Cracking for the beginner - Part two by Y0SHi 06/12/97 mm/dd/yy In part two of this beginners cracking tutorial, I examine one of Lord Caligo's own creations; This file was altogether not too difficult, and can be found on Lord Caligo's website. And now, the cracking! Ok, the first thing I did was to dissassemble the program with Sourcer. The listing looks like this: in al,21h ; port 21h, 8259-1 int IMR xor cx,cx ; Zero register mov bx,12Ah mov dx,16Ch call sub_1 call sub_3 call sub_4 ; Sub does not return here loc_1: inc ch loc_2: int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 00h ; terminate, cs=progm seg prefx jmpn loc_3 db 31h, 32h, 33h sub_1 proc near or al,2 retn sub_1 endp sub_2 proc near and al,0FDh retn sub_2 endp sub_3 proc near cmp al,0AAh jne loc_4 ; Jump if not equal retn loc_3: inc cl inc bx cmp ch,3 je loc_5 ; Jump if equal cmp al,[bx] je loc_1 ; Jump if equal call sub_5 jmpn loc_7 loc_4: mov dx,164h jmpn loc_6 loc_5: mov dx,offset data_2 ; ('') loc_6: mov ah,9 int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h ; display char string at ds:dx loc_7: int 20h ; DOS program terminate sub_3 endp sub_4: out 21h,al ; port 21h, 8259-1 int comands sub_5 proc near cmp al,0Dh jne loc_2 ; Jump if not equal jmp short loc_4 sub_5 endp db 0C3h db 0Ah, 0Dh, 'false$' db ' - TRY*ME v1.00 ' copyright db '(c) by Lord Caligo - In the above code, basically we see that in loc_3, ch is compared with 3, and if they are equal, data_2 ("right") is put into dx and then is printed, after, the program is terminated with int 20. So, all we really have to do is change loc_3 to read jmp loc_5 (actually, we'd have to chane loc_5 to some sort of memory location). So.... the crack for search for: the mnemonics for je loc_5 (7516) replace with: the mnemonics for jmp loc_5 (EB1C) WTF??? It seems that when we modified the program, no longer is the prompt for the password shown; the password is automatically right, you don't have to enter anything! Tres bizzare! (I'm not french; this is appropriate though. I am the only American cracker I know) Why I chose to accept this crack The reason I didn't go back and alter this crack to ask for a password is that if you've ever downloaded a cracked password crippled game, you notice that most of the time you don't have to enter a password anyway, the cracker did a good job. So I thought "What the hell, no one wants to enter a password anyway". Contacting the Author To contact me on IRC, DON'T look for Y0SHi, this is some stupid bot for (no, that's not my web page). Look for YOSHi on EfNet. Email: Contacting Lord Caligo: