How to hack your enemies answering machine.... by infected for 31337 Phreaking :::::DISCLAIMER::::: neither me or the phone losers of dat damm dirty 440 will be responcible for what you do with the contents of this file.It is strictly for information and entertainment purposes only,so dont go doin this shit or else you might have some guys in black suits with little mics in their ears at your door. Ok,we all have that one person we really hate right?of course,so as you sit at home one saturday night at 9:00 waiting for it to get late enough for you to go boxing,you go to and decide to read some text files.You stumble across a file on how to hack someones answering machine,and you think to yourself,hmmmm,i got that one fuck around the block that i really really hate,you keep reading..................... :::::CAUTION::::: This is possible to do from any phone anywhere,but we suggest you DO NOT do this from home,because as soon as the person your fucking with finds out what you did,they will call pacific bell corporate security and then bell will see who you called that night and,you know the rest.But its not as easy for bell to find you if you are at a payphone.The only catch to being at a payphone is that you may need to call the persons house a few times before you guess the right code,and each call is 35 cents,but if its worth it to you,then here we go............. You are going to need the phone number of the person you want to screw,i mean,call.So once you get the number,try calling at a time when nobody is home,like on an early sunday morning,when they are at church or something,and if they dont go to church,they are probally still asleep in their coffins. So call your enemies phone and wait for the answering machine to come on,when the recording (greeting message) comes on,try dialing a random dtmf code,like 1,2,3,4 or 4,3,2,1 or 1,1,2,2.Answering machines arent the most complex machines out,so its most likely that the "secret leet system code" is going to be in between one and keep trying random combinations,you will most likely get the code in the first 5 or 10 tries.Usually there are a few codes that you can get.The first code you will get will give you access to the answering machine as the "purchaser",the recording will stop and nothing will happen,the annoying fucking robotic voice wont say anything.This is the time where you guess the two to three digit code for greeting message changing,message playback,message erace,message fast foward,and maybe some other features.Its always fun to sit there and listen to who has called your enemy and then if the call is important enough,punch in the code to erace the message.But my favorite thing to do when i gain access to someones mailbox is to change the greeting message.I will put something really ignorant, or just really stupid,the owner of the answering machine always loves this.So when mommy in los angeles calls,she will either hang up before she can leave a message,or she will bitch at the kids for changing it.And its real fun to see the family trying to change the codes for the features,cause they arent changable.well,be careful and have fun.........