Design Details -------------- This section goes into a few of the more obscure details not covered in the section on security analysis, such as the encryption algorithm used by SFS, the generation of random numbers, the handling of initialization vectors (IV's), and a brief overview on the deletion of sensitive information retained in memory after a program has terminated (this is covered in more detail in the section "Security Analysis" above). The Encryption Algorithm used in SFS Great care must be taken when choosing an encryption algorithm for use in security software. For example, the standard Unix crypt(1) command is based on a software implementation of a rotor machine encryption device of the kind which was broken by mathematicians using pencil and paper (and, later on, some of the first electronic computers) in the late 1930's[1]. Indeed, there exists a program called `crypt breaker's workbench' which allows the automated breaking of data encrypted using the crypt(1) command[2]. The insecurity of various other programs has been mentioned elsewhere. It is therefore imperative that a reliable encryption system, based on world-wide security standards, and easily verifiable by consulting these standards, be used. When a block cipher is used as a stream cipher by running it in CFB (cipher feedback) mode, there is no need for the cipher's block transformation to be a reversible one as it is only ever run in one direction (generally encrypt-only). Therefore the use of a reversible cipher such as DES or IDEA is unnecessary, and any secure one-way block transformation can be substituted. This fact allows the use of one-way hash functions, which have much larger block sizes (128 or more bits) and key spaces (512 or more bits) than most reversible block ciphers in use today. The transformation involved in a one-way hash function takes an initial hash value H and a data block D, and hashes it to create a new hash value H': hash( H, D ) -> H' or, more specifically, in the function used in SFS: H + hash( D ) -> H' This operation is explained in more detail in FIPS Publication 180 and ANSI X9.30 part 2, which define the Secure Hash Standard. By using H as the data block to be encrypted and D as the key, we can make the output value H' dependant on a user-supplied key. That is, when H is the plaintext, D is the encryption key, and H' is the ciphertext: plaintext H | v +---------+ | SHS |<- key D +---------+ | v ciphertext H' If we regard it as a block cipher, the above becomes: H' = SHS( H ) which is actually: C = e( P ) Since we can only ever "encrypt" using a one-way hash function, we need to run the "cipher" in cipher feedback mode, which doesn't require a reversible encryption algorithm. By the properties of the hash function, it is computationally infeasible to either recover the key D or to control the transformation H -> H' (in other words given a value for H' we cannot predict the H which generated it, and given control over the value H we cannot generate an arbitrary H' from it). The MDC encryption algorithm is a general encryption system which will take any one-way hash function and turn it into a stream cipher running in CFB mode. The recommended one-way hash function for MDC is the Secure Hash Standard as specified in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 180 and ANSI X9.30 part 2. SHS is used as the block transformation in a block cipher run in CFB mode as detailed in AS 2805.5.2 section 8 and ISO 10116:1991 section 6, with the two parameters (the size of the feedback and plaintext variables) j and k both being set to the SHS block size of 160 bits. The properties of this mode of operation are given in Appendix A3 of AS 2805.5.2 and Annex A.3 of ISO 10116:1991. The CFB mode of operation is also detailed in a number of other standards such as FIPS Publication 81 and USSR Government Standard GOST 28147-89, Section 4. The use of an initialization vector (IV) is as given in ISO 10126-2:1991 section 4.2, except that the size of the IV is increased to 160 bits from the 48 or 64 bits value given in the standard. This is again detailed in a number of other standards such as GOST 28147-89 Section 3.1.2. The derivation of the IV is given in the section "Encryption Considerations" below. The key setup for the MDC encryption algorithm is performed by running the cipher over the encryption key (in effect encrypting the key with MDC using itself as the key) and using the encrypted value as the new encryption key. This procedure is then repeated a number of times to make a "brute-force" decryption attack more difficult, as per the recommendation in the Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS), part 1. This reduces any input key, even one which contains regular data patterns, to a block of white noise equal in size to the MDC key data. The exact key scheduling process for MDC is as follows: Initialization: - The SHS hash value H is set to the key IV[3]. - The SHS data block D is set to all zeroes. - The key data of length 2048 bits is set to a 16-bit big-endian value containing the length of the user key in bytes, followed by up to 2032 bits of user key. SHS hash value H = key IV; SHS data block D = zeroes; key_data [0:15] = length of user key in bytes; key_data [16:2047] = user key, zero-padded; Key schedule: - The following process is iterated a number of times: - The 2048-bit key data block is encrypted using MDC. - Enough of the encrypted key data is copied from the start of the key data block into the SHS data block D to fill it. for i = 1 to 200 do encrypted_key = encrypt( key_data ); D = encrypted_key; During the repeated encryptions, the IV is never reset. This means that the IV from the end of the n-1 th data block is re-injected into the start of the n th data block. After 200 iterations, the "randomness" present in the key has been diffused throughout the entire key data block. Although the full length of the key data block is 2048 bits, the SHS algorithm only uses 512 bits of this (corresponding to the SHS data block D) per iteration. The remaining 1536 bits take part in the computation (by being carried along via the IV) but are not used directly. By current estimates there are around 2^256 atoms in the universe. Compiling a table of all 2^512 possible keys which would be necessary for a brute-force attack on MDC would therefore be a considerable challenge to an attacker, requiring, at least, the creation of another 512 * 2^256 universes to hold all the keys. Even allowing for the current best-case estimate of a creation time of 7 days per universe, the mere creation of storage space for all the keys would take an unimaginably large amount of time. The SFS key schedule operation has been deliberately designed to slow down special hardware implementations, since the encryption algorithm is rekeyed after each iteration. Normal high-speed password-cracking hardware would (for example, with DES) have 16 separate key schedules in a circular buffer, each being applied to a different stage of a 16-stage pipeline (one stage per DES round) allowing a new result to be obtained in every clock cycle once the pipeline is filled. In MDC the key data is reused multiple times during the 80 rounds of SHS, requiring 80 separate key schedules for the same performance as the 16 DES ones. However since the algorithm is rekeyed after every iteration for a total of 200 iterations, this process must either be repeated 200 times (for a corresponding slowdown factor of 200), or the full pipeline must be extended to 16,000 stages to allow the one-result-per-cycle performance which the 16-stage DES pipeline can deliver (assuming the rekeying operation can be performed in a single cycle - in fact the 1024-bit keys used by MDC/SHS need to be processed in 7 sequential 160-bit blocks due to SHS's block size, stretching the pipeline to 112,000 stages). Changing the iteration count to a higher value will further slow down this process. The number of iterations of key encryption is controlled by the user, and is generally done some hundreds of times. The setup process in SFS has been tuned to take approximately half a second on a workstation rated at around 15 MIPS (corresponding to 200 iterations of the encryption process), making a brute-force password attack very time-consuming. Note that the key IV is injected at the earliest possible moment in the key schedule rather than at the very end, making the use of a precomputed data attack impossible. The standard method of injecting the encryption IV at the end of the key schedule process offers very little protection against an attack using precomputed data, as it is still possible to precompute the key schedules and simply drop in the encryption IV at the last possible moment. Footnote [1]: This is covered in a number of books, for example Welchman's "The Hut Six Story: Breaking the Enigma Codes", New York, McGraw-Hill 1982, and Kahns "Seizing the Enigma", Boston, Houghton-Mifflin 1991. Footnote [2]: Available from in the directory /src/security as cbw.tar.Z. Footnote [3]: Some sources would refer to this value as a `salt'. The term `key IV' is used here as this is probably a more accurate description of its function. Generating Random Numbers One thing which cryptosystems consume in large quantities are random numbers. Not just any old random value, but cryptographically strong random numbers. A cryptographically strong random value is one which cannot be predicted by an attacker (if the attacker can predict the values which are used to set up encryption keys, then they can make a guess at the encryption key itself). This automatically rules out all software means of generating random values, and means specialised hardware must be used. Very few PC's are currently equipped with this type of hardware. However SFS requires 1024 random bits for each encrypted disk, in the form of the disk key (see the section "Password Lifetimes and Scope" above). SFS therefore uses a number of sources of random numbers, both ones present in the hardware of the PC and one external source: - Various hardware timers which are read occasionally when the program is running (generally after operations which are long and complex and will be heavily affected by external influences such as interrupts, video, screen, and disk I/O, and other factors. - The contents and status information of the keyboard buffer - Disk driver controller and status information - Mouse data and information - Video controller registers and status information [ - The clock skew between two hardware clocks available on the PC. Due to background system activity such as interrupt servicing, disk activity, and variable-length instruction execution times, these clocks run out-of-phase. SFS uses this phase difference as a source of random numbers. NB: Not implemented yet]. - The timing of keystrokes when the password is entered. SFS reads the high-speed 1.19 MHz hardware timer after each keystroke and uses the timer values as a source of random numbers. This timer is used both to measure keystroke latency when the password is entered and read at random times during program execution. Trials have shown that this 16-bit counter yields around 8 bits of random information (the exact information content is difficult to gauge as background interrupts, video updates, disk operations, protected-mode supervisor software, and other factors greatly affect any accesses to this counter, but an estimate of 8 bits is probably close enough[1]). - The timing of disk access latency for random disk reads. The exact operation is as follows: Read a timer-based random disk sector Add its contents (8 bits) Read the high-speed 1.19 MHz hardware timer (13 bits) Use the two values for the next random sector This is repeated as often as required (in the case of SFS this is 10 times). Assuming a (currently rather optimistic) maximum of 5ms to acquire a sector this provides about 13 bits of randomness per disk operation. The number of factors which influence this value is rather high, and includes among other things the time it takes the BIOS to process the request, the time it takes the controller to process the request, time to seek to the track on the disk, time to read the data (or, if disk cacheing is used, time for the occasional cache hit), time to send it to the PC, time to switch in and out of protected mode when putting it in the cache, and of course the constant 3-degree background radiation of other interrupts and system activity happening at the same time. If a solid-state disk were being used, the hardware latency would be significantly reduced, but currently virtually no 386-class PC's have solid-state disks (they're reserved for palmtops and the like), so this isn't a major concern. An estimate of the number of random bits available from each source is as follows: Keystroke latency, 8 bits per key 80 bits for minimum 10-char key Second password entry for encryption 80 bits for minimum 10-char key Disk access latency, 13 bits per read 130 bits for 10 reads Disk sector data, 8 bits 80 bits for 10 reads System clocks and timers 3 bits Video controller information 4 bits Keyboard buffer information 4 bits Disk status information 4 bits General system status 4 bits Random high-speed timer reads 120 bits for 15 reads -------- Total 509 bits These figures are very conservative estimates only, and are based on timing experiments with typed-in passwords and a careful scrutiny of the PC's hardware and system status data. For example, although the time to access a disk sector for a particular drive may be 10ms or more, the actual variation on that 10ms may only be +/- 2ms. The figures given above were taken by averaging the variation in times for large numbers of tests. In practice (especially with longer passwords) the number of random bits is increased somewhat (for example with a 30-character password the total may be as high as 829 bits of random information). However even the minimal estimate of 509 bits is adequate for the 512-bit key required by MDC. Each quantum of semi-random information is exclusive-ored into a 1024-bit buffer which is initially set to all zeroes. Once 1024 bits of buffer have been filled, the data is encrypted with MDC to distribute the information, and the first 512 bits of the 1024-bit buffer is used as the key for the next MDC encyrption pass. Then more data is added until, again, 1024 bits of buffer have been filled, whereupon the data is again mixed by encrypting it with MDC. This process is repeated several times, with the amount of "randomness" in the buffer increasing with each iteration. Before being used, this data is encrypted 10 times over with MDC to ensure a complete diffusion of randomness. Since the IV for the encryption is reused for the next pass through the buffer, any information from the end of the buffer is thus reinjected at the start of the buffer on the next encryption pass. Although this method of generating random numbers is not perfect, it seems to be the best available using the existing hardware. General estimates of the exact amount of truly random information which can be acquired in this manner are in the vicinity of several hundred bits. Proposed attacks all make the assumption that an attacker is in possession of what amounts to a complete hardware trace of events on the machine in question. Allowing for a reasonable amount of physical system security, it can be assumed that the random data used in SFS is unpredictable enough to provide an adequate amount of security against all but the most determined attacker. Footnote [1]: If an opponent can obtain several hours of keystroke timings and can come up with a good model including serial correlations, they may be able to reduce the likely inputs to the random number accumulator to a somewhat smaller value, or at least bias their guesses to fall within the range of likely values. Encryption Considerations When a block cipher is converted to handle units of data larger than its intrinsic block size, a number of weaknesses can be introduced, depending on the mode of operation which is chosen for the block cipher. For example, if two identical ciphertext blocks are present in different locations in a file, this may be used to determine the plaintext. If we can find two identical blocks of ciphertext when cipher block chaining (CBC) is used, then we know that: P[ i ] = d( C[ i ] ) ^ C[ i-1 ] P[ j ] = d( C[ j ] ) ^ C[ j-1 ] where C is the ciphertext, P is the plaintext, and e() and d() are encryption and decryption respectively. Now if C[ i ] = C[ j ], then d( C[ i ] ) = d( C[ j ] ), which cancel out when xor'd so that: P[ i ] ^ C[ i-1 ] = P[ j ] ^ C[ j-1 ] or: P[ j ] = P[ i ] ^ C[ i-1 ] ^ C[ j-1 ] Knowing C[ i ] and C[ j ] we can determine P[ i ] and P[ j ], and knowing either P[ i ] or P[ j ] we can determine the other. Something similar holds when cipher feedback (CFB) mode is used, except that now the decryption operation is: P[ i ] = e( C[ i-1 ] ) ^ C[ i ] P[ j ] = e( C[ j-1 ] ) ^ C[ j ] Now if C[ i ] = C[ j ] then e( C[ i ] ) = e( C[ j ] ) (recall that in CFB mode the block cipher is only ever used for encryption), so that they again cancel out, so: P[ i ] ^ e( C[ i-1 ] ) = P[ j ] ^ e( C[ j-1 ] ) or: P[ i ] = P[ j ] ^ e( C[ i-1 ] ) ^ e( C[ j-1 ] ) In general this problem is of little consequence since the probability of finding two equal blocks of ciphertext when using a 160-bit block cipher on a dataset of any practical size is negligible. More esoteric modes of operation such as plaintext feedback (PFB) and ones whose acronyms have more letters than Welsh place names tend to have their own special problems and aren't considered here. The problem does become serious, however, in the case of sector-level encryption, where the initialization vector cannot be varied. Although the IV may be unique for each sector, it remains constant unless special measures such as reserving extra storage for sector IV's which are updated with each sector write are taken. If a sector is read from disk, a small change made to part of it (for example changing a word in a text file), and the sector written out to disk again, several unchanged ciphertext/plaintext pairs will be present, allowing the above attack to be applied. However, there are cases in which this can be a problem. For example, running a program such as a disk defragmenter will rewrite a large number of sectors while leaving the IV unchanged, allowing an opponent access to large quantities of XOR'd plaintext blocks simply by recording the disk contents before and after the defragmentation process. Normally this problem would be avoided by using a different IV for each encrypted message, but most disk systems don't have the room to store an entire sectors worth of data as well as the IV needed to en/decrypt it. An additional disadvantage of the CFB encryption mode is that the data in the last block of a dataset may be altered by an attacker to give different plaintext without it affecting the rest of the block, since the altered ciphertext in the last block never enters the feedback loop. This type of attack requires that an opponent possess at least two copies of the ciphertext, and that they differ only in the contents of the last block. In this case the last ciphertext block from one copy can be subsituted for the last ciphertext block in the other copy, allowing a subtle form of message modification attack. In fact in combination with the previously mentioned weakness of CFB, an attacker can determine the XOR of the plaintexts in the last block and substitute an arbitrary piece of "encrypted" plaintext to replace the existing data. There are several approaches to tackling this problem. The most simplistic one is to permute the plaintext in a key-dependant manner before encryption and after decryption. This solution is unsatisfactory as it simply shuffles the data around without necessarily affecting any particular plaintext or ciphertext block. The desired goal of a change in any part of the plaintext affecting the entire dataset is not achieved. A better solution is to encrypt data twice, once from front to back and then from back to front[1]. The front-to-back pass propagates any dependencies to the back of the dataset, and the back-to-front pass propagates dependencies back to the front again. In this way a single change in any part of the plaintext affects the entire dataset. The disadvantage of this approach is that it at least halves the speed of the encryption, as all data must be encrypted twice. If the encryption is done in software, this may create an unacceptable loss of throughput. Even with hardware assistance there is a noticeable slowdown, as no hardware implementations easily support backwards encryption, requiring the data to be reversed in software before the second pass is possible. The best solution is probably to use a word-wise scrambler polynomial like the one used in SHA. With a block of plaintext P this is: P[ i ] ^= P[ i-K1 ] ^ P[ i-K2 ] with suitable values for the constants K1 and K2. If K2 is chosen to be 5 (the SHA block size in words) then the initial values of the 5 words (which can be thought of as as P[ -5 ]...P[ -1 ]) are simply the sectorIV. The value of K1 is arbitrary, SFS uses a value of 4. This technique is used by first setting the initial values of the 5 words to the sectorIV. The scrambler function is then run over the entire data block, propagating all dependencies to the last 5 words in the block. These last 5 words are then used as the IV for the CFB encryption of the entire block. In this way the encryption IV depends on all the bits in the block, and the scrambling does a moderately good job of breaking up statistical patterns in the plaintext. No information is lost, so no randomness in the sectorIV is misplaced. This also provides resistance to the selective-modification attack which allows an attacker to change selected bits in the last block of a CFB-encrypted dataset without damage. By destroying the IV used in the CFB encryption, the first block is completely corrupted, which is unlikely to go unnoticed. To decrypt a dataset encrypted in this manner, the first 5 words of ciphertext are shifted into the feedback path, and the remainder of the dataset is decrypted in the standard manner. The last 5 decrypted words are then used as the IV to decrypt the first encrypted block. Finally, the scrambler is run over the recovered plaintext to undo the changes made during the encryption scrambling. The overall en/decryption process used by SFS, in the case of 512-byte sectors and 32-bit words (so that each sector contains 128 words), is: Encryption: using sectorIV[ 0 ]...sectorIV[ 4 ] as the scrambler IV scramble data[ 0 ][ 127 ] using data[ 127-5 ][ 127-1 ] as the encryption IV encrypt data[ 0 ][ 127 ] Decryption: using data[ 0 ][ 4 ] as the encryption IV decrypt data[ 5 ][ 127 ] using data[ 127-5 ][ 127-1 ] as the encryption IV decrypt data[ 0 ][ 4 ] using sectorIV[ 0 ]...sectorIV[ 4 ] as the scrambler IV scramble data[ 0 ][ 127 ] where the scrambling operation is: data[ i ] ^= data[ i-4 ] ^ data[ i-5 ] as outlined above. Note that the i-4 and i-5 th values referred to here are the original, scrambled values, not the descrambled values. The easiest way to implement this is to cache the last 5 scrambled values and cyclically overwrite them as each word in the data buffer is processed. Footnote [1]: To be precise, you need some sort of feedback from the end of a block on the first encryption pass to the start of the block on the next encryption pass. A block can be encrypted forwards twice as long as the IV is wrapped back to the start of the block for the second encryption pass. A Discussion of the MDC Encryption Algorithm[1] (A word on notation: The notation {0,1}^k is used to mean the set of all bit strings of length k, and {0,1}* means the set of all bit strings, including the empty string. Any message can be viewed as a bit string by means of a suitable encoding). The encryption method used by SFS is somewhat unusual, and in some respects is similar to Merkle's "Meta Method" for obtaining cryptosystems[2]. The method relies on the existence of secure one-way hash functions. A hash function is a function that takes as input an arbitrary number of bits and produces a fixed-sized output called the "message digest". In other words, hash functions have the form h : {0,1}* --> {0,1}^k for some fixed k, and the hash of a message M is defined to be h( M ). A secure one-way hash function is a hash function with the following properties: 1. For each message M, it is easy to compute h( M ). 2. Given M, it is computationally infeasible to compute M' with h( M ) = h( M' ) (secure against forgery). 3. It is computationally infeasible to compute M and M' with h( M ) = h( M' ) (secure against collisions). For a good, but rather technical, discussion of hash functions, see "Contemporary Cryptology. The Science of Information Integrity" edited by Gustavus Simmons, IEEE Press, 1992 (ISBN 0-87942-277-7). The terms "easy to compute" and "infeasible to compute" can be given more precise definitions, but we'll settle for this informal terminology for now. Roughly speaking, "easy to compute" means that it will take a tolerable amount of time to compute the answer, even on a rather small machine; "infeasible to compute" means that it should take eons to find out a particular result, even when using millions of computers of the fastest conceivable technology in parallel. Examples of hash functions include the MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions, developed by Ron Rivest of RSA Data Security, Inc., which have been (at least in the case of MD4 and MD5) placed in the public domain, and the Secure Hash Standard SHS, developed by NIST (with significant input from the NSA). The existence of secure one-way hash functions has not been proven, although there exist some strong candidates, including MD5 and SHS. The reference implementations of the above hashing functions include one interesting aspect which makes it possible to use them as encryption functions. Since the hashing of a very large amount of data in one sweep is not desirable (because all the data would have to be in memory at the time of hashing), most hashing algorithms allow data to be hashed incrementally. This is made possible by augmenting the definition of a hash function to include the state of the last hashing operation. In other words, a hash function now has the form h : {0,1}^k x {0,1}* --> {0,1}^k, where the first argument is the previous hash value, and the hash of a message M = ( M1, M2, ..., Mn ) is defined to be h( h( ...( h( h0, M1 ), M2 ), ... ), Mn ). (The value of all the h evaluations must not change if the message is broken up into blocks of different lengths, but all of the previously mentioned hash functions have that property). Here, h0 is a fixed, known initial value that is used in all hashing calculations. This is not the way "real" hash functions behave, but it is close enough. For example, the MD5 hashing function has "initialization", "updating", and "finalization" parts, where the finalization part appends the number of hashed bytes to the message, hashes one final time, and returns the final hash value. This means that the hashing "context" must include the number of bytes hashed so far, without it being a part of the hash value. The hash function can be said to have "memory". If we assume that h is a secure one-way hashing function, we can now use such an h as a scrambling device. For example, if we set E( M ) = h( h0, M ) for every message M, M will not be recoverable from E( M ), because h is secure by definition. Another method would be to supply M to any standard MSDOS or UNIX utility and use the resulting error message as the ciphertext (remembering that a computer is a device for turning input into error messages). However, there are still two problems to be solved before we can use hash functions as encryption functions: 1. The scrambling process is not controlled by a key. 2. The scrambling process is not invertible, so there is no way to decrypt the ciphertext. Both problems can be solved by interchanging the roles of hash and data and by using CFB mode in the encryption process. In other words, let K be an arbitrarily long key, let M = ( M1, ..., Mn ) be a message, broken up into chunks of k bits, let IV be an initialization vector, and set C1 = M1 xor h( IV, K ) Ci = Mi xor h( C( i-1 ), K ) for 1 < i <= n. This is sent to the recipient, who easily recovers the plaintext by P1 = C1 xor h( IV, K ) Pi = Ci xor h( C( i-1 ), K ) for 1 < i <= n, since we have P1 = ( M1 xor h( IV, K ) ) xor h( IV, K ) = M1 xor ( h( IV, K ) xor h( IV,K ) ) because xor is associative, = M1 xor 0, because x xor x = 0, = M1, because x xor 0 = x, and similarly for the Pi's. This method of encryption also offers more security than using ECB mode, assuming that this were possible with hash functions, since the plaintext is diffused over the entire ciphertext, destroying plaintext statistics, and thus foiling straightforward ciphertext correlation attacks. This method can clearly be used for any hash function which can hash incrementally. Thus, it is a "Meta Method" for turning hash functions into encryption functions. This is called the Message Digest Cipher (MDC) method of encryption. Specific instances of the method have the name of the hash function added as a suffix. For example, the MDC method applied to the MD5 hash function would be referred to as MDC/MD5. SFS uses MDC/SHS. Having analysed the inner workings of MDC, at least one theoretical attack on the algorithm should be mentioned. There are certain properties of hash functions which may make them unsuitable for use as encryption algorithms. For example suppose knowledge of a 160-bit input/output pair to SHS leaks a fraction of a bit of information about the data being hashed, maybe a quarter of a bit. This allows a search of 2^159.75 data blocks to find another data block that causes the given input-output transformation, and thus finds a second message which produces the same hash value. This problem is not significant when SHS is used as a cryptographic hash function, since it only reduces the search space by 16% from the full 2^160 possibilities. However when SHS is used for encryption, it may be possible to accumulate these quarter bits, so that after 2560 blocks (50K) of known plaintext, enough bits have been accumulated to compute the encryption key. This is because multiple input/output pairs are available for a given data block, and each one puts more constraints on the block until eventually you have the actual value can be determined. If a hash function is has the properties given above and no such information is leaked, it can serve to create a strong encryption algorithm, but a serious weakness in the encryption algorithm is not necessarily a serious weakness in the hash function. To date noone has ever demonstrated such a weakness, and there are a number of similar "what if" arguments which can be used against most encryption schemes. For example if it were possible to build a quantum computer then it could be used to break many of the most popular public-key encryption schemes in use today. The reason that these schemes aren't being abandoned is that it is very unlikely that any computer of this form will be built, and that if someone does manage it then the implications will be far more serious than just the breaking of a number of encryption schemes. Footnote [1]: Most of this analysis was contributed by Stephan Neuhaus, Footnote [2]: This is discussed further in Ralph Merkle's paper "One Way Hash Functions and DES", Crypto '89 Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, 1989 (volume 435 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series). Smart cards and SFS Due to their sealed, self-contained nature, smart cards provide a reasonable amount of security against many forms of attack such as the trojan horse variety with which it is so easy to compromise security on a more general-purpose computer such as a PC. However in the last few years a large amount of expertise in attacking smart-card based systems has been gathered by people who target pay-TV systems which rely on smart-card based processors for security. Pay-TV pirates have been very successful in picking apart supposedly secure processors in order to clone them or defeat their encryption. Typically, this might be done by heating the device to 150 C and then dissolving it in fuming nitric acid. An alternative is to use sulphuric acid at 300 C. By using a special fixture which produces a small jet via capillary action, the part of the package over the chip die can be removed. Once the packaging has been removed, only the bond wires are left to hold the leads to the die so the IC will fall apart, leaving the die available for analysis. If done correctly, this disassembly of the device will allow the part to remain functional. One generation of the Sky TV smart cards were reverse-engineered using this technique to get to the chips and a scanning electron microscope to read out the contents of the individual ROM cells. Another commonly-used technique is to selectively erase the security fuses used to protect some types of secure microprocessor, allowing the contents of the ROM to be read out and disassembled. For example, the security bits in the 8751 microcontroller aren't located anywhere near the EPROM in the device, and can be selectively erased without affecting the main memory contents, which are now unprotected and can be read out. Another way to bypass the security bits in this device is to manipulate the voltages and control signals fed to it, which causes it to become confused about whether it should be accessing the internal, protected memory, or external, unprotected memory. By using code located in the external memory it is possible to access the contents of the internal memory. This technique has been used to recover the memory contents of an 87C51 on a smart card with all security features enabled. Sometimes it is possible to find an address on the card which contains an opcode corresponding to a jump to code stored in external memory, so that by changing the external program, it is possible to sieze control of the card (this method was used to hack the Futuretron video scrambling system). It is occasionally possible to gradually erase the security fuse in one-time programmable and EPROM-programmable secure processors by slowly increasing or decreasing the supply voltage fed to the chip. Although this generally erases or damages the data on the chip as well, it is possible to recover the contents by combining information read from several chips. A much more sophisticated way to reverse-engineer chips uses thermal neutron imaging to perform a non-invasive analysis of the device. Intense pulsed neutron source (IPNS) thermal neutrons can be used to image crystal structures of many angstroms, and is a non-ionizing form of radiation which can penetrate several meters of material. By setting the pulses to pass through cold crystal structures, coherent waves of neutrons can be generated and various layers of a chip can be focused on and analyzed by moving either the chip or the detector. Although the electrical nature of the structure such as the values of any stored charges can't be seen this way, it is possible to duplicate the structure with a non-invasive method and then experiment with the voltages in the duplicate. This method of analysis requires vast resources, but there are many countries with the necessary nuclear reactors, and creating thermal coherent neutron waves isn't excessively difficult. The method is also very difficult to protect against. Attacks of this sort, which involve physical analysis of the card contents and which rely for their success on the ability to read out the internal circuitry and memory contents of the card, apply only to cards using ROM or EPROM technology, in which (typically) a memory cell is implemented as a fuse which is blown when the card is programmed. The blown and non-blown fuses can then be read out using one of the techniques described above, and the memory contents reconstructed. In contrast, the cards used with SFS use EEPROM memory cells rather than EPROM ones. In an EEPROM, data is stored as the presence or abscence of an electrical charge, which means that the contents of a memory cell cannot be determined by a physical examination as they can for a conventional ROM or EPROM cell. An attack therefore requires disassembling the package and probing the contents of each memory cell electrically, which requires significantly more resources than an examination under an electron microscope. As an additional security precaution, SFS encrypts all critical data stored on the card in the same way that it encrypts data stored in the SFS volume header. In normal operation, each SFS disk volume is encrypted with a unique disk key which is completely unrelated to the the user passphrase, or key. When the user key is entered, it is used to decrypt the disk key, and the disk key is then used to decrypt the encrypted volume. There is no correlation between the user key and the disk key, so that revealing the disk key does not reveal the user key. This access mechanism looks as follows: + User - - - + + Encrypted volume - - - - - - - - - - - - + | +--------+ | decrypt | +--------+ decrypt +--------------+ | |User Key| -----------> |Disk Key| -----------> |Encrypted Data| | +--------+ | | +--------+ +--------------+ | + - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + When used with a smart card, the user key is instead used to decrypt a key stored in the smart card which is in turn used to decrypt the disk key: + User - - - + + Smart card + | +--------+ | decrypt | +--------+ | decrypt |User Key| -----------> |Card Key| ----------+ | +--------+ | | +--------+ | | | + - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + | | +-------------------------------+ | | + Encrypted volume - - - - - - - - - - - - + | | | +--------+ decrypt +--------------+ | +-----> |Disk Key| -----------> |Encrypted Data| | +--------+ +--------------+ | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Since the password is no longer used to directly decrypt the disk key to access the encrypted volume, knowledge of the user password or key, or any attack based on the user password or key is of no use unless the attacker is also in posession of the smart card containing the card key. Since a single card key can be used to decrypt multiple disk keys, it is possible for one card to control access to multiple encrypted volumes. Finally, since each card key can also contain extra information such as access rights to an encrypted volume, it is possible for a central authority to issue to cards which control the type of access allowed for the volume, such as cards which only grant read access to their holders. In order to convert a volume from direct user access to smart-card access, it is necessary to first initialise the card for use with SFS by generating a random card key and encrypting it with the user key, and then to bind the card to a disk volume by encrypting the disk key with the card key. The first, initialization step is performed as follows: Generate a random card key Encrypt the card key with the user key for the card Write the encrypted card key to the card Card key | v User key +---------+ for --> | Encrypt | card +---------+ | v Smart card To recover the card key, the user key for the card is used to decrypt the key stored on the card. The second, card binding step is performed as follows: Decrypt the disk key with the user key for the disk Decrypt the card key with the user key for the card Encrypt the disk key with the card key Write the encrypted disk key to the disk Smart card Disk volume | | v v User key +---------+ User key +---------+ for --> | Decrypt | for --> | Decrypt | card +---------+ disk +---------+ | | Card key Disk key | | | +-------------+ | | | v | +---------+ +--------> | Encrypt | +---------+ | v Disk volume To recover the card key, the user key for the card is used to decrypt the key stored on the card. To recover the disk key, the decrypted card key obtained in the previous step is used to decrypt the key stored on the disk. To access a volume using the smart card, the following process is used: Decrypt the card key with the user key for the card Decrypt the disk key with the card key Access the volume using the disk key Smart card | v User key +---------+ for --> | Decrypt | card +---------+ | Card key Disk volume | | | v | +---------+ +--------> | Encrypt | +---------+ | v Disk key Access to the disk volume is now possible only to someone in posession of the smart card containing the card key. Since multiple disk keys can be encrypted with the same card key, one card can control access to a number of disk volumes. Since the card key and disk key are completely unrelated, acquiring the smart card containing the encrypted card key without the user key needed to decrypt it does not provide an attacker with access to the disk volume. Deletion of SFS Volumes Truly deleting data from magnetic media is very difficult. The problem lies in the fact that when data is written to the medium, the write head sets the polarity of most, but not all, of the magnetic domains. This is partially due to the inability of the writing device to write in exactly the same location each time, and partially due to the variations in media sensitivity and field strength over time and among devices. In general terms, when a one is written to disk, the media records a one, and when a zero is written, the media records a zero. However the actual effect is closer to obtaining something like 0.95 when a zero is overwritten with a one, and 1.05 when a one is overwritten with a one. Normal disk circuitry is set up so that both these values are read as ones, but using specialized circuitry it is possible to work out what previous `layers' contained (in fact on some systems it may be possible to recover previous data with a simple software modification to the hardware control code. Some drives are capable of performing "offset reads" to the side of the normal track centres (for example using SCSI diagnostic commands), so that if the original data was written to one side, the overwritten data can be recovered by reading from the other side and applying error-recovery techniques). This problem is further complicated by the fact that the heads might not pass exactly over the same track position when data is rewritten, leaving a trace of the old data still intact. Current-generation drives reduce this problem somewhat as track and linear densities have now become so high that the traditional optical methods of extracting information from the disk platters has become much more difficult, and in some cases impossible, as the linear bit cell is below the optical diffraction limit for visible light. While some data patterns can still be discerned, recognizing others would be limited to some subset of patterns. However the recovery of at least one or two layers of overwritten data isn't too hard to perform by replacing the drive electronics (but not the read/write head), reading off the "obvious" signal, computing what it would look like if written to blank media, subtracting that from what was actually read, and recovering the overwritten data from the difference, a technique which has occasionally been used by hard drive manufacturers to recover accidentally overwritten or lost data. Despite this small respite, when all the above factors are combined it turns out that each track on a piece of media contains an image of everything ever written to it, but that the contribution from each `layer' gets progressively smaller the further back it was made. Using even more advanced techniques than those mentioned above, like low energy electron scattering, ferrofluid with optical tracers, or related methods, followed by the same signal-processing technology which is used to clean up satellite images, low-level recorded speech, and the like, it is possible to recover layers of previous data with a remarkable degree of accuracy, to a level limited only by the sensitivity of the equipment and the amount of expertise of the organisation attempting the recovery. Intelligence organisations have a *lot* of expertise in this field. The general concept behind the overwriting scheme used by SFS is to flip each magnetic domain on the disk back and forth as much as possible (this is the basic idea behind degaussing) without writing the same pattern twice in a row. If the data was encoded directly, we could simply choose the desired overwrite pattern of ones and zeroes and write it repeatedly. However, disks always use an NRZI encoding scheme in which a 1 bit signifies an inversion, making the desired pattern a series of one bits. This leads to a further complication as all disks use some form of run-length limited (RLL) encoding, so that the adjacent ones won't be written. This encoding is used to ensure that transitions aren't placed too closely together, or too far apart, which would mean the drive would lose track of where it was in the data. The parameter to be aware of here is the separation of 1 bits. Floppies (which are a more primitive form of the technology used in hard disks) like to keep the 1 bits 4us apart. However they can't be kept too far apart or the read clock loses synchronisation. This "too far" figure depends a lot on the technology in the drive, it doesn't depend on the magnetic media much (unlike the "too close" figure, which depends a lot on the media involved). The first single-density encoding wrote one user data bit, then one "1" clock bit, taking a total of 8us. This was called FM, since a 1 bit was encoded as two transitions (1 wavelength) per 8 us, while a 0 bit was encoded as one transition (1/2 wavelength). Then it was discovered that it was possible to have two 0 bits between adjacent 1s. The resulting encoding of 4 bits into 5 was called group code recording (GCR) which was (0,2) RLL. This allowed 4 user data bits to be written in 5 * 4us = 20 us, for an effective time per user bit of 5 us, which was a big improvement over 8 us. But GCR encoding was somewhat complex. A different approach was taken in modified FM (MFM), which suppressed the 1 clock bit except between adjacent 0's. Thus, 0000 turned into 0(1)0(1)0(1)0 (where the ()s are the inserted clock bits), 1111 turned into 1(0)1(0)1(0)1, and 1010 turned into 1(0)0(0)1(0)0. The maximum time between 1 bits was now three 0 bits. However, there was at least one 0 bit, so it became possible to clock the bits at 2us/bit and not have more than one 1 bit every 4us. This achieved one user bit per 4 us, a result which was better than GCR and obtainable with simpler circuitry. As can be seen, the effective data rate depends on the bit rate (which has been 4 us, 4 us and 2 us in these examples) and the encoding rate, a measure of the encoding efficiency. The encoding rates have been 1/2, 4/5 and 1/2. There is also a (2,7) RLL code with rate 1/2, meaning that 1 user bit maps to 2 encoded bits (although the mapping involves multi-bit groups and is somewhat complex), but there are always at least two 0 bits between 1 bits, so 1 bits happen at most every 3 bit times. This allows the clock to be reduced to 1.3333 us (this 2/1.33333 = 6/4 = 3/2 is the source of the added capacity gain of RLL hard drive controllers over equivalent MFM controllers). The time per user bit is now 2.6666 = 2 2/3 us. However, the faster clock is finicky. It is also possible to use a (1,7) RLL encoding. Since this is (1,x), the clock rate is 2 us/bit, but the encoding efficiency improves from 1/2 to 2/3. This allows 2 effective user bits per 6 us, or 3 us per user bit. For hard drives, it is easier to increase the clock rate by an extra 9/8 than to fiddle with a clock 50% faster, so this is very popular with more recent disk drives. To erase magnetic media, we need to overwrite it many times with alternating patterns in order to expose it to a magnetic field oscillating fast enough that it does the desired flipping of the magnetic domains in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, there is a complication in that we need to saturate the disk surface to the greatest depth possible, and very high frequency signals only "scratch the surface" of the magnetic medium. Disk drive manufacturers, in trying to achieve ever-higher densities, use the highest possible frequencies, whereas we really require the lowest frequency a disk drive can produce. Even this is still rather high. In fact, a full erasure of the disk is generally impossible to perform, as can be seen by considering the manner in which servo information is encoded. All disk drives need what is called "servo" information indicating where the head is relative to the centre of the track it is trying to read. Older drives used one of two techniques, the first of which was the "separate servo" technique in which one surface of the stack of platters was reserved for servo information used to control the stack of arms for the other platters. This gave a high update rate for the servo information, but didn't allow for any adjustment for differential expansion of the platters or arms, or tilting of the stack of arms. This multiplexing in space of the servo information was limited by the accuracy to which two heads could be aligned in the same stack. The other technique was the "embedded servo" technique in which the servo information was placed on the same platter as the data, between the data blocks in the header area. This meant that the same head was used to read the servo information and disk data, but led to gaps while reading and writing the data. This technique multiplexes the servo information in time. A newer technique is called "servo-under" (also known as "dedicated servo"), and writes the servo information "under" the data, at a lower frequency. The normal data write frequencies are high enough, and the write signal weak enough, that it never penetrates to the bottom of the the magnetic media and so the servo is unaffected by writing to the disk (in fact, even if the head was writing DC it probably wouldn't be able to generate a strong enough signal to penetrate to the servo data). A couple of filters separate the servo information from the data, so that the servo information can be accessed from the same head and at the same time as the data is read. This technique is very convenient, but shows that the media can never be completely saturated, since doing this would erase the servo information, making the disk useless. However, what we can do is to use the lowest frequency possible for overwrites, to penetrate as deeply as possible into the recording medium. To do this, we must determine what decoded data to write to produce a low-frequency encoded signal. The three most common RLL codes are (1,3) RLL (usually known as MFM), (2,7) RLL (the original "RLL" format), and (1,7) RLL (which is popular in newer drives). These three cover the vast majority of magnetic disk drives. However, each of these has several possible variants. With MFM, only one is used with any frequency, but the newest (1,7) RLL code has at least half a dozen variants in use. (1,3) RLL and (2,7) RLL have coding rates of 1/2, meaning that one "useful" decoded bit requires two encoded bits. (1,7) RLL has a rate of 2/3, so two decoded bits correspond to three encoded bits. For MFM, there are at most 4 bit times between transitions, so the lowest frequency possible is "4T", attained by the repeating decoded data patterns 1010 and 0101. These have a 1 bit every other "data" bit, and the intervening "clock" bits are all 0. To complete the set, we would like patterns with every other clock bit set to 1 and all others set to 0, but these are not possible in the MFM encoding (such "violations" are used to generate special marks on the disk to identify sector boundaries). The best we can do is 3 bit times between transitions, a 3T frequency, which is generated by repeating the decoded patterns 100100, 010010 and 001001. We should use several of rounds of these patterns, as MFM drives are the oldest, lowest-density drives around (this is especially true for the very-low-density floppy drives). As such, they are the easiest to recover data from with modern equipment and we need to take the most care with them. For (1,7) RLL, although there can be as many as 8 bit times between transitions, the lowest sustained frequency we can have is 6T, 6 bit times between transitions. This is a desirable property from the point of view of the clock-recovery circuitry, and all (1,7) RLL codes seem to have this property. We now need to find a way to write the desired pattern without knowing the particular (1,7) RLL code used. We can do this by looking at the way the drive's error-correction system works. The error-correction is applied to the decoded data, even though errors generally occur in the encoded data. In order to make this work well, the data encoding should have limited error amplification, so that an erroneous encoded bit should affect only a small, finite number of decoded bits. Decoded bits therefore depend only on nearby encoded bits, so that a repeating pattern of encoded bits will correspond to a repeating pattern of decoded bits. The repeating pattern of encoded bits is 6 bits long. Since the rate of the code is 2/3, this corresponds to a repeating pattern of 4 decoded bits. There are only 16 possibilities for this pattern, making it feasible to write all of them during the erase process. So to achieve good overwriting of (1,7) RLL disks, we write the patterns 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111. These patterns also conveniently cover two of the ones needed for MFM overwrites, although we should add a few more iterations of the MFM-specific patterns for the reasons given above. For (2,7) RLL, we again have 6T as the lowest systainable frequency, which maps, at an encoding rate of 1/2, to some repeating pattern of 3 decoded bits, so we require all 8 possible 3-bit repeating patterns. The all-zeros and all-ones patterns overlap with the (1,7) RLL patterns, leaving six others: 001001001001001001001001 2 4 9 2 4 9 in binary or 0x24 0x92 0x49, 0x92 0x49 0x24 and 0x49 0x24 0x92 in hex, and 011011011011011011011011 6 D B 6 D B in binary or 0x6D 0xB6 0xDB, 0xB6 0xDB 0x6D and 0xDB 0x6D 0xB6 in hex. The first three are the same as the MFM patterns, so we need only three extra patterns to cover (2,7) RLL drives. Although (1,7) is more popular in recent drives, some hard drives do still use (2,7) RLL. These three patterns also cover any problems with endianness issues, which weren't a concern in the previous two cases, but would be in this case (actually, thanks to the strong influence of IBM mainframe drives, everything seems to be uniformly big-endian within bytes, with the most significant bit being written to the disk first). For the latest crop of high-density drives which use methods like Partial- Response Maximum-Likelihood (PRML) methods which may be roughly equated to the trellis encoding done by V.32 modems in that it is effective but computationally expensive, all we can do is write a variety of random patterns, because the processing inside the drive is too complex to second-guess. Fortunately, these drives push the limits of the magnetic media much more than the old MFM drives ever did by encoding data with much smaller magnetic domains, closer to the physical capacity of the magnetic media. If these drives require sophisticated signal processing just to read the most recently written data, reading overwritten layers is also correspondingly more difficult. A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected. We now have a set of 22 overwrite patterns which will erase everything, regardless of the raw encoding. The basic disk eraser can be improved slightly by adding random passes before, after, and during the erase process, and by performing the deterministic passes in random order to make it more difficult to guess which of the known data passes were made at which point. To deal with all this in one overwrite pattern, SFS uses the following sequence of 35 consecutive writes to erase data: 1. Random 2. Random 3. Random 4. Random 5. 01010101 01010101 01010101 0x55 (1,7) RLL MFM 6. 10101010 10101010 10101010 0xAA (1,7) RLL MFM 7. 10010010 01001001 00100100 0x92 0x49 0x24 (2,7) RLL MFM 8. 01001001 00100100 10010010 0x49 0x24 0x92 (2,7) RLL MFM 9. 00100100 10010010 01001001 0x24 0x92 0x49 (2,7) RLL MFM 10. 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00 (1,7) RLL (2,7) RLL 11. 00010001 00010001 00010001 0x11 (1,7) RLL 12. 00100010 00100010 00100010 0x22 (1,7) RLL 13. 00110011 00110011 00110011 0x33 (1,7) RLL 14. 01000100 01000100 01000100 0x44 (1,7) RLL 15. 01010101 01010101 01010101 0x55 (1,7) RLL MFM 16. 01100110 01100110 01100110 0x66 (1,7) RLL 17. 01110111 01110111 01110111 0x77 (1,7) RLL 18. 10001000 10001000 10001000 0x88 (1,7) RLL 19. 10011001 10011001 10011001 0x99 (1,7) RLL 20. 10101010 10101010 10101010 0xAA (1,7) RLL MFM 21. 10111011 10111011 10111011 0xBB (1,7) RLL 22. 11001100 11001100 11001100 0xCC (1,7) RLL 23. 11011101 11011101 11011101 0xDD (1,7) RLL 24. 11101110 11101110 11101110 0xEE (1,7) RLL 25. 11111111 11111111 11111111 0xFF (1,7) RLL (2,7) RLL 26. 10010010 01001001 00100100 0x92 0x49 0x24 (2,7) RLL MFM 27. 01001001 00100100 10010010 0x49 0x24 0x92 (2,7) RLL MFM 28. 00100100 10010010 01001001 0x24 0x92 0x49 (2,7) RLL MFM 29. 01101101 10110110 11011011 0x6D 0xB6 0xDB (2,7) RLL 30. 10110110 11011011 01101101 0xB6 0xDB 0x6D (2,7) RLL 31. 11011011 01101101 10110110 0xDB 0x6D 0xB6 (2,7) RLL 32. Random 33. Random 34. Random 35. Random The MFM-specific patterns are repeated twice because MFM drives are generally the lowest density, and are thus particularly easy to examine. The deterministic patterns between the random writes are permuted before the write is performed, to make it more difficult for an opponent to use knowledge of the erasure data written to attempt to recover overwritten data (in fact we need to use a cryptographically strong random number generator to perform the permutations to avoid an opponent who can read the last overwrite pass being able to predict the previous passes and "echo cancel" passes by subtracting the known overwrite data). If the device being written to supports cacheing or buffering of data, SFS will additionally attempt to disable the buffering to ensure physical disk writes are performed (for example by setting the Force Unit Access bit during SCSI-2 Group 1 write commands). There is a commonly-held belief that there is a US government standard for declassifying magnetic media which simply involves overwriting data on it three times. There are in fact a number of standards[1] which contain simple phrases such as "Magnetic disks, drums, and other similar rigid storage devices shall be sanitized by overwriting all storage locations with any character, then the complement of the character (e.g., binary ones and binary zeros) alternately a minimum of three times". However this simple description is usually reinterpreted by the appropriate government agencies to a level which often makes physical destruction of the media and its replacement with new media preferable to attempting any declassification by overwriting the data (the (classified) standards for truly declassifying magnetic media probably involve concentrated acid, furnaces, belt sanders, or any combination of the above[2]). One unclassified standard which contains information on data erasure is ANSI X9.17-1985 "Financial Key Management (Wholesale)", Appendix E, "Erasing (Zeroizing) Recording Media Used for Storage of Keying Material". Section E.5, "Disk Pack" contains three possible alternatives: "(a) Apply an emery wheel or sander to the recording surface of an inoperative disk. Ensure that the entire surface is completely removed prior to disposal. (b) The resin binder and ferric oxide surfece can be completely removed/stripped (chemically destroyed) from the disk with concentrated hydrochloric acid (55-58%). (c) Melting". This applies only to non-classified data, the sanitizing of media containing classified information is generally handled in a far more paranoid manner. The use of such extreme measures is necessary not only because data recovery from the actual tracks itself may (with some effort) be possible, but because of factors like intelligent drives which keep so-called "alternative cylinders" on a disk free to allow dynamic re-allocation of data to one of these tracks in case a disk block develops errors. The original block is no longer accessible through any sort of normal access mechanism, and the data on it can't be destroyed without going through some unusual contortions which tend to be highly hardware-dependant. Other complications include the use of journaling filesystems which keep track of previous generations of data, and disk compression software or hardware which will compress a simple repeated overwrite pattern to nothing and leave the original data intact on the disk[3]. Therefore if "overwriting all storage locations" is interpreted to mean "exposing the entire reading surface to a magnetic field having a strength at the recording surface greater than the field intensity at which it was recorded", the method does have merit. Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to get at all storage locations, and simple-minded methods such as trying to write patterns to the storage allocated to a file in order to erase it don't even come close to this target. The overwrite method used by SFS does come reasonably close by attempting to create a fluctuating magnetic field over all physically accessible sectors which make up a disk volume, creating the same effect as a degaussing tool used to erase magnetic fields. One possibility for lessening the impact of encrypted data being retained on a disk long after it should have vanished is to frequently change an encryption parameter so that the encrypted data also changes when the encryption parameter is changed. For the case of SFS disk keys, all this would require is that at certain intervals (for example each time the volume is mounted) the disk key is re-encrypted with a different random initialization vector and written back to the disk so that the key never has time to get "burned in" to the media. However this still leaves the problem of the last-written key being present, and is probably not worth the effort involved in constantly updating the key. Another consideration which needs to be taken into account when trying to erase data through software is that drives conforming to some of the higher-level protocols such as the various SCSI standards are relatively free to interpret commands sent to them in whichever way they choose (as long as they still conform to the SCSI specification). Thus some drives, if sent a FORMAT UNIT command may return immediately without performing any action, may simply perform a read test on the entire disk (the most common option), or may actually write data to the disk[4][5]. This is rather common among newer drives which can't directly be low-level formatted, unlike older ST-412 and ST-506 MFM or RLL drives. For example trying to format an IDE drive generally has little effect - a low-level format generally isn't possible, and the standard DOS `format' command simply writes a boot record, FAT, and root directory, performs a quick scan for bad sectors, and exits. Therefore if the data is very sensitive and is stored on floppy disk, it can best be destroyed by removing the media from the disk liner and burning it. Disks are relatively cheap, and can easily be replaced. Permanently destroying data on fixed disks is less simple, but the multiple-overwrite option used by SFS at least makes it quite challenging (and expensive) to recover any information. Footnote [1]: Among others there is the Department of Defense standard DoD 5200.28-M, Army standard AR 380-19, Navy standards OPNAVINST 5510.1H and NAVSO P-5239-26, Air Force standard AFSSI-5020, and Department of Energy standard DOE 5637.1. Footnote [2]: The UK Ministry of Defence grinds down disk platters and then supposedly stores the (still-classified) dust for a decade or more. Rumours that they remove programmers brains for storage in order to erase the classified information they contain are probably unfounded. Footnote [3]: From a posting to the usenet newsgroup on 1 August 1994, message-ID <31c75s$>: "I got fired from my job and was told to clean my desk, so I immediately went to my office and ran Norton WipeDisk on my hard drive, which contained much of the work I had done and also my contact list, letters, games, and so on. Unfortunately, I had DoubleSpaced it and the files were easily recovered". Footnote [4]: Again it may be possible to bypass this using highly hardware- specific methods. For example Quantum SCSI drives manufactured a few years ago could be forced to write data to disk during a format by changing the sector filler byte before the format command was issued. Footnote [5]: The SCSI-2 standard includes an initialization pattern (IP) option for the FORMAT UNIT command (Section, however it is not clear how well this is supported by existing drives. Safeguarding Cryptographic Keys A threshold scheme divides a message (in this case the key to be protected) into `n' pieces, or shares, so that any `m' of these shares can be used to reconstruct the key, but `m-1' or less cannot reconstruct it. This is called an (m,n) threshold scheme. A simple all-or-nothing scheme would break a key into `n' parts such that the key could be recovered by taking the exclusive-or of these parts. However this method allows no margin of error, since even a single missing share will destroy the ability to recreate the key. This method allows for a limited form of key safeguarding, but is not a true threshold scheme. SFS uses a true threshold scheme, namely the one presented in "How to Share a Secret" by Adi Shamir, Communications of the ACM, Vol.22, No.11 (November 1979), p.612. This involves chosing a prime `p' which is larger than the number of shares required, and an arbitrary polynomial of degree `m-1', where `m' is the number of shares necessary to reconstruct the secret. To distribute the secret data, we generate a polynomial: ax^(m-1) + bx^(m-2) ... + cx + M (mod p) where `a' ... `c' are random secret coefficients which are discarded once the data has been distributed, `p' is a prime number larger than any of the coefficients, and `M' is the secret to be distributed. For example if we wanted to create a (3,n) threshold scheme in which three shares out of the total number would be necessary to reconstruct the secret data, we would generate the quadratic polynomial: ax^2 + bx + M (mod p) The shares themselves are obtained by evaluating the polynomial at `n' different points, where `n' is the total number of shares distributed. In this case for our polynomial f() we evaluate it at x = 1, x = 2, ... x = n, and distribute the resulting f( 1 ), f( 2 ), ... f( n ) values as the share data. Since the polynomial has `m' unknown coefficients a, b, ... c and M, any `m' shares can be used to create `m' equations, after which linear algebra can be used to solve for M. `m-1' shares can't recreate the secret. More than `m' shares are redundant. For example, suppose we wish to create a (3,5) threshold scheme in which any 3 of a total of 5 shares are sufficient to reconstruct the secret M. Assuming M = 5 and taking two random coefficients a = 4 and b = 6 and a prime p = 13, we have: f(x) = 4x^2 + 6x + 5 (mod 13) Evaluating this at x = 1...5 gives: f(1) = 4 + 6 + 5 (mod 13) = 2 f(2) = 16 + 12 + 5 (mod 13) = 7 f(3) = 36 + 18 + 5 (mod 13) = 7 f(4) = 64 + 24 + 5 (mod 13) = 2 f(5) = 100 + 30 + 5 (mod 13) = 5 To reconstruct `M' from three of these shares (for example share 1, 3, and 5), we need to solve the set of linear equations: 2 = a.1^2 + b.1 + M (mod 13) 7 = a.3^2 + b.3 + M (mod 13) 5 = a.5^2 + b.5 + M (mod 13). We can do this using Lagrange interpolation to recover the values a = 4, b = 6, and M = 13, giving us the original secret. A single share therefore consists of an X coordinate 1, 2, ... n, and however many Y coordinates f( 1 ), f( 2 ), ... f( n ) are needed. The total set of shares is a set of X coordinates X[] and a corresponding number of Y coordinates Y[]. To reconstruct the secret, we first calculate the coefficients C[]: for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) C[ i ] = 1; for( j = 0; j < m; j++ ) if( i != j ) C[ i ] *= X[ j ] / ( X[ i ] - X[ j ] ); Once we have the coefficients, we can reconstruct the secret from the rest of the share, namely the Y coordinates: secret = 0; for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) secret += C[ i ] * Y[ i ]; To make the secret-sharing task easier, we use a finite field for all our work. An exact explanation of the theory involved is beyond the scope of this document, anyone interested in more background details should refer to the references in the "Recommended Reading" section below. It suffices to note that the secret sharing scheme used by SFS works in GF( 2^n ), in which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all well defined. There is an additive identity 0, a multiplicative identity 1, every nonzero number has a unique inverse, and the commutative, associative, and distributive laws all hold. Galois fields are very convenient to work with since they keep the numbers involved to a finite size, and there are no rounding errors in division. All arithmetic is done modulo an irreducible polynomial of degree `n'. The characteristics of the Galois fields used by SFS are as follows: n of shares Generator polynomial 4 15 x^4 + x + 1 5 31 x^5 + x^2 + 1 6 63 x^6 + x + 1 7 127 x^7 + x + 1 8 255 x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 9 511 x^9 + x^4 + 1 10 1023 x^10 + x^3 + 1 11 2047 x^11 + x^2 + 1 12 4095 x^12 + x^6 + x^4 + x + 1 13 8191 x^13 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1 14 16383 x^14 + x^5 + x^3 + x + 1 15 32767 x^15 + x + 1 16 65535 x^16 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 Although SFS could use any of GF( 2^4 ) ... GF( 2^16 ), the current implementation is restricted to GF( 2^8 ) to allow data to be processed in byte-sized quantities. The use of a threshold scheme can be extended to allow shareholders to be replaced or added at a later point using the techniques given in David Chaum's paper "How to Keep a Secret Alive", presented during Crypto'84 and appearing in volume 196 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science published by Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-15658-5 and 0-387-15658-5). The replacement of a shareholder requires that a shareholder break his share into subshares and distribute the subshares to the other shareholders, allowing them to recreate his share if it is lost or destroyed. The creation of a new shareholder requires the generation of additional shares which are again broken into subshares and distributed to shareholders. In either case a quorum of shareholders can use their subshares to vote on whether a shareholder should be replaced, or a new shareholder created. SFS does not currently support this extended key safeguarding due to the complexity involved in its use.