------------------------------------------------ "Wiring an extra fan directly to the PSU" ------------------------------------------------ C/O :: Daeshim of DynamicHell Development Team ------------------------------------------------ http://dynamichell.org | irc.dynamichell.org ------------------------------------------------ First know what type of fan you have, it is either a 5 or a 12 volt. Usually indicated somewhere on the fan, if you can't determine that then on to next step. The molex connectors are indicated as such. Yellow=+12v Red=+5v Black=-ground You can test the voltage with a multimeter as I have done. Never under any circumstances let the yellow and red wires touch or you will have a dead psu!!!! If you could not determine with voltage of your fan connect it to the black and red to make it run off of 5v. Turn on the computer and if the fan seems to be running at a normal rate then it is a 5v fan. If the fan is running slower than it should be cut off the computer and connect it to the ground and yellow to make run off of 12v. Turn on the computer and you are good to go. It is up to you how you attach the fan. You can just insert it in the connectors and tape it off or splice the wires, then tape it off and/or wire cap it. We are not responsible for damages, use this tutorial at your own risk.