Controlling SFS Volumes with Smart Cards ---------------------------------------- Requiring the entry of a complex pass phrase to allow access to an SFS volume can be troublesome since not everyone will be able to remember, and want to type in, long complicated passwords. As a result, people may be tempted to write them down, or choose simple passwords which are easily guessed. In order to ease this problem, SFS supports the use of passwords stored in physical devices such as smart cards and cryptographic ignition keys or datakeys. The simplest way to store a password in a physical device is on a magnetic stripe card similar to a credit card or ATM card. Unfortunately these cards are totally passive, and must rely on an external source to process the information stored on them. Both reading and writing the information stored on the card can be done with relatively little effort[1]. A better solution is to use a so-called *smart card* containing built-in memory circuitry and possibly also access control logic or even a microprocessor. A smart card is able, in the face of a given situation, to make decisions by itself, while a passive card only provides a means to store information. There are three main classifications of what are generally referred to as smart cards: Memory cards, which function as an electronic form of magnetic stripe card and are actually passive cards, not smart cards. Logic cards, which contain memory and some form of access control logic such as circuitry to check a PIN code before allowing access to the memory (these can be regarded as not-very-smart cards). Smart cards, which contain a microprocessor capable of carrying out complex functions above and beyond the capabilities of simple logic cards. Most cards in use today are smart cards, although some applications really only need basic memory cards (smart cards can be programmed to function as simpler logic cards if necessary). Examples of memory cards are cards which can be pre-loaded with a certain amount of monetary credit and then be used to pay for bus fares or phonecalls[2]. Examples of smart cards are the cards used to descramble encrypted pay-TV transmissions such as the ones used by Sky TV and other broadcasters. SFS currently supports only basic memory cards, as true smart cards for security applications are still hard to come by, although a card for storing encryption keys under controlled conditions has recently been released by Xicor and will be supported by SFS as soon as it becomes generally available. Normally the keying information needed to access an encrypted volume is derived from your passphrase. However the "sfscard" program allows the access information to be transferred to a smart card so that you can only access to the encrypted data through the use of the card. Each memory card can store one encrypted key used to access one or more disk volumes and is protected by a passphrase in the same way that a normal encrypted volume would be. An attacker would therefore need to gain control of both your passphrase and the smart card the access information is stored on in order to access any encrypted data. In normal operation, each SFS disk volume is encrypted with a unique disk key which is completely unrelated to the your passphrase, or key. When you enter your user key, it is used to decrypt the disk key, and the disk key is then used to decrypt the encrypted volume. There is no correlation between the user key and the disk key, so that revealing the disk key does not reveal the user key. This access mechanism looks as follows: + User - - - + + Encrypted volume - - - - - - - - - - - - + | +--------+ | decrypt | +--------+ decrypt +--------------+ | |User Key| -----------> |Disk Key| -----------> |Encrypted Data| | +--------+ | | +--------+ +--------------+ | + - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + When used with a smart card, the user key is instead used to decrypt a key stored in the smart card which is in turn used to decrypt the disk key: + User - - - + + Smart card + | +--------+ | decrypt | +--------+ | decrypt |User Key| -----------> |Card Key| ----------+ | +--------+ | | +--------+ | | | + - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + | | +-------------------------------+ | | + Encrypted volume - - - - - - - - - - - - + | | | +--------+ decrypt +--------------+ | +-----> |Disk Key| -----------> |Encrypted Data| | +--------+ +--------------+ | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Since the password is no longer used to directly decrypt the disk key to access the encrypted volume, knowledge of the user password or key, or any attack based on the user password or key is of no use unless the attacker is also in posession of the smart card containing the card key. Since a single card key can be used to decrypt multiple disk keys, it is possible for one card to control access to multiple encrypted volumes. Finally, since each card key can also contain extra information such as access rights to an encrypted volume, it is possible for a central authority to issue to cards which control the type of access allowed for the volume, such as cards which only grant read access to their holders. A more detailed analysis of the manner in which SFS works with smart cards is given in the section "Smart Cards and SFS" below. Footnote [1]: Even something as simple as a modified tape recorder can be persuaded to read magnetic stripe cards. This is usually unnecessary, however, as magnetic card readers can be purchased freely from some electronic equipment suppliers. Footnote [2]: Most of these however have some form of access control mechanism and are in fact true smart cards. Working with Smart Cards The sfscard program is run in the following manner: sfscard [format] [clone] [information] [cardcontrol=] [retries=retry count] [vol=volume name] [] Since all arguments are named, you can give them in any order. The order shown here is merely an example. In addition, you can abbreviate all commands, so that for example you can give the `volume=' command as `volume=', `vol=', or even just `v='. The full commands are given in the documentation for completeness. The SFS software uses the LED on the card reader to indicate the current usage of the reader by the SFS driver. If the LED is green, the reader is not in use and no card is inserted. If the LED is orange, a card is inserted but is not being used by the SFS driver. If the LED is red, a card is inserted and is in use by the driver. Removing the card when the LED is red may, depending on how the card is configured, result in the volumes controlled by the card being unmounted. However, the SFS software can suspend the driver's access to the card to allow use of the card reader for other purposes. When sfscard is run, it may find that the card reader is already in use by the SFS driver, which would be the case if a smart card had been used to mount an encrypted volume which is still in use. This is indicated by the reader LED being red, meaning that a card is inserted and in active use. In this case sfscard will prompt: The smart card reader is currently in use by the SFS driver. In order to process a new card, sfscard must temporarily suspend the driver's handling of the card reader. Do you want to suspend the driver and continue [y/n] At this point you can enter `Y' to temporarily suspend the driver's handling of the card reader, or `N' to exit the program. Once the driver has been suspended, sfscard will set the card reader LED to orange to indicating that a card is inserted but not in use by the driver, and ask you to remove the card that was being used by the driver: Please remove the current card from the reader It will then set the reader LED to green to indicate that there is no card present. When it has finished running, sfscard will ask you to remove the new card: Please remove the current card from the reader and reinsert the original card: Please re-insert the original card into the reader and will reenable the driver. The reader LED will be set back to red as the SFS driver once again takes over use of the reader. The temporary suspension of the driver by sfscard allows operations to be performed on smart cards without the need to unmount any volumes which are controlled by a currently inserted card. Only the driver's handling of the card is suspended by this process - access to encrypted volumes is still possible. Before you can use a new card to control access to SFS volumes, you will need to format it just like a blank disk needs to be formatted before it can be used. The command to format a card is: sfscard format If a blank card is not already present, the program will prompt you to insert a new card: Please insert a smart card into the reader. Once you have inserted a card which is usable by the SFS software, sfscard will check to see whether it is already set up for use with SFS. If it is, it will warn you about this with a message like: Warning: This card is already set up for use by SFS and controls access to the following volumes: `Encrypted data', created 14/07/94, size 152.7 MB Are you sure you want to overwrite [y/n] At this point you can enter `Y' to continue or `N' to exit the program. sfscard will now ask you for a password to use with this card, just as mksfs does. The password can range in length from 10 to 100 characters, and should be made up of a complete phrase or sentence rather than just a single word (sfscard will complain if it thinks the password is of an insecure form and request that you use a different one). More details on choosing a password are given in the section "The Care and Feeding of Password" below. The smart card password is completely independant of any passwords used for SFS disk volumes. When asking for the password, sfscard will prompt: Please enter smart card password (10...100 characters), [ESC] to quit: You should now enter the password, which for security reasons is not echoed to the screen. You can correct any typing errors with the backspace key, and use the Esc key to quit. The software will check for a password longer than the maximum of 100 characters or an attempt to backspace past the start of the password, and beep a warning when either of these conditions occur. Once you have entered the password, sfscard will again prompt: Please reenter smart card password to confirm, [ESC] to quit: This confirmation is necessary to eliminate any problems with hitting an incorrect key when you enter the password the first time. Note that every single letter, space, and punctuation mark in the password is critical. Making a single mistake (getting a letter mixed up, typing a letter in upper case instead of lower case, or missing a punctuation mark) will completely change the encryption key. For this reason, sfscard performs a double-check on the password to ensure it really is the correct one. Once you have finished entering the password, there is a brief delay while sfscard performs the complex processing needed to turn it into a key suitable for the encryption system. When this has been completed, sfscard will write the encryption information to the card and exit. At this stage the new card is formatted for use with SFS but, just like a freshly-formatted disk, it contains no information and cannot yet be used to control access to encrypted volumes. In order to use a card to control access to an SFS volume, you must bind the card to the volume, which links the encrypted key on the card with the one used to encrypt the volume. You can do this with the `sfscard volume=' or `sfscard ' commands, which tell sfscard which encrypted volume to bind the card to. In general you can specify the SFS volume to use by giving the volume's name with the `volume=' option. For example if the name was "Secure disk volume" then the command to bind a smart card to it would be: sfscard volume=secure You can give the name in upper or lower case and don't have to specify the full name, as sfscard will match whatever part of the name you supply to the names of any SFS volumes it finds until it finds a match. The SFS volumes are checked in the same order as they are displayed with the `mountsfs info' or `mountsfs information' command. Alternatively, if the SFS volume to be accessed is on a removable disk, you can specify it using its drive letter instead of its volume name. For example if the disk drive was A: then the command to bind whatever volume it contained to the card would be: chsfs a: To find all available SFS volumes on all disks, you can use the `mountsfs info' option as explaind in the section "Mounting an SFS Volume" above. You can specify the action to be taken for a volume when the card is removed from the reader with the `cardcontrol=' option. The possible card control actions are `none', which does nothing, `readonly', which makes the volume readonly, and `unmount' and `unmountall', which unmounts the given volume or all volumes. The `unmountall' action takes precedence over all other actions, so that a single volume with the `unmountall' action set would, if mounted, cause all other volumes to become unmounted when the card is removed. Using the previous example in which the card is bound to whatever volume is in the A: drive, but with the added condition that the volume be unmounted when the card used to mount it is removed, the command would be: sfscard cardcontrol=unmount a: If the bound volume is mounted in the future, it will be unmounted if the smart card used to mount it is removed from the card reader. The program will now check the disk volume and display information on it and the process which is about to take place: Encrypted volume is `Encrypted data disk', created 07/11/94 In order to allow the transfer of the access information from the disk volume to the card, you need to enter first the password for the SFS disk volume, and then for the smart card. sfscard will ask first for the disk password, then the smart card password. sfscard will now ask for the password for the encrypted SFS volume: Please enter password (10...100 characters), [ESC] to quit: It will then request that you insert a smart card into the reader if one is not already present, check the smart card to ensure it has been formatted for use with SFS, and ask for the password for the card: Please enter smart card password (10...100 characters), [ESC] to quit: Once this process is complete, it will transfer the access information for the SFS volume over to the smart card and exit with the message: Volume characteristics successfully updated. From now on, all access to the volume must be done with the smart card. It is no longer possible to use the previous volume password to access the volume directly. To determine which volumes are bound to a particular card, you can use the command: sfscard info which will ask for a card to be inserted if necessary, and then display information on the card and the volumes it controls access to, for example: This card is a standard 256-byte memory card which controls access to the following volumes: `Encrypted data', created 14/07/94, size 152.7 MB `Personal Financial Records', created 06/09/93, size 10.0 MB `Data Backup', created 02/09/94, in drive B: In this case one smart card is used to control access to at least three volumes (it may also be bound to other removable volumes which are currently not present). If sfscard cannot find any volumes which are bound to the card in the reader, it will instead display: This card is a standard 256-byte memory card which controls access to the following volumes: No matching volumes found This will occur if the card has been formatted but not yet bound to an SFS volume, or if the card is bound to removable volumes which are currently not present. WinSFS - Using SFS with Windows ------------------------------- The SFS Control Panel item is used to control the operation of SFS in the same way that the DOS mountsfs program does. To change the SFS settings, click on the "Secure FileSystem" icon. The program will perform a brief scan for SFS volumes, displaying the following message as it scans: [Scanning for Volumes dialog] You can cancel the scan and return to Windows at this point by clicking on the "Cancel" button. After a few seconds, the main SFS window will be displayed. This contains information on mounted and unmounted SFS volumes, and on the current quick-unmount hotkey and auto-unmount timeout settings: [SFS Main Window dialog] The "SFS Volumes" section of the window contains a list of mounted and unmounted SFS volumes. By default all unmounted volumes are shown. You can display only mounted volumes, or a mixture of mounted and unmounted volumes, by choosing the appropriate setting in the "Volume Type" settings box. Mounted and active volumes are shown with a dark disk icon to the left, unmounted and inactive volumes are shown with a light disk icon to the left. If no SFS volumes are shown then there are no volumes of the selected kind available. For example if "Mounted volumes" is selected in the "Volume Type" box but no volumes are displayed, then all volumes are currently unmounted. You can view them by choosing "Unmounted volumes" or "All volumes" in the "Volume type" box. The "Volume Information" box contains more details on the currently selected volume. You can view information on different volumes by changing the volume selection in the list box. To mount or unmount a volume, either double-click on the volume name or icon in the list box, or click on the "Mount" or "Unmount" button (this will be labelled "Mount" or "Unmount" depending on whether the volume is currently unmounted or mounted). If the volume is currently mounted, you will be asked to confirm the unmount: [Confirm Unmount dialog] Choosing "OK" will unmount the volume, chosing "Cancel" will leave it mounted. If the volume is currently unmounted, you will be asked for the password to access and mount the volume: [Mount Volume dialog] You can now enter the password and choose "OK" to mount the volume. After a delay of a few seconds, you will be returned to the main SFS window, and the volume you have just mounted will become part of the "Mounted volumes" selection. To change the quick-unmount hotkey, choose "Change" in the "Unmount Hotkey" box. This will display a window containing the current hotkey settings: [Hotkey dialog] The hotkey can be any combination of the Shift, Control, Alt, and letter keys. You can select or deselect each key type to build up the key combination you prefer. Selecting the letter key option on the bottom right of the "Unmount Hotkey" box will allow you to choose a letter in the range A-Z to use as part of the unmount hotkey combination. If no letter key is in use, this selection will be disabled. Once you have selected the key combination, choose "OK" to set it or "Cancel" to return to the main window without updating the hotkey. To change the auto-unmount timeout settings for the currently selected volume, choose "Change" in the "Unmount Timeout" box. The timeout setting can only be changed if the volume is mounted. If the currently selected volume is not mounted, this option will be disabled. Selecting the change timeout option will display a window containing the current timeout settings: [Timeout dialog] The value shown for the "Current Timeout" setting is the total timeout value for the volume. The "Time Remaining" value is the time remaining before the volume is automatically unmounted. Every time the volume is accessed, the "Time Remaining" value is reset back to the "Current Timeout" setting. You can change the timeout value by changing the setting of the scrollbar in the "Set New Timeout" box. The actual timeout value you have selected will be displayed as the "New Timeout" for the volume. Once you have set the required timeout, choose "OK" to update it or "Cancel" to stay with the original timeout. From the main SFS window, you can choose "Rescan" to rescan all drives for SFS volumes. This can be useful if you change encrypted floppies and need to tell SFS to update its settings. Choose "Close" to exit the program and return to Windows. WinSFS contains internationalization support and will use the date, time, and language options set from the "International" item in the Windows control panel. WinSFS currently supports the English, German, and Italian languages, if you select any other language from the control panel, the program will default to using English. Usage Examples -------------- This section contains examples of various basic operations to illustrate the use of the SFS software, although not every single possibility is covered. It can be used as a quick reference for SFS use, although it is recommended that the sections of the documentation mentioned in each example be read for more information. To Create an SFS Volume To encrypt the E: drive to create a volume with the name "Encrypted volume": mksfs "volume=Encrypted volume" e: Note that that "volume=..." option is quoted, as the volume name contains a space. Volume names without a space don't need to be quoted. To encrypt the floppy in the A: drive without giving it a volume name: mksfs a: More information on creating SFS volumes is given in the section "Creating an SFS Volume" above. To Delete an SFS Volume To delete the volume "Secure data", rendering its contents unreadable: chsfs delete volume=secure Note the use of only a portion of the full volume name. SFS will match any part of the given name to the name of the encrypted volume. More information on deleting SFS volumes is given in the section "Changing the Characteristics of an SFS Volume" above. To Convert an SFS Volume back to the Unencrypted Form To convert the encrypted floppy in the A: drive back to a normal DOS disk: chsfs convert a: More information on converting SFS volumes back to their unencrypted form is given in the section "Changing the Characteristics of an SFS Volume" above. To Mount an SFS Volume To mount the volume "Personal Info" and make it available for use: mountsfs volume=personal Note the use of only a portion of the full volume name. SFS will match any part of the given name to the name of the encrypted volume. To mount the encrypted floppy in the B: drive: mountsfs b: To mount the volume "Encrypted data" onto the F: drive so that it becomes available for use as F: mountsfs mountdrive=f: volume=encrypt More information on mounting SFS volumes is given in the section "Mounting an SFS Volume" above. To Obtain Information on Mounted SFS Volumes To obtain information on all currently mounted volumes and volume mount points: mountsfs status More details on obtaining information SFS volumes are given in the section "Mounting an SFS Volume" above. To Unmount an SFS Volume To unmount the volume currently mounted as D: mountsfs d: There are several other ways to unmount volumes without using mountsfs which depend on the way the volume is set up. More information on unmounting SFS volumes is given in the section "Unounting an SFS Volume" above. To Change the Password of an SFS Volume To change the password for the volume "My Data Disk": chsfs newpass There are several other characteristics of encrypted volumes which can be changed such as the timed unmount information, the disk access mode, and the volume name. More information on changing the properties of SFS volumes is given in the section "Changing the Characteristics of an SFS Volume" above. To Set Up a Smart Card for use with SFS To initialise a smart card in order to allow it to be used with SFS: sfscard format To bind an initialised card to the volume "Business Records", allowing use of the card to mount the volume: sfscard volume=business Note the use of only a portion of the full volume name. SFS will match any part of the given name to the name of the encrypted volume. More information on using smart cards with SFS is given in the section "Controlling SFS Volumes with Smart Cards" above. To Change the Quick-unmount Hotkey To change the quick-unmount hotkey for all mounted volumes to a combination of the Control, Alt, and Z keys: mountsfs hotkey=ctrl-alt-z To Change the Auto-unmount Timeout for a Mounted Volume To change the auto-unmount timeout for the SFS volume mounted as D: to 30 minutes: mountsfs timeout=30 d: Command Summary --------------- This section serves as a quick-reference for the options available with the various SFS programs. The available options for mksfs, mountsfs, chsfs, and adminsfs are: MakeSFS - Make Secure Filesystem -c = Perform a confidence test on the volume to be encrypted without actually encrypting it -t = Test the integrity of the MDC/SHS encryption code used in SFS -e = Display an extended error code if an error occurs. This provides extra information on the nature of some errors multiuser = Allow multiuser access on the volume to be created access= = Specify the disk access mode (as given by the output of the `-c' option) to use for this volume timeout= = Specify the auto-unmount timeout for this volume wipe = Wipe the original data before overwriting it with encrypted data (this option is very slow) serialnumber= = Specify the serial number of the volume to be created volume= = Specify the name of the volume to be created = Specify the letter of the drive to create the encrypted volume on MountSFS - Mount Secure Filesystem -c = Used an escrowed key to access the volume +r = Mount the encrypted volume with read-only access +rw = Mount the encrypted volume with read/write access (default) info = Show brief information on all available SFS volumes information = Show detailed information on all available SFS volumes status = Show information on mounted volumes only unmount = Unmount the volume hotkey= = Set the quick-unmount hotkey combination timeout= = Set the auto-unmount timer value in minutes cardcontrol= = Specify the action to take when the smart card corresponding to the mounted volume is removed mountdrive== Specify the SFS drive unit to mount the volume on user= = Specify the user name when mounting a volume with multiuser access userfile= = Specify the path to the information file associated with a volume which allows multiuser access volume= = Specify the name of encrypted volume to mount = Specify the drive letter of the volume to mount (For volumes on floppy disks only) = The smart card control action, which can be one of: none = Do nothing when card is removed readonly = Make volume readonly when card is removed unmount = Unmount current volume when card is removed unmountall= Unmount all volumes when card is removed ChangeSFS - Change Secure Filesystem -c = Used an escrowed key to access the volume newpassword = Set a new volume password newvolume= = Specify the new volume name newtimeout= = Specify the new auto-unmount timeout newaccess= = Specify the new disk access mode newcardcontrol= = Specify the action to take when the smart card corresponding to the given volume is removed delete = Delete SFS volume convert = Convert volume back to unencrypted form splitkey=/= Split key for escrow purposes (refer to documentation) volume= = Specify the name of the encrypted volume to change = Specify the drive letter of the volume to change (For volumes on floppy disks only) = The smart card control action, which can be one of: none = Do nothing when card is removed readonly = Make volume readonly when card is removed unmount = Unmount current volume when card is removed unmountall= Unmount all volumes when card is removed AdminSFS - Administer SFS User Database adduser= = Add a new user with the given name to the database deluser= = Remove user with the given name from the database chuser= = Change user database entry for the named user showuser== Show access information for a given user showall = Show access information for all users validfrom= = Set date after which access for a user is allowed validto= = Set date at which a users access expires userfile= = Specify the path to the user information file SFSCard - Manage SFS Smart Cards format = Initialise a card to prepare it for use information = Show information on a smart card clone = Clone a card for another user cardcontrol= = Specify the action to take when the smart card corresponding to the given volume is removed volume= = Specify the name of the volume which the card is to be used as a key for = Specify the drive letter of the volume which the card is to be used as a key for (For volumes on floppy disks only) = The smart card control action, which can be one of: none = Do nothing when card is removed readonly = Make volume readonly when card is removed unmount = Unmount current volume when card is removed unmountall= Unmount all volumes when card is removed Troubleshooting --------------- Over the years a variety of strange hardware and software setups have been created in order to get around some of the shortcomings of the PC hardware and DOS (and occasionally other operating systems) software. Since SFS accesses the disk at a level below that normally used by the operating system, it will bypass special options like compressed volumes and non-local networked drives, and won't recognise nonstandard hardware like drives with more than 1024 cylinders which require special software patches in order to work with DOS. For example, SFS will recognise the uncompressed volumes used by Stacker, DoubleSpace, and JAM, but won't see the compressed volumes as these are an illusion created through software and visible only to DOS. It is therefore not possible to encrypt compressed volumes (there would be very little point, as encryption would render the data completely uncompressible), although it is possible to create a compressed volume inside an encrypted volume (this is covered in the section "Creating Compressed SFS Volumes" above). Checking for Problems with mksfs If your system has an unusual setup, or if you're worried about what SFS may do, you can use a special option with the mksfs program to perform a check on the drive which is to be encrypted. This option also bypasses a number of the usual checks SFS performs relating to duplicate volume names, anonymous volumes, and so on, to allow all types of volume arrangements to be checked. When you use `-c' check option for mksfs along with the drive letter of the drive which you intend to encrypt, mksfs will (if the volume in question is a fixed disk) first display technical information on all available fixed disk volumes, so that the command: mksfs -c e: might produce the following output: Drive partition information follows: Ph Bt Dr Cyl. Head Sec. Cyl. Head Sec. Size ID Type -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ -- ---- 0 N C 0 1 0 379 15 39 121600 06 DOS (16-bit FAT, >= 32M) 0 Y - 380 0 0 383 15 39 1280 0A OS/2 boot manager 0 N D 384 1 0 594 15 39 67200 06 DOS (16-bit FAT, >= 32M) 0 N E 595 1 0 1022 15 39 136640 06 DOS (16-bit FAT, >= 32M) This would be the SFS disk 06 N - 0 1 0 442 63 31 452608 07 OS/2 HPFS 06 N F 443 0 0 571 63 31 131072 06 DOS (16-bit FAT, >= 32M) 06 N G 572 0 0 872 63 31 307200 06 DOS (16-bit FAT, >= 32M) This is only displayed for fixed disks, as floppy disks don't contain this information. The values in the various columns are Ph = physical drive number, Bt = bootable flag, Dr = DOS drive letter, Cyl,Head,Sec = partition start, Cyl,Head,Sec = partition end, Size = size in kbytes, ID = partition ID byte, and Type = partition type. The proposed SFS partition will be marked as such. The drive with an apparent 2-digit physical drive number is a SCSI drive which isn't accessible through the BIOS; the first digit is the SCSI target ID, the second digit is the logical unit number. If you don't know what these values mean, don't worry - this option is mainly useful in providing technical information for those who want it. Once all drives have been checked, mksfs will display specific information on the actual volume in question: Volume will be checked on fixed drive E: This drive has a capacity of 136.6 MB and is labelled `Data disk' Are you sure you want to check this volume [y/n] As with the usual mksfs process, entering 'Y' will continue with the volume check and entering 'N' will exit. If you choose to continue, mksfs will first perform an initial disk confidence test which consists of some general checks on the volume layout to make sure its format is valid, and will then perform a read confidence test in which it reads random disk blocks and compares them with the data reported by the operating system. If any errors are encountered, it will print a diagnostic message before continuing. If all is OK, the sequence of messages will be: Performing disk confidence test... Performing read confidence test... [various test-in-progress messages] If there are problems, the diagnostic message will give more information on the nature of the problem. After the basic tests have completed, mksfs will check to see whether any sort of enhanced drive access is possible for the particular drive on which the SFS volume is to be created. The use of enhanced drive handling can speed up access to the drive, or may be necessary for drives which aren't directly accessible to the system. First, mksfs will check whether the system supports any of the enhanced IDE (EIDE) access modes, and whether any of these modes are currently in use for the drive being checked. If the system supports enhanced IDE access but isn't using it for the drive, mksfs will display: The system supports enhanced IDE (EIDE) drive handling, but this drive isn't being used in any of the EIDE modes. and continue with checking for other enhanced access modes. This may happen if you are using an older IDE drive which doesn't support the new access modes in a newer system. If the drive is being used by the system in an enhanced mode, mksfs will display information on the current drive access mode, for example: This drive is a fixed disk EIDE drive running in PIO mode 3 with 16-sector block transfers with LBA (logical block addressing) enabled. SFS will use this enhanced access mode for all disk accesses. and then perform a series of extended tests to see whether LBA (logical block adressing) access to the drive is possible. This access mode is faster than the standard access mode and allows for special capabilities such as the ability to access drives of up to 8GB, and handling for removable-media drives. The extended tests are similar to the previous tests, and display the same messages if problems are found. If problems are detected, mksfs will display: This drive does not appear to support the LBA access mode used by SFS. The default slower access mode will be used. Otherwise, the message: This drive supports the LBA access mode used by SFS. You can enable use of this mode by specifying the `access=lba' option when you run mksfs, or enable it at a later date using the `newaccess=lba' option in chsfs. will be displayed. If no EIDE access modes are possible, mksfs will check for older IDE drives and, if it finds one, will display specific information about it and ask whether additional tests should be made to determine whether use of any of the alternative access modes supported by the SFS driver is possible. If the drive is an EIDE drive but the system doesn't appear to support EIDE handling, mksfs will display a message to say that the default slower access mode will be used, typically: This drive is a Seagate HD2770 with a 96K buffer, and appears to support the high-speed IDE access mode which SFS is capable of. However, the drive parameters indicate that it is being used in an enhanced mode of operation which is incompatible with the SFS high-speed IDE access. The default slower access mode will be used This message will only occur in very rare circumstances, more usually it will be something like: This drive is a WDC AC2420 with a multi-sector 256K buffer, and appears to support the high-speed IDE access mode which SFS is capable of. mksfs will now test whether this is indeed true. Are you sure you want to perform the test [y/n] with the exact text depending on the drive type. At this point you can enter 'Y' to run the extended tests or 'N' to exit the program. The extended tests are similar to the previous tests, and display the same messages if problems are found. If problems are detected, mksfs will display: This drive does not appear to support the high-speed IDE access mode used by SFS. The default slower access mode will be used. Otherwise, the message: This drive supports the high-speed IDE access mode used by SFS. You can enable use of this mode by specifying the `access=ide' option when you run mksfs, or enable it at a later date using the `newaccess=ide' option in chsfs. will be displayed. If the drive is a SCSI device which needs a device driver to work with DOS, SFS will access it directly as a SCSI device rather than simply a standard disk drive. SFS will work with drives accessed through ASPI (Adaptec SCSI Programming Interface) and CAM (Common Access Method) drivers. ASPI drivers come with most SCSI drive controllers or can be purchased seperately. The CAM driver ASPICAM.SYS is available from NCR[1]. If the drive is available for access both through the drive controller BIOS and an ASPI driver (which can happen in some unusual situations), SFS will use the first access method which works, which is almost always the BIOS one. If direct SCSI access is possible, mksfs will display additional information on the drive, typically: This drive is a MAXTOR XT-8760S SCSI drive attached to an ADAPTEC AHA-1x4x host with host ID 0, target ID 2, logical unit number 0. SFS will access it as a SCSI device rather than a normal hard drive. and then perform a series of extended tests to see whether SCSI device access to the drive is possible. The extended tests are similar to the previous tests, and display the same messages if problems are found. If problems are detected, mksfs will display: This device does not appear to support the SCSI access mode used by SFS. The default slower access mode will be used. Otherwise, the message: This drive supports the SCSI access mode used by SFS. mksfs will automatically enable this mode when creating the SFS volume. will be displayed. If mksfs is used to create an encrypted volume on this drive, it will automatically access it with a SCSI access mode (equivalent to `access=scsi') without having to be told about it. There are programs available to diagnose SCSI access through ASPI drivers if SFS has trouble working with the drive[2]. Once all tests have finished, mksfs will display the message: Confidence test successfully concluded or an error count if errors occurred. In either case, mksfs will exit after the tests have concluded without creating the encrypted volume. If used with the `-c' option, mksfs will never modify any information on any disk, whether the tests are successful or not. This is important, as it allows you to perform a confidence test before you create an encrypted volume. Problems with Other Software A few pieces of software have been identified which have problems working with SFS. These are listed below, along with possible workarounds and solutions to problems. Always Technology's ASPI SCSI manager: The Always Technology SCSI manager has a bug which makes use of SCSI devices with logical unit numbers (LUN's) other than the default value of 0 impossible. The SFS programs will detect this SCSI manager and avoid using devices with LUN's other than 0. In practice this will not be a problem since SCSI devices normally have the LUN set to 0. Borland's Integrated Development Environment: Some older versions of the Borland software development tools don't handle DOS critical errors very well (they hang either when the error occurs or soon afterwards). Since trying to access a non-mounted volume is treated by DOS as an error, it may cause programs like the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and the debugger to hang[3]. Trying to read a floppy drive without a disk in the drive, and any other action which causes a DOS critical error, can have the same effect. CDROM drivers: The Mitsumi CDROM device driver, if installed before another block driver like SFS, will mistakenly try to use the drive letter allocated to the other driver as its own one. There have been reports of other CDROM drivers (in particular the Sony one) which display similar traits (CDROM drivers are strange beasts which have rather special requirements). The DTC SCSI driver has a similar problem in that it grabs more drive letters than DOS allocates to it, which means that any block drivers loaded after it will be allocated drive letters by DOS which are already being used by the SCSI driver. The solution to this problem is to make sure that the SFS driver is loaded before any problematic CDROM or SCSI drivers by placing the DEVICE=SFS.SYS line before the one which loads the CDROM or SCSI driver in the CONFIG.SYS file, or to use the JDRIVE utility to relocate the drive letter or letters used by SFS, as explained in the section "Advanced SFS Driver Options" above. DRDOS 6.0 KEYB keyboard driver: The DRDOS 6.0 KEYB driver incorrectly handles the keyboard interrupt and swallows all keypress codes, only passing the break codes on to SFS and other software. This means that any unmount hotkey involving an alphanumeric key won't work, as SFS never gets to see the keypress[4]. A solution to this problem is to use a different keyboard driver such as the MSDOS one or a third-party driver. In addition, SFS always acts as though the keyboard being used has the default US-style layout, since the SFS software communicates directly with the keyboard rather then working through driver software (which hasn't been loaded yet when SFS is activated). However since all SFS software performs the same keyboard handling, this will only be noticed by SFS and should be transparent to the end user. Lantastic server software version 6.0: The Lantastic server software, version 6.0, can cause problems with mksfs. If running "mksfs -c" reports errors then you should unload the server.exe program before using mksfs to encrypt a DOS volume, and also before you use chsfs with the `convert' option. Misbehaved 32-bit TSR's and device drivers: Some (now very rare) device drivers and TSR's will destroy the contents of 32-bit registers when they are activated, which means that the data in the SFS driver will become invalid from one machine instruction to the next. There have been reports of older versions of the PC-Kwik cache and Novell's non-dedicated file server version 2.2 doing this. A program to detect and possibly fix this problem is available from as /pc/turbopas/ S&H Computer System's TSX environment: SFS will not work with S&H Computer Systems' TSX multi-tasking operating system, which doesn't support some disk utilities, DOS device drivers, and programs which directly access hardware devices (which pretty well covers all of what SFS does). VGADISK RAM drive: Tommy Frandsen's VGADISK program, which creates a RAM drive in VGA video memory, has a bug in which the same code is used for driver IOCTL reads and standard device reads. Since the driver IOCTL read count is given in bytes and the standard device read count is given in sectors, any IOCTL read to the VGADISK device returns 512 times as much data as is requested. As a result, it will crash most of the SFS software (since it returns around 25K of data when 45 bytes are requested), as well as a number of other disk-related utilities such as the DOS 6 scandisk. Problems with hardware A few pieces of hardware have been identified which have problems working with SFS. These are listed below, along with possible workarounds and solutions to problems. Bernoulli Drives SFS currently does not work with Iomega's Bernoulli drives because the Bernoulli needs a special OAD (Closed Architecture Driver) to allow access to the drive, and Iomega won't tell anyone what this driver does or what's needed to talk to a Bernoulli drive. If large-capacity removable-media encryption is required, it is recommended that a removable SCSI or IDE drive (there are many brands available) be used instead of an Iomega product. Phoenix BIOS and 3.5" Floppies Some versions of the Phoenix BIOS give a multitude of disk errors when encrypting a disk using mksfs. The exact error type is uncertain since the error code returned when the disk access fails is an undefined value. This only happens on a very small number of systems using the Phoenix BIOS, for example a 1988 NEC machine with BIOS version 1.10 and a 1994 DEC machine with BIOS version 1.03 don't exhibit the problem, but 1993 Zenith machines with BIOS versions 1.01 and 1.03 do. The problem appears to be specific to the disk drive or controller hardware, and only crops up in a small minority of machines using the Phoenix BIOS. There are two possible workarounds to the problem. The first is to run mksfs from a DOS box under Windows. Windows bypasses the BIOS disk access routines with its own routines which don't exhibit the problem, and the disk encryption can be carried out without any problems. The second workaround is to encrypt the disk on a machine with a different BIOS. This bug only affects the operation of mksfs on 3.5" drives. mountsfs, chsfs, sfscard, the SFS driver, and mksfs on anything but a 3.5" drive are unaffected by this BIOS problem. It has been reported that the Award 3.03 BIOS when used with some floppy drives also causes problems, especially with newer versions of DOS (version 6.0 and up), which may have great trouble reliably writing disks. Microsoft's suggested solution to the problem is a BIOS upgrade, there have been no problems reported with SFS itself when used with this BIOS. Footnote [1]: It is also available from the NCR FTP site as part of the archive /pub/ncrchips/scsi/drivers/dos_win/ Footnote [2]: One such program is ASPI-ID, available for FTP from Simtel (via its primary mirror site, and all other Simtel mirrors) as /simtel/msdos/diskutil/ This program will report information based on the SCSI Inquiry and Mode Sense command, and can optionally save Mode Sense data to a file for later reference. Footnote [3]: This is the famous recursive footnote[3]. Footnote [4]: The KEYB driver provides a complete replacement for the BIOS int 9h keyboard driver. KEYB is somewhat peculiar in its keyboard handling, and doesn't coexist well with other keyboard handlers. It also disables interrupts for lengthy periods of time while processing keyboard scan codes. Authentication of SFS Software ------------------------------ There have been several occasions in the past when fake versions of software have been distributed. Sometimes these fake releases are even wrapped up in a nice-looking "security envelope" guaranteeing their authenticity. With encryption software like SFS it is all too tempting for an opponent to simply create and distribute a compromised version of SFS rather than try to break the SFS encryption itself. In order to avoid any problems of this sort, the distributed SFS driver and executables are accompanied by a digital signature which can be used to verify that it is indeed an official version. In order to check the authenticity of the particular version of SFS, you will need the PGP encryption package, and my public key, which is included in the standard PGP distribution. My key is signed by Philip Zimmermann, the original author of PGP, and several members of the PGP development team. First, you should check my key for authenticity with the command: pgp -kc "Peter Gutmann" When it performs the key check, PGP should display the following signatures: Type bits/keyID Date User ID pub 1024/997D47 1992/08/02 Peter Gutmann sig! E722D9 1992/11/26 Branko Lankester sig! 997D47 1992/10/11 Peter Gutmann sig! 7C02F9 1992/09/07 Felipe Rodriquez sig! 1336F5 1992/09/05 Harry Bush sig! 67F70B 1992/09/02 Philip R. Zimmermann There may be other signatures present as well, but those shown about are the ones from the PGP development team and are the most important ones. Version 2.1 and above of PGP can, in addition, generate a key fingerprint for a key. This can be calculated with the command: pgp -kvc "Peter Gutmann" PGP should display the following: pub 1024/997D47 1992/08/02 Peter Gutmann Key fingerprint = 7C 6D 81 DF F2 62 0F 4A 67 0E 86 50 99 7E A6 B1 If the keyID or key fingerprint for my key differ from the ones shown above or the signatures don't check out, then the key is a probably a fake and shouldn't be trusted. Assuming the key is in order, you can check the authenticity of the device driver and the support software with: pgp sfs.sig sfs.sys pgp .sig .exe where sfs.sig and .sig are the digital signatures included with SFS as distributed. For example to check the authenticity of the mksfs program type: pgp mksfs.sig mksfs.exe When it performs the check, PGP should display: Good signature from user Peter Gutmann . Signature made If PGP reports a bad signature then you shouldn't trust the executable. You can obtain a new, hopefully untouched, version from any archive site, BBS, or system which carries the standard SFS distribution, or get it directly from the author. Applications ------------ Apart from the simple use of SFS for personal and business data privacy, there are a number of other possible applications for which it can be used. Some of these are listed below. Secure Information Exchange If a communications channel is available between two systems which use SFS, confidential data can be transferred from one encrypted SFS volume to the other by using encryption on the communications channel. For example a businessman whose work involves a lot of travel could read data off the SFS volume on his portable computer and encrypt it as it is sent via modem to his place of work. At work the data could be decrypted and written to another SFS volume. The only time the data is available in an unencrypted form is while it is being read off the SFS volume and re-encrypted for transmission, which represents a minimal risk as interrupting the transmission will involve stopping the program which will (presumably) contain error handlers which erase any sensitive information from memory. Using a package like PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) or a PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) implementation in conjunction with SFS allows the secure distribution of information through an online service like a computer bulletin board. The online system can retrieve the public key of the person requesting the information, read the required data off the SFS volume into the encryption program where it is encrypted with the recipients public key, and transmit it. At the other end the recipient will decrypt the data with their private key and write it straight onto their own SFS volume. Again, the amount of time in which unencrypted data is available is minimal, and properly implemented software will destroy any sensitive information if interrupted in any way. Defence in Depth With the increasing strength of cryptographic software which is becoming available to the public, means of compromising encryption security which don't involve breaking the encryption itself are becoming more and more desirable. This may involve things like creating fake versions of the encryption software which have trapdoors in them and planting them in a victim's system, planting versions which save the entered password somewhere and then restore the original unaltered copies, or similar tricks. This means that for maximum security it is necessry to not only protect the password, but also to protect the encryption software itself, and any software which interacts with it, and anything which interacts with that, ad nauseum. If several encryption and security packages are used, every one of these must be protected separately. By using SFS, some degree of protection is offered against malicious manipulation, since an attacker must first get to the software stored on an SFS volume in order to compromise it. Storing other security-related software on an encryption volume takes it out of the reach of any attack, but makes the SFS software itself more of a target for an attack. Eventually this problem can be reduced somewhat through the use of SFS encryption hardware, which is currently under (very gradual) development. Another possibility is to store duplicate copies of the SFS software on an encrypted volume which is initially mounted read-only using the unencrypted, untrusted copies. The trusted versions on the SFS volume can be compared (using software also stored on the SFS volume) with the untrusted versions, and if they are identical to the trusted reference versions, write access to the volume can be enabled and the volume used as normal. Another possibility is to simply store checksums or digital signatures for the SFS programs on the encrypted volume, and only write-enable it if the checksums or signatures check out. Booting into an encrypted partition, as described in the section "Advanced SFS Driver Options" above, which contains "clean" copies of the SFS software, and comparing the clean driver or checksum with the one used to boot into the encrypted partition, will reduce the risk of malicious manipulation of the SFS software even further. Using SFS for Virus Protection SFS can be used as a form of virus protection for large collections of computers by using it to create a centralised entry point for all data to the system. Consider a company operating 1,000 separate machines. Normally this would require 1,000 copies of a virus scanner to be installed and updated every few months as new viruses appear. In addition, use of the scanner on every one of the 1,000 machines would have to be enforced rigorously. An alternative is to install SFS on each of the machines, and make a policy that only SFS-encrypted disks will be used within the company. Then a single scanner can be installed on a single machine, and all disks brough in from the outside scanned and encrypted on that machine. If every computer is initially virus-free, and all disks are SFS-encrypted, then there are two possible means of attack for a virus. The first is to infect a file or disk when it is outside the company. However as disks originating from within the company are encrypted, no files (or, indeed, anything) are visible on them, so there is nothing for a virus to infect (in fact, DOS won't even recognise the disks as being formatted). All disks originating from outside the company have to be processed by the single controlled computer before they can be used (or SFS will refuse to mount them), meaning that any known virus on a non-company disk should be picked up before the disk is encrypted. Alternatively, a boot sector virus could infect an SFS-encrypted disk[1]. However, if an attempt is made to use the infected disk (which involves mounting it), the mount will fail as the boot sector will contain the virus rather than the SFS volume header. The person who tried to mount the volume will assume the disk has not been "converted" yet, and will bring it to the machine used for processing the disks. At this point the virus can be found by the scanner. Although in theory an SFS disk whose volume header is overwritten by a virus would be damaged beyond repair, in practice it can often be recovered[2]. This procedure isn't totally error free. For example, it won't work if there are already viruses present on one or more of the machines before SFS is installed. However it does provide a reasonable amount of protection, and has the pleasant side effect of keeping all the company records secure against unauthorized access attempts. Footnote [1]: Boot sector viruses aren't terribly concerned about the exact operating system or disk format of a disk they infect. Most of them use the "blind write" technique which involves hooking the BIOS disk I/O interrupt and waiting for a read call to the boot sector. Once this call is detected, they either issue their own reads to detect whether the disk is already infected, or wait for the call to return from the BIOS read and look at the I/O buffer to check for the infection. In either case if the disk is not infected, they infect it then and there. Since DOS always tries to read the boot sector when it notices a disk has been changed, this type of virus gets to infect any disk (even non-DOS formats such as the ones used by some PC Unixen, assuming the BIOS routines are capable of reading/writing them). Footnote [2]: In fact, most boot sector viruses retain a hidden copy of the original boot sector in various hiding places (at the end of the root directory, on the last physical sector on the disk, in a sector on a specially-formatted extra track, or in a "bad" sectors), so that a copy of the SFS volume header is probably at hand. Only a relatively small number of viruses (for example AntiCMOS, which includes a stripped-down and vaguely MSDOS-compatible boot loader as part of its code, and WET, which includes a trivial boot loader which just prints a "Not bootable" message and loads the virus) actually overwrite the boot sector on a floppy disk without making a backup. In addition, since some viruses make even a regular disk inaccessible to DOS after an infection (an example being the Stoned virus, which writes a parameter block for a 360KB disk onto any disk it infects), many anti-virus programs will perform boot virus removal in "physical mode" where access to the DOS logical volume usually associated with the physical drive is unimportant. Such software will fix up infected SFS-encrypted floppies without complaint, assming the virus keeps the old boot sector somewhere, and that if the virus saves the boot sector in a scrambled form that the anti-virus software is aware of the need to unscramble it during the recovery process (for example, when the Stoned.Empire.Monkey.* viruses infect the hard disk, they save the master boot record in scrambled form which first needs to be unscrambled by the virus-removal software). Some anti-virus programs offer a "generic" technique for removing boot-sector viruses which consists of overwriting the existing boot sector with some form of BIOS-compatible (though usually non-bootable) boot sector, which wouldn't fix an infected SFS disk. In this case a knowledgeable user could search the disk for the original SFS boot sector and write it back into its proper place. One possible problem is that if a user inserts an infected disk (which SFS can't recognise) and attempts to reboot the machine, booting off the infected floppy, the virus is immediately activated and the user's hard drive is infected. If the virus is a stealth virus (for example Exebug), then the infected disk which was previously unrecognisable to SFS is suddenly "fixed" because the virus substitutes the original SFS boot sector which has been hidden elsewhere on the disk for the virus-infected boot sector. A simple solution to the problem of a panic reboot by a user causing an infection is to force the machine to boot from the C: drive rather than the A: drive. Since SFS only runs on 386+ machines, it is very likely that the selectable boot sequence feature is present in the BIOS.