Cracking for the Beginner - Last Part by YOSHi Yes, you read me correctly; this is almost the last part. Well, on password cracking, anyway. I feel that by the end of this tutorial, you should be able to find and remove most basic password protections. Next tutorial, I might actually use real programs (not ones written to be cracked). Without further ado, I introduce and LordByte seems to want to help us; he has made five different programs for us to try to crack, asking for the password, not a patch. In this tut, I show how to find hard-wired passwords (passwords not scrambled or rotated or anything). Ok, I use ldr to load up the program and I enter a dummy password. I typed in "s ds:0 l ffff "1234"". Hmm, one result; we will call it xxxx:xxxx. I first checked it out with a ed xxxx:xxxx. Definately my password. I then typed in "bpr (the value of xxxx:[xxxx - 20]) (the value of xxxx:[xxxx + 20]) rw" (thanks Intruder for teaching me the finer points of this trick.) Rw means "all read or write access to the area between the two given addresses". Ok, I typed "x" and it brought me back to S-ice. Then, my caffine rush kicked, and suddenly I didn't want to crack anymore. So I pressed x a few times, watching the dump window as I did, and at my last "x", I saw the word "hardware" written next to my password. Odd, so I ran test1 again w/o ldr, and I typed "hardware" as my password. It told me good job, ask LordByte for the next task. I'll do that eventually. "The crack?" you might ask. Well, when s-ice pops up, you'll see some code (obviously) and in this code there will be a conditional jump to the address of the bad_ps termination. Simply change it to "jmp location_of_good_termination". But why do that? I gave you the password. You cand find on Lord Caligo's page This was an extremely easy crack; I'll only show you how I found the password. I loaded up into PSEDIT, my hexeditor, and I was looking for the strings that showed if the pass was good or bad. I see: ...123...blah ..blah.blah.b .....etc..... Is this serious? Anyway, I quit psedit and re-ran, with the pass "123", and what do you know, it worked. Next time, Lord C, at least xor it with something. (Comment by Lord Caligo: I didnīt crypt the pwd, because you should crack the file so everybody could enter *every* word... I knew that the pwd is included in the .com, btw, itīs the same in Try ME v1.0) Contacting the Author NOTE: To the observant reader, I've changed my nick to YOSHi (you can have your fucking nick Y0SHI, I think you suck and are a lame liar - "I've got friends in LOA (hacking group.)" Yeah, right. I personally know all the members of LOA, and I've talked to them about your lameness. This is war fucker. To contact me on IRC, DON'T look for Y0SHi, this is some stupid bot for (no, that's not my web page). Look for YOSHi on EfNet. Email: