Cracking for the beginner by Y0SHi 06/05/97 mm/dd/yy Hi. My name is Y0SHi, and I cracked my first program today. I'm a beginning cracker offering this tutorial to people who are also beginning crackers (or for people who refuse to admit that they are beginning crackers =). In this tutorial, we will crack the file "" together. You will need Soft-Ice ver 2.62 for Dos. If you have any questions, comments, or observations, email me at I hope this helps you learn! NOTE: It took me about 15 minutes to crack this program on my own with no external help (like this tutorial) =). About the target (PW.COM) PW is a very small file I found on Lord Caligo's website, which contains various programs and tutorials on how to crack (like this one). Anyway, in the Programs section, you'll find pw, it is EXTREMELY small, something like 202 bytes unzipped. This file is very useful in getting you off on the right foot on how to crack. Download it, study it, learn it, CRACK IT! The actual cracking part Ok, first run the target, pw, a few times to see what's going on. First, you are prompted to enter your password. If your input was successful, you get "Password Ok !!", and if not, "Password Wrong !!". Load the program into Soft-Ice (using the command "ldr" [ldr is Soft-Ice's program loader]). Begin tracing through the code by pressing "p". You will soon see something similar to the following: mov ah, 09 mov dx, 0123 ; 0123=offset of "Enter Password: " int 21h ;dos function display a string (similar to C's printf(" ") and ;BASIC's print, string's offset is stored in dx You know now that to print out the strings, dos function 09, int 21 is used. While you're still in Soft-Ice, set a breakpoint on int 21, ah=09 (type in "bpint 21 ah=09"). This will make the program return to Soft-Ice before every displayed string. To see where "Password Wrong !!" is printed out, return to the program and type in any old password. You now should be back in Soft-Ice. You will see "INT 21H" is highlighted. 1662:01BF INT 21H To get a clearer view of what's going on, type rip. IP=01BF (could be different on your PC) IP= Type in "01B0" NOTE: The reason for 01B0: It is a few instructions behind the grim printing of "Password Wrong !!". You could have typed in 01A0 orng. SECOND NOTE: Undoubtedly the IP will be different in your machine. Just type the IP number after subtracting 10-20 from it. Bingo! You land right in the following code. OR AL, [BX+DI] ; SEE IF AL = BX+DI JNZ 01BF ; IF NOT, JUMP TO THE DISPLAYING OF "PASSWORD WRONG !!" LOOP 01A8 MOV AH, 09 MOV DX, 0133 ; OFFSET OF "PASSWORD OK !!" INT 21H ; DISPLAY "PASSWORD OK !!" JMP 01C6 ; JUMP TO MEMORY LOCATION 01C6 (THIS WILL VARY ON YOUR MACHINE) 01BF: MOV AH, 09 MOV DX, 0155 ; OFFSET OF "PASSWORD WRONG !!" INT 21H ; DISPLAY IT (THIS IS THE SAME ADDRESS WE GOT CALLED TO ORIGINALLY) 01C6: MOV AH, 4C INT 21H ; THIS FUNCTION IS USED TO TERMINATE A PROGRAM Did you get all that? I think I commented it well enough for people with little assembly knowledge. Anyway, we DON'T waassword Wrong !!" to be shown. We are looking for something to bypass 01BF. Hmm... got it! After "Password Ok !!" is shown, it skips the address where we landed first and terminates the program with ah=4ch/int 21h. If al and bx+di are not equal, it performs the showing of "Password Wrong !!", but if they are equal, "Password Ok !!" is shown, "Password Wrong !!" is skipped and the program is ended. So, if we want to show the "Password Ok !!" message, we change jnz 01BF to jz 01BF (which means to show "Password Wrong !!" if AL and BX+DI are equal, and to show "Password Ok !!" if they aren't. To permanently fix this, open up in a hexeditor such as PSEDIT and search for 750B (the mnemonics for jnz 01BF) and replace the 75 part with 74. This will cause the program to display "Password Ok !!" if you got the wrong password and "Password Wrong !!" if the password is right. This would be very useful to do to a network, so all of the users couldn't get in but you and anyone else with the wrong password could. Case two: Get from Lord Caligo's website Crackme is a program very similar to the above, except that it actually has some sort of protection loop; nevertheless, it is still a very easy crack; all the program does is display a message and get user input, then runs the input through a protection scheme to see if the password is correct. However, in this crack, I won't use a bpint 21 ah=09; this is cheap and unreliable, it doesn't even work in this case. No, in this scenario I actually choose to single-step through the code, although this sometimes wastes a lot of time. I won't go into much detail in the asm code in this one, but to start, load up with ldr; in the beginning, we see an unconditional jump (the signature of all .com files) to the start of the code; first, the message is displayed, and then input is received and run through a protection loop. From this loop we could figure out what the actual password is, but making the user type in the right password would be a pain in the ass to them, so we just make it so every password is considered right. Anyway, find the string display function (as described in the pw section) and then immediately afterwards, the input is received and run through the loop. There is no mistaking in finding where the loop begins; it starts right after the "get_keyboard_input" function. Anyway, trace through it until you reach the conditional jumps referencing to the address where "bad password" is displayed (the most abundant) , and simply skip over it using RIP. Keep doing this for a while until you reach the MOV AH, 09 / INT 21 function; make a note of the address. Go back to the beginning of the protection schema; trace through one instruction, and write down the mnemonics of the code; the mnemonics are 8BF2. Now, we want the protection loop to skip through the loop and go straight through to the "password ok!" payload, so we assemble "jmp the_address_that you_wrote_down" on top of the second instruction of the protection (why the second instruction? No real reason, it just felt better) and after that, just to insue no "Invalid Opcode" faults, put in an "inc ax" and after that, a "dec ax". Now, go back to the beginning of the code "rip 0100" and run the program the whole way through. And now, after the user input, it says "Correct Password!" Making it stick Load up PSEDIT or Hexworks or whatever and search for "8BF2". Replace it with E9AE004048 (that's the mnemonics for jmp valid_user, inc ax, and dec ax.) Now, whenever you enter in a password, it'll be right! Contacting the Author To contact me on IRC, DON'T look for Y0SHi, this is some stupid bot for www.y0shi.comthat's not my web page). Look for YOSHi on EfNet. Email: Contacting Lord Caligo:, |lAShEr| on efNet