a race again, as long as you never cross the finish line. FINAL FANTASY LEGEND III (gb) checked-yes =>Added Options: Press START in battle to be able to Parry or Guard. FINAL FANTASY MYSTIC QUEST (snes) checked-no =>Dark King Trick: To hurt the Dark King, have your main character use the Cure spell. This will do about 15,000 - 30,000 points of damage. However, should your secondary character cast the spell, it will >HEAL< the Dark King. =>Skullrus Rex: Whack him with the hero's Dragon Claw. =>Double Level Up: In a battle field that gives you no items, beat the first 9 battles but leave the final one. Go somewhere outside of a battle field and play until your experience points are around 1 to 100; return to the battle field and beat the last battle to earn two level ups. =>Heal Tip: Use Life to fully heal any player. =>Get Phoebe: When Phoebe joins the party, press Ax3 and she will join you with 680 hit points. =>Treasure Boxes: Return to a screen with treasure chests and you can open and snag their contents again. FINAL FIGHT (snes) checked-no =>Option Mode: On the title screen, hold [L] and press START. Use U, D, and X to select/change features. Use [R] to play music and SFX. =>Extra Stage: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R] and press U U D D L L R R. =>Skip Boss: At the beginning of stage 2 you will see two windows and a pipe. Go to the far right window, grab a bad guy, then throw him so you break the windows and bend the pipe. Keep moving through the level and smash the rest of the windows. At the end of the level, you should skip the battle with the boss, Caine. FINAL FIGHT ONE (gba) checked-no =>Unlock Secrets: As you play the game and earn fighting points, you will unlock various secret modes and characters. Once you've earned 2000 points you will have enabled all the secret features. Here are the secrets in the order they are earned. 1. Extra Lives (up to 9) 2. Stage Select (1-6) 3. Extra Colors (and enabled the Alpha Guy & Cody characters) 4. Turbo Punch (hold the attack button to rapidly punch) =>Super Combos: As Guy or Cody, rapidly tapping the attack button normally lands a few punches, but the enemy will move and end the attack. However, if you land three punches, turn away and punch the air, then turn back to the enemy and continue punching, you can often kill the enemy without their ever being able to land a punch. The trick is to land 3 punches, swing one in the air, then land three more. FINAL FIGHT 2 (snes) checked-no =>Same Player: Start a new game, then wait for the opening sequence to finish and the title screen appears. Now, press D D U U R L R L [L] [R]. The screen should turn blue. Choose a 2 player game and both players will be able to pick the same character. FINAL FIGHT 3 (snes) checked-no =>Test Mode: Turn the system on, and when CAPCOM appears press SELECT+START. =>Boss Skip: At the beginning of stage three will be two windows and a pipe. Move towards the right window and toss an enemy towards the windows and the pipe; the windows will break and the pipe will be dented. Break all the rest of the windows and you will not face the stage boss, Caine. FIRE 'N ICE (nes) checked-no |4-1|7FSJ3H4C QB5PD.K9 WL!MKNVF| |6-1 |PD.K9WL! M2VZ1XN6 T?G7V5JD| |5-1|HR4CQB56 .K9WL!M2 8VZ1SF6R| |Final|8VZ1XN6T G7FSJ3HR 4CQBJ!DV| =>Stage Select & Sound Test: On the title screen, hold SELECT and press Bx10. FIRE HAWK (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Messages: Get a high score and enter your name as |Dizzy|, |Mig 29|, or |Camerica| to get a special message. Each name has a different one. =>Stage Skip: On the title screen, press START+A to skip the first stage. FIRE PRO WRESTLING (gba) checked-no =>Unlock Wrestlers: Enter the Edit Wrestler screen and change the following stats. Make the Nickname |ALL|, the First Name |STYLE|, the last name |CLEAR|. Set Exchange to Off, and make Middle the square space icon. Press START and return to the main menu using B. All the wrestlers will now be enabled. FIREPOWER 2000 (snes) checked-no =>Reset Game: Press START, then hold SELECT for a few seconds. =>Control Both Vehicles: To control both vehicles in a one-player game, go to the title screen, highlight Two Player, then press START+A. =>Stage Skip Codes: To use these, pause the game and enter the correct code to skip to the next stage. |_ to _|Keypresses| |1 to 2|[R] [L] [R]x2 [L]x2 [R] [L] [R]x2 [L]x2 | |2 to 3|[R] [L] [R]x2 [L]x2 [R]x3 [L] [R]x2 | |3 to 4|[L] [R] [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x4 [R]x3 [L] | |4 to 5|[R]x3 [L]x3 [R]x2 [L]x2 [R] [L] [R] [L] | |5 to 6|[R] [L] [R] [L]x3 [R]x2 [L]x2 [R] [L] [R] [L]x2| FIRST SAMURAI (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press SELECT to go to the Options screen. Hold [L]+[R]+X+A and the doors will begin to close. Before they close, press press R for Stage 1-2, L for Stage 2-2, D for Stage 2-1, or U for Stage 3-1. FISH DUDE (gb) checked-no |EJ| 2-1 |WA| 3-1 |CH| A-1 |XV| B-1 |TY| C-1 |BZ| 2-2 |NR| 3-2 |ZP| A-2 |DA| B-2 |FO| C-2 |UQ| 2-3 |GI| 3-3 |LK| A-3 |MU| B-3 |SE| C-3 FISH KILLER (gb) checked-no |UIRE| 2-1 |HOBL| 2-3 |SNWD| 3-2 |PAHN| A-1 |CXMT| 2-2 |KAPG| 3-1 |FQJV| 3-3 |ESZC| A-2 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR (nes) checked-no =>Reaching Level 8: Don't use CONTINUE during levels 1 through 7. =>Special Continue Mode: This only works from levels 1 through 4. When the "Time Over" message appears, press A+START. FIST OF THE NORTH STAR (gb) checked-no |XKP 72QN VHR JGU5| last stage(?) Kaioh at level 3, all others at level 1 |FWH GCE9 380 40AB| Kaioh at level 4 FLAPPY SPECIAL (gb) checked-no |02|A2OF| |15|AC02| |28|AN08| |41|B007| |54|BBGA| |67|BM08| |80|BVS9| |03|A3O7| |16|ABKE| |29|ANGC| |42|B207| |55|BB07| |68|BN00| |04|A3GB| |17|AE02| |30|ANO2| |43|B30F| |56|BC0A| |69|BNG4| |05|A309| |18|AF0A| |31|AO01| |44|B3G3| |57|BE0A| |70|BN0A| |06|A40C| |19|AFGE| |32|AQ01| |45|B301| |58|BF02| |71|BO09| |07|A60C| |20|AFDC| |33|AR09| |46|B404| |59|BFG6| |72|BQ09| |08|A704| |21|AG03| |34|ARGD| |47|B604| |60|BF04| |73|BR01| |09|A7G8| |22|AI03| |35|ARO3| |48|B70C| |61|BG0B| |74|BRG5| |10|A70E| |23|AJ0B| |36|AS06| |49|B7G0| |62|BI0B| |75|BROB| |11|A80D| |24|AJGF| |37|AU06| |50|B706| |63|BJ03| |76|BS0E| |12|AA0D| |25|AJOD| |38|AV0E| |51|B805| |64|BJG7| |77|BU0E| |13|AB05| |26|AK00| |39|AVG2| |52|BA05| |65|BJ05| |78|BV06| |14|ABG9| |27|AM00| |40|AV00| |53|BB0D| |66|BK08| |79|BV06| THE FLASH (gb) checked-no =>Press SELECT on the title screen to enter a password. |01|23 DELANEY ST| |05|INGOT LANE| |09|TIN ALLEY| |13|FUNHOUSE| |02|DENIM BLVD | |06|7TH MARKET| |10|GORBY WAY| |03|TRACK 29 | |07|TRACK 12 | |11|TRACK 66 | |04|PICASSO BLVD | |08|RUE LE DAY| |12|FUN HOUSE| FLASHBACK: THE QUEST FOR IDENTITY (snes) checked-no Easy Normal Expert Easy Normal Expert 1 |BSCKT| |DLRGS | |ZBVDS| 5 |SLMN | |NMRYL | |DWNGH | 2 |JWLYX| |BGSFM | |JNGLQ| 6 |ZTHRK | |SNTHN | |STBRM | 3 |RSVP | |PRHG | |HNYTM| 7 |CRLQXZ| |KLZHT | |RDBQLR| 4 |DXCPT| |WNPQVX| |KVNF | =>Reset Game: Press Y+B+A+SELECT to reset the game. THE FLINTSTONES (snes) checked-no |MS STONE MAKES WEIRD JELLY| Invincibility password |HOAGIE TAKES COLD TREES | View the credits |BARNEY GRABS BLUE TREES | Stage Skip password - pause, then press X to skip to the next level or B to skip to the end of the game. THE FLINTSTONES: THE TREASURE OF SIERRA MADROCK (snes) checked-no LA=Left Arrow BR=Barrel Down GN=Gold Nugget #E=Egg with number RA=Right Arrow BU=Barrel Up BB=Bowling Ball SD=Soda CK=Cake HB=Hamburger HT=Grey Heart ST=Star -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- LA,LA,BR,GN,CK CK,2E,LA,BR,BB ST,BR,BR,LA,SD SD,CK,HT,LA,CK RA,3E,GN,SD,3E HB,SD,HT,RA,BU 3E.3E,CK,CK,SN 1E.3E,ST,BR,ST LA,LA,LA,1E,CK LA,HT,CK,BB,BB HB,3E,RA,ST,GN BU,SN,GN,ST,BU Lvl 2, 30 Lives Lvl 3, 50 Lives Lvl 4, 64 Lives Lvl 5, 80 Lives FLYING DRAGON (n64) checked-no =>Defeat Metal Robo Na Hanna: You must use the Mr. Virus item if you want to damage MRNH. Use projectiles during the battle. =>Very Easy Mode: On the options screen, set the difficulty to Easy and then press Lx20 to turn on the Very Easy mode. =>Very Hard Mode: On the options screen set the difficulty to Hard and then press Rx20 to turn on the Very Hard mode. =>Extra Fighters: Beat Bokuchin in the normal game and Ryumaou in the Ryumaou Tournament to make them selectable fighters. * Platinum Fighters: Enter SD HIRYU mode and fight in the normal circuit. Platinum fighters will appear before the championships; every time you beat one you will get a medal. Collect all ten medals to enable the platinum fighters. * Virtual Ryumaou: Finish the SD Hiryu using Ryumaou. After doing this a few times, you might get the random Skull of the Devil King prize, which lets you choose Ryumaou on the Virtual Hiryu screen. * Dark Dragon Claw: Using Yuka at Rank S with 60 second, 2 round and normal difficulty, beat the Ryumaou Tournament. You must already have 9 medals. FLYING DRAGON: THE SECRET SCROLL (nes) checked-no |BAAA| World Tournament |HFBT| Elimination Mode |AASO| Training Mode FLYING WARRIORS (nes) checked-no |MUSIC| Sound Test |END| End of game |ZL14 CB88 CCCCB| Final Level |HCBY 74+3 77776| Expert Mode Final Level F1 POLE POSITION (snes) checked-no =>Advantages at Monaco Circuit: Adjust your car before the race to get an advantage. Steering Tires Brakes Trans Susp GearRatio Wing McLaren & Willams : 3 A or B 4 Auto 3 3 4 or 5 Ferrari & Bennetonn : 3 A 3-5 Auto 4 3 4 Jordan : 2 A 4-5 Auto 3 1 5 Venturi & Footwork : 2 A 4-5 Auto 3 2 4 Settings - Fast Track: 2 B-C 2 5-7 5-7 Tight Track: 1-2 C-D 2 4-6 6 F1 POLE POSITION 64 (n64) checked-no =>Hidden Car: Beat the game and become the world champion. Save to a control pak, then restart the game. When the "Wait while loading" screen appears, hold A+B. A new car will be available on the car selection screen. =>Grand Prix Gas Trick: Set your fuel to 10% before the race, and you will have better acceleration and unlimited fuel. F1-ROC: RACE OF CHAMPIONS (snes) checked-no =>Name Opponents: Choose the name change option and choose to alter the name of one of the players on the screen. Press CNTRL II: D to switch the name with an opponent's name (like T. Phillips), and then change the opponent's name. Press D for the next names. =>Sound Test: Enter SOUND as your name on the player select screen. =>Music Test: Enter your name as |OTO| and press START. =>Slot Machine: Change your name to CASINO before you reach Monaco. Just prior to your Monaco race, you will be able to play the slots for cash. =>$10,000: Change your racer's name to SETAUSA at any point in the game to start the next race with a large wad of cash. Or try SETUSA. =>Hidden Track?: Begin a game in the Training mode and choose the track at Monaco. While racing, look for a body of water that comes to a point right between two of the grey barriers. Head for the water at top speed and you should be able to drive right onto the water without sinking. Drive around and look for a large opening leading to green grass. Drive onto it and you should find a strange, "hidden track" that isn't located on your map. F1-ROC II: RACE OF CHAMPIONS (snes) checked-no =>Super Engines: After raising your engine level to the maximum, collect $100,000 in the races and invest it in the development of a new engine. After the next race, the Super Engine will be ready. Oh, by the way, it can only be used ONCE. To use it, hold A+B while racing. =>Track Select: When the legal notice appears after the game is turned on, press CNTRL II: Ax4 Bx14 before the screen fades. When beginning an F-1 race in the Grand Prix mode, go to Course Option and press U or D to change tracks. =>Time Attack Mode: In Time Attack mode, you must complete your race within a time limit. To reach this mode, turn on the SNES, wait for the legal notice screen to appear, then press CNTRL II: U X R Y D B L A A before it fades. =>Special Game 1: When the legal notice appears, press CNTRL II: Xx4 Y Y. You will be able to play a multi-player action game in which you must destroy blocks. =>Special Game 2: When the legal notice appears, press CNTRL II: Yx4 X X. You will now be able to play a 2 player, Pong/Space Invaders type game. =>Sound Test: When the notice screen appears, press CNTRL II: ([L] [R])x5 [R]. Use CNTRL I to change music in the Sound Test. F-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX (n64) checked-no =>Silver Racer: In exhibition mode, select Driver Williams, then use the STICK to change his name to |Chrome|. Return to the start screen, then reenter to find a silver driver available. =>All Challenges: Change Driver Wiliams's name to |Pandora|, enter the Challenge mode, and choose file 4, which should be named Cheaters Special. =>Golden Racer: Change Williams to |Pyrite|. =>Hawaii Bonus Track: Change Williams to |Vacation|. A new track will appear after the European Grand Prix. =>Car Gallery: Change Williams to |Museum| to access the Gallery option. =>Replay Camera Control: Press cU during a replay, and you can then control the camera using PAD: U and D. =>Ghost Race: Beat San Marino in under 1:23 to race a ghost Mclaren. =>Unlim. Acceleration: Use the gold or silver racer in Rookie and set the control to manual. As long as you are in first gear, your acceleration won't stop. =>Unlim. Fuel: In Grand Prix Mode, enter the Paddock screen, set the fuel to the lowest setting you can, and when you race you will have unlimited fuel. FORSAKEN (n64) checked-no =>Stage Select/Battle Mode: On the title screen, press A [R] Z Ux2 cU cDx2. =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press PAD: A [Z]x2 U L cLx2 cD. =>Freeze Enemies: On the title screen, press PAD: [R] Z Rx2 cU cL cR cD. =>Infinite Primary Weapon: On title screen, press PAD: A [R] Z R cU cR cDx2. =>Infin Secondary Weapon: On title screen, press PAD: Bx2 Z Lx2 cU cL cR. =>Infin Solaris Missiles: On title screen, press PAD: B [L]x2 Z U D cUx2. =>Infin Titan Missiles: On title screen, press PAD: A B [L] Ux2 cUx2 cR. =>Infin Weapon Energy: On title screen, press PAD: [L] Z cL cR Dx2 cDx2. =>1 Shot Kills: On title screen, press PAD: Bx3 [L] [R] L Dx2. =>Infinite Stealth: On title screen, press PAD: Ux4 R D cLx2. =>Unlim. Nitro: On the pause screen, press PAD: Bx2 R U L D cU cL. =>Psychedelic: On the pause screen, press PAD: A R L R cU cL cD. =>Wire-Frame: On the pause screen, press PAD: Lx2 R Z L R cU cR. =>Blood Code: On the title screen, press PAD: Z D cU cLx4 cD. =>Unlim Energy: On the title screen, press PAD: [L] Z L R cD. =>Skip Credits: When the opening credits begin, press RESET. You can now skip the credits by pressing START. =>Battle Mode: Beat the game and you will gain access to the battle mode. Save your game to a Controller Pack, load the saved game, then press B to return to the selection screen where you can play the battle mode. There are three different modes available, one for each of the three main levels you can beat. =>Manmek Trick: To easily kill Manmek, attack from directly above. =>Hidden Characters: There are 8 hidden characters in the game. To use them, you must find them in the single player game and kill them. Or, find them in the battle mode and kill them. =>Ship Change: To change your ship between missions of the single-player game, enter the multi-player game and choose your preferred ship, then press B to exit (or begin the game and abort, but don't end up on the ship selection screen). Select single player from the main menu, choose NO when asked about a new game, and you can now resume your game with the new ship. =>Level Paths: Beat level one in less than 2:30 and you will enter the medium difficulty levels; beat level one in less than 1:40 to enter the hard difficulty levels. Also, in the medium difficulty level "Catch the Orb", kill the third bounty hunter without grabbing the fake golden matter orb. When you kill him, grab the real orb he leaves, then return to the start and you will be able to play in the hard difficulty path. Or, in "Power Down" in medium difficulty, get to the end of the level, bash all three switches, kill all the enemies, and blast the now armorless reddish eye in the center to get into the hard levels... if you want to remain on medium difficulty you should destroy the eye while it is armored. FORTIFIED ZONE (gb) checked-no |1111| Level 1 |3375| Level 2 |1681| Level 3 |1122| Level 4 |AAAA| Unlim. Lives Male |BBBB| Unlim. Lives Female =>New Life: If one of your fighters is dead and the surviving one finds an energy unit, stand near the energy, press SELECT, and choose the downed character. This character will then gain the energy. FORTRESS OF FEAR {*} please see WIZARDS AND WARRIORS X: FORTRESS OF FEAR FOX SPORTS COLLEGE HOOPS '99 (n64) checked-no =>Enter these in the Secret Codes menu in the Options screen... |THIRTY| 60 Second Game |BUZZZ | Turn off Shot Clock |NOFANS| No Crowd |TEAM-Z| Z-Axis Team |Z-WOOD| Z-Axis Court |TRAILS| Turn on Ball Trails |GHOST | Transparent Players |HOMIE | More Fouls called on home team |NOGGIN| Big Head Mode |MONKEY| New game commentary |VIS | Invisible Mode |FFWOOD| Final Four court |MASCOTTS| Mascot mode |X-AXIS| Extra team =>Fans: Bobby Knight, Indiana's coach, is hidden in the crowd. Spike Lee may be there too. =>98 Cleveland Indians: Play an exhibition with the St. Joseph team to play as the 1998 Cleveland Indians. FRANKENSTEIN: THE MONSTER RETURNS (nes) checked-no |PZZTNLWJLDTJ| stage 4 FRANTIC FLEA (snes) checked-no |CLQCK| Zone 1-1 |RLHQZ| Zone 2-3 |HFLNT| Zone 4-2 |VSNXD| Zone 6-1 |ZMTHT| Zone 1-2 |JMGVB| Zone 3-1 |SPQNG| Zone 4-3 |GRXBS| Zone 6-2 |GPPQW| Zone 1-3 |NRWPC| Zone 3-2 |DTNZZ| Zone 5-1 |WNHJP| Zone 6-3 |DJXCT| Zone 2-1 |MDWQL| Zone 3-3 |KQRXH| Zone 5-2 |STCVC| Final Stage |WLCSN| Zone 2-2 |MJDSX| Zone 4-1 |JBVMH| Zone 5-3 FREEDOM FORCE (nes) checked-no =>Alternate Ending: Destroy the enemy hideout four times in a row to earn the alternate game ending. FROGGER (gbc) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: On the high score screen that appears after you lose all your lives, press A B A B SELECT to open the cheat menu. =>Stop Traffic/Turtles: To stop the traffic from moving and the turtles from sinking, press A B B L R U B A. A traffic light will appear. FUN HOUSE (nes) checked-no =>Infinite Eggs: Get the scuba mask from Jimmy in stage two, then wade into the water in the pond. When standing in the water, press B to dive and you will find Diver Dan's Domain. Enter the cave and you will get an infinite egg supply. |========== Chapter G ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. GALACTIC PINBALL (vb) checked-no =>UFO Jackpot: On the UFO table, send the ball through all of the top four lanes and the game will tell you about the "Bumper Bonus." Hit the central bumper and a skull will appear; send the ball into the skull's mouth for two million points - do it three times in a row for a 9 million jackpot. GALAGA (nes) checked-no =>Twin Guns: Let a galaxian steal your ship with a tractor beam. When your new ship comes up, don't shoot the galaxian that is carrying your old ship. When that galaxian flies down to attack, shoot it to free your ship and gain double firing power. GALAGA/GALAXIAN (gb) checked-yes =>Twin Guns: In Galaga, let a galaxian steal your ship with a tractor beam. When your new ship comes up, don't shoot the galaxian that is carrying your old ship. When that galaxian flies down to attack, shoot it to free your ship and gain double firing power. GAME & WATCH GALLERY (gb) checked-part =>Clear Memory: To erase all the data stored on the game's battery (the high scores, gallery awards, etc.), press U U D D L L R R on the title screen. You will get no warning; as soon as you complete the code, it's empty. =>Stars Explained: On the Game Select screen, you can press L and R to see the "milestone scores" for each game. Each star represents 200 points; the top row of stars is for the Modern mode, the lower is the Classic mode. Every 200 points of a game's high score opens up one Gallery Corner screen. To open up all 16 panels, you only need to score at least 800 points in the easy mode of every modern and classic game. If you earn 1000 points, or five stars, in each game you can get a special secret. ->Bonuses: Earn 50 stars to view the credits; earn 100 stars to keep the credits viewable. =>Oil Panic: In the modern game, Bowser will always face the direction of the last oil drop dropped. If there are several drops on screen, just remember that the last drop is the one Bowser is facing. =>Extra Hard Mode: Earn 1000 points in a modern mode game and you can then play the extra hard version of that game. Just press U on the game/level select screen. =>Interrupt Save: Pause a game, then turn off the Game Boy. When you turn the Game Boy back on, you will be able to continue from the point you left off. =>Music: Press SELECT on the mode select screen to toggle the music on or off. A musical note will appear when the music is enabled. Music is, of course, only present in the modern mode games. GAME & WATCH GALLERY 2 (gbc) checked-yes =>Change Border: Press B while a game is paused, or while on the GAME OVER screen to change the Pause/Game Over menu border. =>Music: Press SELECT on the mode select screen to toggle the music on or off. A musical note will appear when the music is enabled. Music is, of course, only present in the modern mode games. =>Erase All Data: To erase all the high scores, bonuses, etc., just hold B and press U U D D L L R R on the title screen. =>Interrupt Save: Pause a game, then turn off the Game Boy. When you turn the Game Boy back on, you will be able to continue from the point you left off. =>Wario Helmet: In modern Helmet, score less than 100 points and lose all of your lives. Choose "Retry" to play as Wario instead of as Mario. =>Classic DK Tip: As soon as you hit the switch, run all the way right and jump. If you move right away and jump immediately, you should jump right onto the crane and beat the screen. =>Modern DK Trick: If you hop up into a pipe at exactly the same time as a barrel is falling down through it, you will emerge at the top without being hurt. =>Credits: Once you get 50 stars and watch the credits, you can replay the credits by going to the Gallery selection screen (the one with four windows and the number of stars displayed) and pressing D+A. =>Star Mode: Earn five stars (1000 points) in a modern mode game and you will be able to play that game in Star Mode difficulty. =>Star Bonuses: Each of the games in G&WG2 has four variations - Modern Easy, Modern Hard, Classic Easy, and Classic Hard. In each variation, you earn 1 star per 200 points scored, up to a maximum of 1000 points for 5 stars in each variation. Your star total, which can be viewed in the Gallery Corner, determines which bonuses are opened up to you. Every 5 stars opens a new bonus. Here is an incomplete list. |05| Sound Station Sound Test | | 65| | |10| Museum: Donkey Kong | | 70| Museum: Rain Shower | |15| Ball game playable | | 75| | |20| Museum: Oil Panic | | 80| Museum: Spitball Sparky | |25| Yoshi Modern Ball playable| | 85| | |30| Museum: Greenhouse | | 90| | |35| Mario Ball playable | | 95| | |40| Museum: Lifeboat | |100| Bowser Koopa Ball playable| |45| Wario Ball playable | |105| | |50| Credits/Museum: D.K. Jr. | |110| | |55| Sound Station - more music| |115| | |60| Museum: Tropical Fish | |120| View Cast | =>Cast: Once you get 120 stars you view the cast. To see them again, press U+A on the Gallery selection screen. GAME & WATCH GALLERY 3 (gbc) checked-part =>Music: Press SELECT on the mode select screen to toggle the music on or off. A musical note will appear when the music is enabled. Music is, of course, only present in the modern mode games. =>Erase All Data: To erase all the high scores, bonuses, etc., just hold B and press U U D D L L R R on the title screen. =>Interrupt Save: Pause a game, then turn off the Game Boy. When you turn the Game Boy back on, you will be able to continue from the point you left off. ->Very Hard Mode: If you score 1000 points in and of the standard games, you will be able to play that game's Very Hard mode. ->Star Bonuses: In each variation of a game, you earn 1 star per 200 points scored, up to a maximum of 1000 points for 5 stars in each variation. Your star total, which can be viewed in the Gallery Corner, determines which bonuses are opened up to you. The special bonus games you receive as you play only have a Easy and Hard variation. |02| Music Room | |30|Lion Game | | 60|Fire Game | |05| Museum: Egg | |35|DK Hockey Demo | | 65|Climber Demo | |10| Flagman Game| |40|Spitball Sparky Game | |100|View the Cast| |15| DK II Demo | |45|DK Circus Demo | |120|Whole Gallery Open| |15| Secrets 1 | |50|DK II Game | |20|Judge Game | |50|View Credits | |25|Pinball Demo | |55|Super Mario Bros Demo| GAME BOY SYSTEM (gb) checked-yes =>Reset: To reset most Game Boy games, press A+B+START+SELECT simultaneously. GAME BOY ADVANCE SYSTEM(gba) checked-yes =>Screen Size: When playing original Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, press [L] to stretch the screen to fit the wider GBA screen. Tap [R] to return the screen to the standard size. You can also adjust the colors in original Game Boy games using the same method as the Game Boy Color system. GAME BOY COLOR SYSTEM (gbc) checked-yes =>Reset: To reset most Game Boy games, press A+B+START+SELECT simultaneously. =>Change Palettes: When using original Game Boy games, you can choose one of twelve different color palettes to color the game with, much like with a Super Game Boy. Turn on your Game Boy Color, and on the GAME BOY logo screen press the button combination. The entire screen will change color when you do so. You can change the colors as much as you like on this screen. When you have the one you want, stop pressing buttons. The game will start about 2 seconds after you finishing punching in codes. Refer to the following chart for color information. |Code | Background | Sprite1 | Sprite 2 | | U | Brown | Brown | Brown | * Note: The code R+A | U+A | Red | Green | Blue | produces the default | U+B | Dark Brown | Brown | Brown | color scheme used when a | L | Blue | Red | Green | game does not have a | L+A | Dark Blue | Red | Brown | unique palette built | L+B | Grey | Grey | Grey | into the GBC. For most | D | R/B/Yellow | R/B/Yellow | R/B/Yellow | games, press R+A yields | D+A | Red/Yellow | Red/Yellow | Red/Yellow | the same effect as | D+B | Yellow | Blue | Green | pressing nothing does. | R | Red/Green | Red/Green | Red/Green | *| R+A | Green/Blue | Red | Red | | R+B | Inverse Black and White | GAME BOY CAMERA (gb) checked-yes =>Menu Notes: Press START on the main menu for stats, name, etc. Press SELECT on most screens to bring up any special options menus. =>Wild Frames: On any print screen, when you see "A Print B Cancel", press SELECT. Press U to change exposure or D to choose the frames, including the new special WILD frames... lots of Nintendo characters. =>Dancing Mario & Slide Show Adjust: On the title screen, press U or D to change Mario's speed. You can also use U and D to change the speed when viewing a slide show, or to speed up the credits. During the slide show, you can press L or R to change the direction of the slide show order. =>Erase All Pics: Enter EDIT and ALBUM, then hold SELECT+START and press U. =>Run Game: Get 2000 points in Space Fever II. When you start your next game, shoot the ? ship to enter the Run!Run!Run! game. Special note - to raise the flag at the end of the Run race, after you have already earned 1st place, press A rapidly. Raise it all the way to the top to earn the crown. =>Stamp Flip: To flip a stamp horizontally, move the stamp cursor in place over your picture, then press and hold A until the image flips; you can then release A to drop the stamp onto your picture. =>Space Fever 2 Bosses: Stay in the center of the screen and shoot rapidly and repeatedly. Your shots will block most of the boss's shots at you, allowing you to kill him much more easily. =>Credits: To view the real credits, you must beat Run! in under 22 seconds. =>Print DJ Music: On the Sound 1 subscreen of the DJ game, hold START and press A to print out your music. You will get a printed list of all the music notes, WAV settings, etc. =>DJ Mode Tips: Move the cursor onto Tempo and press L to reverse the music a bit. Move the cursor all the way to the right and press R to scratch the record. =>Album B Pictures: To get the pictures in album B, you must do many things. Here is a complete list. |Number| Task to Complete | Description | | B17 | Take 60 Pictures | Wario | | B18 | Delete 60 Pictures | Old-style Mario | | B19 | Transfer 15 Pics to another Camera | Luigi & Princess | | B20 | Receive 5 pics from a male | Lion Head | | B21 | Receive 5 pics from a female | | B22 | Print 30 pictures | Boy & Flying Saucer| | B23 | Get 3000 Points in Space Fever II | Man & Bear | | B24 | Get 5000 Points in Space Fever II | Little Wario | | B25 | Get 7000 Points in Space Fever II | Japanese Camera? | | B26 | Get 500 Points in Ball | R.O.B. NES Robot | | B27 | Get 700 Points in Ball | Big Boo | | B28 | Get 1000 Points in Ball | Toad | | B29 | 1st Place, under 17 secs, raise flag in Run| D.K. and Mario | | B30 | 1st Place, under 16 secs, raise flag in Run| Wing Cap Mario | GAME BOY CAMERA: LEGEND OF ZELDA SPECIAL EDITION (gb) checked-no =>This is the GB Camera with a gold shell and Zelda pictures replacing the Mario and Pokemon stamps. Navi is the default boss in Space Fever II, instead of that goofy face. Otherwise, this should be identical to the standard Game Boy Camera. GAME BOY PRINTER (gb) checked-yes =>Test Message: Hold FEED on the printer while turning it on to get a test message of Mario saying "Hello" to a Game Boy Printer. GAME GENIE (gb) checked-yes -- Another unlicensed game -- =>I still hate this contraption out of principle... but, here are some secret message codes. Enter them on the code entry screen. |U D L R | Message 1 Message 6 |Ax4 Bx3 START | |B A L R SELECT | Message 2 Message 7 |R L R L Dx2 Ux2 | |Ux2 A B A Dx2 | Message 3 Message 8 |A B A B Ax2 SELECT| |R U D U L U D U| Message 4 Message 9 |A Lx2 A B Rx2 B | |B A B R L D U | Message 5 GAMECUBE SYSTEM (gc) checked-yes =>Options Screen: Hold A as you turn the system on and you will jump to the system options screen, where you can manage your memory card and more. =>Alternate Intro: Hold Z when turning on the system and the GameCube logo will appear with different sound effects. =>Progressive Scan: To enable progressive scan in some games, hold B as you start the system and wait for the title screen to appear. Please note that this only works if your television supports progressive scan. =>Reset Controller: If your sticks or the [L] and [R] buttons get out of line while you play, simply hold X+Y and press START to recenter all the analog controls. GARGOYLE'S QUEST (gb) checked-no |02 Jarkton Town |MUPP-JMHW| |07 Ekyzosu Village |HWTL-9OAZ| |03 Bureido Village |GJ7Q-KLVO| |08 Return to Bymon |N5AQ-9RZF| |04 Rushifell Village|SWXE-CBFJ| |09 End 9-up 33 vials|WPXF-4BDQ| |05 Gurion Town |BIF8-BRAZ| |09 End w/ 99 vials |NPAN-RRXY| |06 Bymon Village |FWGG-57CY| |Begin with lots of stuff |FFFF-FFFF| GARGOYLE'S QUEST II (nes) checked-no |00400041-6021002| Gibea |40404061-7152017| Sittem Desert |40504061-7202117| Save King Barr |51615153-8303428| Cursed King's Palace |51645273-8334428| Saved King's Palace |55645604-8344438| Search for Soulstream |69796955-9465549| Lethe's Castle |69797945-9505559| Ready for King of Destruction GAUNTLET (nes) checked-part Codes for room |43C BBI HZY| Wizard |43C BBI HYY| Elf number 79 |43C BBI HYZ| Valkyrie |43C BBI HZZ| Warrior Code for final room if used with above 4 player codes: |XRTW98Y7| =>Password Entry: On the 1/2 player select screen, hold A and press START to reach the password entry screen. =>Endless Play: If you are playing a two player game and you lose all your lives, quickly press START to continue with another character. This only works if one of the players is still alive. ->Clues: Clues can be found in rooms 16, 26, 46, 54, 66, 70, 81, and 90. Collect them all to pass Morak. ->Reset: Press SELECT+START+A+B. ->Evade Stun Tiles: If you step on a stun tile, press STARTx2 to free yourself from it quickly. ->Music Reset: Quickly press SELECT START B A. GAUNTLET II (nes) checked-no =>Open Doors, Make Exits: If you wait long enough, all the locked doors will unlock. Wait even longer and all the walls will turn into exits. GAUNTLET II (gb) checked-no =>Open Doors, Make Exits: If you wait long enough, all the locked doors will unlock. Wait even longer and all the walls will turn into exits. GAUNTLET DARK LEGACY (gc) checked-no =>Secret Characters: Start a new game using one of these character names to play as that character. Naked Dward |NUD069| Punk Rocker |PNK666| Waitress |KAO292| Happy Face |STX222| Ninja |TAK118| Mngr Mike |DIB626| Chainsaw |KJH105| Employee Stig |STG333| Karate Steve |SJB964| Football Guy |RIZ721| Ex-Employee Chris|CSS222| Cheerleader |CEL721| Schoolgirl |AYA555| Created by Don |ARV984| Rat Knight |RAT333| Regular Garm |GARM99| Sick Garm |GARM00| Sumner |SUM224| Sky General |SKY100| Mtn General |MTN200| Town General |TWN300| Ice General |ICE600| Castle General |CAS400| Desert General|DES700| Battle General|BAT900| Dark Knight |DARTHC| Pojo Chicken |EGG911| =>Special Items/Powers: Start a new game using one of these character names and you will have an infinite supply of the listed item in your inventory. Some items be refilled once per level. 10,000 Gold |10000K| Super Crossbow |SSHOTS| Anti-Death |1ANGEL| Invincibility |INVULN| Triple Shot |MENAGE| X-Ray Visn |PEEKIN| Invisibility |000000| Reflect Shot |REFLEX| Full Turbo |PURPLE| Tiny Enemies |DELTA1| 9 Potions/Keys |ALLFUL| Quick Run |XSPEED| Quick Throw |QCKSHT| Pojo Eggs |EGG911| GAUNTLET LEGENDS (n64) checked-no =>Infinite Time Stop/Shrink: Activate Time Stop or Enemy Shrink right before your character dies, so that the item is in use when the player dies. When you continue and enter a new level, you will find that the item is in permanent use in that level. Time Stop or Shrink will not be deactivated until you earn another of the item and enable it again. =>Extra Characters: Generally, snag 50 coins in the correct bonus stages to enable these bonus characters on the Player Select screen. * Minotaur: In the Mountain Cliff (level 3), go through the stage until you reach the final upper bridge. It should end with a choice of two paths. The left path leads to the bonus stage, the right to the normal exit. * Falconess: The bonus room is in the Castle Treasury (level 4). * Tigress: In the Town Poisonous Fields (level 1), go left and climb the hill. Press the switch and walk in the direction it is pointing to find the bonus room. * Jackal: In Frozen Plains Camp (level 2), find the bonus stage. * Sumner: Beat all the standard worlds, and the broken window will be repaired, leading to Skorne's Cathredral. Beat it (and Skorne) to open the door in the tower that leads to the Battle Field. Inside the Battle Field Trenches (level 1), you will find the bonus stage that allows you to enable Sumner. =>Legend Weapons: Each Legend Weapon is used automatically when the character holding it fights the appropriate boss. * Scimitar of Rasha: Found in The Mountain Caverns. The Scimitar damages the Chimera. * Ice Axe of Untar: Found in the Castle Treasury. Damages the Dragon. * Flame of Tarkana: In the Town Spire. Hurts the Yeti. * Marker's Javelin: Found in the Ice World Fissure. Damages the Plague. * Skorne's Weakness: Found in the Tower Battlefield's Towers. =>Second Skorne: Once you gather all 13 rune stones and complete all levels of the game, step into the completed rune stone circle and you will be sent to the underworld to fight the final Skorne. =>Permanent Anti-Death Halo: Kill the second Skorne and you will receive this item in your inventory. =>Overly Equipped: You must have already beaten the first Skorne and collected at least one piece of his armor. This trick only works with the Supershot, Thunderhammer, and any of Skorne's armor. Activate the Supershot, Thunderhammer, or one piece of Skorne's armor. Now, activate Skorne's helmet or acid gun. The weapon you activated first will be deactivated, but will still appear to be on your character's body. Repeat to "equip" your character with everything, even though he/she is only using the normal attacks. =>Free Rapid Fire: Walk up to an enemy and your player will begin attacking with hand to hand combat as long as you continue to walk into him. Right after you start to attack, hold Z. Turn around and start walking away. You should be walking very slowly and firing your projectile weapon very quickly - a free rapid fire weapon! It doesn't use magic or your turbo. =>Transform Death and Poison: If you know Death is hiding in a barrel or chest, toss a magic potion next to the container. If you hear Death scream, open the container up to find an item. Potions can also change poisoned apples into normal ones. =>Glitchy Names: Enter your name as "Sumner" or "Skorne" on the change name screen. You should hear a weird sound and the name will be changed into random text. =>Character Upgrades: At levels 10, 75, and 99, your character's weapon will change in appearance. GEORGE FOREMAN'S K.O. BOXING (snes) checked-no =>Ultra Punch: Press START+A to throw a really strong punch. GEMFIRE (snes) checked-no =>Dragon Killing: Hire a wyvern to kill the dragon. That is the best method. =>Gold Tips: Pay about $10 for cultivation to get an increase of about 10 units of food. GEX: ENTER THE GECKO (gbc) checked-no =>Mona Lisa Toggle: In level 1, find a book case next to a door. Hit the books with your tail to make the case slide away, switch the lever, then do a super jump to the Mona Lisa, which will now let you turn it on or off. =>255 Lives: Make sure you have just one life left and enter a level with a bottomless pit, such as Scream TV. Jump down into the pit; when Gex begins kneeling over to die, press START and exit the level. You will now have zero lives. Return to the level, hop down the pit again, and exit as before. You should now have 255 lives; however, you have to find a new red remote control in order to get a valid password. =>255 Lives Password: Enter a password consisting only of the outlined right arrows. =>All Remotes: On the password screen, hold B and press Dx20. Hold B and press U. Hold A and press R. Hold A and press Lx2. Hold B and press Dx2. Hold B and press R. Hold A and press R. =>Ultimate Password: To open up everything, enter this password. Make the first, second, and third rows all white down arrows. Make the fourth row three white down arrows, a white up arrow, a black right arrow, and a black left arrow. Make the fifth row a black left arrow, two white down arrows, one white right arrow, and one black right arrow. GEX 64: ENTER THE GECKO (n64) checked-no |DPXMDGVXCVLCG5WFL| First Gate open |FFY>SJB5D5HCVJL8DV| Third Gate open |C2G57FLRDQJV7FBTCN| Second gate open |GFT>/M9BH56FBLMF2B| Fourth Gate open > = arrow |M758FQRW3J58FQRW4!| All remotes & 99 lives |NJ4N>P2S274N>P2S28| All remotes & 127 lives =>Titanic Level: Enter the first main room and walk towards the arch. Climb up the wall to reach the roof of the arch, then look for a floating block. Jump onto the block and you will be brought to the Titanic television set. =>Mech Rez Trick: When Mecha Rez climbs atop a building, whack the building with your tail to make it collapse, and Rez will lose 1 energy bar. =>Lion's Mouth Early: Once you beat Mecha Rez, enter the new overworld gate and enter the left passage that claims you need 26 remotes. In the new area with the lion head, jump and press A in the air. You will jump a bit higher and should be able to jump into the lion's mouth. =>Asteroids Shortcut: Enter the Rocket Channel Pain in the Asteroids level, flip the switch, walk to the next asteroid, continue until you reach the moving platforms, and jump off to the left to land onto an asteroid farther ahead in the level. =>Hidden Room: In Scream TV 2, walk down the ramp, enter the door, enter the door surrounded with green, and you will find a pumpkin in this room. Destroy the pumpkin and walk through the wall behind it. GEX 3: DEEP COVER GECKO (n64) checked-no =>Vault Codes: Once you collect all the Secret Keys, you can go to the vault and enter these cheat codes. ^ = triangle [] = square O = circle * = star + = cross D = diamond One Life |^O*[][]+ | Ten Lives |[]+OO^[]| Some of these codes Timer Toggle |[][]DO++ | Invincibility |[]*^[]^D| will enable options on Stage Select |[]OO^++ | Sound Test |[]^+*[]+| the Extras screen. Become Cuz |[]D[][]^D| Become Alfred |[]+^[]**| Become DracuGex |*++O[]^| =>DracuGex: Before you enter Clueless in Seattle you will see a portrait of DracuGex. Use cU to look at it and become DracuGex for 30 seconds. GHOSTS 'N GOBLINS (nes) checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the title screen, hold R and press Bx3. Now, press U Bx3 L Bx3 D Bx3 START. You must do this before the demo begins. =>Bug: In one of the two levels before the last one, where the bosses are one or more Satans, kill the Satan(s) and wait for the key to fall. It should land above some stairs. Walk to the platform below, climb the stairs very slowly until you just barely touch the key. Take the key, climb back down the stairs, and you will begin running to the right, through many odd screens and scenes, before you begin the next level. GHOSTS 'N GOBLINS (gbc) checked-no Quest 1 * = Heart Quest 2 |04|LS5*9114| |02|L*K***BL| |05|TJR*7*2*| |01|GN**K00H| |05|DN7*93*7| |03|Q0M***1H| |06|JJT*7*7L| |02|GN1*508J| |06|XN9*9333| |04|PS5*7*B4| |Boss|KDC*H*SH| |03|X43*50MR| |Boss|N8C*K40N| SUPER GHOULS 'N GHOSTS (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select/Sound Test: On Option screen, highlight EXIT, hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+START and press CNTRL I: START. =>Change Music: Enter above screen. Go to Sound Select menu and look through D5-EA. Select one of the music tracks and then select B5. Press the button to hear it. The music will turn to drum beats. G.I. JOE (nes) checked-no | Quest 1 | Quest 2 | Quest 3 | Level 1 | |ZND39N5XF|3R69N5XGG| Level 2 |6369N5XG6|PXHNDXGZ8|BHNJHVD8H| Level 3 |3ZD39R5X9|3NRDZN5X1|JHR0HVD8H| Level 4 |9ZD3ZN0XF|5XHPPXNZD|5DS5ZNGZD| Level 5 |5369N5VG2|VVNBBJV83|NGZ9X99XF| Final Level |X339N8GG2| Level 6 |5ZD3NN5X5|DVNBB8V8H|DHRX80V83| Last Level w/ Cmmdr Hawk:|DRR3JOV8C| =>Cobra Commander Tip: Using Grid Iron or Rock 'n Roll, leap over the pits in the floor and blast the Commander in his face. When you are nearly out of energy, switch to Gen. Hawk, fly to the top of the screen, and attack. =>Invincibility: On the title screen, quickly press A B B U U D SELECT and a gunshot will sound. G.I. JOE: THE ATLANTIS FACTOR (nes) checked-no 123 values | @ = copyright symbol 456 of grid | 789 boxes | ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- |D9,O7,L1,C9,H7,V8,34| Wet Suit A| |C8,47,J2,L5,T4,T3,B2| Find Snake C| |D1,Z1,L1,F8,G6,S9,T1| Joins | |W9,23,J9,Q9,H9,63,54| Eyes's Remedy| |-----------------------------------| |-----------------------------------| |@8,L7,N4,C3,@9,O9,19| Duke + B| |99,93,O8,O9,23,B9,G1| Cobra Comm. D| |R5,32,F7,Y5,V5,O7,D3| Storm Shadow | |K6,C2,Q6,W3,67,L4,13| Base | |-----------------------------------| |-----------------------------------| GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (nes) checked-no |GECBNIKB| Stage 2 |ANDFECAE| Stage 4 |KDMLIBKE| Stage 14 |DLFEPNPA| Stage 3 |ACCEDCAC| Stage 13 |LJJGDMPC| Stage 2 |ACCEDCAC| Stage 3 |KDMLIBKE| Stage 4 =>Extra Time: Need more time? Lose Gilligan. You will have two minutes to find Gilligan, but during these two minutes your normal game timer will not lose any time. =>Quicksand: To get out of it, hold the direction you wish to move and press A rapidly. =>Item Renew: Sometimes you can grab an item, leave the screen, return and pick the item up again. GLOVER (n64) checked-no =>Earning Cheat Codes: At the beginning of the game, move left to find a bird on a swing. Walk up to him and press A and you will hear some sounds. Pause the game and press the C buttons to play those sounds back, thus entering a cheat code. A new code will be given to you every time you give a new ball to the monkey up on the hill. =>Cheats Off: Pause and press cDx8. =>Fish-Eye Camera: During the game, press (cL cR)x4. =>Enemy Ball: Press cL cD cU cR cLx2 cDx2. =>Mad Garibs: Press cD cR cD cU cL cD cL cU. =>Frog Mode: Pause, then press cU cR cD cR cU cLx2 cU. Eat bugs for lives. =>All Levels/Open Portals: Pause and press cU cRx2 cD cL cD cU cR. All the portals, and hence levels, will be open and ready for play. =>Stage Select 2: Pause and press cUx3 cLx2 cR cL cR. Quit the game, return to the main menu, hold U and press A to access the stage select. =>Powerball: Pause and press (cU cD)x3 cL cU. =>Low Gravity: Pause and press cL cL cU cL cR cUx3. =>Infinite Energy: Pause and press cRx2 cD cRx3 cU cL. =>Infinite Lives: Pause and press cUx5 cR cD cR. =>Hercules Strong Mode: Pause and press cDx3 cLx2 cD cR cL. =>Ball Mode: Pause and press cL cR cL cR cU cD cR cR to control the ball. =>Rotate Camera Right: Pause and press cL cR cU cU cD cR cD cR. =>Rotate Camera Left: Pause and press cR cD cR cD cU cU cR cL. =>Find Checkpoints: Pause and press cDx2 cR cL cUx2 cD cL. =>Invisible Ball: Pause and press cDx2 cLx2 cUx2 cD cU. =>Fast Mode: Pause and press cL cL cR cU cR cL cD cD. =>Return Ball: Pause and press cU cL cL cU cR cL cD cU. =>Death Spell: Pause and press cU cLx4 cU cR cU. Aim at an enemy and hit [R]. =>Frog Spell: Pause and press cD cL cDx2 cL cD cU cL. Aim and hit [R]. GO! GO! TANK (gb) checked-no =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press L U R U Lx2 U R U L U L START to turn off collision detection. =>7 Lives: On the title screen, press L U R U Lx2 U R U L U R START for 7 lives and 7 continues. GOAL! (nes) checked-no |GTXAREZC GZHIKUIK| Semi finals, England vs. Brazil |HTXAREZC GZHIKUIL| Final, England Vs. USSR World Cup Finals passwords... Algeria |CTXAREZCGPLOPEOB| Argentina |JTXAREZCGXIKLUEL| Belgium |ATXAREZCGRHFOEOB| Brazil |ITXAREZCGPIGKCMB| Denmark |ITXAREZCGVIGKWIL| England |JTXAREZCGZLGKUGJ| France |ETXAREZCGAISKWHJ| Holland |QTXAREZCGWLUOUGJ| Italy |DTXAREZCGAHKLUIL| Japan |PTXAREZCGXMKLWIJ| Poland |ATXAREZCGUMJPCTD| Spain |DTXAREZCGOHFOCOB| Uruguay |ITXAREZCGULGKESB| USA |HTXAREZCGWHKLWEJ| USSR |ZTXAREZCGOHGOERB| W.Germany |LTXAREZCGTMGOCRD| GOEMON'S GREAT ADVENTURE (n64) checked-no =>Four Player Mode: With four controllers plugged into the N64, play the game with one or two players and earn 44 hands. Once you do this, hold cR+START on CNTRL III and CNTRL IV. =>New Costumes: Once you earn the four player mode, enter the Prediction House and you will be able to change into new costumes. =>Mushroom Gathering Cheat: One of the missions in chapter 3 requires you to gather 30 mushrooms in either Tomb Pass or Maneater Road. To do this more easily, kill yourself off until you are on your last life. Enter one of the stages and collect as many mushrooms as you can (at least 15 to make this trick worthwhile). Die, choose Continue, and enter the stage you did NOT collect mushrooms in. All the mushrooms you collected from the first stage will still be gathered, so you can now easily gather the additional mushrooms you need without having to worry about gathering every single mushroom in a level. =>Castle 3 Boss Trick: When fighting the boss of the third castle, stand next to the far right wall and press against it, and his swinging club attack won't hit you. This makes the battle easier. =>Faster Hula Hoop: On the "Try Again" screen, tap A. =>Extra Lives Trick: Gather 100 coins in Edo before moving on to Lost'n Town. In Lost'n Town, enter the store in the second building on the right (look for blue curtains). Buy all the sushi you can, then enter the inn and save the game to a memory card. Press RESET and load the game. You will continue with the extra lives and 100 coins. Repeat for additional lives. GODS (snes) checked-no |02|SD1| |03|MGB| |04|BMH| GODZILLA (nes) checked-no Earth |HR6AMU6696 UCUGXK| Pluto |WR65MWHPGR WCGX0J| Mars |XE5NYP2RL3 NNWGUJ9LT6 RR| Neptune |H64NAP5CX2 G8HK3H| End Mars |Y4RKAQMDR1 G6S4XP| Planet X |LL6RJY4END UKQB15HQGK Y44TCTX3A| Jupiter |X0KQWPT6TH NQJ59D97T6 37E| Planet X |4J62STRMH9 CWU58L| Saturn End|7JRN004NNU 9WLJT3| Final Battle|MCDESG26M| Uranus |L4HM2FSEUE D7846ASSP4 WXFCK| |DESTR0Y ALL M0NSTERS| Battle all bosses at once on hex board. |M0NSTER 0| Begin at Ghidora |START TO END| View beginning and end of game |S0UND| Sound Test GODZILLA (gb) checked-no |02|GL6T| |07|39TN| |12|1XPK| |17|L&=7| |22|T8CJ| |03|C47?| |08|JHJ/| |13|71CL| |18|SC/W| |23|?7QG| |04|8W2H| |09|=M3K| |14|C?#2| |19|Q41M| |24|LC/W| |05|WT7Q| |10|T94/| |15|GG1C| |20|8QH=| |25|?=5Q| |06|B#QGGH4/| |11|HB2/| |16|?KGQ9T4M| |21|=65=| |26|MXRT| |JXRB7K&948HPD32#JN| Last Stage =>Sound Test: On the title screen, press A+B+SELECT+START. SUPER GODZILLA (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: On the title screen, press A A B B X X Y Y. During the game, press [L]+[R] to skip to the next stage. GODZILLA: MONSTER WAR (snes) checked-no =>Mecha Godzilla: Press [L] [R] Y X A B on the title screen. =>Spaceship: Press [L] [R] U L R D Y X B A on the title screen. GODZILLA: THE SERIES (gbc) checked-no |DMJMBJRFFR| Last level, full power GOLDEN NUGGET 64 (n64) checked-no =>Auto Cash: The slot machines pay off frequently enough in this game that you can start the slots, keep A held down with an object (or turned to Turbo or Auto mode if you have a fancy controller), and leave the game alone for several hours. The machine should win often enough that you make a tidy profit. Make sure you are betting the maximum number of credits. GOLDEN SUN (gba) checked-yes =>Name Characters: It is possible to rename all your potential party members, as well as some other characters in the game. While on the screen where you rename Issac, press SELECTx3 and a tone will sound. After naming Issac, you will be able to rename Garet, Ivan, and Mia - the three party members you meet during the game. =>Rename More Characters: As in the prior code, while on the screen where you can rename Issac, press SELECTx3 and a tone will sound. While still on this screen, press U D U D L R L R U R D L U SELECT and another tone will sound. After you rename Issac and his three teammates, you will be able to rename these additional three characters. GOLDENEYE 007 (n64) checked-part =>Weapons Cycle: To cycle through your weapons backwards, hold A and tap the Z button. =>Easy Detonation: While you are laying mines, you can press A+B to detonate them instead of having to switch to your watch detonator. =>Extra Characters: Beat the game on the Agent setting to get a total of 33 characters available in the multiplayer mode. * Extra Characters Code: Enter this code on the multi-player character selection screen. Enter the directions on PAD I, not on STICK I. Hold [L]+[R] and press cL, hold [L] and press cU, hold [L]+[R] and press L, hold [L] and press R, hold [R] and press D, hold [L]+[R] and press cL, hold [L] and press cU, hold [L]+[R] and press R, hold [L]+[R] and press cD, hold [L] and press D. If entered correctly, all of the normal and bonus 33 characters are available, as well as the 31 new, secret characters. ->Invisible Mines: In a deathmatch, drop a mine on a box of ammo or a weapon, then pick up the item. The mine will no longer be visible, but it will still be there to explode. Try placing the mine on an item dropped by a dead player; since no item will ever reappear in that spot, the floor will look completely innocent. Also try tossing a mine on a glass panel, then breaking the glass - the mine will float in midair. You can even stick on mine on the vaporized part of something you already blew up, causing the mine to stick to nothing (note: a mine that sticks to 'nothing' will generally turn black and will not detonate if shot. It will only detonate via your watch detonator or if fire from another blast touches it). ->Floating Mines: In the Bunker deathmatch mode, plant 8 remote mines on the monitors that hang from the ceiling of the main computer room. After planting a mine on each monitor, blow them all up. You should now be able to drop mines in mid air - anywhere. =>Mixed Firepower: Find a level where you can get two sets of paired weapons, each appearing next to the other in both your weapon list and ammo switch. This works in the Military Archives (Dostoveis and Klobbs). Cycle through your weapons backwards (hold A and tap Z) to get the second set paired weapons ready (on the Archives, have 2 Klobs ready). Now: Hold A, press Zx2, release A when a gun appears then tap A. Hold Z. If done correctly, holding Z will cause the gun to fire while the game is changing to a new weapon, allowing you to keep the old weapon in one hand and the new weapon in the other. This trick might take some time to learn. =>Deathmatch Clones: If you want up to 3 out of 4 players to play using the same character, first go to the options screen and select a 4 player game. Go to character select screen and make player 4 the character you want to clone, then assign everyone else someone else. Change to a 3 player game, go to character select, make player 3 the character you chose for player 4, make players 1 and 2 anybody else, then return to options. Change to a 2 player game and do the same thing again. Finally, make the game 4 player and press START. Players 2, 3, and 4 should all have the same character. ->Super Scientists: On any difficulty aside from Agent, go to the Facility level. When you reach the area with several small rooms filled with scientists, stand outside a room and shoot a DD44 through the glass, aiming for the waist of a scientist. One scientist in one of the rooms will throw grenades around if you do so. Also, on any Secret Agent mode level with a scientist, find one and shoot him in the arm and leg with your PP7. If they live, they'll start shooting back with a DD44. If you avoid them long enough, they will begin tossing grenades. ->The Golden Gun: In level 20, go to the tomb where the Golden Gun is hidden. Open the door, then step onto the first square and move left 2 squares, up 2, right 3, up 2, left 1, up 1, left 1, up 2, right 1. You will be at the gun and uninjured. The machine guns will turn off, and the glass will roll down. Walk around to get the gun & bullets, then leave. =>Deathmatch Stages: Beat the second Severnaya bunker, water cavern, and archive stages and you can play them in the Deathmatch levels. ->007 Mode: Beat every level, including bonus stages 19 and 20, at the 00 Agent difficulty setting and you gain access to the 007 Mode. This mode allows you to fiddle with health settings, enemy health, reaction levels, and other nifty things. ->New Guns: Beat the Cradle in Agent mode for the Cougar Magnum, the Aztec stage at 00 Agent for the Laser, and the Egyptian Stage at 00 Agent for the Golden Gun. ->Extra Stages: Beat the game as a Secret Agent to get the Aztec Stage to open up. Beat it at 00 Agent for the Egyptian Stage. =>Kneeling: Hold [R] or [L] and tap cD. You will kneel, and will be able to slide around on your knees this way. =>Ammo Boxes: In multi-player mode, you can move ammo boxes by shooting them. Move it anywhere, pick it up, and it will reappear at the spot you moved it to. ->Knife Juggle: Find an open area, then press cD until you are looking up in the air. Press cUx2, then begin throwing knives. You will catch them as they fall, allowing you to throw them again. =>Rocket Head: Enter a tank, the switch to the weapon before the tank cannon. Now press A then B quickly, and you should switch to the cannon before hopping out of the tank. You can now shoot tank missiles from your forehead. =>Destroy Flag: In a flag tag game, create an explosion, grab the flag, then run into your explosion and die. The flag will be permanently destroyed. This only works if you kill yourself in your OWN explosion. =>Reenter Vents: In the Facility, stand on the toilet under the open vent. Hold [R]+cR and hold STICK: L until you suddenly hop back into the vent. ->Blocking Doors: In multi-player modes, it is sometimes possible to block doors to prevent them from being opened. For sliding doors, open the door, have a player stand in the path of the door, and the door will not be able to close. Kill the character and he will disappear, but the door will not close. The door will not shut until the dead player presses START and returns to the game. To block swinging doors, place one player on each side of the door. If both players are facing the door, they should be able to see the fist of the other player sticking through the door. Have one player kill the other by shooting the fist sticking through the door, then wait for the body to fade away. In many cases, you will not be able to open the door now, because the invisible corpse will be blocking the path of the door. This doesn't work in all levels or at all doors. ->Hover-Bond: Turn on the Tiny Bond cheat, then play the Facility. Kneel down and walk down the staircase from the bathroom. Bond will float through the air for a short period of time. =>Shoot Mines: In the deathmatch mode, find an opponent holding a mine and shoot his hand for an easy kill. ->Extra Weapons: In the Water Caverns, find the radio room, move to the far right side, and shoot all the boxes. One box contains several boxes and two computers that will yield assault rifles. =>Tazer & Tank: If you beat the game and get the All Guns cheat, you will have access to the Tazer stun gun and the tank's rockets. =>Auto-Cheats: If you beat certain levels at certain difficulties within certain times, you will receive certain cheat options. | Level | Cheat | Difficulty | Time | | 1 - Dam | Paintball Mode | Secret Agent | 2:40 | | 2 - Facility | Invincibility | 00 Agent | 2:05 | | 3 - Runway | DK Mode | Agent | 5:00 | | 4 - Surface |2x Grenade Launcher| Secret Agent | 3:30 | | 5 - Bunker |2x Rocket Launcher | 00 Agent | 4:00 | | 6 - Silo | Turbo Mode | Agent | 3:00 | | 7 - Frigate | No Radar (Multi) | Secret Agent | 4:30 | | 8 - Surface2 | Tiny Bond | 00 Agent | 4:15 | | 9 - Bunker 2 |2x Throwing Knives | Agent | 1:30 | |10 - Statue | Fast Animation | Secret Agent | 3:15 | |11 - Archives | Invisibility | 00 Agent | 1:20 | |12 - Streets | Enemy Rockets | Agent | 1:45 | |13 - Depot | Slow Animation | Secret Agent | 1:40 | |14 - Train | Silver PP7 | 00 Agent | 5:25 | |15 - Jungle |2x Hunting Knives | Agent | 3:45 | |16 - Control | Infinite Ammo | Secret Agent |10:00 | |17 - Caverns | 2x RC-P90's | 00 Agent | 9:30 | |18 - Cradle | Gold PP7 | Agent | 2:15 | |19 - Aztec | 2x Lasers | Secret Agent | 9:00 | |20 - Egyptian | All Guns | 00 Agent | 6:00 | ->Cheat Codes: Yes, there are now cheat codes for Goldeneye. Enter all of the following codes on the PAD, not the STICK. Example: If you are told to press [L]+D, U+cD, do this: hold [L] and press D while holding [L]. Then release the buttons and hold U, then press cD while holding U. Release and enter the rest of the code. * These codes can be entered during the normal game. Just punch them in using the PAD. |Invincibility| [L]+D, [R]+cR, [R]+cU, [L]+R, [L]+cD, [R]+cU, [L]+R, [R]+D, [L]+L, [L]+[R]+cR. |All Guns | [L]+[R]+D, [L]+cL, [L]+cR, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+D, [L]+cD, [R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cR, [R]+U, [L]+cL. |Max Ammo | [L]+[R]+cR, [R]+U, [R]+D, [R]+D, [L]+[R]+cR, [L]+[R]+L, [R]+D, [R]+U, [L]+[R]+cR, [R]+L. |Wireframe Mode| [R]+cD, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+R, [R]+cU, [L]+[R]+cU, [R]+U, [L]+D, [L]+R, [R]+cL, [R]+cU. |Invisibility | [R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+U, [R]+U, [L]+cL, [R]+cU, [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+L, [R]+R. |Multiplayer Invisibility| [L]+cU, [L]+[R]+cL, [R]+U, [L]+cR, [R]+cL, [L]+R, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+cR, [L]+U, [L]+[R]+cD. * These codes must be entered on the Mission Select screen. They will open up various levels of the game. |Facility | [L]+[R]+cU, [R]+cL, [L]+L, [R]+cU, [L]+L, [R]+cD, [L]+cR, [R]+R, [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+R. |Runway | [L]+[R]+L, [R]+L, [L]+cU, [L]+L, [R]+cU, [R]+cD, [R]+cR, [R]+R, [L]+D, [R]+cL. |Surface 1 | [R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+L, [R]+U, [R]+L, [L]+U, [R]+cD, [L]+R, [L]+cR, [L]+[R]+D. |Bunker 1 | [L]+cD, [R]+R, [L]+cR, [R]+cL, [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+cR, [L]+[R]+U, [R]+cR, [L]+U. |Silo | [L]+U, [R]+cD, [L]+L, [R]+D, [L]+cL, [L]+[R]+cR, [L]+cU, [R]+R, [R]+R, [R]+cR. |Frigate | [R]+cU, [L]+D, [R]+cR, [L]+L, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+[R]+cD, [R]+cR, [R]+U, [L]+[R]+cD, [R]+U. |Surface 2 | [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+cR, [R]+cR, [R]+cU, [R]+cL, [L]+R, [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+cU, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+cR. |Bunker 2 | [L]+D, [R]+D, [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+L, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+cL, [R]+R, [L]+cU, [L]+L, [L]+cD. |Statue | [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+R, [L]+[R]+L, [R]+L, [R]+cR, [L]+[R]+L, [R]+cU, [R]+cD, [R]+R. |Archives | [R]+L, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+[R]+cD, [R]+L, [L]+[R]+cR, [L]+L, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+U, [R]+cD. |Streets | [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+cR, [L]+U, [L]+[R]+cD, [R]+cR, [R]+cD, [R]+L, [R]+cD, [R]+cU, [L]+D. |Depot | [L]+D, [L]+D, [R]+cD, [L]+cR, [L]+[R]+R, [R]+cL, [L]+D, [L]+cL, [L]+cR, [L]+U. |Train | [R]+L, [R]+cD, [R]+cR, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+R, [R]+cD, [L]+L, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+U, [L]+cU. |Jungle | [R]+cD, [R]+L, [L]+[R]+U, [R]+R, [R]+D, [R]+D, [R]+U, [R]+cL, [R]+cU, [L]+[R]+L. |Control Cntr| [L]+cD, [R]+D, [L]+R, [R]+cR, [R]+cD, [R]+L, [R]+L, [R]+cU, [R]+L, [L]+[R]+cU. |Caverns | [L]+D, [R]+cD, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+R, [R]+cU, [R]+cL, [R]+U, [L]+cL, [L]+U, [R]+cL. |Cradle | [L]+[R]+cU, [L]+L, [R]+D, [L]+D, [L]+cU, [L]+D, [R]+R, [R]+cU, [L]+cL, [R]+R. * These codes must be entered on the Cheat Menu screen. A tone will sound after a correct entry. Exit the menu and return to find the cheat. |Paintball | [L]+U, cU, [R]+R, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+U, [R]+cD, [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+cD. |Invincibility| [R]+L, [L]+D, L, U, D, [R]+cL, [L]+cL, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+cL. |DK Mode | [L]+[R]+U, cR, [R]+L, [R]+U, U, [R]+R, U, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+R+cL. |2x Grenade Launchers| [R]+D, [R]+U, R, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+R, [R]+L, L, D, U, [R]+cD. |2x Rocket Lnchrs| [R]+R, [L]+U, D, D, [R]+cD, [L]+L, [L]+cL, [R]+U, [R]+D, [R]+cL. |Turbo Mode| [L]+D, [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+U, [R]+cD, L, [R]+D, [L]+cD, U, [R]+D, [L]+R. |No Radar | [R]+U, cD, cL, cU, [L]+D, [R]+U, cL, R, [R]+L, [R]+R. |Tiny Bond | [L]+[R]+D, [R]+D, [L]+cD, L, [R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cD, R, D, [R]+cD, [R]+R. |2x Throw Knives| [R]+cL, [L]+L, U, [L]+[R]+R, R, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cL, [R]+D, [R]+L, [R]+cL. |Fast Animation| [L]+cD, [L]+cL, cD, cR, cL, [L]+[R]+R, cR, [L]+[R]+U, [R]+cL, [L]+L. |Invisible | [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+cL, [R]+cL, [R]+R, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+R, L, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+D. |Enemy Rockets| [L]+[R]+cD, cL, [R]+cD, cD, cD, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+[R]+U, cD, [R]+U, [L]+U. |Slow Animation| [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+[R]+L, cR, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+D, cL, cU. |Silver PP7 | [L]+L, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+R, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+D, cD, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+[R]+L. |2x Hunting Knives| [R]+cD, [L]+R, [R]+cL, [R]+R, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+[R]+U, [L]+D, [R]+L, [L]+R, [L]+cL. |Infinite Ammo | [L]+cL, [L]+[R]+R, cR, cL, [R]+L, [L]+cD, [L]+[R]+L, [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+U, cR. |2x RCP-90's | U, R, [L]+L, [R]+D, [L]+U, [L]+cL, [L]+L, cR, cU, [L]+[R]+D. |Gold PP7 | [L]+[R]+R, [L]+[R]+D, [L]+U, [L]+[R]+D, cU, [R]+U, [L]+[R]+R, [L]+L, D, [L]+cD. |2x Lasers| [L]+R, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+D, [R]+L, [R]+D, [L]+R, cU, R, [R]+R, [L]+[R]+U. |All Guns | D, L, cU, R, [L]+D, [L]+L, [L]+U, cL, L, cD. GOLF (gb) checked-no =>Retry Tee Shot: If you make a mistake with your tee shot, turn off your Game Boy (or press A+B+START+SELECT) as soon as you see where the ball is going. Turn the game back on and you will be back at the tee. GOLF (vb) checked-no =>Super Player: Create a player named |Hacker| and you will hit the ball about 150-190 yards further than usual. GOLF GRAND SLAM (nes) checked-no |LFBTBFBF| hole 17, 8 under par GOLGO 13: TOP SECRET EPISODE (nes) checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the demo screen, when a flash appears over one eye, press START and then hold CNTRL I: U+A+B. Hold CNTRL II: U+L+A+B. Press CNTRL I: START. Choose a number to select your stage: 00=1, 08=2, 0A=3, 12=4, 1E=5, 32=7, 38=8 3B=9, 40=10, 49=13. =>Extra Bullets: In the 3-D building levels, you can press SELECT to trade your life points for bullets. GOOF TROOP (snes) checked-no Cher=Cherry Red=Red Diamond Blue=Blue Diamond Ban=Banana |02|Ban Red Cher Ban Cher| |02|Cher Red Blue Cher Ban| |03|Cher Red Blue Cher Ban | |03|Red Cher Blue Blue Red| |04|Red Cher Blue Blue Red| |04|Ban Cher Blue Red Ban| |05|Ban Cher Blue Red Ban | GOONIES 2 (nes) checked-no |H4O N4<> '7R 3''E| All items, no Goonies |K'O N248 4SR "OOS| All items, all Goonies - Rescue Annie! GRADIUS (nes) checked-no =>Power Up: Once per level, press START to pause the game, then press U U D D L R L R B A START to be powered up. =>Continue: Press D U B A B A B A B A on the "Game Over" screen when the music starts to play. =>Level Skip: Kill the enemy ship at the end of each level within 5 seconds to skip ahead 1 level. GRADIUS III (snes) checked-no =>Arcade Mode: From the title screen, choose the OPTION command, then highlight the Game Level. Now, rapidly and repeatedly press A until the Game Level changes to ARCADE. Press STARTx2 to begin. =>Weapon Select: After selecting the game mode on the options screen, press START to enter the weapon selection screen, then press R to enter the edit mode. Now, press X Y X X Y Y X Y and your weapons will be randomly selected. =>Long Demo: On the title screen, hold the A button. If you keep holding it, the demo will extend to the Boss. =>29 Ships: On title screen, press and hold L and press Ax3. Press START and you'll begin with 29 lives. =>Extra Credits: On the title screen, press X quickly and repeatedly and you will build up your total number of credits (about 8 or so). START the game before the title screen disappears, or the extra credits will be gone. =>Instant Power Up: In the game, press START to pause the game, then press U U D D [L] [R] [L] [R] B A and press START to unpause. You will gain lots of weapons when you continue playing. You receive one of these power-ups for each level, and can save unused ones for future levels. =>Self Destruct: Pause and press U U D D L R L R B A START... the old Konami code. =>Spread Shields: If you have the R. Option activated, collect enough power- ups so that the option selection is highlighted. Press and hold A and the R. Option will spread to cover a larger area. =>Reset Game: Hold [L]+[R]+START+SELECT. =>Bonus Stages: Bonus stages can be reached in levels 2,3,4,5, and 7. You need to fly into some special area after completing a requirement to access them. * Level 2: After passing the bubbles, in the final section of the stage before you reach the boss, fly into the first ship opening at the bottom of the screen. * Level 3: Destroy all the ground guns. At the end of the level, right before the last mountain, fly up close to the low ceiling of rock. * Level 4: With no filled power-up icons on the bottom of the screen, fly into the Moaia head in the middle of the set of three head near the end of the level. The proper head will be facing away from you. * Level 5: Before you reach the small passage leading to the two headed dragon, fly through the fire at the corner of the upside down volcano. * Level 7: After the four turrets, fly through the corner. You would normally fly diagonally upwards. GRADIUS GALAXIES (gba) checked-no =>All Powerups: Pause the game and press U U D D [L] [R] [L] [R] START. =>Suicide Code: Pause the game and press U U D D L R L R B A START. =>Erase All Data: On the Options Screen, highlight EXIT, hold [L]+[R]+B and press START. =>Challenges: Beat the game once and Challenge A will appear on the main menu. Beat Challenge A and Challenge B will appear. GRAND THEFT AUTO (gbc) checked-no =>Walking Glitch: Find the hospital in Vice City; it is in North Banana Grove. Walk up the stairs in the north end of the hospital, then walk over the edge of the building. You can now walk through all sorts of things, like water, and the police won't be able to touch you, because you are walking "above" the ground. Walk down any flight of stairs to return to normal. =>Stage Skip: Lose all five of your lives in a level. When your stats screen appears, press A. When the main menu appears, turn off the Game Boy. When you turn the Game Boy back on, the level you were last in will now be completed, and you can start the next level. Please note that you will have a lousy score on the level you skipped, though. GREAT GREED (gb) checked-no =>Microwave Death: When you talk to Cadium, say you will side with him, then say "Yes" to Microwave and you will be killed. Once the game ends, you will be given a chance to "Reconsider." =>Final Level Tip: Once you beat Bio-Haz the first time, if your experience is within 8000 points you will receive a level up, which will also restore all your magic and health. =>Magic Tip: If you and an enemy use the same magic, it will clash and hurt both of you. =>Freeze Thieves: When you are in the forest looking for fruit, your FREEZE magic will stop the thieves in their tracks. =>Sound Test, Pics: Beat the game for a sound test. You will also be able to view all enemy battle pictures from the game. GREMLINS 2 (nes) checked-no |GBQK| 1-1 |BVKF| 1-2 |CGMW| 2-2 |ZFPJ| 3-2 |VLBB| 4-2 |DXNH| 2-1 |NJTD| 3-1 |SHMC| 4-1 |NXRD| 5-1 GREMLINS 2 (gb) checked-no |VLBB| Level 4-2 GT ADVANCE CHAMPIONSHIP RACING (gba) checked-no |jNKN y4RY /Tzj xZ%W| All tracks/cars/secrets |S/PD W1/H L8Q8 >VbB| All cars/modes |/6Kb /xMi irLM +/22| Half of cars available |2QjD +D1Q 9Fy2 5B0C| High Speed mode available =>Mini-Car Racing: Beat the beginner, middle, and high speed classes of the championship mode. You can now play in the Extra mini-car races from the main menu as Extra 1. Or, enter the cheat code. =>Indy Cars: Complete all four classes in championship mode, finishing first in each race. This enables the Formula 1 car and the Extra 2 option on the main menu. Or, enter the cheat code. =>Rocket Start: Get your engine up to the red line of power during the countdown to the start of the race, and you should start with a burst of speed. =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the title screen. Hold [L]+[R], press the buttons indicated, then press B. A tone will sound if done correctly. * All Parts: D+R * All Tracks : U+R * Go-Karts : R * All Cars : U+L * Indy Cars: L * View Credits: U GT ADVANCE 2: RALLY RACING (gba) checked-no =>All Tuning Parts: Hold [L]+B and press U. =>Extra Modes/Cars: Hold [L]+B and press D. =>All Tracks: Hold [L]+B and press R. =>All Cars: Hold [L]+B and press L. GT 64 CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION (n64) checked-no =>Reverse Tracks: Beat the championship on easy mode to gain this. GUARDIAN LEGEND (nes) checked-no .-------------------+----------+-------------------+-------. |BcvH a8EH 7QRE Z2RF| Area |AE8s gBot 1f8R Kd2I| Area | |ARwF SARS bIEA AiMB| 1 |Nm9T 8ETe aR4! KoZI| 8 | |-------------------+----------+-------------------|-------| |flLQ AVgP 3J6N 5UvO| Area |073z !lN4 dLaZ g1qK| Area | |pNGL wADU xtEN 2hjJ| 3 |jfb0 Xpur Y5e7 bD?B| 9 | |-------------------+----------+-------------------+-------| |AyxW eeh? ANG8 eCGi| Area | |TGL| Secret Second Quest | |xMf? CgYA G4R! jm2e| 6-7 |Only Play Flying Sequences | '-------------------+----------+---------------------------' |VQuM uMDM PkSJ oouK| 100 chips |dD9r !!Lr 161o 4a7p| Later in the game |4cuK iUS3 D5gI 4yFG| 2 weapons |gS7o uG14 PLon wUGI| =>Open Seals: To open the seals at the end of the corridors, first shoot the door, then touch the block walls around it, wait 30 seconds, enter the door of the Lanter (little, blue-faced guy) five times, shoot the word CORRIDOR, use your chips here and waste all your weapons, go in and out 5 times, select "No Use" for weapons and press A, step on the door, hold B for 10 seconds, and now pass through the corridor. =>Sound Test: At the end of the game, hold A+B and press START. =>Sound Test 2: On the title screen, hold A+B and press RESET. You can also hold A+B while turning the system on. =>View All Text: After the first flight level and when you enter the first labyrinth room, hold SELECT and press B to see the introduction text, and keep pressing B to go through all of the game's text. GUERRILLA WAR (nes) checked-no =>Stage/Difficulty Select: Select a 1 or 2 player game, then hold A or B and press START to begin a game. =>Better Stage Select: Hold down A+B when you turn on your NES. Keep them down while you press STARTx2, and you will be given a list of stages 1-9. =>Continue: Either choose Continue on the Continue/Start screen after the game ends, or hold A+B as soon as the GAME OVER message displays. * During a two player game, you can press A B B A to continue if you run out of lives. * Or, in a two player game, when one player dies, he may not reappear on screen. In this case, hold A+B for a few moments to jump back into the fray without using a continue! =>Options Screen: On the 1 or 2 player screen, press SELECT+START+B simultaneously. When the Options screen appears, use U and D to select options, A to change, and START to begin the game. GUM SHOE (nes) checked-no =>Continue: On the Game Over screen, repeatedly press the fire button. GUN NAC (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select+Invincibility: Enter the Config. Sys screen. In the Gun-Nac Control Room, set Sound Test to 5, then highlight Area. Use L and R to select any stage, then press START. GUN SMOKE (nes) checked-no =>Power-Up: On the title screen, press Ax4, SELECTx4, Rx2, START to begin with 300 Machine Gun shots and unlimited normal shots. GYRUSS (nes) checked-no =>30 Ships: As soon as the title screen appears, press A B R L R L D D U U, press START, choose A or B, and press START again. =>Bonus: In the Chance stages, shoot the same number of ships as the number of the level you are in to receive 30000 bonus points. |========== Chapter H ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. HACKER 2 (nes) checked-no =>Arrange the 4 pieces of security code to form an important American date. HAGANE (snes) checked-no =>Unlimited Continues: Enter the configuration screen, then go to the Music option and play 9, 8, 7, 6. Play the game and when you die you will notice that you have infinite continues. HARVEST MOON (snes) checked-part =>Dog Tricks: Take your dog to someone else's house and leave it there. Until you return for it, it will stay there. * Also, try dropping your dog on top of a chicken, and it will vanish. Exit and reenter the room to make it reappear. This seems to make the chicken's happiness level decrease. ->Free Wristwatch: Buy a Super Log House before the end of the first summer to receive this dandy gift. ->Extra Livestock Dealer: Place a cow and a chicken in the livestock shipping area, tell the dealer that you want to sell 1 cow and 1 chicken, then return to the ranch... to find a dealer that buys one of the animals and a "phantom" dealer that just stands there and does nothing. ->Chicken Note: Feed the chicken hay each day and it will lay eggs; miss a day and you won't get eggs for 3 days. ->Restore Health: Hop in the springs in the mountain several times to regain energy. Just hop in, out, in, out until you are refreshed. ->Phantom Chicken: With the Super Sickle, stand next to a sleeping chicken and press A. You will appear to be holding something invisible. Toss it and go to bed... with a chicken on your head. When you awake, you will fail to see the invisible chicken in the booth, but you can still feed it to produce eggs. ->Beanstalk: Sell your cow for a magic bean, and throw it off a mountain peak in the spring. Return the next day to climb the beanstalk... and tell the truth. ->Special Items: * Hurricane Egg: Win at the Egg Festival and choose the egg, which prevents hurricanes. You can always get the power apple during the second year. * Super Axe: In year 2, climb the mountains and toss the axe in a pond on the west of the first level. Claim it isn't yours. * Super Hammer: Let the carpenter borrow the hammer. * Super Plow: Feed and talk to the elf that appears in front of your house. * Super Sickle: When you hear complaints of noise, search the ranch for a fallen tree. Enter it and tell the elf that the sickle works well. ->Power Apples: Lots of 'em. * Talk to the guy next to the pond and fish until you catch something. Toss your catch back into the pond for a power apple. * Smash the chicken statue with the hammer. * Nab a full moon flower on Autumn 12th and toss it into the Harvest Festival Pot. * If you sell a chicken, you might get a power apple. * After the winter earthquake, a pathway in the mountains will be cleared. Explore, smash a stump and hope into the hole. * Plow the fields to find 2 apples. * Chop the stumps. * Buy a snow flower seed at the flower festival and plant it during the winter on the summit. * Win at the egg festival to nab either an apple or the hurricane egg. HARVEST MOON (gb) checked-no =>Choose Your Crops: If your name begins with a lowercase letter, you will be able to plant only peanuts or broccoli in the fall and winter. * If your name begins with a capital letter, you can plant eggplants and carrots during the fall and winter. * If your name begins with a symbol instead of a letter, you can plant anything during the fall and winter. =>Super Start: Play as a girl using a name that begins with the heart symbol, and you will start off with grass, potato, and turnips seeds and the watering can. =>Cash: The nightstand in the house holds $1000. You can also grab two mushrooms from the caves and toss them into the shipping box every day, for an extra $200 a day. =>Unlimited Eggs: If you have an egg in the coop next to the shipping box, water it. It will transform into a fence-like object. This can be picked up repeatedly and tossed into the shipping box... giving you an unlimited egg supply. * Do NOT use this trick while your house is being remodeled, or the house will never be completed! =>Time: Time does not pass when you are in the caves or inside buildings. When outside, 15 seconds of real time equals 1 hour of game time. =>Special Animals: The Golden Chicken lays golden eggs. However, it will only appear if you use the Game Link cable to trade chickens with another player, and only once out of every 64 times you do. * Blessed Cow: Go to church every day and pray about 10 times. If you do this long enough, the harvest goddess will bless one of your cows. =>Events: You will find the horse on the 10th of Spring. * Spring Picnic: 27th of Spring * Typhoon: during the Summer * Summer Picnic: around the 20th of Summer. Stay up late to go. * Harvest Festival: 10th of Fall.. stay up late to go. * Ellen's Missing Bird: 20th of Winter. * Christmas Part: 25th of Winter. Stay up during the day and night to get invited. * Ending: 30th of Winter... grandpa's ghost evaluates you. =>Secret Tools: To get the pickaxe and the magic umbrella, you need to have at least four out of the five following conditions met by the end of the first year: four cows, four chickens, 1600 hoed land squares, 4500 food items shipped, and the ultra deluxe house. * The fishing rod is yours at the end of the second year. =>Golden Tools: To get the Golden Axe, wait until the summer earthquake, then go to the spring and toss the axe in. When the goddess asks if you lost the golden axe, say "No" and you'll get it. * Golden Hoe/Sickle: Talk to the sprites often and give them mushrooms. If they ask if your hoe and sickle are working well, say "Yes" and they'll upgrade them for you. * Golden Hammer: Have your house remodeled and the carpenter gives you it. =>Fence: Gather wood, then go to the wood crate and press A to get fencing. =>Power Berries: There are 10 berries... here's how to find them. * Give a harvest sprite 3 mushrooms, then talk to him the next day. * Plow the northeast corner of the ranch. * Plow the southwest corner of the ranch. * Plow the land behind your house. * Plow the southeast corner of the ranch. * In the caves, use the pickaxe in the western rooms. * In the caves, find a section of the cave wall between two torches. Stand still and use the pickaxe six times to find a power berry. Use the pick- axe on the back wall here to find another berry. Look under the rocks. * Two berries are found in the new land your get in the second year. =>Ranch Master: To become a Ranch Master, you need to have four cows, four chickens, 1600 squares of hoed land, 4500 pieces of food shipped, the ultra deluxe house, more than 6 power berries, more than $65536, and a happiness rating of at least 251. * If Winter 30th comes and your Grandfather's ghost makes you a Ranch Master, you will get two gifts. Keep on playing for more options... but no other ending. =>Water Shroom: Refill the watering can using the northern mushroom in the caves. =>Energy Trick: If you work with your hands, and not with tools, you won't get tired. You will do a lot less, though. HARVEST MOON 64 (n64) checked-no =>Medal Trick: Save the game on the day before the horse race, bet all your cash on a horse, find out who wins, the reload your saved game and bet all your cash on the winning horse. Getting medals is easy now. * Free Betting Medals: Talk to the mayor's wife and place your bets, but don't choose OK. When the horse names are highlighted, press B to exit the selection screen. You get your cash back, but your medals remain placed on the horses. Don't talk to the wife until after the races. If your bet wins, you get the medals, even though you didn't pay. =>Elli's Grandmother: To keep Elli's grandmother from dying, be very careful on the festival day when everyone else is at the town square, but grandma in still in her normal place. Don't talk to her, or she will die. * If you marry Elli, grandma won't die. =>Walk the Dog: Do you want to exercise your dog easily? If you call your dog while a fence or crops separates you from him, he will keep running along the fence, trying to reach you. Keep working while you runs endlessly along the fence. =>Moon Mountain Trick: Climb the tree behind the carpenter's house using A, and hop off onto the mountain. To return, stand in that location and press A to hop back into the tree. This lets you get to the mountain without the bridge. =>No More Dog: To get rid of your dog, in a sense, bring it to the bathroom and drop it on the ground. Eventually it will walk into the dark area that you can't walk in... and fall into a hole. Even if you call it, it won't return. =>Special Items: There are lots of these... * Blue Power Nut: Toss a small fish into the pond near the fisherman's tent. A water imp will appear and give you the nut, which keeps you from getting sick in the rain. * Music Box: In the summer, walk over to the dog house. Stand between the crop crate and the dog house, facing the field. Walk towards the end of the field (go around the crate first) until the tree the map was in is to your left. Dig in the spot where the house and the tree line up until you find the rusty box. Rick at the tool shop can fix it for you. Give it to a girl. * Bottle: Buy a bottle from Rick at one of the festivals. Keep medicine and other liquids in it. * Marble: Plant a moon drop flower and a pink cat flower. A boy named Stu will come by; plant four more of each of the two flowers. Stu will then trade you a marble for the flowers. Oh, Pink Cat seeds are available at the Flower Festival. =>Girl Tips: First, the birthdays are as follows... Ann's is Summer 14, Popuri's is Spring 15, and Karen's is on Winter 29. * To see how a girl feels about you, look at the hearts at the bottom of the text box. White is indifferent, blue is friendly, green is flirtatious, yellow is deeply affectionate, and pink is true love. Aww. * Ann likes talking, pink catmint flowers, wool, and seeing your animals. * Elli likes fish, eggs, and milk. Give her some every day. * Karen doesn't like being pestered by small talk, so don't bug her too much. Instead, talk to her dad and the guy wearing the purple bandana. Give wild grapes to Karen and her dad, and visit her in the bar. =>Invisibaby: When your kid is crawling, pick him up and drop him in front of the bathroom door. Move forward and pick up the baby; the door will open, you will hop in the bath, and when you get out the baby will be invisible. To make the baby visible again, press START and then B. =>Easy Chickens: Climb the staircase and leave your chickens on the roof. They will still lay eggs, but you won't have to feed them anymore. HEAVY BARREL (nes) checked-no =>Extra Continues: This is more of a unique tip than a trick, but... start a two player game and let player two die. When player two's Continue option appears, ignore it. Play until player one is out of continues, then simply take CNTRL II and keep on playing with player 2's remaining continues. =>Stage Select/Unlim. Men: On the title screen, hold the appropriate button combination down on CNTRL II and press CNTRL I: START. Level 2 - U+R+A Level 4 - D+R+A Level 6 - D+L+A Level 3 - R+A Level 5 - D+A Level 7 - L+A HEAVY SHREDDIN' (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select & 99 Lives: On the title screen, hold L+A+B and press START. Keep holding L+A+B, and when the mountain map appears, press R+A to choose your course, the press START to begin. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (gb) checked-no =>Super Punch: Fight your opponent until his energy is so low that he will fall to the mat at any moment, then begin hitting him with a left hook. Continue to hit with the left hook as he begins to fall, and he will float off the screen and reappear at the bottom. Continue this until you KO. HEIANKYO ALIEN (gb) checked-no =>Dance Mode: Start a two-player game in the Old Mode and have the Kebiishis face one another. If you move them together, they will begin dancing. HERCULES (gb) checked-no |Stage 2|B7FG4| |Stage 5|FX6NL| |Stage 8|FTXCG| |Stage 3|XTV5P| |Stage 6|HGRSV| |Stage 9|GSJ4H| |Stage 4|TV5DP| |Stage 7|K7DGR| |Credits|CRDTS| HEXEN (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Start any game, pause and press cU cD cL cR. CHEAT should appear at the bottom of the menu. Enter the Cheat menu, then quickly enter a cheat code. |God Mode | cL cR cD | Invincibility |Visit | cL cL cRx2 cD cU | Stage Select |Butcher | cD cU cL cL | Kill all on-screen enemies |Health | cL cU cD cD | Refill all health |No-Clipping| cUx20 cD | Walk through walls =>More Cheats: Activate these cheats anywhere, but you must access the "Collect" sub-menu to use them. Correct codes yield a swooshing noise; bad codes answer with "Hmmm..." |All Keys | cD cU cL cR | |All Artifacts | cU cR cD cU | |All Weapons | cR cU cDx2 | |All Puzzle Items | cU cLx3 cR cDx2 | (automatically used) =>Jump Bug: If you save the game before a jump, then reload, you will often find yourself in the middle of the jump.. falling to your death. The only way to save yourself it to pull back on the joystick while loading the game, which might help. If not, you're stuck. =>Hub Skip Bug: In the center of the hub there are three stairs that you need to raise to progress. Once you raise the first set of stairs, walk up them halfway and you will be able to see the platforms the other stairs lead to. It is possible to leap from here to the lower ledge, thus skipping a portion of the hub. HIGH HEAT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2002 (gba) checked-no =>Extra Pitches: When selecting a pitch, hold L, then rotate the PAD clockwise and press B to enable more pitches. HOLE IN ONE GOLF (snes) checked-no =>Super Clubs: Use |METAL PLAY| or |METAL*PLAY| as your name for Metal Clubs. =>19th Hole: In the Practice Mode, get to the end of the fairway, then hit the ball off-screen in the direction that the game automatically aims it. If you get the right distance, the 19th shot is made. =>Ball Drop: Hold D while the ball is in the air to stop it earlier. =>Sound Test: Enter |Bgm| at the memory shot password screen. =>Hole In One: To watch a hole in one, enter one of these codes: |CQJB83CFDFJ#H?LBBT7BJCF| or |B!5B9GB5SFGB3J5BB?GBMYQ| HOME ALONE (gb) checked-no =>All Items: On the title screen, press U D R L SELECT. Start a game and you won't have to gather any of the equipment; just make your way to the end and beat the bad guys. =>Secret Room: Near the end of the third level of the attic, jump through the wall rather than dropping down at the end as normal. You will find a secret room with supplies. HONG KONG (gb) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the second screen, press B+START. =>Test Mode: On the second screen, press A+B+START. =>Ending: On the second screen, press A+START. HOOK (snes) checked-no =>Extra Lives: At the beginning of level 5 (the caves), fall down into the first chasm on the right. You will see Tinkerbell on the bottom; walk or fly to her and a leaf will appear with a 3-Up. Kill yourself and repeat until you have 99 lives. HOOPS (nes) checked-no |PPCQXCRCY| 2 games from winning series |MYNSTAUMV| last game HONG KONG (gb) checked-no =>Test Mode: Press A+B+START on the second screen. =>Sound Test: Press B+START on the second screen. =>End Screen: Press A+START on the second screen. HOT WHEELS TURBO RACING (n64) checked-no |_WYVW2LVDW VTXWWVWWWF| or |_WYVVZCVDV VTXVVVVVVN| All cars/tracks =>Cheat Codes: Highlight Options on the main menu and enter a code... * Toe Jam Car : cU cD Z [R] cL cR cU cD * Mirror Mode : Z [R] Zx2 [R] Zx3 * Night Race : cUx2 cDx2 cL cR cL cR * Stealth Mode: cL Z Z cU cL [R] cD cU * Unlim. Turbo: cR Z cU cD [R] cL Z cR * Wire Frame : cU Z cD cL cU Z cD cL HUDSON HAWK (gb) checked-no =>Infinite Lives: Enter the name |Moonlightning| in the high score table to play with infinite lives. =>Level Skip: Press SELECT+A+B to skip a level -- you may need to use the infinite lives code to get this to work. THE HUMANS (gb) checked-no |01|XXXX| |05|MNBV| |09|PYST| |13|SWQR| |17|JHYT| |21|SSXC| |25|TVYP| |02|CVBM| |06|VBCD| |10|LKLQ| |14|TYTL| |18|MJHN| |22|KLLY| |26|LKMV| |03|QWSD| |07|ZXVZ| |11|HDZW| |15|XRTD| |19|TRWM| |23|QRWS| |27|QVCX| |04|PLKP| |08|KJHR| |12|NBGF| |16|CDSR| |20|PLMN| |24|VBSR| |28|PMHR| THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: TOPSY TURVY GAMES (gb) checked-no =>Easy Strikes: In Dhali Bowling, line your goat up just a bit off center of the central arrow on the lane. Use the middle spin option (the straight roll) and throw with a full power meter. Strikes, nearly every time. HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (nes) checked-no =>Stage Skip/Extra Lives: Pause and press START A B SELECT R L L R SELECT B A B B A START. This enables the stage skip; however, if you use it when you have 0 lives, you will be given infinite lives. =>Double Point Values: Pause and press START A B B A R D U L L START. =>Slow Auto-Scroll: Pause and press U D L R U D L R U D L R A B B A. =>No Auto-Scroll: Pause and press U U D D L L R R. =>No Sliding Stops: Pause and press U D L R SELECT. =>Full weapons: During the game, press START (A B SELECT)x5 START. HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press B SELECT L R START =>25 Subs: When the sub path is being laid out, hold A+B, press SELECT U D. =>25 Missiles: While the route is being shown, hold A+B and press U D. =>25 Units of Fuel: While the route is being shown, hold A+B and press SELECT L R. =>25 Silent Run: While the route is displayed, hold A+B and press L R. HYBRID HEAVEN (n64) checked-no =>Special Characters: Once you beat the game on the Ultimate setting, you can play the game using special characters using these codes. * Alien Mode: On the title screen, press [L] [R] [L] [R] Z. * President Weller Mode: On the title screen, press [L] [R] [L] [R] START. =>Battle Tip: If you enter a room with a bad guy, try to run behind the enemy and enter the battle facing its back. The screen will say Advantage and you will begin the battle fully charged and able to kick it in the back. HYDLIDE (nes) checked-no |RMQMLJVKV3W2PNG5| fight Varalys |XBNMXMPNWQMNQHB7| 90% life, 100% strength, 90% magic and direct access to Boralis's chamber |798BLNR7L7BDHN75| Stage 1 |H48P7BKQGRWPKN00| Stage 11 |K2GN9PDH08MPQ580| Stage 2 |XHPBJBPPB1K5KJM4| Stage 12 |BH3H6PDB79PN8HM3| Stage 3 |ZBKKJKTLD9BBKLR7L| Stage 13a |56BM5H8HM5BDHK11| Stage 4 |N49P89JNH2HD7M11| Stage 13b |KGTLMP8DDB0KQLL6| Stage 5 |V5YMN8VJJBH52BN7| Stage 14 |DDXGLKXHQ869RTG6| Stage 6 |9BLGBPRKB9NPDR31| Stage 15 |8DKKDHQ5H935R4D0| Stage 7 |PBPKKJKM68RD6VG2| Stage 16 |RDVMMGV6Q7WHWDM6| Stage 8 |Y9VNHNLHH9XXD8RL6| Stage 17 |JGPMHNX8L9YGP6B5| Stage 9 |T9V8GBVQ83X9JBN5| Stage 18 |BGJM3VRQ88RGGL50| Stage 10 |H4QMLBQNH7B6BN73| Stage 19 =>Magic Bug: In the desert area, kill three worms in the sand with one wave of magic and a set of footprints will appear. For a short time after the prints appear, you will have an unlimited supply of magic power. =>Game Save: The SAVE option lets you 'save' a spot in the game, then 'load' it later on during that game session. When you turn the NES off, these are lost - so use your passwords. HYDRO THUNDER (n64) checked-no =>Turbo Start: Hold A right after the announcer says "One." =>Shortcuts: In Far East, look for the blue booster in the air. After it will be several small waterfalls, followed by a tunnel. Jump on top of the tunnel to shave off about half of the time it takes to travel that section. * On the Lost Island, look for a waterfall near the start. Enter it to save a decent amount of time. * There is one more waterfall on Lost Island, which you can fly up. At the end of the waterfall is a red booster. This is only a shortcut if you boost your way to the top of the waterfall, refill with the red, and then continue to boost your way through the rest of the race (nabbing all the other boosters along the way). HYPER LODE RUNNER (gb) checked-yes =>Stage Select: Begin the game, press SELECT, use A or B to choose the level you wish to warp to, press START, and enter the password |QM-0388|. If you need them, the codes for each individual level are as follows. |17|MG-6462| |24|DT-6897| |31|VG-7352| |38|MT-7807| |45|BT-0005| |18|OT-6507| |25|GG-6962| |32|XT-7417| |39|PG-7872| |46|EG-0070| |19|RG-6572| |26|IT-7027| |33|AG-7482| |40|-------| |47|GT-0200| |20|TT-6637| |27|LG-7092| |34|CT-7547| |41|RT-7937| |48|JG-0200| |21|WG-6702| |28|NT-7157| |35|FG-7612| |42|UG-8002| |49|LT-0265| |22|YT-6767| |29|QG-7222| |36|HT-7677| |43|WT-8067| |50|OG-0330| |23|BG-6832| |30|ST-7287| |37|KG-7742| |44|ZG-8132| HYPERZONE (snes) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R] and then press START. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press B B [L] [R] L L SELECT U. |========== Chapter I ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. ICE HOCKEY (nes) checked-no =>No Goalies in One Player Game: On the title screen, hold CNTRL I: A+B + CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START. =>Fast Puck: Select your teams but don't press START. Hold CNTRL I: A+B + CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL II: START. IGGY'S RECKIN' BALLS (n64) checked-no To reach the password entry screen, press [R]+Z on the main menu. |THEUNIVERSE| All tracks |SWOPSHOP | Customize character |OHMY | Particle Effects |TOOMUCHFUN | Bouncy balls |PENCIL | Pencil sketch mode |2TIMES | double rollerball time |ICEPRINCESS| Ice platforms |GOOEYGOOGOO| Gooey platforms |GOOEYICEPRINCESS| Ice & Goo |GOBABY | Full turbos |TOOMUCHPIE | Fat balls |NONSTOP | Non-stop roller ball |2ROKTOO | Turok 2 Effects |ROLFHARRIS | Pen & Ink Mode |MICROBALLS | Tiny players |JUMPAROUND | Pause for Stage Select |ENTAROADUN | Iggy's girlfriend |HAPPYHEADS | All secret characters except for Iggy's girlfriend =>Voices: On the character select screen, highlight a character, press L or R and wait a bit for the character to say something. =>Boost: Jump on a boost platform to refill the boost meter. =>Lizzie: To enable Lizzie, Iggy's girl, beat all challengers in Iggy's Challenge, The Tiki Woods, on Hard mode. THE IGNITION FACTOR (snes) checked-no |2|XSKJ 4OO4 4ROD DOL2| |3|XS1N 8O5O K34D D213| |Bonus| 8S1D DO74 SB4G DO63| =>Bonus Mission: Score 4500+ points in Missions 1-8 and you will advance to the special bonus mission. =>Warp Codes: Enter these codes on the title screen. * Stage 2: Hold CNTRL II: [R] and press CNTRL I: START. * Stage 3: Hold CNTRL II: [L] and press CNTRL I: START. * Bonus : Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] and press CNTRL I: START. IKARI WARRIORS (nes) checked-no =>Continue: After being defeated, and before the GAME OVER message appears, press A B B A. This only works in the first three levels. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, as soon as the characters stop shooting, press U D A A B L R A B U A D R R L B U L A R B L R A L U A D A R L A START before the demo appears. If you do it correctly and quickly, STAGE 1 will appear next to the airplane screen. Press A or B to select the level you want. You'll have to be VERY FAST to have this code work. =>Double Tank: Place both characters on the tank and have each press A at the same time - both will receive a tank. To do the same thing with helicopters, have both players press A+B when on the helicopter. =>Invisible: In a 2 player game, have the red guy grab the SS power and start running. The blue guy will fall behind and turn invisible. IKARI WARRIORS II: VICTORY ROAD (nes) checked-no =>Continue: Press A B B A before Game Over appears on the screen. IKARI WARRIORS III: THE RESCUE (nes) checked-no =>2 Player Continue: If you are playing a 2 player game and one player loses all his lives, he can continue instantly by holding U+R and pressing A. =>Continue: Press A B B A before Game Over appears on the screen. ILLUSION OF GAIA (snes) checked-no =>Win Russian Glass Game: Always drink from the glass on the left. IMAGE FIGHT (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Hold A+B on both controllers, then press CNTRL I: START. "Start Stage 1" will appear. Use SELECT to choose the stage and press START to begin. THE IMMORTAL (nes) checked-no |x310y10006y90| stage 2 |777x843000t60| stage 5 Note: When fighting the |tt5xx21000x10| stage 3 |5ss0v67000ry0| stage 6 dragon, use BLINK six |9t3yx31001x60| stage 4 |v131y770038y0| stage 7 times to win. =>Coffee Pot: In level four, fly through the first room, open the door and get on the carpet. Fly down the horizontal corridor and keep close to the low wall to avoid the traps. The wall will hide your player from you, but eventually you will nab a coffee pot. In level five, use a shrink potion to enter the tiny door, then kill the two trolls to grab a bottle and sensor. Quaff the bottle, kill the bats in the next room, and wind up in the room of the Red Worm; do NOT use the sensor in this room, but try to get to the hole in the center. Climb down the ladder, walk through the hallway, and you will meet the programmers. Give 'em the coffee to get a special spell that will automatically slay the two trolls in level 6 and make your life a lot easier. IN YOUR FACE (gb) checked-no =>Win Coin Toss: Press START while the coin is being flipped. IN-FISHERMAN BASS HUNTER 64 (n64) checked-no =>Enter these codes in the cheat code screen, inside Options |HAPPYFISH | Active fish |ALLDLAKES | All lakes |HEADADBIGA| Big heads |SUPERLURE | Easier catches |ALLDCASH | Lots of money |HYPERBOAT | Fast boat |WHEREDFISH| Display # of fish near boat |MONDOFISH | Big Fish |GIMMEDFISH| Fill livewell w/ large fish |FISHMAN | Better Fish Finder |IWINIWIN | Automatically win tourn. |BAGDSNAGS | No line snags |NOPENALTY | No penalties |WHATADRAG | Slow boat |RUBADUBDUB| Bathtub boat |SUPERSTRING| Unbreakable line |GIMMEDVIEW| Better view |NOCOMP | No Competitors |SILLYSOUND| Silly sound mode |ALLDLURES | All lures |SILLYSOUNDS| Silly sound mode |ALLDFISH | Extra fish in well THE INCREDIBLE HULK (snes) checked-no =>Secret Power Moves: * Flying Shoulder Slam- hold [L] or [R] and then press L or R * Pile Driver - grab an enemy then press Y+B. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (gb) checked-yes |02|B012031148| Escape from Train | |03|5513D41260| Entering Catacombs | |04|5614B51289| Castle Brunswald | |05|20153612JF| Escape from Airship| INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (nes) checked-no =>Alternate Ending: Once you beat Mola Ram in Level 12, you will find Short Round and Willie. Instead of just walking up to them, which would end the game normally, whip Willie to get 10,000 points and change the final message from "You win" to "You Win, Big Man." INDIANA JONES' GREATEST ADVENTURES (snes) checked-no Easy Codes |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| | 3 |PEYO| | 5 |ODEP| | 11|YEEP| | 13|DPDO| | 15|DPOE| | 17|PDPY| | 21|POYO| | 22|DYPO| | 24|EODE| | 26|PYDP| Hard Codes |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| |Lvl|Code| | 3 |POOE| | 5 |PPOY| | 11|ODOY| | 13|ODPY| | 15|EPOE| | 17|OYYO| | 21|OODP| | 22|YDEE| | 24|YODE| | 26|YYPO| INDY RACING LEAGUE 2000 (n64) checked-no |YOU_DA_MAN| Golden Cars |WOODY_COOKIES| Gallery Mode => Enter codes as your file name in the Gold Cup mode. INFILTRATOR (nes) checked-yes |BOMB| stage select INSPECTOR GADGET (snes) checked-no =>Debug Mode: When the title screen first appears, hold [L]+[R]+B and press D D U L R D R L. The screen will turn pink. Release buttons and press START. INSPECTOR GADGET (gbc) checked-no |02|FH2KBH| |03|FM!PQM| |04|FRVTLR| |05|FWQZ!?| INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER (snes) checked-no =>Happy Players: On the title screen, press Ux2 Dx2 L R L R B A START. This only works in an open game, though. =>Superstar Team: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: Bx2 Xx2 A Y A Y R L X. INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER DELUXE (snes) checked-no =>All-Star Code: Press CNTRL II: [R] U D [L] X B L R B A on the title screen. =>Canine Code: Press CNTRL II: U U D D L R L R B A on the title screen. A cute little dog will now run around the field and hold the penalty cards up. =>Extra Skill: Use the Edit Players mode to use up all of your skill points, then place the cursor on CANCEL and press Y to receive 200 more points. Try this once before each soccer match. INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER 64 (n64) checked-no =>Change Scores: Start a league, play a game, and save the league. On the score rankings screen, make a note of the listed players, then press RESET. Enter the Option Mode trade screen, trade the noted players for anybody else, but choose reset to cancel the trade. Return to the saved league and the score rankings should have changed. =>Hidden Teams: Either play and beat the League Mode, or go to the title screen and press PAD: U [L] U [L] D [L] D [L] L [R] R [R] L [R] R [R] B A, hold Z and press START. Some say that this code prevents you from saving your game. =>Bonus Teams: On the title screen, press PAD: U cU U cU D cD D cD L cL R cR L cL R cR B A, hold Z and press START. =>Large Heads: On the title screen, press cU cU cD cD cL cR cL cR B A, hold Z and press START. =>Head Spin: On any menu with a player's picture, hold cU and press Z, [L], or [R] to spin the head. =>World Stars Team: On the title screen, press PAD: L cL R cR L cL R cR D cD D cD U cU U cU B A, hold Z and press START. =>Mardona Spin Move: This is a special spinning move that allows you to quickly switch the direction of the ball. During a dash, spin the STICK in a circle and your character should spin. This may be difficult. =>Special Tricks: Hold cL and your player should start doing some cute tricks with the ball. The tricks vary with the players. =>Extra Faces: Beat the International Cup at level 4 or above to get special cartoon-like faces available in the create-a-player mode... just press [L] on the face selection to reach them. =>Extra Options: When creating a player, press cU to view more abilities for point distribution. =>Extra Time: In Scenario mode, when you get a corner, free, or penalty kick, or if your goalie has the ball, do nothing for a bit and you will get lots of "stoppage" time - but you should only do this after your ordinary time has run out. INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER '98 (n64) checked-no =>Big Head Mode: When Press Start flashes on the title screen, press cUx2 cDx2 cL cR cL cR B A, hold Z and press START. You will hear a shout. =>Extra Faces: Complete the International Cup at level 4 or greater; after you watch the ending movie, enter Create Player. Choose Head Select and press [L] to find the extra heads. =>Extra Teams: On the title screen, press (U cU)x2 (D cD)x2 (L cL R cR)x2 B A, hold Z and press START. * For the World Stars team, press PAD: (L cL R cR)x2 (D cD)x2 (U cU)x2 B A, hold Z and press START. =>Fouls: If a player is tackled but doesn't fall, you can pretend to be fouled by pressing cU+cD+cL+cR or by holding PAD in any direction and pressing A+B+[L]+[R]. Sometimes the referee will penalize you for this. =>Tricks: Hold cL to have your player perform tricks with the ball. =>Maradona Spin: As the offense, use dash, and during the dash spin the STICK in a circle. =>Overhead Pass: Dash run, release both buttons and press cL. =>Rotate Heads: At any menu with a picture of a player, hold cU and use Z, [L] and [R] to spin the head. INTERNATIONAL TRACK & FIELD 2000 (n64) checked-yes =>Silver Player: Enter your name as |Athens| to play as the metallic demo figure in any of the Trial events. This does not seem to work in the Championship mode. IRIDION 3D (gba) checked-no |02|N1PBBDG8V|QQPBBYGYV|Q8QBBYQ6V| |05|GNWCVBGMD|6PXCBCVBN| |03|XG#BVMVFW|GP4BVD6RW|439BBP6LW| |06|SP2CBBV8J|N93CVBG8J| |04|85DCVLQVC|4GKCVDLZC| |07|XVPDBP6FF| |*CR3D1TS*| View the Credits and Music |*G4LL3RY*| Gallery Mode |*1NV1S4BL3*| Infinite number of lives |*PNKRLZ*| Start with Level 3 Yellow Spark Laser =>Stage Select: Enter the password |*S3L3CT0N*| and choose OK. Return to the password screen and enter |*SH0WT1M3*| and choose OK. All the levels should be unlocked. The Options screen will also contain Sound Test and Boss Battle options. =>Skip To Boss: This seems to be a game option, but it's not obvious. On the options screen, there are options for selecting your starting level and to "Start At Boss". That lets you start at the boss of the level. =>Extra Lives Trick: Normally, you earn extra lives at 10,000, 20,000, and 40,000 points. However, it is possible to earn extra lives much more frequently. Instead of playing straight through the levels, quit the game after each level and enter your password to begin on the next stage. This means that your score will be reset to 0 when you begin the stage. If you can earn at least 10,000 points in a level, you will get an extra life for each level you play. IRON MAN/X-O MANOWAR IN HEAVY METAL (gb) checked-no |01|TYCKPQ| |05|MHGQZS| |09|DPWMQZ| |13|JKRTSC| |17|VNTMZS| |02|TJYPDF| |06|SPLHRJ| |10|LKLPDX| |14|DXCMGH| |18|SXZPLK| |03|ZXCVBM| |07|YPMBCL| |11|XCSQSS| |15|LPJKHX| |19|MPKHKG| |04|KDZCPL| |08|SDWZCM| |12|MPQPRY| |16|XCSMMN| |20|BMQZHL| IRON TANK (nes) checked-no |02|3446390| |03|2433455| |04|1415434| |05|0407657| |End|0077405| |6276064| |2110944| Outside enemy Headquarters |3234773| Gorge |4953481| Power station |6601194| Near prison camp |3443771| Tank bridge |2327660| Later in game |1428297| In the city IRONSWORD: WIZARDS & WARRIORS II (nes) checked-no |DDBMNWMBZZDJ| Air level, cloud area |NRTRZBDTRQDL| Fire level |JJTRJZRZQMWN| Water level |KJTNJWQXRLTP| Fire, Fleetfoot spell |XXTRTDGXRPMH| Water level (in water) |PLTRMBRLNBDR| Icefire Mt. |JBTRHMWQRRWW| Water&blightwater spell |WLTRMBRLNBKR| Icefire, 7-league boots |RGJRNGMMNMQR| Earth stage |BDTRBTTNNGNT| Final level |TXXMNZGRRBKW| 4 elementals |RLTRLZPBMMZK| Start with axe & helmet |NTTMNWLPPDBZ| Begin with equipment |WBTRLZPBDPZW| Start with shield |MQTRLZPBRDZZ| Start with Ironsword |PJTRTGHTGLNM| Start with all armor =>Extra Lives: If you have only 1 life left when saving your game, change the fifth character in your password to a J for 2 lives or to N for 3 lives. =>Continue: Press A or B within 10 seconds of losing all of your Life Force. =>Magic Grab: When you enter a room with a piece of the Ironsword and a door after defeating an elemental, stand next to the door and shoot the Ironsword with your magic. The magic will pick up the piece and you exit the room (as long as you were touching the door); and you'll start the next level with magic and the ability to use it to grab items you can see but not reach. IZZY'S QUEST FOR THE OLYMPIC RINGS (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Pause your game. Now, press L D D L R D. Reset the game, go to the options screen, and you will find a Stage Select option. |========== Chapter J ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. J-LEAGUE PERFECT STRIKER {*} please see INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER 64 JACK BROS. (vb) checked-no Jack in level 2 3 4 5 6 O'Lantern |4965|5923|0919|2827|6313| Skelton |0248|2745|9537|3598|0531| Frost |3267|8453|1309|7285| JACKAL (nes) checked-no =>Extra Lives: Play a 2-player game, and just as the other player is killed for the last time, press A+B. If done correctly, you will get many lives. JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES (gba) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the "Press Start" screen, hold [R] and press B A L D U R. You will now be able to choose your stage and scrolls. JACKIE CHAN'S ACTION KUNG FU (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press RESETx3 during the title screen, then press CNTRL II: U U D D U D B A. =>Stage Select & 99 Continues: Begin a game and lose all your lives. The title screen should reappear with five continues. On this screen, press CNTRL I: U U D D U D B A START CNTRL II: B. The current stage number will appear next to the word "Start" - choose your level by moving up or down and then press B to begin with 99 continues. JAMES BOND 007 (gb) checked-part =>Card Games: Enter your name as |BJACK| to play blackjack, |BACCR| for baccarat, or |REDOG| for Red Dog. ->Presidential Key: In Maccarech, win $17,000 in the casino and you will be given a key that lets you open up the locked room on the 1st floor. =>Second Ending: When you first speak with Q in the London Headquarters, you should see a man sitting in a chair. Walk up to the chair and press A or B to send the man flying through the wall. Enter the hole in the wall to find the M.A.R.B.L.E., which gives you the better ending when you beat the game. ->Easy Search: Use A or B for BLOCK and hold the button; this way you can move around while searching. ->Sahara Path: Go north, get the canteen, go south and fill it, go south three screens, move east four screens. ->Unlimited Medical Kits: Begin a game and enter the house, where you will find a Med Kit in the bed. Save, quit, reload and nab it again. Repeat. JAMES BOND 007: AGENT UNDER FIRE (gc) checked-no =>Rewards: Earn the points specified to get a special reward for the stage listed. Earn the required score and grab all the 007 icons to earn the Platinum award as well, thus earning the Multiplayer reward. | | Score | Gold Reward | Platinum Reward | |01| 50,000|Golden Gun |MP Map, Rocket Manor | |02| 50,000|Golden CH-6 |MP Mode, Golden Gun | |03| 70,000|Unlim. Missiles|MP Model, Stealth Bond | |04| 70,000|Golden Accuracy|MP Power, Gravity Boots | |05| 90,000|Golden Clip |MP Model, Guard | |06| 90,000|Golden Grenades|MP Weapon, Viper | |07|100,000|Lotus Esprit |MP Model, Alpine Guard | |08|100,000|Rapid Fire |MP Weapon, Calypso | |09|110,000|Golden Armor |MP Modifier, Full Arsenal | |10|120,000|Golden Bullets |MP Model, Cyclops Oil Guard| |11|130,000|Regen. Armor |MP Model, Poseidon Guard | |12|130,000|Unlim. Ammo |MP Model, Carrier Guard | =>Bond Movies: To view a special Bond film, earn at least a Bronze medal in all the levels and complete level 12. JAMES BOND JR. (snes) checked-no |2|0007| |3|3675| |4|9025| |5|1813| |6|3353| |Credits|888888| |Sound Test|012345| JAMES BOND JR. (nes) checked-no |033481| Level 2 |320370| Level 4 |3353| Level 7 |258600| Level 3 |1813| Level 6 JELLY BOY (gb) checked-no |Ice |8Q92HF10YQKWJM| |Space |8S2B81G778FGDR| |Sky|8S2B8143KF37MT| |Aztec|8S19NP9VYGQXKT| |Desert|8Q9ZWW3ZK-33HT| |End|8S2B85BRD9J2LR| |CHVBDTH DFHLNMS| All locks open JEOPARDY (n64) checked-no =>More Money: After answering a question correctly, press [L] [R] [L]x3 cD cU or [L] [R] [L]x3 [R]x2 cD cU. =>Mutated Host: On the options screen, press [R]x2 [L] [R] and you will hear a buzzing noise. Start the game. JEREMY MCGRATH SUPERCROSS 2000 (n64) checked-no =>Tricks: Hold [R] and enter these directions to perform the tricks. * Nac Nac: Z * Side Prone: U Z * Can Can: A * No hands/feet: D Z * Recliner: D A * Cliffhanger: R L A * No hands: R L Z * Scorpion: U A * One foot can can: B * Surfer: D B * Surfer Mac: R L B * Rodeo: cD * Saran Wrap: D cD * Toe Clip: U cD * Fender Grab: cL * Backflip: U cL JEREMY MCGRATH SUPERCROSS 2000 (gbc) checked-no |SHJBBCGB| 250cc Class JEREMY MCGRATH'S SUPERCROSS WORLD (gc) checked-no =>Moon Gravity: On the main menu, press L R U D B B B. The lower left corner of the screen will flash if entered correctly. =>Unlimited Turbo: On the main menu, press D D D [L] [R] Z. The lower left corner of the screen will flash if entered correctly. =>Extra Bikes: Complete Hardcore Career Mode to earn the extra bikes. JET FORCE GEMINI (n64) checked-part =>Jet Packs: When you beat Mizar the first time, King Jeff will upgrade all of the team's armor and give them jet packs. When flying, use cD to hover in place. =>Cheats: Collect enough ant heads to get these cheats on the Options menu. * Rainbow Blood - 100 heads * Kid Mode - 200 heads * Ants into Pants - 300 heads (blue ants become Mr. Pants!) ** Oh, look for a Mr. Pants wall design near the end of Tawfret Castle. It doesn't do anything for you, but it's interesting. ->Cheat Mode: On the character select screen, press Rx3 and then use L to highlight and start the game with Lupus. When the level begins, press cRx3 cL cRx2 cUx3. Lupus will bark. Press A to cycle through items and weapons, and B to grab one. ->Secret Characters: Touch the hidden totem poles in the listed locations to make these characters available for use with the listed character. | Characters | Location |Use |Requires| |Yellow Ant |Goldwood |Vela | |Blue Ant |SS Anubis, Generator Room 2F | any | |Red Ant |Ichor Military Base |Juno | |Green Ant |Spawn Ship, Cargo Sewer | any | |Male Tribal |Sekhmet, Channel Area |Lupus|Magenta Key| |Female Tribal |Rith Essa, Mine |Lupus| Mine Key | |Zombie Termite|Tawfret, Treehut |Lupus| |Beetle Termite|Tawfret, Tomb |Vela | |Metal Termite |Sekhmet, above Spiral Walkway|Lupus| |Purple Termite|Mizar's Palace |Juno | |Cyborg Ant | Earn the Expert Award in all Floyd Missions| ->Bonuses & Multiplayer Stages: Grab totems, get awards, etc.. * King of the Hill: Totem in the Cerulean Holding Room. * Tunnels Stage: Use Vela to grab the totem in the Rith Essa Waterfalls. * Rith Essa Mines: Use the jetpack to nab the totem in the Walkway Station. * Space Station: Grab the totem in the Space Station Basement. * Goldwood Target Range: Get the gold Floyd award in Goldwood. * Rith Essa Target Range: Get the gold Floyd award in Eschebone. * Jeffy & Barry Arcade Racing: Get first place in J&B racing in the Ichor Arcade. * J&B Racing 2: Get first in J&B II in the Ichor Arcade. * Greenwood Racing: Get the high score on both J&B games in Ichor Arcade. * Mizar 3D Racing: Get first place in the Mizar races in the palace. =>Ammo Refill Trick: If you want to refill a gun, switch to it when picking up ammo from dead enemies. The ammo will automatically refill whatever gun you are holding. * Flame Thrower ammo: Gather Tribal lanterns; shoot Tribals carrying them. ->Multiplayer Invincibility Glitch: Stand in front of an Invincibility item and let yourself be killed so that you fall onto the icon. You will now have a shield around you until you press A; when you press A, the other players will be able to target or hit you. Grab another Invincibility item to return to normal. =>Change Character on Map: On the map screen, which becomes available after you beat Mizar, you can use the C buttons to choose your character. =>Destructive Notes: You can blast the lights in the Ichor Night Club. You can also kill fish by tossing cluster bombs or grenades in the pond. ->Key Locations: Juno's yellow key is in Goldwood, Outset in a box in the caves; the red key is given by Magnus. The blue key is in Sekhmet, Battle Cruiser in the lava pit via the pipe; the green key is in the jetpack room. The magenta key is in Eschebone, Thorax in the left intestine. * Vela's yellow key is in the Cerulean, Dune holding room. Red key given by the mole in the Sekhmet, Battle Cruiser; the green key is in the jetpack room. The blue key is underwater in the Eschebone, Thorax; the magenta key is there in the left intestine. * Lupus's yellow key is in the sewer pipe in the Spawn Ship, Troop Carrier; the red key is in the Cargo Sewer. The green key is in the Sekhmet, Battle Cruiser in the jetpack room. The magenta key is in the left intestine in the Eschebone, Thorax. ->Special Items: The fish food can be found on Goldwood. Inside the first clearing, containing King Jeff's hut, search the walls to find a tunnel hidden in the shadows. Enter the tunnel to find a pond and the fish food. * Ear Plugs: Get a Gold or Expert Floyd award in the SS Anubis Hold Area. * Pants: Look in the trees in Tawfret, Bridge. * Crowbar: Give the pants to Gimlet in Tawfret, Bridge. * Jeff & Berry 2 Arcade Chip: Get the gold Floyd award in Ichor Military Base. * Specialist Magazine: Inside the Eschebone, Cortex stage. * Mine Key: Give the magazine to Fernando in Rith Essa, Bluff. * Gold Bars: Look in the Celulean Dune while outdoors. ->Ship Parts: Here are locations and tips. * Power Cell: In the Water Ruins, give the ear plugs to the bear. * Oxygen Tank: Search the top of the Eschebone Cortex. * Stablizer: Talk to King Jeff after freeing all the tribals. * Juno's Hatch Key: Search the Lava Tunnel of the Spawnship. * Cargo Bay Key: Examine the water under the tree on Tawfret. * Deflector Shield: In the Rith Essa mine, become a Tribal and you'll get it from the mining chief. * Vela's Hatch Key: Get it in the Goldwood Lodge. * Radar Dish: At the Gem Quarry, fill the generator, then talk to Magnus. * Fin: Talk to the guy in the SS Anubis passage. * Lupus's Hatch Key: It's on Inchor. * Fuse: Get first place in the Mizar Palace Race. * Nitrogen Tank: Search the Underwater Ruins. ->Gemini Holder Locations: As if there weren't too many items as it is... * Juno's Gemini Containers: - On Goldwood, look on the staircase inside King Jeff's Hutt. - On Goldwood, look for a river before you exit Outset. Go down the left side of the river and go down a staircase. - In the S.S. Anubis, climb the crates in the very first room. - In the S.S. Anubis, search the room right before the cell block. Shoot some glass to get the holder. - On Tawfret, look for the first Life Force door in the bog. The holder will be to the left as you enter. - In Tawfret Castle, there is a holder in one of the wall alcoves near the boss. * Vela's Gemini Containers: - On Sehkmet, search the corners of the room with the machine gun. - On Sehkmet, search the room right after the one holding the green key. - On Cerulean, there is one in the room with Fishface. - On Cerulean, look for a room with some flying drones near it. Homing Missiles and a Gemini Holder are inside. - On Ichor, check the fourth room after the cyborg. - On Ichor, search the ramp in the room with the other cyborg. * Lupus's Gemini Holders: - In the Spawnship, nab the holder in the first room. - In the Spawnship lava room, go down the left staircase. - On Rith Essa, look for a waterfall in the second room and search the waterfall ledge. - On Rith Essa, grab the holder on top of Flopsy's dog house. - In Eschebone, search the third room containing flying droids bothering Tribals. Check the wall to the bottom right. - In the water room on Eschebone, grab the holder on top of the pillar. =>Howling Lupus: When on the ground, press the crawl button (either B or cD). As Lupus can't duck, he'll howl. ->Shotgun Flashlight: Power up the Plasma Shotgun and it acts like a light. =>Weapon Selection: You can select weapons using the PAD if you press START to pause the game, enter the weapons menu, and press Z. You will be able to assign up to four weapons to the PAD. Just press the direction you'd like the weapon to be on. =>Floyd Trick: Once you get Floyd, feel free to hide behind a rock and use CNTRL II to use Floyd to take out some of the bad guys. Press CNTRL II: START to activate Floyd and press START again to deactivate him. The only problem is that you can't move Floyd, just his crosshairs. ->Unlimited Invincibility in Multiplayer: Stand in front of an Invincibility icon and let yourself be killed so that you fall on the icon. You will be invincible until you press A. JIM POWER: THE LOST DIMENSION IN 3-D (snes) checked-no =>Level Skip, Life Increase, etc.: While playing the game, press CNTRL II: X A B Y A B Y X B Y X A Y X A B. Now, at any time on CNTRL II press L for 9 keys, R for 5:59 time, D for 9 smart bombs, U for 9 lives, or [L] to skip to the next stage. JIMMY CONNOR'S PRO TENNIS (gb) checked-no These passwords have you winning the tournament for the country listed |01 Australia|ZW57KVTM1ZSV| |10 Japan |4M57KVTMLLRD| |02 Austria |NX57KVTMLZSM| |11 Netherlands |ZN57KVTMTZPR| |03 Belgium |WZ57KVTMNKSP| |12 New Zealand |SF57KVTM4TPL| |04 Canada |MP57KVTM2TSG| |13 Spain |2G57KVTMMJPH| |05 USA |MR57KVTMSJSJ| |14 Sweden |VH57KVTM2LPB| |06 France |XS57KVTMRZSD| |15 Russia |5J57KVTM1RNS| |07 Germany |RT57KVTMPZRT| |16 U.K. |SV57KVTMXJNL| |08 Greece |TK57KVTMWTRN| |09 Italy |3L57KVTMPLRK| JOE & MAC: CAVEMAN NINJAS (snes) checked-no =>Level Replay: In any stage you have beaten, you can replay it and then exit it by pressing START SELECT. =>Hidden Levels: In level 8, there is a red egg in the middle of the level. Kill all the small dinosaurs, then crack it to fly to a hidden area with power-ups and the blue key, which opens the blue areas on the map. * In level 9, smash the red egg near the beginning of the level. =>Renter Dinosaur: You can continue from inside the dinosaur in the last level of the game. When you are asked if you wish to continue, choose "Yes", and you will appear at the last continue spot. Enter the previous stage, press START to pause and then SELECT. You will return to the dinosaur. =>Extra 1-Ups: Collect a key, go to the first blue spot on the map, and catch all the meat that drops. A 1-Up will fall. Ignore it, and four 1-Ups will fall. JOE & MAC 2: LOST IN THE TROPICS (snes) checked-no 1st Stone |RJNK BQKT THQH JGCB| 7th Stone |PFGT JPFD QFML FLDB| 4th Stone |RJNK BRGK TJDH JCDB| Both have kids |RKGP TNFB LDML FRFB| JOHN ELWAY'S QUARTERBACK (nes) checked-no =>Extra Speed: On the Play Select screen, move the cursor to the Normal Play/ Reverse Play icon and leave it there until time runs out. Now, press D to snap the ball and then B and your players will move twice as fast as normal. JOHN MADDEN FOOTBALL (snes) checked-no |BBBB5GSHGH| championship =>Close-up Trick: On the title screen, hold down any button and then press START several times to get past the screen. The screen will blank for a couple of seconds, and then you'll get a close-up of the fans. Let go of the button to start the game. JOURNEY TO SILIUS (nes) checked-yes =>Sound Test + 9 Continues: On the title screen, press Bx33 START. J.R.R. TOLKIEN'S THE LORD OF THE RINGS {*} please see THE LORD OF THE RINGS JUDGE DREDD (snes) checked-no |QBGB| stage 2 |CBBY| stage 7 |CRQF| stage 12 |XCWV| stage 17 |VPFD| stage 3 |TDYT| stage 8 |DXHG| stage 13 |TQZH| stage 18 |CPRY| stage 4 |KKBG| stage 9 |QBTV| stage 14 |FCWZ| stage 5 |VYRX| stage 10 |TMKT| stage 15 |RLFJ| stage 6 |CNRN| stage 11 |VMTB| stage 16 =>Stage Select+: Turn on your SNES. Before the copyright information screen fades, press L U X U R Y. At the warning, press A+Y, then press B+X. Press START to begin a game. Now, pressing SELECT activates the Stage Select screen and your energy will be replenished after every hit you take. If you pause the game while fighting a major enemy, your life bar will fully refill. Note: A+Y activates the stage select and B+X the energy refill, so you can omit one or the other if you wish. JUDGE DREDD (gb) checked-no |04|ANDERSON| =>Stage Select: Press A L R L R B on the title screen. Or, try A L R B START. THE JUNGLE BOOK (gb) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: On the options screen, use the Sound Test to play 40, 30, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, and 15 in that order. The screen should automatically switch to the cheat mode screen. THE JUNGLE BOOK (nes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Turn on the game and press SELECT to enter the options screen. In the sound test, play songs 40, 30, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 in that order. THE JUNGLE BOOK (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: When the music begins playing and the Virgin logo first appears, press Ux3 B B Y Y SELECT U D R B U Y. You will hear a tone if you entered the code before the logo faded; now you can change your level on the Options screen. When using cheats L will make Mowgli float and R will give you slow motion. (NOTE: Try pressing U D L R instead of just U D R if it doesn't work). =>Power-Up: Pause the game, then press U U D D L R L R B A. Mowgli will say 'Yeah' - you know have tons of items. =>Stage Skip: Pause the game and press B A A B B A A B A B B A A B B A. Mowgli will say 'Yeah'. =>Less Time: To set clock to 10 seconds, pause and press A B B A A B B A. THE JUNGLE BOOK: MOWGLI'S WILD ADVENTURE (gbc) checked-no |MBHG| Stage Select =>Cheat Mode: Press SELECT during the game to reach the Options menu. Highlight Music/Effects and play these sounds in order - 40, 30, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15. JUNGLE STRIKE (snes) checked-no The following codes give you 255 lives and the best co-pilot... |8B45HP8TNMPT| Stage 1 |8B45WP86NMPT| Stage 4 |8B45MP8YNMPT| Stage 7 |8B458P84NMPT| Stage 2 |8B45CP8XNMPT| Stage 5 |8B45YP89NMPT| Stage 8 |8B45RP80NMPT| Stage 3 |8B454P82NMPT| Stage 6 |8B45FP8VNMPT| Stage 9 |6RCX6K21Y0PT| End of Game JUNGLE STRIKE (gb) checked-no |02|4975200968| |04|6505068908| |06|0550792954| |08|0155908131| |03|2922502918| |05|0540524815| |07|0950035298| |09|1185402550| JURASSIC PARK (nes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: On the title screen, press D R L, and repeat this until you hear an explosion. Start a new game, pause the game at any time, then press SELECT to skip to the next level. JURASSIC PARK (gb) checked-no =>Stage Skip: When the title screen fades and the T-Rex opens his jaws, press U D L U D R SELECT, then repeat the code. Press START to begin a game. At any time during the game, hold START and press SELECT to skip to the next stage. JURASSIC PARK (snes) checked-no =>Letter Locations: * D - Search the southeast section of the eastern mountain range to find a secret level. Enter, proceed down the passage, turn right, pick up the items, turn right and look for indentations on the left wall. Walk up to the wall to reveal the D. * R - Head southeast from the east end of the East Aqueduct. * H - In the middle of the top of the Visitor's Center. * O - Proceed northeast through gate 2, pass the outside motion detector, continue north to the end of the path and then go east. * R - South of the Nublar Utility Shed. * N - Head to the northeast corner of the North Utility Shed and proceed up the river. * E - Southwest from the Beach Utility Shed. * R - From the Helipad, go east through a hidden path in the foliage, then go north. JURASSIC PARK 2: THE CHAOS CONTINUES (snes) checked-no =>Unlimited Continues: On the Mission Select screen, press [L]x3 [R]x3 [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R] [L]x2 [R]x2 [L]x3 [R]x3. A tone will sound when activated. JURASSIC PARK III: THE DNA FACTOR (gba) checked-no =>Extra Quest: Once you beat the game, load up your save file and start up a new game. You will find that this new game features more dinosaurs and that the DNA particles have been moved around. JURASSIC PARK III: PARK BUILDER (gba) checked-no =>Name Cheats: Enter these as your park name... |Bonus-Park| Start w/ $99,000,000 |Men's-Park| High Opinion from Men |Love-Park| High Opinion from Couples |Zero-Park| No Dinosaur DNA |ISLA NUBLAR| No trees or rocks |Items-Park| All Shop Items JURASSIC PARK: THE LOST WORLD please see THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK |========== Chapter K ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. KABLOOEY (snes) checked-no Level Codes: 001. BOMB 021. IRON 041. GOLD 061. TREE 081. VASE 101. SAFE 121. SIGN 002. TEST 022. GAME 042. ZERO 062. TWIN 082. NAME 102. ITEM 122. EASE 003. SOAP 023. PASS 043. YOLK 063. TUSK 083. NAIL 103. ISLE 123. DOOR 004. RACE 024. WORD 044. YELL 064. TUNE 084. MIND 104. HOST 124. CRAB 005. ROSS 025. LEAD 045. OPAL 065. TONY 085. PILL 105. WORM 125. MYTH 006. FAIR 026. CUFF 046. YARD 066. SWAN 086. MAIL 106. HOLD 126. COPY 007. QUIZ 027. EPIC 047. WOOL 067. STAR 087. LILY 107. HILL 127. MAKE 008. REED 028. DATE 048. WINE 068. SOLO 088. LENS 108. HERB 128. AUTO 009. RATT 029. WEED 049. SONG 069. LOVE 089. SPOT 109. NOSE 129. ENDS 010. RAFT 030. TIME 050. WIND 070. SOUP 090. LARK 110. HELP 130. DEMO 011. OVEN 031. PAIL 051. WEST 071. ROSE 091. KNOB 111. GUST 012. NEWS 032. SHIP 052. WAVE 072. ROOF 092. KNEE 112. GOWN 013. LISA 033. RING 053. FIRE 073. BIRD 093. PALM 113. EYES 014. MULE 034. SHOP 054. WASP 074. ROOT 094. KING 114. GLOW 015. MUFF 035. SIZE 055. VISA 075. REST 095. KIND 115. GIFT 016. DIME 036. TALK 056. VEST 076. READ 096. KILT 116. FUSE 017. DAVE 037. GIRL 057. LAMP 077. TAPE 097. LOCK 117. HAIR 018. DOLL 038. ZOOM 058. UNIT 078. RAIN 098. JUNE 118. FIVE 019. DISK 039. ZONE 059. TYRE 079. NOTE 099. JEAN 119. FACE 020. GATE 040. ZINC 060. TYPE 080. NEST 100. JAZZ 120. EXIT KABUKI QUANTUM FIGHTER (nes) checked-no =>Energy Exchange: During the boss sequences, you can exchange your weapons chips for energy. When you reach a boss, press START and then use U to trade chips for energy or D to trade energy for chips. KAO THE KANGAROO (gba) checked-no |Coin Heart PalmTree BoxingGlove KaoFace| Island Shores |Coin Flag Bomb BoxingGlove KaoFace | Trade Village (final level) KARNOV (nes) checked-yes =>Stage Select: Hold CNTRL I: R+A+B+SELECT and press CNTRL II: A once for each stage you want to skip, then press CNTRL I: START to begin up to level 9. KEN GRIFFEY JR. PRESENTS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (snes) checked-no =>See Credits: On the title screen, press B A D B U B B A. =>Beanball: Hold U and aim towards the batter while pitching. KEN GRIFFEY JR. PRESENTS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (gb) checked-no =>Homerun Derby Win: While the computer is batting in the derby, hold D+B. The computer will skip its turn and end up with a miserable score. =>163 Win Pitcher: Want to have a specific pitcher get the credit for all your wins in the 163 game season? Just have one pitcher pitch for the first three innings and establish a lead by the end of the third. Put your favorite pitcher in the game for the fourth and fifth innings ONLY, and then have others fill in for the last few innings. As long as you kept your lead for the entire game, your favorite 4th/5th inning pitcher gets the credit. =>Speedy Guy: Rapidly press B while running to run faster. KEN GRIFFEY JR.'S SLUGFEST (n64) checked-no =>Create Player Codes: Enter these first and last names for the codes. Only one code can be used at a time. |First| Last | Code |CODE |BIGGHEDZ | Big Head Mode - must beat World Series on Rookie first |CODE |CPUVSCPU | CPU vs. CPU Mode - must beat W.S. on All Star first |CODE |THETICK | "The Tick" style players - beat W.S. on Veteran first |CODE |BIGFOOT | Big Feet Mode |CODE |INVISIBLEMAN| Invisible Players |CODE |TOOTHPICK | Thin Players |CODE |LIDDLELEAGUE| Tiny Players |CODE |WEEBLEMAN | Weeble People Players |CODE |PHATBALL | Big Baseball Bat |GO |TEAM | All 10 Ratings =>View CPU Pitches: When batting, press CNTRL II: [R]. =>Exploding Batter: When batting, press R L D R L U R L D. =>Fireworks: Choose your teams in Exhibition Mode, and on the Stadium Select screen press Z to zoom in. Hold [R]+Z and fireworks will appear. =>Levitation: If a pop-fly is hit to the outfield, let it drop to the ground. Pick it up and hold Z+cU to run it in, then toss it between the bases by pressing cR cU cL cD cL cU cD cR cU cL cD. The crowd will boo. On the next hit, rather than picking up the ball, tap A or B repeatedly to fly. =>Pitcher Glitch: Bunt the ball to the pitcher, and then have the pitcher dive two times, grabbing the ball on the second dive. The pitcher should stand up and start walking in circles. =>Ken Griffey Homerun: When K.G. Jr.'s up to bat, press PAD: L L Rx3 L L and hit the ball. You should get a homerun. =>Extra Teams: Beat the World Series. Afterwards, play an exhibition team and look in the All-Star teams to find Team Nintendo and Team Angel Studios. KEN GRIFFEY JR.'S WINNING RUN (snes) checked-no =>Trade Points: Interestingly enough, getting a perfect 1.000 batting average does nothing to your trading points - you've got to let your batter strike out at least once if you want him to increase in value. Stupid, stupid... =>Bonus Teams: Complete a game season, then on the title screen press A B X Y U D SELECT and you will be able to reach the hidden teams. The longer seasons will yield more teams. =>Switch Pitch: If you are batting, pause the game on the batting screen and press [L] Y A R to randomize the pitcher's pitches. =>Super Pitch: Pause while pitching and press B A D B A L L SELECT. =>Super Team: Pause the game on the batting screen and press A R D L A D to maximize your team's abilities, be you the batter or the pitcher. =>Easy Home Runs: Pause while batting and press B Y B Y SELECT. =>Night Games: Pause the game in any outdoor stadium, press SELECT D A Y, and unpause. When the camera view changes, day will become night or vice versa. =>Slow Motion: Pause the game on the batting screen and press L A R D Y to slow the other team down. =>View Ending: On the title screen, press B A D B U B B A. KENDO RAGE (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press X Y A B X Y A B START. Use L or R to choose the stage, then choose EXIT. When you start the game, you will start on the selected stage. =>Quick Reset: To return to the title screen at any time, press and hold [L]+[R]+SELECT+START simultaneously. KICK MASTER (nes) checked-no |02|F(diamond)?LGZQFKT4G| |06|3QD(club)8Q6W6JD?| |03|SJ?S8P(diamond)(club)(spade)K3L| |07|Q8GW(spade)9WM8G(diamond)F| |04|BW6Q5K(spade)J2N9(diamond)| |08|(spade)8GWG99N9(club)(diamond)F| |05|VW6S9KFK3T(spade)(diamond)| |Quest 2|2(heart)LDZ2DKQZGD| KICKLE CUBICLE (nes) checked-no |ELeA hhBP| end Candyworld |JVYD GKAe| Toy Land |FbjJ IYAX| Special 1 |gMgP GICG| Chicken Boss |LYSe bFBa| Wizard King |GdBM IABg| Special 2 |XDXI EKBY| Clown Boss |TJBY EGCe| Level 30 |ELGh hHBh| Turtle Boss |FbgJ IYAX| 30 extra levels =>Kid Niki: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: A until Kid Niki shows up. =>Preview of 1st Boss: Hold CNTRL I: D as you power up your NES - your screen will go white. Now press CNTRL II: U. =>Special Game: Hold CNTRL I: SELECT as you turn on your NES, and the screen =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: A+B and press RESET. Use A and B to choose sounds and U D R L to play them. KID DRACULA (gb) checked-no |5613| Level 2 |7283| Level 4 |7225| Level 6 |7158| Level 8 |3272| Level 3 |5346| Level 5 |5539| Level 7 KID ICARUS (nes) checked-no |0000eu 60j700 uG0004 1000J0| stage 1-4 |0000ys T0J300 m2001C H000aS| stage 2-1 |00008C i04400 mIG01D I0005F| stage 2-4 |0000mu w0K200 O3G00H I100s5| stage 3-1 |0000y0 11X200 u0G00H I100t0| stage 3-4 |00008p 414100 O3G00H I500eB| stage 4-1 |AuW2e5 XcdF00 mt000G K50Wuu| last level w/ 9,999,999 points |PAKING PAKING PAKING PAKING| stage 3-4 + Sacred Bow, unlim. potions, 73 feathers, 999 hearts, etc. |DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR| last level w/ lots of equipment |8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu| last level, endless life w/ 640 hearts |ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS| 2-4, invincible w/ unlim. feathers =>Lower or Raise Prices: In a shop, press CNTRL II: A the first time and B the second time, or press CNTRL II: A+B. This won't work at the Black Market. =>Continue: Press B A B before the title screen reappears. =>Hints: Characters will give you hints about the locations of things by naming map coordinates. Each fortress consists of 8 rooms by 8 rooms (a 64 room square). A-H runs from left to right; 1-8 runs from top to bottom. Thus A1 is the top left room. =>Avoid Damage: Hold U+L and Pit will float up and off of the screen. He will be safe from most enemy attacks while there. =>Get Everything In Treasure Rooms: Use the chart below for the numbered pot locations. If the treasure room has a black background, break pots 1, 2, and 8. If the room has a blue background, break pots 2, 6, and 7. Take the total number of hammers you found in this room and check the chart to determine the location of the god of poverty's pot; break every other pot, smashing poverty's pot last. Example: If you find 2 hammers in the black room, the god of poverty is hiding in pot 7... (1) (6) Hammers 3 | Black G.O.P. 5 | Blue G.O.P. 1| (2) (7) Hammers 2 | Black G.O.P. 7 | Blue G.O.P. 5| (3) (5) Hammers 1 | Black G.O.P. 6 | Blue G.O.P. 3| (4) (8) Hammers 0 | Black G.O.P. 4 | Blue G.O.P. 8| KID KLOWN (nes) checked-no =>Expert Level: On the title screen, enter U U D D L R L R B A START. KID KLOWN IN CRAZY CHASE (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select codes: Press RESET, and on the title screen hold down [L]+[R] on both controllers, then press the appropriate button on both controllers at the same time. Stage 2 - A Stage 3 - B Stage 4 - X Stage 5 - Y KID KOOL (nes) checked-no =>Extra Lives: At the beginning of level 1-3, when you jump across the water, you will hit a pole and be shot upwards towards the next screen. As you do so, hold L so that when you land you will drop down onto the top of the pole. You will bounce up and down on the pole and earn extra lives. When you have 10, move to the next pond and repeat this process, but don't earn more than 255 lives or the lives will turn to 0. KID NIKI (nes) checked-no =>Bonus Rooms: In round 1-7, jump and rotate your sword just after the group of three birds passes, or attack the windmill. * In round 2, keep climbing up the fourth tree to find the secret room and a warp to 2-8. * In round 3, drop off the first cliff to the lower cloud, walk until you are touching the mountain, then rotate your sword and press U; also, jump on the third moving cloud and jump up and down to warp to a cloud area. * At the beginning of round 4, go left and kneel at the 2cd and 3rd blocks from the left, holding D until you warp; also, when at the 3rd rock issuing bubbles, jump three times on the first block to the left of it until it become a fish, which you should walk into. =>Extra Items: When you kill a boss, a scroll appears. Touching the scroll ends the level, but slicing the scrolls give you an object. For an extra life, hit the scroll when first and last digits of your timer are the same. KILLER INSTINCT (arcade) checked-no =>Speed: After choosing their characters, both players must wait until the preview begins, then both must hold R and all three Punch buttons. If entered correctly, both will move about 70% faster. KILLER INSTINCT (snes) checked-no =>Select Practice Mode Dummy: Select Practice Mode with CNTRL II, choose a character, then press STARTx2 to get back to the title screen. Select Practice Mode with CNTRL I and beat up the player you previously chose. * To beat up an Eyedol dummy, play the game until you reach Eyedol, let him kill you, let the continue timer run out, and then enter the Practice menu. Begin a practice and you will be beating up Eyedol. =>Ending: Complete the game on the hardest level without using a continue for a very special, ego-enhancing ending. =>Easy Combo Breakers: Press D+START on the versus screen (the one containing the two large pictures of the fighters). =>Boss Code: Choose Cinder on the player selection screen. On the versus screen, hold R and quickly press [L] [R] X B Y A. To find this code while playing the game you must complete the game on the highest level of difficulty while using no more than 4 continues. =>Random Select: Hold U and press START on the character select screen. =>Color Change: Press U and D while choosing a character. =>Slow Motion: Hold L and all three kick buttons on the versus screen. =>Turbo: Hold R and all three punch buttons on the versus screen. =>Turbo 2: Hold R and all three kick buttons on the versus screen. =>Turbo 3: Hold L and all three punch buttons on the versus screen. =>Stage/Music Select: In a two-player game, highlight your desired fighters and then enter the codes below. The first player to choose their fighter and enter the code will choose the stage; the second player to enter a code will choose the music being played. Random Select: U+START Glacius Stage: U+[L] Ice Stage: U+X Dungeon: U+Y Spinal Stage: U+[R] Orchid Stage: U+B Cinder Stage: U+A Thunder Stage: D+[L] Riptor Stage: D+Y Eyedol Stage: D+X Street: D+[R] Sabrewulf Stage: D+B Fulgore Stage: D+A Secret Sky: Both players press D+B simultaneously. =>Recovery: When you are swaying around before you fall down, dead, you might be able to come back for a last attack or so if you start pressing the buttons as rapidly as possible. One hit will kill you, though. =>Air Ultimates/Ultras: When your opponent's second life bar is flashing, do a combo and auto-double which results in either a knockdown or juggle. Immediately after the auto-double, perform either an Ultra or Ultimate combo activator. If you do all of this fast enough, the Ultra or Ultimate will continue to hurt your opponent as he is separate from you. You punches will slash thin air, but will continue to hurt the opponent. =>Knock Off Building: In a stage atop a building, get your enemy into the red at the end of the match, make sure they are at the edge of the building, then perform a special move to smash them off. KILLER INSTINCT (gb) checked-no =>Boss Code: In the two-player mode, select any fighter, then hold R and press SELECT+START+B+A on the Vs. screen. =>Stage Select: On the Vs. screen, press either U+A, U+B, U+START, U+SELECT, D+A, D+B, D+START, D+SELECT. =>Random Fighter: On the fighter select screen, hold U and press START. KILLER INSTINCT 2 (arcade) checked-no =>Boss Code: On the Player Select screen, hold U and press FP MP MK FK MP QP QK MK - or, 3 2 5 6 2 1 4 5. KILLER INSTINCT GOLD (n64) checked-no =>Stage Select: Enter these codes on the two player Vs. screen. Player one will select the screen, player two will be able to select the background music after player one locks in the stage. U+QP Wolf Castle U+QK Stonehenge U+MP Jungle D+QP Bridge D+QK Dojo D+MP Dungeon U+MK Museum U+FP Space Ship U+FK Helipad D+MK Spinal's Ship D+FP Street D+FK Random Arena D+MK on both controllers - Sky Stage =>Gargos Code: On the character profile screen, showing the storyline and physical stats of the characters, press Z A [R] Z A B. An evil laugh will be heard, and Gargos will now be available for Arcade Mode battles. If it doesn't work, try Z A R Z A B. =>Character Color Code: On the character profile screen, press Z B A Z A [L]. Begin a game, select a fighter, and press U and D to select between various outfit colors. =>All Options: On the character profile screen, press Z B A [L] A Z. A voice will say "Perfect." Begin a game to find that all options are enabled. =>View Credits: On the character profile screen, press Z [L] A Z A [R]. =>Random Select: Hold U and press START on the selection screen to fight a randomly selected opponent. Have both players do it in a two player game for a completely random match. Also, when playing in a team mode, choose the number of team members, hold PAD: D and press START to have the team chosen randomly. =>High Scores: Press Z to view the high scores. =>Master Difficulty: Beat the game on Extra Hard. =>Turbo Mode: In a one player game, on the Vs. screen hold [R] and press all three punch buttons. =>99% Combos: On the Options screen, turn on the second bar Ultimates (appears after beating the game on the hard level or after entering the cheat code), then play arcade of versus mode and beat your opponent down to his/her second life bar. When he has his entire red bar, begin a combo using a standard opener, auto-double, and the use the character's ultimate. Any 3 combo ending in an ultimate registers as 99% damage. =>Freeze Opponent: Do a knock off move, then repeatedly press an attack button and your falling opponent should freeze in the air. =>Sky Mode Glitch: Start an arcade mode two player game with both players selecting the Sky Mode. Have one die and let the continue timer run out. The rest of the game will take place in the Sky stage. KING ARTHUR & THE KNIGHTS OF JUSTICE (snes) checked-no =>End of Game Cinema Scene: Enter the password of 5 pictures of the Lady. KING ARTHUR'S WORLD (snes) checked-no |08|-O-- O--- O-O- O---| |14|O--- -O-- O--O ----| |20|O--- O--O -O-- -O--| |09|OO-- ---O ---- ----| |15|O--- ---- O--- --O-| |21|---- ---O -O-O OO--| |10|OO-- -O-O ---O ---O| |16|O--O --O- ---O ----| |22|-O-- -O-- O--O ---O| |11|O--O -O-- ---- -OO-| |17|-O-- ---- -OOO -O--| |23|---- ---O --O- O---| |12|-O-- -O-- --OO --O-| |18|--O- --O- -O-O -O--| |24|O--- ---- OO-- -O-O| |13|-OO- -OO- --O- ----| |19|--O- -O-O -O-- O---| |25|---- O--- ---- O-O-| |Cloud World 8: The Demon Overlord |-O-- O-O- OO-- OO--| THE KING OF DRAGONS (snes) checked-no =>Player vs. Player: For a 2 player game with both players as the same character, turn on the SNES. When the Capcom logo appears, press D [R] U [L] Y B X A. =>99 Continues: Begin a new game and play until you've used 1 Continue and are about to use your second. While the timer is counting down, press CNTRL II: START but don't pick your character. Now, press CNTRL I: START before the timer runs out. Choose characters for both players, and when the characters are both on-screen you will have 99 Continues. KING OF FIGHTERS '95 (gb) checked-no =>Battle Nakoruru: Beat the game on the hard difficulty level to battle Nakoruru after the credits run. =>Boss Code: On the Takara logo screen, press SELECTx20 to play as Nakoruru, or press SELECTx3 to play as Saisyu and Rugal. =>Auto-Play Mode: Hold B before selecting single or team play mode, then press A and both fighters will be under computer control. =>Same Character Battle: On the Takara logo, hold A+B and press SELECT to fight as the same character in team mode. =>Random Select: Press START+A+B on the fighter select screen. =>Slow Motion: Pause the game and press SELECT to resume. =>Unlim. Super Meter & All Characters: Press SELECTx25 on the Takara logo screen. The Unlimited Super Meter only works on the Super Game Boy, though. KING OF FIGHTERS '96 (gb) checked-no =>Boss Code 1: On the Takara logo screen, press SELECTx3 for Saisyu, Regal, or Goenitz. =>Boss Code 2: On the Takara logo, press SELECTx20 to play as Nakoruru or Mr. Karate. * Now you can play as Kagura by highlighting Chizuru and pressing START, or as 'Crazy' Iroi/Leona by highlighting that character and pressing START. =>All Characters & Full Super Meters: Press SELECTx25 on the Takara logo. =>Auto-Play Mode: Hold B before selecting single or team play mode, then press A. Both fighters will be under computer control. =>Same Character Battle: On the Takara logo screen, hold A+B and press SELECT. You can now fight as the same character in team mode. =>Random Select: Press START+A+B on the fighter select screen. =>Slow Motion: Pause the game and press SELECT rapidly to resume. =>Battle Mr. Karate: Beat the game on Hard without losing a single match. =>Special Endings: Using certain teams to beat Goenitz will yield special endings. * Use Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru to beat Goenitz and you will end up battling Kyo & Chizur versus Orochi Iori. * Kyo, Terry, and Ryo ... to fight the rest of your team. * Geese, Krauser, Mr. Big ... Geese vs. the rest of your team. * Terry, Andy, Geese ... Terry & Andy vs. Geese. * Ryo, Robert, Mr. Big ... Ryo & Robert vs. Mr. Big. * Iori, Leona, Mature ... Iori & Mature vs. Orochi Leona. * Mr. Big, Geese, Krauser ... versus Iroi, Chizuru, and Kyo. KING OF THE MONSTERS 2 (snes) checked-no =>1 Player Extra Continues: REALLY easy to figure out. When you are about to lose your last monster and have no continues left, quickly press CNTRL II: START to play with a new monster with all continues. =>Debug Menu: On the Mode Select screen, press Rx3 Lx4 Rx3 Lx4. Now, hold CNTRL II: SELECT+Y and press CNTRL I: START. KINGDOM CRUSADE (gb) checked-yes =>Revive Character: To revive a dead character, go to the map screen. Move the cursor over a living character holding a pendant. Hold SELECT+B until the pendant in flashing in the spells/attributes box, and then press SELECT+A. Select your fallen hero from the list, and place him/her anywhere in your territory, with all the power he had before he died. A distinctive tone will sound after you complete this. KING'S KNIGHT (nes) checked-no =>Revive Hero: Hit RESET, press CNTRL I: START, highlight your hero, press A, then press START. You can do this until you are prepared to play stage 5. =>Continue Mode: After you complete the first four stages of the game, press RESET and on the title screen press SELECT. Choose your desired character and press A START to replay that character's stage. This way you can try to pick up any extra bonuses you may have missed before. KINGS OF THE BEACH (nes) checked-no |02|sideout| |03|Gekko| |04|Top Flite| |05|Sun Devil| KING'S QUEST V (nes) checked-no |Score| Password | Scene:New items | 12 |2T3CPJXF1C80KT0| Beginning: Wand, fish, cake | 22 |1929FJWF0V80GSJ| Desert: Coat | 32 |DC20VHD90V80XCJ| Temple: Old shoe | 42 |1D6D1C490V80DB0| Gypsy Camp: Brass bottle, gold coin | 66 |2KLC56N90280L28| Witch: Amulet, honeycomb, emeralds, wheel, heart | 90 |122891L91080J38| Gnome's Hut: Wax, elfin shoes, harp, puppet |104 |0K2C50J51000DF8| Inn: Tambourine, hammer, sled |115 |3026JZ010J008GS| Mountain: Rope, leg of lamb |135 |3N2BW-C53J8JCWB| Eagle |156 |S00K0PC51RF0V50| Beach: Crystal, locket |172 |6Y0C8L341R90QVS| Harpies: Iron bar, fish hook |184 |4D0CQH141R90CWS| Modrack's Isle |195 |JT500F155R30R18| Labyrinth |200 |KB3DSC155R501KJ| Labyrinth Exit: Hairpin |216 |4Z1748015Q50PJJ| Pantry 2: Bag of peas, cheese |227 |5W0CN8010J50D7D| Mordrack's Lab: Mordrack's Wand |240 |630287000058MQN| Final Battle - just pick up the flashing wand. =>Labyrinth: When you are in the labyrinth, the screen perspective changes depending on Graham's position... thus, up isn't always north. Luckily, the compass on the bottom of the screen always points to the north. Follow the compass directions to get through the maze like this... Starting at the entry (grate) screen, go... S S W S W W W N N N E N W N E N E E E S W S W N Give the creature the tambourine and get the hairpin. Then, go... S E N E N E S E N E E S S S S S W S E. =>Labyrinth 2: If you play the tambourine, the monster should run to you. You can then trade the tambourine for the hairpin and go directly for the exit. KIRBY 64: THE CRYSTAL SHARDS (n64) checked-no =>Sound Test: Beat the game to enable the Sound Test mode at the menu. =>Boss Mode/Cinema: Once you collect all the crystals and complete 100% of the game, you will unlock the Boss Battle and the Movie View modes. =>Extra Lives: After you complete a level, the shards of crystal turn blue and can be collected for extra lives. You can enter a level, grab the blue star, exit and repeat to build up your lives. KIRBY SUPER STAR (snes) checked-yes =>Sound Test: Beat the Arena (which appears after you complete all of the normal games) and you will get to go to a sound test. =>Milky Way Wishes Hidden Level: On the map you should see a large star above the Sky High level. Enter the star as you would a planet to find a hidden level with the Copy ability. =>Milky Way Wishes Ability Locations: Aqualiss: Beam, Parasol, Sword Hotbeat : Fire, Suplex Cavios : Bomb, Hammer, Stone Mecheye : Plasma, Yo-yo Floria : Cutter, Fighter, Ice Skyhigh : Jet, Wheel, Wing Halfmoon: Mirror, Ninja Skyhigh star: Copy =>Dyna Blade Bonus: In the Dyna Blade stage, there are two bonus areas that will appear on the map if you find the large buttons in levels 2 and 4. These areas contain nothing but power ups, and finding them adds percentage points to your game completion total. =>Helper Health: Create a helper and let it fight. When the help is almost out of energy, turn it back into an item by pressing A. Suck the item in, press D to acquire that power, then press A to make a new helper appear with full health. =>Cameos: On very rare occasions, when Kirby uses the Stone power, he will turn into a golden Mario or Samus statue. There seems to be no way to make this happen on command -- it's just luck. KIRBY'S ADVENTURE (nes) checked-part =>Reset: To reset the game without having to press RESET on the system, simply press A+B+SELECT+START simultaneously. ->Bonus Games: When you beat the game, you will receive the option to play the Bonus Games from your saved game on the title screen. ->Extra Game: Receive a 100% rating for the game and gain access to the Extra Game. ->Sound Test: Beat the Extra Game and you will receive the Sound Test. ->Infinite Mikes: Use the microphone power to finish off a boss, but save one of them. Use your last microphone to activate the bonus switch or star piece at the end of the level. KIRBY'S AVALANCHE (snes) checked-no =>Extra Options: Hold CNTRL II: A+B+X+Y and press RESET. Continue holding the buttons while selecting the Select-A-Mode command and then the Custom command. The Custom screen will now contain several new game configuration options. The Earthquake option lets you shake the screen like King Dedede. =>Bubble Sort: On the Options screen, you can hold D or U to adjust the direction and speed in which the background bubble blobs move. KIRBY'S BLOCK BALL (gb) checked-no =>Stage 11 & Practice Mode: Beat the Border Line score for all 10 levels and a bridge will appear, leading to level 11. Beat the score for level 11 for a secret message. Also, press A while on level 11 to practice the bonus rounds. KIRBY'S DREAM COURSE (snes) checked-no =>Special Courses: These can only be accessed after you complete the game. If you earn a bronze medal in all 8 courses, you will be able to select the Extra Courses during the 2 player game. A gold medal in all 8 will allow you to access the Extra Courses in the 1 player game. The following chart shows the score requirements for earning medals. Normal-|Course|Bronze|Silver|Gold| Extra-|Course|Bronze|Silver|Gold| | 1 | 26 | 19 | 14 | | 1 | 25 | 18 | 13 | | 2 | 26 | 19 | 14 | | 2 | 27 | 20 | 15 | | 3 | 29 | 22 | 17 | | 3 | 29 | 22 | 17 | | 4 | 29 | 22 | 17 | | 4 | 29 | 22 | 17 | | 5 | 30 | 23 | 18 | | 5 | 27 | 20 | 15 | | 6 | 28 | 21 | 16 | | 6 | 28 | 21 | 16 | | 7 | 26 | 19 | 14 | | 7 | 28 | 21 | 16 | | 8 | 30 | 23 | 18 | | 8 | 27 | 20 | 15 | =>Sound Test: Earn a medal in all the normal and extra courses in the 1 player game to access the Sound Test. =>Name Change: To change your name, go to the Members List and highlight the name you wish to change. Hold [L]+[R] and press A to go to the Name Enter screen. Enter a new name, choose Ok, and resume your game with a new name. =>Name Scroll: Hold X and press a direction to make your name scroll. Exciting, eh? For even more fun, highlight CLR and press B to put your name in inverse characters. KIRBY'S DREAM LAND (gb) checked-yes =>Configuration Mode: Press D+SELECT+B on the title screen. =>Extra Game: Press U+SELECT+A on the title screen. KIRBY'S DREAM LAND 2 (gb) checked-no =>Dark Matter Boss: Collect all the Rainbow Drops before fighting King Dedede. Once you do, you will fight Dark Matter. =>Bonus Options: Get all the Rainbow Drops, enter the boss rooms and get perfect scores in all the bonus rounds, get the female blob, and beat the game. On the main menu, your save game file will read 100% -- press A and choose Option for Boss Battles, Bonus Rounds, and a Sound Test. * The Female Blob: That annoying percentage point that you can't get is probably due to the female blob. To get her easily, go to 5-3 and repeatedly get the black blobs. A female one will eventually appear. The female blobs appear once in each world, so collect all 7. =>Powers to Free Rainbow Drops: Use these powers on the blocks in the Rainbow Drop rooms to free them... 1-Grassland-Parasol , 2-Forest-Spike, 3-Ripple Field-Rock, 4-Iceland-Fire , 5-Red Canyon-Spark , 6-Cloudy Park-Cutter, 7-Castle-Ice * For the last level, use Fire, then Stone, Spike, Ice, Cutter. =>Hidden Rooms: In dark rooms, with Spine and the Spark power, use Spark and you may see a secret door or picture. Try to enter either of them. KIRBY'S DREAM LAND 3 (gb) checked-no =>Health Trick: Bring out your helper (which reduces your energy by half of a block) and then suck him back in to regain a full block... a gain of 1/2. =>Secret Rooms: In 3-1, search for a hidden room inside the first door. In 2-4, enter the large room with falling black balls, then make your way to the last platform without a door... and press U. KIRBY'S PINBALL LAND (gb) checked-yes =>Bonus Games: On the title screen, press L+B+SELECT simultaneously. On the High Score screen, a white cat will walk across the bottom. Return to the title screen, start a new game, and select a stage. You will automatically go to the Bonus Game. =>Boss Battles: On the title screen, press R+A+B+SELECT simultaneously, and hold them until the High Scores screen appears. A black cat should wander across the background. Start a new game and begin playing. =>Ball Save: You can save your ball a few times if you lose it. When Kirby falls down onto the platform (normally used to launch him), press A at just the right time to knock him back out onto the playing field. =>Erase High Scores: On the high score screen hold START+SELECT. The title screen will reappear, but keep holding down START+SELECT. When the high score screen reappears, press D. A bomb will fall on Kirby. KIRBY'S STAR STACKER (gb) checked-yes =>Insane Level: Complete Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Super Hard to reach the Insane level of difficulty. Beat the insane level and the title screen logo will switch to one featuring a crowned Kirby. KLAX (gb) checked-no =>Good Pattern: This is supposed to be a good pattern to use... last block --> 42112 14321 33433 11211 12121 KLAX (gbc) checked-yes 0=Square 1=Circle 2=GreenGuy 3=Pillar 4=YellowGuy 5=Diamond It's easier to just set all four symbols to the blue square and press U the number of times listed... |2202| Furd Herder (Minesweeper game) |1502| Snake game |4332| Klax History |0352| Klax Myth |2210| Developer Dress-Up |3455| View Credits |0424| Adventure (only in European version) |01|4331| |21|5052| |41|3551| |61|1012| |81|3113| |06|1404| |26|3403| |46|4513| |66|1552| |86|0251| |11|4402| |31|2133| |51|0540| |71|1003| |91|4215| |16|5425| |36|1144| |56|3004| |76|2241| |96|3320| KNIFE EDGE: NOSE GUNNER (n64) checked-no =>Super Hard Mode: On the Kemco logo screen, hold [R]+[L]+cU and press cR cL B. =>Stage Select: On the stage number display screen in either the story or team mode, hold cU+cD+cL+cR+[R] and press PAD: R U L D. KNIGHT RIDER (nes) checked-no |NSMRNQIUKRISD| Desert Battle level =>Stage Select: Hold A+B and press RESET. Press START, choose Mission or Drive, then use U or D to select a stage. =>All Weapons & Stage Skip: Press START to pause the game, then hold U+L+A+B and press SELECT to cycle through all the weapons. Release the buttons and press START to unpause to get to the end of the stage. =>Hidden Message: Hold SELECT+START while turning your NES. =>View Ending: Hold SELECT and press RESET. KNIGHT'S QUEST (gb) checked-no |(hourglass?)n7nB dc!Zc SHhhn| End of game KNOCKOUT KINGS 2000 (n64) checked-no =>Big Gloves Mode: Pause and press cU cD cU cU cD. Reenter to deactivate. =>Big Head Mode: Pause and press cL cR cL cL cR. Reenter to deactivate. =>Easy Training Pts: Choose Muhammad Ali in career mode. After a match, enter Training and continually press cU next to the trainer to get 30 hits quickly and easily. =>Super Punch: When the glove icon is flashing, press A+B+[R] and a direction. =>Regain Energy: During a match, keep away from the other fighter and repeatedly press Z, or hold Z and rotate the STICK. KOBE BRYANT IN NBA COURTSIDE (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Teams: On the main menu, hold [L] and select Pre-Season, then cycle through the teams to find the Left Field, Nintendo, and the development teams. =>Left Field Aliens: On the main menu, press PAD I: cU cD cL cR STARTx2 A B A [R] Z. Hold B until you return to the main menu, then hold [L] and press A. Choose the Left Field team from special teams and play. =>Kid Mode: On the main menu, press PAD I: cRx2 B [R]x2 cD U D cU A Z. =>Disco Floor: Pause the game and press PAD I: A cU D U cD [R]x2 B cRx2 Z. =>Michael Jordan: Create a player named Michael Jordan, height 6'6", 38 years, and all abilities set to 99%. Run him as pro for 8 years. When you see the player he should be wearing a Bulls uniform. =>Big Head: During a game, press START to pause, then press PAD I: Rx2 L [R] Z START A START A START Z. =>Unlimited Fouls: Use the intentional fouls to foul out all your bench players. You can now get unlimited fouls on your remaining court players. Press cR to foul another player. =>Replay Camera: When watching a replay, use B to change the camera angle. Also, once a replay ends, tap B+Z repeatedly to replay the replay. =>Confuse Computer: Stand still dribbling the ball and press cDx5 to dribble between your legs, which often causes the computer to get confused and suddenly ignore you. KONAMI COLLECTOR'S SERIES: ARCADE ADVANCED (gba) checked-yes =>Extra Modes: Choose one of the six games from the main menu. On this game's title screen, press U U D D L R L R B A and a chime will sound. Until you return to the main menu, this game will have changed as follows... * Frogger: New graphics and music. * Scramble: New graphics, music, and ships. * Gyruss: Slight graphical enhancement. * Time Pilot: Enables rapid fire when you hold down the fire button. * Rush'n Attack: You begin with 6 lives instead of 4. * Yie Ar Kung-Fu: Nothing happens. KONAMI GB COLLECTION VOL. 1 (gbc) checked-no =>Europe Only Release? =>Contra Stage Select: Press U U D D L R L R B A B A START on the title screen. KONAMI KRAZY RACERS (gba) checked-no =>Extra Racers: Each secret character can be earned by finding hidden blue diamonds hidden on certain tracks. * Bear: In Cyber Field 2, nab the diamond sitting between the two pits near the finish line. Finish the race and save your game. * Ebisumaru: Enter the Time Trials and beat the records for Ganbare Dochu 1 and 2 using Bear as your racer. Once you do, Ebisumaru will be enabled. * Vic Viper: On Moon Road, make sure you have a blue bell power and head towards the first big jump. Take the jump, using the bell for extra speed, and aim for the long, narrow platform with a blue diamond. Collect the diamond, finish the race, and save your game. * King: On Sky Bridge 2, grab a blue bell power and head towards the large gap. Right before the gap is a jump, with a blue diamond just to the right of that jump. Jump towards the platform, using the blue bell power for extra speed, and grab the blue diamond in the process. Finish the race and save the game. =>Rocket Start: At the beginning of the race, tap and hold A right before the fourth light lights up. KORODICE (gb) checked-no |difficulty|level 4|level 5|level 6|level 7|level 8|level 9|level10| |EASY | 94347 | 68890 | 24486 | 49320 | 28076 | 96545 | 83193 | |AVERAGE | 22307 | 64422 | 43059 | 46403 | 50136 | 17443 | 99007 | KRAZY RACERS {*} please see KONAMI KRAZY RACERS KRUSTY'S FUN HOUSE (nes) checked-no |01|HI KIDS| |02|HERSCHEL| |03|SLUGFEST| |04|BOUVIER | |05|MENDOZA | =>Rat Tip: Trap the rats between a wall and a block - this will compress them into a single moving rat, which makes them much easier to deal with. KRUSTY'S FUN HOUSE (gb) checked-no |MCBAIN |Level 2 |MILHOUSE|Level 3 |CMBURNS |Level 4 |PRINCESS|Level 5 =>Rat Tip: Trap the rats between a wall and a block - this will compress them into a single moving rat, which makes them much easier to deal with. KRUSTY'S SUPER FUN HOUSE (snes) checked-no | JOSHUA | access any room, unlimited lives, press [L]+[R] for pie recharge |02|BARTMAN | |03|SMITHERS| |04|SNOWBALL| |05|JEBEDIAH| =>Rat Tip: Trap the rats between a wall and a block - this will compress them into a single moving rat, which makes them much easier to deal with. KUNG FU (nes) checked-no =>5000 Points: Jump kick the 12th enemy in each level for 5000 bonus points. If the 12th enemy isn't a gripper, however, you must wait for one to appear and kick him first. =>Fight the Girl: Beat the game 50 times to battle the girl. KUNG-FU HEROES (nes) checked-no =>Continue: Hold A+B, then press START on the title screen. =>Swing Sword: Press A+B and the direction you wish to attack in. =>10 Million Points: Die in stages 1-3, 2-2, 3-2, 3-4, 4-1, and 5-1. Something unusual should happen that is connected to high bonus points. =>Special Bonus Stage: Walk around the screen counter-clockwise and touch each corner. Blue hearts are worth 100,000 pts here. |========== Chapter L ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. LABYRINTH (nes) checked-no =>The plank can be used as a key. LADY SIA (gba) checked-no =>Extra Stages: If you earn a 100% completion rating for each stage in a world, you will unlock a hidden stage in that world. LAGOON (snes) checked-no =>Easy Kill: To easily kill the bird, simply stand in a place where the bird flies by frequently, then jump and swing at the bird when it does fly by. As long as you are jumping, you are invincible. LAMBORGHINI'S AMERICAN CHALLENGE (snes) checked-no |JFKBBBBBBBBBBJFK| Play with $6,000,000 =>Infinite Turbo: Turn the system on and wait for the title screen to appear, then let the demo play all the way through to the title screen again. Begin a game and you will have infinite turbo boosts. =>All Tracks: On the main menu, press D B X to enable all tracks. =>Free Drive Mode: On the main menu, press L X A. LASER INVASION (nes) checked-no =>9 Fighters: On the options screen, move the cursor to PLAYERS 3. Press Rx3, Ax3, Rx3, Ax3. Now, press (R A)x18. Finally, press Rx3. A tone will sound and 9 will appear next to PLAYERS. LAST ACTION HERO (snes) checked-no =>Unlimited Life: Begin a new game and make your way to the first police car. Line up with the back of the car so that your fist lands above the tail light when you punch. Punch until you hear an explosion. From now on, press [R] to refill your life meter. THE LAST NINJA (nes) checked-no |02|611111612314901| |05|HCDCD8081086048| |03|C444444F5041DG4| |06|BG9G9F5FCFD950F| |04|7000008036058C0| |End|550446503776HC6| Begin with 15 Ninjas |HHHHHHHHHHH0HHH| THE LAWNMOWER MAN (snes) checked-no =>Secret Mode: Pause the game and press B [R] A SELECTx2 Y A B Y A B START. From now on, pause the game and enter [R] A SELECT Y START for extra lives, A [L]x2 START for the stage select, or [L] or [R] for slow motion. Entering [R] A SELECT Y SELECT Y START gives infinite lives. =>Stage Cheat: To easily finish a virtual world level, press START, repeatedly press A, and press START once more. =>Nigel Wayne/Stage Select Mode: Press START to pause the game. Now press B [R] A SELECT Y A B Y A B STARTx2 A [L]x2 START. =>Points Tip: Enter a green hexagon gate and make your way to the exit sign. Crash into a letter in the sign, then finish the stage. A 9x point multiplier will appear outside the gate when you exit; nab it, return into the level and repeat. This can be done until you reach 99x... and partially increased afterward by destroying things that normally carry point multipliers. This trick won't work in Cyberwar, one way gates, or the final Jobe stage. LEGACY OF THE WIZARD (nes) checked-no =>Spike Walk: Hold U while walking on the spikes and you won't be hurt. =>Full Equip: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: U+R+A+B. At the same time, hold CNTRL I: D+L+SELECT. With all these buttons held, press CNTRL I: START. You should hear a tone. Now, select Roas (boy), go outside, try to buy a crystal from the tree shop. Return to house, select Roas again, go outside, and waste away all of his Magic power. Return to the house and place the finger of the pointer on the picture's eyeball. Hold CNTRL II: B+L and CNTRL I: R. Do NOT allow the pointer to move. Continue holding all these buttons and press CNTRL I: Ax16. You now have 16 of everything [except for the crowns and Dragonslayer sword]. =>Sound Test: In the house at the beginning of the game, move the cursor to the painting on the wall and press CNTRL II: A to change the music. and now, passwords for the game ... +-------------------+ +-------------------+ |GBZY JZPB BNDK IDHN| 1 crown |XI6X OVQM MBXR F2JV| 4 crown |A3UU CWEV 4QUD R2VA| |AS3D 2GBC BMPQ QH3H| +-------------------+ +-------------------+ |W1B3 UJLU DAZI IEDV| 2 crowns |C4TB RSSH 6RXC 1TJH| 4 crown |W4X3 UHER JD4D PKHA| |CUTK 3NFT YWMC WJVU| sword +-------------------+ +-------------------+ |XIF4 OVQM TWMK F2JV| 3 crowns |AS33 2NBJ 1MIW 3BAH| +-------------------+ =>Suggested Order: First, get to Keela (the dragon seen in that prison of stone within the center of the caves). Using her as a reference point, you should send Pochi (pet monster) for the crown in the lower right area, Lyll (daughter) for the one in the upper right, Meyna (mother) for the one in the bottom left, and Xemn (father) for the one in the upper left. Use Roas to fight the dragon after finding all four crowns and the sword. THE LEGEND OF THE MYSTICAL NINJA (snes) checked-no =>Passwords: These passwords place you at the beginning of the levels. ^ = triangle * = heart |Level|Kid Ying|Dr. Yang| 2 Player| |Level|Kid Ying|Dr. Yang| 2 Player| | 01 | ^L&lpl | VyNKKK | 12-;/:2 | | 06 | W:qLXL | dzg+P+ | QPwmk5R | | 02 | h8HTYK | 1t">D< | :jz20"; | | 07 | PJ?VxV | L^MQqQ | !Kqyp-" | | 03 | +ZH676 | vYH%9% | zV102!/ | | 08 | Z+?$? | ^?lkm9J | | 04 | zdh1^1 | 66V!?! | n*xBGby | | 09 | qWin Lottery: To always win at LEAST $50 from the lottery huts, press B rapidly and repeatedly while the drawing is taking place. =>Extra Supplies Code: First, enter the following password on the 'Logbook Entry' screen |6*KjG RVGG! yBgMR %^G:: v>G=* GRPG* ?| This code will fail. Now, without erasing the failing password, back up to the very beginning of the page using the arrows on the bottom of the screen. Type in the next password over the previous one |rzT$> L1>X9 q+TD^ ZR>?? q/>zD >^H>z :| This will now start you off at level 9, but only Kid Ying will be on the screen. Press CNTRL II: A and you will find Dr. Yang, all powered up. LEGEND OF THE MYSTICAL NINJA 64 {*} please see MYSTICAL NINJA STARRING GOEMON LEGEND OF THE RIVER KING (gb) checked-no =>Bonus Level: Catch at least one of each type of fish, then catch the guardian. After the credits roll, you will see the words "Funland Unlocked" Restart the game and stay in the inn in level 1, and you will be able to get to level 5... with a small lake that contains every type of fish in the game. =>Music Trick: While fishing, pull in your line, but rather than casting, press A enter enter the Tools menu. Go to Memo - Fishing Record, where it lists the fish you've caught. Exit and return to casting, and music will be playing as you do. =>Money Trick: Go to the Stream with the fly rod. When Uncle asks for Ayu, just keep catching them and cashing in. When one side of the river is out, try the other side. If you empty the Stream, just go in and out of the building to replenish the Stream. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA (nes) checked-yes =>2cd Quest: Enter your name as ZELDA to begin in the 2cd quest. =>Quick Save: Press START to go the the subscreen, then press CNTRL II: U+A to go to the SAVE/CONT/QUIT menu. =>Don't Pay: If you break an old man's door and he asks you to pay for the repair, press CNTRL II: A+B to escape. =>Open Doors: Some of the dungeon doors will open up if you simply exit the room and come back in. For example, in the first dungeon of the first quest, enter the entrance, walk back outside, then return into the level. The locked door will now be open. =>Locations of the Items: Set up a grid map, using the letters A-P for the horizontal axis and the numbers 1-8 for the vertical axis. Therefore, the top left corner is A-1 and the bottom right corner is P-8. Each block equals 1 screen. Use this map of the overworld to find the following items. NOTE: Link begins in H-8. c/b/t/w/s/r = Use/Move a Candle/Bomb/Tombstone/Whistle/Statue/Rock First Quest... Hearts: H-5c, L-8b, M-3b, P-3, P-6 White Sword K-1, Magic Sword B-3t, Letter O-1, Bracelet E-3s Dungeons: H-4, M-4, E-8, F-5, L-1, C-3, C-5w, N-7c, F-1b Second Quest... Hearts: A-3t, G-1w, K-4w, P-3, P-6 White Sword K-1, Magic Sword J-1r, Letter B-2r, Bracelet E-3s Dungeons: H-4, E-4s, M-4w, L-2r, F-5, A-4t, M-7c, J-2b, A-1b THE LEGEND OF ZELDA 2 see ZELDA II: THE ADVENTURE OF LINK THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: A LINK TO THE PAST (snes) checked-yes =>Free Green Potion: In the Light World, north of the circle of rocks in the northeast section of the Light World, you will find a cave hidden behind a waterfall. Within this cave is a -Mysterious Pond- which will upgrade a boomerang or shield tossed into it... OR fill an empty bottle with Green Potion. =>Sword Upgrade: In the dark world, the Pyramid of Power has a large crack in it which can be blown up with a Super Bomb. When you do so, you will find a Fairy Fountain -- try tossing your Master Sword inside. =>Magic Powder: Near the Smithy's Shop in Kakario Village is a pit... pound the peg in front of it and hop in to meet a strange creature that will double your magic supply. =>Houlihan Room: The Chris Houlihan room is a top secret, money-filled room which is nearly impossible to find accidentally, and difficult to enter even if you know that it exists. You must have the Pegasus Boots and either Boomerang to enter. First of all, begin your game at the Sanctuary. Switch your item to the Boomerang, then dash out of the Sanctuary and down to the road. Dash left, then down, then right. You will now be at the left of the castle. Dash to the secret passage you used to enter the castle at the beginning of the game. Dash down the path leading to it, dashing through the plant at the end of the path, then dash right into the plant over the passage and you will drop into the Houlihan Room. However, during all your dashing to get there, only stop to stun enemies with your Boomerang (I'd only stun those which would be directly in my way), don't bounce off of any objects, and try not to hit or run into any enemies or to let them hit you. If you did all of this correctly, you will arrive in the Chris Houlihan room, containing a congratulatory message from Chris and about $225 (in case you're wondering, Chris won an old Nintendo Power contest for appearing in a game). Rumor has it that this trick can also be done if you run from Link's House, but it is still unclear. I have only been able to get it to work from the Sanctuary as mentioned above. =>24 Pieces of Heart = 6 Heart Containers: 1)Enter the Lost Woods north of the Fortune Teller and walk north. Find the 3x3 patch of bushes and cut the center bush. 2)In Kakariko, fall into the well northwest of the bottle seller. Bomb the rocks. 3)Enter the house of the fighting brothers and open a passage to the left. Exit the bottom door of the left room and complete the maze in 15 seconds or less. 4)Go to the basement of the Thieves' Hideout and bomb the cracked wall. 5)Enter the Watergate at the Swamp Entrance, go to the far room and pull the right lever. Exit the Watergate to find the piece to the west. 6)In the northeast corner of the Great Desert is a cave. Find the room with Aginah and bomb the bottom wall. 7)West of the Sanctuary is a pile of rocks - dash it. 8)Enter the Desert Palace and come out the west exit and go to the southwest corner of the desert. 9)Get the Flippers at Zora's Falls, then travel south. Go over the 1st fall, but turn west instead of falling over the 2cd. Walk up the slope and continue west. 10)Walk around the left side of the rock formation in front of Spectacle Rock and drop off onto the lower ledge. Go into the cave and proceed to floor 2F. 11)On top of Spectacle Rock 12)After defeating Agahnim, walk down the 1st stairs, then down the stairs on the right. Go right, drop, go up and around to the right. 13)Dash into the Strange Tree (after killing Agahnim). Enter, climb the stairs, and bomb the right wall. 14)There is a circle of stones in the northwest corner of Ice Island. Stand inside and Mirror warp. 15)In the Dark World, go south of the Haunted Grove to a circle of shrubs. Stand in the center, Mirror warp, and enter the cave. 16)Go to the Dark World version of the maze game (see #3). Dig. 17)Climb the ladder on the north side of the Dark World's cemetery and Mirror warp. Enter the cave and bomb the far wall. 18)Enter the cave of the sign reading "I'll blah blah give Piece of Heart blah Cape." Go to floor 2F, cross the hole, through the bumper, and out the door. 19)In the Village of Outcasts, enter the hut with the Chest symbol. Play. 20)Pound the 22 stakes south of the Dark World Smithy and enter the cave. 21)In the Great Desert, find the Warp Tile under a heavy rock and warp to Misery Mire. Fall off the ledge and go north and enter the west 'mouth'. 22)Enter the dead-end in the northeast corner of Misery Mire, Mirror warp, lift the stone and enter the cave. 23)Go west from Turtle Rock, lift the 1st large rock, enter, go up and over the invisible bridge, and continue until outside. 24)Go near the right door on the narrow ledge outside the Turtle Rock dungeon , Mirror warp, enter the cave, kill everything, and go through the open door. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: LINK'S AWAKENING (gb) checked-part =>Almost Free Bow: After buying the bow, and as the rupees are zooming out of your hands, press A+B+START+SELECT simultaneously and save your game. When you continue the game, you will have your bow and most of your rupees too. =>Bomb Arrows: Simply choose the Bombs and Arrows as your two button items, then press A+B to shoot an exploding arrow. =>Swim In The Raft Ride: After renting the raft, sail to the second waterfall and fall down the left side. Just as you leave the screen, press SELECT to go to the map, then press SELECT again to return to the game. If done correctly, you will drop 2 screens and land on an island. You can swim in the water IF you have the flippers. Also, if the Rooster is following you, you can fly around and grab all of the stuff floating in the air. =>Warp To Raft Shop: To warp from the fishing game to the Raft Shop (you must have the flippers to do so), catch a fish in the game, and when the fisherman(mouse?) asks if you want to try again, select NO and press A+B+START+SELECT simultaneously. Choose RETURN TO GAME, then hop into the pond and swim left offscreen. On the new, scrambled screen, walk around until you appear in front of the Raft Shop. =>Stealing: If you are pathetic, lousy, and otherwise worthless when it comes to this game, do what losers in real life do - steal. Go to the main Tool Shop, grab an item from the display, then quickly sneak behind the merchant and rush out of the door when he is looking away, you miserable thief you. Naturally, the islanders will treat you a bit differently after this ... and the merchant will be waiting for you... bwaa haaa haaa haaa haaa! =>Winning at the Trendy Game: Use the B button to move the claw directly over the top left corner of the item-laden conveyor belt, then wait until the item that you want is in the middle of the right vertical side of the belt. Tap A once. =>Bug Warp: This is not a trick, but a bug in the game... stand at the edge of a screen (by an exit), start to move to the next screen, but push SELECT before the screen changes. Press SELECT to return to the game and (if you timed it correctly) you will be exactly 1 screen away from where you were. Of course, you could be hopelessly stuck in a rock, but that's the price you pay for cheating. You can use this trick to keep Marin with you for the entire game; take a warp to Mabe village, and use the trick to warp past the screen she normally leaves you at, and she will be with you for the rest of the game. This doesn't work in the Million Seller edition of the game, nor in the DX edition. =>Special Music: This brings back memories of the original Legend of Zelda. On the Name Select screen, enter the name ZELDA and you will hear a remix of the classic Hyrule theme. =>Poultry Attack: Repeatedly attack an innocent chicken. Soon you will suffer. =>Rough Landing: If you leap off a ledge while Marin is following, she will land right on top of you... and respond. =>Powder Power: Try sprinkling it on the Ghost's Grave, the trees in front of Seashell Manor, and the bones in the desert. =>Goomba Power: Stomp Goombas for hearts. =>Pol's Voice: Pol's Voice, the rabbit-like thingy, hates music. Play the Ballad of the Wind Fish to make him self-destruct. =>Boomerang Border: When you have the Power Bracelet, Rooster, and Boomerang, you can use all three to become the Linkinator. Grab on to the rooster's legs and toss the boomerang. The boomerang will circle around you, mowing down enemies. =>Marked Cards: You'll come across three enemies with changing suits. If you whack 'em and stop them all on the same suit, they'll disappear. If you stop them all on Hearts, however, they'll turn into hearts. =>Alter the Enemy: Try sprinkling Powder on some enemies. They may turn into easier to defeat enemies. Try this on Kukemages (the ones that electrocute you when you hit them with your sword), then talk to them to hear some secret info about a (then) upcoming Nintendo product... =>Do The Link: First of all, have Link equip the Boots and the Shovel. Start to dash with your boots, but before taking a step, use the shovel. Link will start running in place until you press the control pad. =>Find Bombs: Defeat the Bombites in the Dungeons using Bombs and they'll leave a lot of bombs behind. =>Wandering Walrus: If you play the Ballad on the screen the Walrus appeared on, he'll return for a brief period of time. ->Dig the Reflection: When facing Agahnim's Shadow, use the Shovel instead of the Sword to reflect his spells. Why does this work? I dunno. =>Stare Down: When facing Dethl, the final boss that looks like a one-eyed lobster, use a boomerang instead of arrows. After doing this, kick yourself for wasting all that time trying to kill him with arrows. Your humble author certainly wanted to. =>Buggy, Buggy Ga-aame: Another bug! In the Angler's Cave, there is a room with a pressure pad on the top, next to a door. If you enter this room without the flippers, it seems that the jump to the pad would be impossible. However, it isn't. The problem is that if you make the jump before opening the door leading to the flippers, then use your last key on the locked block behind the door... you can't get the flippers. The only other key is under water, and you need that key to get the flippers so that you can get the same key out of the water. Advice - don't jump. =>Wall Test: Hold out your sword and tap against walls to see if you can bomb them; hollow walls make a different sound. =>No Death Points: Normally, if you die and save the game, you will have 1 point added to your death counter (visible on the player select screen). However, if you press A+B+START+SELECT while Link is doing his death spin, and choose "Save and Quit", your current game, with all items, will be saved and you WON'T increase the death counter. ->Marin's Comments: Marin will say various things while she follows you. Try whacking chickens, examining chests, breaking pots, jumping into the Mabe village well, exiting a dungeon when you are about to die and beeping like crazy, talking to the bear chef, playing the ocarina, and going to the Trendy game. The Trendy Game actually gives you a small cartoon, of sorts, if you take Marin to it. * Violent Marin: Normally when you whack a chicken whilst Marin is following, she will let you know what a lousy person you are. Sometimes, however, she laughs and tells you to keep hitting them. I have seen this once. I've heard from other people who have seen this. There seems to be no way of MAKING this alternate text appear. Grumble. One source says if you hit a chicken 20 times, on the 21st time she will cheer you on. ->Locations of the Items: Set up a grid map, using the letters A-P for the vertical axis and the numbers 1-16 for the horizontal axis. Therefore, the top left corner is A-1, the bottom left corner is P-1, and the bottom right corner is P-16. Each block equals 1 screen. Use this map of the overworld to find... * Pieces of Heart... (1) 1K[well], (2) 2I[fishing game], (3) 5E, (4) 3G[cave], (5) 15M[underground-blast wall], (6) 7I[blast wall in cave], (7) 15C[in water in cave], (8) 7H[under grave cave], (9) 14M[cave] (10) 9H[moat], (11) 8A[cave-bomb wall], (12) 2A[thru Turtle Rock] * Secret Seashells... (1) 4K[grass], (2) 2K[doghouse-dig], (3) 2H[chest], (4) 4N[dungeon-bomb], (5) 6K[dig], (6) 11I[enter Seashell Manor with 5 shells],(7) 10L[rock], (8) 9K[dig near owl], (9) 10O[grass], (10) 7N[chest], (11) 11I[enter the Manor with 10 shells], (12) 15K[statue/stairs], (13) 5K[tree], (14) 16P[rock], (15) 11N[dig], (16) 7P[house-help ghost], (17) 9P[grass and water], (18) 13G[thru lvl 6], (19) 7K[grass], (20) 9H[pit-use rooster], (21) 12I[grass], (22) 5H[dig], (23) 13A, (24) 14B, (25) 3N, (26) 15A NOTE: Once you've cashed in 20 shells for the level 2 sword, any shell chests remaining will yield 100 rupies. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: LINK'S AWAKENING DX (gbc) checked-no =>General Notes: The "Bug Warp" screen skipping trick will NOT work in this version of the game. Otherwise, all the tips and secrets from the normal Link's Awakening game for Game Boy should be present here. =>Color Dungeon: Once you have the boots, visit the library, dash into the shelves and grab the book that falls. Read the book and you'll be told to visit the graveyard and be given a series of directions on moving the head stones. Now, go to the graveyard and follow the directions. * Once you beat this dungeon, you can enter it at any time while playing the game on a normal Game Boy. * Beat the dungeon and you will receive either Blue or Red mail. Blue mail reduces all damage by one half, thus acting like a permanent Power Acorn. Red mail increases damage, in exactly the manner that a Piece of Power does. =>Photograph Locations: * Enter the Camera Shop. There is a rumor that you get a different picture if you answer NO to all of his questions. * Take Marin to the cliff at Toronbo Shores. * With Marin, hop down the well at Mabe Village. * With Marin, visit the Rooster Statue in Mabe Village. * Look through the window on the outside right side of Ulrira's house. * After you return Bow Wow, go to the right side of his chain peg. * After getting the necklace, visit the fisherman under Martha's Bay bridge. * With the magnifying glass, enter the house farthest to the right in the Animal village. * Before talking to Richard or getting the leaves, walk up to the locked gate of Kanalet Castle. * After the ghost returns to his grave, return to the grave. * Up in Tal Tal heights, find a shrub monster next to a bridge. Cross the bridge. * Swipe an item from the Tool Shop; this also has the nasty effect of changing your name to THIEF for the rest of the game. Rats. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: MAJORA'S MASK (n64) checked-no =>Manipulate Time: Once you learn the Song of Time, you can easily slow down or speed up time. To slow time down to half speed (thus giving yourself twice as much time to complete dungeons and tasks), simply play the Song of Time backwards - cD A cR cD A cR. To jump ahead to the next stage of the day, play "The Song of Double Time" - cR cR A A cD cD. =>Enemy Avoidance: If you wear the Stone Mask, most bad guys will just ignore you. =>Item Upgrades: Several special items are found in the game. * Adult Wallet: Once you've stored 200 rupees in the town bank, you will be given a wallet that holds $200. * Giant Wallet: Kill all the Skulltula spiders in the spider house on the Zora Coast and you will get a wallet that holds $500. * Large Quiver: Beat the record in the East Clock Town shooting gallery. It holds 40 arrows. =>Gilded Sword: Thaw out the mountains by completing Snowhead. The best thing to do is save the game after beating the level, return to the first day, then go back to Snowhead and use the Boss Warp tile in the entrance of the dungeon to skip directly to the boss battle. Kill the boss and you can thaw the mountains out with several days to spare! Enter the Goron Race and win first place to get Gold Dust. Now, go to the forge and have the swordsmith temper your sword into a Razor Sword. Once he does, return and you will be able to ask him to forge your sword into a Gilded Sword (using the Gold Dust). This gives you a permanent sword upgrade that lasts even when you return to the first day. =>Hidden Fairies: Go to any Gossip Stone and play either the Song of Healing or Epona's Song to make a fairy appear. Play the Song of Storms to make a special fairy appear that will restore both your health and magic. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: THE OCARINA OF TIME (n64) checked-part =>Map Toggle: Press [L] to turn the on-screen map on or off. =>Extra Bottles: Want 5, 6, 7 or more bottles? You can change any of your C button inventory items into a bottle, but you may not be able to get the item back. Equip an empty bottle and prepare to catch a fish, bug, or fairy with it. Swing your bottle and press START while it is in midair, just before you catch the item in your bottle. On the sub screen, replace the bottle in your C button with another item, such as the Claim Check. Unpause the game and Link will catch the item, then hold a filled bottle in the air. This bottle has replaced your item, the Claim Check... or anything else. Remember, you might not be able to reclaim the item you switched for the bottle, so DON'T SAVE if you replace something vital with a bottle. =>Big Enemies: When fighting Stalchilds, Leevers, the birds in the field, or any outside enemy that regenerates and attacks non-stop, just stay in one place and keep killing them. After you slay about 5 "waves" of them, a giant version will appear and attack. It is the same as the rest, just bigger and a bit stronger. For example, stand outside in Hyrule field and kill 10 Stalchilds, and a giant Stalchild should appear. =>Cameos: Aside from the Bowser pendants on Malon and Talon, Mario characters make a guest appearance inside the castle. While a child, enter the castle courtyard (where you meet Princess Zelda) and look through the window on the right wall to see some hidden pictures. Also, try shooting at the pot in the right wall. =>Free Lon Lon Milk: When you find a cow, play Epona's Song for it and you can fill an empty bottle with Lon Lon milk. ->Get a Cow: After you get Epona, return to the ranch and challenge Malon to a race. If you win, a cow will be put inside your house in the forest. =>Ice Arrow: Still stuck in the Gerudo Training Ground trying to find the last blasted key? When you are walking around in the fence room with the huge treasure chest in the center, use the Eye of Truth and search the ceiling for a hidden room...then climb a fence up to it. =>Scarecrow's Song: Some items in the game can't be reached unless you use the Scarecrow's Song. As an adult, go to Lake Hylia and play your Ocarina for the scarecrow, but REMEMBER THE TUNE YOU PLAY. If he liked it, you can play that tune in various places in the game to call the scarecrow. If you call one up somewhere, use your hookshot to pull yourself up to him, thus reaching areas you normally can't. =>Ocarina Notes: Want to play your favorite tunes on the Ocarina? Here is the musical scale...use the STICK for U and D. C = A+D A = cR sharps - [R] D = A B = cL flats - Z E = A+U C = cU+D F = cD D = cU G = cD+U E = cU+U =>Killer Chickens: Just whack a chicken with your sword or other weapons until something happens... =>Epona Glitch: After Ganon knocks the master sword out of your hand in the final battle, save the game and press RESET. Start your game and you will find that the B button icon has nothing in it. Jump on your horse, Epona, and you will now be able to use any of you C buttons while on horseback. Try all sorts of things out with this. * Note: It seems that this glitch may only work on the gold carts and the first batch of grey ones. The later versions of the grey carts seem to have fixed this glitch. =>Running Man Note: The running marathon man can NOT be beaten. He will always beat you to the Lost Woods bridge by one second, no matter what you try to do to beat him. Depressing, but true. =>Water Temple Tip: In the Water Temple, once you beat the Dark Link, you will enter a room with a treasure chest. There is a hole behind the chest. Most people miss this. I did. For two whole weeks. Grumble. =>Gossip Stones: Do you see those cute little stones with the Sheikah symbol on them? Aren't they annoying? You can whack them with various weapons for some special effects, talk to them while wearing the Mask of Truth for gossip (which is mostly useless), or play a song on the ocarina to make some fairies appear. ->Floating, Invincibility: After doing the Epona glitch, and when you are riding Epona with nothing on the B button, try these things... * Toss a Deku Nut to temporarily detach yourself from Epona. Try walking into Lake Hylia like this. Also, pick up a plant, let yourself remount Epona, and when you dismount you should be invincible. Play Saria's song when off the horse to begin floating over Epona. * Use Fayore's Wind while on Epona and you can use the warp magic anywhere you can get Epona to. ->Lon Lon Milk Game Tip: Before you ask Talon to play, toss all the chickens into the pile of straw in the corner, where they will stay (for a while). When you play the game, it will be easy to find the special ones. ->Fairy Trick: In an area you can exit by walking out of the screen, stand right next to the exit and release a fairy. If done correctly, you will walk off the screen when you open the bottle... your energy will refill but your fairy will remain in the bottle. Odd. ->Butterfairies: Catch a butterfly on the end of a Deku stick to transform it into a fairy. ->Easy Skulltulas: First of all, make sure that you haven't gotten the gold Skulltula that is inside the castle fence, in the hole under the tree in the corner (near where Talon was sleeping). When you have the boomerang and the Song of Storms... * Play the Song of Storms to open the hidden hole, then enter it. * Kill the Skulltula to make the token appear. * Stand in front of the exit warp, then toss your boomerang at the token. * Exit after the boomerang nabs the token but before it gets to you. If you return to the surface before the token collection message completely appears, you will earn a token but the Skulltula will remain alive in the hole. You can repeat this to earn as many tokens as you like using only this Skulltula. =>Skulltula Bonuses: Kill gold Skulltulas and collect the tokens to earn items in the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village. 10 tokens gives you the Adult Wallet (holds 200 rupees), 30 tokens earns the Giant Wallet (500 rupees). Other items are available as well. ->Deku Nut Uses: Use them to stun enemies, toss them in Jabu-Jabu to knock the biris and baris to the ground and to pop the bubbles. Use them to extinguish the flaming Skull Bubbles. Also, stun Ganon with them! They work well against Lizstalfos too. =>Super Bottle: When fighting Ganondorf, swing a bottle to deflect the magic he hurls at you. It works just as well as your sword. =>Repair Signs: Slash a sign, then play Zelda's Lullaby to repair it. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: ORACLE OF AGES (gbc) checked-no =>Secret GBA Shop: If you play the game on a Game Boy Advance, you can access a hidden item shop with special rings and items. Go to the Lynna Village in the past and find the building where the target practice game is (the old man is standing in front). There are two doors in this building: the left one leads to the target game, and the right one is normally locked. If you're playing the game on a Game Boy Advanced, however, the door can be opened and leads to a special shop selling $100 rings and items. =>Mermaid Keys: One of the most annoying puzzles in the game deals with the two different Mermaid keys you need when trying to play through the past and present versions of the Mermaid dungeon. To get the old Mermaid key, find the Target Carts game in the present Goron mountain, get a perfect score, and earn the Rock Sirloin. This very same game room contains a different game in the past - the Target Hitting game, where you win Lava Juice if you get a score of 100 or more. Go to the present, go to the Goron Dancing room, and give the Rock Sirloin to the Goron blocking the stairs to receive a Vase. Exit the cave, warp to the past, enter the cave and give the vase to the Goron blocking the stairs; he'll give you Goronade. Return to the present and climb these stairs until you find the Big Bang game. Give the Goronade to the Goron there, play the game, and win the Old Mermaid Key. Once you have the Old Mermaid Key and the Lava Juice, return to the past and find the Goron in the stairwell (between Dancing Room and the Big Bang Game room) who knows the Graceful Goron. If he sees your Old Mermaid Key and your Lava Juice, he will trade you a letter for the juice. Take the letter to the Graceful Goron (dancing) and he will let you get the New Mermaid Key if you beat him in a dancing game. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: ORACLE OF SEASONS (gbc) checked-no =>Secret GBA Shop: If you play the game on a Game Boy Advance, you can access a hidden item shop with special rings and items. Go to Horon Village in the past and find the building where the target practice game is. There are two doors in this building: the left one leads to the target game, and the right one is normally locked. If you're playing the game on a Game Boy Advanced, however, the door can be opened and leads to a special shop selling $100 rings and items. LEGENDS OF THE DIAMOND (nes) checked-no |MLNPGHQFTBV72 | game 2 |BNP7FHJKLWTZ1| Crown final |5SHZJ4D1LCVB(heart)| |34WLZJ1H4XWKN| game +-------------------+ +-------------+ |MLNPGHQFTBV72| game 3 |TGNP57FH3DBKL| Hawk final |5S2F3KYG5WBB2| |46BYLZJ4FWZBC| game +-------------+ +-------------+ |MLNPGHQFTBV72| final game |BGP57FKHBTD4Z| Cobra final |5SHZJ4D1LWVB3| |LJWD5H4JXYZD^| game +-------------+ +-------------+ |BNGFJLMQZTW13| Titan final |46WD3GZK51WL&| game +-------------+ LEGO BIONICLE: TALES OF THE TOHUNGA (gba) checked-no =>Minigames: To earn these minigames, either beat the game with the player listed OR enter the code as your name. These codes will only unlock a single minigame; you need to beat the game to enable all the minigames. Gali game |9MA268| Lewa game |3LT154| Onua game |8MR472| Kopaka game |V33673| Tahu game |4CR487| Pohatu game |5MG834| =>Super Code: Enter the name |B9RBRN| LEGO RACERS (n64) checked-no =>Cheats: Create a new driver and use these names.. |NWHLS| No Wheels Mode |FLYSKYHGH| Rocket Car |FSTFRWRD| Turbo Mode |NCHSSS| No Chassis Mode & Enabled Rocket Car =>Basil Car Trick: In Circuit Mode, beat Basil the Batlord's circuit in second or third place. Now, beat Johnny Thunder's circuit and earn first place. Enter Build Mode, create the driver and license, choose Johnny Thunder's chassis, and choose Quick Build. Choose Quick Build again and fire will begin spurting from the back of the vehicle. Highlight Build and press B until all the parts are removed from the chassis. Now, change to Basil's parts set, even though you didn't earn it. However, don't exit the Build Mode until you complete the construction of your new car. LEMMINGS (nes) checked-no Tricky |05|ZQSDHQ| |07|ZRLYDR| |20|PSDHTW| |23|BSWHXZ| |25|JQTVYR| Taxing |03|WMQQDF| |14|XYHGXK| |17|DDBNDL| |24|MRGHFW| Mayhem |02|HDFTGS| |07|HPBFXX| |12|GLSHSL| |25|ZQQPLM| LEMMINGS (snes) checked-yes =>Option mode: On the title screen, hold SELECT and press START. |Lvl| Fun |Tricky |Taxing |Mayhem | |Lvl| Fun |Tricky |Taxing |Mayhem | |01 | |MGQZMGG|PQFPTBP|XNMTWVD| |16 |HMHRSDR|JQXRNGJ|PFVFXCR|LGJCRKM| |02 |MJDVLXT|LXSFDXB|LXSFDXB|KDTJQQR| |17 |MFLFHSH|WFVHQQT|NKVCKDN|SQXKBZN| |03 |ZBHPRLQ|ZRVXBWQ|CPZRSRV|VNTGWRB| |18 |QXPKCHB|KWVBVJP|QPDDJFB|WXTBWCB| |04 |GWSXMHK|NKVKRTB|SMSWSPW|SQDLCRR| |19 |MWRTLNR|TTKLKZT|QBGBPSW|NPKNRKV| |05 |NCDKKWG|GJWDHMG|DXCQKRX|JHQTCPD| |20 |GMXCWPS|NNFFQPV|JLXJWNW|PZQWRGP| |06 |CKWDRKV|DJCQQZT|MDGMJLV|RQXNVNP| |21 |KBXNLPB|ZNXBKMP|JLHFSRF|DZTHVNL| |07 |HCBSMGV|JHSVCQL|WZWSDMK|CBWMMLG| |22 |DVJJBGM|QSLQWTJ|WCLJNNK|RMDTBFQ| |08 |JBKZQGS|RCHFGNN|HZBCFQM|LCVDQWL| |23 |LGSSCZL|BGFVMFR|LVFHHMM|FCSLSPK| |09 |MMDMKKX|BJWVRCQ|SPRPVHR|KDHWTJL| |24 |MVGDKVX|PQZWDKM|MHNNCPC|RNHQXVM| |10 |SKFKNNB|RFPZFBJ|BWCBKXJ|GVNKKJL| |25 |LSQHCQS|SBCMSJS|RNMKXLP|LTGNDXH| |11 |LXNLJCP|JKJBRMQ|WRFVJDL|DXCDGNH| |26 |SXRQMVR|BDGQRNX|XZZSDDN|LHLTDDV| |12 |MTPCTNP|MZDCDTC|GGBCXXS|GWJTPLW| |27 |PMQJPMX|XPPBQWL|BBTSGZC|HCBBKHV| |13 |PCLSRCP|ZVMQKXB|TTXQXQL|LNZNHWM| |28 |DHBPTWQ|JHQSPRH|LXFLJPX|MWLGVQJ| |14 |KPMDGXZ|ZZRHJPL|DCBBWNH|MZXZKZC| |29 |BCXLWVV|GCLKJMQ|QKZVKFT|GSPQCRQ| |15 |TLVKLSW|JFLKJPX|WCBLDQX|RWLTTCQ| |30 |FXWBBSL|SRWGXZM|WFCSHNT|ZTTGRFH| =>Sunsoft Mode Passwords: |01|TPCWFMP| |02|WSJCLDX| |03|PVNRCMV| |04|HZSQQNV| |05|KCGHCNC| LEMMINGS (gb) checked-no |10|FKJTVO| |11|VSPDNQ| |12|GDSWBC| |13|HWQPJD| |14|KXLWYZ| |15|KSQHQS| LEMMINGS 2: THE TRIBES (snes) checked-no =>Word Balloons: On the title screen, place the cursor on the dot of the "i" in the word Lemmings. Press B and a word balloon reading "HI!" will appear. Play the game and you will see words appear over the Lemmings whenever they make a sound. =>Sound Test: On the title screen, move the cursor onto the hole in the tree in the lower left corner of the screen. Press B to make the words "Music Test" appear, and use B to change the music. LESTER THE UNLIKELY (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press X, then Y. Repeat the process again and again until the Stage Select screen appears. LETHAL ENFORCERS (snes) checked-no =>8 Continues: Pause the game, then press Ux3 Dx3 L Rx3 B Ax4 START. LIFE FORCE (nes) checked-no =>29 Ships: Press U U D D L R L R B A START on the title screen. =>Steal Life: To steal a life in a two-player game, press A+B simultaneously. THE LION KING (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select & Invincibility: On the Options screen, press B A [R] [R] Y ("BARRY"). A new screen will appear, allowing you to begin at any level and to toggle invincibility. THE LION KING (gb) checked-no =>Stage Skip: Pause the game and quickly press B A A B A A to skip to the next stage. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL: CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES (nes) checked-no |DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAVYVT 69TM| Texas, 1st round |DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAXYVT 09TM| Texas, 2cd round |CYU9F7 DDFBUX DSDWNV ELCM| New York, 1st round |AYS9F7 DDFDUX DUBYLX EKCL| New York, 2cd round |XXXY9X 8CV6RS RB8EJU L29Y| Spain, 1st round |XXXY9X 8CX0TU RDE8JS L38W| Spain, 2cd round =>Quick Recharge: When your pitcher gets tired, call a time out and replace him. Then, call a time out and replace the new pitcher with your original one, who will magically be recharged and fit again. THE LITTLE MERMAID (nes) checked-no =>Bonus Items: Catch a fish in a bubble, then toss it into a hole on the top or bottom of the screen to earn a bonus item. =>Extra Life: In stage one, you will pass some octopi and a fish-spitting plant. To the left of the plant is a pit with a 1up. LITTLE NEMO: THE DREAM MASTER (nes) checked-yes =>Dream Select: On the title screen, press U SELECT L R A A B. Move the cursor to DREAM SELECT and press A as many times as levels you wish to skip. LITTLE NINJA BROTHERS (nes) checked-no # = solid block ^ = triangle * = diamond |QN27-- H5T77X 74DF36 73X+Z3 23#565 CHQ-| Town of Chatzy |44*GXX *^KX54 2LFCB+ JWR^R2 GS^N5Y 6W5YHR X| Level 34, Lots of Items |^KTPQQ HNDPPX 7*HPPB 7P*NK^ 7NPNB^ ZLPK^B SQQ| Level 50, King Gulp |SOUND| Sound Test LITTLE SAMSON (nes) checked-no |Easy Mode| |Normal Mode| |?2KS| 1 | |1NWB| 5 | |J62?| 9 | |7XGN| 1 | |XBQQ| 5 | |&&&&| last| |BN&S| 2 | |PHC&| 6 | |DP03| 10| |KK7B| 2 | |GWLH| 6 | |5JSQ| 3 | |QLXZ| 7 | | | | |XSRR| 3 | |C9ZK| 7 | |NS6K| 4 | |CLZT| 8 | | | | |3MTT| 4 | |GPLH| 8 | LOCK ON (snes) checked-no =>Mission and Lives Select: On the title screen, press CNTRL I: Y B A B Y Y B A B Y B, and the mission & lives screen will appear. X increases planes, A decreases planes, Y increases mission, B decreases mission. LOCK 'N CHASE (gb) checked-yes =>Stage 7-1: Press A A B B A B B on the title screen and EXTRA will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Press START to begin at level 7-1. LODE RUNNER (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Start a game, and when you see the screen displaying your current stage number, score, and the high score, press SELECT and then use A to increase the level or B to decrease it. LODE RUNNER 3-D (n64) checked-no =>Stage Select: Pause the game, hold Z and press [R] (B A)x2 (cU cD cL cR)x2. A tone will sound and the new Unlock Worlds option will appear. =>Bonus Levels: Pause the game, hold Z and press cD ([L] [R])x5. A tone will sound and the Enter Secret Worlds option will appear. LOGICAL (gbc) checked-no |02|TRMN | |21|RLY | |40|MCCNNLL| |59|DMMY | |78|LSSR | |97|YRR | |03|DRMLND | |22|T | |41|KNG | |60|CRR | |79|VL | |98|RBNNS| |04|R | |23|TH | |42|SHRMN | |61|LCRR | |80|DSK | |05|GRMLK | |24|PLSR | |43|HBR | |62|CLNCY | |81|DWN | |06|SRS | |25|DM | |44|KRGHBM | |63|RYN | |82|TLL | |07|SRSMD | |26|CLLNS | |45|HMBLY | |64|PLNT | |83|BRWN | |08|SCRT | |27|BRKR | |46|FFNGR | |65|CLRSSH| |84|BSCH | |09|CBBG | |28|MS | |47|FFNBRG | |66|SL | |85|TBHN | |10|NSCHRDR| |29|RD | |48|SCHML | |67|LDBRN | |86|GST | |11|NFSCHR | |30|CLRK | |49|CLGH | |68|FT | |87|RNLD | |12|NDT | |31|WLLMS | |50|GMN | |69|YFT | |88|MDNN | |13|THNK | |32|BRST | |51|KRMR | |70|TK | |89|NCHBR | |14|HRDR | |33|GLDSTN| |52|CRDY | |71|NNNN | |90|CHTHS | |15|SFTWR | |34|SHTTRL| |53|HMD | |72|FR | |91|NRNBRG| |16|WNDW | |35|GRNLND| |54|SCHLL | |73|PRC | |92|PLMN | |17|JMB | |36|LND | |55|LSSRRH | |74|RGLR | |93|JCKPT | |18|MMB | |37|SKM | |56|LNDNSTR| |75|FFFFF | |94|THS | |19|JMBH | |38|WLF | |57|BRR | |76|QL | |95|DNLS | |20|CLR | |39|FRD | |58|BLLND | |77|RRR | |96|DRR | THE LONE RANGER (nes) checked-no |HUYB YBNB WLYB GGJX| Level 2 |BMBG PYLY LTBY LZMG| Level 6 |YJYJ NPHB QLYB HDJT| Level 3 |GVBQ PZGZ TYDP MGHJ| Level 7 |RYBK BNRY BHBY KGMG| Level 5 |ZQYM GHZK GRZP YGTH| Level 8 |0810 7830 3251 2| Stage select, $9999, 50 rounds ammo LOONEY TUNES (gb) checked-no =>Frisbee Power-Up: In level one, when you first see water, quickly jump into it and back out onto dry land to the right, then walk through the wall to earn a Frisbee speed increase. LOONEY TUNES B-BALL (snes) checked-no =>Invisibility: Xx3 Turbo =>Earthquake: Ux3 Turbo =>X-Ray Vision: L L X =>Mayhem Mode: Bx5 X =>Space Ball: Ux3 D X =>Happy Face Score: U D L R X =>Speed Boost: Turbox3 hold Y press X =>Trust Me: Y X Y X Y X Turbo =>Here Boy: Circle clockwise, Turbo =>Robotron Mode: X X Y Y Turbo =>Dog Ball: Press Rx3 L L Turbo to turn Dog Ball on and off. Free. =>Short Fuse: Press D D X to give a lit bomb a short fuse. 5 cents. =>Add Time: Press U R D L Turbo to add time to the clock. 50 cents. =>Random Fuse: Press D D U X to give a lit bomb a random fuse. 5 cents. =>Goaltending: Press L L U U R R Turbo to remove toggle goaltending. Free. =>Longer Morph Time: Press U L U L U L X before changing. 50 Cents. =>Steal Ball: Press Turbo Y Turbo X to force your partnet to pass you the ball. 10 cents. =>Deactivate Code: Press SELECT to turn off the last code entered. =>Character Transformations: Each costs 5 cents. Enter the code while playing the game in order to temporarily transform into the respective character. Bugs |X Turbo X Turbo| Elmer |R R U U Turbo| Daffy |R R D X| Sylvester |Turbo Turbo Turbo X| Wile E. |X Turbo Turbo X| Marvin |L L R R X| =>Rename Wile E. Coyote: On the Vs. character select screen, flip Wile E. around several times and his name will become Dunkus Maximus. LOONEY TUNES: CARROT CRAZY {*} please see CARROT CRAZY LOONEY TUNES: TWOUBLE {*} please see TWOUBLE LOOPZ (nes) checked-no |XPQ|Lvl 6 |JGS|Lvl 11 |ASL|Lvl 16 |PDS|Lvl 21 |WKK|Lvl 26 |YLY|Stage 31 LORD OF THE RINGS (snes) checked-no =>This game's actual title is J.R.R. TOLKIEN'S THE LORD OF THE RINGS. |F82G2O 3K5G2O G2T02W W4W... BX7995 CY9J91 PMYCZR 7SYH9D| All characters, rings, and gems. |LCT..F FB..NF| Full inventory =>Stats Warning: Don't let anybody's STR or DEF rating raise above 99, or it the rating will roll over to 0. =>Balrog: You can't beat the Balrog with Gandalf in your party. =>Start with Two Players: Enter your password as all B's, press START and read the lovely Invalid Password message. Erase the B's and press START. You will begin the game with Gimli and Sam. =>View Password: During the game, press [L]+[R] to display your current password. THE LOST VIKINGS (snes) checked-no |02|GR8T| |08|PRHS| |14|C1R0| |20|BTRY| |26|NFL8| |32|WRLR| |03|TLPT| |09|CVRN| |15|SPKS| |21|JNKR| |27|WKYY| |33|TRPD| |04|GRND| |10|BBLS| |16|JMNN| |22|CBLT| |28|CMB0| |34|TFFF| |05|LLM0| |11|VLCN| |17|TTRS| |23|H0PP| |29|8BLL| |35|FRGT| |06|FL0T| |12|QCKS| |18|JLLY| |24|SMRT| |30|TRDR| |36|4RN4| |07|TRSS| |13|PHR0| |19|PLNG| |25|V8TR| |31|FNTM| |37|MSTR| THE LOST VIKINGS 2 (snes) checked-no |02|1STS| |07|BR4T| |12|TLPT| |17|Y0VR| |22|HRDR| |27|TNNL| |03|2NDS| |08|K4RN| |13|GYSR| |18|0V4L| |23|L0ST| |28|H3LL| |04|TRSH| |09|B0MB| |14|B3SV| |19|T1N3| |24|0B0Y| |29|4RGH| |05|SW1M| |10|WZRD| |15|R3T0| |20|D4RK| |25|HOM3| |30|B4RD| |06|W0LF| |11|BLKS| |16|DRNK| |21|H4RD| |26|SHCK| |31|D4DY| THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK (gb) checked-no |2|KQTV| |3|NPLX| |4|BGMD| |5|HRTY| |6|JFCD| |7|MRBM| |8|XGNT| LOW G-MAN (nes) checked-no Quest One => |2|MICH| |3|ELLE| |4|ISAC| |5|BILL| Quest Two => |1|TERU| |2|MIE(heart)| |3|KADO| |4|SAME| |5|IRIE| |MARU| Hard Game |YES(heart)| View Ending |SONG| Sound Test |AMAN| Cyber Express |ANAK| or |NAKA| Anti-Gravity |LOBB| 8 Lives | SHOT | 99 Lives, Boomerangs, Waves, Fireball LUCKY LUKE (gbc) checked-no L=Lucky Luke H=Horse Jolly Jumper D=Dog Rin Tin Can T=Thief |Train |LHHTL| |Buffalo |DHLTT| |Ranch |LHDTD| |Jail |DHLTD| |Rapids |HHLDT| |Stagecoach |DTHLH| |Prairie |TLLDH| |Painful Gulch|DDTTL| |Cheyenne Mt.|TDLHD| LUFIA (snes) checked-no =>Puzzle of the Three Towers: When told to complete the towers in Blue, Green, Red, this simply means that that is the order you must place the Jade stone into the pedestals. * Find the Green Jade in the Blue Tower. * Find the broken Red Sapphire in the Green Tower. * Beat the ghost in the Red Tower, and a new area will open up in the basement, revealing the Green Jade. Return to the cave near Medan, talk to the old man inside, and enter the treasure room for the Red Sapphire. * Return to the towers in the order blue, green, red. When the Red Sapphire is placed, you'll warp to Elfrea. =>Pirate Buttons: The proper order to press the buttons in the pirate's room of the Pirate Tower is top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right. Step on the switch outside of the door to open the locked door. LUFIA II: RISE OF THE SINISTRALS (snes) checked-no =>Retry: Complete the game and select the RETRY option. This allows you to play the game again, but you will gain gold and experience at four times the standard level while in battles. =>Southeast Tower Clock Solution: Move the cube on the leftmost inscribed block, and move the pillar on the upper inscribed block. Enter the room and flip the switch one time, then walk out on the balcony and climb the ladder. =>Crate Puzzle: Stand between the crates, drop a bomb, and hold U. You will hop across the pit as soon as the bomb explodes. =>Dragon Blade: Enter Ancient Cave and find the blue treasure that cuts item cost in half. Cast Providence to exit and then return to Forfit Island. Enter the northwest-most house in the village and enter the casino downstairs. Talk to the guy behind the counter in the top left corner and you should be able to buy the Dragon Blade. =>Gades's Sword: There are two ways to grab the sword. * Search the Ancient Cave until you find it in a blue chest. * Defeat Gades when you first face him with Guy, Maxim, Selan and Tia. =>Level 999: If you have four people in your party, enter the Config screen, highlight Music, and then press L R L U R D R U L D. Press RESET and continue your game. =>Free Inn Stays: If you don't have enough gold to pay for your inn stay, you won't be charged. LUFIA: THE LEGEND RETURNS (gbc) checked-no =>Erase Saved Data: Hold START when turning on your system and you will be asked if you want to erase the saved data. Choose yes to erase all the saved games and info. LUIGI'S MANSION (gc) checked-part =>Hidden Cash: Use the vacuum on everything. Drawers, lamps, plants and more might yield cash. ->Large Diamonds: There are some special event diamonds that can only be earned if you complete certain challenges in the game. * Boo Diamond: Once you capture all 50 of the escaped Boos, you will be rewarded with a special giant blue diamond. * Plant Diamond: In the boneyard (behind the kitchen, with the dog ghost) you will find a small sprout in a planter. Before you use the warp in the dog house to battle the second boss (the ghost in the graveyard), water the sprout. After you beat the second boss, water the sprout again. Continue playing, but water it once more before you fight the third boss (all the Boos on the roof). If you water it all three times, it will bloom into a flower and give you another large diamond. ->Cheese & Golden Mice: If you suck up one of the small golden mouse ghosts, you will get lots of cash. If you find a wedge of cheese in a dark room, examine it with the Game Boy Horror to make a golden mouse ghost appear. These ghosts only appear in dark rooms, never in lit ones. Here's a list. * In the room with the Reading Ghost, look behind the desk. * In the 1st floor dining room with the Fat Ghost, look under the chairs. * In the 2cd floor dining room with the ice bucket, look near the back. * In the crystal ball/fortune teller room, look behind the fortune teller. * In the 3rd floor trophy room (with tigers), check behind the chairs. * In the 2cd floor hallway near the stairs leading to the attic, a golden mouse will appear at some point. When you hear a tone, grab the mouse. =>Hidden Mansion: Once you beat the game and save your progress, the mansion will reset so you can play through the game again. However, you will also have the option of trying out the Hidden Mansion. The only difference between the two mansions seems to be that the Hidden Mansion features tougher ghosts and a stronger vacuum. Whenever you load your saved game, you can choose between the Mansion or the Hidden Mansion. Any progress made in one is also made in the other, which means that it is really more of a Hidden Mansion mode than a unique mansion. =>Warp To Lobby: Want to return to the main lobby? Find a mirror and examine it with the Game Boy Horror. Click A on the mirror to return to the lobby. LYLAT WARS {*} please see STARFOX 64 |========== Chapter M ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. MACE: THE DARK AGE (n64) checked-no =>Screen Position: To adjust the view or position of the screen, hold [L]+[R]+Z and move PAD and STICK in the same direction to move the screen in that direction. =>Two Player Practice Mode: Highlight Practice on the title screen and press CNTRL I: START + CNTRL II: START. =>Throw Objects: When near an object in a stage, you can press D+Strong, which is normally D+cD, to pick up the object and hurl it at your opponent. =>Secret Characters: To play as Gar Gunderson (the War Mech) or Ichiro, turn on the N64. On the first screen to appear, press PAD I: R U L D R U L D. A chime should sound. War Mech and Ichiro will now be on the top of the player select screen. =>Grendel 2P: Win three games, then start up (or keep playing) in the two-player mode, and on the player select screen highlight the Executioner, hold START, and press B. Do not release START until the fight begins. =>Grendal 1P: To get Grendal in the one player game, beat everybody up to the Executioner, but let the Executioner kill you. On the character select screen, highlight the Executioner and hold START+Evade to make Grendal appear, and press a button to confirm. =>Pojo: Play as Taria and finish your opponent off with her execution (stand one step away from the enemy, hold Strong, then release). When you next arrive at the player select screen, highlight Taria, hold START and press B to begin the match. Do not release START until the fight begins. =>Janitor Ned: On the player select screen, highlight and press START on the following characters - Koyasha, Executioner, Lord Deimos. Highlight Xiao Long and hold the Quick button. =>Exchange Heads: On the player select screen, highlight and press START on the following characters - Al-Rashid, Takeshi, Mordo Kull, Xiao Long, and Namira. Now, whatever two characters you choose will exchange heads. =>Bunny Slippers: On the character select screen, highlight and press START on Ragnar, Dregan, and Koyasha. Choose your character and get the slippers. =>Unlimited Continues: This is quite simple. Play the single player game, and if you ever die, press CNTRL II: START before the Continue screen appears and you will go to a two player selection screen, but you will not lose a continue. Play the match, let the dead character time out, and you can continue your one player game with all your kills and continues. =>Stage Select: On the player select screen, highlight the character whose stage you would like to play in, press STARTx4, then choose your character as normal. =>Color Code: On the Character select screen, hold down any of the C buttons, Z, [L] or [R] to change the color of your highlighted fighter's outfit. =>On Location: Pick your desired battlefield from the following chart. On the Player Select screen, highlight each fighter listed next to the battlefield and press START after each one, then choose your desired character and press B. Example: To play as Ragnar at Machu Pichu, go to the Player Select screen, highlight Namira and press START, then highlight Koyashi and press START, move to Taria and press START, then highlight Ragnar and press B. |Machu Pichu | Namira, Koyashi, Taria | |Mini Golf | Koyasha, Mordus Kull, Takeshi | |Castle | Mordus Kull, Taria, Ragnar | =>Cheat Modes: Enter these codes the same way you entered the Location select codes. |Big Head Mode| Ragnar, Al'Rashid, Takeshi | |Random A.I. | Hell Knight, Xiao Long, Dregan, Namira | |Small Player | Takeshi, Al'Rashid, Ragnar, Xiao Long | MAD MAX (nes) checked-no |HUMU| Stage 3 Arena & Stage Select =>Note: If you use this code, you must get at least two of the crossbow weapons in the mine shafts of Area 3 Road War. These weapons are necessary to beat the final boss of the game, the Ultimate Warrior, who you battle in the Stage 3 Arena after smashing the 50 cars. Thus, even with the password, you still need to replay A3 Road War and get the Crossbow ammo to beat the game. MADDEN NFL '94 (snes) checked-no =>Good Start: On the startup screen, press [L]+[R] and then A+B and clapping will sound. You will begin with 10 points and the coin toss. MADDEN NFL '95 (snes) checked-no =>Expansion Teams: Begin a new game, go to the Game Setup screen and highlight either the Home or Visiting Team options. Press [L] [R] [L] [R] A to play as the Jacksonville Jaguars, or press [L] [R] [L] [R] Y to play as the Carolina Panthers. These may only be used in an Exhibition Game. =>1-Minute Game: Start a new game, choose your teams and the normal mode of play, then highlight Game Time and press [L] [R] [L] [R] X. The game will begin with 1 minute left on the timer. MADDEN '96 (snes) checked-no =>Skip Credits: Turn on the SNES, press RESET and hit START until the options screen appears. =>15 Second Quarters: In the setup screen, highlight Quarter Length and press Y A Y A [R]. =>Secret Game Stats Screen: Hold CNTRL II: START+SELECT+[L]+[R]+A while turning on the SNES. =>Memory Erase: Enter the game stats screen as explained above. On this screen, hold D+B+Y+[L]+[R] to erase all saved data. =>View Ending: On the setup screen, press A Y A Y [L]. =>Dances: To control the touchdown dances, press one of the following pairs just as you cross the goal line: Y+U, Y+D, Y+L, Y+R, B+U, B+D, B+L, B+R. =>Extra Teams: On the team selection screen, highlight the listed team, then enter the code to enable the secret team... * Players Inc - highlight Panthers and press [L] Y B [R] A R Y * EA Sports - highlight All-Madden and press B A [L] [L] SELECT * Tiburon Gotcha - highlight Jaguars and press A Y B A B Y =>Old Champs: Enter Play Now, highlight the team, and enter the code to get that teams earlier, winning counterpart. AFC Teams... NFC Teams... 65 Browns - A [L] [L] [R] B 60 Eagles - A [L] [L] Y 68 Jets - A [R] [R] A Y 62 Lions - B A [R] [R] Y 68 Colts - B A [L] B A [L] [L] 67 Packers - B A Y B A [L] [L] 69 Chiefs - B [L] [L] Y [R] A Y 68 Rams - B A [R] [L] Y 72 Dolphins - [L] [R] Bx3 75 Cardinals - A B B A 73 Bills - A [L] A B Y 76 Vikings - B [R] A [L] [L] 76 Raiders - B Y B Y [L] A 78 Cowboys - B A [R] B Y 77 Broncos - B [R] A Y 79 Buccaneers - Y A [R] [R] 78 Seahawks - A [L] A [R] 79 Saints - Y A [L] [L] 78 Steelers - [L] A Y B [R] 80 Falcons - [L] Y B [R] A 80 Oilers - A [R] A B Y A 82 Redskins - [L] Y B [R] [L] 81 Chargers - A Y [R] B A [L] [L] 84 49'rs - B A Y A R Y A 81 Bengals - [R] A [L] [L] Y 85 Bears - Y A B B A 85 Patriots - [R] A Y B A [R] Y 86 Giants - [L] B [L] A [R] [R] Y MADDEN '96 (gb) checked-no =>Bonus Teams: On the main menu highlight the All-Madden team, then press B+R+SELECT. You should now have Team Halestorm. Press B+R+SELECT again for Da Funhouse. MADDEN NFL '97 (snes) checked-no =>15 Second Quarters: Start an exhibition game, and on the Game Rules menu press Y A Y A [R] A. =>Easy Victory: When you are ahead in a game, pause and choose End Game. =>No Salary Cap: When you get the warning, press Y A SELECT A. =>Classic Teams: Enter the Play Now mode, highlight a team, and enter the following code to get the older version of that team. If you see a team name in brackets, highlight that team and enter the code to get your selected team to appear. 52 Lions - SELECT Y [L] [L] Y 80 Eagles - B A [L] B Y 66 Packers - SELECT [R] B A Y 80 Falcons - A [L] [L] Y [R] 68 Jets - Y Y A [L] [L] 81 Bengals - B [L] A [R] A 69 Chiefs - [L] R [R] [R] A 82 Redskins - B [L] [L] [R] [R] 70 Colts - B [R] SELECTx2 Y 85 Patriots - B [L] Y SELECT A 72 Dolphins - A [L] [L] B SELECT 85 Bears - A [L] [L] [R] B 75 Cardinals - Y [R] A [L] [L] 86 Broncos - [L [L] Y A Y 76 Raiders - B [R] A [L] Y 87 Saints - [L] B [L] B SELECT 76 Vikings - B [R]x4 88 49'rs - B A Y Y [R] 77 Cowboys - B A [R] [R] Y 86 Browns - B Y [R] [R] Y 78 Seahawks - A [R] [R] Y Y 90 Bills - B Y [L] [L] SELECT 78 Steelers - SELECT [L] A SELECT R 90 Giants - B Y [R] [L] SELECT 79 Buccaneers - [R] [R] [L] [L] SELECT 93 Oilers - [R] SELECT [R] SELECT Y 79 Rams - [L] [R] [R] A SELECT 94 Chargers - SELECT A [L] [L] Y NFLPA - A [L] [L] A [L] [L] Tiburon - SELECT Y SELECT [R] [L] EA Sports - [L] A [R] [R] Y MADDEN NFL '99 (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Teams/Stadiums: For all password cheats, enter the code, press A, highlight Add Code and press A again to save the cheat. |OURHOUSE| Tiburon stadium |EASTADIUM| EA Sports stadium |FOR_RENT| Astrodome stadium |AFCBEST| AFC Pro Bowl |HEREANDNOW| 90's Greats |NFCBEST| or |BESTNFC| NFC Pro Bowl |TURKEYLEG| All-Time Greats |BOOM| All-Madden |THROWBACK| 75th Anniv. Team |IMTHEMAN| All-Time Stat Leaders |GEARGUYS| NFL Equip. Team |PEACELOVE| 60's Great |WELCOMEBACK| 1999 Cleveland Browns |BELLBOTTOMS| 70's Greats |INTHEGAME| EA Sports |SPRBWLSHUFL| 80's Greats |HAMMERHEAD| Tiburon |TURBOTIME | or |TURBO TIME| Fast Running Back |SPLAT| Tomato Quarterback =>Win Coin Toss: During the toss, repeatedly press START. =>Touchdown Dance: Run into the end zone with no defenders within 10 yards of you; once you pass the 5 yard line, hold cU. =>Random Team Select: On the Exhibition mode team select screen, highlight Home Team or Away Team and press [L]+[R] to choose a random team. =>Auto Throw: As the offensive team, tap A to snap the ball and wait... the computer will throw the ball to the receiver that is widest open. MADDEN NFL 2000 (n64) checked-no |GUILLOTINE| Floating Heads |PAINFUL| More Injuries |SUPERJUMPS| Super High Jumping |QBINTHCLUB| Perfect Passing =>Win Coin Toss: During the toss, repeatedly press START. =>Bonus Teams: Enter the codes on the Secret Codes screen... |GETMEADOCTOR|72 Raiders ||MOJO |All 60's ||XMASFILES|Toymakers| |DONTGOFOR2 |72 Steelers||SIDEBURNS |All 70's ||KTHULU |Monsters | |HACKCHEESE |76 Patriots||BIGHAIR |All 80's | |GAMMALIGHT |76 Raiders ||INTERNS |All 90's | |BUILDMONKEYS|81 Chargers||TEAMMADDEN |All Madden | |15MOREMIN |81 Dolphins||SCARYCLOWN |Clown Team | |DOORNOB |85 Bears ||ONESMALLSTEP |Comets | |CHICKEN |85 Dolphins||WEARETHEGAME |EA Sports | |BLUESCREEN |86 Broncos ||INTHEFUTURE |Industrials | |KAMEHAMEHA |86 Browns ||MADMADDEN |Junkyard Dogs| |CALLMESALLY |88 49ers ||MICEANDMEN |Big vs. Small| |PTMOMINFOGET|88 Bengals ||TIMELESS |Millenium | |SPOON |90 Bills ||COWBOYS |Marshalls | |PROFSMOOTH |90 Giants ||PLAYWITHHEART|Vipers | |GOLDRUSH |94 49ers ||WRAPPEDUP |Mummies | |PREDATORS |95 Colts ||ALLTIMEBEST |NFL Millenium| |STEAMPUNK |95 Steelers||DOASWEDO |Praetorians | |EARTHPEOPLE |97 Broncos ||TREMENDOUS1_2|Sugar Buzz | |TUNDRA |97 Packers ||SHARKATTACK |Tiburon | =>Bonus Stadiums: Enter codes on the Secret Code screen. |XMASGIFT |Antarctica| |WILDWEST |Dodge City | |KLAATU|Grid Iron | |3RING |Circus | |COUNTMADDEN |Maddenstein| |TENANU|Salvage Field| |SPACEBALL|Cosomdome | |ITSINTHEGAME|EA Sports | |WEPUTITTHERE| Tiburon| |FEEDTHELIONS| Tiberium| |COTTONCANDY| Tiburon Bros.| MADDEN NFL 2002 (gc) checked-no =>Infinite Create-A-Player Points: Create a player and enter Edit Player. Select the seed catagory and choose Attributes. You should now have 99 points maximum in each catagory. MADDEN NFL 2002 (gba) checked-no =>Cheers: After you score a touchdown, press A B [L] or [R] to make noise. MADDEN 64 (n64) checked-no =>Hidden Teams: Enter Season Mode and go to the Front Office. Enter Create Player, then one of the following names. Save and return to the main menu with B, enter exhibition mode and you will be able to select the team. |SIXTIES| 60's Team |SEVENTIES| 70's Team |EIGHTIES| 80's Team |HOWLIE| AFC Pro Bowl 96-97 |B HOWLIE| AFC Pro Bowl Team |TIBURON| Tiburon Team |ELEC ARTS| Electronic Arts |LEI| 1996 NFC Pro Bowl Team |STATS MEN| Statistical Leaders |AT MADDEN| All Madden Team =>Hidden Stadiums: |SAN MATEO| EA Stadium |MAITLAND| Tiburon Sports Complex =>Credits: As soon as the EA Sports logo appears, hold [L]+[R]+Z. =>Touchdown Dance: Press cL as you enter the end zone. MAG-MAX (nes) checked-no =>Parts: Try shooting those grey 'invincible' houses to receive robot parts. MAGI-NATION (gbc) checked-yes =>Easy Money: Go into a store and buy some gems for $5 each. You can then sell these gems right back to the store for $18 each, making $12 profit off each one. Buy 20 gems, sell then all back, and repeat to quickly rack up lots of money. This works well with Strength and Power gems. MAGIC BOY (snes) checked-no |LKLK LKLK| - Wet World 1 |FTBC FTBC| - Future Zone 1 |SQTH SQTH| - Wet World 2 |JLNM RQDB| - Future Zone 2 |GGGG HHHH| - Plastic Zone 1 |JLKD JLKD| - Sand Land 2 |RPBC CBPR| - Plastic Zone 2 MAGIC DARTS (nes) checked-no =>Stunt Throws: * Robot : Center the shot horizontally and vertically, then toss the dart at half power and the robot will extend his arm. * Monkey: Hold B while the monkey throws and the next shot will be over his shoulder. * "Macho" Man: Toss the dart at maximum power, and 1/3 of the time it will hit with immense force. * Alien: While the dart is in the air, hold A+B to make it stop. Move it with with CNTRL and then release the buttons. (This usually works on the Alien's 3rd turn). Hit the fly to transform. THE MAGIC OF SCHEHERAZADE (nes) checked-no |SOUND| sound test |END| end of game Weak Passwords : W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Strong Passwords: 1W 2W 3W 4W 5W =>Final Level: When you reach the bubble field maze or such right before the final boss, the path through the maze is something like N E N W or the like. MAGIC SWORD (snes) checked-no =>Config Mode: Enter the Option mode, then highlight the EXIT option. Press and hold CNTRL II: [L]+START, then press CNTRL I: START. A whole new option screen will appear, allowing you to adjust your vitality and starting floor (you may choose up to the highest one you have been on since the system was turned on). =>Warp Point: On the 34th floor, destroy both blocks and smash the fourth pair of pillars to the left. This should open a warp door to the Hydra. MAGICAL TETRIS CHALLENGE FEATURING MICKEY (n64) checked-no =>Stats Chart: During an endless mode game, press A+B and the 2p screen will become a stats chart. MAH JONG (gb) checked-no =>Break-Out: On the title screen, hold SELECT+A and press START to play Break Out. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (nes) checked-no =>Stand in Stands: In a two-player game, get the bases loaded, then have the man on 2cd run back to 1st and the man on 3rd run back to 2cd. Now the man with the ball can walk through the upper-right wall of the field and into the stands. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL FEATURING KEN GRIFFEY JR. (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Teams: To activate the Nintendo and Angel Studios teams in the All- Star division, but only for Exhibition and World Series mode games, highlight EXHIBITION on the main menu. Quickly tap all the C buttons until a tone sounds. =>View Ending: While choosing a stadium, tap all the C buttons until a tone sounds, then press Z to view a stadium and the ending. The ending will feature the second player's team. =>Easy Strikes: Move the cross hair outside the hitting circle and to any other place in the strike zone. Hold that position and press Z, then cU, cL or cR to look at any of the bases. Release Z and then the C button and your view will return to the batter, but no circle nor cross hair will be seen. Throw anything, and the computer will miss it or not even swing, earning a strike. =>Fighting: If your batter gets hit by the pitch, hold down all the C buttons and press Z. =>Dancing: Enter these on the radar screen. If you're the pitcher, press Ux2 Dx2 Lx2 Rx2 Lx2 D Ux2. If you're the batter, press Ux2 D Lx2 Rx2 Lx2 Dx2 Ux2. =>View Pitcher's Pitches: In the one player game, press CNTRL II: [R] to view the computer's available pitches. =>Switch Uniforms: While playing on the road, press A on the screen of your players cheering in the dug out. =>Title Screen: Hold Z and use the STICK to control the spinning baseball. =>Fireworks: When in the stadium view mode, press Z+[R] to shoot fireworks. MANIAC MANSION (nes) checked-yes =>Save Bernard's Life: If Bernard should somehow get killed, have some one give Weird Ed his package. When Ed tells you about the microfilm, switch to Bernard. You will not see Bernard, but move the cursor to the roll of microfilm and GET it. Ta-dah! Bernard's invisible ghost can now be moved throughout the game... but the "Dead Kid" count will not change... if 2 more deaths occur, the game ends. You can try this trick with the other kids, but I can only get it to work with Bernard. =>Escape From the Dungeon: Have one kid use the loose brick in the dungeon and the door will open; another kid can dash out of it. =>Nuke The Hamster: Quite simple... only Razor or Syd can nuke the hamster, and this can only be done in the original supply of cartridges. Some later versions have this function removed. =>VirtualNuker: It is possible to snag things from the microwave while it is still shut. To make this useful, nuke the hamster but remove it during the microwaving process. When the microwave finishes its cycle, you will find some exploded hamster bits inside, even though you already removed the hamster. =>Explosive Keypad: Go through the steel security door to the hallway with striped wallpaper. Go to the 5th strip to the left of the door and look for the keypad. "Use Keypad". A digit console will appear. Punch in some numbers and you will hear some sounds and an alarm. Soon the mansion will blow up. * This was the copy protection in the PC version of the game; the programmers kept the device but removed the need for copy protection. =>Fool Edna: Walk a kid into Nurse Enda's room and immediately switch to another kid. Wait 20-30 seconds, then switch back. You should be able to freely move the first kid through Edna's room even though she's inside. =>Multiple Endings: To see all the endings, you'll need to a)send off the Meteor via Edsel, b)same as A but kill Dave, c)let Meteor Police nab the Meteor, d)give Meteor book deal, e)same as D but kill Wendy, f)same as D but call Meteor Police first, g)first fire off the Edsel, then go to the dungeon and grab the Meteor, carry him through the destroyed garage, through the house, and feed him to the plant, h)kill all 3 kids, i)blow up house. MARBLE MADNESS (nes) checked-yes =>Extra Time: As you always get a time bonus for beating the other player, choose 2 player mode but only play as 1 player. Player 2 will always lose, giving you bonus time. MARIO BROS. {*} please see SUPER MARIO BROS. MARIO CLASH (vb) checked-no =>Limited Stage Select: On the main menu, highlight Level and press L or R to start at any level up to level 40. MARIO GOLF (n64) checked-part =>Extra Players: Using Get Character mode, you can earn several players simply by beating them in a round of golf. Use this to earn Luigi, Yoshi, Sonny, Wario, Harry, Mario, and Bowser (in that order). Each time you earn a character, the next one is available for challenging. * Game Boy Characters: Joe, Kid, Sherry and Azalea will only be enabled in the game if you use the Transfer Pak and the Game Boy Color Mario Golf game to transfer them. Turn on the N64 with the GB Mario Golf game in the Transfer Pak and you'll be able to transfer any of your custom golfers over to the N64 game. * Other Characters: Get 30 stars in Ring Shot to get Donkey Kong, earn 50 Birdie Badges in the Tournament Mode for Maple, or collect all 108 Birdie Badges for Metal Mario. =>Different Intro: Once you have earned Donkey Kong, turn on the N64 and go to the title screen. Wait until the intro plays again, and this time Donkey Kong will be in it, rather than Yoshi ->Golden Mario: Highlight Metal Mario, hold cL and press A. =>Different Outfits: On the character select screen, hold any of the C buttons while selecting your character to give them a different color outfit. =>Sound Clips: While playing the game, use any of the C buttons and any of the for directions on the PAD during an opponent's turn to make your character say one of 8 phrases. The PAD gives compliments, the C taunts. =>Left Handed Mode: When choosing your character, hold [L]. =>1 Player Skins Mode: Choose your character, and hold [R] when selecting the rest to make them computer controlled. Select you play mode and you can choose to play Skins. You can do this to have any ration of human to computer players, actually. =>Bets: Bets are automatic in Stroke and Match multiplayer modes; they can be deactivated or altered on the Course Select screen. =>Password Menu: On the main menu, highlight the fourth menu item, the hold Z+[R]+A in that order. A password entry option will be in the next menu. ->Passwords: Camp Hyrule Cup 1 |0EQ561G2| (Donkey Kong enabled) Camp Hyrule Cup 2 |5VW689O6| Nintendo Power Tournament |KPXWN9N3| Game Boy Color Tourn |6ENWCEYL| ->Mario Star Course: Earn 2200 points in the first four tournaments to open up the Mario Star course. =>Save Cheat: If you make a mistake during a hole, pause, Save & Quit, then continue from the main menu to repeat that hole. In other words, you will restart that hole with no penalty. =>Power Shots: If you do a perfect "Nice Shot" power shot, the game won't deduct it from your Power Shots total. MARIO GOLF (gbc) checked-part ->Hidden Kid: On the Tiny Tots course, look in the section of the course farthest north to find a hidden kid, who was responsible for scatting the golf balls. ->Peach's Castle: Earn first place in all four courses and beat all four champs in the Match Game to access Peach's Castle. ->Power-Up Mushrooms: Check the bookshelf in the room to the right of the director's room, in the cabinet in the Club Makers Hut, and in the bushes to the left of the entrance point outside of Peach's Castle. ->All Characters: On the main menu, press (A B)x2 Ax4. =>Replay Hole: While playing a hole, save & quit. Reload your saved game and you will be at the beginning of that hole, with no strokes nor penalty! =>Power Shots: If you do a perfect "Nice Shot" power shot, the game won't deduct it from your Power Shots total. MARIO IS MISSING (snes) checked-yes | First Room | Second Room | Third Room | |Door 1| FCBSB6W | CX746YF | DWV6P78 | |Door 2| PVV23CZ | NBGR6CF | PCD1384 | |Door 3| DHMKPDG | FKTHN3X | DJ49LZ3 | |Door 4| Y4M0PFW | X**KLDK | D9FKPTR | |Door 5| G5F96CX | S48O5N4 | TTMGMQM | MARIO IS MISSING (nes) checked-no |05|KFMP91| |08|R8MWGA| |???|RHVWQF| MARIO KART 64 (n64) checked-part =>Mirror Courses: Receive the Gold Cup in all 4 races in the 150cc Class, and the game will offer a new course setting, the Extra Class. This class allows you to run all the racetracks, but they are flipped into their mirror images - NOT backwards, as many say. Also, the title screen picture changes. =>Banana Escape: If you hit a banana peel, immediately break, wait about one second, then hit the gas. This method should keep you from skidding out. You can use this in the Battle Mode and not lose balloons to banana peels. =>Spiny Power: Grab a Spiny Shell and hold the Z button to keep it behind you. If anyone runs into the back of your car, they'll get knocked out. If they shoot a shell at you, the spiny will protect you. The shell won't be lost unless it is hit by another Spiny Shell. =>Ghost Karts: Beat these time in the specified Time Trial race tracks and you will be rewarded with the opportunity to race course ghosts. |Luigi Raceway |01:52.00| |Mario Raceway |01:30.00| |Royal Raceway |02:40.00| =>Air Drafting: If you drive right behind another driver for a while, you should see air running off both sides of your kart (it looks like it does when you jump off of a ramp). You will then get a short burst of speed, because the driver in front of you cut down your wind resistance. =>Turbo Boost: If you press and hold the accelerator button just before Lakitu's green light flashes, you will zoom ahead with a quick burst of speed. If you are in the back of the lineup, press the [R] button while doing the turbo boost to fly over the heads of your opponents. =>Power Slide Turbos: Go into a turn, pressing and holding [R] to slide. Right after beginning to slide, quickly press the stick in the opposite direction of your slide, then pull it back in. The white smoke should turn yellow. Press the stick back out of the slide, then back in, and the smoke should turn red. Release [R] and you get a mini Turbo Boost of speed. =>Neat Shortcuts: On Rainbow Road, you can actually jump off the first hill and onto a much lower section of the track; just as the hill begins to get very steep, turn left and jump over the edge... aim it right and you can land on the path far below. Also, in Wario Stadium it is possible to jump over the left wall at the beginning of the race. Build up to full speed, zoom up one of the 3 hills, and jump just as you reach the wall - you will often jump over the wall and knock a major portion of the track out of the way. =>Shell Shock: Enter the Double Decker battle mode, then have a player grab a red shell and drive to the middle green level. Park another player on the very top, green level. Move the first player, with the red shell, directly under the other player, then move back just a bit and shoot the red shell. The shell will hover on the green level, and it will track the other player as they drive around the top level. =>Kalimari Desert Lap: Get a Starman and drive to the second railroad crossing; turn left onto it and drive into the tunnel. Activate the Starman just before you enter the tunnel, and Lakitu will appear in the middle of the tunnel and advance your lap counter by 1. However, getting out of the tunnel takes about as much time as you save by taking the tunnel. =>Mario Raceway Time: On the title screen, press [R] to see the best time trial record for Mario Raceway currently on the cartridge. =>Item Shield: Grab an item and hold Z. The item will float behind your kart, and can act as a shield of sorts. ->Super Driving: During a 2-Player race, park one racer in front of an obstacle or a structure you would like to get to. Take your second racer, grab a mushroom, drive behind the stationary kart, back up just a bit, then use your mushroom and jump at almost the same time... you should bounce over the racer and land on top of whatever you were aiming for. Toad and DK are a good pair to use for this. MARIO KART SUPER CIRCUIT (gba) checked-part =>Special Cup: After you earn the gold trophy in all four cups (Mushroom, Flower, Lightning, and Star) in a single class (50/100/150), the Special Cup will be selectable on the "Choose A Cup" screen for that class. =>Extra Tracks: After you earn the gold trophy in all five cups (the standard plus the Special Cup) of a racing class, you can enable additional racing tracks for each cup. All you need to do is gather at least 100 coins in a Mario GP race to enable four additional tracks for that individual cup. To race on these tracks, just return to the same cup on the same class (50-150) and press [L] or [R] to switch to the Extra Tracks. They will be visible on the screen. Please note that if you earn the Extra Tracks for the 50cc Mushroom Cup, they are open ONLY for that cup. To race them in 100cc Mushroom Cup, you will need to earn gold trophies in all 100cc Cups and gather at least 100 coins in a race through the 100cc Mushroom Cup. =>Horns: During a race, pressing SELECT honks your character's horn. =>Selection Screen Tricks: When you are selecting your player, and they are rotating on the selection screen, you can press SELECT to honk your horn, and [L] or [R] to hop and fire shells. =>Change Title Screen: Once you get the gold in all 50, 100, and 150 modes, the background color of the title screen changes from blue to red. =>Turbo Start: Hold down A just before the green light appears. If done correctly, you will zoom out in front. If not, your character will spin in circles when the race starts. =>Time Trial Extra Tracks: To enable the Extra Tracks in Time Trial Mode, simply enable them in 150cc. MARIO PAINT (snes) checked-yes =>Falling Objects: On the title screen, click on the letter P in the word MARIOPAINT. Once the screen has filled in, click on the various moving objects; each makes a sound. Move the cursor directly over the O and wait for the shooting star to appear (it will show up when the airplane is almost off the left side of the screen) and click it. Objects will fall from the sky while harps play. =>Credits and More: Try clicking every letter in the word MARIOPAINT. N gives you the credits. =>Mario Rap?: When you click on Mario to start the game, you see two stick men doing sit ups and hear some applause. Sometimes, though, you randomly get a little chanting and a crowd shouting "Mario Paint!" MARIO PARTY (n64) checked-part =>Magma Mountain: Once you play through all the normal game boards and have at least 980 coins in the bank you can buy the key to the Magma Mountain board in the shop. =>Eternal Star: Earn 100 stars to open up the Eternal Star board. Once you play through this board, you can buy the "No Boo", "No Koopa", and "View Credits" items in the shop. =>Coin Tips: Play a normal game OR a Pot O' Skills game with yourself and 3 computer players. If playing the Pot O' Skills, turn the handicap to 50. Right before the last turn begins, switch all the players to human control and finish the game. You will get the coins for all four players this way, not just the ones you earned as a human. ->Bumper Ball Maze Games: There are three extra mini games on Mini Game Island. Get to the end of the isle and beat Toad in Slot Car Derby 2 and you will open up Bumper Ball Maze 1. If you complete all of the mini games on the island as well, talk to Toad to get Bumper Ball Maze 2. Finally, earn high scores in BBM 1 and 2 to earn Bumper Ball Maze 3. =>Gumball Machine: Buy 30 games in the Mini Game house. There will now be a gumball machine in the Mushroom Shop. Drop money into it and you will play a random mini game. I'm not sure what the advantage of this is, though. MARIO PARTY 2 (n64) checked-part =>Taunts: When another player is taking his or her turn, press [L] on your controller to make your character shout. =>Extra Minigames: Buy all the available 2, 3, and 4 player minigames from Woody and return to Mini Game Island. The walking Piranha Plant will then give you the Dungeon Dash minigame. ->Minigame Rollercoaster: Buy all of Woody's minigames to enable the special minigame rollercoaster. Beat it on normal to get the Desert Dash game, and to be able to buy item games from Woody. =>Easy Coins: Start a 50 coin handicap Mini-Game stadium game up, but pause as soon as the first player hits the die block. Set the human players to COM HARD and unpause the game. The computer will play through the game, and you'll get all kinds of coins. ->Minigame Stadium Modes: Duel and Battle modes are available in the Minigame Stadium. For Duel, try playing all the Duel minigames in the normal game. For Battle, you may need to by five minigames. Try buying 10 to enable the Trial mode. =>Credits: Once you've beaten the Bowserland board, you can use the Credits machine in the lab to view the credits. MARIO PARTY 3 (n64) checked-no =>Random Names: If you leave the Name field blank when you start up a new game file, the system will randomly assign it one of the Mario characters' names. =>Exta Boards: Once you complete the one player Story Mode, you will be awarded with the Backtracks board and the Waluigi's Island board. MARIO TENNIS (n64) checked-part =>Lefties: Hold [L] when selecting your player to make them left handed. =>Extra Characters: Complete the Star Cup Doubles tournament for DK Jr. To get Shy Guy, complete the Star Cup singles tournament with any character. =>Extra Courts: For the Donkey Kong court, just complete the Mushroom Cup Singles tournament as Donkey Kong. * For the Yoshi & Baby Mario court, complete the Mushroom Cup Singles tournament as Yoshi. * For the Mario Bros. Court (pipes), complete the Mushroom Cup Singles tournament as Mario. * For the Mario Bros. Court (Peach's castle), complete the Star Cup Doubles tournament as Mario. * For the Wario & Waluigi Court, complete the Star Cup Doubles tournament as Wario. * For the Yoshi & Birdo Court, complete the Star Cup Doubles tournament as Birdo. * For the Waluigi Court, you need to have beaten all three stages of the Waluigi minigame in the GBC version of Mario Tennis, beating the high score of 60 points. Use the Transfer Pak ocption to load the GBC data and you should import a Waluigi court. * For the Wario Court, you need to have beaten all three stages of the Wario minigame in the GBC version of Mario Tennis, beating the high score of 60 points. Use the Transfer Pak ocption to load the GBC data and you should import a Wario court. ->Piranha Plant Court: Complete any of the Pirahna Plant challenges with a perfect score to enable the Pirahna court in the Pirahna Plant challenge. =>Super Players: When you beat the Star Cup with a character, they are outlined in shiny gold. Hold [R] when choosing that character to increase their speed and power. Shy Guy and DK Jr. start off shiny. ->Max Difficulty: Beat the Planet Court with all 16 characters and you will be able to set CPU characters to MAX ability. =>Special Competition Passwords: Nintendo is running a Mario Tennis competition. Here are the passwords to enter the various cup challenges. |A3W5KQA3C| Mario Cup MARIO TENNIS (gbc) checked-yes =>Extra Characters: Do you want to enable extra Mario characters and extra Mario minigames? Load the game into the Transfer Pak and turn on your N64. Use the Transfer option and refresh the saved data. The N64 game will transfer many of your earned characters into the GBC version. =>Extra Courts: Play the Mario minigames. Beat the first two levels and beat the high score of 60 points in the third level of any character's minigame to earn a special court for exhibition or link play. Some of these courts are enabled for the N64 Mario Tennis play. * Castle Court: Beat Luigi's minigame score. * Waluigi N64 Court: Beat Waluigi's minigame score and then update the save data on the N64 game using the Transfer Pak. The Waluigi Court will be uploaded to the N64 game. Note that you get NO special court on the GBC game by beating Waluigi's high score. * Wario N64 Court: Beat Wario's minigame score and then update the save data on the N64 game using the Transfer Pak. The Wario Court will be uploaded to the N64 game. Note that you get NO special court on the GBC game by beating Wario's high score. MARIO'S PICROSS (gb) checked-yes =>Super Game Boy Color: If you are using a Super Game Boy, you can change the color of the standard Game Boy border to one of the "Play It Loud" series Game Boys. On the title screen, press START for green, R+START for red, U+START for black, D+START for white, or L+START for yellow. The background will change as you switch from the title screen to the file select screen. * For a clear Game Boy, perform a circle motion on the PAD continuously until a tone sounds. Once the tones sounds, stop moving but hold down the PAD in the direction it was at when the tone sounded and press START. =>Erase Saved Data: Highlight a save game file and hold A+B+SELECT. A erase game option will appear. MARIO'S TENNIS (vb) checked-no =>Special Mode: Press [L]x2 [R] [L] [R] SELECT on the title screen. =>Super Serve: Press A+B to perform a more powerful serve. Or, press A or B to toss the ball up and hit with U+A. MARIO'S TIME MACHINE (nes) checked-yes |01|RGNC4L| |05|9CNX7L| |09|5CXJ7V| |13|5H?JVC| |02|RDNC6L| |06|DCNS7L| |10|582J35| |03|SDND6L| |07|5CNJ7L| |11|58VJ3X| |04|9DNX6L| |08|5HVJVX| |12|5RVJLX| MARU'S MISSION (gb) checked-no =>Bubbles: To earn a lot of bubbles keep shooting the first tree stump in the first stage. MARVEL SUPER-HEROES: WAR OF THE GEMS (snes) checked-no |R9LXJ AA3WA| Soul Gem |XLMYL C@8TX.| Asteroid Belt with all but Mind Gem |CDERT TYYUGH| End of Game THE MASK (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: On the Options screen, press A B X Y [L] [R] [L] A B. MATCHBOX CATERPILLAR CONTRUCTION (gbc) checked-no |BG6S| Stage Select MAT HOFFMAN'S PRO BMX (gbc) checked-no |66bksbnvbW| Simon Tabron's 8 covers |.N.3w.wl2w| Final Area w/ Matt MAUI MALLARD (snes) checked-no |QVRBLP| level 2 |PHMBTT| level 4 |SXGDLJ| level 6 |HRTGDV| level 8 |CNFJTS| level 3 |NFXDQH| level 5 |MDVCBQ| level 7 MAXIMUM CARNAGE (snes) checked-no =>Hidden Areas: * Stage 1: As Venom, face the ATM machine and press B+Y. * Stage 2: At the beginning of the level, stay on the ground and move right until you find a door and window. Hop into the window from the top left. * Boy's Home: As Spider-man, stand in front of the main doors, face right, and get hit by Carnage. * F.F. Lab: As Venom, stand in front of the first left arrow and jump kick. * Police Station: As Spider-man, jump into jail cell 27. * M. Rooftops: Walk to the skylight and hold R. When you stop advancing, hold L for a moment and then hold R and jump. You should backflip into the skylight. MECH WARRIOR (snes) checked-no =>Invincibility: After selecting your Mech and contract, start the battle, and press START to pause the game after you land on the planet. Now, press A [L] [L] Y A [L] [L] Y A [L] [L] Y and the word INVINCIBLE should appear across the screen. Your Mech will be immune to attacks throughout the entire fight. =>$1,000,000: Begin a new game, go to the GHQ and play the following four missions in this order (but NEVER talk to Cearle): Riot Duty on Zhada, Riot Duty on Solaris, Assault on Quilon, and Siege on Dalview. Complete all four without talking to Cearle, then go to the Zero-Zero club and speak with Larmen Sholest to receive the $1,000,000. MECH WARRIOR 3050 (snes) checked-no |BMBRMN| Level 1 |B1GBND| Level 3 |YHWX11| Level 5 |65C816| Level 2 |FSPRNG| Level 4 |M1R0G3| Unlimited Ammo =>Enemy Code: To play as an enemy Mech, press D A X on the Tiburon screen, then go to the password screen and enter |XTRM3K| =>Invincibility: |MKWFLL| Enter this code after any other codes. MEGA MAN (nes) checked-no =>Extra Hits: When hitting an enemy with either the Cut Man Blade or the Elec Man Beam, rapidly pause and unpause as the weapon strikes the enemy. Instead of merely counting as one hit, this will often register as a single hit each time that you unpause the game. This works well with the Electric Beam on the Rock Man cyclops and Dr. Wily. =>Special Items: The Magnet Platforms are found in Elecman's stage. The Yashishi is found in the 4th Dr. Wily stage - this weird item refills all your weapon and life energy. |Boss|Use |Get | |Bomb|Fire|Bomb| |Fire|Ice|Fire |Dr.Wily| Elec on first, Cut on second |Guts|Bomb|Guts| |Rock Man|Elec | |Cut |Guts|Cut | |Clone |Any | |Elec|Cut |Elec| |Bubble Machine | Normal Gun on 1st 3, then use Guts |Ice |Elec|Ice | on the last 4 blocks MEGA MAN: DR. WILY'S REVENGE (gb) checked-no NOTE: Enter the password appropriate for the bosses you want to be beaten. To start at the end of the game, enter the FCEI code. Dead Robot Code -- F= Fire Man C=Cut Man E=Elec Man I=Ice Man |F |A1 B1/2 C4 D2| | C |A4 B3 C4 D3/4| | E |A2/4 B3 D1/2| |FC |A2 B2 C3 D1/3| | I|A1/2 B2/3 D4 | |F I|A2 B3 D2/3/4| |FCE |A3 B2/3/4 C4 | | EI|A1 B4 C1 D2/4| |F EI|A2/3 C1 D2/3| |FCEI|A2/3 B4 C2/3 | =>Weapons: Use the gun on Fire Man, Fire on Cut Man, Cut on Elec Man, Elec on Ice Man, the Boomerang on Bubble Man, Bubble on Heat Man, A. Fire on Flash Man, Time Stopper on Quick Man, and the M. Buster on the 2cd Dr. Wily. MEGA MAN II (nes) checked-yes boss beaten ......... code ........weapon used |Air Man |A1 B5 C3/4 D5 E1/2/3/4|gun | Dragon -> Quick, Heat |Heat Man |A1 B2/5 C3/4 E1/2/3/4 |air | Walls -> Bubble |Wood Man |A1 B2 C3/4 D3 E1/2/3/4|heat | Gutsdozer -> Quick ( Heat? ) |Metal Man |A3 B1/2/3 C5 D1/5 E4/5|heat | Machines -> Crash |Crash Man |A3 B1/2/4 C5 D1/2/5 E5|air | Wiley Ship -> Hit dome with |Bubble Man|A3 B1/2/3 D1/2/3/5 E5 |metal | heat/gun, hit exposed dome with |Flash Man |A4 B1/3/5 C4 D2/3/4 E1|bubble| Metal |Quick Man |A3 B2/4 C1/3 D2/3/5 E5|flash | Wiley Alien -> Bubble |Wiley's Castle, 4 Tanks |A5 B2/4 C1/3/5 D4/5 E2| =>Chickens: Choose a stage to play, press START and then immediately hold A. All the background stars have become chickens. =>Trick: By pausing in the middle of a jump, you reset the falling velocity. Frequently pause when falling to 'coast' over large gaps. This also causes Mega Man to temporarily 'phase' out, allowing shots to temporarily pass through you. MEGA MAN II (gb) checked-no |dead boss |......password.....|weapon| |Clash Man |A1 B3/4 C3 D1/2/3 |gun | No bosses beaten, 4 energy tanks: |Metal Man |A1/3 C3 D1/2/4 |clash | |A2/4 B2/4 C1/2 D2/3| |Wood Man |A1/3 B4 C3 D1/2/4 |metal | |Air Man |A2/3 B1/4 C3 D1/2/4|wood | Quint - Shoot Head |Needle Man|A2/3 B1/4 C2/3 D1/4|air | Dr. Wily 1/2 - Gun |Magnet Man|A2/3 B1/4 C2 D1/4 |needle| Dr. Wily 3 - Quint on head |Hard Man |A2/3 B1/4 C1/2/3 D1|magnet| |Top Man |A1/2/3 B4 C2/3/4 D1|hard | =>Easy Extra Lives: In Top Man's stage, look for the top shooters. Just stand still and shoot all the tops they shoot out to earn items, and occasional extra lives. MEGA MAN III (nes) checked-no =>Create-a-Password: Simply fill in the dots according to the tables below. Blue balls indicate that a specific PAIR of robots have been destroyed, so do not include a robot's red ball if he was in a blue ball pair. Also, when in the Doc Robot stages , be sure to include blue balls in F4 A3 D3 B5. |enemy |red |blue| Energy Tank Codes: +===========+====+====+ Use RED Balls! |Spark Man | F4 | F4 | Zero = C5 |Shadow Man | D6 | | One = E6 Suggested order: Snake, Gemini, +-----------+----+----+ Two = E4 Needle, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Top, |Top Man | A3 | A3 | Three= B4 Shadow, "Shadow", "Needle", "Gemini" |Snake Man | F6 | | Four = A5 "Spark" +-----------+----+----+ Five = C1 Wood - Snake, Heat - Top, Air - Spark, |Needle Man | D3 | D3 | Six = D2 Crash - Hard, Flash -Needle, Bubble - |Magnet Man | F5 | | Seven= C3 Shadow, Metal - Magnet, Quick - Gemini, +-----------+----+----+ Eight= F2 Turtle - Top, Rock - Hard, Clone-Snake |Gemini Man | B5 | B5 | Nine = A6 Pinbot-Spark on turret, Jet on Wily |Hard Man | C4 | | PeaceKeeper-Punch head, Snake on Wily +===========+====+====+ ===Doc Robot Stages==== Remember, all Doc Robot +=====================+ stages require blue balls in |"Spark" | A1 | A1 | F4, A3, D3, and B5 |"Shadow" | A4 | | +-----------+----+----+ |"Needle" | B2 | B2 | |"Gemini" | B6 | | +-----------+----+----+ =>Freeze Code: Hold CNTRL II: U to slow the action, CNTRL II: U+A to freeze the enemies. =>Super Jump: Hold CNTRL II: R to do super jumps. =>Invincibility: Hold CNTRL II: R and jump in and out of a pit. You won't die, but your energy will eventually drain away. When you have no energy left, jump out of the pit onto the ground and release CNTRL II: R. You will be invincible to everything but spikes and pits. If you regain any life energy, however, you will lose your invincibility. =>Weird Code: In the Gemini Man stage, try to slide past Proto Man. If you do, the game graphics will scramble and the music stops. It might be easier to get past him if, as soon as you enter the screen, you do a super jump into to area past Proto Man (that he normally blows up). MEGA MAN III (gb) checked-no .----------+-------------+-------------. |Robot Dead| Password | Weapon Used | |----------+-------------|-------------| * Doctor Wiley: Shoot the bottom of |Shadow Man|A0 C013 D3 | Mega Buster | the robot's eyes with the Mega |Spark Man |B1 C03 D23 | Shadow Blade| buster until the Doctor appears, |Snake Man |A3 B3 C23 D2 | Spark Shock | then smash him with the Screw |Gemini Man|A1 B01 C1 D1 |Search Snakes| Crusher. |----------+-------------+-------------| |Giant Suzy|A2 B12 C0 D1 | Mega Buster | |----------+-------------+-------------| |Dust Man |A23 B3 C03 | Mega Buster | |Skull Man |A1 B3 C23 D3 | Dust Buster | |Dive Man |A12 B3 C3 D3 | Skull Ring | |Drill Man |A0 B02 C12 |Dive Missiles| |----------+-------------+-------------| |Punk |*************| Mega Buster | '----------+-------------+-------------' MEGA MAN IV (nes) checked-no |boss | code |weapon | |Toad |A2/5/6 B1 D1 E3|gun | |Bright |A1/3/5 B2 D1 E3|toad | |Pharaoh|A1/5 B4 C1 D1/3|bright | Balloon hidden in this stage. |Ring |A1 B4/6 C4 D1/3|pharaoh| |Dust |A1 B4/5 C6 D1/3|ring | |Skull |A1 B4/5 D2/3 F2|dust | |Dive |A1 B4/5 E2/6 F3|skull | Wire hidden in this stage. |Drill |A1/4 B5 E2 F1/3|drill | Moth-Ring, Base-Dust, WallWalker-Pharaoh, Dr. Cossack - Buster Met-Buster, Tank-Rings, Ship-Buster, Wily-Pharaoh =>Pharaoh Trick: Power up the Pharaoh shot, then let it hit something while it is above your head. Press START, then return to the game and power up the shot again. As long as you do not fire, you will not lose any energy. =>Item Location: The Wire is in Dive Man's stage in the pit after the second whale. The Balloon is in Pharaoh Man's stage; rather than hopping down the first hole as normal, jump over it with the Rush Coil. =>Create-A-Password: Consult the following charts. "Both" means that both enemies in the chart have been killed. "Neither" means that neither enemy has been killed. |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Bright Man | C2 | |Drill Man | C3 | |Ring Man | B6 | |Dive Man | E1 | |Toad Man | B1 | |Pharaoh Man| B4 | |Dust Man | C5 | |Skull Man | F2 | |Both | A1 | |Both | A4 | |Both | B5 | |Both | E2 | |Neither | A2 | |Neither | A3 | |Neither | A5 | |Neither | D1 | |Wire Adaptor | D4 | Finally, for the 6th Ball, count the total # of |Balloon Adaptor| D3 | items collected out of 10 possible (8 weapons, 2 |Wire & Balloon | F3 | adaptors), and enter the correct dot according to |Neither Adaptor| E3 | that number and the following data. If you've collected NO items (just started the game), enter a ball into space F5. 1=A6 2=B2 3=B3 4=C1 5=C4 6=C6 7=D2 8=E4 9=E6 10=F1. Sample Password: Bright, Ring, Dust, Dive Men killed & have Wire Adaptor. |C2 B5 E1 A3 D4 C4| or |A3 B5 C2/4 D4 E1| MEGA MAN IV (gb) checked-no r=Rush b=Beat f=Fliptop | EBEE|r| four | RREBB|r| after | RRB | All weapons, BEAT |BRRR E|E| weapons | RR BR|f| Dr. Wiley's | E RE | and WILY, 4 of |EB E |b| |EBBREE|B| tank |B E | both tanks, Super | EBERB| | 1 |RE R B| | 3 | BR B| Tank, E Balancer, ------------------------------ 999 P-Chips |BBEBR |R| near |EREEE |b| Dr. |R RE|f| end |BRE BE|f| Wiley |BEB EB|b| |EER R |B| | BBBBR| | 2 |BRBEB | | 4 =>Mega Buster: On the same level, lose all your lives, continue, and lose all you lives on that level again. On the fourth continue Dr. Light will improve your Mega Buster. =>BEAT/WILY: Collect the letters BEAT to get Beat; collect WILY to go on to Wily (after the second set of 4 robots). =>Skip Intro: When you start the game and Dr. Light begins talking, press START+SELECT+A+B to return to the title screen, then press START. You will go directly to the stage select screen without having to talk to Dr. Light. MEGA MAN V (nes) checked-no |robot beaten|red balls|blue balls| |Wave Man |B1/6 D3 |B3 E6 F1 | E Tank Bot-Water Force Bot-Gun |Star Man |B1/6 F4 |C4 E6 F1 | M Freezer Bot-Gun Proto Man-Gun |Gravity Man |A5 B1 F4 |C4 E5 F1 | M |Gyro Man |A5 B1 E3 |B3 E5 F1 | A |Crystal Man |A5 D2 E3 |B1/3 E5 | V, Mega Tank |Napalm Man |A5 C1 E3 |B3 E2/5 | N |Stone Man |C1 E3 F6 |B3 D6 E2 | G |Charge Man |C1 D4 F6 |B4 D6 F1 | A =>Beat: To get Beat, the bird that kills enemies for you, you must gather all the letters to spell out Mega Man V. One letter is in each stage. =>Life Trick: If you have the Mega Tank, your life energy is full and all your weapons are fully charged, pause the game and use the Mega Tank to turn all the on screen enemies into 1ups. =>Create-A-Password: Same as in Mega Man IV and III. Enter 3 red balls and 3 blue balls according to the charts below. Red balls - defeated enemies |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Dead Enemy |Ball| |Napalm Man | E2 | |Gyro Man | A4 | |Gravity Man | C6 | |Crystal Man| D2 | |Star Man | F4 | |Wave Man | B6 | |Both | C1 | |Charge Man | F3 | |Stone Man | B5 | |None of 'em| B1 | |Gyro&Star | E3 | |Gravity&Wave | A5 | |Star&Charge| A3 | |Wave&Stone | C5 | |Charge&Gyro| E4 | |Stone&Gravity| A6 | |All 3 of em| D4 | |All 3 of 'em | F6 | |None of 'em| D3 | |None of 'em | F5 | Blue Balls - Items. Note that each entry has two codes. Use the first code, unless that space is already filled; then use the second code. |N Napalm | E2/A2 | |A Gyro | A4/C4 | |M Gravity | C6/E6 | |V Crystal| D2/A2 | |M Star | F4/C4 | |E Wave | B6/E6 | |Both | C1/F1 | |A Charge| F3/C3 | |G Stone | B5/D5 | |None | B1/F1 | |Ag & Ms | E3/B3 | |Mg & Ew | A5/E5 | |Ms & Ac | A3/C3 | |Ew & Gs | C5/D5 | |Ac & Ag | E4/B4 | |Gs & Mg | A6/D6 | |All 3 | D4/B4 | |All 3 | F6/D6 | |None | D3/B3 | |None | F5/E5 | MEGA MAN V (gb) checked-no |RRT__ ER__T _E_RT TTRRE TRTRR| All weapons & items =>Turbo Buster: Lose all your lives in a stage, continue, and do it again. After about three continues, Dr. Light will upgrade your Mega Buster to the Turbo Buster. =>Weapon Enhance: Collect the jewels on Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and Uranus and Dr. Light will create an item which reduces the energy use of your weapons. | Boss | Use | Receive |In Level| Boss | Use |Receive | |Mercury |B.Hole |G.Buster | |Saturn |E.Shock |B.Hole |Jewel |Neptune |D.Digger |S.Water | |Terra |Mega Arm |S.Chaser| |Mars |S.Water |P.Missile| |Gun |MegaBuster| |Venus |P.Missile|B.Bomb | |4 Boss |Mega Arm | |DarkMoon|Mega Arm | |Arms |Mega Arm | |Pluto |G.Buster |B.Dash |Jewel |Ship |S. Chaser | |Uranus |B.Dash |D.Digger |Jewel |SunStar|Mega Arm | |Jupiter |B.Bomb |E.Shock |Jewel MEGA MAN VI (nes) checked-no ! = 'True' Boss. Energy Balancer is hidden within Tomahawk's stage |Dead Robot|Password |Use |Get| |Flame |A1/2/3 B1 F5 |MBustr|Flame+Rush Power | |Blizzard |A1 B4 C3 D4 E6|Flame |Blizzard | |Plant |A1/4 B1 C2 F5 |Blizrd|Plant+Rush Jet | |Tomahawk !|A6 C4 D2 E1/5 |Plant |Tomahawk, Beat B; Energy Balancer| |Yamato !|A6 B3 C4 D2 E5|Tomahk|Yamato Spear, Beat E | |Knight !|B3 C4 D2/6 E5 |YSpear|Knight Crash, Beat A | |Centaur !|B5 D4 F2/4/6 |KCrash|Centaur Flash, Beat T| |Wind |B6 D4 F2/4/6 |CFlash|Wind Storm | .... and off to Mr. X and the Bosses... 1) Rush Power 2) Silver Tomahawk 3) Blizzard/Mega Buster 4) Flame Blast/Mega Buster I) Mega Buster II) Yamato Spear III) ???????? IV) Silver Tomahawk, Knight Crash, Mega Buster =>Beat: Gather the letters BEAT from the stages to earn Beat, who will help you smash through your enemies. =>Energy Balancer Location: In the Tomahawk Man stage, make your way to the path that branches off to an upper path leading to a left ladder and a bottom path leading to a right ladder. Go via the top path, climb the ladder, jump onto the ladder above the spikes, hang on the lowest rung, and use a Rush Power Mega Man blast to destroy the cracked block. Enter! =>Create-A-Password: Yet again, make your own 5-ball password. Energy Balancer (EB) - E5 | Without Energy Balance (00) - F5 |Dead Enemy | EB | 00 | |Dead Enemy | EB | 00 | Make sure to include the |Blizzard Man | A2 | C2 | |Wind Man | E2 | B3 | Energy Balancer code |Tomahawk Man | B1 | E2 | |Yamato Man | F1 | B5 | (above). For the rest of |Tomahawk& [B]| D1 | D4 | |Yamato & [E] | B3 | D3 | the 4 codes, choose the |Bliz&Toma | B2 | B4 | |Wind&Yamato | F2 | D1 | EB code if you included |None of Above| A1 | A2 | |None of Above| E1 | B1 | or the 00 code if you |Dead Enemy | EB | 00 | |Dead Enemy | EB | 00 | don't have the Energy |Plant Man | A6 | A4 | |Flame Man | C4 | A1 | Balance (F5). |Knight Man | B5 | A5 | |Centaur Man | D3 | D1 | |Knight & [A] | D5 | C4 | |Centaur & [T]| F3 | F1 | |Plant&Knight | B6 | E3 | |Flame&Centaur| D4 | E1 | |All of Above | D6 | E4 | |All of Above | F4 | F3 | |None of Above| A5 | A3 | |None of Above| C3 | B2 | MEGA MAN VII (snes) checked-no |Dead Robot | Password | Use |Get |Items in Stage| |Burst Man |8775-2517-5412-8362|B.Wheel |D.Wrap | R |Cloud Man |8775-2786-7416-2272|D.Wrap |T.Strike| U |Junk Man |8335-2516-5412-8232|T.Strike |J.Shield| S Rush Jet |Freeze Man |2335-2786-8412-2332|J.Shield |F.Cracker| H R Search Exit |Clown/Museum|2375-2716-3453-2232|R. Adptr Fist| |Slash Man |2375-2786-3443-2232|F.Cracker |S.Claw | Beat |Spring Man |3275-2786-8447-8172|S.Claw |W.Coil | Eddie's Screw |Shade Man |3275-3586-2443-8532|W.Coil |C.Noise | P.Shield |Turbo Man |2274-3686-2445-8438|C.Noise |B.Wheel | R.Punch Bass - use R.Punch Guts Man - use S.Claw to knock bats onto him Turtle - W.Coil Mask - C.Noise T.Adaptor Bass - Rush Adaptor |Dr. Wily |2235-7414-3545-8431| |RUSH Power-Up|7235-7654-1145-2551| |Full Power|6853-5646-1241-7515| |Ultimate Power-Up|1415-5585-7823-6251| =>Mega Fighter: Enter the Ultimate Power-Up password, but hold [L]+[R] on both controllers and press CNTRL I: START. You will enter into a Mega Man vs. Bass fighting game. * Mega Man's moves: Arrow Slash - D, D+R, R, Y or L, R Y. Slide Attack - D D B Teleport - U U * Bass's moves : Booster Kick - R, D, D+R Y. Crasher Attack - Jump, then press R, R+Y Teleport - U U =>Hidden Music: Hold B while selecting Shade Man, and you will hear music from another Capcom game. =>Proto Man's Shield: Defeat Proto Man in the obvious room in Cloud Man's stage, and then in the secret room in Turbo Man's stage. In Turbo Man's stage, use the Rush Search on the street lights above the Rocket Punch street lights and Rush will face right and alert you. Go through the ladder and the wall on the right. (This secret room is exactly one screen above the location of the Rocket Punch). Defeat Proto Man again. Now, go to Shade Man's stage and enter the secret room; if you met Proto Man in the previous two locations, you will once again be tested. Defeat him and you will receive the shield. MEGA MAN BATTLE NETWORK (gba) checked-no =>Accessing Secret Gates: Some gates in the Internet can only be opened if you fulfill certain requirements while playing the game. * Area 11: You must not escape any battles in Area 10. * Area 12: Your Busting Level must be above 3 after every battle in Area 11 * Area 13: You must not escape from any battle in Area 10 * Area 14: Earn at least 10 chips in battles in Area 13 * Area 15: Avoid battles in Area 14 (possibly a limit of 6 battles) * Area 16: Your Busting Level must be abouve 4 after each Area 15 battle =>Forte & Dream Aura Chip: Collect all the chips except #127 Dream Aura, then head to Area 16 of the Internet. Explore until you find Forte/Bass, who will fight you. Beat him to get the Dream Aura chip. =>School Network Passwords: Door 1 = 09. Door 2 = 30. Door 5 = 15. MEGA MAN 64 (n64) checked-no =>Hard Mode: Once you finish the game, watch the credits and wait for the game to return to the main menu. Begin a new game and you will be able to choose to play in Hard mode. =>Easy Mode: Beat the game in under three hours or simply complete a game on Hard Mode and you will be able to begin a new game in Easy mode. MEGA MAN SOCCER (snes) checked-no =>Super Kick: Hold [L]+[R] and press B. |Versus 11010101| |Versus 00011010| |Versus 01111111| |Pharaoh 01111111| |Dust Man 01010100| |Drill Man 11111111| | 11111110| | 01110011| | 01110010| | 11100011| | 01001111| | 01001111| | 10010010| | 00101010| | 00101011| | 01011000| | 00111100| | 10000001| | 11101111| | 01000100| | 00100001| | 10001011| | 10101010| | 00100000| ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ |Versus 00011010| |Versus 10110001| |Versus 01111111| |Fire Man 01010101| |Elec Man 01010100| |Skull Man 11111111| | 01111010| | 01111111| | 11110011| | 11100111| | 11111111| | 11101110| | 00010111| | 11110010| | 00001011| | 11000101| | 01101111| | 10011100| | 10101010| | 10101011| | 11000100| | 00000000| | 10100000| | 00101011| ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ |Versus 01001001| |Versus 00000100| |Versus 11011011| |Cut Man 10011011| |Enker 00111000| |Protoman 01010100| | 01010000| | 01011000| | 11111010| | 11100110| | 01011000| | 11100110| | 00010110| | 00001010| | 10010110| | 11100100| | 10000001| | 01100101| | 10001010| | 10000001| | 00101010| | 10100000| | 10000001| | 11100001| ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ |Versus 01110100| 1 = Dot | Dr. 10011111| 0 = Empty | Wiley 10011111| | 10011111| | 10011110| | 10110011| ----------------- MEGA MAN X (snes) checked-no After Vile |5385 7136 6321| Chill Penguin defeated |6385 5336 5364| Use Fire Wave Storm Eagle defeated |6483 7376 5124| Use Megabuster Flame Mammoth defeated |1573 5232 7264| Use Storm Tornado Spark Mandrill defeated |5131 7358 4181| Use Ice Beam Armored Armadillo defeated |5147 8437 4536| Use Spark Shot Launch Octopus defeated |1556 6642 7448| Use Rolling Shield Boomer Kuwranger defeated |5151 3427 4261| Use Homing Missiles Sting Chameleon defeated |4131 6712 1221| Use Boomerang Cutters -- Extra Life Tank -- |5447 4177 4536| |5317 4358 2746| ????? |8441 2136 4421| Everything but the Hadou-Ken |6544 8278 6228| All 4 suits, 3 sub tanks, all but 1 heart |1152 1176 2181| Armor, helmet, acceleration, many hearts, 3 sub tanks, all bosses alive =>Hadou-Ken: After beating all mini-boss robots and after collecting all 9 Heart Tanks and 4 Sub Tanks, replay the Armored Armadillo stage. You will be riding a cart near the end of the stage, and normally jump over a chasm right before the entrance to the boss room. Jump off the cart and onto the wall above the boss door, climb the wall, and collect the power-up on top. Then, dive into the chasm. Do this four times. On the fifth attempt, Dr. Light will appear on the top of the wall and reward you with the Hadou-Ken Use it by pressing D D+R R Y or D D+L L Y in one fluid motion, as you would in Street Fighter II. Note that each mini boss stage contains a Heart Tank. * Alternate Method: With all the Heart and Sub Tanks and all the robot weapons, return to the Armored Armadillo stage. Keep your weapon and life energy meters at the maximum, play to the end of the level, then use the Escape Velocity item to return to the beginning of the level. Repeat this four times, but on the fifth time, instead of using Escape Velocity, leap from the speeding cart to the cliff above the boss room, and climb on top of the cliff. Dr. Light will reward you with the Hadou-Ken. =>Helmet Power Up: Once you have the boots, enter Storm Eagle's stage and make your way to the steel tower. Use the boots to get through the passage and to the other side of the tower, smash the tanks and enter the room. =>Mega Buster Power Up: Rather than waiting for Zero to die in the final Sigma stages, try this. Once you have the boot and helmet power ups, enter Flame Mammoth's stage and play until you fall down a hall with a section of the ceiling made of blocks. Do a dashing jump to jump up through the blocks and you'll reach a Buster power up. =>Extra Men: An easy way to get extra men in found in the Armored Armadillo stage. From the beginning of the stage, WALK right until you see a very fat bat overhead (he looks sort of like a bowling ball on the ceiling). Shoot him, and he will give you a power-up; often an extra life. Walk left offscreen for a bit, then return and kill him again. Repeat the process until you have 9 lives. =>Bonus Ending: After the credits roll and you get the "Thanks for Playing" screen, wait for about a minute to see some extra ending sequence. MEGA MAN X 2 (snes) checked-no |3467-8843-3528-7651| All normal boss robots dead | |1462-3327-6482-3242| X-Hunter Stage 3 | |8377-8643-6868-7651| Final Sigma Stage, all equipment| | Boss | Use | Get |Hidden Stage Items| Use the Mega Buster on |W Sponge |Mega Buster |Strike |Sub-Tank | Violen, the Silk Shot |O Ostrich |Mega Buster |Sonic |Power-Up Capsule | on Serge's shields and |W Gator |Strike Chain |Spin |Power-Up Capsule | S. Slicer on Serge, |B Crab |Spin Wheel |Bubble |Sub-Tank | Magnet on Agile, Mega |F Stag |Bubble Splash|Speed |Sub-Tank | Buster on Sigma, and |M Moth |Speed Burner |Silk |Power-Up Capsule | Strike or Dragon Punch |M Centipede|Silk Shot |Magnet |Sub-Tank | on the wire Neo Sigma. |C Snail |Magnet Mines |Crystal|Power-Up Capsule | =>Zero: To get Zero, you must collect his three body components from the X-Hunters, who randomly enter the stages and can be found behind the silver doors, which will only open if an X-Hunter is inside. Kill all 3 to retrieve Zero. Once you've done this, he will take care of the silver Zero Sigma has. =>Energy Capsule: Use the Spin Wheel to smash through the second dirt wall in Overdrive Ostrich's stage. =>Dragon Punch: To earn the Dragon punch, first find all four Sub-Tanks, four Power-Up Capsules, eight Heart Tanks, three Zero components, and 9 lives. Your Sub-Tanks and Life Meter must also be filled when you find the hidden Capsule. This Capsule is hidden in the North Pole stage, Agile's (the third X-Hunter) stage. Progress through the stage until you come to a pair of ladders, one leading down and one leading up; the upwardly ladder will be out of your reach. Freeze a bat, and then use the frozen bat as a stepping stone to reach the ladder. Climb the ladder and then move right until you come to a ledge with spikes below you. Charge up the S. Burner, then dash and jump to the right while releasing the button to fire off the S. Burner. You will drop to the spikes (unharmed) when the flame dies. Now, use the Midair Dash to reach the platform on the left side of the room, then hold Left while sliding along the left wall to fall into the secret room, where you will find a Dr. Light hologram, clad in Ryu's outfit, who will give you the Dragon Punch - if your Life Meter and Sub-Tanks are full. Your Life Meter must be full to execute a Dragon Punch, which you perform by quickly and fluidly pressing Toward, Down, Down/Toward, Toward, Y. =>Cartridge Diagnostics: Hold CNTRL II: B while turning on your SNES. MEGA MAN X 3 (snes) checked-no | Boss | Use | Get |Hidden Items |Password | | Intro | |3721 1281 3751 4456| |N Tiger |Mega Buster |Ray Splasher |Sub-Tank,Powr-Up|3723 1283 1751 1456| |G Beetle |Ray Splasher |Gravity Well |Robot, Power-Up |7743 5256 1441 5486| |B Hornet |Gravity Well |Parasite Bomb|Power-Up |7745 5253 1441 5486| |B Buffalo |Parasite Bomb|Frost Shield |Power-Up |5275 1266 1751 5458| |T Rhino |Acid Burst |Tornado Fang |Sub-Tank |5765 1263 1756 5488| |V Catfish |Tornado/Frost|Triad Thunder|Power-Up |5768 1267 4758 5488| |T Seahorse|Frost Shield |Acid Burst |Power-Up |1774 1255 4448 3458| Toxic Seahorse Password 2 - more equipment |2376 2163 6258 7841| |C Crawfish|Triad Thunder|Spin Blade |Power-Up |8216 4156 6742 3821| |Dr. Doppler's Laboratory |8317 1683 6772 3876| |X-Saber enhancement |3317 8353 6772 3824| or |1454 3535 6162 7162| |All items, no enhancements |2776 5163 6462 7847| |Everything - even Gold Armor|5414 6585 6872 3112| =>Note: Both the Chip Enhancer and Zero's Gun must be retrieved each time you begin from a saved game. =>X-Saber: Beat Vile in the C Crawfish stage, then enter Doppler stage 2. At the door of the mid-boss, change into Zero and charge the Beam Saber, fire the two charged shots, enter the room and beat the boss. =>Gold Armor Tip: Stand still while wearing Gold Armor to recharge your tanks and energy. =>Chip Enhancer: Enter the first Dr. Doppler stage and make your way to the first pit after the mini-boss (it should be right before the section with the spiked balls). Slide down the left wall of the pit and enter the hole in the wall. If you have full health, all eight Heart Tanks, four Sub Tanks, four Robot Ride suits, and the upgraded Dash Boots, Mega Buster, Armor, and Helmet Sensor, you will be able to activate a special Dr. Light hologram. He will reward you will the Chip Enhancer and four super adaptor chips. * Note: You may need to have none of these chips for this to work. =>Zero's Gun: Make your way through the second stage of Dr. Doppler's lab using only Mega Man. At the mini-boss's door, switch to Zero and enter. Beat the boss and Zero will die, but you will receive his weapon. =>Robot Ride Platforms: First, find the Chimera Robot in the Blast Hornet stage. After finding it, you can jump on any robot ride platform and get a mech. =>Dr. Vile Entrances: After killing at least two robot bosses, but before Bit and Byte, try these paths to Dr. Vile's lab. * Volt Catfish Stage: A platform at the beginning of the stage will take you to Dr. Vile. * Frozen Buffalo Stage: In the first pit in the small room with two doors. * Crawfish Stage: After leaving the mini-boss room, you should see an energy capsule. Approach it and you should fall through the floor and find the path to Dr. Vile. MEN IN BLACK (gbc) checked-no |02|2710| |03|1807| |04|0390| |05|2705| |06|3107| |Credits|1943| =>Cheat Mode: Enter the password |0601| and ignore the error message. Start a new game and you will be able to fly if you stand still and hold SELECT+U. Use L and R to move and press D or SELECT to land. Also, you can get the most powerful weapon in the game by holding SELECT and pressing A; a lightning bolt will appear next to your lives display once you do. =>Level Skip: Enter the password |2409| and start a new game. Pause and press SELECT to skip to the next level. MEN IN BLACK: THE SERIES (gba) checked-no |02|FCHTRMNS| |04|MXNMSNNG| | 06|NNTNDWNY| |Invincibility|LVFRVRDD| |03|HSDSHSBS| |05|THXBXSCK| |End|NFNTMMDD| MENDEL PALACE (nes) checked-part =>Extra Stages: Hold SELECT+START while turning on the NES. Or, hold SELECT+ START and press RESET. ->Extra Lives: In the ballerina stages, the ballerina dolls will sometimes spin on their toes. While they are doing do, if you smash them into a wall with just a single flip you will earn an extra life. ->Magical Immunity: The 10th room of a house can be difficult due to the magic that transforms you. Play with two players, have player two play in the house you need help in, and as long as neither player dies the magic will have no effect on player two. MERCENARY FORCE (gb) checked-no =>Level Skip + 50,000 Yen: On title screen, hold U+SELECT+A+B and press START. When "ROUND 1" appears, hold R and press START the number of levels you want to skip. =>No Boss: Have the monk in the lead at the end of the level. When the boss music begins to play, press A+B to use the special move; you will lose the monk, but the boss with not show up. METAFIGHT EX (gbc) checked-no |01|E6C3D3KF| |03|E7C3D3KH| |05|F6C3D3KQ| |07|F7C3D3KU| |02|E6D3D3KG| |04|E7D3D3KI| |06|F6D3D3KR| |08|F7D3D3KT| METAL COMBAT: FALCON'S REVENGE (snes) checked-no =>Name Change: To change your name from Partner to anything, go to the title screen and press [L] A B [L]. Change your name and press START to play. =>Difficulty Select: After finishing the game at least once, this code can be used to choose from a Low, Medium, or High mode. On the title screen, press B A [L] [L], and the title screen will change colors. When you begin playing a new menu screen will appear. =>Erase All Data: On the title screen, press U U D D [L] [R] [L] [R] to clear ALL the memory. =>Demo: Hold R to jump to the demo mode. =>Play as ST Tornado: Go through normal training and then press RESET. When the title screen appears, press B A B Y. You will hear a sound. When asked to continue now, answer "NO" and you will fight Falcon or Tornado. You'll have to train with the Tornado first, though. =>Clear Standings Record: On the title screen, press [L] [R] [L] [R] and the data clear screen will appear. METAL FIGHTER (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Stage Select: When the title screen appears, press SELECT button one time less than the level you wish to start at, then begin the game. METAL GEAR (nes) checked-part |21J12 14J13 16641 11116 41112| Inside compound; look for Grey Fox and Metal Gear. Binoculars, hand gun grenade launcher, gas mask, etc. |4ARBJ KJZ46 W6E15 E14S6 NK1KK| East elevator, building 1, en route to remote-controlled missiles. Hand Silencer, Cards 1-4, Gas Mask, Binoculars, Cardboard box, Bomb Blast Suit |5ZRZJ KZZBB H4E1C M1ISB N6NTL| Outside building 1, en route to the compass. Same as above, plus Hand Gun (141), Machine Gun(200), Mine(3), Grenade Launcher(50), Rocket Launcher 0 |5ZZZJ KZZJA 3006U UYRTZ N6NVL| Outside building 1, en route to Dr. Petrovitch. Same as above, plus Hand Gun(130), Machine Gun(250), Grenade Launcher(90), Rocket Launcher(30), Missiles(5), Mine(20), Explosives(20), Cards 1-7, Antidote, Compass, |5ZZZZ 0ZZZG E00LY UYQZZ NPNR6| Outside building 1, final mission. Same as above, plus Hand Gun(74), Machine Gun(222), Grenade Launcher(20), Missiles(17), Cards 1-8, Iron |WZRJZ QZZZD UJ510 UIQZZ NZRZE| End Game - go right a few screens |T1111 11611 11111 11111 11116| The very end of the game |3LLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL| Jail Stage |TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU| End of game. Go right and into 1st elevator ->|5XZ1C GZZZG UOOOU UYRZZ NTOZ3| All weapons/items =>Stop Pits: To stop pits from opening, press SELECT A to go to the transceiver screen. Press SELECT again, and the pit will be "gone"... it's still there, but it just won't open any more... so be careful. =>Items Missing?: Can't find something, even though you know you are in the right room? Try using your radio to call someone (like Jessica - code YO J YO J) and getting access to the room, which may cause the items to appear. =>Mazes: In the lower maze, go left, left, upper left, left. In the upper one, go bottom left, bottom left, up, bottom left. ->Skip Super Computer: While in room with the flashing floor before the computer room, move up towards the top, and as soon as you enter the next room move right and exit downwards. If done correctly, you will now be in the room with the final boss -- and the super computer timer won't be running. * Method 2: Enter the room that faces Solid Snake and push R to enter Outer Heaven's room. Again, the timer shouldn't start. ->Reset Computer Timer: During the end of the game, while you are trying to escape, use the cigarettes. After smoking them, you will notice that the countdown timer has reset. METAL GEAR 2 {*} please see SNAKE'S REVENGE: METAL GEAR 2 METAL GEAR SOLID (gbc) checked-no =>Sound Test: Complete 100% of the VR Training mode (both in time attack and practice) to enable a sound test on the options menu. =>Stage Select: Beat the Easy mode game and you will be able to replay any stage of the game using new objectives. METAL MARINES (snes) checked-no |02|HBBT| |05|LSMD| |08|NBLR| |11|TRNS| |14|FKDV| |17|LNVV| |20|KNLB| |03|PCRC| |06|CLST| |09|PRSC| |12|RNSN| |15|YSHM| |18|JFMR| |04|NWTN| |07|JPTR| |10|PHTN| |13|ZDCP| |16|CLPD| |19|JCRY| |CSDV| Start with extra cash METAL STORM (nes) checked-no |276 P3RF 7VJ| stage 3 |8K6 3CR1 739| stage 6 |44! PN22 LN0| stage 4 |94J LZH3 93G| stage 7 |DH4 GQCC BN7| stage 5 |H0N NTQ3 FZR| stage 1, quest 2 METAL WARRIORS (snes) checked-no =>Basketball Mode: Beat the game without using a single continue. Return to the title screen and a new mode option should be available, named ?????. This is a head-to-head battle with player 1 being Ballistic the basketball and player 2 being the Nitro the player. METROID (nes) checked-no Normal Passwords... |007ltp W20000| Slightly powered |M7---- --zOA0| Atop Tourian |025kHa 8A00?Y| in Brinstar |2T-tfm a000d5| =============== =============== |00U--- -u0000| Ridley's Lair |X----- --N?WO| End of game in |0AFw9Y 1800sb| |dV-Gm9 W01GMI| Power suit =============== =============== |0Gz--- -m3e0G| Ready for Kraid |022400 A00000| Second Quest |00VvjS 3m00n?| |05?00m 0000aS| in Armor =============== =============== Weird Passwords... |0WX002 W00004| Second Quest, |mMuiS1 II6-GE| No Suit, All Weapons |1VW0C0 0000MO| without Armor |Jls?h0 m00WRM| |uVt-Fq boo-W7| No suit, end of game |9t?lM0 O00GSi| So always BEST ENDING |Daniel Daniel| Weird Code; Freeze, Varia, no bombs, and the bad ending. |Daniel Daniel| |XXXXXX XXXXXX| NO Equipment - Start in Tourian without Armor... trapped, |KKKKKK KKKKKK| because you can't kill the Metroids and you can't escape without the Ball |JUSTIN BAILEY| Ball, Long Beam, Bomb, Jump Boots, Varia, Wave Beam, Screw |------ ------| Attack, 5 Tanks, 205 Missiles, no Armor, in Norfair. |JUSTIN BAILEY| Ball, Long Beam, Bomb, Jump Boots, Varia, Ice Beam, Screw |------ 000000| Attack, 5 Tanks, 255 Missiles, no Armor, Kraid's Hideout. AND your Ice Beam shot looks like a Wave Beam shot. |JUSTIN BAILEY| Ball, Long Beam, Bomb, Jump Boots, Varia, Wave Beam, Screw |______ ______| Attack, 5 Tanks, 205 Missiles, no Armor, in Norfair. NOTE: The 2cd line consists of SPACES, which must all be ENTERED into the code. |justin bailey| Reset to title screen |KIDICA RUSc19| Kraid's Hideout |------ ------| |86NINT ENDO--| 4 tanks, 42 missiles |999999 999999| Bomb, Wave Beam, Screw Attack, 1 Tank, ??? Missiles |KKKKKK KKKKKK| In Hideout II. Kraid is dead, there is NO Varia, and the Mother Brain does not exist ... neither does the time limit for the final explosion. =>Endings: Depending on how much time it takes you to complete the game, you will see a different ending when you finish it. * Beat it in under 2 hours for Samus in a leotard. * Beat it in 2-4 hours for to see Samus in armor, but without the helmet. * Beat it in more than 4 hours to see Samus clad in all her armor. * Beat it in even MORE time to see her turning her back to you, loser! =>Second Quest: After beating the game, press START to play the 2cd Quest. If you got the 2 hour ending, you will be playing with Samus in her leotard. Beat this 2cd Quest in under 2 hours to get an ending w/ Samus in a bikini. =>Quit Game: Press CNTRL I: START to pause the game, and while it is paused, hold CNTRL II: U+A, and you will jump to the PASSWORD screen, where you can copy down your password. =>Bomb Jump: Curl up into a ball and set a bomb, then stand up before the bomb explodes, but don't move after standing. The explosion will propel you into the air. Samus can jump, as long as she is in the standing position; use this jump to reach places that might be out of reach normally. =>Midair Hop: Curl into a ball and roll off a ledge. While falling, stand up. Samus will be in the standing position, and thus able to jump, just like in the Bomb Jump. =>Wall Climb: Shoot a blue door to open it up, then stand inside of it and jump repeatedly so that the door shuts and locks you inside of it while you are above the ground. Now, quickly and repeatedly press D to turn into a ball and U to get out of the ball. Repeating this should make you slowly climb up through the wall. When you near the top of the screen, repeatedly jump to scroll the screen up, then continue the wall climb. Doing this trick in certain points of the game can lead you to 'hidden worlds.' * In Hideout II - Ridley's place - there is a small, single-screen room with an invisible hole and an energy tank. Jump to the left side of the screen, then do the Wall Climb in the left door, facing right. * In Hideout II, after getting off the elevator, go right and continue right until you reach a vertical shaft. Do the Wall Climb here. NOTE: This 'hidden world' aspect of the game has been open to great debate and concern. People have searched long and hard for meaning to these rooms and the specific entrance points. If you really want it, I (David) have a text file dealing with these 'worlds' which I will e-mail to you if you request it... unless, of course, you are reading this book 4 years after I wrote it & abandoned it ... in which case, good luck! Stuff on the Net never really disappears (like this code book, for example), so you might still be able to find the info. METROID II: THE RETURN OF SAMUS (gb) checked-yes =>Midair Hop: Curl up into a ball, then either 1) roll off a ledge or 2) use the Spring Ball to hop into the air. While in the air, press U to revert to a kneeling Samus and press A to jump in midair, giving you a double jump. =>Endings: If you beat the game in under 2 hours, Samus appears without her armor. Under 5 hours, and she'll remove her helmet while wearing the armor. If it takes you more than 5 hours, she'll be wearing the complete suit. SUPER METROID (snes) checked-yes =>Charge Screw Attack: Power up the Charge Beam and don't release the fire button. Spin-jump through an enemy, and you'll kill them as if you had the Screw Attack. =>Special Attacks: Each beam item has a special attack which is not found within the manual nor within the game. To perform them, you must have the Charge Beam, a Power Bomb, and at least one additional beam item. Select the Power Bombs; next, select the Charge Beam and -only- one other beam. Now simply hold down the fire button to charge your weapon, and the special charge attack will activate, using one Power Bomb in the process. Each Each weapon in combination with the charge has a different special attack. =>Crystal Flash: To restore your energy using the Crystal Flash Power Bomb technique, you must have at least 10 Missiles, 10 Super Missiles, and 11 Power Bombs; all will be used up in this feat. You must also have less than 50 energy units remaining and no energy in your reserve tanks. Press Dx2 to morph into a ball, highlight the Power Bomb icon, then hold D+[L]+[R] and hold the fire button to drop a Super Bomb. Hold all three buttons and D until Samus is engulfed in a blast of energy-giving light. This will happen a second or two after the explosion ends. You must not release any of the buttons or D until it starts. =>Super Dash Jump: You must have the Super Dash Item to do this. Run until you begin to flash, then quickly press D. You will be flashing; now just press in the direction you want to go, jump, and you will fly in that direction. * Use [L] and [R] to aim diagonally (please note that these are the default buttons for aiming diagonally up and down with your gun; if you changed the settings, use the appropriate buttons). * To do a horizontal dash jump, charge up as above, face the direction you want to jump, press jump then immediately tap the PAD in the direction you want to jump. * This trick works well during your escape from the planet at the end of the game. In the passage before the vertical shaft from the first Metroid game, begin dashing, run through the wall into the shaft, stand on the left side of the shaft, and JUMP straight to the top. =>5 Bomb Trick: Fully charge any weapon, hold the fire button, press Dx2 to morph into a ball. Release the button to set a bomb... you will drop five bombs instead of one. =>Easy Kill: To quickly kill Dorigon (boss at end of Maridia), use the Grappling Beam to latch onto one of the electric side panels after Dorigon grabs you, and he will be electrocuted in a few seconds. =>Auto-Weapon Select: Hold Y (or whatever your weapon deactivate button is) while selecting a weapon, and the weapon's icon will flash. After using the weapon, it will automatically switch off. =>Endings: Beat the game in less than 3 hours to see Samus out of her armor. Below 5 hours she appears without the helmet, and if it takes you more than 5 hours, she appears clad in the entire suit of armor. Also, if you free your furry animal friends while escaping the planet (check out the room that held the bombs in the beginning of the game), you will get a "special bonus" ending; when the planet blows up, a tiny little speck of light flies off to the right - the animals, escaping. =>Bomb Jump: It is possible to use bombs to propell yourself into the air. Curl into a ball, drop a bomb, and keep dropping bombs as you get bounced into the air. If you time it correctly, you can climb higher and higher using just the bomb blasts. Rapid fire controllers help. MICHAEL JORDAN: CHAOS IN THE WINDY CITY (snes) checked-no |MCHLJRDN-23| 25 Lives, Stage Select |12345678999| 73 Lives, Stage Select |99999999999| 93 lives, midway through game MICKEY MANIA (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Go to the Sound Test, set the Music at Beanstalk1, set SFX at Extra Try, and highlight Exit. Hold [L] for a few seconds until you hear a sound. Begin the game and a stage select screen will appear. =>Mickey Clone: In the Mad Doctor stage you will be riding an elevator. When you reach the top of the shaft where you would walk right to reach the lab, get off and then back on the elevator. When the elevator stops, walk right and fall off the ledge, collecting power-ups. Climb the invisible stairs to find a fearful Mickey. The screen will fade and then you will appear outside of the lab. =>Hidden Room: In stage 1, hop on the cat next to the cabin, then jump into the hole the cat falls into. MICKEY MOUSE IN THE GREAT CIRCUS MYSTERY (snes) checked-no |Pluto, Donald, Mickey, Goofy | Level 2 |Goofy, Donald, Mickey, Minnie| Level 3 |Donald, Goofy, Pluto, Mickey | Level 4 |Minnie, Mickey, Donald, Goofy| Level 5 |Mickey, Goofy, Pluto, Minnie | Level 6 MICKEY MOUSE MAGIC WANDS (gb) checked-no |02|BVCK| |10|HWNT| |17|DRZP| |24|LQST| |31|YVRD| |39|SWLK| |03|FXLL| |B1|SLVP| |18|FLVG| |25|JXRY| |32|RQST| |40|CHWP| |04|GRWN| |11|SPZT| |19|HZST| |26|MQND| |33|SZLD| |B4|JZWL| |05|WHVT| |12|BLZW| |20|TQPY| |27|SQLL| |34|FRZM| |06|BZSS| |13|GRWP| |B2|JXMP| |28|TWCK| |35|THVN| |07|CZCK| |14|TRVP| |21|MQLT| |29|NWCK| |36|CQNT| |08|DRWP| |15|BWLL| |22|FRYT| |30|SZFT| |37|PZST| |09|BXLK| |16|WVLK| |23|RQNT| |B3|PQCK| |38|HQRS| MICKEY MOUSECAPADES (nes) checked-no =>Warping: On the title screen, hold SELECT and ___, then press START to warp to ___. U => Castle Stage D => Pirate Stage R => Ocean Stage L => Woods Stage =>Continue: Hold U and press START on the title screen. =>Woods: To get through the woods, go through the second door of each of the first two seasons (Spring and Summer). You will now be in Fall - shoot the tree to the right of the second door and enter the secret door that will appear. Repeat this trick in Winter, and you will arrive at the beginning of Winter again. Shoot the first tree and enter the secret door. MICKEY'S SPEEDWAY USA (n64) checked-no =>Extra Racers: For Dewey, earn first place in all three of the amateur circuits. For Louie, get first place in the circuits in normal mode. * Huey: Hook up the Transfer Pak and the Mickey's Speedway USA Game Boy cartridge. Turn on the N64 with the Game Boy game in place and you will earn Huey as a playable character. =>Victory Vehicles: To enable the Victory Vehicles circuit, you need to earn first place in all three basic circuits at the Professional difficulty setting. =>Rocket Start: Press A when the third red light lights up. =>Frantic Finale: There are four missing car parts hidden throughout the various tracks in the game. Once you find all four (regardless of whether you beat the race the part was found in), Frantic Finale becomes available as a course. MICKEY'S ULTIMATE CHALLENGE (snes) checked-no =>Different Intro: Beat the game once and the intro to the game will change. MICRO MACHINES (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>Magic Qualify: When a race is over, hold U+SELECT+B until the screen changes to the water color. Press START, and you will find that you have qualified, regardless of your performance. =>Race 2 (Desktop Dropoff): When you jump off the folder, pause the game. The screen will go white; unpause the game and you will find yourself with an extra life (which may not show until you finish Tuff Trax or loose a race). =>Race 4 (Sandy Straights): Go backwards until you get to the first bend, which is near the water, and then pause the game. The lap counter will decrease. Turn around and cross the line for an easy victory. =>Race 7 (Hangman's Curve): Go to the bottom left of the track, leaving the other vehicles behind, and you will find a large oil drum. Drive into the spout as fast as you can, then pause the game several times. The screen should turn white, and you will win. =>Race 9 (Sahara Straights): Follow the track until you see a footprint in the sand. Drive into the bottom of the footprint and then pause the game. The screen will turn white; unpause the game to receive turbo. =>Race 10 (Potted Passage): Follow the green pipe down until it disappears into the plants. Get your chopper into the gap, pause the game, and the screen will turn white. You now have the super glue grip. MICRO MACHINES (gb) checked-no =>Extra Life: In the first sports car desktop race, pause the game right as you jump the notebook onto the other desk and you should hear a tone and gain a life. MICRO MACHINES 64 TURBO (n64) checked-no =>Name Cheats: Use the name |MOGSLIFE| and a car alarm will sound. You can now rename your car and play the Challenge Mode with 9 lives. * Use the name |ALLTANKS| in multiplayer to replace the cars with tanks. =>Cheat Codes: Pause the game and enter a code. A tone will sound when the code is entered. Reenter it to deactivate it. * Rear View: L R cL cR L R cL cR * Low Gravity: cL R R D U D L D D * Double Speed: cL cD cR cL cU cDx4 * Slow Computer Cars: (cR cU cL cD)x2 * Become Object: D D U U R R L L * Turbo Mode: cL cD cR cL cU cDx4 =>Debug Mode: Pause and press cL U D D cL cR cR cU cD. Then, while playing, * Auto Win: Press Z+cD. Won't work in Time Trials. * Change Camera Angle: Hold Z and press U D L or R. * Change Camera Zoom: Hold Z and press L or R. * Have Computer Take Over: Hold Z and press cL. * Blow Up Cars: Hold Z and press cU+cR+cL. =>Turbo Boost: At the beginning of a race, tap the gas button as each chime sounds. On the last tone, hold the button down. =>Jumping Ending: When you hit the finish line on the final lap, use [R] to jump into the air for a neat looking ending sequence. MIG 29 (nes) checked-no -- Another unlicensed game -- =>All Weapons: Earn a high score and enter the name |LINUS|. Begin a new game. MIGHT AND MAGIC (nes) checked-no =>Changing Items: Start a game and form your party at the Sorpigal Inn. Now, CAMP and TRADE all the clubs from the party characters and put them into the lead character's pack. Go to the blacksmith's shop and buy anything EXCEPT the club, then put this new item into the sixth space of the character's inventory. When ready, select USE and choose the main character; when EQUIP appears, press A. Select an empty space in the inventory and press B. If done correctly, the screen will flash and the item will have changed into a different item. This can be done as often as you like. Notes: Small Shield => Bracers AC8 => Ultimate Plate Armor Padded Armor => Evil Flamburg => GREAT weapons Ropes & Hooks => Dragon Shield Scroll Of Fires => => Defense Ring MIGHT AND MAGIC III: ISLES OF TERRA (snes) checked-no =>Fast Experience: Fill all the packs of your party, then go destroy shacks and wagons. As long as your packs are full, the shacks and wagons will reappear, thus letting you smash them again. =>Teleporter Cheat Codes: * |DOE| or |DOE MEISTER| X1/Y10, Dragon's Den, $2 million. Mr. Wizard will let you escape at the cost of 1 experience level per member. * |ORB| or |ORB MEISTER| Ultimate Power Orb * |BLASTOFF| End of game. Use initiation sequence 645231. =>Super Start Trick: Enter the DOE MEISTER code above, and when you escape warp to Blistering Heights, enter the inn, and hire the Raven and Lord Bruno. Let Raven cast Lloyd's Beacon to warp everyone to Fountain Head, have him enchant all the items possible, then remove all those items (including the ones on Raven and Lord Bruno). Give the items to your first first and second characters. Create new characters and you should have an interesting supply of powerful items. =>Teleporter Warp Codes: Use these codes to reach the appropriate areas of the game... |HOME | Fountainhead |WATER | Area E3 X7/Y10 |SEADOG| Town of |EARTH| Area E4 X3/Y3 |DOOMED | Swamp Town Baywatch |AIR | Area F1 X0/Y12 |FREEMAN| Wildabar Town |FIRE | Area C2 X12/Y0 |REDHOT | Blistering Heights =>Riddle Passwords, Etc.: Using the Magic Eye spell helps you determine your X Y coordinates. |PRIMARY | Alpha Engine Sector X6/Y15, Beta Engine Sector X6/Y0 |WARP | Main Engine Sector X6/Y0 |SUBLEVEL| Main Engine Sector X6/Y15 |CREATORS| Central Control Sector X1/Y5 X3/Y5 X9/Y5 X13/Y5 |YOUTH | Forward Storage Sector X9/Y11 |MIRROR | Swamp Town X2/Y13 |STAIRS | Swamp Town X6/Y2 |ICICLE | Cursed Cold Cavern X18/Y14 |TOMORROW| Cursed Cold Cavern X27/Y25 |CHAIN | Cursed Cold Cavern X27/Y11 |ECHO | Cursed Cold Cavern X27/Y17 |20301 | Arachnid Cavern |11 | Castle Dragontooth X13/Y7 X13/Y9 |20000 | Castle Dragontooth X8/Y0 |OGRE | Castle Bloodreign X9/Y15 |NORTIC | Castle Bloodreign X4/Y10 X4/Y9 X10/Y10 X10/Y9 |CIRCLE | Castle Graywind X7/Y5 |TEN | Castle Blackwind |JOABARY | Castle Whiteshield |S-MELLO | Castle Whiteshield |RATS | Fountain Head Cavern X12/Y5 |EPSILON | Slithercut Stronghold X7/Y26 |314 | Dark Warriors Keep X24/Y2 |JVC | Cathedral of Carnage X25/Y14 |TEARS | Halls of Insanity X11/Y12 |BLINK | Halls of Insanity X14/Y9 |EYES | Halls of Insanity X17/Y12 |SECRET | Area B3 X9/Y9 |DARKNESS| Area B3 X13/Y6 MIGHTY BOMB JACK (nes) checked-no =>Level Warp: Enter a Royal Palace room at the end of a level; these are the screens where you collect all the bombs. Pick up one bomb, then look for the ignited bomb. Pick up all the other bombs and pick up the ignited bomb last, then exit the room. If done correctly, you will warp to the next Royal Palace room. =>50,000 Points: Enter a Royal Palace room and collect all the ignited bombs in order. If done correctly, you will get a large bonus when you exit the room. MIGHTY FINAL FIGHT (nes) checked-no =>Extra Energy Levels: Start a game as Haggar, die, then continue as Cody or Guy. You will play with Haggar's energy levels, which are 2 bars higher. MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS (snes) checked-no Level 2 |3847| Level 4 |3904| Level 6 |8624| Level 3 |5113| Level 5 |1970| Level 7 |2496| =>2 Player Battle Stages... Scorpina |0411| Colosus |1007| Colosus 2 |1212| MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS (gb) checked-no |02|1001| |02|4718| |03|1012| |04|0175| |05|1387| MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE FIGHTING EDITION (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: In the two-player fight mode, highlight any character, press and hold Y+X and press START. =>CPU Control: In the two player mode, choose a character and press SELECT to put that fighter under computer control. You can thus turn the battle mode into a one player or complete computer controlled game. MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE (snes) checked-no =>Free Morph: In a 2-player game, let 1 player grab all the Power-Ups until his Morph Meter is full. The other player's pink life bar should be nearly empty. When the 1st player morphs, so will the second - for free. =>Begin Morphed: On the title screen, press U D L R X B Y A START. The letters should turn blue, indicating that your player will be suited up. MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE (gb) checked-no |1 Ooze |0411| |3 Rat |0936| |5 Lord Zedd |3500| |View Credits|3844| |2 Pig |5989| |4 Goldar|3713| |6 Queen Tengu|3999| MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: TIME FORCE {*} please see POWER RANGERS: TIME FORCE MIGRAIN ACCLAIM (gb) checked-no |0742| Level 2 |X480| Level 3 |586Y| Level 4 |3081| Level 5 MIKE PIAZZA'S STRIKEZONE (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: Press [L] [R] [L] [R] on the pre-game Tonight's Game/Match Up screen. You can now enter the following cheats on the pre-game menu. After you enter a code, press START to play the game. R A cU [L] A - Devil's Thumb stadium [R] D B A R - Red bats [L] A D R - Always hit homers B [L] B A R - Blue bats cR A Z B A [L]x2 - Crazy ball Z B [R] A - Colored bats cR A Z cU [R] B - Crazy pitches [R] A Z B A [L]x2 - Aluminum bats cR A Z cU [R] [L] - All pitches cL A D cU Z - Easy stealing U [R] A [L] - Low gravity [L] A Z [R] B A [L]x2 - Fast game U D [L] U [R] - High gravity U [L]x2 B A [L]x2 - Slow game cR A Z cU [L] [R] Z - Alternate sky B A [R] B A [L]x2 - Level 10 Players B A [L] D Z - Better Fielder Arm R] A Z [L] D - Faster Pitcher cL A D cU Z - Faster Runners B [L] A B [R] Z - Better Pitch Control [R] A Z [L] D A Z [L] - Better Fielder Speed B A [R] D [L] B - Better Fielder Defense =>Extra Teams: On the title screen, press cR A D L. =>Message: On the title screen, press cU [R] Bx2. =>View Credits: On the title screen, press [R] A Z [R] cR A B. MILO'S ASTRO LANES (n64) checked-no =>Cheats: Enter these codes on your turn. * Booster Ball (quick burst of speed): [R] [R] [L] [L] [R] [L] * Clone Ball (split into 3): [L]x3 [R]x3 * Green Screen: [R] [L] [R] [L]x2 [R] * Everything Green: [L] [R] [L] [R]x2 [L] * Mega Ball (giant): [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R] * White Dwarf Ball (double weight/impact): [R]x3 [L]x3 * All Domes: U U D D [L] [R] [L] [R] B A B A MILON'S SECRET CASTLE (nes) checked-no =>Continue: To continue, you must first have the first crystal. Once you possess it, hold L and press START to continue from the title screen. =>Extra Points: Kill a boss, grab the crystal ball, and die. Before you continue, hold either A or B and watch your points add up. MILON'S SECRET CASTLE (gb) checked-no =>All Items: Enter your password as all M's. MISCHIEF MAKERS (n64) checked-no =>Clanpot Mixes: Toss 4 Bombs into a pot and shake for a clanbomb. 2 Flowers yield a ninja star, 3 ninja stars become a boomerang, 6 blue gems give you 1 green gem, and 2 green gems produce 1 gold gem. =>Mole's Gold Gem: Toss the mole into the air, then smash into his stomach to get his gold gem. =>Sound Test: On the title screen, press L+A+cL+cR+START. =>Ending: Every one of the 52 gold gems adds a little bit to the ending sequence; you can't view the complete ending without all 52. * Ending 2: Earn an A rating on every level and collect all 52 gold gems. During the ending sequence, hit the target on Teren to view a slightly different ending. =>Bonus Levels: With all 52 gold gems, view the entire ending. After the final screen of stages, press [R] to access 12 new levels. =>Skip Intros: Press Z to skip through introductory scenes. =>Red Gems: Enter stage 3-8, shake the first Clancer for 30 gems. Exit the level and replay for another 30. =>Super Speed: During any of the running events, tap PAD: R quickly to more easily win the race. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (nes) checked-no |01|LRHN| |02|HMPR| |03|KMVW| |04|XDGJ| |05|TVJL| |06|QBYZ| or QBT2 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (n64) checked-no Enter a code correctly and you will hear Ethan say "Ah, that's better." Enter all codes on the stage select screen; I believe they only work in stages you have already beaten. |cD [R] cU [L] cL| Big Head Mode |cD [R] Z cR cL | Big Feet Mode |cD [L] cU cR [L]| Huge Head Mode |cU Z cU z cU | Turbo Mode |cR cL cR cD [R] | Uzi w/ 30 rounds |cD cU [R] [L] Z | Kid Mode |[R] [L] cD cU cU| 9mm w/ 30 rounds |cU [L] cR cL cU | Silenced pistol |[R] [L] cL cR cD| Mini Rocket Launcher w/ 30 rockets w/ 30 rounds |[R] Z cD [R] cD | Invincibility |cU Z cL Z [L]| Infinite Ammo =>Design Team: Beat the game on the "Possible" setting, then return to the embassy, where you can meet the development team. =>Paintballs: In the Interrogation stage, spray all the cameras and then arm your dart gun. Shoot the walls and the darts will leave blue splotches. =>Gun Zoom: With a gun in hand, hold [R] to aim and use cU and cD to zoom. =>Invisible Ethan?: Enter the Station stage with the Kid Mode activated. Don't shoot the two men as you normally would, but kill Ethan. When he says "Argh! They got me!" quickly shoot the two men, or just the man in front. If done correctly, Ethan should rise from the ground in a transparent form. =>Truck Cam: In the Tunnel, disarm your gun and hold [R] while jumping from the truck to the platform. Release [R] and the camera will now be from the point of view of the truck. =>Ghostly Pianist: In the embassy, kill all the guards with the rocket launcher and then punch the pianist. He should fall to the floor, but still be playing. MLBPA BASEBALL (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: To enter multiple codes, just type one in, activate it, leave the password screen, return, erase the old code and enter a new one. Power Pitching |PWRP | Power Hitting |PWRHT| Rubber Field |RBBR | Slick Fields |BRRR | Speed Pitching |ZZNG | Hyper Running |VRRRM| Better Opponents |XXXX| Bottom of 9th, 4 runs behind |NNTH| MOLE MANIA (gb) checked-yes =>Killer Grampa: When you stumble across Grampa Mole, keep talking to him without leaving the screen. After doing this several times, Grampa will snap and thrash you... ending your game. =>Level 8: You must earn 100% in levels 1 through 7 to get level 8 to appear. Note: When you use Give Up, you lose percentage points for that level of the game. You must reset any level you used Give Up in and start it over to get 100% of the game. MONOPOLY (nes) checked-no =>Computer Control: To take control of computer opponents, hold START and press SELECT before you roll the dice. The computer will ask "To whom am I speaking?" Choose the character who you wish to control and press A. When the character's control screen appears, move the cursor to Game Control and press A again, thus making the Computer Opponent into a human-controlled one. Do whatever you want. You can switch him back again when you wish to. =>Cheap Properties: This only works if you are the first or last player in the turn order. Choose to bid on instead of buying an unowned property. Enter a bid and hold U if you're first, or D if you are last. No other bids will be entered and you will get this property for your bid. MONOPOLY (snes) checked-no =>Cheap Properties: This only works if you are the first or last player in the turn order. Choose to bid on instead of buying an unowned property. Enter a bid and hold U if you're first, or D if you are last. No other bids will be entered and you will get this property for your bid. This only works if you are only playing against computer opponents. MONOPOLY (n64) checked-no =>Mr. Potato Head Token: Select the moneybag piece and name it |Potato|. =>Zooming: Rename a token |Wander|. During the game, press Z, hold cU and you can use A and B to zoom in and out. MONSTER MAX (gb) checked-no |-8?-35R-| 4.0 |JZVHMV3D| 6.0 |PL1H17P-| 8.0 |MQLYTY2D| 9.0 |273?35RZ| 5.0 |L5VP79N7| 7.0 (take elevator) |-J#X5DKP| 10.0 MONSTER PARTY (nes) checked-no |c7E Mc" NJ6| level 2 "=leans right |LjG "Gz rz8| stage 5 "=leans left |Nei QaS ,TF'| level 3 |Wvf .oO zbC| level 8 |.Nb Rrq qb"&| level 4 "=leans right |DTvgs.iNT| Last level! |rE2 KfW s6B| level 2 FULL ENERGY CODES |FCc JRK 2Ts| level 6 |!P, 1Dt 6tC| level 3 For all the levels! |T6X iAt Azn| level 7 |?d7 ?of Fy1| level 4 |sVi ?GV Vh!| level 5 |Bs- DCI aDh| level 8 =>Level 5 Zombie Tip: When fighting the "Watch my dance" zombies mini-boss, just stand out of the way and wait 30 seconds. They will rot away, giving you an easy victory. =>Level 7 Bonus Rooms: When you find a "Come Again" room, exit and reenter several times. Extra lives, power, and more will randomly appear inside as a ? icon. MONSTER TRUCK MADNESS 64 (n64) checked-no ^=up arrow v=down arrow <>=left/right arrows | Beginner | Intermediate | Expert | Ruins |GMFKLB04 |GBGJ5MTL |GKGH^G*< | Junkyard |JM><7 |JNJMQL7S |JGJKLJP* | Heights |M^LQRR |MJMPT>XRN |MSMN>M7QW | Voodoo Isle|PQ>T**LTXGR |PJPSWR0*89R |PKPQRP^T793 | Greenhill |SW0JK9H |SBSV2*3XBC^4v |SKST*SDW^C61R | Wasteland |V^*Z00RZ3MNCL^7 |VBVY2X60vFD7B2M |VOVWXVGZDF9463R | Aztec |Y^X233*26PQF>D*9F |YFY15093HBonus Truck: On the title screen, press cD cU A Z [R] B. A horn will sound and you will now have access to the Packer Smasher truck. =>Tracks: Complete an easy circuit for the Aztec track, medium for Alpine, and hard for Death Trap. =>Noises: While racing, use the PAD to play sound effects. MONSTERS, INC. (gba) checked-no |02|YMB2VN| |03|LRB13G| |04|4RB97C| |05|7QCZB9| MONTEZUMA'S RETURN (gbc) checked-no |ELEPHANT| Infinite Lives |6JYBSPPJ| Save point before the boss |SUNSHINE| Walk through locked doors |NQXZJ9?K| |2N4ZQWZM| MORTAL KOMBAT (snes) checked-yes =>Sub-Zero's Odd Finish: To shatter but not kill an opponent (yeah, real fun, I know), kill your opponent during Round 1, and during Round 2 run his power meter all the way down without the FINISH HIM message appearing. Use Sub- Zero's freeze to make the FINISH HIM message appear, then use the finishing move (Down, Forward, then B) to shatter the ice BUT leave the body standing. =>Reptile: To reach Reptile, fight your way to the pit. There, get a double Flawless without blocking (or using the button) - UNLESS it is being used in a Fatality, which you MUST perform. =>Off-Screen: In the Two-Player Tournament, attack one fighter until he is but one strike away from defeat. Wait until the timer is at 1 second, then throw the fighter. If done correctly, both fighters will be able to move off of the screen's edge in the next round. =>Freeze: Jump over your computer-controlled opponent, then kick without hitting him. Repeat this process until the opponent blocks, then jump over him and kick without hitting him. He will now freeze until you hit him. MORTAL KOMBAT (gb) checked-no =>Play as Goro: Beat the game. When THE END appears after the Credits, hold U+L+A+SELECT. Keep holding these until the initials input screen appears. Enter your initials and press A. On the High Score tables, press START. You will see a message saying GORO LIVES. Now you can play as Goro. Playing as Goro, hold A+B and then press DOWN. Goro [you] will disappear and the time will go much faster. Your opponent will constantly repeat the same move and won't be able to hit you. MORTAL KOMBAT II (snes) checked-no =>Elimination Mode: When the start screen appears, hold CTRL I: [L]+[R] and press START. The Elimination Mode offers back-to-back fights using four fighters. =>Secret Intro: When you first turn on the power, hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R] and wait for the Acclaim logo to fade out. =>Extra Fatality Time: For twice as much time to complete a fatality, go to the Character Select screen and press U U L U D SELECT; a swishing sound will be heard. =>2 Punch Knockout: This will allow you to kill any opponent (in a one-player game) with only two punches. On the Character Select screen, press D U R U L SELECT. =>30 Kredits: On the Character Select screen, quickly press L U R D L SELECT. You will receive 30 Kredits. =>No Throw: To disable the throwing function in a 2 player game, first have each player choose their fighter. Now, hold D and High Punch on both controllers. Continue to hold them down until the match begins, and throws will be disabled. =>Random Select: To have the computer choose your fighter for you, hold U and press START on the character select screen. =>Strange Sound: Press D after executing the Dead Pool fatality. =>Hidden Opponents - The Normal Way: * Smoke: In the Portal stage, use uppercuts on your opponent to make the Toasty man appear. If he shows up in the bottom right corner of the screen , quickly press D and START. You will warp to Goro's lair and find Smoke. * Jade: You must be in the round just below the ? on the Match chart. Win one round using only Low Kicks; you can Sweep or Jump Kick, but do NOT Block. * Noob Saibot: Win 50 fights in a row. At the end of the 50th round, when prompted to 'Finish Him,' simply stand still and let your opponent fall over. =>Hidden Opponents - The Easy Way: Wait until the Character Select screen appears, then quickly press ... * Smoke : U L U U R SELECT * Jade : U D D L R SELECT * Noob Saibot: L U D D R * Kintaro : U D D R R SELECT * Shao Khan : R U U R L SELECT ... a swishing sound will be heard. Select a fighter and prepare for battle. =>Deep Freeze+: While fighting as Sub-Zero in the Dead Pool stage, press Forward Forward Down HighKick to freeze your enemy; while frozen, hold Block+LowPunch+LowKick; while holding down all three buttons, hold D+HighPunch. =>Kombat Tomb Uppercut: Execute the Kombat Tomb Fatality Uppercut, then press and hold D on both controllers. Each character has a special move for the Kombat Tomb move; Sub-Zero's is D D F F Block, Shang Tsung's is holding Block and pressing D D U D. =>Forest Fight: Wait through the beginning of the game where the lightning is displayed. When the story text appears on the 'Living Forest' background, press START. You will fight in the Living Forest stage. MORTAL KOMBAT II (gb) checked-no =>Jade: Win the stage directly before the ? stage, but you may only use kick attacks and you cannot block if you wish to find and fight Jade. =>Smoke: On the Bridge stage, use the uppercut move on your enemy until the "Toasty" face appears; when it appears, hold D and press START. If done correctly, you are off to fight Smoke. MORTAL KOMBAT 3 (snes) checked-no =>Kombat Kodes: To enter a kombat code, begin a two player game. On the Vs. screen, player one uses the Y B A buttons to create the first 3 characters of a kode, and player two uses his Y B A buttons to create the final 3. The Y button selects the first character, B the second, and A the third. By pressing a button repeatedly you can cycle between the various characters on the screen. If you manage to set the kombat kode correctly before the Vs screen fades, it'll work. The following chart shows how many times you must press a button to cycle to the specified character (for example, pressing D Dragon 0 ? Question Mark 4 K Shao Kahn 8 M MK Logo 1 L Lightning Bolt 5 S Skull 9 Y Ying-Yang 2 G Goro 6 3 Three 3 R Raiden 7 The Kodes.... |D33-LG?| |YDL-YDL| |RGS-3?Y| |?3Y-Y3?| More Energy, No Time |SKR-MY3| Hidden Energy Bar |G?Y-?GK| Play the old arcade game Galaga |D33-LG?| Winner fights Shao Kahn |YDL-YDL| Winner fights Smoke |RGS-3?Y| Winner fights Noob Saibot|SGS-M?M| Winner fights Motaro |SKR-DM3| No energy bars |DYD-DYD| No blocking |MDD-MDD| No throwing |DSM-YS3| No Sweeping |?GG-?GG| Unlimited running |SLL-SLL| Max Fatality Time |S??-S??| 1 Button Fatalities |GKK-?YY| Dark Kombat |G?M-?GK| Galaga |RDR-DDD| Player 1 at 1/4 energy |DDD-RDR| Player 2 at 1/4 life |D33-DDD| Player 1 at 1/2 energy |DDD-D33| Player 2 at 1/2 life |YKY-YKY| No Fear Kombat |RYY-RYY| No Kombos |3SD-DDD| Player 1 does 1/2 damage |3SD-3SD| Inflict 1/2 damage |DDD-3SD| Player 2 does 1/2 damage |GKK-?33| Fast Uppercut recovery |3YM-RKS| Super Run Jumps |GKK-GKK| Fast Uppercut Recover |??S-??S| Invisibility |LLL-LLG| No Special Moves |DMY-DMY| Auto Health Recover |YYM-LLR| Uppercut to next level |?GD-?GD| Switcheroo |SKS-KSK| Auto Tourney |MSM-MSM| Hyper Fighting |MYD-MYD| View Credits |?GD-?GD| Random Selection of opponent |SKR-GGG| Flippers Message |SKR-GLL| Play Slots |MY3-SYG| "There is no knowledge that is not power" |SKL-MYL| Pyscho Kombat: Dark, random, no blocks, quick uppercut recovery =>Play As Smoke: Hold L+A on the copyright screen until it fades out, then hold R+B on the Williams screen until it fades out, and finally hold X+Y until the quote fades out. Smoke will appears on the MK3 screen. =>Tournament Mode: Hold [L]+[R] and press START to enter the Vs. Tournament Mode. Now, hold U and press START to activate the random selection. =>Cheat Screens: On the Start Game screen, press U U D D L R A B A for Kool Stuff. Or, press SELECT A B R L D D U U on the Game Start screen for Kooler Stuff. Finally, try pressing X B A Y U L D R D on the Game Start screen for Scott's Stuff. =>Easy Moves: Enter the Scott's Stuff code above, and during a fight, pause the game, perform the move, then unpause. Your fighter will perform the move you entered during the pause. =>Sound Test: Press A Y B X SELECT on the Start/Options screen. Or, try A B Y B X. =>Random Select: Highlight Shang Tsung and press U+START. Player 2 should highlight Liu Kang and press CNTRL II: U+START to randomly select. =>Stealth Select: On the Player Select screen, quickly rotate the Controller in a counter-clockwise direction and press SELECT to make the cursor disappear. You can now choose your fighter secretly. =>Infinite Continues: Enter the stealth select code, then have both players highlight the same fighter. Now have both players use the Random Select code to et the computer choose the fighters and you will have infinite continues. =>Mercy: To show Mercy (required if you wish to perform an animality), stand near the side of the screen. Hold Run and press Dx4, then release Run. Your stunned enemy will regain some energy; to perform an animality, do this during the final round. The second time you stun them, use the animality code. =>Version Screen: Hold [L]+[R] while turning on the SNES to see a version # screen at power up. =>Super Uppercut: On the versus screen, enter 221 on CNTRL I (that is, press Yx2 Bx2 A), then enter 557 on CNTRL II (Yx5 Bx5 Ax7). MORTAL KOMBAT 3 (gb) checked-no =>Random Select: Hold U and press START on the character select screen. =>Kombat Codes: See SNES MK3 for instructions on Kombat Kodes and for other Kombat Codes which may or may not work on the Game Boy version. 3=3, D=Dragon, L=Lightning Bolt, G=Goro, ?=?, Y=YingYang, R=Raiden, S=Skull, M=MK, H=Helmet?, F=Stick Figure? |S F S M ? M| |M D D M D D| |D D D R D R| |S H R M Y 3| |F H H ? Y Y| |S H L M Y L| |Y D L Y D L| |? F D ? F D| |? F F ? F F| |Y H Y Y H Y| |M Y 3 S Y F| |S H R F F F| ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT 3 (snes) checked-no =>Human Smoke: Highlight the robotic Smoke, then hold L+HP+HK+Block+Run until the fight begins and you will play as the human Smoke. =>Random Select: Press CNTRL I: U+START on Rain, or CNTRL II: U+START on Noob. =>Tournament Mode: On the title screen, highlight START, hold [L]+[R] and press START for an 8 x 8 endurance tournament mode. You can press U+START to select random fighters. Sometimes you may get a ? to appear in a fighter box, which results in a glitched Sheeva fighter and potential game crashes. =>Weird Text: Turn the SNES on while holding CNTRL II: [L]+[R]. =>Sheeva's Ghost: Using the Old Tournament and the Random Select codes, if you land on an "E" you will get a ghost Sheeva. =>Cheat Menus: On the Start/Options screen, press R U B B A D U B D U B for Kool Stuff, U B A L D Y for Kooler Stuff, B A D D L A X B A B Y for Scott's Stuff, or L D Y Y for the Sound Test. =>Restart Game: In a one-player game, quickly tap CNTRL II: START and then hold CNTRL I: START. Select Mortal Kombat to begin a new game. =>Kombat Kodes: See the MORTAL KOMBAT 3 entry for instructions on entering. |SGS-M?M| Vs Motaro |D33-LG?| Vs. Shao Kahn |DYD-DYD| No blocking |GKK-?YY| Dark Fighter |G?Y-?GK| Galaga |?GD-?GD| Switch MORTAL KOMBAT 4 (n64) checked-no =>Hidden Options: Enter the options screen, highlight Continues, hold Run and Block until the Special Options menu appears. These options include Endings (beat the first character in Arcade mode to beat the game and view the ending) and Fatality settings. =>Hidden Characters: Highlight HIDDEN on the character select screen, then enter the appropriate code... |Noob Saibot | Ux2 L Run+Block| |Goro | Ux3 L Run+Block| =>Meat: Enter Group Mode and play as every character, winning every match, and then you can simply pick any character from the fighter select screen and Meat will appear in the battle - with all the moves of the selected fighter. =>Alternate Costumes: On the fighter select screen, hold START and press any button to switch costume colors and (for some) costumes & weapons. =>Kombat Kodes: These are entered on the 2p Vs. screen, with two 3-digit displays at the bottom of the screen. The first digit is Low Punch, the second is Block, and the third is Low Kick; the first set are for CNTRL I and the second set are for CNTRL II. Simply press each button the number of times specified in each code. |001 001| Unlim. Run Stage Codes: |002 002| Weapon Kombat |011 011| Goro's Dungeon |010 010| No Maximum Damage |022 022| Scorpion's Stage |012 012| Noob Saibot |033 033| Elder God Stage |020 020| Red Rain |044 044| Tomb Stage |050 050| Explosive Kombat |055 055| Rain Stage |100 100| No Throws |066 066| Reptile's Stage |110 110| No Max Damage or Throws |101 101| Temple |111 111| Free Weapon |202 202| Living Forest |123 123| No Power |303 303| Prison |222 222| Random Weapons |313 313| Snow Stage |321 321| Big Heads |333 333| Random Kombat |444 444| Armed/Dangerous |555 555| Many Weapons |666 666| Silent Kombat MORTAL KOMBAT 4 (gbc) checked-no =>Kombat Kodes... |No Blocking |020020| |Fight Reptile |205205| |Message 1|987666| |Dark Kombat |688422| |Play as Reptile|192234| |Message 2|123926| |Psycho Kombat|985125| |Random Fighter |333333| |No Throws|100100| |Switcharoo |460460| |Random Fighter Switching in Battle |444444| =>Extra Credits: When choosing your difficulty level, press U to increase the number of credits. =>Sub Zero Bug: Freeze a person who is kicking midair, then uppercut them. Sub Zero will freeze into the uppercut position until the other players thaws out. MORTAL KOMBAT MYTHOLOGIES: SUB-ZERO (n64) checked-no |02|THWMSB| |04|ZVRKDM| |06|RGTKCS| |08|XJKNZT| |03|CNSZDG| |05|JYPPHD| |07|QFTLWN| |GTTBHR| 1,000 Lives |NXCVSZ| 10 Vitality Urns |RCKMND| Watch Rock Boss |CRVDTS| View Credits |TDFCLT| Invincibility explode |ZCHRRY| Final Level, all moves =>Special Battle Warp: Enter the ZCHRRY code, and when you die, hold either [L] or [R] and hold A to warp to Quan Chi or B to warp to Shinnock. =>Fatality: To perform the fatality on Scorpion, the boss of stage 1, wait until FINISH HIM appears. Move away one step, the press Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch. =>Unlimited Experience: In the first section of the Prison of Souls, you will find two yellow force fields and a bad guy. Freeze the bad guy and push him against the force field; he will not die, but will receive damage. Keep doing this to earn experience. MORTAL KOMBAT TRILOGY (n64) checked-no =>Random Select: Highlight Noob Saibot or Rain and press U+START. =>Stage Select: Highlight Sonya Blade and press U+START. =>Sound Tricks: During the Scorpion's Lair Fatality, hold low punch on both controllers or block on both to hear someone say "Crispy." Press D during the Deadpool Fatality for a gurgling noise. =>Human Smoke: Select the robotic Smoke, and before the match begins hold Block + Run + High Kick + Back. =>Shao Kahn: Before the match begins in either the Rooftop or Pit III, hold Down + Low Punch + High Punch. =>Motaro: Before the match begins in either Jade's Desert or the Wasteland, hold Back + Low Kick + High Kick. =>Better Boss Code: Play a 2 player game and make player 1 a boss. Have the boss kill the other player in round 1, then repeat the code in round 2 and kill the other player again. After killing the second player, "Choose your destiny" and you will be the boss for the entire game - but don't select the tournament outcome or the game will freeze. =>Fight Khameleon: When the face appears and says "Toasty!" on Pit II or Star Bridge, press D+START. Note: Check the color of her name on the top of the screen. Blue = Kitana. Green = Jade. Purple = Mileena. =>Extra Endurance, Vs. Khameleon: In a One Player tournament, highlight Kano and press D+START. This changes most of the matches to endurance rounds. Select the Champion level of difficulty and face Khameleon, female terror. =>Blue ?: On the story screen, press Run, High Punch, Low Punch. A voice will say "Outstanding!" =>Cheat ?'s: On the Goro's Lair story screen outlining the history of Mortal Kombat, quickly press U U D D R R L L and a tone will sound, giving you unlimited continues. Now, quickly press cL cU cR cD A Bx3 Ax2 and another sound will be heard. Enter the options screen and you will have access to red and blue ? option menus, allowing selection of the Human Smoke, Khameleon, and other goodies. =>Babality Kill: Do a babality, and when the screen begins to fade before the transformation has taken place, hold HK+LK+HP+LP. The baby will return to adulthood and blow up. =>Extra Games: After 100 wins/battles, you can play Galaga. To play Space Invaders, play the two-player game and play in the Pit stage; if something flies over the moon, press Z. =>Cage Trick: While doing Johnny Cage's head punch-off fatality, hold High Punch, Block, and Low Punch to do a three head punch-off. =>Shao Kahn's Vault: Here are the treasures yielded by each icon on the "Pick you treasure" screen. Top row: Ending, Galaxia, Fight Ermac, Fight N. Saibot, Random, Fatality Demo 1, Brutality Demo 2, Fatality Demo 7, Noob/Ermac Endurance, MK2 Endurance, Mega Endurance, 'Old School Kombat' Bottom row: Pong, Male Ninja Kombat, Animality Demo 1, Brutality Demo 1, Friendship Demo 1, Fight Khameleon, Fatality Demo 4, Animality Demo 2, Female Ninja Kombat, All -alities, Space Invaders, Secrets of Trilogy. =>Ultimate Kombat Kodes: During the attract mode story and demo screens, rotate your joypad or stick clockwise a few times, and you will be transported to the Ultimate Kombat Kode screen, just as if you finished a game. =>Kombat Kodes: Kombat Kodes are entered on the two-player Vs. screen using the default buttons cL cU and cR. The codes will be shown on the bottom of the screen as a series of small pictures. Here, the codes are given by the number of times each button needs to be pressed. Player 1 enters the first 3, player 2 enters the second 3, each using the cL cU cR buttons. No Powerbars - 987-123 No Throws - 100-100 Upprcut Recvr- 788-322 P1 Handicap - 033-000 Random Morph - 460-460 Dark Fighting- 688-422 P2 Handicap - 000-033 Psycho Kombat- 985-125 Galaga - 642-468 Pong - 246-246 No Kombos - 722-722 No Specials - 555-556 P1 1/2 damage- 390-000 P2 1/2 damage- 000-390 Power Restore- 975-310 Super Restore- 024-689 No Power - 044-440 Silent Kombat- 300-300 Throw, Please- 010-010 No Blocking - 020-020 WinnerVsSmoke- 205-205 WinVs Noob - 769-342 Win Vs Kahn - 969-141 Win Vs Motaro- 033-564 Random Kombat- 444-444 No Fear - 282-282 Flipper Msg - 987-666 550-550 Wavenet UMK3 message 999-999 Version Number message 448-844 "Don't jump at me.." 717-313 Rain is in the Graveyard 122-221 "Skunky!" 004-400 Ed Boon message 987-123 No Powerbars 466-466 Unlimited running 321-789 Super Run Jumps 975-310 Health Recovery 024-689 Super Endurance Kombat 484-484 Automatic Kombos 109-901 Bloody Kombat 202-808 "Babalities Are Reversible" 123-321 Winner Fights Khameleon 222-222 Dead Pool 191-191 The Armory 919-919 The Pit 606-606 Star Bridge 101-010 The Tower 007-007 The Portal 166-661 The Pit II 121-121 The Courtyard 212-212 The Wasteland 000-666 The Lair For 2-on-2 and 3-on-3 modes only... 022-220 Explosive Kombat/Throw Disabled 227-227 Explosive Kombat 330-033 Kombat Zone:Jade's Desert 666-444 Scorpion's Lair 091-190 Bell Tower 666-333 Graveyard 933-933 Sizlac Busorez 880-088 Subway 343-343 The Roof 820-028 Pit III 004-700 Kahn's Kave 002-003 River Kombat 050-050 Noob's Dorfen Hidden 600-040 Kombat Temple 079-035 The Street 123-901 The Soul Chamber 077-022 The Bridge 880-220 Kahn's Tower MOTOCROSS MANIACS (gb) checked-yes =>Mole Bike: About halfway through course 2 at level A, right after the fourth patch of mud, you will see a small loop with more mud on the right. Hop the ramp to drive through the loop, but press B several times when you are doing the loop. You should crash into the ground as you exit the loop. If done correctly, you will get back onto your bike but will be below the surface of the track rather than on top of it. You can now drive at full speed without needing to steer at all, as you will drive under all the obstacles. MR. DO! (snes) checked-no =>99 Lives: Press Lx8 on the title screen. =>Stage Select: Press Dx8 on the title screen. =>Mr. Du!: Press Ux8 on the title screen to change the game to "Mr. Du!" MR. DRILLER 2 (gba) checked-no =>Bonus North Pole Stage: Once you complete the Indian, American, and Egyptian stages in Mission Driller, you will have access to the North Pole stage. =>Reverse Stages: Complete all 10 stages in Time Attack Driller to enable reverse versions of those stages. =>10 Lives: Pause the game and press D SELECT U D [L] [R] D U [R] [L] U A. MR. NUTZ (gb) checked-no |DDMMNN| Adventure Park |NNRRGG| Living Room |CCLLRS| Volcano Underpass |JJMPPR| Mean Streets |SWWTCH| Ice Scream MR. NUTZ (gbc) checked-no |02|DDMMNN| |03|NNRRGG| =>Stage Skip: Enter the password |NNSTTR| and play the game. Pause and press SELECT to skip to the next stage. MRC {*} please see MULTI RACING CHAMPIONSHIP MS. PAC-MAN (gb) checked-no =>Full Screen Mode: In Ms. Pac-Man, pressing L when on the main menu makes a small 1/2 symbol appear next to the 1 Player option and activates the full screen mode. In this mode, the game screen does not scroll. The entire playfield is visible at once, although everything is smaller. MS. PAC-MAN: SPECIAL COLOR EDITION (gbc) checked-no =>Full Screen Mode: In Ms. Pac-Man, pressing L when on the main menu makes a small 1/2 symbol appear next to the 1 Player option and activates the full screen mode. In this mode, the game screen does not scroll. The entire playfield is visible at once, although everything is smaller. MS. PAC-MAN MAZE MADNESS (n64) checked-no =>Extra Map: In the Pier Pressure bonus round, score at least 50,000 points. You will be notified that a new map has been unlocked. Save your game and the new map will be available in Multiplayer mode. MTV SPORTS: T.J. LAVIN'S ULTIMATE BMX (gbc) checked-no |02|VBBCWBBBCX9| |05|GHBFLBBBCX9| |08|8DVDBBCGYX7| |11|N+BDMBC4YX7| |03|LBBBHBBBCX9| |06|ZYBBHBCDFX7| |09|DBBDZBCGYX+| |04|4BBCRBBBCX+| |07|QHBBNBCGYX5| |10|XZBFWBCGYX4| |6YBBQBBBCBF| Dirt tracks available in practice mode MULAN (gb) checked-no |02|JSFPW| |03|QGHXB| |04|TZDML| |05|RCVNJ| |06|PGDSH| MULTI RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (n64) checked-no =>Turbo Boost: Hold down the gas button when the time reaches 1. =>Challenge Mode: Win all three Championship Mode races to fight Hannya on the Challenge Mode. Beat Hannya in all three races to gain his car and be able to race Deus. Beat Deus in three races for his car and the three mirror tracks. =>Hidden Cars: To access the hidden cars without earning them, enter the two player mode, highlight a closed garage door, and press B to choose that vehicle. =>Ghost Car: In the Time Trial mode, you can race against a ghost car once you make the standard lap times. =>Show Mountain Course Best Time Trial Time: Press [R] on the title screen. =>Shortcut on Hard Downtown: After passing windmills and when you make a wide turn approaching a waterfall, look for a tree next to a One Way sign. Drive towards the tree and go through the hole in the fence onto the shortcut. THE MUMMY (gbc) checked-no c=Clover d=Diamond o=Red Circle s=Spade v=Upside down triangle |3-1|c178| |4-1|X57s| |6-1|1v5v| |6-3|3457| |3-2|1434| |5-1|77vX| |6-2|d9o8| |7-2|v313| MUSYA: THE CLASSIC JAPANESE TALE OF HORROR (snes) checked-no |2|Catacombs |MWTV| |5|Catacombs of Akuma|RQNJ| |8|Watery Prison|Z66F| |3|Palace of Hate |KVSW| |6|Cursed Palace |VKX4| |4|Cave of Darkness|KVMW| |7|Hannya Shogun |NZ1N| MUTANT CHRONICLES: DOOM TROOPERS (snes) checked-no |02_Mercury|IMPERIAL| |03_Pluto|DOOMLORD| |04_Nero|CYBERTOX| =>Enter these passwords for the Stage Select or for a hidden picture. |ARGONATH| Stage Select |HEIMBURG| Picture 1 |EZOGHOUL| Picture 2 |GREENHAM| Mitch Hunter |SYMMETRY| Picture 3 MYSTERIUM (gb) checked-yes =>Continue: After losing your last life, start a new game. Drop the Iron into the Pool of Fire to create the Glass Key, then go through the door. At the end of the hallway, rather than turning right, press SELECT and you should see a VITRIOLK on the ground. Pick it up and use it to continue from the level you were on when you died. =>Level Skip: On the map screen, hold D+B and press SELECT to drop down one level. =>Cheat Items: On the map screen, hold L+A+B and press START. The item PASS KEY (opens any door) will now appear in your inventory. Drop this into any pool and it will become DOWNLEVL (lets you drop to the next level of the game). Drop DOWNLEVEL into a pool for UPLEVEL (restart the current level), and drop that into a pool for SUPERPOW (almost invincible). SUPERPOW will revert to the PASS KEY when dropped into a pool. =>Full Pack: On the map screen, hold U+B and press SELECT. Your inventory will now be nearly full. Repeat this trick for a different set of items. MYSTICAL NINJA STARRING GOEMON (n64) checked-no =>Avoid Attacks: Change your character right before something hits you and you won't take any damage. =>Yae Move: Normally Yae can't move when using her blade-shield, but if you have the armor or the shield and take damage from an enemy while using the blade-shield, you will be able to move. =>Yae Spin Attack: Spin the STICK in a circle while tapping B to do a special spin attack. =>Boss Mode: Collect all 45 Fortune/Cat Dolls to enable the Boss Mode option. Complete the Boss Mode to see the bonus picture. =>Impact Control: You can move Impact's head with the STICK after he finishes his song and is standing in the center of the screen. =>Rumble Pack: The boss battles (at least the Impact ones) are compatible with the Rumble Pack. =>Shortcut: In the Submarine, when you reach Mr. Elly Fant, stand on the platform and jump into the wall. You should end up stuck on the top of the screen, and now able to walk to the room with the hidden pathway. =>Jump Bugs: Enter the gate to Festival Village, head down the staircase, enter the door to the right, proceed through the large door ahead and slightly right of you. Climb two stairs, and face the slope to your right. Jump into the middle of this slope, and you will fall into the sky. You will get hurt, however. Or, in Mutsu snow village, enter the drum room with dancing villagers and climb the staircase before you. At the top, turn right and jump into the sloped wall. You will fall for 10 seconds before arriving back in the room. =>Slower Jump: When falling, use the Ice Attack or Coin toss rapidly and repeatedly, and you will slow your descent a bit. =>Fall Recovery: If you fall from a great height, you will normally be unable to move for a small amount of time once you hit the ground. However, if you do an attack right before you hit the ground, this won't happen. =>Money Tips: Every time you enter a room, the gold inside resets. =>Mini Ninja Bug: If you try to use a transporter when you are tiny, it will leave without you. |========== Chapter N ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. NAGANO OLYMPIC HOCKEY '98 (n64) checked-no =>Constant Fighting: Highlight "Fighting" on the options screen, hold [L] and press cR cLx2 cR cD cUx2 cD cL cRx2 cL cR cL. A line of numbers will pop up at the bottom of the screen. =>Choose Opponent 1: Highlight your desired opponent on the selection screen and press cRx3; a tone will sound. =>Choose Opponent 2: Before selecting your team, hold B and press R. The selection should move to the opposite side of the screen. Now, choose your desired opponent and their line up, then hold B and press L to return to your team selection. Don't press A while choosing your opponent or you will play as them. =>Fire Goal: In the arcade mode, approach the enemy goal at an angle with a full turbo meter, and press Shoot+Pass+Turbo. =>Push Goalie: In arcade mode, approach the enemy goal with a full turbo meter and press Shoot+Pass+Turbo to shove the goalie into the net for 1 point. =>Modify Players: On the options screen, press cD+[R], cL+[R], or cU+[R]. By changing the first 6 numbers in the line of numbers that appears, you can change the players' appearance. cD+[R] alters the first 2 digits and the head size, cL+[R] changes the second 2 digits and the body size, and cU+[R] changes the fifth and sixth digits and the announcer's voice. =>Invisible Team: Begin any game, press START and choose Replay. Press [R]x2 and while the selected player is flashing, press Z. Tap [L] and press Z when the player is flashing. Press [L]x7 and press Z when he is flashing. Now, press STARTx2 and everyone but the goalie will be invisible. NAGANO WINTER OLYMPICS '98 (n64) checked-no =>Headski: Enter the Olympic mode Freestyle Aerials. Don't press any buttons until you leave the ramp, then rapidly tap B. When you land, your skier will jump, land on his head, and continue skiing down the hill. =>View Ending Sequences: Earn a medal in all the events, and on the awards screen press Ux2 Dx2 L R L R B A for the first awards sequence, or press Ux2 Dx2 [L] [R] [L] [R] B A for the second sequence. =>Random Names: Leave the name space blank and press START. =>Bobsled Cheat: While bobsledding, watch for the second left turn. When you are at it, hold STICK: U and press Z+A+B to jump the track but jump far ahead for first place. =>Aerial Tip: Rapidly press A while descending the slope; when you finally hit the ground press B for a perfect landing. =>Curling Tip: After you throw the stone, use Z to speed up the sequence. You can also control the speed of the computer's stone with A and B, as if it were your own. =>Snowboard Perfect Score Tip: Choose a high level trick and simply complete the move shown in the upper right corner of the screen before you reach the edge of the half pipe. NAMCO MUSEUM (gba) checed-yes =>Special Settings and Tips: Pause any game and you will be presented with a menu of options, which includes a listing of tips for each game. NARC (nes) checked-no =>Continue: On the title screen, hold A+B+SELECT+START and rapidly tap U+R. When your lives run out, a countdown will appear in the life power box, with 10 seconds allotted for you to press START to continue. NASCAR 99 (n64) checked-no =>Neat Stuff: In the Options, turn damage to off... you can now flip and barrel roll. Nifty, eh? =>Enable Racers: In a Championship series, finish a 50% or greater race length at these tracks, placing in the top five, and you will enable the following racers. |Bobby Allison| Charlotte| |Alan Kulwicki | Bristol Day | |Benny Parsons| Richmond | |Cale Yarborough| Darlington | |Davey Allison| Talledega| |Richard Petty | Martinsville| =>Drivers: Select the proper track, highlight Select Car, and enter the appropriate code to play as these drivers. |Cale Yarborough| Darlington | Lx3 cLx2 Rx2 Z| |Cale Yarborough| Darlington | [L] [R] [L]x3 [R]x2 Z| |Bobby Allison | Charlotte | cU cL cD ([L] [R])x2 Zx2| |Alan Kulwicki |Bristol Day | Zx8 [R]x2| |Benny Parsons | Richmond | cU cR cD cL Zx3 [L] Zx2| |Davey Allison | Talladega | cU cL cD cR ([L] [R])x3| |Richard Petty |Martinsville| cUx2 cDx2 (cL cR)x2 [L] [R]| =>Quiet Engine: During the race, enter the Instant Replay screen and choose a camera angle that is either inside the car or at the front, looking forward. Return to the race for a muffled engine. If you change views during the race, the sound returns to normal. =>Paintball Mode: Choose a single race, and on the track select screen hold PAD: L+[R] and press B (B+A)x3. NASCAR 2000 (n64) checked-no =>Autopilot: While racing, press [L] to let the computer take over. =>Extra Racers: Finish the Championship season, racing at least 50% of the laps and in the top five at the listed race. |Benny Parson | Richond | |Bobby Allison| Charlotte| |Cale Yarborough| Darlington | |Davey Allison| Talladega| |David Parson | Martinsville| |Alan Kulwicki| Bristol | =>Extra Racer Codes: Select the listed track, highlight Select Car and enter the code in less than four seconds to enable these racers. |Alan Kulwicki |Bristol Motor Speedway |L R cUx2 cDx2 cLx2 cRx2 | |Benny Parsons |Richmond Intl Raceway |Rx2 Zx2 Lx2 cUx2 cDx2 | |Cale Yarborough |Darlington Raceway |(cU cL cD cR)x2 Zx2 | |Davey Allison |Talladega Superspeedway |(cU cD cL cR)x2 Zx2 | |David Pearson |Martinsville Speedway |L Z R cR cD cL cU cR Zx2| NAVY BLUE (gb) checked-no 65 |MVCROEOX|(CRUISER) 89 |YLNFEMHQ|(TARTAN) ?? |KAFSKYLG|(TOMCAT) 73 |MBZRLYOC|(SEA SPARROW) ?? |YLNYDMIS|(CARRIER) ?? |FLTHVMXP|(TRIDENT) 81 |MUDLTEOH|(TOMAHAWK) ?? |FKMWCMHK|(FANTOM) ?? |FLTCWMHN|(FINALE) NBA COURTSIDE {*} please see KOBE BRYANT IN NBA COURTSIDE NBA COURTSIDE 2 FEATURING KOBE BRYANT (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Teams: On the Mode Select screen, press cR+A. A tone will sound. You can now choose the Left Field Lefties, Nintendo Gamers, or the Nintendo Plumbers on the team selection screen. =>Clone Teams: To make all the players on the home team the same player, go to a team selection screen; to do this to the visiting team, use Z to access the stats team selection screen. Now, press cUx7. You will hear a bouncing sound. Now, press cD the number of times indicated to enable a team consisting only of the listed player. NOA people are Nintendo employees, LF are Left Field employees. |cD| Player | |cD| Player | |cD| Player | |3 |Kobe Bryant | |21|Chick Hearn | |35|C Palmer NOA| |3 |Griffey | |22|R Hemphill LF| |36|T Prata NOA| |5 |Random Player | |23|J Holdeman NOA| |37|E Ridgeway NOA| |10|M Arakawa NOA| |24|M Knauer LF| |38|H Sterchi NOA| |11|T Bechtel NOA| |25|K Kraus NOA| |39|N Stein LF| |12|S Bolender NOA| |26|C Lamb LF| |40|F Thomason NOA| |13|J Brandwood LF| |27|M Lamp LF| |41|G Tilden NOA| |14|D Bridgham NOA| |28|Stu Lantz | |42|R Truelove LF| |15|S Bush LF| |29|H Lincoln NOA| |43|E Waas NOA| |16|M Doyal NOA| |30|K Lobb NOA| |44|P Watts LF| |17|M Fukuda NOA| |31|J Maxwell LF| |45|A Williams NOA| |18|J Godfrey LF| |32|U Mayer LF| 21 = Voice of the Lakers |19|Ken Griffey Jr| |33|A Myers NOA| 28 = Lakers Announcer |20|R Harrison NOA| |34|D Owsen NOA| NBA COURTSIDE 2002 (gc) checked-no =>Stress Test/Cheat Code Menu: Go to the Skills mode, hold X+Y and press STICK: U + cD. The crowd should cheer, and the Controller Stress Test option will appear on the menu. Now, enter a cheat code. * Midgets : L R L R X Y L * Big Heads : L R L R X Y R * Little Heads: L R L R X Y U * Big Hands : L R L R X Y D * Invisibility: L R L R Y X R * Free Throws: L R L R Y X D * Toggle Stress Test : L R L R X X L * Toggle Hidden Teams: L R L R X X R * Toggle Away Jerseys: L R L R Y Y L * Toggle Home Jerseys: L R L R Y Y R * Toggle "Secret" : L R L R Y Y U =>Hidden Teams: In the Skills menu, press STICK: L + cR and a tone will sound. The hidden teams will appear in yellow on the team select screen. NBA GIVE-N-GO (snes) checked-no =>Increased Shooting Accuracy: On the title screen, press U U D D L R L R B A. A noise will be heard. Go to the difficulty/rules selection screen from the options screen and you will see an "S" next to "Level," meaning that the accuracy has increased, thus making the game harder. =>Note: The above code might be U U D D L R L R A B A. NBA HANGTIME (snes) checked-no =>Enter these cheat codes on the Tonight's Match Up VS. screen. No Tag Arrow: L L B R No Computer Assistance: R R+B R R+B or hold R and press Bx2 Rooftop Court: L L+Y L L+Y City Court: D+B D D+A D D+X D D+Y D Jungle Court: [L] [R] SELECT START U D A B Y X Partial End Screen: START Y R A B U START U D D START [L] A D D Perfect Players: U R D L START A B Y X =>Cheat Codes: Enter these on the Tonight's Match Up VS. screen. Use Y to change the first digit, B for the second, and A for the last. Thus, to turn on legal goaltending, you'd press Yx9 Bx3 Ax7. |111| Tournament Mode |390| No pushing |937| Legal Goaltending. |120| Fast passing |273| Stealth (invisible) Turbo |552| Hyper Speed |461| Infinite Turbo |616| Maximum blocking |284| Maximum Speed |709| Maximum Stealing =>Programmer Photo: Enter the name "Funcom" and the PIN "1993", then press B to lock it in and you will see a picture of the programmers. =>Attribute Points: If you create a player, you earn attribute points after each three games that you win. =>Hidden Players: Enter these names and PIN numbers to access hidden players. PIN#0000 TURMEL, DIVITA PIN#1911 JOHAN PIN#6581 CHE PIN#0912 CHRIS PIN#2509 OLAV PIN#1414 KUNGEN PIN#5555 NILS PIN#1505 TORE PIN#6502 HENRIK NBA HANGTIME (n64) checked-no =>Hidden Characters: To access these characters, enter the correct name and the PIN number given for each section. PIN#0000 - AHRDWY, CLIFFR, DAVIDR, DANR, DREAM, ELLIOTT, EWING, GHILL, GLENNR, HGRANT, JC, JOHNSN, KEMP, KIDD, MALONE, MILLER, MINIFE, MOURNG, MOTUMB, MURSAN, PIPPEN, RICE, RODMAN, SMITS, STACKH, STARKS, WEBB, WEBBER PIN#0101 - NFUNK PIN#0103 - SNO PIN#0123 - SHAWN PIN#0201 - DIVITA PIN#0322 - TURMEL PIN#0330 - QUIN PIN#0503 - JFER PIN#0604 - DANICL PIN#0729 - JASON PIN#1000 - JAMIE PIN#1005 - MARIUS PIN#7000 - NICK PIN#1014 - MXV PIN#2000 - PATF PIN#2020 - AMRICH PIN#2099 - MDOC PIN#3500 - PERRY PIN#5050 - NORTH PIN#5432 - MUNDAY PIN#6213 - EDDIE PIN#6660 - JAPPLE PIN#6767 - EUGENE PIN#1010 - CARLOS, JIGGER, MARTY, NOBUD, JIGGET PIN#6000 - BARDO, JONHEY, MEDNIK, MORRIS, ROOT, MINIFE PIN#0004 - KOMBAT, MORTAL (Enable Tobias and Boon) =>Change Rodman's Hair: When selecting teams, find a squad containing Rodman and press the pass button to change his hair color. =>Shot %: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, rotate PAD once clockwise, and you will have a little percentage display showing your odds of making a shot whenever you shoot. =>Player Trick: Enter any player's name on the name entry screen, and enter the pin# 0000. You can now place that player on any team. =>Cheat Codes: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, press... * Big Heads - U TURBO+PASS * No Drifting - D D SHOOT TURBO * Huge Heads - Ux2 PASS TURBO * No Tag Arrow - L L PASS TURBO * No CPU Assist - Hold R, press PASSx2 * ABA Ball - Hold R, press SHOOT TURBO PASS * Random Team - U+TURBO * Rooftop Court - Hold L, press TURBOx3 =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the Tonight's Match Up screen. A changes the first digit, cD the second, and cR the third. 025 - Baby Mode 461 - Unlim. Turbo 000 - Show Shot Percent 048 - No Music 552 - Hyper Speed Mode 084 - Max Speed 273 - Stealth Turbo Mode 616 - Max Blocking Power 610 - No codes 390 - No Pushing 937 - Legal Goal Tending 300 - No CPU Assist 802 - Maximum Power 709 - Quick Hands 640 - Outdoor Court 120 - Quick Passing 284 - Maximum Speed 111 - Tournament Mode 700 - Rooftop Court NBA IN THE ZONE '98 (n64) checked-no =>Change Player Number: Remove a man from your roster, then choose him as a free agent and you will be able to change his jersey number. Or, when choosing the playing order, press [L] or [R]. =>Slow Free Throw: To slow the free throw aiming line down a bit, press STICK: U a few times. =>Fadeaway Shot: Hold [R] and away from the basket, then shoot and release all the buttons when the ball is in the air. NBA JAM (snes) checked-no =>Bonus Players: There are 5 variations of this code, each working on a different group of bonus players. Start all codes by entering the first two initials and then leaving the cursor flashing on the last letter; enter the code listed below, and you should skip past the password screen, straight to the game with your bonus player. ==== Hold [L]+[R]+START+X ==== SAL - Sal DiVita ARK - Bill Clinton RJR - Jamie Rivett AIR - Eric Samulski (Air Dog) CAR - Asif Chaudhri (Chow Chow) ROD - Tom Rademacher (Scruff) SAX - Dan Feinstein (Weasel) ==== Hold [R]+START+A ==== UW[]- Warren Moon MJT - Mark Turmell ==== Hold [L]+START+A ==== DIS - George Clinton (P. Funk) ==== Hold [L]+START+X ==== QB[]- Eric Kuby (Kabuki) ==== Hold [L]+[R]+A ==== NET - Al Gore =>Cheat Codes: Enter these on the Tonight's Match-Up" screen. You can release held buttons either when the screen blanks or when the court appears. * Permanent On Fire: Press Bx7 and hold Y+B+U. * Power Dunking: Rotate the PAD clockwise, press Bx13 and hold the B button on the 13th press. * Power Defense - No Goal Tending Penalty: Press Bx5 and hold the B button on the 5th press. This also increases CPU partner ability. * Shooting %: Hold D, press B and hold A+B. * Powered Up Intercept: Rotate the PAD counterclockwise while pressing B repeatedly. * Unlimited Turbo: Press Bx5 and hold Y+B+A. * Juice Mode - Doublespeed Mode: Press a button 13 times, then hold B+X. =>Juice Password: To start every game in juice mode, enter the initials HRY and the password |QF3B43T/QJY55TF| (86-0). NBA JAM (gb) checked-no =>Bonus Players: Enter the first two letters of the initials. If the code given tells you to press U, put the cursor on the character below the third initial; if R, put the cursor to the left of the letter, if L, to the right of the letter, etc. Thus, if you want to play as Bill Clinton, you'll need to have the cursor on the B. |Bill Clinton |USA|L+A+B| |Al Gore |EXC|U+START+B| |Chow Chow |AMX|D+A+B| |Weasel |MAN|U+START+A+B| |Jamie Rivett |BAT|U+A+B| |Sal Divita|SDT|D+B| |Rivett |RJF|U+A+B| |Air Dog |JAM|U+B| |George Clinton|FNK|L+B | |??? |VIK|R+A+B| |Mark Turmell |WIM|L+B | |??? |FRD|L+B| =>Power Up Defense: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, hold U and press any button 5 times. =>Power Up Intercept: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, hold R and press any button 15 times. =>Power Up Fire: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, hold L and press any button 7 times. =>Power Up Dunks: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, tap A or B 10 times, then hold D+A until the screen fades. =>Power Up Turbo: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, press any button 15 times then hold U+B until the screen changes. =>Power Up Fire: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, press any button 7 times then hold D+L until the screen changes. =>Juice Mode: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, tap any button 14 times then hold A+B until the screen changes. =>Shot % Display: On the Tonight's Match Up screen, tap any button 3 times, then hold U+B until the game begins. NBA JAM '99 (n64) checked-no =>Camera Control: Press START before the tip off and use the Camera option to choose your view. Also, during free-throws, use [R] to change the camera angle before shooting. =>Change Free Throw Shooter: Use the Player Match-Up option in the team settings to change to a new free throw shooter. =>Anywhere Dunks: Highlight your player, pause the game, press ([L]x2 cU)x3 Z and a tone will sound. Unpause and that player will be able to dunk at any point on the court during that quarter. =>Giant Mode: Pause the game and press ([L]x2 cR)x3 Z and a tone will sound. =>Midget Mode: Pause and press ([L]x2 cL)x3 Z and your players will be ball size. Repeat for even smaller players. =>Tie Score: Pause and press ([L]x2 D)x3 Z, unpause to find a tied score. =>Disable Cheats: Pause and press [L]x2 L [L]x2 L [L]x2 Z. =>Giant Ball: Pause and press [L]x2 cL [L]x2 cU [L]x2 cR [L]x2 cD Z. =>On Fire: Switch control to the player, pause, and press ([L]x2 cU)x3 Z. =>Team On Fire: Pause and press ([L]x2 D)x3 Z. =>Stronger Shoving: Pause and press ([L]x2 U)x3 Z. NBA JAM '99 (gbc) checked-no Championship Game, name MIK |R4QKFCWCDG| NBA JAM 2002 (gba) checked-no |LHNGGDBLBJGT| Enable Beach and Street courts NBA JAM TOURNAMENT EDITION (snes) checked-no =>Secret Players: On the initials screen, enter each set of initials one letter at a time, making sure to also activate each initial by pressing START and the button in the Code column; if a * is found in the Code column, you may use A, B, X or Y. For example, to enter Carol Blazekowski's code, highlight 'B' and press START+Y, highlight 'L' and press START+A (or B, X, or Y), highlight 'Z' and press START+Y. Simple, right? * If your new character replaces one you wanted to keep in the lineup, simply switch the team order to swap the players. Init|Code Init|Code =NBA Characters= |BRD|aya| Larry Bird |BLZ|y*y| Carol Blazekowski |BNY|b*y| Bulls' Mascot |CRN|ab*| T-Wolves' Mascot |HGO|*ya| Hornets' Mascot |GOR|*bb| Suns' Mascot =Iguana Design Team= |MPF|by*| Milo Stubbington |CK |b*y| Chris Kirby |NDH|aba| Neil Hill |JAY|*ab| Jay Moon |JF |a*y| Jason Falcus |GOF|ayb| Snake Palmer =Williams Team= |MJT|a*a| Mark Turmell |SAL|ay*| Sal Divita |TWG|b*a| Tony Goskie |RJR|*ay| Jamie Revitt |SL |*bb| Shawn Liptak |JMC|yyb| John Carlton =Acclaim Team= |AMX|*ay| Asif Chaudhri |XYZ|bba| Alex De Lucia |RAY|ba*| Dan Feinstein |AIR|y*b| Eric Samulski |LGN|ab*| Brett Gow |KSK|*by| Scott Scheno |DAN|*ba| Eric Kuby |HTP|a*y| Wes Little =Other= |CIC|a*b| Bill Clinton (ug) |HC_|*b*| Hillary Clinton |SOX|b*a| Frank Thomas |ROY|ba*| Prince Charles |PHI|*ay| Randall Cunningham |HVY|a*b| Heavy D |MCA|bb*| MCA |ADR|*yb| Adrock |MKD|y*y| Mike D. |WIL|yb*| Will Smith |JAZ|yaa| Jazzy Jeff |MCM|bby| Muskett =>Special Cheat: Press START on the title screen and then press Y U D B L A R C START. Use the initials END to have beaten 26 teams, JAM or JM for 27. This also enables the extended roster. =>Team Switch: On the Substitution screen at the end of a quarter, hold U+B for a few seconds, then press L or R to scroll through the team names and choose a new team. ====Enter all following codes on the Tonight's Match Up screen. =>Shot % Display: U U D D B =>Max Power: R R L R B B R =>Always On Fire: D R R B A L =>Power-Up Defense: A B U A B U D =>Dunk From Anywhere: L R A B B A =>Better Interception: Lx4 A R =>Goal Tending: R U D R D U =>Unlim. Turbo: Bx3 A D D U L =>Powered-Up 3 Pointers: U D L R L D U =>Power-Up Shove: D R A B A R D ====With the following codes, no confirmation message will appear. =>Push Opponent, Both Fall: Ux4 Lx4 A A =>Push Opponent, Teammate Falls: Ux4 Lx4 A B =>Teleport Pass: U R R L A D L L R B =>High Shots: U D U D R U Ax4 D =>Speed Up: Ux4 Lx4 B A =>Slippery Court: Ax5 Rx5 NBA JAM TOURNAMENT EDITION (gb) checked-no =>Enter these codes on the Tonight's Match Up screen, then press START. =>Shot %: Press U U D D B =>Super Dunks: Press L R A B B A =>On Fire: Press D R R B A L =>High Shots: Press U D U D R U Ax4 D =>Slippery Court: Press Ax5 Rx5 =>More 3-Pointers: Press U D L R L D U =>More Intercepts: Press Lx4 A R =>Goal Tending: Press R U D R D U =>Quick Hands: Press Lx4 A R =>High Speed: Press Ux4 Lx4 B A =>Extra Turbo: Press Bx3 A D D U L =>More Push: Press D R A B A R D =>Max Power: Press R R L R B B R =>Better Offense: Press A B U A B U D =>Alien Mode: Press U D L R R D L NBA LIVE '96 (snes) checked-no =>Random Team Select: On the selection screen, press [L]+[R]. =>Hidden Players: Select Edit Players, press B to access a player's file, then replace his name with the name of one of the players in the following list. The player's stats and picture will change to match the player; you can use the Trade Players option to move the player to your roster. Note: All names with first initials should contain a space between the . and the last name. Ivan A., Allen, Archibald, Banks, Barkley, B. Barry, R. Barry, Baylor, Bennett, Best, Bird, Bodiroga, Boyce, T. Brown, Burrough, Caffey, C. Carr, Chamberlain, Childress, Chow, Cousy, Cowens, Daddy-O, Davis, Declercq, Air Dyck, Edney, Enzo, Erving, Finley, Ford, Frazier, Garnett, Gervin, Griffith, Havicek, Hayes, Henderson, Hoiberg, Ice, Ilgauskas, Allan J., Jabbar, Johnson, Jordan, F. King, J. King, Garry L., Laimbeer, Lewis, Ted M., Maravich, D. Marshall, Martin, McDonald, McDyess, McHale, McKibben, Meek, Meyer, Mikan, Murphy, Daniel NG, Nelson, Norvell, O'Bannon, Ostertag, Parks, Pelle, Popa, Andy R., Rammer, Ranata, Ratliff, Reddekopp, Reeves, A. Reid, Rencher, Respert, Robertson, Roe, Russell, Sab, Smith, Snow, Stackhouse, Stoudamire, Sura, Tarlac, K. Thomas, I. Thomas, Thompson, Thurmond, Thursty, Traz, Trent, Vaughn, Wallace, Walton, West, Whitfield, Williams, Williamson, Willard, Worthy, Zidek NBA LIVE '99 (n64) checked-no =>Ball Tricks: When standing at the free-throw line, hold [R] before you shoot to flip the ball. Hold cL for a "granny." =>Bonus Teams: Enter the Create Custom Team option in the Rosters screen, and name your custom team |Ea Europals| or |Hitmen Coders| to access these two hidden teams. NBA STREET (gc) checked-no =>EA Big Pacific Blvd. Court: Complete all the training sessions in Street School to enable this court. NEMESIS (gb) checked-no =>Instant Power: Pause the game, key in U U D D L R L R B A START and become powered up. =>Options: Pause the game, then key in U U D D L R L R. Press A+B together then START. You will have Weapons, Shields, Missiles, and Lasers. =>Full Speed & Shields: Pause, then push 5xB 5xA START. =>Destroy All Enemies On Screen: Pause and press U R D L U R D L B A. =>Hard Mode: Pause and press U SELECT D SELECT L SELECT R SELECTx3. Now, power-ups will not have any effect upon your ship. =>Power Down: Pause and press (A L)x5. This removes your current power-up. =>Power Drain: Pause and press A Lx5 START. =>Bonus Rounds: * Stage 2 - After the ceiling dips and then rises, defeat the volcano on the top and fly through the place it used to be. * Stage 4 - Near the end, defeat the 2cd Re-Bone blocking the narrow passage. Fly down to the bottom of the passage, right next to the wall behind you. NES OPEN TOURNAMENT GOLF (nes) checked-yes =>Retry Shot: If you make a really bad shot that puts your ball out of the way so that it would take you more than 1 stroke to get back to normal, try this. Press RESET before the next shot is set up. Choose the same options as before and Continue the game. Your ball will be at its position before the shot, although that stroke will be counted in your score. NES PLAY ACTION FOOTBALL (nes) checked-no |HM29QR06SF| Championship Game |0IG9DQT5C8| Power ball code as SF vs. Chicago THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MARY-KATE & ASHLEY (gbc) checked-no |Volcano|CBTHPM| |Camp|GMQTCK| |Funhouse|LHDDQJ| |Hotel|MDGKMQ| THE NEW TETRIS (n64) checked-no =>Turbo Mode: In the one player name entry screen, enter the name |2fast4u|. =>Fast CPU Blocks: In a one player game, enter the name |AI2EZ4U| to make the computer's blocks fall much faster. =>Stage Complete: During a one player game, press START to pause and press cLx2 cRx2 cU cD [R]x2 [L]2, hold Z and press START. =>Graphics Show: In the options menu, set the music to Haluci and set the Music Mode to Choose. Begin a one player game with the name |HALUCI|, but don't press START to confirm it. Move to OK with the PAD and press A. NFL BLITZ (n64) checked-no =>Player Clones: This is just an odd graphical glitch, but... start a normal game as the first player, and when you catch the opening kick, run backwards into the end zone. Run left and press B to jump out of the field and zone, and when "Safety" flashes on the screen, run into the diagonal wall between the back and side walls. The camera will show your player and several clones running. Weird... =>Bonus Players: Just enter the player "initials" and PIN # to activate 'em. Player Name Initials PIN Initials PIN Initials PIN Initials PIN Sal Divita |Sal |0201| |Brain |1111| |Jimk |5651| |Nico |4440| Dan Forden |Forden |1111| |Skull |1111| |Billz |0526| |Guido |6765| Jim Gentile |Gentil |1111| |Carltn |1111| |Mitch |4393| |Lt |7777| Jennifer Hedrick |Jenifr |3333| |Thug |1111| |Josh |4288| |Shun |0530| Jeff Johnson |Japple |6660| |Gatson |1111| |Ed |3246| |Rog |8148| Mike Lynch |Mike |3333| |Marka |1112| |John |5158| |Dbn |6969| Luis Mangubat |Luis |3333| |Todd |1122| |Ryan |1029| |Paula |0425| John Root |Root |6000| |Van |1234| |Brian |0818| |Gene |0310| Jason Skiles |Jason |3141| |Shinok |8337| |Paulo |0517| |Monty |1836| Dan Thompson |Daniel |0604| |Raiden |3691| |Grinch |2220| Mark Turmell |Turmell|0322| |Zz |1221| |Beth |7761| =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the Match Up screen. Press Z to change the first digit, B for the second, and A for third. Then, press the direction indicated. Thus, the code 5 4 4 U is entered as Zx5 Bx4 Ax4 U. To disable the codes, enter the code |1 1 1 D| |Unlimited Turbo|5 1 4 U| |Random Plays |1 1 5 L| |Show FG% |0 0 1 D| |Speed Mode |4 0 4 L| |Super Field Goals|1 2 3 L| |Super Blitz|0 4 5 U| |Late Hits |0 1 0 U| |View More Field |0 2 1 R| |Hide Name |1 0 2 R| |No Lights |5 3 4 D| |Super Turbo |0 3 2 L| |Super Blitz|5 5 5 U| |Super Computer |3 1 4 D| |Out of Bounds OK |2 1 1 L| |Bullet Pass|2 5 0 L| |Tournament Mode|1 1 1 D| |No First Downs |2 1 0 U| |No Ints |3 4 4 U| |No Punting |1 5 1 U| |No Random Fumbles|4 2 3 D| |No Head |3 2 1 L| |No Stadium |5 0 0 L| |No CPU Assist |0 1 2 D| |Big Head |2 0 0 R| |Headless Team |1 2 3 R| |Big Head Team |2 0 3 R| |Huge Head |0 4 0 U| |Giant Players |1 4 1 R| |Tiny Players |3 1 0 R| |Big Ball |0 5 0 R| |Super Team |2 3 3 U| |Super Blockers |3 1 2 L| |Invisible |4 3 3 U| |Super Defense |4 2 1 U| |Power Defense |3 1 2 U| |Clear Day |2 1 2 L| |Night |2 2 2 R| |Rain |5 5 5 R| |Snow |5 2 5 D| |Fog |0 3 0 D| |Thick Fog |0 4 1 D| =>Block Trick: Press A+B (pass and hike) to block. =>Invisible Cursor: When choosing a play, press STICK: Ux2. =>Winning Loss: In Season Mode (but not in the playoffs), lose by 130 points and it will actually count as a win for your team. =>Onside Kick: Hold U+A+B+Z before you perform a kick off. =>Quarterback Cam: Choose a passing play, hop out of bounds, and throw the ball when out. =>Random Select: On the team select screen, press STICK: L+Z. =>Ricochet Sound Effect: After a play, hold U and press A+B+Z. =>Skip Camera Pan: At the end of the first and third quarters, hold Z+A+B to skip to the beginning of the next quarter. NFL BLITZ (gbc) checked-no |00606744| Play as Emerysville Eclipse |06267545| Play as Midway Blitzers =>Cheat Codes: Enter all cheat codes on the Exhibition Mode Match Up Screen. Infinite Turbo |STARTx5 B Ax4 U | Invisible Receiver |STARTx4 Bx3 Ax3 U| Night Game |STARTx2 Bx2 Ax2 R| No Fumbles |STARTx4 Bx2 Ax3 D| No Pointer |STARTx3 Bx3 Ax3 L| Parking Lot |STARTx3 Bx2 Ax3 L| Predator Mode |STARTx5 Bx5 A U | Start in Overtime |Ax6 U | Brick Field in Space |STARTx2 Ax2 R| =>Onsides Kick: After making a field goal or P.A.T., hold A+B+U. NFL BLITZ 2000 (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Players: Enter the name and pin number on the Enter Initials screen to activate this hidden players... |Beth |7761| |Grinch|2220| |Kevin |1234| |Paulo |0517| |Shinok|8337| |Brain |1111| |Guido |6765| |Lt |7777| |Raiden |3691| |Shun |0530| |Billz |0526| |Japple|6660| |Luis |3333| |Rog |8148| |Van |1234| |Brian |0818| |Jason |3141| |Marka |1112| |Root |6000| |Zz |1221| |Daniel|0604| |Jenifr|3333| |Mike |3333| |Ryan |1029| |Dbn |6969| |Jimk |5651| |Mitch |4393| |Skull |1111| |Dino |1111| |John |5158| |Monty |1836| |Todd |1122| |Ed |3246| |Josh |4288| |Nico |4440| |Turmell|0322| |Gene |0310| |Julia |1234| |Paula |0425| |Sal |0201| =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the Match Up screen. Press Z to change the first digit, B for the second, and A for third. Then, press the direction indicated. Thus, the code 5 4 4 U is entered as Zx5 Bx4 Ax4 U. To disable the codes, enter the code |1 1 1 D| |Always Receiver|2 2 2 R| |Late Hits |0 1 0 U| |City arena |5 0 1 L| |Always Qrtrback|2 2 2 L| |No 1st Downs |2 1 0 U| |Day arena |5 0 1 D| |Big Football |0 5 0 R| |No fumbles |4 3 2 D| |Night arena|5 0 2 D| |Big Head Mode |2 0 0 R| |No interception|3 4 4 U| |No arena |5 0 0 L| |Show fieldgoal%|0 0 0 D| |No out of bound|2 1 1 L| |Old day arn|5 0 1 U| |Show punt meter|0 0 1 R| |No punting |1 5 1 U| |Old night a|5 0 2 U| |Quick Turbo |0 3 2 L| |Play book |1 0 0 U| |Old snow |5 0 3 U| |Asphalt field |3 0 1 U| |No head mode |3 2 1 R| |Roman arena|5 0 3 L| |Astroturf field|3 0 3 U| |Huge head |0 4 0 U| |Snow arena |5 0 3 D| |Grass field |3 0 0 U| |Invis. Mode |4 3 3 U| |Future aren|3 0 2 L| |Snow field |3 0 4 U| |Powered Blocker|3 1 2 L| |Dirt arena |3 0 2 U| |Hide recvr name|1 0 2 R| |Powered Defense|4 2 1 U| |Super Blitz|0 4 5 U| |1p: Hyper Blitz|5 5 5 U| |Powered Team |2 3 3 U| |Super fldgl|1 2 3 L| |Infin. Turbo |5 1 4 U| |Powered Offense|3 2 1 U| |Super pass |2 5 0 L| |Invis.RecvrHiLt|3 3 3 L| |1p: Smart CPU |3 1 4 D| |Big head tm|2 0 3 R| |Big player team|1 4 1 R| |Tiny team playr|3 1 0 R| |Tiny night |0 2 2 R| |2p Tournament |1 1 1 D| |Clear weather |2 1 1 L| |Foggy wthr |0 3 0 D| |Rainy weather |5 5 5 R| |Snowy weather |5 2 5 D| |Thick Fog |0 4 1 D| =>Coach of the Year: When choosing a team, keep cU held down. =>Secret Play Select: On the first play, move the cursor to the top left corner and press STICK: Ux2. This makes the play marker invisible. NFL BLITZ 2000 (gbc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter on the Tonight's Matchup screen... No First Downs |STARTx2 B U | No Interceptions |STARTx2 Bx3 Ax3 L| No Fumbles |STARTx3 B Ax2 D | No Punting |START Bx3 A U | Super Team |STARTx2 Bx3 Ax3 U| Super Defense |STARTx3 Bx2 A U | Super Offense |STARTx3 B Ax2 U | Super Passing |STARTx3 B Ax2 R | Unlim. Turbo |B Ax3 U | NFL BLITZ 2002 (gba) checked-no =>Secret Codes: Enter these codes on the Tonight's Matchup versus screen. [L] increased the first digit, B the second, and A the third. |321| No Random Fumbling |132| Ogre Field |225| Snow Field |432| Infinite Turbo |313| Shadow Players NFL BLITZ 2002 (gc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter all codes on the Tonight's Match-Up screen. |2 2 2 L| Always QB |3 1 0 U| Bilder's Team |2 2 2 R| Always Receiver |4 3 2 D| Bre Dowgs Team |0 2 5 U| Chimp Mode |4 0 3 R| Crunch Team |0 2 5 L| Big Feet |5 0 1 U| Gamer's Team |2 0 0 R| Big Head |0 4 5 L| Indian's Team |1 4 5 L| Huge Head |2 5 3 R| Midway Team |2 0 3 R| Team Big Head |3 4 4 D| New Tokyo Team |3 4 5 U| Butter Fingers |2 5 4 U| Rollos Team |5 2 3 D| No Fumbles |5 4 3 R| Armageddon Team |3 5 5 U| No Interceptions |5 5 5 L| Snow |1 4 1 U| No Punting |2 3 2 D| Ground Fog |3 2 1 D| No Receiver Highlight |5 5 5 R| Rain |2 1 2 R| Extra Code Time |1 2 3 R| Clear Weather |0 0 1 R| Extra Game Time |0 3 0 D| Chrome Ball |3 3 3 D| Extra Offensive Players |0 3 0 L| Classic Ball |2 4 0 L| Faster Running |4 1 5 U| Infinite Turbo |3 1 4 D| Intelligent CPU |0 1 2 D| No CPU Assistance |2 1 0 U| No First Downs |2 1 1 L| Out of Bounds |0 2 5 R| Power Loader |0 2 1 R| Show More Field |4 2 1 U| Powered Up Defense |3 5 1 R| Show Time |5 2 1 U| Powered Up Lineman |0 5 4 U| Super Blitz |4 1 2 U| Powered Up Offense |1 2 3 L| Super Kicking |1 1 1 D| Tournament Mode =>Extra Player Codes: Enter these as your player ID and PIN number to unlock the listed player. |Player| ID |PIN | |Player | ID |PIN | | Player| ID |PIN | |Bear |BEAR |1985| |Cowboy |COWBOY|1996| |Dolphin|DOLPHIN|1972| |Clown |CLOWN|1974| |Deer Hunter|DEER |1997| |Eagle |EAGLE |1981| |Horse |HORSE|1999| |Indian |INDIAN|1992| |Lion |LION |1963| |Pinto |PINTO|1966| |Pirate |PIRATE|2001| |Ram |RAM |2000| |Tiger |TIGER|1977| |Viking |VIKING|1977| NFL FOOTBALL (snes) checked-no |PRKPL PRKPL PRKPL PRKPL PRKPL| play as the Seahawks vs. the Konami Team... this password WAS being used for a special contest, which expired Nov. 30, 1993 NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB (snes) checked-no =>Special Teams: To play as these extra teams, begin a game and enter the code on the Main Menu. Go to NFL Play mode, choose a pre-season game, and scroll through the teams to find your special ones. - Jaguars & Panthers : U D X Y L U B A D Y - AFC & NFC Pro Teams: B U L A X R U R U B - Acclaim & Iguana : Y A X Y D B L Y U R - All 6 Teams : X L X L B A B Y D A NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB '96 (snes) checked-no => Enter these codes on the blue NFL / Players' Assoc. logo screen. * All Codes: D START A Y B D * Slippery Field: Yx8 * NFC/AFC in Pre-Season: Y B Y B Y B * Unlim. Speed: B Y A A Y START * Rookie Squad: START Y D Y STARTx2 * Strong Team: B Y D STARTx2 * Bouncing Players: D D START D D START * Iguana & Acclaim Teams: D Y D D Y D * No Fumbles: B Y B Y B Y * Tackling after play: B Y STARTx4 * Black Field: START Y D START Y D * Fumble 1st 2 Tackles of every play: A Y B A Y B * Unlim. Up-and-Over Dives: A Y STARTx2 Y B NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB '98 (n64) checked-no |MCHLJNSN| Max Speed Attrib |JPNSMWR| Short, fat players |GLYTHMD| Goliath Mode |RNLDSWZNGR| Slow, strong running backs |SMLMDGT| Midget Mode |BBMNTBL| Tall, skinny players |DWNDRV| Unlimited Downs |WLTRPYTN| Max. Agility |GTNHNDS| More fumbles |SPRSLYD| Slippery field |CRLLWYS| Better Jumping |BRDWYNMTH| Max Passing Accuracy |BGBFYFF| Great Offense |STYCKYHNDS| Maximum Hands Attrib for All |SPRTRBMD| Turbo Mode |8DWNDRV| 8 Down Drives instead of 4 |LLCHTSFF| No cheats |SPRBGRMS| Max Arm Strength |YLCTRCFB| Electric Football |NBCTCKLS| CPU Won't Tackle ball carrier |TGHTGRP| No Turnovers |SPRDPRTCKL| Defense always tackles carriers |DOWNDRV| Better secondary |LWYSTPSS| Defense always tips on passes |PBYBYMD| Slow players |YNSTYNS| Max Discipline/Awareness |LLDFSCK| Lousy Defense |STNTXTM| Hidden Iguana and Acclaim teams |LLFFSCK| Lousy Offense |LDSTRTRK| Instant quarterback toss |BGSPRDV| Offense drives far |MNFLDMD| Mines on Field |DBLDWNS| Double Downs |PWHYRMN| All Player Attrib at 0 |SNWSLDS| Sled Mode |TRNTDLFR| Lousy Quarterback |FRMBYFRM| Slow Motion |BGTWSTRS| Spinning Receiver |BGBFYDF| Great Defense |SPRTMMD| All Player Attribs at Max |WLTRPYTN| Strong running back =>Injured Players: To get injured men back on the field, go to the sub players screen and select RESET ALL. The men will return to the game, although they will still be injured. =>Special Elway Play: When using John Elway, go to shotgun and go right. =>Always Complete Pass: Before you hear "hut," press cUx5. =>Win Coin Toss: When the coin is tossed, press START. =>CPU Assist: When you are about to do a field goal, kick off, or punt, use cD to switch the control of the kicker to the computer and press Z. The computer will do the work for you. =>Credits Trick: Replace Brette Farve with anybody as the Packers starting quarterback, and that person will appear in the credits in his place. =>Weird Point Split: Get the ball between your 5 and 10 yard lines, choose to punt, and control the player in front of the punter. As soon as you hike the ball, use a turbo boost to tackle the punter. You will get 6 points and the opposing team gets 1 point. =>Secret Madden Message: Choose the New Orleans stadium and play a game. Enter the Instant Replay, press Z to enter the camera mode, and use [L] to lift the camera and you will see a special message for John Madden on the sides of the end zones. =>Quick Boost Refill: Press A to turbo run, then tap A repeatedly to keep running and refill the meter faster than usual. =>Mike Clark Trick: Grab some free agents and start a game season, playing with the agents you sign. In the second week, those free agents will be replaced with a kicker by the name of Mike Clark. NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB '99 (n64) checked-no Cheat Codes: |SCLLYMLDR| Alien Stadium |HSNFR | Burning players |BTTRFNGRS| Always Fumble |FLBBR | 'Flubber' ball |BGMNY | Big Coin Toss |PWRPYLNS | Big pylons |BCHBLL | Big Football |HSPTL | Easy injuries |XTRTMS | Bonus Teams |PPCRNRTRNS| Land mines |DBLDWNS | Twice as many downs |STCKYBLL | No fumbles |XTRVLTG | Electric ball |PNBLL | Pinball mode |MRSHMLLW | Fat players |RCQTBLL | Racquetball mode |RGBY | Rugby mode |TTHPCK | Skinny players |SLPNSLD | Slick field |FRRSTGMP | Slow motion |PWRKCKR | Super kicks |TRBMN | Unlim. turbo |FIRFILD | Field of Fire |REAL BIG FEET| Big Feet |RLSTN | Opponent's Score is 0 |SHRTGYS | Short players |BLOWOUT| or |SHTOUT| Start with 12 points =>Undo Play: If you choose the wrong play while on offense, press START while your quarterback is still kneeling. Unpause and you will be able to choose a new play. =>No Huddle: To quickly repeat the prior play, press [R] when the play ends. NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB 2000 (n64) checked-no |FLBBR| Flubber Ball |BTTRFNGRS| Fumble Mode |HSPTL| Lots of Injuries |RGBY| Rugby Mode |SCLLYMLDR| Alien Stadium |MRSHMLLW| Fat Players |HSNFR| Fiery Football |BGMNY| Huge Coin Toss |BCHBLL| Huge Football |PPCRNRTRNS| Land mines |SHRTGYS| Short Players |FRRSTGMP| Slow Motion |TTHPCK| Thin Players NHL '94 (snes) checked-no |BJFC1CCM1XX9VJDG| Stanley Cup Finals - L.A. Kings vs. Montreal NHL '96 (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: When the demo starts, hold SELECT and press [L] and [R] rapidly. When the puck stops, press START. Continue to hold SELECT and press [L] and [R] until a voice says "kayrog", giving you 4 bonus teams and 1000 extra player points. If it doesn't work, turn off the SNES and try again, or try waiting for the demo to start, hold SELECT and press [L] [R] rapidly and repeatedly. Press START while doing this to enter the Team Select screen. NHL '97 (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Hold [L]+[R] while turning the system on and wait until the setup screen appears and you hear a voice say "EA Sports". You can now access the EA Sports and Black Pearl teams and also have 1000 extra player creation points. NHL '98 (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Turn on the system and hold [L]+[R] until the main menu appears; you can use START to skip the credits, but don't release the buttons until you hear the words "EA Sports". You will now have 1000 points available in the player creation mode and the exhibition mode will also have the THQ and the EA Sports teams. NHL '99 (n64) checked-no |BRAINY| Big Head Mode |BIGBIG| Big Players |FLASH | Cameras in Crowd |FAST | Fast Game |FASTER| Faster Game |CHECK | Harder checking |PULLED| No Goalies =>Sound Trick: When you make a goal, during the instant replay press Z to play different sounds. Hold Z to make your opponent's rumble pak rumble. =>Fight Trick: Get into a fight but don't press any of the buttons, and you will get a five minute power play. NHL BLADES OF STEEL (gbc) checked-no =>Skip Intro: Turn on the system and hold START to go directly to the player select screen. NHL BREAKAWAY '98 (n64) checked-no =>No Goalie: Start a game, then pause and enter the settings screen. Highlight Controller Select, then change to the other team. In the Team Options, choose PULL GOALIE. Change the controller back to your own team and return to the game. The opposing team now has no goalie. =>Debug Menu: On the main menu, press cL cR cL cR [R]x2. Now, enter a code... * Bonus Teams: Begin an exhibition game, and on the team select screen press cU [L] cL. Three new teams will now be found between the Controller Pak and the Anaheim team. * 100 Bonus Points: In the Season Mode, press cLx2 cRx2 cLx2 cRx2 [R]x2. * Inspect Players: Press cU cD cL cR. * Show Injured Players: Enter the Trainers' Room and press cLx2 cRx2. =>Random Select: Press [L]+[R] to select teams in the Exhibition mode. =>Player Rotate: You can use the C buttons on the player creation screen to rotate your player. =>Secret Players: Enter the following player names to get bonus players. |Tommy Carbone| |Olivia Carbone| |Joe Seeders| |Todd Dowd| |Joe Sanders| |Jim Jung| Perfect Attributes |Simon Carbone| Small maxed out player |grEEn jeLLo| Giant Green Players NHL BREAKAWAY '99 (n64) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: On the main menu press cL cR cL cR [R]x2. Then, enter a code. * Bonus Exhibition Teams: On the Team Select screen, press cU [L] cL. * Extra Points: On the Season menu, press cLx2 cRx2 cLx2 cRx2. =>Extra Player Points: On the main menu press cLx2 cRx2 cLx2 cRx2 [R]x2. =>Player Name Cheats: In the Create A Player screen, enter one of these names |DOUGLAS YELLIN| Perfect Player |Perfect C | Great Center |JIM JUNG | "Buff" Players |Perfect D | Great Defensive Players |grEEn JeLLo | Giant Players |Perfect G | Great Goalie |Perfect LW | Great Left Winger |Perfect RW| Great Right Winger =>No Goalie: Pause the game, enter the Options Controller Config screen. Move the controller picture to the opposite side of the screen and press START; you will now be controlling the enemy team. Enter Team Options, choose Pull Goalie, press STARTx2, return to Game Options Controller Config and give yourself control over your own team again. Now the CPU team will have no goalie for the rest of the period or until a point is made. =>Random Select: On the Team Selection screen, press [R]+Z. NHL STANLEY CUP HOCKEY (snes) checked-no =>Easy Goal: Flip the puck at the blue line to make goals quite often. You must be going straight down the middle of the rink for this to work, although it won't work for every player. NHLPA '93 (snes) checked-no =>Easy Goals: Move to your opponent's goal and skate from the side of it, across the back of it, then spin in a few circles. Skate around the net. If all went well, the goalie will begin to bump into a goalpost near your location and become fixed there... skate out from the opposite side and put the puck in for an easy goal. NIGEL MANSELL'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RACING (snes) checked-no |PV2JTFBK4Y696H4DXY| Ending screen and credits =>Passwords: In the passwords below, you have finished first in every race up to that point. Each first place finish yields 10 points. If you complete all sixteen races in first, you will have 160 points and the championship. Difficulty - Arcade ______Race___________________________ _________Other Passwords____________ | 1| S.Africa |WN4FYLLJPYBVXJYJCL| | 1| Mexico | DPGM15M9.LVYSTT.49 | | 2| Mexico |FBTSW6PJ.3B71G4N9L| | 2| Brazil | 4ZF01QWZQ74H3.L4JL | | 3| Brazil |DWGZQ45YNHDNH6TC6X| | 3| Spain | 95T78JFSG9K3VV7L5L | | 4| Spain |9062FXYLL8GQFQNR37| | 4| S Marino | C89K7.6ZJSGG0XBS4L | | 5| San Marino |J8TMRPNMLRJJZBXFKX| | 5| Monaco | QPGJFQFJ12N6KNVWW7 | | 6| Monaco |XT1S.6CSV1ZSTRPDXX| | 6| Canada | N5S9LYBB66KKB4PDXX | | 7| Canada |22G1D5ZW0ZXXYHF9SX| | 7| France | WPBQJR46RLLBX.F9S7 | | 8| France |J2VPQW4FX2Q87PCZQX| | 8| Britain | 72WNBM5V4NT6H5QZQ7 | | 9|Great Britain|C.HJ3V6BFN24.X0.L5| | 9| Germany | DM46FWWGQBCM0F0.LT | |10| Germany |ZS8NJ1.41YTXC3HT1T| |10| Hungary | CWTNWRWC4JNZP25T1T | |11| Hungary |M10WVQGNK8386K62QH| |11| Belgium | VJ3PNZXP329MHQDP2T | |12| Belgium |DYB5KD4XKK1NFX712H| |12| Italy | WLRCN0QP8LN8FZL12H | |13| Italy |ZG4127FD25WSFRW8MH| |13| Portugal | 9W1XH9G6H9LKV3.8MH | |14| Portugal |NCL8N57VXWWCX.K5HD| |14| Japan | HH5GY62QPCVD9ZK5HD | |15| Japan |FC74KJBVJ330993KV3| |15| Australia| X4LWJO1XN6LW0D3KVY | |16| Australia |J1WQ57218P5T2866MY| |16| ChampShip| VM.20HQDMSN0QWLT2Q | NIGHTMARE CREATURES (n64) checked-part |level |Nadia |Ignatius| |2: Spitalfield |U D cU cD cU D L cR | |3: Thames Tunnel |U cD cU cD cU cD cL cR| |4: Sewer Snake |U L cU cD cU L cU cR | |5: India Docks | |cU U cU cD cU U D R | |6: Highgate Cemetery|cU D cU cD cU D L cR |cU D cU cD cU D L cR | |7: Hampstead Heath | |8: Queenhite Docks | |9: City |U R cU cD cU cU cR cR | |10: Smithfield | |11: Snowman |D L cU D cU cR cL U | |12: Regents Canal | |cR cL cU cD cU U D cL | |13: London Zoo | |14: Marylebone |D cD cR cL cU cU L cU | |15: Bloomsbury | |16: Pimlico |L cL cU cL cU D cR cL | |17: Jose Manuel | |18: Westminster I | |cD cR cU cD cU cL U cR| |19: Westminster II | |20: The Roofs | ->Cheat Mode: Beat the game and wait for the main menu to reappear after the credits. Choose "Start" or "Load" to make the cheat menu appear. Or, enter one of the following passwords: |L U cD cL cR cU cL D| |cD U cU cL cU L cD cL| |cD U cU cL cR L cL U| |cD U L Dx2 cLx2 cR| 1943: THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY (nes) checked-no |7G117| Wave 2 |ZDIIX| Wave 6 |P8XGD| Wave 8 |TY19U| Wave 23 with |EGY13| Wave 3 |IRIID| Wave 7 |RY690| Wave 22 full power |E4113| Wave 5 |PFL08| Wave 8 |TY2NU| Wave 23 =>Powered-Up: Hold B until you hear a whistle, then release. =>Create-A-Password: To create your very own, unique password, follow these instructions. Each password consists of 5 'digits'. Consult the following charts and instructions to create the password. 1) Choose your stage and place its code letter in digit 1. (Note: The chosen stage determines the power levels of the ship. Chart 5 lists the number of points available at each level. These points can be spread between your offense, defense, plane energy, weapon energy, and weapon time; digits 2, 3, and 4 use up these points.) 2) Choose your offense and defense level and enter that letter into digit 2. 3) Choose the energy level of your plane and special weapon and enter the letter into digit 3. 4) Choose the time limit for your weapon and enter the letter into digit 4. 5) Add the values chosen for offensive, defensive, energy, weapon energy, and weapon time limit (select the numerical values from the charts, NOT the code values from the charts.) to get your point total. Take this number and consult chart 5. If your point total is allowed for your chosen stage, enter the code letter into digit 5. If you have more points than allowed, either readjust your point totals by changing digits 2, 3, and 4, or choose a higher stage to begin at. Example: For Stage 23, Offense level 6, Defense level 6, Weapon energy level 5, Ship energy level 6, Time Limit level 6, you would enter |TY19U|. Digit 1 Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Code 0 7 E L S Z I P W 3 A H U 5 K F 1 6 8 D M R T Digit 2: offense Digit 3: plane energy Digit 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 time limit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ----------- ----------- code 1 6 0 W N 9 1|3 2 1 0 4 6 weapon 1|I O V U W H defense 2|A 9 8 7 B * energy 2|D J Q P X C 3|H G F E C D 3|8 E L K R 6 4|I N M L J K 4|3 9 G F S 7 5|P O T S Q R 5|Y 4 B A M 1 6|W V U Z X Y 6|T Z 0 5 N 2 Digit 5 - Check Digit. Pts. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Min. Stage 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 20 22 Code 1 3 A N X P D 8 G S Q J E F M R K L Z O 5 U NINJA BOY (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On title screen, press U U D D A B A B, hold A, press START. You will also have 80 lives and 90 miracle kicks. =>Continue: On the GAME OVER screen, hold A and press START. SUPER NINJA BOY (snes) checked-no |RZ| Level 7, $999,999, 100 medals, yellow aura NINJA GAIDEN (nes) checked-part =>Sound Test: On the "TECMO PRESENTS 1989", hold D+L+A+B+SELECT. Continue to hold, and when the full title screen appears and the game makes the "ching" sound, press START and then release all the buttons to begin the sound test. Use U and D to cycle through the effects and press A to play them. ->Boss Tip: Try using the jumping slash special technique. It kills many bosses with just one attack. NINJA GAIDEN II: THE DARK SWORD OF CHAOS (nes) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold U+L+SELECT+A+B. While holding all of these down, hold START. The screen should blink between black and blue; release them when the screen begins to change blue. * Sound Test 2: On the title screen, hold U+L+SELECT+A+B and press STARTx2 to access the sound test, but to get a small picture of the girl on the screen instead of one of the ninja. * Musicruise: On the title screen, hold U+L+SELECT+A+B. When the title fades to black, press START to bring it back. When it fades again, press STARTx2. You can now listen to music, sound effects, and view the titles of the music tracks. =>Extra Lives: In stage 4-2, jump up and get hit by an enemy so that you land on the first ledge on the screen. You will be able to grab the extra life. Return to the ladder, climb up to the previous screen, then go back down and repeat the process. NINJA GAIDEN SHADOW (gb) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold R+B+A or U+L+A+B+SELECT and press START. NINJA GAIDEN TRILOGY (snes) checked-no Ninja |1|LXAYAX| Ninja |1|AABXYR| Ninja |1|BYRLXA| Gaiden |2|AXXRYA| Gaiden |2|XLRBBA| Gaiden |2|ARRYAL| I |3|XYBRLY| II |3|LYBARR| III |3|LBRYLY| |4|BRABYY| |4|ALXYYB| |4|RRBAYX| |5|XAYXXL| |5|RAABXL| |5|YABXRX| |6|RYRLAX| |6|YLRAYR| |6|BXXAXY| |--------| |7|BBXYAL| |7|XRXYYL| THE NINJA WARRIORS (snes) checked-no =>Sound Test: When the title screen appears, wait for PRESS START to begin to flash, then hold [L]+[R] and press START. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, after PRESS START appears, hold X+Y, then press Ax4, Bx4, A B A B A B A B. On the Stage Select screen, you can reenter the code to go to an Area Select screen. NINTENDO 64 SYSTEM (n64) checked-yes =>Control Stick Recalibration: Playing the game and your character starts running off by himself? Let go of the joystick, hold [L]+[R] and press START to reset the joystick to the center position. =>Control Pak/Memory Card Setup: For most games that use the Control Pak memory card, you can access a file management system by holding START while turning the system on. Some games let you access the standard cartridge game saves this way as well. =>Game Won't Start: Some older titles will NOT work while a rumble pack is plugged into one of the controllers. Just unplug the pack. NINTENDO WORLD CUP (nes) checked-no |10309| Match 1 |22009| Match 5 |62609| Match 9 |12911| Championship |30709| Match 2 |72109| Match 6 |60209| Match 10 |12810| Holland - Final |10300| Match 3 |11509| Match 7 |22309| Semifinal |01509| Match 4 |42409| Match 8 |30700| Round 3 vs France |22000| Round 5 vs. Spain |12800| Final Match =>Select Starting Field: Begin a two player versus game on any type of field, play the game, and once the game ends choose to play a tournament mode game against the computer. You will start on the field you were on during the previous game. =>Spinning Backflip Kick: When the ball comes towards you, press A+B. =>Easy Win: Line your shooter up with the goal, have your teammates pass the ball to you, the shooter, and do a A+B backflip kick to smash the ball into the net easily. Repeat until you have a hefty lead, then just keep the ball out of the feet of the enemy... try kicking it out of bounds repeatedly. NINTENDO WORLD CUP (gb) checked-no =>Goal Trick: Dribble the ball to the 18 yard line, then pass the ball and have the teammate pass it back to you. Kick it with an A+B bicycle kick to slam it into the net. This won't work when the player gets exhausted, and it may only work with Argentina. =>Passwords: To create a password, take the first three digits for the match you be at and add the two digits for your chosen team. Example: Germany at match 12 would be |01613| Match 02 |224__| Match 09 |513__| |___62| Argentina |___33| Italy Match 03 |033__| Match 10 |971__| |___51| Brazil |___59| Japan Match 04 |530__| Match 11 |086__| |___54| Cameroon |___72| Mexico Match 05 |363__| Match 12 |016__| |___45| England |___38| Spain Match 06 |172__| |___26| France |___31| USA Match 07 |429__| |___13| Germany |___17| USSR Match 08 |561__| |___41| Holland NO RULES (gba) checked-no |Boss 1|13TYNLP18J34| | 03 |NKTDDLS18J24| |Boss 4|TFQFNL9H8J2R| | 02 |DPTYNLP17ZM!| |Boss 3|K7RFNLKH8J39| |Final |JTRFNLKH8J3v| |Boss 2|PPTDDLS18J26| | 04 |JTRFNLKH8J3v| NOLAN RYAN'S BASEBALL (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: Play a one player game, hold L and rapidly press B+A+X+Y. The cheat menu should appear. NORTH AND SOUTH (nes) checked-no =>Sound Test/Stage Select: Let the beginning game credits roll until the only person visible is the bugler on the horse, then press U U D D L R L R B A. The Sound Test will appear, and one box will be labeled "Operations." You can highlight the boxes and press A to begin them. =>Easy Kill: Bomb the bridge with a cannonball, and about 1/2 of enemy troops crossing the bridge will fall off of it, especially in one player games. NOSFERATU (snes) checked-no =>Refill Red Crystal: Pause the game, then press U X R A D B L Y. This restores your power. =>Refill Green Crystal: Press Away+Y for a spinning back kick, then pause the game and press U X R A D B L Y START. This restores all health. =>Stage Select: Highlight EXIT on the Config screen, then press [L]x2 [R]x3 [L]x3. NUCLEAR STRIKE 64 (n64) checked-no |PCPNL| Armor Increase by 50% |CPPLM| Invincibility |BDGFK| Quadruple Damage |GZCXV| Stage Skip |========== Chapter O ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. ODDWORLD ADVENTURES (gbc) checked-part ->Passwords: For the first set of passwords, imagine that the | Doors: | seven doors after the intro section are named as follows. The |A B C D| top four doors are A, B, C, and D. The bottom left door is E. |E F G| The bottom right doors are F G. |Password|OpenDoor| |Password|Open Doors| |Password|Open Doors| |JCBCM | E | |SDCCC | E A B G | |SJCCH | E A B D G| |JCCCL | E G | |SFCCD | E A C G | |SKCCJ | E A C D G| |SCBCC | E A | |SHCCG | E A D G | |SPCCN | E A C F G| |JDBCL | E B | |SMCCL | E A F G | |SRCCQ | E A D F G| |JFBCP | E C | |SGBCD | E A B C | |SLBCJ | E A B C D| |JHBCR | E D | |SJBCG | E A B D | |SQBCN | E A B C F| |JMBCC | E F | |SNBCL | E A B F | |SSBCQ | E A B D F| |SCCCB | E A G | |JRCCG | E D F G | |JTCCJ | E C D F G| |SDBCB | E A B | |JPCCD | E C F G | |JSCCH | E B D F G| |JDCCM | E B G | |JNCCC | E B F G | |JQCCF | E B C F G| |JFCCN | E C G | |JKCCS | E C D G | |JLCCT | E B C D G| |JMCCB | E F G | |JJCCR | E B D G | |JBBCJ | E B C D F| |JHCCQ | E D G | |JGCCP | E B C G | |STBCT | E A C D F| |JGBCN | E B C | |JLBCS | E B C D | |SSCCR | E A B D F G| |JJBCQ | E B D | |JQBCD | E B C F | |STCCS | E A C D F G| |JNBCB | E B F | |JSBCG | E B D F | |SLCCK | E A B C D G| |JKBCT | E C D | |JTBCK | E C D F | |SQCCP | E A B C F G| |JPBCF | E C F | |SRBCR | E A D F | |SBBCS | E A B C D F| |JRBCH | E D F | |SKBCK | E A C D | |JBCCK | E B C D F G| |SHBCH | E A D | |SPBCP | E A C F | |SBCCT | Ready for Temple| |SFBCF | E A C | |SNCCM | E A B F G| |SMBCM | E A F | |SGCCF | E A B C G| ->Passwords 2: Here are the passwords for the second part of the game. Once you complete the seven doors, you will move on to the BIG Temple door. |TBFCQ| Temple door area complete| |TBTDC| Temple 3 complete| |TBKCL| Temple 1 complete | |TBTGF| Temple 4 complete| |TBTCB| Temple 2 complete | |TBTBT| Final area | =>Jump Trick: Jump and pause the game while jumping upwards; unpause and quickly press B again to jump in midair. You can repeat this and jump even higher. =>Cut Scene Skip: Press START to skip the cut scenes. =>Sound Tricks: Pause the game and press the buttons for sound clips. SUPER OFF ROAD (snes) checked-yes =>Unlimited Play: For unlimited 1-person play, choose a 2 player game and leave CNTRL II alone. You will always finish in at least 3rd, so you'll never end the game. =>Slower CPU Players: Use the same initials as the CPU player. SUPER OFF ROAD: THE BAJA (snes) checked-no =>Fun Run Track: Before starting a new game, go to the Game Select screen and press X B Y A X B Y A. Select the Fun Run option. OFF ROAD CHALLENGE (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Trucks: On the vehicle select screen, press any of the C buttons. =>Quick Start: Press the gas right as the announcer says "Go" for a burst of speed. =>Bonus Tracks: Enter these on the track select screen. * Flagstaff Track: Hold [L] and press PAD: L to hear a ratchet, highlight Mojave, hold Z and press A. Or, try pressing PAD: R. * Guadalupe Track: Hold [R] and press PAD: D to hear a ratchet, highlight Vegas, hold Z and press A. * El Cajon Track: Hold [L]+[R] and press PAD: U to hear a ratchet, then highlight El Paso, hold Z and press A. OGRE BATTLE (snes) checked-no =>Secret Battle: Start a new game and enter the name |FIRESEAL|. You will begin with the maximum HP and STR and be placed on a hidden island with a secret boss to battle. =>Sound Test: Enter the name |MUSIC/ON| or |SOUND/ON| and then press A. =>Battle Tip: Fill one unit with your best men and at least one eagle guy. Begin a battle and send everyone but that unit directly towards the enemy castle; use your powerful and quick unit to sneak around to the enemy enemy castle via a different path whilst they are busy fighting your huge attack force. Smash the castle, then you have plenty of time to liberate the towns. OGRE BATTLE 64: PERSON OF LORDLY CALIBER (n64) checked-no =>Music Test: Start a new game and enter your name as |MUSIC_ON|. =>Erase Saved Data: Hold START while turning on your system to access the game data management screen. Or, start a new game and enter your name as |DEL_DATA|. =>Reset Game: Press A+B+Z+START to return the game to the title screen. =>Quick Reset: Press [L]+[R]+SELECT+START to reset the game. ON THE BALL (snes) checked-no |MHWYR| Level 2 |GFXJF| Ball Select option |NRRRP| Sound Test |HCCWD| Level 3 |ZLJPJ| Gravity Change option |ZNGGX| Best Time Screen |WRJMH| Level 4 |QWNQP| Stage Select 1080' SNOWBOARDING (n64) checked-no =>Extra Courses: In the Match race, beat all five courses on hard to earn the Dragon Cave course. Beat all six courses on expert for Deadly Fall. =>Secret Boarders: Beat all the courses in Dragon Cave on hard, or Deadly Fall on Expert, for information on the bonus boarders. If you'd rather not do that, here are the requirements for enabling the boarders. * Panda Man: Complete Match Race on the expert level and beat all EAD scores in Time Attack, Trick Attack, and Contest. Now, highlight Rob Haywood and press cR A. Panda Man has 5 special tricks - you can find them listed in the Training Mode. * Ice Man: Beat Match Race on the expert level and beat all EAD scores in Trick and Time Attack. Highlight Akari Hayami and press cL A. * Gold Ice Man: Select Ice Man and beat the Match Race on the expert level. Now, highlight Kensuke Kimachi and press cU A. =>Penguin Board: To get the Penguin board, enter the Training Mode and perform every trick in the game. Now, highlight any character's standard board and press cD A. =>Easy Tricks: In the training mode, perform an easy trick, and while you are still in the air after performing the trick, quickly go to the trick list and select a difficult trick. When you land, the game will think you did the hard trick you just highlighted, and not the easy one you actually did. =>Camera Tricks: On the title screen or during instant replays, press cU to take control of the camera. Use the STICK and the PAD to move, and press cU to return to the normal view. You can zoom in and out, or enable a fisheye camera lens. =>Climbing Trick: You can climb your way up many unusual places... just keep pressing U to repeatedly lunge forward and slowly work your way up the impossible hills... =>Dragon Cave Tricks: * Super Jump: When you see the pink turn sign, ignore it and jump off. Upon landing, keep moving straight until you reach the first huge rock. At full speed, ram into it and jump; you should land on top of it, fall, and land at the first bridge. * Fire Ring: When you pass the first bridge, turn right at the first fork and left at the second. Watch for the great fire ring and jump. * Shortcut: After the first bridge, take the left fork, then left again, then turn right and jump into a tunnel. Take the left at the fork. =>Crystal Lake Tricks: * Fence Trick: At the beginning, turn around, hop onto a snow bank, face the beginning of the course, and begin tapping U to hop up the hill until you reach the lodge crowd. Face the starting line and go through the fences to return to the course. * Fence Jump: Near the end of the course, where ads line the walls, look for the N64 signs. You can speed up and hop over one of these signs and move around outside of the course... fun. * Jump the Net: After the first big drop and the house next to a ramp, you will see a section of the course surrounded by red netting. Go up the wall like you would go off of a half-pipe and head for the red netting; while in the air, perform a grab and hold it, and you should zoom over the red fence and reappear on the original course. =>View Ghost: Create and save a ghost in the trick attack mode. Return to the title screen, and when Kensuke Kimachi finishes his Crystal Lake race, your ghost will appear. =>Quick Recovery: Press U after crashing for a small speed boost. =>Opponent Select: Simply start a race, press START, and restart the race. Repeat until the desired opponent appears. =>Turbo Boost Start: To easily start a race with a turbo, tap U rapidly. You will usually begin the race with a quick burst of speed. =>DJ Mode in Halfpipe: During a Halfpipe replay, use the STICK to scratch the record with the background music. OPERATION C (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press U U D D L R L R B A B A START on the title screen. =>10 Lives: Press Ux4 Dx4 Lx4 Rx4 A B START on the title screen. =>Sound Test: Press U D L R A B START on the title screen. =>Weapon Powers: Remember, if you collect another power-up of the same type as the weapon you are currently using, the weapon becomes more powerful. OPERATION LOGIC BOMB (snes) checked-no =>Finding Automatic Tracking Missile Pods: When you after the first outside section of the game, you will return to the labs. Destroy the main power system, which will clear away all those glowing things you can't walk on, then move to the top right corner of level one of the lab. There is a secret passage in the upper left area of this corner; walk through it to find a hidden transporter that warps you to the ATMP-R5. OPERATION WOLF (nes) checked-no =>Extra Ammo: In stage one, shoot the eagles to get extra ammo. OTHELLO (nes) checked-no =>Slot Machine Mode: Press START to enter the mode screen, then hold SELECT and press A or B. The mode will become Slot. This means that after a normal 2 player game is completed, a slot machine will appear on the screen and add or subtract from your total of tokens. =>Expert Mode: When selecting your difficulty, press B+SELECT. =>Chip Flip: To flip your opponent's chips, press SELECT A B B A B A A B U D SELECTx2 START. OUT OF THIS WORLD (snes) checked-no Use A or B on the Continue screen to enter a password |LDKD| Level 1 |HTDC| Level 2 |DDRX| Disconnect the power |CLLD| Level 3 |HRTB| Level 10 |LBKG| Underground caverns |BRTD| Escape from the city |XDDJ| Level 5 |TFBB| Outside of the city |FXLC| Level 6 |TXHF| Rescue your friend |KRFK| Flood the caverns |CKJL| Level 14 |KLFB| Level 8 |LFCK| The Final Fight =>Cage Escape: Swing the cage left and right to make it fall so that you can escape. OVER HORIZON (nes) checked-no =>Character Change: During the game, hold A+B and press RESET. The title screen should change. |========== Chapter P ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. PAC-ATTACK (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip: On the Continue screen after losing the game, press [L] to skip to the next stage. You will skip as many stages as the number of times you press [L]. Select Continue to play. 01 |STR| 16 |TKY| 31 |FLT| 46 |BOJ| 61 |MNS| 76 |BKP| 91 |NSM| 02 |HNM| 17 |RGH| 32 |SKM| 47 |VSM| 62 |SWD| 77 |CRN| 92 |QYZ| 03 |KST| 18 |TNS| 33 |OTN| 48 |RDY| 63 |LDM| 78 |XNT| 93 |KTT| 04 |TRT| 19 |YKM| 34 |SMN| 49 |XPL| 64 |YST| 79 |RNT| 94 |FGS| 05 |MYX| 20 |MWS| 35 |TGR| 50 |WLC| 65 |OTM| 80 |BSK| 95 |RRC| 06 |KHL| 21 |KTY| 36 |WKR| 51 |TMF| 66 |BRP| 81 |JWK| 96 |YLW| 07 |RTS| 22 |TYK| 37 |YYP| 52 |ONS| 67 |MRS| 82 |GSN| 97 |PNN| 08 |SKB| 23 |SMM| 38 |SLS| 53 |GWR| 68 |PPY| 83 |MMT| 98 |SPR| 09 |HNT| 24 |NFL| 39 |THD| 54 |PLT| 69 |SWT| 84 |DNK| 99 |CHB| 10 |SRY| 25 |SRT| 40 |RMN| 55 |KRW| 70 |WTM| 85 |HPN| 100 |LST| 11 |YSK| 26 |KKT| 41 |CNK| 56 |HRC| 71 |FST| 86 |DCR| End |JFK| 12 |RCF| 27 |MDD| 42 |FRB| 57 |RPN| 72 |SLW| 87 |BNS| 13 |HSM| 28 |CWD| 43 |MLR| 58 |CNT| 73 |XWF| 88 |SDC| 14 |PWW| 29 |DRC| 44 |FRP| 59 |BTT| 74 |RGJ| 89 |MRH| 15 |MTN| 30 |WHT| 45 |SDB| 60 |TMP| 75 |SNC| 90 |BTF| PAC IN TIME (snes) checked-no =>Restart: Pause the game, hold [L]+[R] then unpause to kill Pac-Man. =>Stage Select: Enter the password |LVDYK|, then return to the title screen. With the cursor pointing to the One-Player option, hold L+[L]+[R] and press START. Now, use the X A [L] and [R] buttons to choose your level, and press START to begin. PAC-MAN (gb) checked-no =>Full Screen Mode: In Pac-Man, pressing L when on the main menu makes a small 1/2 symbol appear next to the 1 Player option and activates the full screen mode. In this mode, the game screen does not scroll. The entire playfield is visible at once, although everything is smaller. PAC-MAN: SPECIAL COLOR EDITION (gbc) checked-yes =>Pac-Attack High Scores: On the main menu of Pac-Attack, press L to view the high score table. =>Full Screen Mode: In Pac-Man, pressing L when on the main menu makes a small 1/2 symbol appear next to the 1 Player option and activates the full screen mode. In this mode, the game screen does not scroll. The entire playfield is visible at once, although everything is smaller. =>Pac-Attack Passwords: 01 |STR| 16 |TKY| 31 |FLT| 46 |BOJ| 61 |MNS| 76 |BKP| 91 |NSM| 02 |HNM| 17 |RGH| 32 |SKM| 47 |VSM| 62 |SWD| 77 |CRN| 92 |QYZ| 03 |KST| 18 |TNS| 33 |OTN| 48 |RDY| 63 |LDM| 78 |XNT| 93 |KTT| 04 |TRT| 19 |YKM| 34 |SMN| 49 |XPL| 64 |YST| 79 |RNT| 94 |FGS| 05 |MYX| 20 |MWS| 35 |TGR| 50 |WLC| 65 |OTM| 80 |BSK| 95 |RRC| 06 |KHL| 21 |KTY| 36 |WKR| 51 |TMF| 66 |BRP| 81 |JWK| 96 |YLW| 07 |RTS| 22 |TYK| 37 |YYP| 52 |ONS| 67 |MRS| 82 |GSN| 97 |PNN| 08 |SKB| 23 |SMM| 38 |SLS| 53 |GWR| 68 |PPY| 83 |MMT| 98 |SPR| 09 |HNT| 24 |NFL| 39 |THD| 54 |PLT| 69 |SWT| 84 |DNK| 99 |CHB| 10 |SRY| 25 |SRT| 40 |RMN| 55 |KRW| 70 |WTM| 85 |HPN| 100 |LST| 11 |YSK| 26 |KKT| 41 |CNK| 56 |HRC| 71 |FST| 86 |DCR| 12 |RCF| 27 |MDD| 42 |FRB| 57 |RPN| 72 |SLW| 87 |BNS| 13 |HSM| 28 |CWD| 43 |MLR| 58 |CNT| 73 |XWF| 88 |SDC| 14 |PWW| 29 |DRC| 44 |FRP| 59 |BTT| 74 |RGJ| 89 |MRH| 15 |MTN| 30 |WHT| 45 |SDB| 60 |TMP| 75 |SNC| 90 |BTF| PAC-MAN 2: THE NEW ADVENTURES (snes) checked-no |Completion %: Go to the item screen, hold SELECT and press X. The game will reveal the percentage complete as of turning the system on. Passwords will not save this percentage. =>Defeating Gum Monster: Have Super Pac-Man turn to avoid the enemies while you shoot the monster in the face with your slingshot. Repeat until dead. PAC-MAN COLLECTION (gba) checked-part =>Pac-Attack Appendix Mode: On the Pac-Attack main menu, highlight Puzzle, hold R and press A to open the Appendix Mode. In this mode, Pac-Man appears less often, but the order of the ghost clusters is always the same. In other words, the game isn't random at all... every time you play, the same pieces appear in the same order. ->Pac-Attack Passwords: 01 |STR| 16 |TKY| 31 |FLT| 46 |BOJ| 61 |MNS| 76 |BKP| 91 |NSM| 02 |HNM| 17 |RGH| 32 |SKM| 47 |VSM| 62 |SWD| 77 |CRN| 92 |QYZ| 03 |KST| 18 |TNS| 33 |OTN| 48 |RDY| 63 |LDM| 78 |XNT| 93 |KTT| 04 |TRT| 19 |YKM| 34 |SMN| 49 |XPL| 64 |YST| 79 |RNT| 94 |FGS| 05 |MYX| 20 |MWS| 35 |TGR| 50 |WLC| 65 |OTM| 80 |BSK| 95 |RRC| 06 |KHL| 21 |KTY| 36 |WKR| 51 |TMF| 66 |BRP| 81 |JWK| 96 |YLW| 07 |RTS| 22 |TYK| 37 |YYP| 52 |ONS| 67 |MRS| 82 |GSN| 97 |PNN| 08 |SKB| 23 |SMM| 38 |SLS| 53 |GWR| 68 |PPY| 83 |MMT| 98 |SPR| 09 |HNT| 24 |NFL| 39 |THD| 54 |PLT| 69 |SWT| 84 |DNK| 99 |CHB| 10 |SRY| 25 |SRT| 40 |RMN| 55 |KRW| 70 |WTM| 85 |HPN| 100 |LST| 11 |YSK| 26 |KKT| 41 |CNK| 56 |HRC| 71 |FST| 86 |DCR| 12 |RCF| 27 |MDD| 42 |FRB| 57 |RPN| 72 |SLW| 87 |BNS| 13 |HSM| 28 |CWD| 43 |MLR| 58 |CNT| 73 |XWF| 88 |SDC| 14 |PWW| 29 |DRC| 44 |FRP| 59 |BTT| 74 |RGJ| 89 |MRH| 15 |MTN| 30 |WHT| 45 |SDB| 60 |TMP| 75 |SNC| 90 |BTF| THE PAGEMASTER (snes) checked-no |Eyeball E E Key Blob B| Final Level =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press B A X SELECT START. =>Level Cheat: Pause the game and press U D L R B A SELECT. THE PAGEMASTER (gb) checked-no |BBBBBBBD| Infinite Lives |CDZZNDJC| Adventureworld, 13 lives PALADIN'S QUEST (snes) checked-no =>Crystal Maze: To get through, go Up 7 steps, Right 2, Left 2, Up 2, Left 2, Down 1, and Left 2. Now go Up 1, Left 2, Up 2, Right 3, Up 2, Left 1, Up 2, and Right 2. Go Up 5, Right 1, Left 1, Right 1, Left 1, Right 1, Left 1, Right 1, Left 1, Right 1, Up 3. Finally, tread Right 2, Down 2, Right 1, Left 1, Down 3, Left 1, and Down 5. Answer F, then E. PALAMEDES (nes) checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, press and hold CNTRL II: A+B, and press START on CNTRL I. =>Demo Test: On the title screen, hold down CNTRL II: A+R, and press CNTRL I: START. PANIC BOMBER (vb) checked-no |Level |Easy|Normal| |Level |Easy|Normal| |Sinister Forest |6835| 2695 | | Star Medal |n/a | 4390 | |Desert of Desolation|9081| 1038 | | Moon Medal |n/a | 3281 | |Doom Castle |2473| 6934 | | Sun Medal |n/a | 5607 | |Boss Battle Mode|1298| =>Mystery Bomber: To play against Miss Flash, the secret bomber boss, beat beat Count Blastula on the hard difficulty setting. PAPER MARIO (n64) checked-yes =>Old Mario: In the haunted mansion, there is a room containing a vase. This room is in the lower right door from where you enter the mansion. Jump into the vase and Mario will hop out, but will look like the Mario from Donkey Kong. Jump into the vase or exit the room to return to normal. =>Free Hearts: On the path from Toad Town to Koopa Village, you will pass three striped blue poles with eyes. Find the one that follows you, and run around it in circles. You will be given hearts. =>Luigi's Place: Once you have the Super Boots, which allow you to do the smashing stomp, go into the Mario Bros. bedroom and stomp on the ground. There is a loose tile that will flip and let you fall into the basement, where Luigi keeps a secret diary. =>Original Mario Music: When a Chapter screen appears (featuring the Chapter name, number, and character pictures), leave it alone. If you wait a bit, the original Super Mario Bros. tune will play. PAPERBOY (gbc) checked-no =>Bike Select: When you begin Easy Street, turn left and press START Ax3 B SELECT A B START. The screen will turn red and you will now be able to select your bike. PAPERBOY (n64) checked-no |SUNDAY| Giant papers |RANDOM| Random paper toss |HEADLINE| See all headlines |LITTLE| Tiny paperboy |RUSH| Turbo mode |WAKING| Slow motion |OBVIOUS| Stage select |MAXSUBS| Stage Select |THUNK| Cartoon Sound Effects |INVINC| Invincibility |MAGGO| Nearsighted Mode |JUMBLE| Invisible objects |GOFAST| Rocket booster bike |SCREAM| Screaming obstacles |MOON| Super jumps |ALLJUMP| Super jumping springs |FRONTS| Toss papers ahead |BACKWARD| Toss papers backwards |NOBUNDLE| Unlim. papers |UNTIMED| No time limit. Also, press cR to move ahead frame by frame =>Bonus Coins: In Alphaville, they are with the lawnmower guy, the dog four houses down from the jump, and the "Right on Time" guy near the jackhammer. * Alice's RV Heaven: The BBQ guy, the guy on the dirt road near his car, and the girl at the second trailer on the road - right before returning to the street. * Moose Pellet Park: Old bending guy two houses after the jump, the moose on the right, and the attacking bear. * Pelican Beach: The lifeguard, the pelican near the dog, and the stump after the first wooden bend. * Telsa Town: Frankenstein's monster, the electric pole on the corner, and the witch fighting with the girl. PAPERBOY 2 (nes) checked-no |4796| third week PAPERBOY 2 (snes) checked-no |4796| Week 3 |5378| Midway Street |6479| Stage Select/Hard Way |3719| End PARODIUS (gb) checked-no =>Power-Up: Yep, press U U D D L R L R B A to power your ship up... THE PEACE KEEPERS (snes) checked-no =>Extra Fighters: This lets you choose from 6 fighters, rather than the ordinary 4. Hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R]+A while turning on the power. Release when the PRESS START message appears and begin a new game. =>Same Fighter: If you hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R] and CNTRL II: [L]+[R] as you turn on the system and do not release until you begin a game, you will be able to choose the same character for both players. =>Anger Attack: If you are Flynn, and your Life Meter is almost empty, face right and hold [R]. Press D D+R R X and you will turn red and zoom around the screen with super power. =>Cannon Blast: As Al, press X+A and press B when he begins the spin move. PENGUIN BOY (gb) checked-no |05|AD1990| |17|DA2945| |29|CA4217| |09|EB5408| |21|FC3876| |33|DF9721| |13|BF8163| |25|ED0492| PENGUIN WARS (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the Character Select screen, pick a character but don't leave the screen. Simultaneously press L and B. Press A to bring up the level number; use U and D to change the number and press START to begin. PENNY RACERS (n64) checked-no =>Bonus Modes: Earn a bronze or better on all Mode C tracks to open up Mode B. Do the same in Mode B to reach Mode A, and again in Mode A to reach Mode AA. =>Part Selection Speedup: When the computer is choosing parts to swipe from you, press A rapidly and repeatedly to speed it up and possibly increase the chances of losing nothing. =>Part Trading: Enter Options Parts Options. Turn Steal Parts on and Trade/Swap Parts on. Now the computer will always give you something when it swipes a piece of your car. =>Clone Parts: In a two player game, first save the game to memory cards in CNTRL I and II. Race against each other; if player 1 swipes player 2's part, have player 1 save the game to his memory car, then have player 2 reload the game from his memory card, or vice versa. As long as the winner saves and the loser reloads, both players will have the part. =>Turbo Boost: Press the gas button right when the last light is about to turn green. PERFECT DARK (n64) checked-no =>Cheese: There is a lovely piece of cheese in each level of the game. They do nothing. Find them all and...er... nothing happens. =>Extra Missions: Open Mr. Blonde's Revenge by completing all solo missions on any difficulty. Open Maian SOS by completing all missions on Special Agent or higher. War! is enabled by beating all Perfect Agent solo missions. Duel mode is opened once you find all the weapons in the the solo missions and get at least a Bronze rating with each weapon on the Firing Range. =>Perfect Darkness Mode: Beat all solo missions on Perfect Agent to enable the new Perfect Darkness difficulty. =>Cheats: Unlike Goldeneye, Perfect Dark tells you exactly HOW to earn all the cheats. Enter the cheat menu and highlight any unearned cheat space. The requirements will scroll across the bottom of the menu. However, that takes a bit, so here's a list for the impatient. Cheats marked as "GB enabled too" can also be enabled by inserting the Game Boy version of Perfect Dark into a Transfer Pak when on the main menu. |Cheat Enabled |Stage| Mode | Time | Notes | * Weapons for Jo in Solo |Rocket Launcher | 1.3 | Any | Any | |Sniper Rifle | 2 | Any | Any | |Super Dragon | 4.3 | Any | Any | |Laptop Gun | 5.2 | Any | Any | |Phoenix | 8 | Any | Any | |Psychosis Gun | 3.1 |Perfect| 1:44 | |Trent's Magnum | 5.3 | Agent | 2:50 | |Far Sight | 6.2 |Perfect| 5:13 | * Fun Cheats |DK Mode | 3.1 | Any | Any | |Small Jo | 3.2 | Any | Any | |Small Characters | 4.1 | Any | Any | |Team Heads Only | 5.1 | Any | Any | Enemies have only Rare faces |Play as Elvis | 4.2 |Perfect| 7:00 | |Slow Mo Single Playr| 1.2 | Any | Any | * Gameplay Cheats |Invincible | 3.4 | Agent | 3:50 | |Cloaking Device | 3.2 | Agent | 0:59 | GB enabled too |Marquis of | 1.1 |Special| 1:30 | No enemy weapons | Queensbury Rules | | | | |Jo Shield | 6.2 | Any | Any | |Super Shield | 7 | Agent | 1:12 | |Perfect Darkness | 5.3 | Any | Any | |Enemy Rockets | 6.1 | Any | Any | |Enemy Shields | 7 | Any | Any | * Weapons |Classic Sight | 1.1 | Any | Any | |Unlim Ammo Laptop | 5.2 |Perfect| 2:59 | |Hurricane Fists | 1.3 | Agent | 2:03 | GB enabled too |Unlimited Ammo | 6.1 |Special| 5:50 | |Unlim Ammo/no reload| 5.1 |Special| 2:59 | |X-Ray Scanner | 4.2 | Any | Any | |R-Tracker/Weapon | 9 | Any | Any | GB enabled too | Cache Location | |All Guns in Solo | 9 |Perfect| 4:07 | GB enabled too * Buddies Cheats |Velvet Dark | | Enabled at start of game |Pugilist | 1.2 |Special| 6:30 | |Hotshot | 4.1 |Special| 5:00 | |Hit and Run | 2 |Special| 2:30 | |Alien | 8 |Special| 5:17 | * Classic Weapons for Jo in Solo Okay, these are a bit different. Various weapons are enabled as you earn gold medals in the firing range. At this point, it is uncertain as to which or how many medals enable which weapons, but the weapons that can be enabled are the PP91, CC13, KLO1313, Kf7 Special, ZZT 9 mm, DMC, AR 53, and the RC-P45. =>Combat Simulator Extras: As you complete Combat Simulator challenges, special bonuses become available. Some of these can also be enabled by finding the weapons in the Solo missions. The order in which you complete the challenges doesn't matter. The number shown is the number of challenges you must complete to enable the extras. "Modes" are the preset games you can choose from, "Scenarios" are the different challenges you can play, and "Arenas" are the levels you can play in. | 1| Complex arena, Farsight | | 2| Hold the Briefcase mode/scenario, Shotgun | | 3| Pistol 1 Hit Kills mode, Warehouse arena, silenced Falcon| | 4| Capture the Case mode/scenario, Superdragon | | 5| Ravine arena, Laptop gun | | 6| Temple arena, Remote mines | | 7| Tranquilizer mode, Tranquilizer | | 8| Slow Motion mode, Falcon w/ scope | | 9| G5 Building arena, Reaper | |10| Cloaking device | |11| Temple Explosives mode, Grid arena, Devastator | |12| Felicity arena (the Goldeneye Facility), Proximity mines | |13| Slow Motion mode, Slayer | |14| Villa arena, Phoenix | |16| Sewers arena, Mauler | |17| Car Park arena, Callisto | |18| Base arena, Crossbow | |19| RC-P120 | |20| Fortress arena, DY357-LX | |21| N-Bomb | |22| Ruins arena, Laser | |23| X-Ray Scanner | =>Hidden Weapons: Most levels of the game have some special weapons hidden inside. When you find these weapons, they become enabled in the Combat Simulator. * 1.1 : The Laptop Gun can be found if the hacker opens a locked door near the elevators. Dual Falcons can be found if you shoot the helmet guard that is three floors down from the roof. * 1.2 : Double CMP150 is in the weapons cach near the lower maintenance bots; make it there without being spotted. Proximity Mines are in the radioactive isotope room. * 1.3 : DY357 Magnum - kill the first 5 guards without being spotted. For the Dragon and Grenades, make it to the elevator without being spotted, take the elevator up, kill the guard, and use the key card he drops to enter Cassandra's office. Blast open the right corner of the room to find the Dragon. * 2 : Devastator - destroy the crates on the helipad outside the villa. For double CMP150's, kill the first sniper in under 38 seconds. Also, on Perfect Agent mode, you can find a Sniper Rifle in the bathroom off the bedroom. * 3.1 : For the Bombspy, blow up the barrels to destroy the dumpster near the G5 building. The Double Falcon 2 with scope is inside the Pond Punk bar. * 3.2 : Nab a crossbow by disarming the cloaked guard in the first room. On Special or Perfect mode, you can get an N-Bomb if you blew up the fire escape in 3.1; just look near the upstairs exit. * 4.1 : Double MagSec 4 will be found if you kill the red guard near the comms rider. * 4.2 : Look in the secret room above the hangar for the Phoenix, and check out the explosive barrel in the crates to the right of the first hallway for a silenced Double Falcon 2. * 4.3 : Get Elvis to safety in 36 seconds or less for Remote Mines. The Double Falcon 2 with scope is behind the glass in the lab where you start. * 5.1 : Kill the NSA agent next to the elevator in the hangar to get the double DY357 Magnum. Proximity mines are on a snow covered ledge at the beginning of the level, just past the tunnel. * 5.2 : For the double Cyclone, punch the two secret service agents in the second room from the start. Use their key cards to open closets which contain Cyclones. * 5.3 : Visit Elvis's UFO for Proximity Mines. For Double DY357, disarm Trent when he runs past you after the rescue of the president. * 6.1 : For silenced double Falcon 2's, make sure the alarm doesn't sound, then kill the guard that is four doors away from the beginning. * 6.2 : Find Proximity Mines by killing the left guard past the tunnel after the large cavern near the entrance. * 7 : The Devastator can be found if you save an info center hostage. * 8 : Kill the Skedar in the center of the bridge for a double Mauler. * 9 : For a double Phoenix, destroy the two unmarked temple targets with the Devastator. The Phoenix will be on the ledge before the canyon. * 10 : Kill Cassandra's guards near the lab elevator for double CMP150's. * 11 : For Double DY357's, kill the guard in the left containment room. The Psychosis gun is on the lab table when you begin the level. =>Combat Rankings Info: As you play the multiplayer Combat Simulator, you accumulate invisible points that the computer uses to determine your Rank. There are 10 catagories used to determine rank, and each catagory has 10 milestones that you must pass. Thus, there are 100 different "milestones" that you must progress through to earn the rank of Perfect. For every 5 milestones you pass, regardless of which catagory the milestone comes from, you increase one level in rank. Thus, you could increase one level in rank by earning 84 Accuracy Medals (milestones 1-5 for Accuracy) OR by earning 24 accuracy medals (milestones 1-3) and 12 Headshot Medals (milestones 1 and 2). Once you pass a milestone you can never lose it, hence you can never go down in rank. Nice, eh? Here are the 10 Catagories with the breakdown of the number of medals/etc required to reach each of the 10 milestones for that catagory. Note that the Time catagory had to be listed outside of the table for space reasons. | Catagory | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 | |1 Accuracy Medals | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 84 |180 |300 |450 |630 |900 | |2 HeadShot Medals | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 84 |180 |300 |450 |630 |900 | |3 KillMaster Medals| 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 84 |180 |300 |450 |630 |900 | |4 Survivor Medals | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 84 |180 |300 |450 |630 |900 | |5 Games Won | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 84 |180 |300 |450 |630 |900 | |6 Kills | 120| 240| 480| 960|1680|3600|6000|9000|12600|18000| |7 Damage Dealt | .6 | 1.2| 2.4| 4.8| 8.4| 18 | 30 | 45 | 63 | 90 | |8 Distance | 60 | 120| 240| 480| 840|1800|3000|4500|6300 |9000 | |9 Ammo Used(1000's)| 3k | 6k | 12k| 24k| 42k| 90k|150k|225k|315k |450k | 10 Time 1) 2-4h 2) 4-8h 3) 8-16h 4)16h-1d 4h d=days h=hours 5) 1d 4h-2d 12h 6) 2d 12h-4d 4h 7) 4d 4h-6d 6h 8) 6d 6h-8d 18h 9) 8d 18h-12d 12h 10) 12d 12h and up PERSONAL ORGANIZER (gb) checked-no =>Glitch: Enter the calculator, and press 9 Divide, 9 Divide, repeatedly. Eventually the program will partially crash and spew random characters. =>Random Records: Enter the phone book, choose scan and pick a letter you have no entries for. The words "No Entry" should appear -- press U and odd bits of records will appear. PHALANX (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select/Extra Lives/Extra Credits and MORE: Highlight the System Config option on the select screen, hold [R] and press B. When the system config screen appears, press CNTRL II: [L]+[R] - a tone will sound and the special environment options will appear (5 ships, 9 credits). Now, hold CNTRL II: A+B+X+Y in that order - a tone will sound and a stage select option will appear. Finally, press CNTRL II: START+SELECT and when the tone sounds you can increase your ships to 30 and credits to 99, as well as beginning in any of the game's 8 missions. =>Hidden Level: In stage 2, you will see a small red rectangle on the top of the screen. Fly into it to warp to a hidden stage. PHANTOM FIGHTER (nes) checked-no * = heart ^ = diamond + = club # = spade |*VPD 9^N8 B?R^| Town 1 |Y^GH *1P+ J8RD| Town 4 |#*+V L8T? R9N^| Town 7 |J11N #R+Y B2XD| Town 2 |B74Q D71P R61^| Town 5 |*DHY YQ2H 83YD| Last Stage |76GD 3*9* M+V^| Town 3 |KQT+ G1HR 4*5^| Town 6 PHANTOM 2040 (snes) checked-no |JVH9TWGZTLDG| Chapter 2 |DVH1Y1G97LDF| Chapter 3 |BBJM51PB3KXF| Chapter 4 |GGB8LNDCG?FW| |8JBXQ6CHH2FW| |8J8DJ?1HN3YW| |KBGDY79KHYQQ| |KBGDY79QJYS8| |KBQDY917JYS8| |5NCZ?2B9FDD4| |5N1Z411P-7Y?| |5M1746FV23QT| |JGBH33PH8LXF| Chapter 5 |JBBH33PNHSWF| Chapter 6 |JDB195PS6SYF| Chapter 7 |8X8DJ?11J6DW| |8X?DJ?1JB2JT| |8X9WJ?1HH9JQ| |KCQDY1W3JYS7| |YCQDY1X3JYS7| |2CQDYHT4GZS7| |5M276VC7K54S| |5M29ZD2-RNW6| |5C29VJMRHWJK| PIECES (snes) checked-no =>Stealing Pieces: When playing against an opponent, hold B until the cursor flashes. Move the cursor to the piece you need on your opponent's field and press A to release it. PIKMIN (gc) checked-yes =>Fireworks: Press PAD: D to make Olimar lay down on the ground. The Pikmin will carry him back to an Onion, and the force field will try to pull Olimar inside. Olimar will bop his head on the Onion and fireworks will spark in the sky afterwards. =>Challenge Mode: After saving your game once, Challenge Mode will be available from the main menu. In Challenge Mode you try to amass as many Pikmin as you can in a single day. You can play in any area you've reached in the standard game. =>Pikmin Color Trick: Bringing a pellet back to an Onion of the same color will yield the greatest number of new Pikmin. If you bring a pellet to an Onion of a different color, you won't get as many Pikmin for it. PILOTWINGS (snes) checked-no |985206| area 2 |400718| area 5 |394391| area 3 |773224| area 6 |520771| area 4 |165411| area 7 |108048| helicopter |760357| area 8 |882943| 2cd helicopter mission =>Bonus Stages: In the Rocketbelt and Parachute levels, land on the moving platform to reach the Birdman and Penguin bonus stages, respectively. =>Birdman Around The World: If you manage to make it to the Birdman Bonus Flight from the Hang Glider, you can fly all around the world by quickly and repeatedly tapping the A button (or using a controller with Turbo.) =>Helicopter Mission: You must earn 300 points in lesson 4. =>Expert Trick: Enter the password |400718|, die in every stage, and on the Game Over screen press RESET. You will now enter an expert area. PILOTWINGS 64 (n64) checked-no =>Ice Cave: The Ice Cave can be found near the only series of waterfalls on the east shore of Everfrost Island. =>Warp Stars: Find them on the southeast coastline of Holiday Island, in a small cave at the base of the northern shore cliffs of Crescent Isle, at the end of the ice cave on Everfrost Island, and in Central Park of the NY of Little States Island. These stars will warp you directly to the Bird Man stage of the course. =>Express Warps: In Little America, go to New York's Central Park, where the warp star is busily whirling. Near it is a green office building with an open door; fly into the building and through it, and you will come out in San Francisco, where you can take the building back to New York. Or, find the open airplane hanger in Florida and fly straight inside, then turn and fly back out to find yourself in Seattle; you can return the Florida the way you came. =>Gas Station: There is a gas station on Little States island, on a road junction in the southeast between the space shuttle launching pad and the Mississippi River. Land in the parking lot between the building and the sign and either cross or touch the line in the center of the ground to refill your fuel tanks. =>Mount Wario?: In the Human Cannon Ball stages, when facing Mt. Rushmore, shoot your pilot into the face of Mario to change him into Wario, and visa versa. This also works in the Gyrocopter stages (shoot Wario) and the other stages. Try hitting the presidents to make them depressed. =>Cannonball Codes: These are the correct settings for perfect/near perfect scores in the Cannonball bonus games. |Rnd|Cannon|Vertical|Horizontal|Power||Rnd|Cannon|Vertical|Horizontal|Power| | 1 | 1 | 1-2 deg|W 50 deg N|100% || 2 | 3 | 29 deg |W 28 deg N|100% | | 1 | 2 | 12 deg |S 70 deg W|100% || 2 | 4 | 18 deg |E 49 deg S| 75% | | 1 | 3 | 18 deg |W 30 deg N|100% || 3 | 1 | 13 deg |E 23 deg S|100% | | 1 | 4 | 4 deg |S 87 deg W|100% || 3 | 2 | 7 deg |S 85 deg W| 25% | | 2 | 1 | 10 deg |S 65 deg W|100% || 3 | 3 | 52 deg |S 41 deg W|100% | | 2 | 2 | 5 deg |S 12 deg W|<50% || 3 | 4 | 45 deg |E 54 deg S|<100%| =>Easy 100: In Jumble Hopper, mission 3, jump between your starting building and the one in front of you. There will be a doorway in the front building; go through this into the Nintendo building to warp to the end of the level. =>Night Warp: In the first rocket belt level, find the closest fountain in the pond, and follow the river up to a cave. Fly into the cave and you will eventually find a metal grate. Approach the metal grate to be warp to a night version of the same level. Or, fly inside the cave on the higher class Gyrocopter to crash, but one yielding a night-time replay. =>Extreme Close-up: On any Rocket Belt game, especially on Holiday Island, begin the level and press cD several times until the camera view is not behind the character. Hold U and A or B until the camera starts to move around strangely, and you should get a close-up view of your character. PINK GOES TO HOLLYWOOD (snes) checked-no =>Debug Mode: Press CNTRL II: B and then... * Invincibility: Hold CNTRL II: [L] or Y to be invincible. * Slow Motion: Hold CNTRL II: [R] for super slow motion. * Level View: Hold CNTRL II: B and use CNTRL I to view/choose levels. =>Stage Skip: In any stage, press and hold START and press SELECT to skip to the next stage. PINOCCHIO (snes) checked-no =>50 Lives: On the main menu press B U B B [L] Y. =>Energy Refill: Pause and press R L Xx3 U D. =>Stage Select: On the main menu press [L] U X U [R] Y START. PIPE DREAM (nes) checked-no =>Frozen Flooze: At the beginning of a game, press and hold START to pause. While holding START, press A B B A. The flooze will NOT flow until the bar on the right side of the screen is gone. Or, after keying in that code, you can press B to stop the flooze from flowing.. press SELECT to let it flow. PIPE DREAM (gb) checked-no |HAHA| level 5 |REAP| level 13 level 21 |GROW| level 29 |YALI| |GRIN| level 9 |SEED| level 17 level 25 |TALL| PIRATES! (nes) checked-no =>Free Promotion: Hail all friendly ships and ask for news. Eventually, you will receive a Letter of Marque from that nation. Continue doing this to achieve higher and higher ranks. SUPER PITFALL (nes) checked-no =>Continue: When the game ends and the player select screen reappears, press Ax3 SELECTx2. The cursor will now be below the 2-Player Option. Press START. =>Continue 2: Once you've beaten the game and the screens reads "Congratulations", press SELECT Ax3 SELECT START to continue. =>Double Jump: Press A, then press A again while in the air. =>Extra Lives: For every 7 frogs you kill, you receive 1 or 5 lives. To get lots of lives, begin the game, go to the first waterfall to the right, kill the frog near the second long ladder. Nab the gun and keep going right; hop down through the hole in the floor, climb down the ladder, move left, kill the frog, go right, then back left and kill the frog that just reappeared. Keep killing this frog again and again for a lot of lives. You can also try to grab 40 shot gun before doing all this - that way you can earn even more lives. PITFALL: BEYOND THE JUNGLE (gbc) checked-no Caverns |FLTYWTRS| Volcano |GNGDWN| Prison |SLTHHRNG| Scourge |SWPNGBLW| PITFALL: THE MAYAN ADVENTURE (snes) checked-no =>The Original Pitfall: Yes, you can play the classic Atari 2600 Pitfall game. Simply look for one of those old, blocky, white scorpions, then enter the door behind it. Try this in Stage 4 - the Ruins. =>Original Pitfall Code: On the title screen, press SELECT Ax6 SELECT START to play the original Pitfall. =>Skip to Level 6: On the title screen, press A X A Y A X SELECTx2 START. You will begin on level 6 with all of your continues. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, wait until the boomerang begins to circle the word START, then press X SELECT A SELECT Y A X SELECT. The Stage names will appear under the title; use [R] and [L] to scroll through them and START to begin. =>Unlimited Continues: On the Continue screen, press START rapidly and repeatedly; the number of continues should become 9 and will cycle through the numbers. You can choose any number of continues this way. =>Game Restart Bug: In Run Away Mine Car, make your way to the end and ride along the bottom track, but then jump up into the door on the middle track. The game should restart. =>Flight: Enter the stage select code, choose a level, and in the level hold SELECT and use the PAD to scroll through the level and walk through walls. =>Full Ammo: Enter the stage select code and choose a level. When the level begins, hold A+B for a few moments and you will be given 99 of each weapon. PITFALL: THE MAYAN ADVENTURE (gba) checked-no =>Stage Select and More: On the title screen, press [L] SELECT A SELECT [R] A [L] SELECT. Now... * Stage Select: Hold SELECT and press [L] or [R] to cycle through the levels. When you find the one you want, press L to highlight Start and you can begin at that level. * All Items: During the game, hold SELECT and press B for 99 of each item. * Level Scroll: During the game, hold SELECT and press any direction on the PAD to move through the level quickly. =>Warp to Lakamul Rain Forest: On the title screen, press A [L] A [R] A [L] SELECTx2 START. =>9 Continues: On the title screen, rapidly and repeatedly tap START until the continue count rises to 9. PIT-FIGHTER (gb) checked-no =>Unlimited Continues: When Ultimate is saying "Still the best", hold D+A to get unlimited continues. =>Turbo Mode: Choose Ty, and when you reach a stage hold SELECT and tap A repeatedly. You should be kicking at about three times the speed you normally would be. PITMAN (gb) checked-no |50|C75X| |80|LGHQ| |100|RGIH| |Q16KXW| Stage Select/level 95 PLANET OF THE APES (gba) checked-no |CBCYPH| Last Level PLAY ACTION FOOTBALL (gb) checked-no |8HNHGFC98| Los Angeles |8BLK8MG87| San Francisco |FVCDVMJDC| Miami |DDNCFPJB9| Chicago |DHNRLG898| Denver |CKPBM6776| Washington |GBLK89F87| Houston |85FD34932| New York =>Tip: When running, press A repeatedly to speed up. PLOK (snes) checked-no =>Warp Zones: In Cotton Island 1, jump through the water to the left until you reach an island; shoot the fruit three times to enter a bonus level. Beat the level to warp to stage 5. * Play through stage five until you reach the next level; there, move down the hill, hop on the cradle, and wait until you land on another island. Shoot the fruit three times, enter the bonus level, and beat it to skip the Bobbins Bros. boss and reach Plok's house in Acrilic. POCAHONTAS (gb) checked-no |02|KPGXH4T8| | 06 |HFSBD2M6| |09|RWHJX9Z5| |13|QFCMX2B9| |03|CMQZB6R1| | 07 |QZJRL1W4| |10|MVNGB4C6| |14|VDHKS6L7| |04|JWDLF7K5| | 08 |BPXCV7Z3| |11|KCQTD3W1| |15|BNJHZ1R9| |05|TGNDX3V9| |Bonus|SDLFT8G2| |12|TBPRG5H8| POCKET BOMBERMAN (gbc) checked-no |5656| Start with All Power-Ups but wing, heart, armor |4622| Level 2: Ocean World w/ Power-Ups |9437| Boss Battle - all power ups but jacket, heart, and wings |1-1|7693| |2-1|2805| |3-1|0238| |4-1|9156| |5-1|3725| |1-2|3905| |2-2|9271| |3-2|5943| |4-2|2715| |5-2|0157| |1-3|2438| |2-3|1354| |3-3|6045| |4-3|4707| |5-3|5826| |1-4|8261| |2-4|4915| |3-4|2850| |4-4|7046| |5-4|9587| |1-B|1893| |2-B|8649| |3-B|8146| |4-B|0687| |5-B|3752| POCKET BOWLING (gbc) checked-no Round 2 |GKHI| Round 3 |AECJ| Round 4 |GKJG| POCKY & ROCKY (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the character selection screen, hold X+Y and press Ax4 Bx4 (A B)x4 START. =>Hidden People/Items: Shoot these items/people to reveal secrets. * Stage 1: After beating the boss, bomb his bouncing seed for a 1up. * Stage 1: Shoot the frog in the pond to find the genie. * Stage 2: Kill the bomb tossing goblin in the boat. * Stage 3: Blast behind a tombstone. * Stage 4: Shoot the eagle. * Stage 5: Shoot into the fireplace. POCKY & ROCKY 2 (snes) checked-no |V3BX| Stage 3 |S2YP| Stage 5 |TR5C| Stage 7 |5KOQ| Stage 9 |F87N| Stage 4 |6DZ4| Stage 6 |GZLR| Stage 8 POKEMON BLUE (gb) checked-part =>Mew: Mew can't be earned in the game. He can ONLY be put on the cartridge by Nintendo with a special machine. =>One Time Pokemon: Articuno, Mewtwo, Moltres and Zapdos can only be fought once. If you fail to beat and/or capture them, you won't get another chance. If you do fail, simply reload your saved game and try again. * Mewtwo: Once you beat the game, return to Cerulean City and head for the bridge to the north that held 5 trainers and was on the path to Bill's house. Go left to the water, then SURF into the cave. Mewtwo is inside. ->Pokemon Cloning: Do you want to give a Pokemon to a friend, yet keep an identical copy of that Pokemon for yourself? Follow these instructions. NOTE: Although I haven't had a problem with this code, some people have complained of their game being erased. If you follow the instructions as given, you should be safe... but I make no guarantees. A) refers to the person with the Pokemon to be cloned, B) refers to the person throwing away a useless Pokemon to receive a copy of the original. * A enters a Game Link center and wishes to clone Mew. * B enters a Game Link center and wishes to lose Pikachu and get Mew. * Begin trade. Player B receives Mew. * B's screen says "Waiting..." * As soon as B's "Waiting..." disappears, turn off A's Game Boy. * When B's screen says "Trade completed" turn off B's Game Boy. * Turn both Game Boys on. Both A and B will have Mew, but the Pikachu has vanished. ->Experience Sharing: Put a weak Pokemon in position one on your list; when you enter a battle, immediately switch to a strong Pokemon. All Pokemon used in the battle gain experience, even the one that did nothing. ->Evolution Tips: Use the Thunder Stone to evolve Pikachu and Eevee. Use the Fire Stone to evolve Vulpix, Growlithe, and Eevee. The Water Stone will work on Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Eevee. Try the Leaf Stone on Gloom, Weepinbell, and Exeggcute. Finally, the Moon Stone will evolve Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff. * Before, Machoke, Graveler, Haunter, and Kadabra will evolve only when they are traded via the Game Link cable. ->Rechallenge Elite Four: After you beat the game, the credits role and the game returns to the title screen. Continue your game and you can beat the Elite Four again for even more experience points. ->Statue Glitch: The statues inside the gyms can be used for fishing. Just stand next to a statue and use a rod. ->Koga's Gym Walls: The tiles on the floor of the gym that seem to be outlined with dashed lines represent invisible walls. ->Fight Land Pokemon in Water: First make your way to a location containing the Pokemon you want to battle (such as the Safari Zone; if you go to the Safari Zone, though, let your time run out), then FLY to the water around Cinnabar or Seafoam Island (the squares you are in should be half water and half land). Swim along the shore of the island and you will be attacked by the Pokemon that were at the last land area you visited. ->MissingNo.: Trade with anyone in the first room of the Pokemon Research Lab on Cinnabar Island. Exit the Lab, go east, then surf up and down the coast (you should be in blocks that are half water and half land) until you are attacked by a MissingNo. If you catch him, be aware that saving the game afterwards seems to cause many problems... it may even erase your game. ->Catch Pokemon at Level 100 and Higher: Please note that this only works on the Red version of the game. First, talk to the man near the northern edge of Viridian City and watch him catch a Weedle. FLY to Cinnabar Island, then surf along the shore. You will meet up with very high level Pokemon. Please note that if you catch these Pokemon and use them in battle, they will return to level 100 if they earn any experience points. However, they can be used without any problem in the two player battles. ->99 Items: Put the item you want 99 of into the sixth slot of your inventory and FLY to Viridian City. Speak to the man at the north edge of town, tell him you aren't in a hurry, and watch him catch a Weedle. FLY to Fuchshia City, walk south to the edge of the water, then SURF to Seafoam Island. Swim up and down the beach and you will eventually meet a glitch Pokemon named M. Kill him or run away, but don't catch him; after the battle, you will have 99 of the desired item. POKEMON RED (gb) checked-part Please see the entry for POKEMON BLUE POKEMON GOLD (gbc) checked-no =>Restart Game: On the title screen, press U+B+SELECT and you will be able to restart the game. This will erase your saved game, so don't do it. =>Speed Through Credits: After you view the credits for the first time, you can hold B to zoom through them every additional time you view them. =>Extra Trainer Battle: If you have the N64 Pokemon Stadium 2, use the Mystery Gift option in Pokemon Stadium 2 on your Pokemon Gold or Silver game via the Transfer Pak. Then, in Pokemon Gold/Silver, enter the Viridian City trainer house, walk downstairs and talk to the woman. You will be able to battle Carrie, a trainer from Pokemon Stadium 2. =>Reset Time: It is possible to reset the time on your cartridge. While you can talk to your mother at any time to change from standard to Daylight savings time, you can also change the time to any hour you want. On the title screen, press D+SELECT+B. You will be prompted for a password... To get the proper password, either get the Windows password calculator from my page or visit * http://www.bruisebrothers.f2s.com/pokemon/index.php3 POKEMON YELLOW VERSION: SPECIAL PIKACHU EDITION (gbc) checked-no =>Note: Most of the Pokemon tricks and glitches will NOT work in this version. However, Pokemon cloning will. All the tips from the Pokemon Red and Blue are still valid, as well. =>Mew: Mew can't be earned in the game. He can ONLY be put on the cartridge by Nintendo with a special machine. ->Pokemon Cloning: Do you want to give a Pokemon to a friend, yet keep an identical copy of that Pokemon for yourself? Follow these instructions. NOTE: Although I haven't had a problem with this code, some people have complained of their game being erased. If you follow the instructions as given, you should be safe... but I make no guarantees. A) refers to the person with the Pokemon to be cloned, B) refers to the person throwing away a useless Pokemon to receive a copy of the original. * A enters a Game Link center and wishes to clone Mew. * B enters a Game Link center and wishes to lose Pikachu and get Mew. * Begin trade. Player B receives Mew. * B's screen says "Waiting..." * As soon as B's "Waiting..." disappears, turn off A's Game Boy. * When B's screen says "Trade completed" turn off B's Game Boy. * Turn both Game Boys on. Both A and B will have Mew, but the Pikachu has vanished. =>Floating Pikachu: Make your way to Fushia City with Pikachu following. Find the ridge next to the center and hop off of it, but don't move afterwards so that Pikachu doesn't follow you. Wait until Pikachu begins walking in place, and then walk away... with Pikachu floating through the air. =>Surfing Pikachu Minigame: See the Pokemon Stadium entry for information on how to teach Pikachu SURF. When you have a Pikachu with the SURF ability, visit the hut on the northern beach area of Route 19. =>Cheap Potion: In Celadon City, go to the top floor of the Poke Mart and use A to buy Lemonade from the machines. It restores 80 HP and costs $350. =>Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle: To get Bulbasaur, make you way to Bill's House. Enter the house that was broken into, defeat the Team Rocket member, return DIG to the owner, and you will get Bulbasaur. * Charmander: In Cerulean City, beat the five trainers on the bridge and cross it. Find the guy with the Charmander and talk to him. If you're a good trainer, and Pikachu is currently happy, you will get Charmander. * Squirtle: Beat Lt. Surge and talk to Officer Jenny in the center of town. She will give you Squirtle. =>Raichu: Pikachu will refuse to evolve via the Thunderstone. If you want to evolve him, you'll have to trade him via Game Link cable to a copy of Pokemon Red or Blue, then evolve him in that game. However, when you return him to Pokemon Yellow, he won't follow you around on the screen anymore. POKEMON PINBALL (gbc) checked-part =>Erase Saved Data: Hold U+R+START+SELECT when turning on the system and a screen will appear that allows you to erased the saved data. =>Animated Pokedex: In the Pokedex, select a basic, unevolved Pokemon and press START to see it move. This merely shows the animation that the Pokemon does when it is on the table, waiting to be caught. ->Stats: In the Pokedex, press SELECT for info on the number of Pokemon you have seen and caught. ->10 Million Points: Light all the lights on the top half of the board until your Pokeball reaches Masterball level. Afterwards, every time you light up all the lights you get 10 million points. ->Double Cave Prize: When you get the cave bonus, light up the letters C A V E again instead of entering the cave. When you enter the cave now, you will receive the prize, doubled. ->Bonus Stages: Capture three Pokemon in the same location without continuing or moving to a new location and you will receive a warp to a bonus stage. There are two normal bonus stages per table. * Mew/Mewtwo: Play both bonus stages on a table, and the third bonus stage will be Mewtwo's. Once you've played the Mewtwo stage three times, search Indigo Plateau for Mew. If you find him, it takes more than 50 attacks to nab him. ->Extra Balls: Light up C A V E for a cave bonus. Every 20th time the letters are lit up, you will receive an extra ball. ->Evolution Bonus: Enter the evolution mode, chose a Pokemon with a star next to it, proceed through evolution and earn 10 million. POKEMON PUZZLE CHALLENGE (gbc) checked-yes =>Erase Saved Data: From the main menu, select Records and then select Other. Choose Erase Data to delete all the saved records from the game. If you only want to erase data for one mode or area of the game, press SELECT on the matching Records page. =>Extra Options: On the Options screen, hold SELECT and press A. Additional game options and a sound/music test will be added to the Options settings menu. =>Super Hard Mode: When selecting the game difficulty, highlight Hard, hold SELECT and press A to make Super Hard mode appear. POKEMON PUZZLE LEAGUE (n64) checked-part =>Erase All Saved Data: On the Puzzle Village menu screen, hold Z and press cU cD cL cR A B A B and choose YES when the game asks if you want to delete the data. ->Enable All Trainers: To enable any of the trainers, go to the Two Player Stadium and on the trainer select screen hold CNTRL I & II: [L]+[R]+Z. This will not enable Mewtwo, however. ->Special Puzzles: Once you solve all the normal puzzles at Puzzle University, you will view the credits and be rewarded with 130 Special Puzzles. ->Very Hard Mode: To enable the Very Hard mode without reaching it normally, hold Z and press [L] [L] B A on the stage select screen. ->Mewtwo Mode: To play as Mewtwo, go to the two player trainer select screen, hold CNTRL I: Z and press B U [L] B A START A U [R]. You will now enter a two player battle, with player one as Ash and player two as Mewtwo. Both will use Pikachu. ->Cheat Mode: On the title screen, hold Z and press A B [R] A A B [R] A. A tone will sound. Start the game and you will find that all the difficulty settings in One Player stadium are open and that all puzzles are available. Reenter the code to return the game to normal. ->Glitched Graphics: Go to the Pokemon Center and view the profiles. Use [R] to go to the end of the profiles and reach Mewtwo's profile. Even if his profile is not yet visible, keep pressing [R] until you reach the end of the trainer profiles. Hold Z and press A B [R]. Return to the title screen and wait until the trainer profiles appear in the demo. You will notice that the pictures of the trainers will be switched with parts of the title screen. The graphical glitching grows worse as more profiles appear. ->Frozen Game: After a two player game, wait on the victory screen. If you leave the system alone long enough, it will freeze. POKEMON SILVER (gbc) Please see the entry for POKEMON GOLD POKEMON SNAP (n64) checked-no =>Switches: In the river stage, when you see the switch, toss a Pester Ball at the bump above the wall switch. * Valley: Toss Pester Balls at the Squirtles at the start of the level to make them leave the river. Later, you will see the Squirtles again; toss Pester Balls to make them run up the hill, and the Mankey will drop near the switch. Pester Ball the Mankey to make him hit the switch. * Cave: When you exit the cave, you will see three Magnimites. An Electron will be on your right. Toss Pester Balls or apples at him. =>Extra Rainbow Cloud Stage: To reach stage 7, you need to have taken photos of the special Pokemon formations in all the prior levels. * 1 - The Kingler rocks on the left, after the surfing Pikachu. * 2 - The Pinsir shadow, on the right after the second Electabuzz and after you free Zapdos. * 3 - The Koffing cloud, on the left at the beginning of the level. Toss Pester Balls in the volcano to make it appear. * 4 - The Cubone rocks above the Vileplume. * 5 - Mewtwo's energy shape, on the left after you see Weepinbell. * 6 - The Dugtrio rocks on the right as you begin the level. =>Singing Jigglypuffs: In stage 5, you will see a Koffing chasing Jigglypuff three different times. Stop the Koffing with Pester Balls. If you do so for all three Jigglypuffs, they will sing for you at the end of the stage. POKEMON STADIUM (n64) checked-no =>Extra Colors: The name you give your Pokemon on the Game Boy game will effect their color in Pokemon Stadium. Try giving your Pokemon shortened names (Pika), reversed syllable names (Broslow), names missing syllables (Dragnite), names with hyphens, or names consisting only of lower case letters. Your trainer ID number also has an effect on Pokemon colors. Interesting, eh? =>Mewtwo Battle: Complete Gym Leader Castle and earn trophies in all 10 tournaments and you will be able to play in a special bonus tournament against Mewtwo. Beat Mewtwo to enable R2 mode... =>R2 Mode: Beat Mewtwo. After the credits roll, the title screen image changes and you have access to special R2 Mode battles. To switch between normal and R2 mode, press cR on the starting screen. The map screen changes too. =>Renting Mew: Once you enable R2 mode, you can rent Mew in the R2 Prime Cup. =>High Speed Game Boy Tower: Want to play your Game Boy Pokemon game at high speed? Beat all four divisions of the Poke Cup and Game Boy Tower becomes Doduo Game Boy Tower. The Game Boy image now has a Doduo picture on it, and you can double the speed of the Game Boy game. * Dodrio Game Boy Mode: Complete the Prime Cup with all four trophies, and Doduo Game Boy Tower becomes Dodrio Tower. You can increase the speed of the Game Boy game even more. However, if you didn't beat the Poke Cup yet, you simply get the Doduo Tower -- just beat the Poke Cup to enable Dodrio mode. =>Surfing Pikachu: Once you open up R2 (Round 2) mode, enter the R2 Prime Cup Master Ball division. Make sure your team of Pokemon includes a Pikachu, who MUST be chosen from your Game Boy game via the Transfer Pak (that is, you can't use a registered or a rental Pikachu, you must choose the Pikachu in your Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow's active party). Don't register your team, but enter it directly from the Game Boy game using the Transfer Pak. Beat the Master Ball division without using a continue, making sure that Pikachu is in every one of the eight battles. When you beat the Prime Cup Master Ball division, you will get an award screen that shows Pikachu riding a surfboard. Pikachu now has the SURF technique! Use it in battles in both the Game Boy games and Pokemon Stadium. See the Pokemon Yellow code entry for another trick. =>Talking Pikachu: If you use a Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow, as opposed to a rental Pikachu or one from Pokemon Red or Blue, it will squeak "Pikachu" during Pokemon Stadium battles. Rental Pikachus and ones from P Red or Blue won't. =>Amnesia Psyduck: Register all 151 Pokemon in the Hall of Fame and you will receive a Psyduck with AMNESIA. Whenever you beat a tournament or the final five trainers in Gym Leader Castle, your team of 6 Pokemon are entered into the hall of fame. You can use either rental or normal Pokemon. =>Extra Stickers: Beat the normal mode and R2 mode (including Mewtwo) and you will have a new set of stickers in the Gallery. On the main Gallery screen, hold [L]+[R] and highlight PRINT. PRINT will change to BONUS, and you can now choose from sixteen additional backgrounds for your photographs. =>Win Rare Pokemon: Every time you defeat the Elite Four and your rival, you are randomly given one of eight hard to collect Pokemon. Wait for the credits to end, then go to Prof. Oak's Lab and transfer the Pokemon to your cartridge or a box. Make sure you move the Pokemon before you try to earn another one, as only one bonus Pokemon can be held in the lab at a time; if you don't move it into a N64/GB Box or to the Game Boy cart, you will lose it when you get another. The Pokemon you can win are #1 Bulbasaur, #4 Charmander, #7 Squirtle, #106 Hitmonlee, #107 Hitmonchan, #133 Eevee (so you can evolve it into Jolteon, Vaporeon, or Flareon), #138 Omanyte, #140 Kabuto. =>Hyper Mode Kids' Club: In the Kids Club, simply win five HARD Who's The Best challenges in a row, playing against three computer players. Once you do so, the Hyper difficulty mode appears. POKEMON TRADING CARD GAME (gbc) checked-part =>Restock Energy Cards: If you need more energy cards, return to Dr. Mason's lab and fight Sam, the man you fought at the start of the game, again. If you win, you get two booster packs of energy cards. ->Promo Slowpoke Card: Create a deck with 59 energy cards and 1 standard Pokemon card, set that deck as your dueling deck, then go to the Fire club and talk to the kid standing next to the bookcase. He will offer to give you a secret for all your energy cards. Say YES and he'll give you the promo Slowpoke card! If you say NO, he'll leave and you won't get another chance. ->Card Pop for Promos: There are two promo cards that can only be attained by using the Card Pop option with another Game Boy Color via the infrared port. You can Card Pop only once per player you meet, and you may receive the special Mew or Venusaur promo cards. However, it IS possible to Card Pop with the same player twice if you Pop with LOTS of other players. If you Card Pop with enough players, the game will lose track of some of the older gamers you Popped with, thus allowing you to Pop again. POP'N TWINBEE (snes) checked-no =>Invincibility: Pause and press A Y A Y [L] [R] [L] [R] X B B and unpause. POPULOUS (snes) checked-part =>Stage Select: During a game in conquest mode, press START to pause the game (the ZZZ icon lights up). While the cursor is on the map screen, hold [L] and press A. Now, hold [R] and press Y B X A SELECT. Highlight the Armageddon (skull & crossbones) icon and press A. The icon should remain grey. Click on the World icon to enter Game Set Up, move to Conquest and press A. Now, use X and B to choose your world. ->Full Power (may not work): At any time, press A then B, hold L and press [R] A B X SELECT. Move to the SWAMP icon. If it hasn't turned red, you now have now have full power. ->Passwords: LOTS of passwords 00 GENESIS 68 H5B5XD5R 365 L1PK5PM1R 663 SC553TL2N 01 T2M1SH5L4 72 B2NP4LD 370 C1LD2P4RT 670 SH25ZL2N 02 SH1DG453T 73 M2NTH5L4 375 SC51SM4T 675 H3RTD45RD 03 H3RTYD5R 79 R2NGH2PT 376 SW1C4M4 677 S1D53T5LD 04 H5BS5DP1L 83 M2M5G52CK 381 D5345ND 680 B2NC4L3G 05 S1DW2L4R 86 E51P4T 387 H3RT5G5P1L 686 B1D34ND 06 L5W5ZM4T 91 B3RM4J5B 393 M2NK5PL5W 693 K2LL1SM4T 07 C5R4LD 95 F3T412LL 397 L1PH2PT 699 B3R45ND 08 B2N3H5L4 99 H3RT2N5LD 401 B3G5G52CK 706 SH1D2K44R 09 M2NQ34L1S 103 C5RD24H2LL 405 K2LLTB1R 711 C5RK5PL5W 10 B2LD2L5W 109 L1P5ZL3G 407 SC5K5PT5RY 712 B2NGBP1L 11 Q1ZD4P1L 115 M2MT4ND 414 SH25XT5RY 725 K2LLK5PT5RY 12 M5R14R 118 E513SD5N 422 L5WGB5RD 733 D535G55RD 13 L1P5G52NG 120 SW15H1M 427 Q1Z41L3G 736 S3ZC43L 14 B1D2K4T 121 N2MH2P5ND 432 W41VP4B5Y 740 H5BGB5RD 15 R2NG1SB1R 123 B3R5ZM4 437 K2LLM4M1R 746 B2L5XH2LL 16 W41VC4L1S 125 D532NG53T 441 N2M41M4 758 E51MPM4T 17 B3GVL5N 130 SH1D53TLD 447 F3TTM4T 763 B3R2NP1L 18 C1LS5D2CK 134 L5W5P1L 454 L5WMP2NG 771 H3RTH2P4R 19 M2MW2LJ5B 142 B1DD44R 462 B1D53TT 774 L5W5XH5L4 20 J5SGB2NG 146 C1L3SL1S 465 B3GM4L5W 777 M2N2N2CK 21 K2LL4T 152 SW12B1R 471 SC52NG2LL 783 R2NGM4L5W 22 E513B1R 159 F3TD24P2L 479 F3TM4T5RY 789 K2LL2NG2LL 23 SC5Q342LL 163 H3RTS5DC5N 482 SH1DW2L5LD 796 V4RY3S2LL 24 SW1D2T5RY 168 B2NQ34H2LL 484 H5B2P2L 803 H3RT2NGL3G 25 N2MD42CK 173 L1P2K44ND 491 Q1ZD244ND 810 B2L3SL3G 26 H1M5XJ5B 178 C1LW2LH1M 498 C1L24ND 815 R2NG5ZB5Y 27 B3R5G5L2N 181 K2LL3M4 501 K2LLD253T 821 K2LL1H1M 28 V4RY2K43L 182 E51Q34P4RT 507 B3RC4P4RT 826 H1MY53T 29 D531SP2L 187 B3R2K4M4T 513 T2M3LD 834 SH1DD4D5R 30 SH2C42LL 193 T2MGB5ND 518 L5W53T4R 841 M2NS5DL5W 31 F3TYT5RY 197 S1DD2L1S 522 B2LYL1S 842 B2LW2L2CK 32 S3ZS5D5RD 201 M2N2K42NG 528 W41VQ34B1R 848 W41VD4L5W 33 T2MK5PC5N 207 R2NGGB4R 535 SC5C4B1R 854 E51Y2LL 34 SH1DGBL2N 220 V4RYK5P5RD 541 D5333L 859 B3R33L 35 H3RT43L 224 S3ZQ34P2L 549 S1DC4P2L 866 SH1D1SB5Y 36 H5B3P2L 228 H5B5G5C5N 552 B2NK5PD5N 872 B2N45LD 37 S1DQ34L36 233 M2NQ1ZH2LL 555 Q1Z3B5Y 877 L1P5XD5N 38 L5WD2H2LL 239 R2NGMPM4 557 L1PMPM4 882 C1LYM4 39 C5R415RD 243 M2M2K4H1M 562 C1L1S5ND 887 SC535ND 40 B2N5XC5N 244 J5S2N5ND 569 N2M35ND 890 E51L5PT5RY 41 Q1Z1S4ND 248 SW1K5P53T 573 D535X53T 893 D532K4P1L 42 B2L2K4B5Y 254 SH241P4RT 579 H3RTQ1ZH5L4 899 H3RTGBD5R 43 Q1Z1S4ND 262 L5WK5PL1S 583 C5R54R 900 H5B4P1L 44 M5RC4L3G 266 B2LH2P2NG 586 B2L41H5L4 904 B2N41H5L4 45 L1PTH2LL 272 W41V2NJ5B 587 Q1Z5XL1S 909 L1PP42NG 46 B1DQ1ZD5N 279 SC55J5B 592 W41VTT 915 M2M3J5B 47 R2NGK5PM1R 284 V4RY2NGT5RY 598 E51H2PL2N 919 SC55X2LL 48 W41VGB5LD 291 H3RT3ST5RY 603 B3RL5P5RD 921 N2M2K45RD 49 B3G4B5Y 298 B2L2NGH2LL 609 T2M3ST5RY 925 D53Q1ZP2L 50 C1L34ND 304 W41VD24M4 613 S1DMPB5Y 931 H3RTMPB5Y 51 M2MQ34M4 307 M2M5M1R 619 Q1ZP45LD 937 M2NP45LD 52 J5SMPP4RT 310 E515Z4ND 625 B3G5M1R 942 B1DM4D5N 53 K2LL41D5N 320 S3ZM453T 629 K2LL2M4 949 K2LLL5P53T 55 SC55G5H1M 325 S1D2LD 632 SW12ND5R 956 V4RYM453T 56 SW12K45ND 327 C5RQ34L1S 634 H1M15ND 962 SH1D2NGH5L4 57 N2M1SM4T 336 W41VS5D2CK 639 F3T5D5R 968 B2ND24T 58 H1MP4M4 341 K2LLQ342LL 645 S1DL5PL1S 975 R2NG2T 61 D53K5PD5R 347 B3R1SP2L 650 B2LD24T 979 M2MP42CK 62 SH2GBH1M 352 S3Z5ZL2N 653 L1PYL5W 988 V4RY5ZL2N 66 SH1DMPH5L4 359 C5R5G55LD 658 C1L2NGB1R PORTAL RUNNER (gbc) checked-no |02|NBNT| |10|NVJC| |18|TCVJ| |26|PDGK| | 34|VJRJ| |03|FDRD| |11|TJDH| |19|VJDG| |27|PBGR| | 35|TGKB| |04|NVJV| |12|VLGL| |20|TGCF| |28|TGKR| | 36|NTRJ| |05|NBRD| |13|TJGL| |21|NVLC| |29|VJNV| |END|PDND| |06|PDTG| |14|VLJP| |22|TGCG| |30|TCMT| |07|NTGT| |15|NTJV| |23|VJGL| |31|VJRF| |08|NBGL| |16|NTTG| |24|PBDP| |32|PCHS| |09|PDJP| |17|PBRD| |25|NBDG| |33|TGMC| P.O.W. (nes) checked-yes =>20 Men: On the title screen, press A B B U U D L START. POWER BLADE (nes) checked-no |B2712209| sector 2 |96B3D125| sector 4 |5J529F00| sector 6 |D2BB3940| sector 3 |B4DF572D| sector 5 |77KD10GJ| sector 7 =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold CNTRL I: U+R and CNTRL II: A+B+D+L. While holding all of these, press CNTRL I: START. =>Boss Trick: When you enter the boss rooms in levels 1 and 3, immediately set off a super bomb and pause the game. When you unpause the game, the bomb will kill the boss. POWER BLADE 2 (nes) checked-no |BVH*| The code for "Stage 6 fight" |LVSW| V= Curvy v shape *=star W=curvy v above another curvy v |BHWL| L= L on yellow circle H= Hamburger? B=Green Bottle? POWER INSTINCT (snes) checked-no |QT:+XT0MQ7| Full Stats, at final boss =>Boss Code: Choose the Vs. Mode, then hold CNTRL I: A+B+Y and press START. On the character select screen, player 1 should place the cursor on the Otane picture, and then hold [L]+[R] and press A+B then X. POWER MISSION (gb) checked-no |LRDMR1| level 11 =>Strong Fleet: Choose your fleet information, then immediately end your turn. When the enemy is making its move, hold L+SELECT+B. This gives all of your fleet 99 damage points. Do this as often as you like. =>Super Torpedo: Line up your subs and you will be able to shoot through islands into the ships on the other side. POWER MOVES (snes) checked-no |QT: +XTO MQ7| Vs Rankor |CC5 P92G $K$| Bonus 1 |K:6 HJ&H F17| Bonus 2 POWER PUNCH 2 (nes) checked-no |HDKFGTFLGFTKCD| final fight =>Fight Skip: When you see the picture of the next fighter, hold A+B+SELECT and press START. POWER QUEST (gbc) checked-no |1R75 FLVD FKVC| $999,990 |1SZK DRT2 QFY5| National Tournament with all level 2 equipment |32RY DVNS D2SP| Nat. Tourn w/ level 2 equip and the head & power packs |PV9S 040G 0140| All level 3 attacks, Super Part, Power Pack, Healing Pack & $21890 |9996 G889 899S| Level 4 parts & all items =>Cash Prizes: If you win a fight in the park, you earn $20. School fights yield $50, Kung Fu Tower gives $100, and the factory earns $200. =>Extra Cash: After you beat Ann in the Spring Tournament, search the alley near the stadium for $5,000. Once Louis departs and you earn the Super Part, search the alley near the school for $5,000. =>Free Part: Start the game and don't enter the shop until you reach the General. At that point, enter the shop one time and buy a level 1 part, then beat the General and continue the game, but do not reenter the shop. Once you are asked to head to the Japanese Mansion, let yourself lose once, then return to the shop to be the 10 millionth customer and get a free part... which might be the power pack. =>Level 4 Parts: After beating the Hyena Gang, fight the Mad Scientist in his lab. Keep winning to earn all the level four parts. POWER RANGERS: TIME FORCE (gba) checked-no |8QSD| Final Boss POWERDRIVE (snes) checked-no |4W5PPC49KQ26CQ2F| Round 6 with Cosworth or Celicia |L80V-P-04JX-JNK| Australia with Cosworth |LM0KJQQ2HSDBWDTY| Great Britain with Cosworth |KSTHXNMZ3HLYVROY| Round 9 with Celicia & $100,000 POWERPUFF GIRLS: BAD MOJO DOJO (gbc) checked-no |IGOTWINGS| Unlim. Flight |BOOGIEMAN| Play as Bubbles |CHERRY| Invincibility |GIRLPOWER| Unlim. Super Attack |BROCCOLOID| Play as Mayor |BESNAILS| Play as Rowdyruff Boy Butch |EBWORLD| Unlock Rowdyruff Boys card |SEDUSA| Unlock Sedusa card |ROACHCOACH| Unlock Roach Coach card |TOWNSVILLE| Unlock Utonium Chateau card |CHEMICALX| Buttercup Graphics & Super Attack POWERPUFF GIRLS: CHEMICAL X-TRACTION (n64) checked-no |Bubbles Fuzzy Princess Princess Buttercup| Game 100% Complete PREDATOR (nes) checked-no =>Self-Destruct: Pause the game and press B. PREHISTORIK MAN (snes) checked-no =>Stage Skip & Select: Enter the options screen and highlight EXIT. Hold [L] and press START. Highlight GAME START, hold [R] and press START. Play the game, and you can now press SELECT to skip to the next stage, or pause the game and then press SELECT to access the Stage Select screen. PREHISTORIK MAN (gb) checked-no =>Cheat Mode: During the intro, press D A U B L R (B A)x3 U D. You are now invincible and can skip to the next stage by pressing SELECT. PRIMAL RAGE (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Menu: At the Main Menu with the Start, Options, and Credits options, press Lx3 R R L L Rx3 L R and a Cheat option will appear. =>Color Change: To change the color of your fighter, choose it by pressing Y+X+B+A on the Character Selection screen. =>Ending: Make sure to have the Difficulty set at 10 and Gore set at Y if you wish to see the Ending after beating the game in the 1-player mode. PRINCE OF PERSIA (nes) checked-no |02|73232535| |06|18736748| |10|53246739| | 14|75423134| |03|96479232| |07|42085223| |11|32015527| |End|89012414| |04|53049212| |08|98564243| |12|44153123| |05|51144526| |09|51139315| |13|96635134| PRINCE OF PERSIA (gb) checked-no |02|06769075| |06|46308135| |10|01414654| |12|56135664| |03|28611065| |07|65903195| |11|32710744| |Jaffar|98119464| |04|92117015| |08|70914195| |11|80637674| |Jaffar|71196464| |05|87019105| |09|68813685| |12|26614774| |End |89012414| =>Password Creation: A password is an 8-digit number ABCDEFGH. ABC are check digits, D is the number of lives, EF are the minutes remaining, and GH are the level. To create your own custom password, 1) Choose your level, write it as two digits and reverse. Stage 6 becomes 06 2) Choose your minutes remaining, reverse, and place before the total. 5 minutes becomes 05, giving a code so far of 0506 3) Choose one digit for your lives and place it before the current code. 9 lives are added to give a code of 90506 4) Call this code DEFGH and create ABC by the following method C = G + H, B = E + F, A = C + D (if necessary, subtract 10 from A B or C so as to have only one digit in the result). 90506 C=G+H=0+6=6 B=E+F=0+5=5 A=C+D=6+9=15=5 55690506 DEFGH C=6 B=5 A=5 ABCDEFGH 5) Finally, create the password by exchanging each number in ABCDEFGH with the appropriate number according to this chart: Old Number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 New Number: 5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2 9 8 Thus, 55690506 becomes the code |00385053|, which starts one on stage 6 with 9 lives and 5 minutes remaining. PRINCE OF PERSIA (snes) checked-no |01|BRNGBB9| |05|LQHWTVR| |09|QLL!WHR| |13|7TXF+9V| |17|QQNL2PV| |02|MRG5L2X| |06|CGKDBZ2| |10|HWB93WX| |14|H+KX3L7| |18|4Q7TMHJ| |03|B6+TWNN| |07|TH4Q++B| |11|7F39R1B| |15|GZ9MRZJ| |19|QHJG!Q7| |04|9Z3NRDX| |08|VXPNBY2| |12|H9TZD8N| |16|84CPBC6| |20|H8J12+Y| =>Maximum Bottles Early: In stage 3, there are 2 sections and 2 bottles. Grab the bottles, save your game, reenter the password, and you will begin at the beginning of this stage and will be able to grab the bottles again. Repeat until you have the maximum of 15 bottles... of course, you COULD be wasting your valuable time by doing this; after all, you only have 2 hours and stages 4 through 20 left to go. =>Princess Picture: In level 20, move right to the window. Stand there for about six seconds and a picture of the Princess will appear in the sky. =>Stage Jump: Start a new game and immediately be defeated by dropping down 2 screens and running right until you bump into the guard. When the message "Press button to continue" appears, hit SELECT and get your password. Reset the game, choose Continue, enter the password. You will be on level 20 with all the time you had, BUT with only the same number of bottles. =>Sound Test: Start a new game, and while you are playing, hold START and press SELECT. U and D allow you to choose a sound, and A plays it. PRINCE OF PERSIA 2 (snes) checked-no |CFGKLK| Stage 2 |GGMJCK| Stage 5 |KHHGCH| Stage 8 |NFGLCM| Stage 11 |DFFKLK| Stage 3 |HGFHRH| Stage 6 |LHHGDH| Stage 9 |PFDLBM| Stage 12 |FGCKLK| Stage 4 |JGBHNH| Stage 7 |MHLDFJ| Stage 10 |RFDLCM| Stage 13 =>Stage Skip: On the options menu, hold D A X [L]. The clouds will speed up. Begin a game and you can use SELECT to skip to the next level. PRINCESS TOMATO IN THE SALAD KINGDOM (nes) checked-part 1. Entering Saladoria |SQM23TZ | 2. Captured By Farmies |1YVYX34MX36V | 3. Escaped Police |VTKTSYZ1272T | 4. Resistance Base |GBGGLJHHKQK6FVM | 5. Village |VXQM211345MYB792 | 6. Disguised as Farmies|G%BDZFGJJKL5DPN9JY | 7. Pumpkin's Castle |VXWRZ11345NY87S38 | 8. Final Battle |Q%CXFFGJJKLMDPN9SYS| -> 9. Y85R-B%CFGHJTLKGPLB PRO SPORTS HOCKEY (nes) checked-no New York Rangers in Super Cup Tournament |C80R6X VRDZ96 8JW8D1 L8NRG5| Game 2, Quebec |C4056X VMDZ93 8JWCX1 J9JXHB| Game 3, Boston |CD051Z BMDZ93 9STCX1 K9858W| Game 4, Washington |WCFGPB 5JD16K 6LS!FN B664NJ| Game 5, Buffalo |W7FGPB 5JB16N LJ25DT 76JL58| Game 6, Pittsburgh |WHFGPB 5JB16X GM?CF7 06HKPZ| Super Cup versus Boston PROBOTECTOR (gb) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen press U U D D L R L R B A B A START. =>Extra Lives: On the title screen, press Ux4 Dx4 Lx4 Rx4 START. PUGSLEY'S SCAVENGER HUNT (nes) checked-no |C82C2| Fester Rescued, 2 hearts |262M?| Gomez Rescued, 4 hearts |982F2| Fester Rescued, 3 hearts |262M?| Gomez Rescued, 5 hearts |182M-| Fester Rescued, 4 hearts |6R2KK| Granny Rescued, 5 hearts |282M1| Wednesday Rescued, 4 hearts =>After saving Granny, you can enter the middle door on the mansion's first floor and enter the final level of the game. =>Extra Lives: 50,000 points yield an extra life. In the bathroom, find a cat that spits fish bones and stomp the bones. Keep stomping and bouncing until you start earning 1600 per bone, and keep bouncing to slowly earn extra lives. =>Bug: In some levels (such as the bathroom and lab), pressing SELECT sometimes causes the game to reset. PUNCH-OUT!! (nes) checked-no old title MIKE TYSON'S PUNCH-OUT!! |005 737 5423| Major Circuit |800 422 2602| Nintendo's old Customer |777 807 3454| World Circuit Service # - gives you a busy signal |940 861 8538| Super Macho Man |267 913 7638| Super Macho man, 23 victories |032 730 8442| Piston Honda 2 |005 373 5423| Don Flamenco 2 |007 373 5963| Mr. Dream/Mike Tyson =>For the next 2 codes, enter the numbers but do not press START. |135 792 4680| Enter and press A+B+SELECT for Another World Circuit. |106 113 0120| Enter and press A+B+SELECT for the credits. =>Recharge: This may be done once in every bout. Between rounds, while your stat screen is showing, hold down SELECT. Continue holding this down as you begin the next round, and your energy meter should partially refill. * Doing this during some of the later fights will actually make your life meter decrease by one half. =>Glitch?: During the beginning of Mr. Sandman's first round, dodge his twirling punches. When he starts the crossover punches, dodge the first punch and then throw two left uppercuts. Now, keep doing left body punches until you get knocked down on the mat. What should have happened during this time is that Mr. Sandman will have blocked your second uppercut, then counterpunch you as you body punch him - you both get hurt. As long as you body punch, this happens. When you get knocked out, your body punch still connects, and an odd graphical switch occurs to Mr. Sandman - if you don't get up, it is even stranger. SUPER PUNCH-OUT!! (snes) checked-no =>Special Circuit: To enter the Special Circuit, you must finish the Major, Minor, and World circuits without losing a single bout. =>Sound Test: Turn on the SNES, wait for the Nintendo logo to appear, then hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] before the logo fades. =>Japanese Characters: With an empty file on the cartridge, highlight the New Game option on the Menu select screen and press A+X. The English alphabet will be replaced by Japanese characters. THE PUNISHER (nes) checked-no =>25 Bazooka Rounds: When the wanted posters appear at the beginning, press CNTRL II: A B B, CNTRL I: U U L D, CNTRL II: A, and a tone will sound. If not, try again. PUZZLE MASTER (gbc) checked-no |1|KING| |2|FAIRY| |3|WIZARD| |4|MOUSE| |4|CHAMPION| |CHEAT| Unlimited adventurer's tools PUZZLE ROAD (gb) checked-no |02|SHMT| |06|OSIN| |10|ETUA| |14|RTHC| |18|IIBD| |03|HAIA| |07|BUNO| |11|DENY| |15|OSIH| |19|DTUE| |04|IRCG| |08|UGOU| |12|ONOU| |16|NUNI| |05|NUHO| |09|RIKR| |13|IASU| |17|IKOI| PUZZNIC (nes) checked-no |1- 1|55VC| |2- 1|5C5B| |3- 1|PRC5| |4- 1|P1WW| |5- 1|LCBB| |1- 2|5FP7| |2- 2|5RF5| |3- 2|P7RL| |4- 2|PV1V| |5- 2|LRM5| |1- 3|5L3B| |2- 3|57LL| |3- 3|PZ7W| |4- 3| |5- 3|L75L| |1- 4|5TJ5| |2- 4|5ZTW| |3- 4|PBZV| |4- 4|3JP7| |5- 4|LZFW| |1- 5|5WCL| |2- 5|5BWV| |3- 5|PMB3| |4- 5|3C3B| |5- 5|LBLV| |1- 6|51RW| |2- 6|5M13| |3- 6|P5MC| |4- 6|3RJ5| |5- 6|LMT3| |1- 7|5V7V| |2- 7|FFV7| |3- 7|PF57| |4- 7|37CL| |5- 7|L5WC| |1- 8|5PZ3| |2- 8|FLPB| |3- 8|PLFB| |4- 8|3ZRW| |5- 8|LF17| |1- 9|53BC| |2- 9|FT35| |3- 9|PTL5| |4- 9|3B7V| |5- 9|TTV5| |1-10|5JM7| |2-10|FWJL| |3-10|PWTL| |4-10|BMZ3| |5-10|TWPL| |6-1|T13W| |7- 1|J1LW| |8- 1|C57C| |16-10|MB1V|Puzznic |6-2|TVJV| |7- 2|JVTV| |8- 2|CFZ7| | 8- 1|WC7B| |6-3|TPC3| |7- 3|JPW3| |8- 3|CLBB| | 8-10|WT15|Gravnic |6-4|T3RC| |7- 4|J31C| |8- 5|CW5L| |6-5|TJ77| |7- 5|CCVB| |8- 6|C1FW| |6-6|TCZB| |7- 6|CRP5| |8- 7|CVLV| |6-7|TRB5| |7- 7|C73L| |8- 8|CPT3| |6-8|T7ML| |7- 8|CZJW| |8- 9|C3WC| |7- 9|CBCV| |8-10|CJ17| |7-10|CMR3| PUZZNIC (gb) checked-yes |04|TENT SUKI| |15|YUVA NISI| |30|SANT O.OB| |45|TEXT SUKI| |05|DON. DOKO| |20|HORI MOTO| |35|GAME BOY.| |10|TAKA MINE| |25|SEXY ITOM| |40|HATT ORI.| =>Change Background Music: Begin a level and leave the game alone for about three minutes, without touching any of the controls. The music will change. If you wait longer, it will change again. The music will return to normal when you make your next move. |========== Chapter Q ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. Q BILLION (gb) checked-no |1|WALL| |2|IDEA| |3|NOON| |Stage Select|TOIL| Q*BERT (nes) checked-no =>Infinite Continues: Press CNTRL I: U SELECT, CNTRL II: D B, CNTRL II: L R. Q*BERT (gb) checked-no =>Q*bert - The Movie: On the title screen, press CNTRL I: R U B A D U B D U B to view "Q*bert - The Movie" Q*BERT 3 (snes) checked-yes =>X*Bert Mode: Turn on the game, go to the options screen, then press (B Yx3)x2 START. Begin a new game and you will start at the bonus levels. =>Credits/Backgrounds: Go to the options screen and hold down [R]+[L]. The credits screen will appear. Press SELECT to view the different backgrounds. =>Warp to Level 11: On the options screen, press Bx8 and a tone will sound. Press START and return to the title screen. Begin a One-Player game and you will begin at level 11. QIX (gb) checked-yes =>Silent Qix: To turn off the buzzing made by the moving Qix, hold L while pressing START to begin the game from the title screen. QUAKE 64 (n64) checked-no |NOCLIP| No Clipping Mode - walk through walls |02|H40X ZVVB HLBD 74DJ| |10|55R6 0XCJ 2LBR QVV1| |18|45RZ ZF32 LZBQ 773R| |03|H0P3 2XBN WQ2B NZVK| |11|51RZ ?6xQ RGBR NNJH| |19|41R0 6PFG WGBQ 5BCH| |04|CWHX CH3B GDB3 14JY| |12|5XRV SMXP B7BR LP5H| |20|4XRV QBFG B3BQ 3BD3| |05|PQW4 9QVD Y8VY X21M| |13|5SR9 TPFG VQBR JBCT| |21|4SR5 DBBN ZGBQ 1628| |06|PL24 XBBT YJLQ 32?6| |14|5NRV JF6G CVBR GBFL| |22|4NRV JBBF BRY5 744W| |07|6JR3 KDDV 3SLG 9RFT| |15|5JR6 HDXM 2ZBR DPN5| |23|4JR5 1BBB 0QBQ X4HX| |08|GWY6 7BBB 23BD L4HK| |16|5DR0 HW4N PZ?S 5Y2W| |24|39R9 2PFG W7BQ SBCF| |09|B8YN BBBB ZBBB SXR4| |17|49R6 XBBJ 2GBQ 932T| |25|4DR1 4XDD RVBQ VM1B| |Realm of Black Magic| |The Netherworld| Easy |?DRY OPFG P3BT VBKX| Easy |81RV 6PFG RGB5 5BJH| Normal |6DRW OPFG T3BR VBJX| Normal |41R9 6PFG WGBQ 5BCH| Hard |2DR? OPFG Y3BP VBCX| Hard |01R7 6PFG 0GBN 5BBH| Nightmare|YDR8 OPFG 23BM V3BX| Nightmare|W1R5 6PFG 4GBL 5BFH| |The ElderWorld| |Shub-Niggurath's Pit| Easy |95RV TPFG QQBT JBJT| Easy |79RV 2PFG R7BS SBJF| Normal |5SR9 TPFG VQBR JBCT| Normal |39R9 2PFG W7BQ SBFC| Hard |1SR7 TPFG 2QBP JBBT| Hard |Z9R7 2PFG 07BN SBBF| Nightmare| XSR TPFG 3QBM JBFT| Nightmare|VR95 2PFG 47BL SBBF| =>Jump Higher: Shoot your rocket launcher straight into the ground and you will fly into the air. =>Debug Mode: Enter the password |QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ|. The message INVALID PASSWORD will appear; press B to return to the title screen, then enter the options screen to find the Debug Mode cheat available. QUAKE II (n64) checked-no =>Passwords: To enter a password, choose Load Game and press B on the screen showing the saved games. |02|PGBG VF6B M0BH X3CF| |10|Q??K BBBV NBQ1 7GCV| |18|G6?9 GYMK RWNK SMSL| |03|1KLS DN5H 7NBF DWRQ| |11|P64? ZM5B ?BM0 5YH6| |19|F6Y3 WXQK CHD0 8K4D| |04|2KLR SDRY ?VV4 YQ8X| |12|N664 SQ63 XB?K B7LF| |20|F60? VQCH ?BHF DQQL| |05|VK3T 7LFC 94B7 D3R3| |13|M682 M7QT 1215 8098| |06|WK3H QNBW NLV5 XGL3| |14|L669 H8MD G8XB JNYV| |07|TK7P 6LLP KWGY XD4V| |15|K681 X8CL H01K 1PF5| |08|ST0N QPX4 2WGY JXTS| |16|J6?0 BT5M NRZ2 QXLL| |09|R??P 7NY4 2WGX 99TX| |17|H6?0 XXFW PHV1 77P4| |02|PGBG VF6B M0BH X3CF| |Final Level|F60? VQCH ?BHF DQQL| |FBBC VBBB FBBC VBF7| Twists Hidden Deathmatch - Rockets & 1:40 minutes |S3TC 00LC 0L0R S???| Additional Uniform Colors in Multiplayer |S3T1 NF1N 1T3S H0TS| Infinite Ammo / Higher Jumping in Multiplayer mode |S3TL 0WGR V1TY ????| Low Gravity in Multiplayer =>Passwords: To enter passwords, make sure there is no memory card in the controller and enter the Options - Set Up menu. Or, with a memory card, enter Load Game and press B on the screen with saved games. QUEST FOR CAMELOT (gbc) checked-no =>Money/Energy Trick: Dig everywhere with the shovel to easily gain cash and energy. =>Restore Health: If you have at least 30 jewels, and you are down to one heart, save the game at a save point, restart, and load your game. Your hearts will now be full. =>Print Cinema Scenes: When a cinema screen is showing, press SELECT to print it out using the Game Boy Printer. =>Boss Tip: Just get the boss against a wall and whack away with your sword. QUEST 64 (n64) checked-no =>Refill Life: Enter an Inn or save point, sleep, and when the save screen appears, press B and exit without saving, and you will have all your life. =>Debug Menu: Highlight "Load Game" and choose "Do not use Controller Pak." When the password screen appears, enter all Q's. You will get an invalid password message, but just return to the options screen for the debug menu. =>Experience Tip: Go to Dondoran and get the free bread and wings. Go outside and fight until you eat the bread and are nearly dead, then use the wings. Get healed and repeat. =>Double Attack: In a battle, move within striking distance of the enemy, select a spell, and press A. You should do both an element and regular attack. =>Evade Spells: Some spells can be avoided if you use fancy footwork during battle. However, remember that your defense rating only increases if you get hit. Stupid, isn't it? =>Secret Rooms: Once you beat Nepty on the Isle of the Sky, use yellow wings to enter the castle. Enter the library and push against the corners of the bookcases to make one reveal a hidden room. * To reach the secret castle Shamwood, go to the desert and search the southeast portion of the open desert until you find a floating gem. Touch it to go to Shamwood. * Once you defeat the forest robber, return to Dondoran and the King will let you enter a secret room behind his throne. * A secret room is behind the Limein throne. =>Free Items Tip: In some places in the game, characters will give you items when you talk to them. However, they won't give you an item you already have in your inventory. Use chests for that. This "tip" may help you increase the variety of items you have. |========== Chapter R ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. R-TYPE (gb) checked-yes =>Options Screen: Press SELECT from the title screen. =>Hidden LIFE Game: On the high score screen, press D+L+A+B. This will call up the De Souza Editor -- which is the classic simulation game Life. Draw dots and start the simulation... dots with no neighbors die of loneliness, dots with too many neighbors die of overcrowding, dots with just enough neighbors produce more dots. =>Floating Power Pod: Get the Power Pod and attach it to the back of your ship , then back up until the Pod is off the screen. Press Ax2. Move forward and the Pod will have disappeared, then reappear in a few moments on the right side of the screen. SUPER R-TYPE (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen showing your difficulty level, hold [R] and press Ux9 until you hear a sound. Start the game and pause it with START. Hold [R]+A+SELECT and a number will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Press U or D to pick a stage. =>Fade The Music: When a tune in playing in the Sound Test, press [R] to fade the music. The more you push [R], the faster it fades. =>Power Up: On the full title screen, press D [R] R D R R D R D D, and a tone will sound. Start the game. At any time during play, pause the game and press [R] R D Y D R D L R D R R. Now, press one button to choose your normal attack, and a second button to choose your secondary missiles. | Normal Attack | | Missiles and Bombs | | A Sky Laser | | A Homing Missiles| | B Ground Laser | | X Spread Bomb | | X Reflect Laser| | Y Spread Laser | | R ShotGun Bomb | Unpause the game and enjoy the weapons! R-TYPE III (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the continue screen, press [R]x10, press [L] the number of times equal to the number of your desired stage, and START. R-TYPE DX (gbc) checked-no =>The Game of Life: If you complete R-Type DX using no more than 10 credits, then you can choose to play Life from the game selection screen. Also, during a standard game, press SELECT+A for invulnerability or SELECT+B to skip to the next level. =>Boss Tip: Once you get a pod, you can more easily kill bosses by repeatedly shooting the pod into the boss's weak point. For the stage 2 boss, let the pod smash into the weird little bubble on top of the boss, then hide your ship in the bottom corner of the screen and shoot continuously. As you do this, the pod does lots of damage to the boss. =>Super Blast: In R-Type II, with the largest pod attached to your ship, charge your blast meter all the way. Before you release the button, shoot off your pod. Now, release the fire button and tap it repeatedly. RACKET ATTACK (nes) checked-no |02|JSLPVYC| |04|PSFRCHC| |06|IZKOWCD| |07|KBIMWDC| |03|GKVYLWC| |05|KYIMYDD| |07|RYTONMD| RAD RACER (nes) checked-yes =>3-D Mode: Press SELECT while playing to switch to 3-D mode. However, if you don't have a pair of standard blue/red 3-D glasses, this won't do much. =>Stage Select: Start the game and select a car. Now, on the demo screen press B one time less than the course you want (so, for course 5, press Bx4), or press Bx60 if you want to see the ending of the game. Now, hold U+R and press START. =>Continue Code: After losing a race, hold A and press START to try again. =>Radio: Press D while playing to change your radio station, and thus the background music. RAD RACER II (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On title screen, press B one time less than the # of the track you want, then hold U+L and press START. =>Continue: When the title screen reappears, hold A and press START. =>Night Racing: On the title screen, press Bx8, hold U+R and press START. =>Turbo Start: When the race begins, hold D to make the green lights in the right corner of the screen light up. When the lights reach the top of the meter, press A to zoom forward. RADICAL REX (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: R A D R Y X. RAGING FIGHTER (gb) checked-no =>Player vs. Player/Alter Ego: On the title screen, press U U D D L R L R and then press... * B A - 1 player normal mode * B B - 1 player mania mode * A B - Versus normal mode * A A - Versus mania mode =>Special Attacks: The manual lists various attacks for each character. Try using those attacks with other characters. RAINBOW ISLAND (nes) checked-no =>World Select: When "Start" flashes on the title screen, press L B R U D L R B. Now use A to select a world and START to begin. RAINBOW SIX (n64) checked-no |Stage| Name | Recruit | Veteran | Elite | | 02 |Red Wolf |12D1S2Q22MQQ|1ZL1S2RF2MQQ|1ZB1S2S22M??| | 03 |Sun Devil |BJDBC3Q22WQQ|BJJBC3RF25QQ|BJBBC3S225??| | 04 |Eagle Watch |BZDBSMQZZ!QQ|BZJBSMRF28RQ|BZBBSMS22888| | 05 |Ghost Dance |CJTCCQQ2FGSQ|CZBCS5RFFMRQ|CJDCCQS2F288| | 06 |Fire Walk |K2TK65Q2F4SQ|DJBDCYRFF5RQ|CZDCSWS2FMQ8| | 07 |Lion's Den |T2TT68QGF!WQ|DJDDC6R2FWR8|DJBDCYS2F5??| | 08 |Deep Magic |5JR5L1QGGGSQ|LZBDS8R2F8RQ|DZBDS8S2F???| | 09 |Lone Fox |52T572Q4G4SQ|MJB2D1R2G2RQ|2JB2D1S2G2??| | 10 |Black Star |VJVVLJQGGWSQ|2ZB2T2R2GMQQ|2ZB2T2S2GM??| | 11 |Wild Arrow |VZVVXMQ26!SQ|FJJFD3R2G5RQ|FJDFD3S2G5??| | 12 |Mystic Tiger|VZRFTMQ2G8SQ|FZJFTMR2G8RQ|FZDFTMS2G888| =>Flashbang Cheat: If a flashbang grenade gets you, turn on your nightvision goggles and you won't have a blurry screen. =>Unlim. Grenades: When tossing a Frag or Flashbang grenade, hold Z until you have full throwing power, then release Z. As soon as the grenade is thrown, hold Z for full throwing power and repeat the cycle. Continue until you have 255 grenades. RAMBO (nes) checked-no |uhnA mY0n nGHv kf21 6bVG gOWm X9di 60AC| Fairly far along in the game |H800 IbW2 kGHQ KwKc 66WH QbW2 0F1D G19D| Invincibility |yDaB pc71 jQ0A uT3D afWW 3UKT Yv4g G5WH| End of Game |WL8k Xv57 TwOB WU3C BDA7 cvJ7 2PtH 9EO4| Secret 2cd ending =>Secret Game: Once you defeat the final helicopter, go to the Input Code screen and enter a password consisting of all 0's, then choose END. You will begin to play a short game where you will earn thousands of lives after beating just one boss. This should make the game much easier. =>Transfer Points: Look for N and S indicators on the ground; stand on one and press U to warp to a different transfer point. =>Weird Trick: When you reach the first P.O.W., take their photo instead of rescuing them, then leave the camp and head to the pick-up point. You will return to base. Talk to Commander Murdock and you'll be sent back to rescue the P.O.W. =>Skip Flying Fortress: In the final camp, find and rescue the P.O.W., then head to the wall, jump into the top right corner, and begin to wiggle the PAD U and L while hitting the corner rapidly. If done correctly, you will find yourself traveling through the wall. You can head right back to the helicopter and ignore the flying fortress completely. =>Commander Frog: Once you defeat the Flying Fortress, return to your base via the helicopter. Proceed right until you find Commander Murdock running around near the hanger. Fire any weapon at him and a strange symbol will appear, which will turn the commander into a frog when it hits him. RAMPAGE (nes) checked-no =>Super Points: On a level containing a river, watch for a tank that will appear and dive into the river. While the tank is under water, move your creature to the other side of the river and punch very quickly. When the tank reappears, you will score numerous hits and get unlimited points until your player eats a person, or if you fail to punch fast enough. =>Eat Opponent: In the two-player mode, watch for the other play to lose all of his/her energy and be turned into a human. When they do, grab and eat that human to regain a lot of your strength. =>Extra Jump: If you are falling into the water, you can jump off of it by pressing U+B. You can also do this to climb onto buildings. RAMPAGE PUZZLE ATTACK (gba) checked-no |LQBRMPLQMT| Hollywood 5 |GQJTMHKBHF| Final level password Tokyo |1.1|GQGGHKGBHF| |1.2|QRQLRTQLRP| |1.3|GSGQHKGBHF| |1.4|QBQBRTQLRP| |1.5|LLLLLPLQMT| RAMPAGE WORLD TOUR (gbc) checked-no =>Extra Monsters: On the title screen, press Bx3 Ax2 Bx4 A and you will have access to Bob and Mike. =>Game Link Mode: On the options screen, hold SELECT and press U D L R D U. With two Game Boys linked together, choose Players - 2 and play a two player game. =>Levitation: If the building you are on is collapsing, smack a neon sign. While you are being shocked, the building will tumble, but you will be left standing in the air. RAMPAGE WORLD TOUR (n64) checked-no Note: In these codes, the individual character instructions are listed as G> for George, L> for Lizzy, and R> for Ralph =>City Select: On the main menu or character select screen, hold [L]+cU+cD+cL+cR until a tone sounds. Begin the game, and on the city/day screen use U and D to choose a country and L and R for the city. =>Bad Food to Good: To change all bad food to good food, wait until a world tour ends and an American city name appears on the screen, then hold D and press G> Jumpx3, L> Punchx3, R> Kickx3. =>No Bad Food: If you are about to enter Casablanca, Kiev, Kodiak, London, Moab, Nashville, Rio de Janeiro, Washington D.C., or ANY fourth city in the world tour, press G> Jump, L> Punch, R> Kick to eliminate all bad food. =>Stage Skip: If you are about to enter Fargo, Reno, OK City or Cleveland, press G>Jump Punch Kick, L> Punch Kick Jump, or R> Kick Jump Punch to skip ahead several days. =>Fatty Foods: To more easily eat 'junk food' and triple the health value of people, wait until the end of the jet on the city screen, hold U and press G> Jump rapidly, L> Punch rapidly, R> Kick rapidly. =>Double Points: If you are about to enter Casablanca, Kiev, Kodiak, London, Moab, Nashville, Rio de Janeiro, Washington D.C., press G> Jump, L> Punch, R> Kick to double the points you earn in the level. If you pick up a calculator in the level it will do the same thing. =>Stocked Buildings: To fill the buildings with all the special power foods, you must be entering Philadelphia, Carbondale, Santa Fe or Honolulu and press G> Jumpx2 L> Punchx2 R> Kickx2. You may need to use all 3 players to use this code. =>Defense Scream: If another player slugs you, immediately press Kick to let out a scream that will stun him. =>Color Select: On the character select screen, press U or D to change the color of your monster. =>Allergies: George is allergic to dogs, Lizzy to birds, and Ralph to cats. =>Vehicles: You can ride tanks, UFOs, and fighters. Fighters are good for attacking! =>Vern: You can transform into Vern by swallowing radioactive barrels. If the city splash screen told you to "indulge yourself," look for those barrels. =>Duck Tip: Don't eat the rubber duckies. Doing so will bring the fighter planes into the level early. =>Bonus Cities: To access the hidden bonus cities, you must rapidly press G> Jump L> Punch R> Kick on the screen showing your next destination. | Normal | Bonus | | Normal | Bonus | | Normal | Bonus | | Atlanta | Suburbia | | London | Big Ben | |Rio de Janeiro| Sunset | |Casablanca| Palace | |Louisville| Scumlabs | |San Diego |Caleb's City| |Fairbanks |Underworld| | Moab |Game Refuge| |Wash. D.C. |The Capitol| | Kiev | Exchange | |Nashville | Downtown | | Kodiak |Snow City | | Phoenix | Area 69 | RAMPAGE 2: UNIVERSAL TOUR (n64) checked-no |BVGGY| Options Cheat Menu |GOT#T| or |GOT3T| All Monsters =>Hidden Characters: Enter these passwords to enable these extra monsters. |B1G4L| Big Al |S4VRS| Lizzie |N0T3T| Myukus |SM14N| George |LVPVS| Ralph |SRY3D| Nubus RAMPART (snes) checked-no .__code__.level.__code__.level.__code__.level.__code__.level. |BCBCBCBC| 01 |DFDFDXTF| 05 |BXTBCDDB| 09 |CXTXCRCR| 13 | |CDDDXXXC| 02 |BCDFXXBT| 06 |WWTTNWWZ| 10 |CDCDXXCD| 14 | |BBCXBCBB| 03 |BBZXTZZZ| 07 |CZCTCZCZ| 11 |BZBDBXBZ| 15 | |BBDFGDFG| 04 |YYDYCCDC| 08 |BBBZTZDD| 12 |H PPYJ Y| 16 | RANMA 1/2: HARD BATTLE (snes) checked-no =>Config Mode: Start a game, finish the fight. On the continue screen, hold down [R]+X+A until the next match begins. The Configuration Mode screen will appear. =>Secret Options Mode: Start a one player game, choose a character, and when it says XXXXXXX vs. XXXXXXX, press X+A+[L]. =>Boss Code: Highlight STORY MODE, hold [L]+[R] and press START. =>Fighting vs. the Computer in DUEL and TEAM modes: If you hold down [L]+[R] on the Character Select screen, you can move the other player's selection box. Hold [L]+[R] and press Y to select the character for your opponent, but it will be controlled by the computer at whichever difficulty level you currently have the game set to. RATS! (gbc) checked-no |02|WYH4TFGR9J| |21|W8M-TF1MPX| |40|4JC-CVZPBT| |59|M5DKJX5CKW| |03|MMQ1DXXLT5| |22|CT3L4DWQ5B| |41|L1CWSWVMJ5| |60|5QJ5FY179J| |04|C7CDSFVRTQ| |23|MCVRJXPB7W| |42|BMJ2BBNTVG| |61|BGJ48CGCXQ| |05|CW6F2FBLPG| |24|M12?BYFG7H| |43|M-?YSYBCYW| |62|LB1?8WSC2M| |06|LBBWQVDJJR| |25|CXCPSFMJ3G| |44|W3NBFF2DPJ| |63|LS84SW2CBG| |07|WRGSCD8QPN| |26|VD5H7BRQQ2| |45|VQ2C5BJYX7| |64|57MWWX6R7X| |08|BWBK8CBQQ4| |27|BWTTZCMM48| |46|4W1WRW9GXJ| |65|MZ36JXJMM8| |09|4XLG-WJRD3| |28|VWYMTC1NN?| |47|B7S??CPKDM| |66|WXMLTDVNFD| |10|M1CS4YNKKW| |29|V6D61B9SJN| |48|C2FBZDPTT4| |67|WZ?MPD4NRJ| |11|5YMJFYJBC3| |30|BR5GGBMYSG| |49|VT?6KC-BLN| |68|BVJDZBZQQG| |12|5TWKTYJCF7| |31|VW1TFC2GX-| |50|4ZYT3VRC8X| |69|4MZL1WDP86| |13|CD588DDJ5L| |32|4TRZ1VQDDK| |51|VKLSTCTKNS| |70|CVNJGDZJW8| |14|BJR9XBLS4Q| |33|5DYHMXZN5S| |52|B4?LJBYCXV| |71|VNYVYCBSQJ| |15|5VLDPYJ8W?| |34|4Y4J1WZKJ3| |53|W2VCKDTHPJ| |72|VDFDPCVRQS| |16|WV4M3FRQKD| |35|M6R-DYBNMV| |54|MSXT4Y5DRB| |73|V5SF1BBL6Y| |17|WDP6PDRM-N| |36|5BJDYXZSYS| |55|43WCTVRT66| |74|MC256Y2K1H| |18|VMF7YB9BND| |37|WCY39D2T7P| |56|WWTK-DKB7-| |75|CQFTZFQ75G| |19|BW7Z2CMKS8| |38|L8NGVWBTJ5| |57|L-1GZVWN?W| |20|VXXSTCRBD2| |39|MWH2VY4HF1| |58|W9HN5D3CRX| RAYMAN (gbc) checked-no =>99 Lives: Pause the game and press L A R B U A L B D A R B U A L B. RAYMAN ADVANCE (gba) checked-no =>Stage Select: Pause the game and press U L R D R [L]. =>Refill Energy: Pause and press [L] D L U D [R]. =>All Items: Pause and press [R] U L R L [L]. =>All Powers: Pause and press D L R L U [L]. =>Invincibility: Pause and press R U R L R [R]. =>99 Lives: Pause and press L R D R L [R]. =>25 Blue Tings: Pause and press [R] U L R L [L]. =>Infinite Continues: When you lose your last life and you reach the Continue screen, press U D R L START. If done correctly, you will continue, but your number of remaining continues will not decrease. Please note that this trick only works when you have 3 or fewer continues remaining, and that you must have at least one continue remaining to reach the Continue screen. =>Avoid Evil Rayman: In Candy Chateau 2, there is a small glowing spark near the beginning of the level. Rather than grabbing it, which brings the Evil Rayman into existence, do a running jump and hover float over the spark. If you don't touch it, the Evil Rayman won't appear. R.B.I. BASEBALL (nes) checked-no =>Programmers' Screen: Press A+B+START on the title screen. R.B.I. BASEBALL II (nes) checked-no -- Tengen unlicensed game -- Passwords for playing against Team Tengen Toronto |F00MB6AP| Detroit |R00MB6AP| Minnesota |SI0MB6AP| Cleveland |V00MB6AP| Boston |J00MB6AP| Seattle |SA0MB6AP| California |SU0MB6AP| Oakland |SE0MB6AP| R.C. PRO-AM (nes) checked-no =>Extra Cars: Collect the letters NINTENDO to earn new racing cars. READY 2 RUMBLE (n64) checked-no =>Cheap Mass Nutrition: While training your fighter, enter Rumble Aerobics. There, quickly press L A. You should get mass nutrition for the mere price of $500 for the rumble aerobics. =>Extra Fighters: Win a title fight in the Gold, Silver, or Bronze belts to enable extra fighters. =>Cheat Codes: Enter the Championship Modes and enter these codes as the gym name, then exit and enter the Arcade mode. |BRONZE| Bronze Class boxers |GOLD | Gold Class boxers |CHAMP | Championship Class - All boxers |SILVER| Silver Class boxers =>Rumble Combos: Earn the letters R U M B L E during a round, then press A+B to start the special rumble combo. READY 2 RUMBLE (gbc) checked-no =>Bonus Fighters: Highlight Arcade Mode on the title screen and enter one of the following codes... * Damien Black: R L Rx2 Lx2 Rx3 Lx3 * Kemo Claw: Lx3 Rx3 L R L R * Nat Daddy: Rx3 Lx3 R L R L READY 2 RUMBLE BOXING: ROUND 2 (gba) checked-no =>Extra Boxers: Enter these codes on the menu to enable celebrity boxers. * Michael Jackson: Press Lx2 Rx2 L R and press [L]+[R] while highlighting Arcade. * Shaquille O'Neal: Press Lx4 Rx2 Lx2 R and press [L]+[R] with Survival highlighted. * Rumble Man: Press Lx2 R L Rx2 L R L and press [L]+[R] with Championship highlighted. REAL BOUT FATAL FURY SPECIAL (gb) checked-no =>Extra Fighters: Beat the game, return to the fighter select screen, then highlight Billy or Krauser and press START to enable Geese and Iori. =>Secret Options: In the Options screen, highlight Sound Test and press L+A. The option Soft Dip will appear; set all the 0's to 1's to add options. THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS (gb) checked-no |2|LFBD| |08|KCNG| |14|NBMF| |20|SGNG| |26|NFWS| |32|GBMF| |40|HFLP| |46|NPTF| |3|VCSB| |09|TRBD| |15|GPBL| |21|GGLD| |27|RGSF| |33|HGLD| |41|CTRL| |47|MSDP| |4|TRFF| |10|LGCK| |16|RBCT| |22|LBMP| |28|RBCF| |34|BCRD| |42|FMHX| |48|MJCY| |5|ZFRG| |11|WGRD| |17|RCNG| |23|TWCN| |29|DCSK| |35|DGLL| |43|PCGR| |49|MFHD| |6|NGSF| |12|TCMF| |18|FCRF| |24|FDSF| |30|HBCR| |36|WGRM| |44|LGSK| |50|CCNK| |7|QDCZ| |13|RBCN| |19|YBRD| |25|SPGT| |31|JBZZ| |37|STBR| |45|PRPY| |51|FNDG| REAL MONSTERS {*} please see AAAHH!!! REAL MONSTERS REALM (snes) checked-no =>Cheat Code: On the title screen, hold U+X+B+[R]+START until the screen fades out and you will play the game with unlimited energy. While playing, you can press START+SELECT to skip to the next stage. RED ALARM (vb) checked-no =>Hidden Items, Bonuses, and Pictures in Level One: * Bow Wow: When you enter a room with enemies that look like joysticks, lock on to the top left corner of the room and shoot it. * Arm: Stay on the left until you pass 2 pillars. You will see boxes sticking out of the wall; shoot under the second box. * Game Boy: Shoot where the arm in pointing. * Virtual Boy: After passing all the joystick-like enemies, you will reach a tunnel. Shoot the bottom left corner before entering. * VB Controller: Shoot the corner on the opposite side of the Virtual Boy. * House: Play the first stage until you find the section containing people running around on the ground. Destroy all the enemies, then turn around to face the passage that you entered the room from. Fly along the right wall towards the entrance until you the entrance wall directly in front of you. Shoot this wall until a house appears, containing people, a table & a lamp. =>Hidden Items, Bonuses, and Pictures in Level Two: * Kangaroo: Kill the first 3 enemies then turn around to face some kangaroos. * Swimsuit: When you reach the waterfalls, turn towards the bottom right side, next to the waterfall on the right, and shoot at the bikini you will see there to make a woman appear. * Fish: In the room filled with little waterfalls, shoot the one directly to your left as soon as you enter the room. THE REN & STIMPY SHOW: TIME WARP (snes) checked-no =>Bonus Game Passwords: Going from a 12 o'clock position and progressing in a clockwise fashion, the following symbols will be used to represent those found on the code dial: @ 9 8 S C P . O Fish Head |SP9CO| Lumber |998@S| Splinter |9O8@.| Toothpick |O98PP| THE REN & STIMPY SHOW: VEEDIOTS (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: When the VEEDIOTS logo begins to fade, press [L] [R] A [L] [R] [L] B [R] X before the logo is formed. Select a stage, then press START. =>Entire Theme Song: In the opening, as the theme song fades, hold [L]+[R] to hear the entire song. RENEGADE (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Hold CNTRL II: U and press Stage 2 CNTRL I: D U R U L U START (if these do not work, try holding Stage 4 CNTRL I: D D U U R L START =>Secret Items: To reveal a hamburger, use a running kick when the last two digits of the time are Stage 1:17, Stage 2:43, Stage 3:59. For a heart, use a Sit-on punch on your third victim when the last digit of the timer is even. A power-up P is found by doing a jump kick when the last two digits of the timer are Stage 1:32, Stage 2:25, Stage 3:11. RESIDENT EVIL (gc) checked-part =>Unlimited Grenade Glitch: If you have the grenade launcher and at least one pack of grenade rounds, you can multiply those six grenades into hundreds with this trick. Make your way to any item box in the game, then drop all your equipment but the grenade launcher into the box. 1) Equip the grenade launcher as your weapon. Load it with one kind of round (standard, explosive, or acid). 2) Place a different kind of grenade round, the one you wish to multiply in the first slot of your item box. When you open the item box, the item slot highlighted is the first slot. 3) Open the item box, select the empty Inventory slot next to your grenade launcher, and move the grenade rounds into this slot. 4) Close the item box, then open it up again. 5) Select the grenade rounds in your Inventory and move them back to the now empty first slot of the Item Box. 6) Press Lx2 to highlight the grenade rounds in the item box. 7) Select them and place them in your grenade launcher (i.e., once the grenade rounds are highlighted, tap A, then highlight the launcher and tap A again to load them in.) 8) Notice the 980 under the launcher? When you exit the menu, that number will drop to the 240 limit the launcher carries. 9) Instead of exiting the menu, highlight the old rounds which are now in the first slot of your item box. Drop them in the launcher. This will result in "980" rounds in the launcher, and a 740 round pack in the item box. Continue swapping these rounds as often as you like, and your inventory will begin to fill with rounds. Now, exit the item box and go have fun blasting the zombies. Those 740 round packs will last you a decent amount of time. ->Once Again Mode/Costumes: Once you beat the game, make sure to save your data after the credits run. When back on the title screen, you'll notice that the background will have changed. Choose to play the Once Again mode with your saved data. Doing so will allow you to access the new Hard mode, as well as placing a special key in your inventory that will allow you to access a special costume change. The key can be used to unlock the door at the back of the large mirror room on the second floor. Search the closet to find a rack of clothes. You should be given an option to change your outfit. In Once Again mode, Jill has access to a commando outfit, and Chris has plain clothes. Once you complete Once Again mode, Jill will have access to her Resident Evil 3 outfit, and Chris will have his Code Veronica clothing. ->Samurai Edge Gun: Complete the Normal mode game in 5 hours or less to earn the Samurai Edge gun in the next game you play. This is a more powerful pistol with unlimited ammo. ->Rocket Launcher: To enable the rocket launcher with unlimited ammo, beat the game on Normal mode in under 3 hours. ->Real Survivor/Revolver: Complete Once Again mode on Normal in less than 5 hours to enable the Real Survivor option at the main menu. In Real Survivor mode, item boxes are not linked -- that is, if you put a herb in one item box, it will only appear in that item box, and can't be accessed from any of the other item boxes. You will also start the game with a .40 Smith & Wesson gun with unlimited ammo, the aiming system will be in manual instead of automatic, and a new bonus costume will be available in the game (see the Once Again code entry for details). ->Invisible Enemy: Complete the game twice with either character on Normal to enable the Invisible Enemy mode. In this mode, all enemies will be invisible. ->One Dangerous Zombie: Complete the game with both Jill and Chris on Normal to enable this mode. While playing, a special zombie will follow you throughout the first part of the game. Don't kill the zombie, for doing so will cause the game to immediately end. ->Special Features: Beat the game in Invisible Enemy mode on Normal in under 5 hours to have access to this option, where you will get a special message from the development team, as well as a slide show of unused costumes. ->Crimson Zombies: You might notice that some zombie bodies don't disappear after you kill them. After you get the Armor key, these zombies will start coming back to life in a more powerful state. To avoid this, burn zombie corpses with the kerosene and the lighter. It's useful to note that if you kill a zombie by blasting its head apart, it won't return as a crimson. If you see a zombie on the floor with a red skull, it is a crimson zombie and likely to jump back up and attack you briefly. ->Check Zombie: If you want to determine if a zombie is alive or dead, sneak up somewhat close to it (but not close enough to get attacked), then back up. If the zombie is dead, you'll back up normally. If the zombie is alive, your character will back up warily. To determine if you've killed a zombie normally, check the floor. A pool of blood will appear under a zombie that is truly dead. RESIDENT EVIL 2 (n64) checked-part =>Alternate Outfits: Start a new game on the Normal difficulty setting and run to the Police Station as quickly as possible without stopping to pick up items or to kill zombies. Outside the station, walk down the steps and under the bridge to find a cute zombie wearing a yellow jacket. Kill him to get the Special Key. Use the Special Key to open the locker inside the Dark Room office. The locker contains two alternate outfits for Leon, and one alternate outfit (with a set of Colt revolvers) for Claire. * Once you see the yellow zombie, you can actually enter the station, grab the bullets on the desk in the center of the lobby, and then return to finish him off. =>Invincibility: From the title screen, go to the Load Game screen and press Dx4 Lx4 [L] [R] [R] [L] cU cD. If you entered the code correctly, you will return to the main menu. Now, start a new game or load a saved game and you will never lose any health. You will receive a low ranking when you complete the game using this cheat. =>Infinite Ammo: From the title screen, go to the Load Game screen and press Ux4 Rx4 [L] [R] [L] [R] cR cL. You will return to the main menu. Start a new game or load a saved game and you will have an infinite supply of all ammo. This will also result in a low ranking when you complete the game. ->Invulnerability: Take a green herb, combine a blue herb with it, then combine a red herb with the mix. If you combine them in this order (adding a red herb last), you will have a very short period of invulnerability when you ingest the mixed herbs. Also, remember that a red herb triples the restorative power of a green herb. ->Special Weapons: Complete the requirements listed, and after the credits roll, save the game when prompted. The weapons will appear in the next game you begin from that save spot, inside the item box. All of these weapons have infinite ammunition. Please note that using these weapons will result in a lowered ranking. * Machine Gun: Complete scenario B for either character on the normal difficulty in under 3 hours, earning a rank of A or B. * Rocket Launcher: Complete scenario A for either character on the normal difficulty in under 2.5 hours with a rank of A or B. * Gatling Gun: Complete scenario B for either character on the normal difficulty in under 2.5 hours with a rank of A or B and without saving the game at all (that is, the only time you save the game is when prompted to after the credits). ->Extra Scenarios: Please note that when you start a new game and complete that character's mission, you've played scenario A for that character. After the credits roll, you will be given an option to save the game. Save the game when prompted. Restore that save, and you will begin scenario B with the other character. Thus, you could either play Leon's scenario A and Claire's scenario B, or Claire's scenario A and Leon's scenario B. Scenarios A and B are a bit different. However, there are also two more scenarios you can find. * Hunk's Scenario: Complete scenarios A and B, earning a ranking of A in each. You should now be able to play Hunk's scenario from that save. He's an umbrella goon who must get from the lab to the rooftop. There are no items you can pick up in this scenario. - Because of unknown factors that may result in Hunk's scenario not appearing, make sure to save the game in a spare spot during scenario B when on the train, right before you would fight the Tyrant. This way, if you fail to get Hunk's scenario, restore from THIS save (not the one you saved to after the credits rolled) and try it again; however, try waiting on the train until the time passes 2:30. This sometimes helps. * Tofu's Scenario: Play through 6 normal difficulty scenarios on a save spot, earning a ranking of A in each one. When you next start a game from that saved spot, you will play as Tofu, the giant block of... tofu. He faces the same mission as Hunk did, but he only has a knife. Yuck. =>Randomizer: Beat the game once (that is, Leon 1 and Claire 2 or Claire 1 and Leon 2) and you will be able to begin a new game in Randomizer mode. Item locations will be switched around. =>Alligator Tip: When the alligator attacks, examine the flashing yellow light on the left wall, and a gas canister will fall to the ground. Once the gator nabs the canister, shoot it. ->Safe Combination: Try 4542. =>Secret Film Roll: In the S.T.A.R.S. office, go to the desk under the big S.T.A.R.S. picture and check it. The game will tell you that the desk is a mess and was possibly searched. Check that desk 50 times and you will find a secret roll of film. Develop it for a swimsuit picture of Rebecca. SUPER RETURN OF THE JEDI (snes) checked-no |Level | Easy |Brave | Jedi | |Level | Easy |Brave | Jedi | |02 Tatooine |RLGQMN|BGFSMH|RRSBTS| |12 |CPMRZV|ZKQHQD|VCYNNP| |03 Jabba's Palace|ZJLMRJ|JVPLHP|YQYHJN| |13 Generator |CDWLTY|WCBMKS|BPSDVS| |04 Jabba 2 |LZLKJF|VDLBGG|ZPNKKZ| |14 Death Star|BPFFZQ|KXVZZD|DSFYGD| |05 Rancor Pit |VTYMZX|MKYXVN|BZGBJX| |15 |RMNVLC|BWHPHZ|NJHPHL| |06 Jabba's Barge |QZNFPP|LBRHFR|MSDZZR| |16 |RVKFKG|MKZYDP|BZCBCB| |07 Inside Barge |VKCDFD|GPTDZC|XXVPBG| |17 |VQXDQJ|KHWKCB|VJKSNJ| |08 Endor Speeders|ZCTKFC|DDDQYZ|CQQBKP| |18 Emperor |HLQMVL|WDSMNN|PPNNZY| |09 Ewok Village A|QYXYHB|TLVHFT|XNHPSF| |19 |VQJGWF|GWYXGN|CJQKMX| |10 |LFWLTQ|NVBJJH|KQMLXP| |20 Escape |ZZSTXZ|BGSWLD|TXQLTM| |11 |QDQGKH|GRMJYX|MFWHQM| =>Cheat Codes must be entered on the title screen, but they will only work if the system has just been turned on and the JVC logo has appeared. If you turn on the SNES and the game merely displays the ROTJ title screen, turn off your SNES and let it sit for a few moments before turning it on again so that the system completely resets and the JVC logo appears. =>7 Continues: Turn on the game and wait for the title screen to appear, but do not press any buttons. When the title screen appears, quickly press A B A Y A X and listen for the Jawa. =>View Credits: On the title screen, press A B A B A B A B. =>99 Lives: Press X X B A Y on the title screen (Start Game). =>Unlim. Thermal Detonators: Press B X B X B X Bx3 Y on the title screen. =>Debug Mode: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] and press CNTRL I: A A B B X X Y Y A B X Y A B X Y. Begin a game or continue with a password; while playing in a side-scrolling level, hold CNTRL I: B and press START to beat the level or press CNTRL II: [L]+[R] to access the debug and stage select menu. For invincibility, press CNTRL II: SELECT+A+B+X+Y and release all buttons at the same time. Most of the other cheat codes are included included with this code, including unlimited thermal detonators. =>Sound Test: In a side-scrolling level, hold Y+A+X, hold D, and press START. =>Rotation: Press Yx4 on the title screen, and you can rotate the logo and intro with the [L] and [R] buttons. =>Triple Jump: While Leia is in the bikini outfit, you can make her do a triple jump move by jumping with B, doing a whirl attack midair by pressing Y, then pressing B again to do the 'double jump'. This gives her two extra jumping boosts while in midair, and allows her to make jumps otherwise impossible. SUPER RETURN OF THE JEDI (gb) checked-no |SNKMTD| Jabba's Hall |HJMKPL| Ewok Village |SFPYSW| Tower |RWVJBC| Barge |QGTHGD| Generator |CGGYQM| Death Star Tunnel |TFGBMN| Endor |PSVZKL| Death Star |KFGZXQ| Escape REVELATIONS: THE DEMON SLAYER (gbc) checked-no =>Monster Tip: Talk to monsters; some of them will join your team. You don't need to fight all of them. If you talk to a monster which you have one of on your team, the monster will leave. =>Extra Monsters: Lucifer joins if you return to the Cave of Oasis and talk to him after you beat the game. * Baal will join you if you talk to him at Mt. Paulo after beating the game. * Cerberus is in the Cave of Cerberus. To find it, go to the inn to the northeast of the Shrine of Hypnos at the monster nest. Walk eastward from the inn until you reach a spot with no trees. When you walk into this spot, you will enter the cave. Beat Cerberus and he'll join you. * Dragon will join if you collect his three bones, which are at the Tower of Magan, Zord Castle, and the Sewers of Atlantis. * Kirin joins if you collect the bone at Zord Nest and two at Zord Castle. * Amon joins if you collect the bone at the Cave of Cerberus and the two at the Zord Headquarters. * Michael is Uncle Hata. Talk to him after beating Lucifer. * Soljoin joins if you have Cerberus and Orthrus and talk to the right monster in Nova. =>Secret Items: In the world with Luciferium, search the northwest corner of the map to find a hidden cave with the Omega Armor and Sword and the Alpha Armor and Sword. RE-VOLT (n64) checked-no =>All Cars/Tracks: On the title screen, press B A Z Z B [L] A cU. To earn these cars and tracks normally, you would beat championship races in first place point standing in the various cups. =>Practice Mode Bonus Cars: Enter the practice mode for a level and locate the star hidden inside. Collect all stars in a set of tracks to earn more cars. The progress table will display the stars you have found. Find all the Easy stars to get the Ghengis Kar and Pole Pos. Get the Medium stars for the R6 Turbo and the NY 54. The Hard Mode yields the Mouse and Bertha Ballistics, and Extreme has the AMW and Toyeca. =>All Tracks: Enter the name |CARNIVAL|. =>Flips: In two player or battle mode, use cU to flip. =>Track Tricks: Beat the Time Trial challenge times on all the tracks to enable reverse tracks. Beat the TT challenges on the reverse tracks to enable the mirror tracks. Finally, beat the mirror track TT challenges to enables reverse mirror tracks. REVOLUTION X (snes) checked-no =>Inf. Lives: Hold X+A+B on the title screen until the music gets louder. REVENGE OF THE GATOR (gb) checked-yes =>Ball Trick: When the gate to screen A (the top screen) on screen B is open and your ball is about to fall down into screen B, press START. Pausing the game causes the flap to close, which will keep your ball in screen A. RIDDICK BOWE BOXING (snes) checked-no Note: In Mexico this game is named CHAVEZ BOXING. Elsewhere it is RIDDICK BOWE BOXING. It is unknown at this time as to whether the code works for both games or not. =>Easy Champion: When the referee raises your hand after winning a match, press and hold A+B+X+Y+[L]+[R]+SELECT. While holding these, press START to see the Champion screen. RIDGE RACER 64 (n64) checked-part =>Examine Cars: When selecting cars or viewing trophies, you will notice that they are rotating. Use any of the C buttons to spin the cars in different directions. ->Galaga 88 Game & Car: Earn first place in Ridge Racer Extreme Extra and you will play one level of Galaga 88. Kill all 40 aliens to unlock the Galaga 88 car and the Galaga Pac Jam tune. =>Caddy Car: Start the Grand Prix race on the very first track. When the race begins, turn your car around and drive through the brick wall blocking the race track. Keep driving and you will find yourself in a reveresed race on the track. Earn 1st place to unlock the Caddy Car. ->Crazy Canuck Car: Enter Car Attack mode and play Stage 8 in Mirror Mode. Earn first place to enable the Crazy Canuck. ->Pooka Car: In Time Attack, select stage 7 or 8 and choose Set Record. Break the record to enable Pooka (from Dig Dug). ->00 Agent Car: Start a two player Team Mode game. Choose to play with 3 teams and select stage 7 or 8. Earn first and second place to unlock 00 Agent. =>Blinky Car: Want to play as Blinky from Pac-Man? Just start a Time Attack race on any track, making sure it is set to unlimited laps. Complete 99 laps and Blinky is enabled. You will probably want to tape/rubber band the A button down and leave the system alone for a while until the laps are completed. ->Red Shirt Rage Car: Using the Ultra 64, race on the Ridge Racer Novice track in Z class. Run into the helicopter and you get the Red Shirt Rage car after you finish the race... Oh, you want help? Well, the can only hit the helicopter at one point on the map, and only during the first lap. Drive to the beach checkpoint, stop and wait about five seconds; this should give the helicopter enough time to reach the right position on the map. Start driving again and go as fast as possible. When you jump right before the tunnel, try to hit the chopper. ->Motion Blurring: During instant replays, press cL for blurring. ->Full Spin: This works best if your drift mode is set to Ridge Racer 64. At a sharp turn, stop accelerating, turn to the opposite direction, then accelerate again. Make sure you are turning the entire time. If everything was done correctly, your car will spin around during the slide. This should help you make sharp turns without losing speed. RING KING (nes) checked-no |92E8X2B6H2906A7XKC44S9| Final fight =>Endless Energy: On the TRAINING GYM screen, press CNTRL II: A, CNTRL I: A SELECT A, CNTRL II: B, CNTRL I: SELECT, CNTRL II: A B, CNTRL I: B B =>Fighting Tip: Get your opponent on one side of the ring, hold the PAD in the direction of your opponent, and repeatedly press B. RISE OF THE ROBOTS (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: Turn on the SNES, wait for the Mode Select screen appears, then press CNTRL I: U R D L B or U R D L [R]. Now, in the Two-Player Vs. Mode, you can choose to play as the Supervisor Robot. =>End Scenes: On the Player Select screen, press L B R B D L R B. =>Invincibility: On the Start/Options/1 or 2 player selection screen, press D B U B D L R B and start the game. This enable invincibility in 1P Trainer and Mission modes. =>Special Moves: If you turn on the Super Moves option and play the 2 Player game, there are special moves enabled. * Dx4 and Any Button - Disable all Super Moves * Forward x 4 and Any Button - Reverse opponent's controls * Back x 4 and Any Button - No Damage * Ux4 and Any Button - Invisibility RIVAL TURF (snes) checked-no =>Stage Four Warp: Once you have thirty or more kills in level four (there should be at least four small heads above your life meter, each head representing 10 kills), proceed to the door in level four, stand in it, and press U to enter. You will warp to the stage boss. =>Change Character Names: After playing the game and earning the highest score on the score table, you will be given the chance to enter your name. Enter the name |CHRCONF| and you will find a secret configuration screen where you can change the names of all characters in the game. When done, press START to play with these names. RIVER CITY RANSOM (nes) checked-no |t1izvpdOZnZ JxNkJp7Cpub XMPQgXErSMF| <- Ivan beaten, High School open |XfMdZTHwiR3 jaj6jfRUDEt tilm2tWRo8b| <- Only Slick is left. Go get him! |EM7KGA0DBDh WcEtZhSQjTZ fUXYofbaZ7N| $122, all attrib at 30, and 99 strength |iqXokeSfaci mKpvcUkZUzW RiQvrqhkT4Q| Full energy,63 of all,all books,$0.15 most bosses beaten |jrYplfTgbdj nOorLTIYXwR SjTuqpilUHP| 63 of all levels, full stamina/power, all books, Texas Boots, and $500.50 =>The Location of Merlin's Mystery Shop: In the Armstrong Thru-Way Tunnel, stand under the fourth light from the left and press U. Here you can buy the hard to find super powerful items. =>Batter Up: If somebody throws a rock at you while you are carrying the lead pipe, simply play ball. =>Die and Keep Cash: In the two player game, it is possible to die yet keep all your cash. If a player is near death, have him stand on the very side of the screen, then have the healthy player kill him and immediately enter the next screen. On the new screen, the dead player will appear, but with all his energy and cash. ROAD RASH (gb) checked-no |04|9DGG BB9F FFKK| |05|9CBK 632C 88KO| ROAD RASH 64 (n64) checked-no =>Stage Codes: Enter these codes on the Game Select screen. These also open up more levels and bikes in Multiplayer mode. |02|[R] cR Z [R] Z cU cL cU| |04|[R] cL cR cD cRx2 cLx2| |03|[R] cRx3 [R] cL cD Z | |05|Z cR cD cL cRx2 Z [L] | =>All Bikes/Tracks: On the menu, press cU cLx2 cR [L] [R] cD Z. =>Lady Biker: On the menu, press cR cL Z [L] [R] cU. =>Cop Mode: On the Game Select screen, press Z cL cD cL Z [L] [R] cD. Cop Mode will now be enabled on the Thrash Mode stage select. =>Insanity Turbo Mode: On the main menu, press cU cLx2 cR [L] [R] cD Z. * To earn this mode normally, beat all the Big Game mode races. Either way, you enable the two bikes with top speeds greater than 300 mph. =>Easy Beat Down: To easily beat "The Beat Down" level, just drive through the grass. The police will ignore you and stop everyone else. =>Scooter Mode: On the Main Menu, press cD cR cU cL Zx2 [L] cL. =>Turbo Boost: When the race is beginning, hold the wheelie button, A, until you take off, then release. This should give you a turbo start. =>Alternate Colors: Press U or D on the multiplayer bike selection screen. =>Stop Cops: If you see a cop on the shoulder, pop a wheelie on him before he moves and you'll knock him out. ROAD RUNNER'S DEATH VALLEY RALLY (snes) checked-no =>75 Extra Lives: On the title screen, hold [L]+R+Y+SELECT and press START. Continue holding START until the game begins and the title "Zippity Splat" appears across the top of the screen. When you release the buttons, you will have 75 lives. ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES (nes) checked-no On the title screen, press Ax8 Bx8 times. Now, use these passwords: |CATACOMB| outside Arab jail |WELL | Search for haunted well |WALL | Hadrian's Wall |TAX | Attack gold wagons |LOCKSLEY| Locksley Castle |POND | Search for healing water |DUBOIS | Dubois Manor |VILLAGE | Defense of Sherwood Village |CHASE | Horse race to Sherwood |CELTS | Battle Celts |CATHEDRA| Rescue the maiden... |TOWN | Journey to town |BOAR | Battle the boar |TOWNHANG| In town, by gallows |MASTER | Search for Master Trainer |CASTLEIN| Inside Sheriff's castle |CHAPEL | Meet Marian at chapel |WEDDING | The end of the Game =>Entering Final Castle: You must wear the disguise from the woodsman's house during the castle hanging scene, or the battle will never end. ROBOCOP (nes) checked-no =>Extra Continues: When Robocop dies, hold A+B+SELECT and press START to return to the title screen where the "Continue" option can be used again. ROBOCOP (gb) checked-no =>Stage Skip: Stand near an energy tank and let yourself get shot. If you can touch the tank before you die, you will skip to the next level. ROBOCOP 2 (gb) checked-no =>See Ending: On the title screen, press A+B+SELECT+START then press L. ROBOCOP VS. TERMINATOR (snes) checked-no 01 |DLTC| 03 |TPST| 05 |HKFL| 07 |SKMD| 09 |SKNN| 11 |RNTM| 02 |MWSX| 04 |BSHK| 06 |SKTR| 08 |DRFT| 10 |MWFX| End |FNSH| or |HUSD| =>Odd Credits: While the credits are rolling, press B. After the normal credits, you will get to see a few extra, odd ones. ROBOWARRIOR (nes) checked-no =>Unlim. Items: Have Zed collect the Megaton Bomb from the Idol Room and exactly 62 bombs. Now, have Zed destroy a Lurcher/Spider with the normal weapon and make sure he is facing down. Press SELECT, then highlight the Energy Capsule. Hold CNTRL II: U+L and press CNTRL I: A. You can now use items without depleting your supply. =>Stage Select: After doing the Unlimited Item Code, press U+L+SELECT and the stage number will appear on the screen. Use A or B to choose a stage. =>Walk Walking: Pause, then hold SELECT+B and unpause. As long as you hold the buttons down, you will be able to walk through walls and obstacles. ROBOTREK (snes) checked-no =>Hidden Library: Before piloting the ship to Choco, search the area around 5 spaces right and 7 or 9 spaces up from Quintenix. In other words, starting from Quintenix, fly right just past the first yellow star, then fly upwards until you are around a small blue star on the left and a large yellow star on the right. The planet Kirara is in between those stars. The planet's library contains the complete Inventor's Friend collection. =>Pack Trick: If you have an empty pack, combine it with other items, such as packs, to improve them. Combine with Weather for a Solar Pack, or with Repair for a Quick Pack. ROBOTRON 64 (n64) checked-no =>Cheating Passwords: If you use these passwords and get 1000 pts or an extra life, your new password won't keep your score or lives. Use a controller pak to save this data. |TFTTDQSKBB| 32767000 pts, 126 lives, easy, level 1 |THTTNQSKBB| 32767000 pts, 126 lives, normal, level 1 |TKTTDRSKBB| 32767000 pts, 126 lives, insane, level 1 =>Cheating Not Quite As Badly: Or, try these codes for 110 lives on level 1. |BSBBBBTJBB| Easy |BCBBLBTJBB| Normal |BFBBBCTJBB| Insane =>Setup Screen Codes: On the setup screen, use the PAD to enter these codes. * 50 Lives: Press U U D D L R L R cL cR cL cR. * Stage Select: Press D U cL D cL cR D cR. * Game Boy Mode: Press U D R cL D U L cR U D. * Demo: Press (L R U D cL cR cL cR)x3. =>Gameplay Codes: Enter these codes on the PAD during gameplay. * Shield: Press D L cL cR. * Flame Thrower: Press D R D R cR. * Radiation Spray: Press U D cR cL. * 2-Way: Press U cU U cU. * 3-Way: Press R R cL cD. * 4-Way: Press D D U cR. * Speed-Up: Press L L R R cU. =>Passwords... Choose your level and start with 90 lives. |lvl| Easy | Normal | Insane | |lvl| Easy | Normal | Insane | |1 |BQBBDBNHBB|BSBBNBNHBB|BBBBDCNHBB| |101|BSBBDBNHMJ|BBBBNBNHMJ|BDBBDCNHMJ| |2 |BSBBDBNHCB|BBBBNBNHCB|BDBBDCNHCB| |102|BBBBDBNHNJ|BDBBNBNHNJ|BGBBDCNHNJ| |3 |BBBBDBNHDB|BDBBNBNHDB|BGBBDCNHDB| |103|BDBBDBNHPJ|BGBBNBNHPJ|BJBBDCNHPJ| |4 |BDBBDBNHFB|BGBBNBNHFB|BJBBDCNHFB| |104|BGBBDBNHQJ|BJBBNBNHQJ|BLBBDCNHQJ| |5 |BGBBDBNHGB|BJBBNBNHGB|BLBBDCNHGB| |105|BJBBDBNHRJ|BLBBNBNHRJ|BNBBDCNHRJ| |6 |BJBBDBNHHB|BLBBNBNHHB|BNBBDCNHHB| |106|BLBBDBNHSJ|BNBBNBNHSJ|BQBBDCNHSJ| |7 |BLBBDBNHJB|BNBBNBNHJB|BQBBDCNHJB| |107|BNBBDBNHTJ|BQBBNBNHTJ|BSBBDCNHTJ| |8 |BNBBDBNHKB|BQBBNBNHKB|BSBBDCNHKB| |108|BQBBDBNHBK|BSBBNBNHBK|BBBBDCNHBK| |9 |BQBBDBNHLB|BSBBNBNHLB|BBBBDCNHLB| |109|BSBBDBNHCK|BBBBNBNHCK|BDBBDCNHCK| |10 |BSBBDBNHMB|BBBBNBNHMB|BDBBDCNHMB| |110|BBBBDBNHDK|BDBBNBNHDK|BGBBDCNHDK| |11 |BBBBDBNHNB|BDBBNBNHNB|BGBBDCNHNB| |111|BDBBDBNHFK|BGBBNBNHFK|BJBBDCNHFK| |12 |BDBBDBNHPB|BGBBNBNHPB|BJBBDCNHPB| |112|BGBBDBNHGK|BJBBNBNHGK|BLBBDCNHGK| |13 |BGBBDBNHQB|BJBBNBNHQB|BLBBDCNHQB| |113|BJBBDBNHHK|BLBBNBNHHK|BNBBDCNHHK| |14 |BJBBDBNHRB|BLBBNBNHRB|BNBBDCNHRB| |114|BLBBDBNHJK|BNBBNBNHJK|BQBBDCNHJK| |15 |BLBBDBNHSB|BNBBNBNHSB|BQBBDCNHSB| |115|BNBBDBNHKK|BQBBNBNHKK|BSBBDCNHKK| |16 |BNBBDBNHTB|BQBBNBNHTB|BSBBDCNHTB| |116|BQBBDBNHLK|BSBBNBNHLK|BBBBDCNHLK| |17 |BQBBDBNHBC|BSBBNBNHBC|BBBBDCNHBC| |117|BSBBDBNHMK|BBBBNBNHMK|BDBBDCNHMK| |18 |BSBBDBNHCC|BBBBNBNHCC|BDBBDCNHCC| |118|BBBBDBNHNK|BDBBNBNHNK|BGBBDCNHNK| |19 |BBBBDBNHDC|BDBBNBNHDC|BGBBDCNHDC| |119|BDBBDBNHPK|BGBBNBNHPK|BJBBDCNHPK| |bns|BDBBDBNHFC|BGBBNBNHFC|BJBBDCNHFC| |bns|BGBBDBNHQK|BJBBNBNHQK|BLBBDCNHQK| |20 |BGBBDBNHGC|BJBBNBNHGC|BLBBDCNHGC| |120|BJBBDBNHRK|BLBBNBNHRK|BNBBDCNHRK| |21 |BJBBDBNHHC|BLBBNBNHHC|BNBBDCNHHC| |121|BLBBDBNHSK|BNBBNBNHSK|BQBBDCNHSK| |22 |BLBBDBNHJC|BNBBNBNHJC|BQBBDCNHJC| |122|BNBBDBNHTK|BQBBNBNHTK|BSBBDCNHTK| |23 |BNBBDBNHKC|BQBBNBNHKC|BSBBDCNHKC| |123|BQBBDBNHBL|BSBBNBNHBL|BBBBDCNHBL| |24 |BQBBDBNHLC|BSBBNBNHLC|BBBBDCNHLC| |124|BSBBDBNHCL|BBBBNBNHCL|BDBBDCNHCL| |25 |BSBBDBNHMC|BBBBNBNHMC|BDBBDCNHMC| |125|BBBBDBNHDL|BDBBNBNHDL|BGBBDCNHDL| |26 |BBBBDBNHNC|BDBBNBNHNC|BGBBDCNHNC| |126|BDBBDBNHFL|BGBBNBNHFL|BJBBDCNHFL| |27 |BDBBDBNHPC|BGBBNBNHPC|BJBBDCNHPC| |127|BGBBDBNHGL|BJBBNBNHGL|BLBBDCNHGL| |28 |BGBBDBNHQC|BJBBNBNHQC|BLBBDCNHQC| |128|BJBBDBNHHL|BLBBNBNHHL|BNBBDCNHHL| |29 |BJBBDBNHRC|BLBBNBNHRC|BNBBDCNHRC| |129|BLBBDBNHJL|BNBBNBNHJL|BQBBDCNHJL| |30 |BLBBDBNHSC|BNBBNBNHSC|BQBBDCNHSC| |130|BNBBDBNHKL|BQBBNBNHKL|BSBBDCNHKL| |31 |BNBBDBNHTC|BQBBNBNHTC|BSBBDCNHTC| |131|BQBBDBNHLL|BSBBNBNHLL|BBBBDCNHLL| |32 |BQBBDBNHBD|BSBBNBNHBD|BBBBDCNHBD| |132|BSBBDBNHML|BBBBNBNHML|BDBBDCNHML| |33 |BSBBDBNHCD|BBBBNBNHCD|BDBBDCNHCD| |133|BBBBDBNHNL|BDBBNBNHNL|BGBBDCNHNL| |34 |BBBBDBNHDD|BDBBNBNHDD|BGBBDCNHDD| |134|BDBBDBNHPL|BGBBNBNHPL|BJBBDCNHPL| |35 |BDBBDBNHFD|BGBBNBNHFD|BJBBDCNHFD| |135|BGBBDBNHQL|BJBBNBNHQL|BLBBDCNHQL| |36 |BGBBDBNHGD|BJBBNBNHGD|BLBBDCNHGD| |136|BJBBDBNHRL|BLBBNBNHRL|BNBBDCNHRL| |37 |BJBBDBNHHD|BLBBNBNHHD|BNBBDCNHHD| |137|BLBBDBNHSL|BNBBNBNHSL|BQBBDCNHSL| |38 |BLBBDBNHJD|BNBBNBNHJD|BQBBDCNHJD| |138|BNBBDBNHTL|BQBBNBNHTL|BSBBDCNHTL| |39 |BNBBDBNHKD|BQBBNBNHKD|BSBBDCNHKD| |139|BQBBDBNHBM|BSBBNBNHBM|BBBBDCNHBM| |bns|BQBBDBNHLD|BSBBNBNHLD|BBBBDCNHLD| |bns|BSBBDBNHCM|BBBBNBNHCM|BDBBDCNHCM| |40 |BSBBDBNHMD|BBBBNBNHMD|BDBBDCNHMD| |140|BBBBDBNHDM|BDBBNBNHDM|BGBBDCNHDM| |41 |BBBBDBNHND|BDBBNBNHND|BGBBDCNHND| |141|BDBBDBNHFM|BGBBNBNHFM|BJBBDCNHFM| |42 |BDBBDBNHPD|BGBBNBNHPD|BJBBDCNHPD| |142|BGBBDBNHGM|BJBBNBNHGM|BLBBDCNHGM| |43 |BGBBDBNHQD|BJBBNBNHQD|BLBBDCNHQD| |143|BJBBDBNHHM|BLBBNBNHHM|BNBBDCNHHM| |44 |BJBBDBNHRD|BLBBNBNHRD|BNBBDCNHRD| |144|BLBBDBNHJM|BNBBNBNHJM|BQBBDCNHJM| |45 |BLBBDBNHSD|BNBBNBNHSD|BQBBDCNHSD| |145|BNBBDBNHKM|BQBBNBNHKM|BSBBDCNHKM| |46 |BNBBDBNHTD|BQBBNBNHTD|BSBBDCNHTD| |146|BQBBDBNHLM|BSBBNBNHLM|BBBBDCNHLM| |47 |BQBBDBNHBF|BSBBNBNHBF|BBBBDCNHBF| |147|BSBBDBNHMM|BBBBNBNHMM|BDBBDCNHMM| |48 |BSBBDBNHCF|BBBBNBNHCF|BDBBDCNHCF| |148|BBBBDBNHNM|BDBBNBNHNM|BGBBDCNHNM| |49 |BBBBDBNHDF|BDBBNBNHDF|BGBBDCNHDF| |149|BDBBDBNHPM|BGBBNBNHPM|BJBBDCNHPM| |50 |BDBBDBNHFF|BGBBNBNHFF|BJBBDCNHFF| |150|BGBBDBNHQM|BJBBNBNHQM|BLBBDCNHQM| |51 |BGBBDBNHGF|BJBBNBNHGF|BLBBDCNHGF| |151|BJBBDBNHRM|BLBBNBNHRM|BNBBDCNHRM| |52 |BJBBDBNHHF|BLBBNBNHHF|BNBBDCNHHF| |152|BLBBDBNHSM|BNBBNBNHSM|BQBBDCNHSM| |53 |BLBBDBNHJF|BNBBNBNHJF|BQBBDCNHJF| |153|BNBBDBNHTM|BQBBNBNHTM|BSBBDCNHTM| |54 |BNBBDBNHKF|BQBBNBNHKF|BSBBDCNHKF| |154|BQBBDBNHBN|BSBBNBNHBN|BBBBDCNHBN| |55 |BQBBDBNHLF|BSBBNBNHLB|BABBDCNHLF| |155|BSBBDBNHCN|BBBBNBNHCN|BDBBDCNHCN| |56 |BSBBDBNHMF|BBBBNBNHMF|BDBBDCNHMF| |156|BBBBDBNHDN|BDBBNBNHDN|BGBBDCNHDN| |57 |BBBBDBNHNF|BDBBNBNHNF|BGBBDCNHNF| |157|BDBBDBNHFN|BGBBNBNHFN|BJBBDCNHFN| |58 |BDBBDBNHPF|BGBBNBNHPF|BJBBDCNHPF| |158|BGBBDBNHGN|BJBBNBNHGN|BLBBDCNHGN| |59 |BGBBDBNHQF|BJBBNBNHQF|BLBBDCNHQF| |159|BJBBDBNHHN|BLBBNBNHHN|BNBBDCNHHN| |bns|BJBBDBNHRF|BLBBNBNHRF|BNBBDCNHRF| |bns|BLBBDBNHJN|BNBBNBNHJN|BQBBDCNHJN| |60 |BLBBDBNHSF|BNBBNBNHSF|BQBBDCNHSF| |160|BNBBDBNHKN|BQBBNBNHKN|BSBBDCNHKN| |61 |BNBBDBNHTF|BQBBNBNHTF|BSBBDCNHTF| |161|BQBBDBNHLN|BSBBNBNHLN|BBBBDCNHLN| |62 |BQBBDBNHBG|BSBBNBNHBG|BBBBDCNHBG| |162|BSBBDBNHMN|BBBBNBNHMN|BDBBDCNHMN| |63 |BSBBDBNHCG|BBBBNBNHCG|BDBBDCNHCG| |163|BBBBDBNHNN|BDBBNBNHNN|BGBBDCNHNN| |64 |BBBBDBNHDG|BDBBNBNHDG|BGBBDCNHDG| |164|BDBBDBNHPN|BGBBNBNHPN|BJBBDCNHPN| |65 |BDBBDBNHFG|BGBBNBNHFG|BJBBDCNHFG| |165|BGBBDBNHQN|BJBBNBNHQN|BLBBDCNHQN| |66 |BGBBDBNHGG|BJBBNBNHGG|BLBBDCNHGG| |166|BJBBDBNHRN|BLBBNBNHRN|BNBBDCNHRN| |67 |BJBBDBNHHG|BLBBNBNHHG|BNBBDCNHHG| |167|BLBBDBNHSN|BNBBNBNHSN|BQBBDCNHSN| |68 |BLBBDBNHJG|BNBBNBNHJG|BQBBDCNHJG| |168|BNBBDBNHTN|BQBBNBNHTN|BSBBDCNHTN| |69 |BNBBDBNHKG|BQBBNBNHKG|BSBBDCNHKG| |169|BQBBDBNHBP|BSBBNBNHBP|BBBBDCNHBP| |70 |BQBBDBNHLG|BSBBNBNHLG|BBBBDCNHLG| |170|BSBBDBNHCP|BBBBNBNHCP|BDBBDCNHCP| |71 |BSBBDBNHMG|BBBBNBNHMG|BDBBDCNHMG| |171|BBBBDBNHDP|BDBBNBNHDP|BGBBDCNHDP| |72 |BBBBDBNHNG|BDBBNBNHNG|BGBBDCNHNG| |172|BDBBDBNHFP|BGBBNBNHFP|BJBBDCNHFP| |73 |BDBBDBNHPG|BGBBNBNHPG|BJBBDCNHPG| |173|BGBBDBNHGP|BJBBNBNHGP|BLBBDCNHGP| |74 |BGBBDBNHQG|BJBBNBNHQG|BLBBDCNHQG| |174|BJBBDBNHHP|BLBBNBNHHP|BNBBDCNHHP| |75 |BJBBDBNHRG|BLBBNBNHRG|BNBBDCNHRG| |175|BLBBDBNHJP|BNBBNBNHJP|BQBBDCNHJP| |76 |BLBBDBNHSG|BNBBNBNHSG|BQBBDCNHSG| |176|BNBBDBNHKP|BQBBNBNHKP|BSBBDCNHKP| |77 |BNBBDBNHTG|BQBBNBNHTG|BSBBDCNHTG| |177|BQBBDBNHLP|BSBBNBNHLP|BBBBDCNHLP| |78 |BQBBDBNHBH|BSBBNBNHBH|BBBBDCNHBH| |178|BSBBDBNHMP|BBBBNBNHMP|BDBBDCNHMP| |79 |BSBBDBNHCH|BBBBNBNHCH|BDBBDCNHCH| |179|BBBBDBNHNP|BDBBNBNHNP|BGBBDCNHNP| |bns|BBBBDBNHDH|BDBBNBNHDH|BGBBDCNHDH| |bns|BDBBDBNHPP|BGBBNBNHPP|BJBBDCNHPP| |80 |BDBBDBNHFH|BGBBNBNHFH|BJBBDCNHFH| |180|BGBBDBNHQP|BJBBNBNHQP|BLBBDCNHQP| |81 |BGBBDBNHGH|BJBBNBNHGH|BLBBDCNHGH| |181|BJBBDBNHRP|BLBBNBNHRP|BNBBDCNHRP| |82 |BJBBDBNHHH|BLBBNBNHHH|BNBBDCNHHH| |182|BLBBDBNHSP|BNBBNBNHSP|BQBBDCNHSP| |83 |BLBBDBNHJH|BNBBNBNHJH|BQBBDCNHJH| |183|BNBBDBNHTP|BQBBNBNHTP|BSBBDCNHTP| |84 |BNBBDBNHKH|BQBBNBNHKH|BSBBDCNHKH| |184|BQBBDBNHBQ|BSBBNBNHBQ|BBBBDCNHBQ| |85 |BQBBDBNHLH|BSBBNBNHLH|BBBBDCNHLH| |185|BSBBDBNHCQ|BBBBNBNHCQ|BDBBDCNHCQ| |86 |BSBBDBNHMH|BBBBNBNHMH|BDBBDCNHMH| |186|BBBBDBNHDQ|BDBBNBNHDQ|BGBBDCNHDQ| |87 |BBBBDBNHNH|BDBBNBNHNH|BGBBDCNHNH| |187|BDBBDBNHFQ|BGBBNBNHFQ|BJBBDCNHFQ| |88 |BDBBDBNHPH|BGBBNBNHPH|BJBBDCNHPH| |188|BGBBDBNHGQ|BJBBNBNHGQ|BLBBDCNHGQ| |89 |BGBBDBNHQH|BJBBNBNHQH|BLBBDCNHQH| |189|BJBBDBNHHQ|BLBBNBNHHQ|BNBBDCNHHQ| |90 |BJBBDBNHRH|BLBBNBNHRH|BNBBDCNHRH| |190|BLBBDBNHJQ|BNBBNBNHJQ|BQBBDCNHJQ| |91 |BLBBDBNHSH|BNBBNBNHSH|BQBBDCNHSH| |191|BNBBDBNHKQ|BQBBNBNHKQ|BSBBDCNHKQ| |92 |BNBBDBNHTH|BQBBNBNHTH|BSBBDCNHTH| |192|BQBBDBNHLQ|BSBBNBNHLQ|BBBBDCNHLQ| |93 |BQBBDBNHBJ|BSBBNBNHBJ|BBBBDCNHBJ| |193|BSBBDBNHMQ|BBBBNBNHMQ|BDBBDCNHMQ| |94 |BSBBDBNHCJ|BBBBNBNHCJ|BDBBDCNHCJ| |194|BBBBDBNHNQ|BDBBNBNHNQ|BGBBDCNHNQ| |95 |BBBBDBNHDJ|BDBBNBNHDJ|BGBBDCNHDJ| |195|BDBBDBNHPQ|BGBBNBNHPQ|BJBBDCNHPQ| |96 |BDBBDBNHFJ|BGBBNBNHFJ|BJBBDCNHFJ| |196|BGBBDBNHQQ|BJBBNBNHQQ|BLBBDCNHQQ| |97 |BGBBDBNHGJ|BJBBNBNHGJ|BLBBDCNHGJ| |197|BJBBDBNHRQ|BLBBNBNHRQ|BNBBDCNHRQ| |98 |BJBBDBNHHJ|BLBBNBNHHJ|BNBBDCNHHJ| |198|BLBBDBNHSQ|BNBBNBNHSQ|BQBBDCNHSQ| |99 |BLBBDBNHJJ|BNBBNBNHJJ|BQBBDCNHJJ| |199|BNBBDBNHTQ|BQBBNBNHTQ|BSBBDCNHTQ| |bns|BNBBDBNHKJ|BQBBNBNHKJ|BSBBDCNHKJ| |bns|BQBBDBNHBR|BSBBNBNHBR|BBBBDCNHBR| |100|BQBBDBNHLJ|BSBBNBNHLJ|BBBBDCNHLJ| |200|BSBBDBNHCR|BBBBNBNHCR|BDBBDCNHCR| ROCK 'N BALL (nes) checked-no =>10 Balls: On the title screen, press B L R A U D. =>Battle Flippers on Both: Press U A R B D L. =>Pinball Balls Raised to Five: Press L R A D B U. =>Use Flipper w/ Highest Rebound: Press D B L R U A. =>Use Top/Bottom Flippers: On the title screen, press R U B L A D. Use CNTRL I for the bottom flipper and CNTRL II for the top flipper. =>Use Left/Right Flippers: On the title screen, press A D U R L B. CNTRL I is for the right flipper and CNTRL II is for the left flipper. ROCK N' ROLL RACING (snes) checked-no =>Note: You can't reach the last planet unless you are playing the warrior difficulty level. $999,999 Veteran Lvl |989Y C02V WS6M| $999,999 Warrior Lvl |J89! CO2V WS6M| |!B!R T5C3 X5PT| Drakonis |V2L8 14BV 92K!| Nko |7JM8 QQCB 9SPS| Bogmire |XWC7 HZB5 5TJ!| Inferno |1FQ8 R5CL 9KK2| New Mojave =>Warrior Difficulty Passwords: Chem VI: Div B |XB48 RSFW 0S6M| Div A |5CR8 RLCW 0S6S| Drakonis Div B |RKBR !8F5 SWJ!| Div A |HZLR 1MC5 SWJ!| Bogmire Div B |RNDQ MQFD SWJ!| Div A |GBJQ 7SCD SWJ!| New Mojave Div B |R1LQ 2MFN SWJ!| Div A |DHQT S6CN SWJ!| Nho Div B |MFBR R8DX SWJ!| Div A |VQY8 !RBV 5TJ!| Inferno Div B |48F8 20D3 5TJ!| Div A |XBF7 MHB3 5TJ!| =>Olaf: Hold [L]+[R]+SELECT on the driver select screen while scrolling through the list of racers, and you will be able to find Olaf the Lost Viking. =>Vs. Mode Inferno: To race on Inferno in the Vs. Mode, begin a game, go to the SELECT PLANET screen and hold [L]+[R]+SELECT while scrolling through planets. You will now be able to choose Inferno. =>Larry Sound Test: On the options screen, make sure Larry is "On", and press [L] or [R] to make Larry say different things. ROCKET RANGER (nes) checked-yes =>Final Stage & Programmers' Screen: Begin a game and enter the War Room. Transfer all agents to Lutonia, highlight Continue and press A. Hold START and press SELECT. You will see a cheery message from the programmers and gain access to the Rocket Lab. Go to the Rocket Lab and you'll blast to the final stage. ROCKET: ROBOT ON WHEELS (n64) checked-no =>Clowny Isle Secret Entrance: Go into the dunes and look for a ramp leading to the right. Take the ramp, find a pole surrounded by bees, and enter there. =>All Vehicles: Pause the game and press U D Z [R] L U D L D D. THE ROCKETEER (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the copyright screen, press [L] [R] [L] [R] D START. THE ROCKETEER (nes) checked-no |02|490-629-312| |04|775-454-215| |06|040-473-312| |03|435-765-818| |05|318-469-417| ROCKIN' KATS (nes) checked-no |67GDZ(music note)JGK(triangle)| channel 5 |57YRmchs0P| Final Level, all weapons, stage select =>Instant Energy: Press START to pause the game, then press D+A+B+START all at the same time, and the hearts will refill instantly. =>Exit Level: Press START to pause, then press Ax3. You will exit the level and be able to shop. =>6 Extra Lives: Hold D+A+B and then press STARTx2. ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE (snes) checked-no Easy Hard Easy Hard Easy Hard Level 2 |COMICS|BLAZEZ| Level 3 |MELBA|O-TOWN| Level 4 |HIPPO|GRIPES| =>Bonemation: When the Nickelodeon bone appears after the licensing screen, you can manipulate it by using CNTRL I and its buttons. Pressing SELECT will replay your 'Bonemation'. Press X+Y to make it thin, A+B to make it fat. ROCKY RODENT (snes) checked-no =>Extra Mode: On the title screen, press START. As Rocky begins running, press Y A [R] A B A. A tune will play, then you will go to the Extra Mode screen, where you can adjust Continues and other options. If you set the Continues to ? they are unlimited. ROGER CLEMENS MVP BASEBALL (nes) checked-no These codes put you in the 1st series of playoffs... |WVBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBXRB| Oakland Bashers |5VDCBB BBBBBL BBBBVB BBBZZV| Boston Hornets |BGBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBYM3| L.A. Apaches |L478JG CZ3MLV XBBBFB BBBBX3| Chicago Swords |LZFMJY RBZVJS FY7WFX 6CBBN5| 33 games ahead |BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBLJN| World Series Code |QBBBBB bBBBBB BBBBQB BBBBBB| Change Music |GBBBBB bBBBBB BBBBQB BBFBBB| S.F. vs S.F. on last day =>Easy Strikeouts: Tap U as you release a pitch. STAR WARS: ROGUE LEADER - ROGUE SQUADRON 2 (gc) checked-no |EXHIBIT!| Art Gallery |THATSME!| View Credits |BLAHBLAH| Audio Commentary |?INSIDER| Documentary |LIONHEAD| Black & White Mode |COMPOSER| Music Hall =>Special Cheat Codes: Enter the first code, and you will either receive an error buzz or no sound at all. Return to the code entry and enter the second code to get R2-D2 to beep and enable the cheat. |CDYXF!?Q| and |ASEPONE!| Naboo Starfighter |JPVI?IJC| and |RSBFNRL| Unlimited Lives |!??QWTTJ| and |Classic| Unlock 10 Standard Missions |ZT?!RGBA| and |DISPSBLE| TIE Fighter |MVPQIU?A| and |OH!BUDDY| Millenium Falcon |PYST?OOOO| and |DUCKSHOT| Death Star Escape bonus mission |AYZB!RCL| and |WRKFORIT| All Tech Upgrades |OGGRWPDG| and |EEKEEK!| Unlock Yavin Unlocked |AJHH!?JY| and |BUSTOUR| Unlock Imperial Shuttle |PZ?APBSY| and |IRONSHIP| Unlock Slave 1 |TVLYBBXL| and |NOWAR!!!| Unlock Asteroid Field bonus level |AZTBOHII| and |OUTCAST!| Unlock Triumph of the Empire bonus level =>Audio Commentary: Earn bronze medals in 10 missions, or enter the code |BLAHBLAH| =>Documentary: Complete all 10 normal missions to earn the Documentary special feature, or enter the cheat code. =>Ace Mode: Earn gold medals in all 15 missions and complete all the Tatooine training mode objectives. =>Easy Beggar's Canyon Race: If you are having problems with Path 1 of the Beggar's Canyon Race, it is possible to skip it. When the race begins, let Biggs proceed into Path 1 and follow him until PATH 1 appears on the screen. Now, slow down and turn downwards and left until you have turned completely around, and return to the beginning of the race. Turn and go through Path 2 now. =>Free Refills: Cinema cut scenes will appear in missions frequently, and generally when your objective changes. If you crash your ship just before a cut scene plays, so that the scene begins before your crash scene ends, you will find yourself with full shields and weapons after the scene plays. You won't lose a life from the crash, either. =>Quick Start: On the Mission Select screen, hold [L]+[R] while choosing a mission. You will skip the ship selection hanger and begin the level with the default ship. =>Upgrades: Several upgrades are available throughout the game. Find the upgrade in a level, collect it, then beat the level to earn the upgrade. * Advanced Concussion Missiles: In Imperial Academy Heist, look in the tunnel across from the Spread Proton Bombs. * Advanced Proton Bombs: At the beginning of Ison Corridor Ambush, fly down and into the large piece of debris. * Advanced Shields: In Death Star Attack, right after the cinema that appears after you blow up the towers, head slightly to the left and stay near the surface to find this upgrade. If you need help, use your radar to locate two light grey squares surrounded by blackness, with a red dot nearby. * Advanced Lasers: In the Battle of Hoth, after the AT-ST's destroy the shield generator and you are told to go escort the transports, return to the battle field and you will find this upgrade where the shield generator formerly was. * Targeting Computer: In Attack the Core, fly until you approach the core of the Death Star. Before the opening, some pipes will be visible in the lower right. Fly under them to find the upgrade. =>Extra Ships: * TIE Fighter: In Imperial Academy Heist, steal the TIE Fighter and finish the mission. * Millenium Falcon: Earn a bronze medal in 10 missions. * Slave I: Earn silver medals in 12 missions. * Vader's TIE Advanced X1: Earn 15 gold medals. * Naboo Fighter: Complete the Tatooine Training level during all four times of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, and night). Make sure you complete all the objectives, find all the items and the two bonus items. =>Shuttle in Extra Missions: To must earn a gold medal in both the Triumph of the Empire and the Revenge on Yavin missions before you can use the shuttle in either of them. =>Tatooine Hidden Items: Destroy Jabba's Palace to find C-3P0. Destroy the Sandcrawlers to find R2-D2. The Droid's Escape Pod is hidden in the desert. You can only find one each time you play the training mode. STAR WARS: ROGUE SQUADRON (n64) checked-part =>Passcodes: |CHICKEN | AT-ST Chicken Walker bonus level (use CNTRL I and II) |CREDITS | View credits |ACE | More difficult game |IGIVEUP | Infinite Lives |RADAR | Altitude Sensitive Radar - brighter = higher |TOUGHGUY| All Power-Ups |BLAMEUS | Picture of the development team |GAMEFLO!| Unlock all regular missions |WOMPRAT!| Unlock Tatooine race bonus level |WOISTHAN| Unlock Death Star Trench bonus level |DEADDACK| Unlock Battle of Hoth level, and all prior levels |DIRECTOR| Enable At The Movies option in Options - The Showroom; you can now view all the cut scenes in the game. |MAESTRO | Concert Hall sound test in The Showroom (use after DIRECTOR) |FARMBOY | Enable Millennium Falcon |TIEDUP | Enable TIE Interceptor. Enter the FARMBOY code as well, then look behind the Millennium Falcon. (push U when on the Falcon) |KOELSCH | 1969 Buick convertable in place of the V Wing. If you pause the game while in the Buick, the game will crash. =>Naboo Fighter: Go to the passcode entry screen. Without leaving the screen, enter the passwords |HALIFAX?|, choose "Enter code", then enter |!YNGWIE!| and choose "Enter code." Play the game and the Naboo Fighter from Episode I will be available for use. To deactivate the code, enter |HALIFAX?| and any word as the second code. ->Alternate Skywalkers: Enter these codes on the password screen, then play the game and quit once to activate it. Or let the demo play then return to the title. Either way, Luke's face will change... |BERGLOWE| H. Schmidt |FLYDODGE| D. Jagalski |CHIPPIE | C. Huelsbeck |HARDROCK| T. Engel, Tech Director |ICHHELD | R. Henke |PSYLOCK | M. Wagner |RUDIBUBI| R. Stember |SIRHISS | J. Petersam |THBPILOT| B. Hoppe |TIECK | F. Sauer |TOBIASS | T. Richter |WUTZI | J. Eggebrecht, Factor 5 President ->Bonus Mission 1: Earn a bronze medal in all the levels to race a T-16 in Beggar's Canyon. ->Bonus Mission 2: Earn a silver medal in all the levels to play the Death Star trench scene bonus mission. ->Bonus Mission 3: Earn a gold medal in all the levels to play the 3rd bonus mission - the Battle of Hoth. ->Hoth Gold: Earn the gold on Hoth to enable most ships on most levels. ROLAN'S CURSE (gb) checked-no |GDRS SKLL| Stage 1 |PQRJ LNPC| End of Game |GKRD STJP| Stage 2 |QKMT TQHP| Fire Wand & Magic Axe |GJRT STTP| Stage 3 |FRTT TGTP| Sword & Power Crystal |GSRT TKKP| Stage 4 ROLLING THUNDER (nes) checked-no -- Tengen unlicensed game -- |1-1|7567651| |2-6 |8511502| |3-1|6692956| |3-6 |7236972| |1-2|4023399| |2-7 |6609809| |3-2|4516110| |3-7 |8774494| |1-3|6426099| |2-8 |6127306| |3-3|6396857| |3-8 |2205789| |1-4|3009912| |2-9 |3495242| |3-4|4249741| |3-9 |6252184| |1-5|1450064| |2-10|6765136| |3-5|6916079| |3-10|6983701| ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS IV: WALL OF FIRE (snes) checked-no =>Cloning Soldiers: Use the War command and choose one general to enter into battle. Assign the maximum number of men to his unit. When asked if you are ready to start the battle, choose "No." Remove the general from your list of commanders, then reassign him. Return to the troop assignment screen and you will see that the number of available men has doubled. Repeat as often as you like, but don't return to the main menu or you will lose these clones. The clones will stay in the army only if you win the battle, and if you bring more men into battle than were in your attacking province, no men will be in the attacking province after the battle. * Here is an alternate method of cloning. Begin a war, choose your generals, but create two or more units. Highlight "Enter" and press A. Place one soldier in all the units, then put all your remaining soldiers in 1 unit. Choose "Enter" and when asked about starting the battle, choose "No". On the unit creation screen, dismiss the unit you put all the soldiers in, then create it again. Choose "Enter" and you will have twice as many soldiers. ROUND BALL: THE TWO ON TWO CHALLENGE (nes) checked-no |7DS| final game. R.P.M. RACING (snes) checked-no =>Start With $45,000,000: Choose an empty file and press B to go to the shop screen. Choose a car, then press B. Move the red select box to the bottom center square, then press B L B L B R B R Bx3 L Bx3 R B R B B. The box should now be one square to the right of the bottom center square, and you should have $45,000,000. RUGRATS: CASTLE CAPERS (gba) checked-no |JSJRJKSLXCFJ| Final level RUGRATS: SCAVENGER HUNT (n64) checked-no =>Reptar: On the character selection screen, hold [L]+Z+cU+cD+cL+cR. A tone will sound. You will now be playing as Reptar. =>Angelica's Temple Tip: If you land on a square with another player already on it, you will be safe from Angelica and able to search the temple. =>Password Screen: On the title screen, hold Z and press [R] A. The password screen will appear. On this screen, press Z A A B [R] [L] for the secret stage in Angelica's Temple. RUGRATS: THE MOVIE (gbc) checked-no |02|RQVDHJVV| |04|BVBYFJND| |06|VNGBLJCV| |08|LJTBWQQD| |03|TQMMY QK| |05|RJDBCVRT| |07|BJGSMVSH| RUN SABER (snes) checked-no =>Color Change: Pause the game, then press SELECT to cycle through the colors. =>Stage Select: At the Atlus screen, press and hold B+Y+[R]+SELECT. Release all the buttons and the stage select screen will appear. RUSH 2: EXTREME RACING USA (n64) checked-no =>Cheats: Enter the setup screen, hold [L]+[R]+Z and press cU+cD+cL+cR. Hold all these until the CHEAT option appears. Enter the cheat menu and you will find various cheats, but they aren't activated yet. Highlight the cheat you want and enter the appropriate code. * Auto Abort: Quickly press cUx4. * Brakes: Hold cU+cR and press Zx3. * Burning Wreck: Hold cU and press Zx4. * Car Collisions: Hold [L]+[R] and press (cL cU cR cD)x3. * Car Mines: Press Z+cU (cR cD cL)x6. * Cone Mines: Hold Z and press ([L]+[R])x4. * Damage: Press ([R] cD [L])x2. * Do the Dew: Press [L]+[R]+cD, [L]+[R]+cL, [L]+[R]+cU, ([L]+[R]+cR)x2, Z. * Fog Color: Hold Z and press (cL cU cR cD)x3. * Frame Scale: Hold Z+cD and press cU, then hold Z+cU and press cD. * Game Timer: Hold Z+cD, press cU, hold Z+cU and press cD. * Gravity: Hold Z and press cL cU cR cDx3 * Inside Out: Hold cR+cD and press [L] [R] Z. * Invincibility: Press ([L] cU [R])x2. * Invisible Car: Hold [L]+[R] and press (cU cD)x5. * Invisible Track: Hold [L]+[R] and press (cD cU)x5. * Killer Rats: Hold [L]+[R] and press Zx4. * Levitation: Hold [L]+[R]+Z and press cUx4. * Massive Mass: Hold [L]+[R] and press cU cD cL cR. * New York Cabs: Press [R] [L] Z cU cD cU. * Resurrect in Place: Hold Z+cL, press cR, then hold Z+cR and press cL. * Stunt Mode: Hold cU+cD+cL+cR and press [R] A Z [L]. * Suicide Mode: Hold Z and press (cD cL cU cR)x2. * Super Speed: Hold [L]+[R] and press cU cD cL cR. * Super Tires: Hold [L]+[R] and press (cU cR cD cL)x2. * Track Orientation: Hold [L]+[R] and press (cU cR cD cL)x4. * Tire Scaling: Hold Z+cL and press cR, then hold Z+cR and press cL. =>Extra Cars: Collect the keys hidden throughout the tracks. Earn three for an extra car. 12 keys enable the Prototype. * Collect all four Mountain Dew cans in a track for the Mountain Dew racer for that track. * Beat any circuit in first place for the Rocket Car. =>Extreme Mirror: Enter Options, highlight Mirror, hold cU+cD+cL+cR and press [L] or [R]. =>Invisible Car: On the car selection screen, press U D Z L R Z R L Z+D U Z. =>L.A. Glitch: Drive north at high speed through the waterway shortcut, and drive up the inclined dirt wall to the right of the exit ramp to jump over the road barricade. You will fall through the background and driver forever beneath the streets of L.A. =>Midway Track: Complete the circuit with 3rd or better to open up the Midway track, in the Midway offices. =>Tag Mode: Prepare to play a two player practice mode. When both players have chosen their cars, get ready... and press cU rapidly and repeatedly as the numbers count down to GO. Player Two will be it. The clock in the left corner keeps track of your time as It. RUSH 'N ATTACK (nes) checked-no =>Exploding Head: When before a ladder, jump up and shoot the bazooka at the same time, landing standing up on the ladder. Move up and down slowly; if you continue moving up and down, your head will mutate. RYGAR (nes) checked-yes =>Floating: While Rygar is dismounting from the top of a rope, hold D. He will float in the air until you release D. =>Restart w/ Status: Jump into a pit in any of the Indora God rooms and Rygar will die. However, when you continue, you will return to the beginning of the game, but you will have all of your items and experience. There isn't really much of a reason to do this, unless you want to quickly get back to that area. =>Skip the Pulley: When you are making your way to the Great Mountains, you normally use the wind pulley to make your way across a great pit. However, it is actually possible to jump across that pit normally; you just have to make sure you leap across the narrowest point. =>Ghostly Door: Jump from the northernmost coast of Dorago's Island and you will find a door hidden in the water. However, you will be unable to enter the door. |========== Chapter S ==========| (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. SAMURAI SHODOWN (snes) checked-no =>Boss Code: Turn on the system, wait for the Takara logo to appear, then quickly press A Y X B. When you play a player versus player game or in the countdown mode, hold [L]+[R] while selecting your character and they will transform into Amakusa. SAMURAI SHODOWN (gb) checked-no =>Extra Samurai: Turn on the game and wait for the intro sequence; when the samurai chopping down trees appears (it should be the third screen), press SELECTx4. Now, go to the Samurai Select screen and choose one of the three new samurai - Kuroko, Hikyaku, and Amakusa. SAMURAI SHODOWN 3 (gb) checked-no =>Boss Code: On the Takara screen, press SELECTx3. =>View Endings: On the Takara screen, press A U B L A D B R. Choose a fighter and see their ending. SAN FRANCISCO RUSH (n64) checked-no |8DP5KG5L4G59P G92WVCQY0DRQ| Complete Winning Circuit =>Alcatraz Track: Complete a circuit (or enter the password), select "Continue Circuit" and let the time run out during the race. Afterwards, you can begin the cheat code (NOTE: Use A and B to change between the screens). On car select, hold cL and press Z, release both and press L. On setup, hold cU and press Z, release both and press U. On track select, hold cR and press Z, release both and press R. On car select, hold cD and press Z, release both and press D [L] [R]. * NOTE: You can save Alcatraz on a memory card if you... Enter the circuit password and continue circuit, finish/time out/die, and start a new game without using a saved player from the memory card. On car select, hold cL and press Z, release both and press L. On setup, hold cU and press Z, release both and press U. Start a new game, this time using a memory card save game player. On car select, hold cD and press Z, release both and press D [L] [R]. Start a game and track 7, Alcatraz, will be saved and enabled under your player. =>Formula 1 Car: Beat all 24 races in Circuit mode with a ranking of 2cd or greater, and on the track select screen press Zx4. A horn will sound and the car will be available, but the Hot Rod won't. If you want the Hot Rod, just don't enter the code. =>Paint Job: On the car select screen, press PAD: U. =>Tire Size: On the Car Select screen, hold cR, hold cL then release both. Now hold cL and hold cR and release both buttons. The car displayed will have had its rear tires' size changed. Repeat this code to cycle through the sizes. To edit the front tires, reverse the code (hold cL then cR, release, hold cR then cL). =>Car Size: On the Car Select screen, hold cD then cU and release both, then hold cU then cD and release both to change your car size. Repeat as desired. =>Car Mine: To turn the car into a mine on the Car Select screen, but not it the game itself, press cR cR Z cD cU Z cL cL. Reenter the code to toggle. =>Burning Car Replay: As you cross the finish line, crash your car. When GAME OVER appears, but before it stops flashing, hold [L]+[R]+Z until the high score display appears, and you will see your burning car driving around the track. =>Burning Car: On the Car Select screen, hold cU and press Zx4 to set your car on fire. Repeat this code to cycle between burn levels. =>Cone Mines: On the Setup screen, press ([L] [R])x3 to make a traffic cone appear, changing all cones into land mines. Repeat to turn this off. =>Viewing Distance: During a race, hold [L] and press STICK: U or D to change the camera distance. =>Fog Color: On the Car Select screen, hold Z and press cDx3. The fog on the screen will change color. =>No Collisions: On the Setup screen, press L, hold R and press cR, release, then press cU cL cD Z and a bus will appear, which means that cars cannot collide with each other. Repeat to toggle this option off. =>Circuit Mode Special Car: Win a circuit, and you can use that player to drive a special car from then on. Just press Zx4 on the Track Select screen to enable the car. =>Exact Replace: To make your car reappear in the same place it was destroyed, enter the Setup screen, hold Z and press and hold cL cR, release the C buttons, then press and hold cR cL to make a small, crossed-out R appear on the screen. Repeat to toggle. =>Tag Mode: At the beginning of a 2-Player practice mode, press the abort button during the countdown. The time will suddenly be set to 5 minutes, and the Tag Mode will begin. Your counter will only decrease while you are It; tag the other player to make them it. See who wins. =>Tag Cheat: Play a Tag game on the 6th track. Whenever the second player runs into a bus, player one becomes 'It'. =>No Auto Abort: Normally, if a car is stopped for a certain period of time (usually caused by being stuck somewhere), the game will automatically abort and place the car back on the track. To turn this function off, go to the setup screen, press cUx4 and on the bottom of the screen the number 00.06 will appear. Press cUx4 to turn off the number & the function. =>Change Gravity: On the Setup screen, hold Z and press U D. Release Z and press U D U D to make a weight appear. Repeat the code to switch between different gravity settings. =>Random Names: On the Fast Times or Best Laps screens from the Records, press ([L] [R])x4 to cycle the default names and scores randomly. =>Change Textures: On the Setup screen, hold cR and press [L]. Release both and press Z. Hold cR and press [L], then release both and press Z. A small checkered pattern will appear on the bottom of the screen; repeat the code to select a texture. =>Night Fog: For foggy nights, enter the Options screen, highlight Fog, then hold cU+cD+cL+cR and press L or R to make a Foggy Night option appear. =>No Time: On the Setup screen, hold Z then press and hold cD cU. Release the C buttons, then press and hold cU cD to activate the code. A clock will appear, indicating that time has been turned off. Repeat to toggle it on. =>Reverse Controls: On the Options screen, highlight Mirror and hold cL+cR+cU+cD and press L or R to create the Extreme option, which flips the controls. =>Upside Down Mode: On the Setup screen, press U R D L D R U L to make a pair of arrows appear and to turn this mode on. Reenter the code to turn it off. =>Jump Abort: Hold A to accelerate and press cU to jump past a problem area as if you crashed. =>Hovering: Turn on Balloon gravity and exact replace, the go to the first track. Accelerate and jump off the ramp; as you leave the Golden Gate bridge press cU then brake and you will float in midair. SAN FRANCISCO RUSH 2 {*} please see RUSH 2: EXTREME RACING USA SAN FRANCISO RUSH 2049 (n64) checked-no |Beginner | Intermediate | Extreme | |01| |02| |XB@#T3LCGB FWB6C2B42C|IWBBBWMCDB KWDWBQBN2B| |03| |CC@#T36WDLB LBCWFBCQ3C|FXBBBBYDJB TBH6B6BTFC| |04|WX17QQ6FDC XBDWCLCTYC|XC@#T36FNB VBD6GQC%2C|IXBBBB8FLB IWLLCGCBDC| |05|BYI7QQBHWC YBFLD@CJFD|CD@#T3BHQB YBFBJLDW9C|FYBBBBDHQB 8BMBD6CGIC| |06|WYI7QQLJ8C 3WJWDGD6%C|XD@#T3LJTB 5BG6K2DWQD|IYBBBBNJTB ?WQ6DBD4WC| |07|BII7QQWK%C @BMLFLD@MD|CF@#T3WKWB %WJWL@DYMD|FIBBBWYKWB CCWBGQDYFC| |08|WII7QQ6LLD FXNWFWDQ2D|XF@#T36L2B HCK6MLF6LD|IIBBBW8L4B JXILG2DNVC| |09| |CG@#t3BN4B KXLWP@FW#D|F2BBBWDN6B MC56GLFQXC| |10| |XG@#T3LP6B MCPLRLGQVD|I2BBBWNP@B QX8BH@FWDD| |11| | |F3BBBWYQBC RC%LJLGJFD| |12| | |I3BBBW8RDC WXCXKWGLDD| |13| | |F4BBBWDVJC 5CD7L@GTCD| |14| | |I4BBBWNWNC @XHXMBHG#C| |15| | |F5BBBWYXYC ?CM7M2HLTD| |16| | |I5BBBW8YYC GYMXNWJBFD| |17| | |F6BBBWD24C HDRMPGK63C| |18| | |I6BBBWN3@C NYW7PLKYWC| |19| | |F7BBBWY4BD VDYCQGLNGC| |20| | |I7BBBW85JD XY3MQ6LN3C| =>Cheat Menu: On the main menu, highlight Options, hold [L]+[R]+cU+cR and press Z until the word Cheats appears on the menu. This enables the Cheat menu. To toggle cheats on and off from the Cheat menu, highlight the name of the cheat and enter the button code (unless different instructions are given). * All Cars: Press cLx3 cUx3 cRx3 cDx3, hold [L]+[R]+cU+cL+cD+cR and tap Z. * All Parts: Press [L]+[R]+Z, cD cL cU cR, [L]+[R]+Z. * All Tracks: Hold [L]+[R] during this entire code. Press Z+cU+cR, then Z+cD+cL, then Z+cL+cU, then Z+cD+cR. * Auto Abort: Press cL cU cR cD Z [L] [R] Z Z. Turning off this option means that the game won't end if your car stops moving. * Brakes: Press cD cD, [L]+[R]+cU, cU, [L]+[R]+cD. * Car Collisions: Press [L]+Z [R]+Z [L]+Z [R]+Z to turn collisions off. * Car Mines: Hold [L]+[R] and press Z. Release, then hold cL+cD and tap Z. Release, then hold cL+cU and press Z. Release, then hold cU+cR and tap Z. While racing, running into a mine box will turn your vehicle into a mine. * Cones to Mines: Hold Z+cD. Release and hold [L]+cL. Release and hold [R]+cU. Release and hold Z+cR. * Frame Scaling: Press cLx2, hold [L]+[R]+cR. * Invincibility: Press cR [L] [R] [R] [L] cL+cD+Z. * Invisible Car: Press cU cD cL cR [L] [R] Z. * Invisible Track: Press cRx3 [L]+[R]+cL cL cL [L]+[R]+cR. * Mass: Press [R]+cD [L]+cU [R]+cL [L]+cR. You can now adjust the weight of your car. * Multicolored Fog: Hold cU+cR and press [L]. Release, and hold cD+cL and press [R]. Release and press cR cL cR cL. * Paint Shop: Press Zx3 cDx3 cLx3 cR cU cL cD. You can change color in the Battle Mode now. * Resurrect In Place: Press Z+cD Z+cR Z+cU Z+cL Z+[R] Z+[L]. * Suicide Mode: Hold [R] and press cR cU cL cD. Release, hold [L] and press cD cL cU cR. Touching an enemy car blows both cars up. * Super Tires: Press Z Z [L] [R] cU cU cL cR cD. * Upside Down Track: Highlight Track Orientation, hold [L]+[R] and press cR cL cU cD Z. =>Extra Battle Arenas: Battle Arenas can be earned as follows. * Downtown Battle: Score 100 points in the Battle Mode. * Plaza Battle: Earn 250 points in Battle Mode. * Roadkill Battle: Earn 500 points in Battle Mode. * Battle Arena 8: Earn 1000 kills in Battle Mode. =>Extra Racing Tracks: Extra racing tracks are earned as follows... * The Mission: Finish the Beginner Circuit with a ranking of 3rd or better. * Presidio: Complete the Intermediate Circuit in 3rd or better. =>Extra Stunt Tracks: To earn more stunt tracks, you need to score enough points in the Stunt Mode. You can view your current point total using the Records option at the main menu. * Oasis: Earn 250,000 points in Stunt Mode. * Disco: Earn 100,000 points in Stunt Mode. * Warehouse: Earn 500,000 points in Stunt Mode. =>Extra Vehicles: Gather the coins in Stunt and Race mode for more cars. * Crusher: Find 16 gold coins in Stunt Mode. * Euro LX: Find 24 gold coins in Stunt Mode. * GX-2 : Find half of the gold coins in Race Mode. * Mini XS: Find 36 gold coins in Race Mode. * Venom: Gather 32 silver coints in Stunt Mode. =>Tracks 4 and 5: Hold the music button while selecting tracks and you will unlock tracks 4 and 5. SATURDAY NIGHT SLAM MASTERS (snes) checked-no =>Weapons: Climb out of the ring, grab an item, go to the left or right side of the ring, and jump. While midair, press the attack button and throw the item in the ring. Enter the ring and take the item. =>Super Hold: When you have your opponent in a hold, quickly press R D Y+B. =>Anger Mode: Climb onto the top rope, tap A, and you will turn red and become more angry and powerful than before. S.C.A.R.S. (n64) checked-no |GGWWOO| All cars/tracks |WLLYDD| or |WLLVDD| All cars/tracks |LGSSSX| Crystal Cup |CRKKYY| Diamond Cup |PXPRTS| Master Mode |DZPHHH| Race in the Zenith Cup |NRNNRR| Cheetah Car |TRTTLL| Cobra Car |YMSTTR| Panther Car |SDSSSRT| Scorpion Car S.C.A.T. (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select/12 Life Bars: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II:A+B+U and press CNTRL I: A for stage 2, B for stage 3, or R for stage 4. SCOOBY DOO: CLASSIC CREEP CAPERS (n64) checked-no =>Unlimited Courage: During the game, hold [L] and press cU cL cD cU cD U R D L U L D R U D. Shaggy will say "Wow!" if done correctly. =>Stage Skip: While playing, hold [L] and press cU cD cU cD U D U D R L R L. SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERY (snes) checked-no |02|TDBKSRQ| |03|XLWPMTX| |04|NBKSDLV| |View Credits|SPNNR| THE SCORPION KING (gba) checked-no |BLUE GREEN GREEN BLUE| Debug Menu |MATHAYUS MEMNON ISIS MATHAYUS| Play as Cassandra SEAQUEST DSV (snes) checked-no =>Training Passwords: Each code gives you 99 minisubs and starts you at the noted level. After playing the level you will be returned to the title screen. NOTE: * = SeaQuest logo |WW II Plane |PLVT0NM| |Reactor |R34CT0R| |Prison Security|PRIS0NR| |Rescue Cavern|R3SCV3*| |Security City |S3CVRTY| |Drug Lab |DRVGL4B| |Speeder Chase|SP33D3R| |Darwin/Barrier|D4R*WIN| |Battleship Bomb|B4TLSHP| |Oil Tanker |F1XTNKR| |Toxic Waster |TOXIC4V| |Life Support |SH13LD*| =>Debug Menu: On the main bridge screen, press [L] [R] B A L R X Y U D. THE SECRET OF EVERMORE (snes) checked-no =>Dangerous Bug: If you open the center gate in the pyramid extension before talking to Tiny, who can be found if you continuously reenter the transporters within the pyramid, you can't reenter the extension. The only possible solution to this problem is to repeatedly take the wheel and gauge to the tinker in Ebon Keep in the hopes that he may blast you off to the next phase in the rocket. =>Talking Stuff: Try talking to the cawing chicken in the Nobilia Marketplace about 250 times, then do it again. Try this on the goat, and even on the philosopher. =>Unlimited Run: Charge you Power meter to level 3, then start running while holding down the attack button, and you will run non-stop until you release both buttons. =>Unlimited Bazooka: Find the waterfall you fell in; it is beside Horace's Camp. Stand facing directly opposite of the waterfall and fire 5 weak thunderballs so that you are over the hole. Now fire enough thunderballs to take you backwards out of the hole (or just walk off of it). Save the game and reload it to have unlimited bazooka ammunition - except for the ammo type that you used to get across the hole. Note: You may need to have 5 rounds of each of the 3 types of ammo for this code to work. =>Hidden Ingredients: Finish the Bugmuck to earn the Spider's Claw. Return to the quicksand place, go to the top of the rock ledge, go right all the way, and then go down. Have your dog sniff to locate a hidden tunnel; explore it to find a spell, clay, and more. =>Super Defense: If you have at Defend at level 5 or greater and are near a save point, unequip everything, cast Defend on yourself, save the game, press RESET, load your game and wait for Defend to wear off. Your stats will now show a gigantic defense rating; most attacks will only do 1 hp damage. However, magic attacks still do normal damage, and when you equip anything you lose this super defense. =>Spells: To find Sting, search every oasis in the Nobilia Desert until you find an alchemist who will give you the spell. For Lance, search Ivor Tower for a house with a boy and a woman who will both talk about the man Lance. Go upstairs, leave the treasure chests alone, return downstairs and talk to the bearded man named Lance. Tell him that you didn't touch his stuff, and he will give you the spell Lance. =>Unlimited Rice/Spice: Get to the end of the desert and walk around by the town until you are caught in a whirlpool. Stay spinning there, refilling your energy and fighting enemies. Eventually you will be sucked underground, then pop back up with 99 each of rice and spice. Repeat as needed. =>Dry Ice: If your current experience level is a multiple of five, return to the Professor's lab in Omnitopia. Walk to the left wall and move up without stopping; a cat will appear, which your dog will chase. A friendly alchemist will appear, and he sells dry ice. =>Extra Ending Scenes: After the words The End appear at the end of the game, wait for a bit. After two minutes or so, an additional scene will appear. If you wait about 10 to 15 minutes after the scene, a short message about a credit will appear on your screen, then that credit itself. The screen will simply turn black after that. =>Strange Boss: In the spacestation Omnitopia, you will find a computer terminal which demands a three digit password. If you enter the correct password (some combination of 1 2 and 3), you will be able to battle a unique boss. =>Boss Battle Invincibility: When a boss battle begins, use the Escape alchemy spell on yourself and your dog. This should make you invulnerable to any attack. =>99 Call Beads: When you reach Nobilia's front gate, where two guards are on duty, head to the first right corner of the fountain where you would normally pick up a Call Bead. To pick up up to 99 of these, simply press the action button rapidly and repeatedly. SECRET OF MANA (snes) checked-no =>Reset Game: To reset the game at any time, hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R]+SELECT and then press START. =>Kill Dark Lich: To easily kill the Dark Lich, gather a few fairie walnuts, and pummel him with Lumina, using it again and again as soon as the girl is able to cast it. Use the walnuts to refill her energy. =>Mana Sword: Land Flammie on the island next to the Ice World castle. You should be in front of Neko. Save with Neko, then reset the game by holding [L]+[R]+SELECT and pressing START. Start a new game in a new save slot, work your way to the point where you fall into the hole to fight the Mantis Ant. After the boy in the corner says "You've got a sword, don't you! Use it!", and during the battle itself (not during talking or after winning the battle), reset the game by holding [L]+[R]+SELECT and pressing START, but hold all the buttons down for about 5 or 6 seconds before releasing them. Return to the game you saved with Neko, and you will be back in Potos fighting the Mantis Ant. Kill the ant, get the Sword Orb, fly out of Potos and have Watts reforge your sword again... giving you the Mana Sword. This can be repeated as often as desired and as soon as you reach Neko in Ice World, but you must be sure that you do not try to forge the sword beyond the 9th level, and that you do NOT cast any Mana magic at the end of the game after doing all this, for that would reduce your sword to the first level. NOTE: Saving at Neko can be dangerous, and possibly delete your saved game, due to a bug, so be careful. =>Easy Level 8 Magic: For the girl, go to the Wind/Water palace and cast lots of spells on the sprite. For the sprite, go to Neko near the Water palace, and head into the monster area. Cast non-lethal spells on the Rabbet or Lulabud, but don't let your magic reach 0. When your MP is low, cast Magic Absorb on the Lulabud, leave the screen, and return, and you can siphon its magic again... repeat to refill your magic. Eventually you will gain all the level 8 magic spells with little danger to yourself. =>Weird Sleep: Enter an inn and talk to the man at the counter, but make sure that you are standing at a bit of a diagonal to him. You will sleep with a small part of your head in the wall. =>Hidden Face: When you get out of the Mana Fortress, fly south and look in the water to the right as you go to see a tiny face in it. This is sort of a sign that Square Soft puts into its games. You can also see this face made out of the mountains of the moon in Final Fantasy II. =>Reenter Village: If you ever want to reenter your home village, stand directly in front of the guards blocking the village and hit U and SELECT over and over until you eventually move to the other side of him. You may need to have all three party members alive for this to work. * Please note that this glitch was fixed in later releases of this game. Thus, it may not work with your cartridge. Sorry. =>Unlim. Energy: Begin a new game and build your experience level to 25 before going to Potos Village. When you do go, you will have unlimited energy. =>Test of Courage: Use Evil Gate at levels 3 to 5. SECTION Z (nes) checked-no =>Warp: In section 47, on the upper ledge, is a secret passage leading to section 49. SEICROSS (nes) checked-no =>Continue: Wait for the title screen to appear, then hold A and press START. =>Invincibility: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: A+B+L and press CNTRL I: U U D D START. =>Warp: Hold A+B and press CNTRL II: L. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: A+B+SELECT and then enter one of the following codes on CNTRL I. * Stage 2: A START * Stage 4: A B START * Stage 6: B B A START * Stage 3: B START * Stage 5: B B START 7TH SAGA (snes) checked-no =>Experience Tip: Once you reach Zellis, get your character up to level 16. Make your way west, following the mountains, until you reach the area where the mountains are beside the water. Stay at the lower section of this area, and keep moving around and fighting monsters. Lots of good enemies are here. If you are Lux, however, grab a partner with decent magic capabilities! You should be able to reach level 21 or so fairly easily. SEPARATION ANXIETY {*} please see SPIDER-MAN AND VENOM: SEPARATION ANXIETY SHADOW OF THE NINJA (nes) checked-no =>Note: This game was released in Europe as BLUE SHADOW. =>Stage select + Sound test: Select the # of players you want, then press: Ax4 Bx4 A B A B A B A B. You should hear a bonus sound. Now, HOLD the buttons from this chart and press CNTRL I: START to warp to that level. =>Invincibility: Follow the |stage|CNTRL I|CNTRL II| Stage Select code, but before | 1-1 | | | you press START, continue to | 1-2 | | B | hold the stage select buttons | 1-3 | | A | down AND hold CNTRL II: D. Hit | 1-4 | | A B | START to warp w/ invincibility.| 2-1 | B | | =>9 Lives: Begin a 2-player game | 2-2 | B | B | but let one player die. When | 2-3 | B | A | you reach his last life, hold | 3-1 | B | A B | down A+B. | 3-2 | A | | =>Special Attack: Hold B for | 3-3 | A | B | about 5 seconds without being | 4-1 | A | A | hit. The screen turns red and | 4-2 | A | A B | you will do a super lightning | 4-3 | A B | | attack that does great damage | 5-1 | A B | B | but consumes 50% of your life. | 5-2 | A B | A | |sound| A B | A B | SHADOW MAN (n64) checked-no =>Book of Shadows: When you perform certain actions, you will earn cheat codes that will appear in the Book of Shadows on the inventory screen. Use the PAD to activate these codes in the Book, not the STICK. * Play As Deadwing: In the Asylum Playrooms, head down the corridor of locked doors and flip the switch. One of the now unlocked rooms will contain a pool table and shotgun. Hop on top of the table. * Play As Duppie: Enter the Asylum Undercity and take a look at the ceiling; you will see a pipe and a ledge near it. Climb the ledge and hop onto the pipe. * Invisible Man: Progress through the Cathedral of Pain into Down St. Station, climb the spiral staircase and you will enter the station area. Enter the door across from the staircase, walk down the hall, and enter the bathrooms. * Rottweiler Mode: Kill the fat crook and explore the rooms nearby. * I Like Deadside Shotguns: In the Cathedral of Pain, exit the tram, take the left ramp, run through the coals to the rotating spikes and keep following the path until you reach rotating spikes. Hop down the left side of the shaft with a large pole with whirling blades in the middle of it. * Stick Boy: In Gad Temple 1, in the area with two bloodfalls, find the room with three Voodoo/Blood Sisters. Kill 'em and walk up the ramp in the room. To the right of the ramp is a path; hop onto the railing and leap to the path. * Wire frame Mode: In Mordant St., Queens, go to the top floor, enter the only door and turn right. Leap over the two funny looking floor panels. * Big Head: In the maze in Gad Temple 2, run around in the dark until you find the cheat. It's somewhere in the maze with flambeau doors! * Flame Grilled: In the last room of the Temple of Life, where the baton is kept, enter the last room on the right, walk up to the altar and press A. Press A again. Leave the small room and go to the altar to the right, and press A. * Play as Bloodshot: In Gad Temple 3, enter the room with the pillar that you had to smash with the big hammer. Walk across the pillar and jump into the small room on the right. * Play as Deadsider: Use the teddy bear to enter the Gateway next to the Asylum. On the bridge over lava, turn to face the door, then fall off of the left edge of the bridge and land on the path below. Walk along the path until you find a Dark Soul in a room with rafters. Hop along the rafters until you find the cheat. =>Second Violator: Once you have all 120 dark souls, you can open up the door that the map calls "Mystery" to grab the second violator. This lets you blast away from both hands. =>Baton Warp: Stand in front of the fiery altar in the temple and use the baton to warp to a new area. SHADOWGATE (nes) checked-no =>Kill Wraith: Throw the special torch on the Wraith to kill it. =>Rope Bridge: A certain potion will enable you to cross the weak rope bridge without dropping all of your equipment. =>Odd Things: Try using all the basic commands on yourself instead of items for some interesting responses from the game. Hitting torches or using them on yourself can be a bit of a hot experience as well. Finally, you can kill yourself if you stupidly decide to hit yourself with spears and hammers. SHADOWGATE CLASSIC (gbc) checked-part =>See the Shadowgate entry for tricks, etc. =>Hints: In most rooms, press SELECT to receive a hint. ->Fire Room Glitch: Enter the Fire Room without the cloak. You will run back into the mirror room. Touch a mirror and die. Continue the game and you will be inside the Fire Room... but you won't need the cloak! The game will let you play through the room anyway. SHADOWGATE 64: TRIALS OF THE FOUR TOWERS (n64) checked-no =>Trial 4 Maze Tip: In the Inner Chamber at Tower 2, nab all three rings. In the maze that is the fourth trial, equip the blue ring and the controls will return to normal. Proceed through the maze, exit, and remove the ring. =>Boss Tip: Put the dragon eye on the false Staff of Ages to defeat Belezar; to beat the Warlock Lord, put the Staff of Ages and then the Ring of the Kingdom in the hands of the Lord Jair statue. =>Rusty Key: In the room with the custodian's note, look between the column and the wall for the rusty key. SHADOWRUN (snes) checked-no =>Quick End: Press SELECT+START+[L]+[R] to reset quickly. =>Alternate Cursor: Select your gun as you would if you were about to shoot, pause, exit the menu, and when you return to the game screen press B A. The crosshair should be the little hand cursor instead. SHREK: FAIRY TAIL FREAKDOWN (gbc) checked-no |WCKUSTVZX WUZDRFZNG WTSCJMMDF WRGKWLHBP WKPNFWWQM| Beat game as Farquad STAR WARS: SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE (n64) checked-no =>Note: To enter some of these cheats, you must use lowercase text. Press the [L] or [R] buttons on the name entry screen to change the text from upper to lower case. Generally, you don't have to start a new game - you can just rename an existing saved game. =>View Credits & Photo: Enter your name as |_Credits| (with the underline character but without the quotes) and choose any level of difficulty. You will be allowed to select any stage of the game, but instead of playing that stage, the credits will roll. After the credits cycle through once, press START to return to the title screen and hold STICK I: U+R to see a staff photo. =>Debug Mode: Using a game file named |_Wampa__Stompa_|, play any level and pause the game. Hold PAD: cU+cD+cL+cR+Z+[L]+[R]+L and hold the STICK halfway to the left until a 'doink' sound is heard (in about 5 seconds). Then, repeat the code, but hold the STICK halfway to the right until the sound is heard. Repeat to the left, right, and then left. Pink text should now be on the top of the screen; use [L] [R] and the STICK to choose options, and A to activate them. To bring the cheat menu back up, pause the game, hold PAD: cU+cD+cL+cR+Z+[L]+[R]+L and move the STICK left or right. This code allows you to grab all items, turn on invincibility, get 50 lives, put enemies to sleep, commit suicide, teleport, switch levels, and walk through walls. =>Jedi Mind Control: Change the name of any game file to |_Wampa__Stompa_|, set your controller type to Traditional, and make sure you are on the Medium difficulty setting or greater. You can now take control of a Wampa by pressing PAD I: R+cR U. Use cR to switch between the Wampa and Dash, and use the PAD to control the Wampa (you can actually control both Dash and the Wampa simultaneously) * To take control of a Storm Trooper, press PAD I: R+cR U and use cR to switch to the Trooper. * To take control of an AT-ST in the Battle of Hoth, press PAD I: L+cR U and use cR to change between your ship and the AT-ST. The AT-ST can walk right through the mountain range. In all cases, you use the PAD to control your new character, pressing U or D to shoot and L and R to move. =>Wampa Noise: Name your game |R_Testers_ROCK| and Wampas will wail throughout whatever you do. =>Leebo Scanner Cheat: Activate the Leebo scanner right before entering a boss area, and when you enter, the standard boss movie clip is shown from Dash's point of view - NOT from the Boss's. =>Cheat Modes: Collect all the Easy mode challenge points and you can hold down the camera button for five seconds during the game to get the Leebo Scanner. Collect all the Medium mode challenge points, then during the Skyhook Battle stage hold the camera button for five seconds to get an X-Wing; hold for another five for a TIE Fighter. Collect all the Hard mode challenge points and get 30 seconds of invincibility and full weapons. Finally, collect the Jedi mode challenge points and the Escape from Echo Base level Wampas will follow you and attack your enemies. =>Cockpit Trick: If you're flying the TIE or the X-Wing, you can't normally choose the cockpit view. However, if you fly the TIE/X-Wing, crash, and press cR just after the impact of the crash, you should be able to regain your cockpit view. =>Weird Camera Angle: In the Battle of Hoth, hold cR for a few seconds to lock the camera in a stationary position while your speeder flies around. =>Boba Fett Bonus: In the battle with Boba Fett, you can fly over the walls of the battle zone and coast down to the surface outside, where you can find power-ups and health. =>Dead Dash: If you have the full weapons cheat after beating the Hard/Jedi mode, play Escape From Echo Base and save a disruptor until you reach your ship. Enter the ship and blast the disruptor to kill the Storm Troopers, and you will die from the explosion. However, Leebo will tell you to come to the cockpit, you will be able to look around, and Dash will literally "rise from the dead," walking about with 0 life points. =>Floating Dash: At the end of Echo Base, open the elevator at the end of stage one, open the door, stand in the doorway and jump ... you'll float. =>Super Dash Jump: Beat the Echo Base AT-ST without grabbing the invincibility (on easy mode). Nab the challenge point behind the four boxes, return to get the shields, go back behind the four boxes, jump down the cliff and keep blasting your laser at the ground... you'll make it to the bottom, alive. =>Outrider Examination: On the title screen, press Z [R] [L] START. Every time you enter or exit a menu screen, the game shows the Outrider from a different angle. =>Rabbit Icon: On the Mos Eisley swoop rider stage, when you fly out of the final gate into the desert, hug the left outside wall of the city and fly around it. At the very end, in an alcove, you will find a small Rabbit icon challenge point. Meet Sam, of LucasArt's "The Adventures of Sam & Max." =>Easy Kill IG-88: At the end of level 4, climb the walkway up to the challenge point, turn to face the train, then jump down and hit the red/pink wall in the middle. You should fall far underneath the stage and be able to blast IG-88 above your head without any danger. SHAMUS (gbc) checked-no |6GF35GV1V| End of Game SHANGHAI (gb) checked-no Select NEW GAME from the Options menu to enter these codes.. |ZAP| Zapping Sound |MAN| hard level |STF| The Credits |REV| Tiles are invisible until picked SHAQ FU (snes) checked-no =>Blood Code: On the Option screen, press Y X B A [L] [R]. The screen will flash red, signifying that the characters will bleed when hit. *=>Special Story Mode: To play the story mode with someone with someone other than Shaq, choose your fighter by changing the number on the Music option (1 through 7). The number corresponds the order of the fighters on the Duel screen. Enter U D B L R B. If you did it right, you'll see a PURPLE flash. =>Secret Background: To access the secret background, enter U R B D L B. You will see a YELLOW flash. Now, on the duel mode fighter select screen (with the background displayed) press X+B on both controllers. If the picture in the middle of the screen disappears, the code worked. =>Blood: On the Options screen, enter Y X B A L R. If you did it right, you'll see a RED flash. =>2cd World Fighters: Go to the Options screen, highlight Music Test and choose a number from 2 to 7. Press U D B L R B; the screen will flash. You will be playing with one of the new fighters, depending on which number you chose on the Music Test. =>Extra Stages: After beating Voodoo in Story Mode, return to The Lost Jungle and press START. Also, on the first island, go to the bottom right corner, descend the stairs, and press START to fight the Beast. SHATTERHAND (nes) checked-no =>Boss/Sound Test: On the title screen, press Ax4 Bx4 A B A B A B A B. SHIEN'S REVENGE (snes) checked-no =>30 Continues: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: SELECTx7. =>7 Special Weapons: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: STARTx9. Also try pressing STARTx7, which might yield 9 special weapons. =>Dynamic Super Easy Mode: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: [L]x7. =>Almaniac Super Hard Mode: On the title screen, press CNTRL II: [R]x7. =>Control Bosses: Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] while starting a new game and player 2 will control all the bosses. SHINOBI (nes) checked-no -- Tengen unlicensed game -- =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D D L R U U START. SHINGEN THE RULER (nes) checked-no =>Free Lancers: Visit the merchant and press SELECTx10. The screen will blink twice and you should now have 10 extra lancers, free. SILENT SERVICE (nes) checked-no =>Tricky Trick: To try to trick a destroyer into thinking you have been sunk, you can press A+B simultaneously to release oil and debris to the ocean's surface. This may only be done once per mission. SILVER SURFER (nes) checked-no |KJTTJK| Invincibility |CKWJT4| full weapons |FPNFR7| Possessor 1 |SJM33| Unlimited continues |KCHDR4| harder game |9KY3FG| Possessor 2 |J8SCL9| 2 extra continues |GDXK4F| End of Level =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press B A L R B A START. =>Passwords: On the title screen, press U on both controllers to access the password screen. If this doesn't work, press U+A+B on both controllers. SIM ANT (snes) checked-no =>Scenario Select: Plug the Mouse controller into port 2, start a game using CNTRL I, enter the Scenario Mode using CNTRL I, then click the Mouse to light up the Scenarios and use CNTRL I to choose one. =>Win Battles: When fighting a red ant, rapidly and repeatedly press A to improve your battle odds. Each time you press A you gain 1% in the odds of winning. =>Crazy Cat: When playing the Full Game, select the Graph Icon and press A again. If the Cat appears on the fence while you are in the House scene, point the cursor at it and press A. Every time you press A, the Cat's eyes will bulge as it falls. =>Queen: To become the queen ant, enter the house and crawl between the TV and the chair. Shock yourself in the electric socket closest to the colony. The word CHANGE will appear on the screen and you will reappear in the colony as the Queen. SIM CITY (snes) checked-part =>Erase All Data: To erase all saved games and those red X's, press CNTRL I: B+[L]+[R]+SELECT+START. =>Change Landform: Start a new city and select any landform from 1 to 999. On the building screen, enter the Save/Load menu, then Main Menu, and when you are asked to save, say "No". Choose "Start New City" and the landform will change. You can do this on any map from 1 to 999, giving you a total of 1999 landforms rather than 1000. =>Big Bucks: For an easy $999,999, spend all of your city's money for a year (spending SOME on something requiring funds). When the tax screen appears at the end of the year, press and hold [L]. While holding [L], go back to the main game and return to the tax menu. Skip ahead to January. The message GO WITH FIGURES will be replaced with GRO WITH FIGURES. Raise all funding levels to 100%, exit the screen. Now release [L]. Your account will become $999,999 as soon as money is spent. ->Bonus Gift Trick: Pick a land with plenty of water in it, but do not pick an island. Make sure you pick a land with water near the middle. Now, create roads, find the middle of the land and make a cross with these roads all the way to the edge of the map of you land. Do not connect the cross in the middle of the water, or the trick will not work. Once you make a cross with these roads near a body of water, you will be able to build anywhere from two to five casinos or amusement parks. =>Gift Conditions: They are as follows: Mayor's House-2,000 citizens Bank-10,000 citizens, and less than $2,000 in treasury Zoo-10,000 citizens & stadium, another when you have 3 total stadiums. Will take several game months after the conditions are met to get a zoo. Police/Fire HQ-Every 6 Police or Fire Stations, Max. of three. Windmill-1st windmill at 150 developed zones, 2cd at 500 developed zones. Library-Every three schools. Promote building of schools by creating nice, well maintained residential areas. Railroad Station-1 station at 50 sections of track, 2cd at 200 sections. Expo-50,000 citizens, airport, and harbor. Scale Model-50,000 citizens Fountain-50th anniversary of city. Landfill-At 150 undeveloped zones, 100 undeveloped zones, 50 undeveloped zones, and 30 undeveloped zones. Mario Statue - 500,000 citizens =>Extra Cash Tips: Right before the December budget, enter the tax screen and increase the tax to 20% and bring funding to 0%. After the new year, set the levels at the normal amounts to prevent people from getting mad and leaving. This should give you a nice cash bonus each year. SIM CITY 2000 (snes) checked-no =>1 Million: Begin a new game, choose the Land of Freedom and name your city New York. You should begin with 1 million dollars. SIM EARTH (snes) checked-no =>Scenario Select: Go from the title screen to the main menu. Select the Scenario command but do not press START. Hold [L]+[R]+Y and press A to go to the Stage Select screen, where you can choose any of the 8 worlds. =>Sound Test +: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R] and press START. You can choose from the Sound Test, the ending, or the Gaia List. THE SIMPSONS: BART VS. THE SPACE MUTANTS (nes) checked-no =>Objectives: Level 1 - Eliminate all purple items. 2 - Hats. 3 - Balloons. 4 - Exit Signs. 5 - Plutonium rods. =>Tent Warp: In the Krustyland Amusement Park, stand in the right windowsill of the last tent and press D. You'll end up in the first tent; press D here and you'll go to the next tent. =>Purple Boy Scout: The purple boy scout alien will exit the movie theater when the timer hits 400 or 200. =>Coin Room: In the Fun House, step on the tongue of the giant Krusty face and press U+A. =>Hat Room: In the Mall on the second floor, jump on the first trash can and hold D. =>Roulette Cheat: Buy the magnet from Toys 'n Stuff and use it on the wheel game in stage 3. =>Free Money: Go to the nursing home and use the whistle. =>Unlimited lives: Enter the first building of the third level and walk until you reach the first platform under the air-blowing pipes. Now wait until coins begin to shoot out at you. When you get fifteen coins you'll get an extra life. Just stand there and keep getting coins until you earn all of the lives you want. The counter only goes up to nine, but the lives still go up. =>Sound Test: Fire a rocket at the "E" in the Quik-E-Mart sign. =>Hidden Items: Jump repeatedly on various objects to find hidden items. THE SIMPSONS: NIGHT OF THE LIVING TREEHOUSE OF HORROR (gbc) checked-no |02|JTWKYTQBBKW| |04|BXPGCFPYJWB| |06|XQRFJWRBTWP| |03|TNSLRYSJGWW| |05|WSQJLTQFYWK| |07|NPKYGBKTFWQ| THE SIMPSONS ROAD RAGE (gc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: On the Options screen, hold [L]+[R] and enter one of the following codes. You should hear a sound effect if a code is entered correctly. * 2D Characters: X X X X * Debug Mode: B B A A * Earn More Money: Y Y Y Y * Extra Camera Angles: B B B B * Night Mode: A A A A * Slow Motion: A X B Y * No Map: Y B B X * Drive as Red Box: B B Y X * Drive in Burns's Car: B B Y Y * Drive in Radioactive Bus: B B Y A * Boost: A B B A (while playing, hold Y and release for a boost) * Overhead View: X X X Y * Time Stop: X B Y A =>Racer Costumes: If the date set on your GameCube system clock matches a secret date, one of the normal characters will be in costume. Or, go to the options screen, hold [L]+[R] and enter the listed code. * Frankenbart - 10/31 or B B X A * Pilgrim Marge - 11/22 or B B X X * New Year's Krusty - 1/1 or B B X Y * Santa Apu - 12/25 or B B X B =>Timer Mode: On the Options screen, hold [L]+[R] and press A X B Y. In this mode, there are no cars or passengers in the game. Press [R] to activate the timer, press [R] again to stop it, and press [R] once more to reset the timer. To pause or exit the game, the timer must be running. =>The Homer: Complete all 10 Missions and play as Homer to use The Homer. =>Mission Skip: In Mission Mode, fail a mission five times and you will be allowed to skip it. However, you must complete mission 10 normally. SINK OR SWIM (snes) checked-no |05|CRUMBS| |25|BANANA| |45|CRATER| |65|SUMMER| |85|SILVER| |10|JUMPED| |30|OYSTER| |50|DENNIS| |70|CLOUDS| |90|BRIDGE| |15|JIGSAW| |35|TENNIS| |55|PADDLE| |75|KEBABS| |95|RECORD| |20|WARSAW| |40|ISLAND| |60|FATMAN| |80|LIZARD| SKATE OR DIE 2 (nes) checked-no =>Stage Select: During the adventure mode, press CNTRL II: START A SELECT B. Now press CNTRL II: R for stage 2, L for stage 3, or U for stage 4. =>Unlim. Boards: On the ramp, when your playing is waiting at the top, move him all the way to the back, and when he scratches his head, press STARTx2 SELECT. A siren will sound, and you will have the full 3 minutes to skate with unlimited boards. =>Level 2 Bonus Points: Make the following deliveries to these locations, not the ones the game tells you to go to. You will get four lives at each place. |1st| Joe's Formal Wear |7th| Kafka's Candies |3rd| Rhinestone Jewelers |9th| Stiller's Outpost |5th| Wumpus World |11th| Pathos Fashions SKATE OR DIE: TOUR DA THRASH (gb) checked-no |01|BBBB| |03|MTGP| |05|FVCH| |07|GFTQ| |02|GNBF| |04|PVFS| |06|BXHN| |08|JZWC| SKULJAGGER (snes) checked-no Level 2|CRUEL MAN CRUEL BIRD| Level 4|BIG WILD ANGRY FLY| Level 3|CLAW IS MEAN DOCK| Level 5|FLY HOME LAZY WORD| =>Hint Code: When you see the island map and text at the beginning of each chapter, press [R] [L] [R] and receive clues for finding secret areas. =>Secret Areas (SA) and Fantasy Zones (FZ): * Chapter 1 - Area 1: From the beginning, walk right and climb all the way down the first ladder. Continue right and climb down the green rope to the bottom. Go all the way right to the red crate and stand on it. Press D [R] * Chapter 1 - Area 1 SA: From the beginning, go right until the second set of green cliffs. Jump onto the rising platform, ride it, and jump to the next platform. Ride all the way up to the top of the cliff, then jump left. Go left until you see a box in a hole. Pick up the box. * Chapter 1 - Area 1 FZ: When inside the above Secret Area, go right until you find a barrel and a danger sign. Pick up and carry the barrel, go right, and throw it at the first Black-Mask you meet. * Chapter 2 - Area 2: From the beginning, walk to the right and climb down the first ladder. Walk to the right and climb down the green rope until you reach the bottom. Walk left to the purple crate and stand on it, then jump 3 times and press [L]. * Chapter 2 - Area 3: From the beginning, walk right, climbing atop the buildings and watching for the third chimney. When found, stand atop it and press D and then [R]. * Chapter 2 - Area 2, SECRET ENDING: Go towards the end of Area 2, but don't get the large blue Jemerald. Walk to the left, climb down the first ladder and the first green rope. Now, walk to the left and fall through the first hole in the floor. Stand in front of the first large porthole & press Y. * Chapter 3 - Area 1 FZ1: Walk right until you find a rock next to a coconut on the ground. Stand between then and press D * Chapter 3 - Area 1 FZ2: Near the end of the area, look for a statue containing a cherry. Stand under the cherry and press U six times. * Chapter 3 - Area 1 SA: After the first set of rock platforms, look for a coconut in a tree. Break the coconut and pick up the Sea-grape bubble gum. Use the gum to bounce to a hidden platform above, then press Y to pick up the rock. * Chapter 3 - Area 1 FZ3: In the Secret Area, find the Snap-cherry gum and fly to the platforms above. Jump to the far right platform. * Chapter 3 - Area 2 FZ: Work your way right until you find 2 white pillars. Stand on the barrel and shoot the right pillar with 7 power balls. * Chapter 3 - Area 3 FZ: Work up the piers until you find a coconut atop a barrel. Stand to the right of the barrel and press Ux2. SKY KID (nes) checked-no =>Continue: Hold CNTRL II: D+L after losing your last plane; wait. When the title screen appears, press CNTRL I: START. =>Stage Select: On the Player Select screen, use CNTRL I to choose the number of players. Hold CNTRL II: D+B, then press CNTRL I: START. SKYBLAZER (snes) checked-no =>Final Stage & 30 Lives: On the Password screen, match up the colored squares and press START. SMALL SOLDIERS (gb) checked-no |04|Archer Brick Kip Chip| |05|Kip Chip Archer Brick| SMARTBALL (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, when the "PUSH START BUTTON" message flashes, press U U D D L R L R SELECT START. Now, use L and R to choose your stage, and press START to start playing. =>Skip to Moon: On the title screen, press U U D D L R L R B A START to begin on the moon. SMASH BROS. {*} please see SUPER SMASH BROS. SMASH TENNIS (snes) checked-no =>American (Club) Open: Press X B A A Y A X A =>Asian (Heart) Open: Press A Y A A Y X Y A =>Australian (Spade) Open: Press X A B A Y A Y A =>European (Diamond) Open: Press A X B A Y X A A SMASH T.V. (nes) checked-no =>Circuit Select: On the Player Select screen, choose the number of players with CNTRL I. Hold CNTRL II: D+B and press CNTRL I: START. SUPER SMASH T.V. (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Press R R U D [R] [L] START on the option screen. =>Extra lives/Continues: Press and hold D+[L]+[R]+U on the option screen. =>Sound Test: Press [L] [R] [L]x2 [R] on the option screen. =>Secret Credits: As the Beam Software name is being drawn on the screen, hold [L]+[R] and press B. =>Turbo Mode: Highlight "One Player" and press CNTRL I: L R L U [R]x2. =>More Lives: Highlight "Two Players" and press CNTRL I: [L] [R] U. =>Fight No Enemies: Use the Circuit Select code, choose a circuit. Now, if you hold down SELECT while entering a room, no enemies will appear in it. You can do this for some rooms and not others, which allows you to skip Boss rooms, or difficult ones. Once you have 10 keys, you can use this to get to the Pleasuredome pretty easily. =>Secret Rooms: * In TOTAL CARNAGE room in Arena 1, kill off ALL the enemies and exit to the right. * In BUFFALO HERD NEARBY! in Arena 2, clear the room and exit right. * In SECRET ROOMS NEARBY! in Arena 3, clear the room and exit right. * In Arena 3, move 2 rooms to the right of COBRA DEATH, and you will reach a room called either YOU HAVE ENOUGH KEYS! or NOT ENOUGH KEYS! (depending on whether or not you have collected at least 10 keys). If you have enough, clear the room and exit through the lower exit, and welcome to the PLEASURE DOME! =>Special Speed Mode: In each of the three secret rooms, the Pleasure Dome, and in the M.C. Boss room there will appear a ? mark. Collect all 5 and you will get a special ending and the game will restart at a higher level of difficulty. SMURFS (gb) checked-no |01|BDFG| |02|SMGB| |03|GPSB| |04|SNTM| |05|VTFS| |5|PBSP| |10|ZRMS| =>Special Mode: After you beat Gargamel at the end of the game, sit through the ending credits and a special stage select screen will appear that will let you replay any level of the game. THE SMURFS (snes) checked-no * European Release Level 5 |Brainy Smurf, Smurfette, Jokey Smurf, Ice Cream(Greedy?) Smurf| THE SMURFS' NIGHTMARE (gbc) checked-no |02|Brainy Handy Bashful| Brainy-glasses Handy-pencil Bashful-mouth? |03|Astro Bashful Brainy| Astro-helmet Greedy-baking |04|Bashful Greedy Handy| SNAKE, RATTLE & ROLL (nes) checked-no =>Warp to 3: In stage one, look for a manhole cover in the water. Open the manhole to warp to level 3. =>Warp to 5: In stage 3, jump to the top of the pyramid as soon as you can. You might want to pick up the key in the well first, though. =>Warp to 8: Complete stage one in four seconds, and a rocket ship at the end of the level will bring you to stage 8. =>Shark Jump: In levels 1 and 2 there are some items out of reach in the sky. Let the shark get you, and when he spits you into the air move towards the items so that you can land within hopping distance of them. SNAKE'S REVENGE: METAL GEAR 2 (nes) checked-no Base 1 |!!PX 2QD4 Z.N. 1MTH T2XQ 5T26 Q!!1? 17| 2 Sets of Passwords. Ship |4.T? B4PY 2ND6 ZH2B 136# 61X3 6T26 13| Use either; I have Town 1 |7R7H ‘Y!8 7D## QK4Z X48W !!4#M MY!N 4G| no idea which of the Train |5!!P! 6#-8 Z56- K9PJ P8W9 7T!7 QGGT 3B| two is better Cable Car|M!!WN GN9L 4R!!- HK4B 338? W3ZY L#49 53| Castle |?7M4 GMVP ?8PB 2X7# 6YR9 ?LD! W3VR GJ| |JT?' R.47 9%X8 !7W9|building |G!!QB 3XG9 !.PP NNVM|mined |59V!! Q#NG ZXPX 4H |one |V3YN 6V39 YQ2? 27 |compound ------------------- -------------------- |MBGQ R9Q7 H4H7 4JPV|after |HHK!! -#9% 3%R% N5H-|the |8#W3 DP7X 4KT? 35 |the train |7H8T PG3K W47W 54 |trams =>Item Multiplier: When you find some items in a room, collect them and then use your "TRNSCVR". When you return to the main game screen, the item will reappear. Use this trick to refill all your supplies. SNOOPY'S MAGIC SHOW (gb) checked-no |1NWQ| 2 | |105H| 7 | |10EI|12 | |CZ10|17 | |BTND|40 | |70BT| 3 | |10XD| 8 | |ONBV|13 | |XZ2Q|18 | |V5K2|50 | |104A| 4 | |1N1C| 9 | |1N1B|14 | |1QET|19 | |V5YO|58 | |4N44| 5 | |1N1O|10 | |C01X|15 | |XQ1A|20 | |1NX2| 6 | |H0O7|11 | |10I1|16 | |TTOT|35 | =>Other assorted passwords: VZY4, XZ12, 1QEH, XQ1D, 2ZVC, XZ1O, ZQJ7, XQSI, XZ1V, XZUB, 2QOX, XQ11, ZYU0, BYBQ, BTBA, BY14, BY12, VTNH, HYOC, BYYO, OT17 SNOW BROS. (nes) checked-no |sxneuyvi| Unlimited Lives SNOW BROS. JR. (gb) checked-no =>Map Select: On title screen, hold U+SELECT+B and press START. Choose a map with the joypad =>Invincibility: On title screen, hold L+D+A+B then press START. =>Bonus Bucks: Smash all the enemies on a screen with one ball and rake in the dough. SNOWBOARD KIDS (n64) checked-no =>All Tracks/Boards/Characters: On the Start screen, press STICK: D U PAD: D U cD cU [L] [R] Z, PAD: L cR, STICK: U B, PAD: R cL START. A kid will say "Yeah" if the code worked. =>Extra Tracks: Every time you earn a gold medal, the next hidden course will open up. Earn a gold medal in tracks 1 through 8 to open up Silver Mountain. If you get the gold there, you will see a special victory sequence and you will have access to track 9, Ninja Land with the secret character Shinobin the Ninja - get a gold on his course to play as him. =>Bonus Boards: Once you buy all the normal boards, you can buy the Ice Board for $1,000. Defeat Shinobin in Ninja Land and you can buy the Star Board for $80,000. Earn 2500 points in the trick game and you can buy the Feather Board for $100,000. =>Turbo Start: Press A right before the announcer says "Go!" SNOWBOARD KIDS 2 (n64) checked-no =>All Kids/Boards/Levels: On the title screen, press PAD: Z B cU D, STICK: L R, PAD: U [R] Z A and start a new game. Characters are available in Battle Mode and courses in Story Mode. =>Expert Mode: Complete the Story Mode to access the expert mode. =>Turbo Start: Press B as soon as the announcer says "Go." =>Extra Points: Using a large variety in tricks in Point Mode can earn you a triple point bonus. =>Secret Characters: * Coach - Beat him in the Training Mode * Damien - Beat the Story Mode * Mr. Dog - Get a perfect score in Shot Cross and don't miss the mailboxes * Penguin - Beat him in the Training session =>Extra Boards: Once you open up the Expert Mode, you can earn these boards by beating the Expert Mode tracks. Each track has a different board. SOCCER MANIA (gb) checked-no =>Invisible Opponents: On the title screen, press U U D D L R L R, then press B A START. SOCCER SLAM (gc) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these codes on the title screen to enable the cheat. * Max Power : [L] [R] L R Yx2 * Big Heads: [R] [L] Ux2 Yx2 * Unlim. Turbo: [L] [R] R U Xx2 * Big Hits : [L] [R] Ux2 X Y * Unlim. Spotlight: [L] [R] D R Y X * All Teams: X Y D D D D * Modern Film Mode : (Y X)x3 (R L)x3 * All Items: L X L X L * Classic Film Mode: (X Y)x3 (L R)x3 * All Stadiums: [R]x2 Rx2 Ux4 Xx2 =>Extra Balls: Enter these codes on the title screen. * Old Style : [R] R Lx2 Y X * Eyeball : [R] R D U Xx2 * Black Box : [R] Lx2 D Xx2 * Kids Play: [R] R U D X Y * Kids Block: [R] L Rx2 Yx2 * Globe : [R] Rx2 L Xx2 * Rusty Can : [R] L Ux2 Yx2 * Beachball: [R] Rx2 D Y X * Crate : [R] L D R Y X * 8-Ball : [R] R U U Y Y * Block Ball: [R] L R R Y Y =>Player Cheats: Enter these codes on the title screen to enable all items for the listed character. * Angus: L X R X U * El Diablo: L X R X D * Madeira: L Y D X U * Aresnault: L Y U D * Half-Pint: L Y U X U * Nova: L Y D Y R * Boomer: L Y L X U * Kahuna: L Y R Y R * Raine: L X U X U * Dante: L X R Y L * Kaimani: L X D X D * Rico: L X R X R * Djimon: L Y D Y U * Kiril: L Y U X L * Rumiko: L Y L Y U * Duke: L Y U X R * Lola: L X L Y D * Zari: L Y L Y R =>Extra Stadiums/Teams: Completing the game in Quest mode with a team will enable that team's alternate stadium, uniform, and team name. Or, enter the ALL TEAM mode code listed above, or one of the codes listed here. | Team |Alt. Name|Alt.Name Code| New Stadium |New Stadium Code| |El Fuego|Demons |X X D D R L |Jungle Canopy |U D L R X Y | |Subzero |Snowmen |Y Y D R L U |Alpine Castle |U U U D X X | |Toxic |Aliens |Y X D D U U |Reactor Core |U L L R X Y | |Volta |Robots |Y X D U D U |Reviera Ruins |U D D R Y X | |Tsunami |Frogs |X Y D U R L |Pacific Atoll |U U L L Y Y | |Spirit |Skeletons|Y Y D D L R |Tribal Oasis |U U D D X X | SOLAR JETMAN (nes) checked-no |KLBLBKHBKLGB| planet 2 |MBGLNMKGHXNB| planet 9 |KDBRNPBDRPHD| planet 3 |LQGGMQLHNDHH| planet 10 |KLBMKBBGXHHB| planet 4 |DHGDQLNBTLNB| planet 11 |KNDPBKKDGBNB| planet 5 |PMGPBPBBZLTB| planet 12 |KNDHNBHBNWNB| planet 6 |KGHWGGBBGDHB| planet 13 |LKDZKQHDTRNB| planet 7 |ZHHZQQQQNNNN| planet 14 with 15 Nippon Ships, |MDDBQBPDZZNB| planet 8 $799,993, super Mapping Device, shields, Boosters |QQQQQQQQQQQQ| planet U |LMGZQBDPZLTG| ?????? |BKKBKKHMBHMB| planet xx |LGGHMKGGZKTB| $20000 & 8 lives |MMMMMMQQQQQQ| a bonus level |ZBBBBBBBLNTQ| start with 15 lives and extra cash * NOTE: If you enter the planet U code, all you have to do to win the game is find the final piece of the Golden Warship. =>Money: Use the password of |BBBBBBBBBBBB| to begin with $000000, or use D-1 |DDDDDDDDDDDD| $111111, and likewise for G-2 H-3 K-4 L-5 M-6 N-7 P-8 Q-9. =>Planet 1 Mini-game: As soon as your ship appears, fly left and enter the Worm Hole before it disappears to enter the mini-game. SOLAR STRIKER (gb) checked-no =>Skip Guardians: When you reach a guardian, move to the top left corner of the screen. Many guardian bosses will disappear if you do this. =>Stage 4 Boss Easy Kill: If you have 3 extra ships, ram him with all three and with your last ship use rapid fire on him for about 10 seconds. When he dies you will get the bonus level. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE (snes) checked-no |WORLD| Brigand&Thug | Navie&Science| ..other passwords... | 2 | W1V19S2SH21Q | CJWI9D2QQ2XF | |MCLT64W562| $54971 | 3 | RI8VDQWF0IVP | RJXVD8WFPIVP | |YT8BKFQBGYTQ| Last Level | 4 | 4I4ILIV4QVX6 | 4J3WLPV9XWSC | SOLOMON'S CLUB (gb) checked-no |1-01|08 8888| |2-04|8ZVJH888| |3-07|QZZVBY88| |4-10|8ZZZYSY8| |1-02|CVJB8888| |2-05|?ZVJS888| |3-08|6ZZYDY88| |5-01|8Z ZZZ8| |1-03|GVJD8888| |2-06|?ZVJY888| |3-09|XZZYHY88| |5-02|MZZZZVJB| |1-04|RVJH8888| |2-07|CZVBY888| |3-10|RZZYSY88| |5-03|RZZZZVJD| |1-05|XVJS8888| |2-08|QZYDY888| |4-01|RZ ZZ88| |5-04|6ZZZZVJH| |1-06|XVJY8888| |2-09|4ZYHY888| |4-02|JZZZVJB8| |5-05|6ZZZZVJS| |1-07|8VBY8888| |2-10|KZYSY888| |4-03|KZZZVJD8| |5-06|GZZZZBJY| |1-08|CYDY8888| |3-01|KZ Z888| |4-04|QZZZVJH8| |5-07|JZZZZVBY| |1-09|MYHY8888| |3-02|6ZZVJB88| |4-05|VZZZVJS8| |5-08|MZZZZYDY| |1-10|TYSY8888| |3-03|TZZVJD88| |4-06|VZZZVJY8| |5-09|2ZZZZYHY| |2-01|TZ 8888| |3-04|CZZVJH88| |4-07|6ZZZVBY8| |5-10|CZZZZYSY| |2-02|QZVJB888| |3-05|2ZZVJS88| |4-08|JZZZYDY8| |Solomon-1|CZ__ZZZZ| |2-03|OZVJD888| |3-06|2ZZVJY88| |4-09|?ZZZYHY8| |RYSY?JJ?| level 1-10 |4DDKJYJ8| level 3-6 |QDDDHSY8| level 4-10 |8DHDYJJ8| level 2-8 |6DDHDYJ8| level 3-8 |6ZNNNZ| level 5-1 |JDHHYJJ8| level 2-9 |4DDDHDY8| level 4-8 =>Hidden Rooms: Collect wings to enter secret rooms. Collect 5 S's. =>Automatic Key: On the title screen, before the Start and Password options appear, press A B A B B A U. You should now have the key when you begin each level, and can simply walk through the doors. SOLOMON'S KEY (nes) checked-yes =>Continue: Press U+A+B simultaneously. =>Mighty Bomber Jack: Reach the 17th level with your first man, then hit the unbreakable grey block 11 times. Goodies galore! SOLSTICE (nes) checked-yes =>90 Lives and Full Potions: Go to the subscreen, then press B STARTx2 Bx2 STARTx2 Bx2 STARTx3 B START Bx3 STARTx3 B START B STARTx2 B STARTx2 Bx2 START B START. The screen will flash. SONIC ADVENTURE 2 BATTLE (gc) checked-part =>Dark Chao Garden: As a Dark Character (bad guy), raise a Dark Chao in the Chao Garden. Feed and train it until it evolves. After it evolves, a door to the Dark Chao Garden will appear in the Chao lobby. =>Hero Chao Garden: As a Hero character, raise a Hero Chao in the Chao Garden. Feed and train it until it evolves. After it evolves, a door to the Hero Chao Garden will appear in the Chao lobby. =>Boss Attack Mode: Complete either the Hero or Dark Story Modes to enable the Boss Attack mode for that side. ->Clear Pause: Hold Y+X when pausing for a clear picture. ->Extra Costumes/Karts: Complete all of a single character's missions to earn an alternate costume for that character in the two player mode and a secret kart in Kart Racing. =>Kart Racing: To enable Kart Racing, you must complete Tails's driving quest and Rouge's chase mission in the Story mode. =>Last Stage: To unlock the final stage, complete the Story Mode games for both the Hero and Dark sides. After you do so, a "Last Stage?" selection will appear in the Story Mode screen. =>Green Hill Zone: Earn 180 Emblems to unlock a 3D version of Green Hill Zone from the original Sonic the Hedgehog game. ->Earning "A" Rank: One way to get an A rank in a stage is to collect all the rings in it. Doing so will get you a PERFECT notice next to your ring count at the end of the stage, and you will receive an A ranking. ->Chao Toys: Win all 3 Crab Pool races for a Shovel. Win all 3 Stump Valley races for a Watering Can. Win all 3 Mushroom Forect races for a Toy Car. Win all 3 Block Canyon races for a Rattle. SONIC BLAST MAN (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: Go to the options screen and highlight music test. Press L or R on CNTRL I to select the stage you want, then hold SELECT and press [L] [R]x2 [L] START. The boss music # activates the boss stage. =>Very Hard Mode: On the title screen, wait for PRESS START to flash 4 times, then hold [R]+[L] and press START. Choose VERY HARD on the options screen SONIC BLAST MAN II (snes) checked-no =>Same Player Code: On the Character Select screen, have player 1 choose his character. When it is Player 2's turn to choose, hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R] while selecting the same character. SOUL BLAZER (snes) checked-no =>Ending: The ending continues after the end of the credits. Wait about 20 seconds and it should continue. =>Area One Metal Boss: To beat the metal boss in the painting, you can't use the anti-metal sword. Just lure him over, smack from above, run, and repeat. =>Master Emblem Locations: For the first, have the Zantuse Sword, kill the monsters in the painting and release the ivy. Climb the ivy and move left. * 2 In Dr. Leo's lab, get the door key and push the dresser left. * 3 In Maddgrid Castle, release everything, go to the door you went through when leaving the gods' arena, and walk to the left of it. * 4 In the mountain you will find a snail trapped inside a walled off area. Walk over to the left of the lantern. * 5 In the mountain jail, look for the mushroom. Use your Dream Rod and go to Lake Lune. * 6 Enter Maddgrid Castle's second basement and use the Soul of Reality. * 7 Complete the Light Shrine and talk to the squirrel. * 8 Find the sleeping dolphin and use the Dream Rod. Enter the passage that appears and open the chests. SOUTH PARK (n64) checked-no Master Cheat |BOBBYBIRD| Show Credits |SCREWYOUGUYS| Skinny Mode |VEGGIEHEAVEN| Big Heads |MEGANOGGIN| Unlim. Ammo |FATTERKNACKER| All Weapons |FATKNACKER| Invincibility |ASSMAN| Pen & Ink Mode |PLANEARIUM| All Characters |OMGTKKYB| Stage Select |THEEARTHMOVED| * The All Characters code only works in Multiplayer mode =>Bonus Character Codes: Starvin Marvin |SLAPUPMEAL| Phillip |PHAERT| Terrance |RAFT| Mr. Garrison |DOROTHYSFRIEND| Mr. Mackey |CHEATINGISBAD| Chef |LOVEMACHINE| Wendy |CHECKATACO| Pip |FISHNCHIPS| Ike |KICKME| Mrs. Cartman |ALLWOMAN| Mephisto |GOODSCIENCE| Jimbo |STARINGFROG| Ned |HAWKING| Big Gay Al |OUTRAGE| Officer Barbrady |ELVISLIVES| Alien |MAJESTIC| =>Multiplayer Characters: To use your earned extra characters in the multi- player mode without having to enter the passwords, go to Story Mode and load your game. When it starts, Quit. All your earned characters are now available in multiplayer mode. =>Faster Running: Hold cU+cL or cU+cR to run even faster in that direction. SPACE FOOTBALL: ONE ON ONE (snes) checked-no ._code_._lvl._code_._lvl._code_._lvl._code_._lvl._code_._lvl._code_._lvl. |246860| 02 |449357| 08 |955306| 14 |668227| 20 |993201| 26 |511588| 32 | |402713| 03 |736725| 09 |274443| 15 |175845| 21 |037362| 27 |312171| 04 |876963| 10 |487735| 16 |121915| 22 |725375| 28 |346312| 05 |884887| 11 |626631| 17 |644028| 23 |578456| 29 |373243| 06 |497998| 12 |872669| 18 |845684| 24 |599544| 30 |650665| 07 |832115| 13 |349583| 19 |377493| 25 |802775| 31 =>Expert Level: Press SELECT while on the title screen and go to the option screen. Now, hold D+L+[L]+[R] and press SELECT. The car SHOULD become grey. SPACE INVADERS (gb) checked-part NOTE: This is the Nintendo Super Game Boy edition of the game, NOT the older version of Space Invaders put out on the Game Boy. =>Super NES Game: If you play this game on a Super Game Boy, you will be able to play a SNES version of Space Invaders, which is much superior to the Game Boy version. =>Change Background: If you are playing the Game Boy version on a Super Game Boy, pause the game and press A a few times to change the background from the upright cabinet to the cocktail version and vica versa. ->Alien Rainbow: This is the famous arcade trick - kill all the invaders except for a 10 point one, then shoot that one. It is possible that this trick only works on the Super Game Boy, because of that fact that it is a colorful trick, but perhaps it works on an ordinary GB as well... SPACE INVADERS (gbc) checked-no |1 - Venus |RTJN PBKC X2RJPW| |6 - Uranus |CV1? QWKG J3X8R5| |2 - Earth |WWYX TC2N QW79VY| |7 - Neptune |HV27 RW1G N3YOR7| |3 - Mars |?WZ4 VCLN 4W81V?| |8 - Pluto |MV7H RCLH S3ZSR9| |4 - Jupiter|RSSN 3QJ7 8?GJMC| |9 - Homeworld|RV8R RC2H X3?RJC| |5 - Saturn |WSPZ MSO8 N?H8NF| |Original Game|CLSS 1281 999DBM| SPACE INVADERS (gba) checked-no |02|WWYX TC2N QW79VY| |06|CV1? QWKG J3X8R5| |Classic Mode|CLSS1281999DBM| |03|?WZ4 VCLN 4W81V?| |07|HV27 RW1G N3YOR7| |04|RSSN 3QJ7 8?GJMC| |08|MV7H RCLH 3ZSR9| |05|WSPZ MSO8 N?H8NF| |09|RV8R RC2H X3?RJC| SPACE INVADERS (n64) checked-no =>Classic Mode: Beat the normal game and you will be able to play the arcade game directly from the main menu. =>Maniac Mode: Beat the expert mode game to enable the Maniac Mode setting. SPACE MEGAFORCE (snes) checked-no =>Warning Digit: On the title screen, press SELECT twice, holding it down on the second press. The cursor should be pointing to OPTIONS. Now, press START and the game will begin. While playing, keep your eye on the last digit of your score; it will change to tell you the danger level of the stage you are currently playing. 0 represents a low danger area, while 7 represents the most dangerous areas. =>Reset: Press [L]+R+START+SELECT simultaneously to reset the game. SPACE SHUTTLE PROJECT (nes) checked-no |GAMER 8267 ENTERPRISE| mission 6 SPACESTATION SILICON VALLEY (n64) checked-no =>Asteroid Level/Spigot: For some reason, the spigot item can't be nabbed in the game... which means you can't reach the Asteroid level. However, you can cheat and enter the following code to reach the level. On the level select screen, quickly press PAD: D U Z [L] D Z D. A chime will sound, and you can now play. =>Bonus Game: To play the bonus game, go to the zone select screen and press D U Z [L] D L Z D and a tone will sound. Enter a zone, exit it, and return to the zone select screen to find the bonus game. =>Fiery Ship: As the dog in level 1 "A Smashing Start", walk up to the glass so that you can see Dan. Wait for Dan to say something, then bark five times while standing next to the glass. The rocket ship will try to take off... which makes things interesting. =>Different Intros: Hold A or B while turning on the system and don't release the button. Each yields a slightly different intro. SPANKY'S QUEST (gb) checked-no |0119| Stage Select |0117| Sound Test |1007| Music Test SPANKY'S QUEST (snes) checked-no Lvl 1|000| Lvl 2|732| Lvl 3|354| Lvl 4|116| Lvl 5|988| Lvl 6|470| SPARKSTER (snes) checked-no =>Crazy Hard Game: Go to the Set Up screen, highlight Level, and then press L L R R D U D U A X. A 'Crazy Hard' setting will appear. =>Sound Test: On the Setup screen, highlight SOUND and press SELECT to stop the music. Press buttons to play sounds. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press Ax3 B Y [R] SELECT [L] D U D R. On the licensing information screen a small number will appear, representing the stage. Change it to choose your stage. SPAWN (snes) checked-no |D9963D1D| level 2 |OC4F458H| level 5 |DB8D9B4H| level 8 |4H253DGF| level 3 |D31551FG| level 6 |0858BBFG| level 9 |4CC138CF| level 4 |09BF596F| level 7 |D828CGBF| level 10 SPAWN (gbc) checked-no |02|Spawn Heart Skull Heart| |05|Heart Skull Spawn Spawn| |03|Heart Skull Skull Flame| |06|Heart Skull Spawn Spawn| |04|Heart Spawn Skull Spawn| |07|Skull Spawn Spawn Heart| SPECTRE (snes) checked-no =>Infinite Lives: In a two player game, enter a level that contains spheres that chase the first player. Let player one die, then wait in the level with the chaser sphere. Eventually a sphere will run over player one again and bring him back to life -- with infinite lives. SPEEDBALL 2 (gb) checked-no =>Begin with 10 Points: Begin a new Cup Mode game. When Round One appears, press(A B A B A SELECT)x2. SPEEDY GONZALES (gb) checked-no |01|587555| |02|500999| |03|343003| |04|830637| |05|812171| |06|522472| SPELUNKER (nes) checked-no =>Bonus Items: On the first level, head down to the third floor. Stand next to the wall and jump to make one of the four different bomb items appear. SPIDER-MAN (snes) checked-no =>Stage Select: During the intro that plays when you turn on the system, wait until Spider-Man swings and lands on the building. As soon as he lands, press Y A X B A R L. SPIDER-MAN (n64) checked-no |TRUBLEVR| Unlock Everything |CLTTHMALL| All comic books |WHOSINTGM| Complete Gallery |TURTLE| Invulnerability |SMESTORY| All Slide Shows in Gallery |LISTEN| Sound Test |GTATNKFST| Quick Change Spidey costume |COV VIEW| Unlock all Covers |SPID INRED| Scarlet Spidey costume |HELP ME| Full health |SPTWOKNN| Spider-Man 2099 costume |STICKYSTUF| Unlim. Web Fluid |DA CLONE| Ben Reilly costume |MISTERMJ| Peter Parker costume |SYMBSPID| Symbiote Costume w/ Unlim Webbing |LVLSKIPPER| Stage Select, but you can't earn costumes |LIMITED ED| Spidey Unlimited Costume w/ Unlim. Stealth |POWCOSMIC| Capt. Universe costume w/ double damage, invincibility, and unlim webbing =>Spider-Man 2099 Costume: Grab all the comics in the game to earn this costume, which grants double damage as well. =>Symbiote Costume: Finish the game on any difficulty. Also enables Unlimited Webbing. =>Capt. Universe Costume: Complete the game on Hard. This also enables Double Damage, Unlim. Webbing, and Invincibility. =>Spidery Unlim. Costume: Beat the game twice. Enables Stealth mode. =>Scarlet Spider Costume: Beat Rhino on 3-1. =>Ben Reilly Costume: Beat 4-2. =>Quick Change Spidey Costume: Score more than 10,000 points in Zip-line training. This suit limits you to two web cartridges. =>Peter Parker Costume: Find the hidden Kraven room in the Item Hunt stage and Peter is inside. This suit limits you to two web cartridges. SPIDER-MAN: MYSTERIO'S MENACE (gba) checked-no |C0-LQ| Stage Select |RV80S| Stage Select |JV31-1| All levels/items |JV37T| All levels open, all bosses beaten, all power-ups but one |JV33R| All levels open, at final boss, all power-ups but two |7V84Z| Armor suit, fluid upgrade, L & R web carts. Downtown, Pier54, Empire Metals, Museum, Night Club complete |RV8WJ| Armor, Fluid Upgrade, L&R web carts. At last level, Amusement Park |SP1DY| Black outfit, thermal outfit, armor. Super Hero difficulty mode. |SM11W| Symbiote/Thermal outfits, fluid upgrade, compressor. S Hero mode. |SMXXW| Symbiote/Thermal/Electric outfits, fluid upgrade. Super Hero mode. SPIDER-MAN: THE MOVIE (gc) checked-no |ROMITAS| Stage Skip (pause to use) |IMIARMAS| All Stages |GOESTOYOURHEAD| Big Head Mode |UNDERTHEMASK| First Person Mode |SPIDERBYTE| Small Spider |DODGETHIS| Matrix Mode |THUGSRUS| Plas as Thug |SERUM| Play as Scientist |GIRLNEXTDOOR| Play as Mary Jane |KNUCKLES| Play as Knuckles |STICKYRICE| Play as Uncle Ben's Killer |HERMANSCHULTZ| Play as Shocker |REALHERO| Play as Cop |CAPTAINSTACEY| Play as Capt. Stacey |JOELSPEANUTS| Enemy Big Head Mode |FREAKOUT| Goblin Suit mode |HEADEXPLODY| Unlock Pinhead Bowling |ORGANICWEBBING| Unlim. Webbing |KOALA| All Secret Combo controls/Golden Spiders =>Pinhead Bowling: Earn 10,000 points in the single player game, or cheat. =>View Vulture Scene: Earn 20,000 points in the single player game. =>View Shocker Scene: Earn 30,000 points in the single player game. =>Unlimited Webbing: Earn 50,000 points in the single player game. =>Green Goblin Mode: Enter the |IMIARMAS| code to open all the levels, then start a new Superhero difficulty game. Quit, enter Special from the menu and choose the Level Select option. Choose the last entry in the list to view the ending of the game, then head to the Secrets Store to find the Green Goblin option. =>Battle Bonesaw: Defeat 59 enemies in the Basic Combat Training and you will be able to battle Bonesaw. SPIDER-MAN AND THE X-MEN: ARCADE'S REVENGE (snes) checked-no =>Extra Lives: Play the Gambit stage and watch for the fourth green globe. Position yourself just left of it, then leap over it and off the screen. If you land back where you started without hitting the globe, you will earn about 40 stars - and 100 give you an extra life. Repeat this process again and again for lives. SPIDER-MAN AND VENOM: SEPARATION ANXIETY (snes) checked-no |DCCPMH| Stage 5 |MDRKJP| Stage 11 |STSPPC| Stage 17 |QPMJCV| Stage 18 |MDRKJP| Stage 10? |MRRYPN| Extra Hard Mode =>Stage Select: Enter the password |SCBCRS| and begin playing. Pause the game while playing to access it. If you die you will return to the stage select screen. =>Extra Lives: In level 1, walk to the top left trash can and press U to find a hidden room. Kill all the enemies but don't wander about; an extra life will appear. Ignore it until 4 more appear as well. =>Secret Rooms: Walk up to the top left of stage 1 next to the trash can, hold U and jump or punch to warp. * Stage 2: On the bridge, stand on the top left corner and do a jump kick. * Stage 8, walk until you reach the gold fountain. Stand toward the middle left of the screen and throw an enemy off to the left. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS: LEGEND OF THE LOST SPATULA (gbc) checked-no =>Stage Select: Enter |D3BVG-M0D3.| and while playing the game, pause and you will be able to access the Stage Select option. You will also have all the items found within the game. SPUD'S ADVENTURE (gb) checked-no |BANCHOU| stage select SPY HUNTER (nes) checked-no =>10 Free Cars: When starting the game, press R+SELECT+START simultaneously. Let the time run out but don't crash. You will receive ten cars. =>Super Auto: Hold A+B+SELECT+R and press START on the title screen for 10 cars and all the weapons. When your game time runs out you will receive the eight extra cars. =>Secret Route: After the red weapons truck drops your car off on the side of the road, move further onto the shoulder rather than back onto the road. If you drive off road far enough you will be driving on a black section; while on this black section, you will begin collecting points, as if you were driving on the road itself. If you drive at top speed, nothing can kill you. However, please note that you can't return to the forest section of the shoulder unless the road itself covers most of the screen and there is only a small bit of brush shoulder visible. SPY HUNTER (gc) checked-no =>Codes: Enter one of these codes as the name for a New Game... |OGSPY| Original Arcade Spy Hunter game |SCW823| Concept Art gallery |MAKING| Making of Spy Hunter film |GUNN| Spy Hunter Theme film |WWS413| Test Animatic film |SALIVA| Disease film SUPER SPY HUNTER (nes) checked-no =>Roulette Wheel Extra Lives: When the title screen appears, press and hold A+B+SELECT and press START. A series of numbers will fly by, much like the numbers on a roulette wheel. When the digits stop rolling, the one in the center of the screen indicates how many cars you have in reserve. Keep playing until you have 12 - the maximum. =>Power Up The Car: At any point in the game (excluding bosses), pause the game and press U U B R R B D B D B L L A START and you will resume the game with a completely powered car. Repeat as often as necessary. =>"Pong" Extra Cars: On the continue screen, press Ax8 START. You will switch to the Hyper Tennis game. Beat the computer and you can continue with 20 extra lives. SPY HUNTER/MOON PATROL (gbc) checked-yes =>Cheat Mode: On the Spy Hunter or Moon Patrol selection screen, rather than choosing one of the two games, press... * Unlimited Lives: (U D L R)x2 U L D A and four beeps will sound. * Unlimited Weapons: (U D L R)x2 U L D B and a missile will sound. This one only works in Spy Hunter, and it only works when you have a weapon. You will start off with all of them, but when you die you revert to only having the machine gun. SPY VS. SPY (nes) checked-no =>Invincibility: Beat level 8 and press D D R L A+B. SPY VS. SPY (gb) checked-no |ZKP| Level 2 |YPT| Level 3 |MMD| Level 4 SPY VS. SPY (gbc) checked-no |15Y24| Stage Select |Z4W4P| Last Spy Car stage... then credits SPYRO THE DRAGON: SEASON OF ICE (gba) checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these on the "Press START" title screen. * Stage Select: U U D D L R U D A * 99 Lives in New Game: L Rx3 D U R U A * 99 Lives in Dragonfly Worlds: L Rx3 D U R U A * Infin. Health in Sparx Worlds: D U U D L R R L A * Infin. Weapons in Sparx Worlds: D R U L L U R D A * Open All Levels: U U D D L R U D A * Enable Spyro's Warp: L R R L U L L R A =>Sparx World Cheats: On the title screen, press R U R L D U L D A. Now, while playing in Sparx Worlds, enter one of these codes to get the items listed. * Invincibility Shield: U+SELECT * Rapid Fire: L+SELECT * Smart Bomb: R+SELECT * Homing Bombs: D+SELECT * All Keys: [L]+SELECT =>Dragonfly X World: To open the Dragonfly X extra world, collect 100 fairies and all 7000 jewels. STANLEY: THE SEARCH FOR DR. LIVINGSTON (nes) checked-no |LQDLJJJG| Near the last quarter of the game STAR FOX {*} please see STARFOX STAR SOLDIER (nes) checked-no =>Full Weapons: On the title screen, press CNTRL I: SELECTx10. Hold CNTRL II: D+R + CNTRL I: U+L+A+B and press CNTRL I: STARTx2. Now, use SELECT to choose between the five-shot and the laser. =>Super Laser: Hold CNTRL I: U+L+A+B simultaneously and turn on your NES. While holding the controls, press SELECT and then press START. Press SELECT during the game to receive a super laser. STAR SOLDIER VANISHING EARTH (n64) checked-no =>End Game Bonus: After you beat the game, you will have access to the enemy gallery and stage select. * Beat the game on Beginner and the Mode Select background image will be different. =>Bonus Levels: Mission One: Before the level takes a 90 degree turn upwards, you must find four blue towers surrounding a red one. Blast the four blue ones, then destroy the red tower. This will open up the new path, with a different boss, a bonus level, and 10 million bonus points. * Mission 3: When you find 6 green and 1 red ship, blast the red ship but ignore the green ones. * Mission 4: When you find 4 green and 4 red ships, wait until the red ships fly over the triangular blocks and are about to exit via the top of the screen, then blast the red ships. =>Shield Bounce: If you are about to be hit by enemy fire, roll. The missile will bounce off of your ship. STAR TREK: 25TH ANNIVERSARY (nes) checked-no |P6NVMLF9X6ND| after Masaba |M?HT!!X!NGGD| after Lekythos... do NOT go to red alert! |BXCZQFVR9Z2D| after Shroud IV |BD9Z?DVMCZ4D| the library card... on Iotia |J300SS6DKRZX| Iotia in the past... get the communicator! STAR TREK: 25TH ANNIVERSARY (gb) checked-no |Planet 1|0523.4| |Planet 2|6541.2| |Planet 3|4567.0| |System 2|7552.3| |System 3|5570.1| |System 4|3516.7| |0523.4| planet Neural |3112.7| Pallas X1 system |1031.5| planet Kalanda |3516.7| Planet killer |2307.6| planet Triskelion |7156.3| M-24 Alpha system =>Free Warp: Once per stage, hold SELECT and press L. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE (snes) checked-no |01|NUHHOM| |03|YOSMIS| |05|BIQPUM| |07|NUDJIB| |09|YOTHOM| |02|SEPLOS| |04|VANDAQ| |06|DISYIB| |08|VESDUJ| |10|QYVMOH| STAR TREK GENERATIONS: BEYOND THE NEXUS (gb) checked-no |HARRIMAN| stage 2 |SOREN | stage 4 |OGAWA | stage 6 |DEMORA | stage 3 |VERIDIAN| stage 5 |FARRAGUT| stage 7 STAR TREK: STARFLEET ACADEMY (snes) checked-no |Lvl| Code | |Lvl| Code | |Lvl| Code | |Lvl| Code | | 2 |XYYRAXABXRYA| | 7 |XYYXXXABXYXY| | 12|XYYLRXABYBBL| | 17|XYYBBXABARAA| | 3 |XYYRLYYYXRYY| | 8 |XYYLAYYXYXA | | 13|XYYBXYYYYBBX| | 18|XYYBRYYYARAY| | 4 |XYYRYYRRXRYL| | 9 |XYYLLYRRXYXB| | 14|XYYBAYRRYBBY| | 19|XYYAXYRRARAR| | 5 |XYYRBAXBXRYB| | 10|XYYLYAXBXYXA| | 15|XYYBLAXBYBBX| | 20|XYYAAAXBARAL| | 6 |XYYRRXYRXYXA| | 11|XYYLBXYRYBBX| | 16|XYYBYXYRARAL| | 21|XYYALARYARAA| =>Hidden Names: You can name your cadet after the programmers or the cast of the original Star Trek series! On the New Cadet Registration screen, hold [L]+[R]+SELECT then press either A B A B for the programmers, or A B A B X Y X Y for the original characters. Scroll through the names! =>Continue: To continue the game as a programmer or cast member, enter your password on the continue screen but don't press SELECT. Press and hold [L]+[R]+SELECT and press A B A B X Y X Y. Release all buttons and press SELECT to begin. You repeat the code on the password screen to continue your game. * Note: If you reach the final exam as James T. Kirk, you can "win" the Kobayashi Maru test. =>New Players/Ships: In the Simulation Options screen, hold [L]+[R]+SELECT and press A Y B Y. * After doing this, enter the two player mode and have player one choose the Gorn Cruiser and player two the Romulan Phoenix, then let player two win. The combat training screen will now allow access to the Excelsior. If you change ships in the game, you have to redo this trick. =>Kobayashi Maru Ending: Select the password option and hold [L]+[R]+SELECT. While holding these, press Xx3 A [L] A [R] Y A [R] A A. Release the buttons and then hold [L]+[R]+SELECT, and press X Y X Y A B A B. Release and press SELECT. Choose the second option from the left (the insignia) and press START, then choose the third option from the left (ship). Select Choice A and head to 014.021 in the Neutral Zone, then hail the Klingons when they are about to attack. =>Extra Ships: Before entering the Combat Simulator, go to the Ship Select screen and hold [L]+[R]+SELECT. While holding these buttons, press A Y B Y and Excelsior and Phoenix will join your fleet. =>Prototype-A: Enter the two-player Combat Simulator and enter the above Extra Ships code on CNTRL I. Have player 1 choose the Gorn cruiser and Player 2 the Romulan Phoenix. Have the Phoenix win, then go to the one-player combat simulator to find the Prototype-A. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (nes) checked-no |LORE| Ensign |SAREK| Lt. Cmmdr |VASH | Captain |SELA| Lieutenant |SOONG| Commander =>Stage Select: Enter the password |OVERRIDE|. Use U on the Picard mission screen to choose your level. =>Sound Test: Enter the password |WHOOSH|. Use CNTRL II and the A button to try out the sounds. =>Destroy the Borg: Enter the sector with the Borg reported, then hold down all the firing buttons and press SELECT. You will hear an explosion... and the Borg are gone. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (gb) checked-no |Q | Ensign |TOMALAK | Lieutenant Commander |LOCUTUS| Captain |BARCLAY| Lieutenant |RO LAREN| Commander =>Stage Select: Enter the password |OVERRIDE|. On the mission screen, you can now press U to choose another mission. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (snes) checked-no |BGTTBTBU| Alpha IV Epidemic |LQTTCTBB| I.F.D. |CGTTBTBB| Derelict Spacecraft |LHTTMTBV| Crystal Shard 1 |BDTTCTBV| Trapped Miners |MGTTMTBV| Crystal Shard 2 |GCTTCTBV| Codis Mu IV |NNTTHTBB| Crystal Shard 3 |JFTTCTBV| Nakamoti Freighter |PHTTNTBV| Final Level |BKFTCTBB| Gamma III Minerals |TFTTLTBV| Ending =>Stage Select: When the title screen appears, press CNTRL I: Y Y X X A A B B. A musical tone will be heard. When you play the game, press START to pause the game and press Y to bring up the stage select screen. STAR TROPICS (nes) checked-no =>Chapter 5 Frequency Code: 747 Mhz STAR TROPICS II {*} please see ZODA'S REVENGE: STAR TROPICS II STAR VOYAGER (nes) checked-no =>Warp Drive: Select your course on the information screen, return to the main menu, hold B until the Speed Meter is 1 mark from the maximum, and release B. When the Warp Meter is the same as the Warp Distance Gauge, hold B again. The screen will turn blue as you warp; release B when the Gauge reads 0. Make sure to keep the Gyro Compass steady while you warp. STAR WARS (nes) checked-no =>Extra Lives in Obi Wan's Cave: Look for a wall that looks different than the rest of the walls; you can jump left and into that section to find two extra lives. =>Boss Tips: When you reach the tractor beam core room, you will see two bad guys. Kill both of them, but do not jump. Point your gun up and shoot. Don't jump and you won't get hit. * Womp Rat: When you reach the entrance of the Womp Rat Boss's lair, stop. Jump up and down and shoot the boss. You shouldn't get hit. STAR WARS (gb) checked-no =>Asteroid Belt Tip: When flying through the belt, hold D+L or D+R to stay in the bottom corners of the screen. You should make it through with little damage. =>Shields: Shields are located in the slug and Womp Rat caves on Tatooine. You will use these later in the game when in the flight missions. Try going through hollow walls and long tunnels to find six out of the seven shields. The last shield is in the Death Star level. =>Find Obi Wan: In the cave containing giant flying insects, make your way to the very bottom. Now, look for three rocks with some health energy on them. Jump from rock to rock, moving left until you reach Obi Wan. =>Healing: Once you have Obi Wan in your party, talk to him to restore your energy. It only works a certain number of times, though. When Obi Wan begins to feel a disturbance in the force, you've run out of healing. =>Jedi Han Solo: When you find Han in Mos Eisley, highlight Luke and his saber. Han should be able to use the saber now. SUPER STAR WARS (snes) checked-no =>Debug Mode: When the START GAME and OPTION MENU appear on the opening screen, press Ax4 X Bx4 Y Xx4 A Yx4 B. If done correctly, a Jawa noise will sound. A screen will appear, allowing you to choose any of the game's three heroes. While playing, pressing CNTRL II: START will automatically clear the stage and move onto the next one. Pressing CNTRL II: [L]+[R] will bring up a Game Debug menu, full of more options and a stage select. * Invincibility: Enter the Debug Mode and play the game. During a side- scrolling stage, hold CNTRL II: SELECT+A+B+X+Y. When you release the buttons you will be invincible for the rest of the stage. =>Sound Test: While playing the game, hold down A+B+X+Y and press START. Enter the sound test screen several times for hints on finding the other codes. =>5 Continues: On the title screen, when the START GAME message appears, press X B B A Y. Oh, this cannot be used with any other code. =>Unlimited Light Saber: On the title screen, when START GAME appears, press Y Y X X A B X A START. You will now be able to switch between the light saber and the blaster at any time by pressing A. Oh, and this code can NOT be used with any other code. =>View Ending: On the title screen, quickly press (A B)x4. =>Find Extra Lives: In the Land of the Sand People, there are 2 sets of floating rocks, in which you have to jump from rock to rock, to get to the other cliff. At the very beginning of the second set you come to, jump off the cliff edge, and aim Luke to the left. You will land on a ledge, and you will be in a small cave area. Falling rocks will keep falling on you, but don't worry about that. Now shoot up in the air all over the place to reveal 1-Ups. There are 7 or 9 of them. Get them all and then commit suicide. When the game starts up again, you start at the cliff top again. Jump down and repeat until you have 99 lives. =>Level 1 Power-Ups: Destroy all the scorpion things that come out of the first rock and a power-up appears; try this on the 8th rock as well. STAR WARS: EPISODE I BATTLE FOR NABOO (n64) checked-yes |TALKTOME| Director's Commentary Mode - play the game and find out! |RUAGIRL?| Pink ships |WAKEUP | Concert Hall music test at Options menu |DRJEKYLL| Sea Sickness mode |LEC&FIVE| Enable all stages up to Trade Federation Secrets |PATHETIC| Infinite Lives |EWERDEAD| One shot kills anything, including you |OVERLOAD| Maximum stats for your craft |DROIDEKA| Advanced shields |LOVEHUTT| See the development team |KOOLSTUF| Showroom of Concept Art |RHUBARB!| Enable the Swamp Speeder wherever the Gunboat is available |ADEGAN | Upgraded laser cannon |MEMEME! | View credits |NASTYMDE| Hard Mode STAR WARS: EPISODE I RACER (n64) checked-no =>Taunts: On the main menu, hold Z when you press A to begin a race, and you will see a small scene featuring your racer taunting your opponent. Also, you can scream while racing by pressing [R]. =>Cheat Codes: Begin a new game file in the Tournament Mode, but when you are asked to enter your initials, hold Z and use [L] (instead of A) to enter the letters for each password, then highlight End, press [L] and release Z. If entered correctly, the letters will flash on the bottom of the screen. You can then enter your initials normally and begin the game. |RRDUAL| Dual Controller Mode - use CNTRL I and CNTRL III |RRPITDROID| 6 Pitdroids - in Watto's shop, press PAD: U D L R R U |RRCYYUN| Play as Cy Yunga - only works if Jinn Reeso available |RRJINNRE| Play as Jinn Reeso - only works if Mars Guo available * Special Cheats: For these cheat codes, enter the password with Z and [L] and mentioned above, then during the race pause and press PAD: L D R U to display the cheat menu, where you can turn the cheats on and off. |RRDEBUG| Debug Menu |RRJABBA| Invincibility |RRTHEBEAST| Mirror Mode * All Cheats: After entering the RRDEBUG code, immediately enter the code |RRTANGENTABACUS|, start a race, pause, press PAD: U L D R and you should be able to toggle all game cheats. =>Easy Money: Turn on the invincibility cheat, then go buy cheap used parts from the junk yard. Install them in your pod and race. After the race, you will find that those used parts are now in perfect condition. Sell them back and make a nice profit. =>Auto Pilot: Enter the All Cheats code, and during the game, press [R] Z. You will control the speed, the computer drives. If you touch the STICK, however, the pod will spin out. Press [R] Z to revert to manual control. =>Production Team Photo: Earn first place in all Tournament races and enable the mirror courses on the Track Information screen. Once the Title Screen shifts into the demo, press cU for a special photo. =>Invitational Circuit: Earn first place in all the tracks in a cup to open up that cup's race in the Invitational Circuit. Get a first in all racers to open up the final Invitational Circuit race. =>Turbo Boost: Right before the announcer says "1", hold U and press A. =>Hidden Characters: Here are the time requirements for unlocking the racers. | Name | Track | Cup |Lap Time|Race Time| |Teemto Pagalies|Mon Gazza Speedway|Amateur |0:16:072| 0:52:081| |Aldar Beedo |Beedo's Wild Ride |Amateur |1:02:986| 3:16:697| |Clegg Holdfast |Aquilaris Classic |Amateur |1:04:700| 3:16:926| |Fud Sang |Vengeance |Amateur |1:16:880| 3:51:921| |Mars Guo |Spice Mine Run |Amateur |1:29:470| 4:30:880| |Bullseye Navior|Sunken City |Semipro |1:52:620| 5:43:101| |Ratts Tyerell |Howler Gorge |Semipro |1:31:370| 4:48:510| |Wan Sandage |Scrapper's Run |Semipro |0:44:904| 2:23:978| |Boles Roor |Zugga Challenge |Semipro |2:01:261| 6:10:897| |Neva Kee |Baroo Coast |Semipro |1:38:300| 4:59:640| |Ark Bumpy Roose|Bumpy's Breakers |Semipro |2:09:358| 6:47:380| |Toy Dampner |Executioner |Galactic|0:31:540| 4:42:310| |Mawhonic |Andobi Mt. Run |Galactic|1:39:309| 5:05:648| |Sebulba |Boonta Classic |Galactic|2:04:210| 6:20:012| |Slide Paramita |AP Centrum |Invit. |0:58:410| 3:03:260| |Bozzie Baranta |Abyss |Invit. |1:02:639| 3:12:934| |Ben Quadinaros |Inferno |Invit. |0:59:549| 3:04:160| STAR WARS EPISODE I RACER (gbc) checked-no =>Faster Anakin: As you beat racers, Anakin's pod will increase in speed. Once you've beaten them all, it should go at 735 mph. =>Turbo Start: Hold A as the 1 in the countdown fades away. =>Sebulba's Pod: Beat all four racers on a planet and you will race Sebulba. If you win, you get his pod and keep it until you lose a race. =>Pod Recharge: Hold down the brake while racing to recharge the pod. STAR WARS: JEDI POWER BATTLES (gba) checked-no |M Windu|Obi Wan|Qui Gon|D Maul | |Lvl 1| | | |VMT3BYJ| |NMH0YQR| All Jedi & Stages |Lvl 2|WB1BCPF|WFJ3BPG|VHS3BPG|VMT3D*K| |5PT80KW| All Jedi/Stages, 7 Lives |Lvl 3|VCJMBFF|XFJ3BYG|VMS3BYG|VMT3GKL| |Lvl 4|VC1MBPF|YFJ3B6G|VRS3B6G|VMT3JTL| |Lvl 5|VCJNBYF|ZFJ3BFH|VWS3BFH|VMT3L2L| |Lvl 6|VC1DBYF|0FJ3BPH|V0S3BPH|VMT3N*L| |Lvl 7|VCGYCFH|1FJ3BYH|V4S3BYH|VMT3QKM| |Lvl 8|VCXYCFH|2FJ3B6H|V8S3B6H|VMT3STM| |Lvl 9|VCDZCPH|3FJ3BFJ|VCT3BFJ|VMT3V2M| |Lvl 10|VCVZCPH|4FJ3BPJ|VHT3BPJ|VMT3X*M| STAR WARS: SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE {*} please see SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE STAR WING {*} please see STARFOX STARCRAFT 64 (n64) checked-no =>Better Menu: During the game, hold Z+[R] to pull up a special in-game menu that allows access to everything. =>Cheats: For all cheats, earn them according to the following procedures and you can activate or deactivate them in the Options menu. * Mega Building: This lets you build, repair, and upgrade faster. Play 6-1, Vile Disruption, and find the cheat disk in the top right part of the map. * Special Invincibility: Complete the first three missions to enable. * Tech Tree: In 3-6, Into the Darkness, move down and right into the first open area, keep to the left and walk to the end of the pathway. You will get a message about sacred ground. Wait twenty seconds to earn the cheat. * Turn Off Fog of War: In 4-3, Legacy of Xek'Naga, capture the flag that is to the north of your starting point base. * Unlim. Mana: Complete all 56 missions of the game. * Unlock All Research: In 2-5, The Amerigo, make Karrigan walk to the left of the cell containing the animals. * Extra Minerals/Gas: In 5-7, Patriot's Blood, surround the bear in the upper middle portion of the map. * All Upgrades: In 1-4, Jacob's Installation, stimpack Raynor to the maximum extent, move him to the hallway and to the right, avoiding the machine guns. Find the guy wearing orange and talk to him. * Special Upgrade Note: The all upgrades cheat gives your men one piece of armor/weapon/shielding, even though you can have a maximum of three upgrades for each. To get all three, just deactivate the cheat, return to the game, then go back to the cheat menu and activate the cheat again to increase the levels to 2. Repeat for all three levels. STARFOX (snes) checked-no =>Note: This was called Star Wing in Europe. =>Secret Area: When in level 3-2, there should be two asteroids that are much larger than the rest. Shoot the second giant asteroid on the right side of the screen until it explodes. Chase the egg that emerges from the debris, and when a bird hatches from the egg, fly into the bird's claws. You will warp to the Out Of This Dimension area, where you will contend with lots of paper products! If you make it to the giant slot machine, shoot the arm until you hit triple Lucky 7's, get the jackpot, and win the secret ending. =>Twin Blasters: If you fly through ALL of the archways in stage 1 of any of the 3 levels, the Twin Blaster power-up will appear in the largest archway. In level 1-2, before you reach the grey Supply Rings, look for three gold asteroids in a triangle formation. Fire through the center of the triangle and Twin Blasters will appear on the other side (or photon Twin Blasters, if you already have Twin Blasters). * Try flying through various circular shapes and formations to gain items. =>Black Hole Warp: In the level 1-2 asteroid belt, before you reach the grey Supply Rings, you will see three asteroid bars consisting of four grey asteroids with an orange/gold asteroid in the center. Destroy the first three bars by waiting until you are as close to them as possible, and then blasting the gold asteroid in the center. If you are close enough when you destroy them, a grey laughing asteroid will appear after you destroy the third bar. Blast it and enter the Black Hole it reveals. Three exits (which look like grey Supply Rings) are inside the Black Hole. The first goes to level 2-4, the second to level 3-4, and the third to level 1-4. =>The Whale: The whale will appear on the Amoeba stage of level 2, the one ending with the spinning, long-armed boss (the stage right before Venom), but only if you do not shoot any Blue Sting Rays. It appears just before you reach the boss, and drops enough power ups to give you full energy, a shield, double twin blasters, and 5 nova bombs. =>Rotating Ships: On the continue screen, press CNTRL II: SELECT+B to change into any enemy ship instead of the Arwing. STARFOX 64 (n64) checked-no =>Note: This was named Lylat Wars in Europe. =>Expert Mode & Sound Test: If you earn the Medal of Honor for each of the game's 15 levels, you will be able to play the expert mode and have access to the sound test. To earn a level's medal, you must kill a certain number of enemies and keep all three of your wingmen alive. Here are the number of kills required for each medal. NOTE: Get double kill points by shooting the debris of the ships that you kill. | Easy | | Medium | | Hard | |Corneria 150| |Katalina 150| |Sector Y 150| |Asteroids 200| |Solar 100| |Aquas 150| |Fortuna 50| |Macbeth 150| |Zones 250| |Sector X 150| |Sector Z 100| |Titania 150| |Area 6 300| |Volus 150| |Venom (EZ)200| =>Expert Mode Battle: Set the game to Expert Mode and enter a battle - it will play just like the Expert Mode game! =>Infinite Point Match: Begin a 3 player five point match, and have one player earn four kills. Then, have this player kill the other two players simultaneously. This will cause the win counter to change to 6, and the game will never end! It works best when the two losers are on foot. =>Warps: * Corneria to Sector Y: Fly through all the rock arches on the ocean and follow Falco through the waterfall. * Meteo to Katina (Warp): Fly through all 7 blue rings found after the Checkpoint. * Sector Y to Aquas: Kill 100 or more enemies. * Fortuna to Solar: Blast Star Wolf before running out of time. * Sector X to Sector Z(Warp): Blast open and then fly through all the large metal doors on the left side of the second half of the stage. * Sector X to Macbeth: Kill the boss before Slippy tries to fly in and help. * Zoness to Sector Z: Destroy all the Search Lights. * Macbeth to Area 6: Blast all 8 switches and hit the switch box to derail the train and head to Area 6. * Sector Z to Area 6: Blast all 6 missiles before they hit Great Fox. =>Crosshairs: To turn off the crosshairs, pause the game and press [R]. =>Head Trick: Hold [L] or [R] and move STICK I around to move the 64 in the Starfox 64 logo move around and make the characters watch it. =>Tank Battle Mode: Earn the Venom medal on the difficult route to get this option. When you do have the Tank battle mode, an interesting trick is available. Play on Corneria, drive towards a tower, hover up it, and drop as soon as you see the top of the tower. You will fall inside the building, where you can't move and can't be hit, but you CAN shoot the other tanks! =>Battle Mode on Foot: Beat the game on Expert mode along the hardest path. =>Starwolf Training: In the training mode's all-range mode section, kill 100 enemies, and the Starwolf team will appear, one by one. =>Below Radar: In the Battle Modes, you can escape detection by flying below the radar level. If you fly just above the ground on Corneria, you will not show up on the radar screens. =>Extra Lives: Kill 200 enemies in Zoness to earn two lives; die and repeat. * Sector Y - Near the end of the stage, your wingmen will form into a triangle. Jet forward and align yourself with them into a diamond for 1up. =>Starwolf on Venom 2: Watch for a Starwolf member that is about to hit a pillar; start shooting them right before they have a chance to dodge the pillar and they won't be able to. They will crash, earning you an easy kill. =>Venom 2 Power ups: In the tunnels, go left, right, left, left, right, right. =>Tracking Bombs: Charge your guns up and lock on to an enemy as normal, but instead of firing your lasers, hit B to fire a bomb instead... the bomb will track the enemy like your lasers would have. Also, pressing B while a bomb is flying will cause it to detonate immediately. =>Energy Refill: You can refill your energy in Sector Z by flying into the rear hanger of Great Fox. =>Ending Art: The ending art depends on whether you played Venom 1 or 2. =>Alternate Intro: Play the Training Mode, pause and press [R] to deactivate the gun sights, then quit the training. Let the opening sequence play; ROB64 and Gen. Pepper have no subtitles and Pepper says less. STARGATE (snes) checked-no =>Hidden Room: While fighting Ra, you can refill your supplies and energy at any time be entering the secret room. Jump to the bottom of the screen and stroll off the right edge of the screen. STARTROPICS {*} please see STAR TROPICS STARSHOT: SPACE CIRCUS FEVER (n64) checked-no =>Fire Robot Tip: At the Killer Expo, find the robot at the beginning of the area. Hit it with a star to make it shoot its hands, then hit it until it begins to chase you. Lead it to the robots blocking the lab at the end of the level and it will destroy them, opening the lab up to you. STARWING {*} please see STARFOX STREET COMBAT (snes) checked-no =>Handicap + Extra Fighters: On the title screen, move the cursor to 2 Players and then hold [L]+[R]. When you press START, a new fighter select screen will appear. =>50 Continues: On the title screen, select the Option Mode and press START. Highlight the CREDIT option and press SELECT 10 times. Return to the game. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA (gbc) checked-no =>Dancing Sagat: As Charlie, begin a game and lose the match. Choose to Continue, beat the opponent, then lose to the next fighter. Repeat this process of losing, continuing, then beating until you have been defeated by all the warriors. Once you lose to Bison, continue as Adon. =>Quick Boss Battles: After you select your fighter and choose manual or auto blocking, hold A+B to fight Akuma, or hold A+B+SELECT to fight Bison. You can also do this on the victory screens. =>Extra Fighters: On the Fighter Select screen, highlight RANDOM and enter a code. * Akuma: Lx3 Dx3 A+B * M. Bison: Lx2 Dx2 L Dx2 A+B * Dan: Lx2 D L D L B+A =>Extra Fighter Random Trick: Choose a mode and go to Random Select. Wait until Akuma or M.Bison appear in the box, then choose them. These fighters will appear after Sadom. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 (snes) checked-no =>Shin Akuma: Make your way to the final boss with at least 5 perfect victories, without losing a round or using a continue, and you will fight Shin Akuma before the final boss. =>Super Turbo Chun Li: Highlight Chun Li, hold START and press a button. =>Location Codes: Enter these in the Versus mode stage select screen. * Australia: Highlight Sagat's stage, hold START and press A B X or Y. * Thailand: Highlight Bison's Stage, hold START for about five seconds, then press A B X or Y. =>Victory Poses: If you win a round, hold SELECT + any punch or kick button. You can thus choose your victory pose. STREET FIGHTER II: THE WORLD WARRIOR (snes) checked-no =>SFII Initials: When asked for your initials, end the entry without keying in anything, and the game will put SFII in instead of initials. =>Championship Mode - Player vs. Player: When the Capcom logo appears before the title screen, press D [R] U [L] Y B. A tone will sound and the screen will turn blue. Enter the Vs. battle mode. Pressing START changes the fighter's colors, while A keeps them the same. =>Player vs. Computer, Same Fighter: Begin a one player game and choose any character, but lose both rounds of your first battle. Press CNTRL I: START to continue on the continue screen, then select the character you want to fight the clone of. Play as this character and lose both rounds, pressing CNTRL I: START to continue. Choose a different character than the first two and when you enter the new battle press CNTRL II: START and choose a character other than that you wish to play the clone of. Have player 1 beat player 2 in both rounds. Instead of having player 2 continue, wait until the game starts back up and the computer begins a battle with player 1, then press CNTRL II: START and choose the character whose stage you are flying to, but don't pick the one that you wish to clone. Continue this process of having player 2 lose until you work your way through the battle arenas to the stage of the clone. Let both players sit there for all for rounds, letting time run out. On the continue screen, press CNTRL I: START and choose the character you wished to clone, pressing START to lock in the character under that color. You will now fight the computer using the same characters. =>Other Player vs. Computer, Same Fighter Trick: =Ryu= Start a 1 player game and choose any player BUT Ryu. Continue the game until it comes to Ryu's dojo. Press CNTRL II: START and choose any player BUT Ryu. During this match of human vs. human, le