____ _ _____ _ _ | _ \ __ _ _ __| | __ | ____|___| (_)_ __ ___ ___ | | | |/ _` | '__| |/ / | _| / __| | | '_ \/ __|/ _ \ | |_| | (_| | | | < | |__| (__| | | |_) \__ \ __/ |____/ \__,_|_| |_|\_\ |_____\___|_|_| .__/|___/\___| |_| ____ __ _ / ___| ___ / _| |___ ____ _ _ __ ___ \___ \ / _ \| |_| __\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \ ___) | (_) | _| |_ \ V V / (_| | | | __/ |____/ \___/|_| \__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_| \___| http://surf.to/des Creators of :Backdoor, C.C , ASCII-Hell and many more...... For more information contact SyreChryst 848659 or Zemac 5760044 (Via ICQ) Q: I get this error when I tried to run BackDoor "A required .DLL file,MSVBVM60.dll, was not found." A: Go to the same page where you downloaded Backdoor and download the MSVBVM60.dll, if you're a lazy one, just unzip the .dll in the same directory as backdoor. Or if you're diligent, go install it in the c:\windows\systems directory. (just copy it into the c:\windows\system ) Q: I get the error "The file, 'Oleaut32.dll' is out of date. This program requires a new Version." A: Go download the .zip file off the DES homepage, unzip. 1.You need to put this file into the windows system directory, but if you tried to copy it int the windows\system it said that that file was in use. So, reboot windows into MSDOS. 2.Copy the new oleaut32.dll file into c:\windows\system (IF you don't know dos heres my example ) copy c:\unzipped\oleaut32\oleaut32.dll c:\windows\system then they'll ask you yes or no, if you want to copy over the older one. Say Yes! More info on the copy command if you're still confused. copy [where the file is located] [destination of file] (in other words..my example of) copy c:\unzipped\oleaut32\oleaut32.dll c:\windows\system 4. When they ask if you want to copy over the older one say Yes or type y 5. Reboot into windows and taa-daa. IF you didn't figure out how to put this file in the windows\system don't worry, it's the hardest one of the bunch. If you still have problems contact me,(SyreChryst) at 848659 on icq or Zemac on 5760044. Q: After doing all the above, I STILL GET ERRORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 A: Breath dammit BREATH. If you didn't install the .dlls before, then you're gonna HAVE TO. Crap happens, it'll be over soon enough, after about 4 other .dll files or .ocx. (heh) Q: The error "Component 'mswinsock.ocx' or one of it's dependenciesnot correctly registered : a file is missing for invalid." A. GO download it, (geez that phrase is getting to me.) and unzip it..one of the easiest suckers you're going to have yet, cut and paste it into the c:\windows\system directory, and taa daa..it works! you don't even have to use the regsrv32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if you're the wierd type. go ahead! (all others ignore if you don't understand!) Q: I Get ANOTHEr error, "Failed to load 'CommonDialog' from COMDLG32.OCX..........................." A: Download, Unzip. Now, for me all I had to do was copy and paste it into the windows\system directory and all was well. but if it says somtehing about it being in use, Go into the dos and copy it into the windows\system directory. (or you'll have to reboot into dos blah blah blah) go back up to Q Number 1 if you need some kind of example to follow. Q: More Errors(galore!!) "Compnent 'msinet.ocx' or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered : a fiel is missing or invalid." A: download the zip from site, unzip and copy and paste into the windows/system directory. (bingo it works!) now proceed to dance around like a chicken. Q: Error "Failed to load control StatusBar' from COMCTL32.OCX. Your version of ........................" A: simply download and unzip the file then copy and paste into your systems directory.