BlueBEEP v1.00 Final Release Source Code Documentation Docs and source (C) 1991-1995 Onkel Dittmeyer - Released to the public April 1st, 1995 - PURPOSE OF THIS FILE Pursuant to the USC Paperword Reduction Act, we have to tell you what this file is all about (nawt). It is an open letter to the potential haqr who wants to go ahead and mod the code. This should enlighten you a bit on what I was thinking when I made it and how it is organized. The code is TP 6.0 w/ a modded turbo.tpl (for speed). If you can't understand it because you can't code or just started learning how to use Pascal, fuck off. This is fucking advanced. Get with it. SOMETHING FIRST OFF.. First off, I want to say that I do not release this code so you lamer puppies out there can put your name in it and spread it around. Since BlueBEEP is everywhere already anyway, it's not like people wouldn't notice, and all it would do for you is make your handle associated with leym, uneleet behaviour all along. This source is being published so people that know what they're doing can start adding new features, make improvements and port this code to machines other than PC clones. It is not there so you can steal the parts of the code you like and make your own programs without giving me proper credit. I spend a hell of a lot of time, sweat and effort on every single of those roughly 10,000 lines of code, and all I am asking for is the proper respect: Whenever you use any part of this code, mention my handle and say that I wrote this and that part of it. Then send me some email at and let me know that you released a program that contains a part of my code. Uuencode me a copy if you can. That's it. I am not asking for much. Just ripping my code would be lame, childish, and illegal. And I guess I do not have to mention that no part of this code or the program can be sold, used in any commerical projects, or otherwise used for the purpose of personal prosperity. If you like the way I code, hire me. I'm young, so I'm cheap. But I'm greedy too; you have been warned. ABOUT THE CODE Right here comes a little bit of info about the actual code files. The overlay files and the standard config etc are covered later in this doc. This covers the actual libs and includes you need to generate the initial bluebeep.exe BEFORE it is packed and the overlays are added. A little information on the whole process in general first: The final BlueBEEP executable is generated in four steps. The script build.bat takes care of it. First, bluebeep.pas and all the libraries are compiled and linked into bluebeep.exe. Then that .exe is packed and the size of the file has to be integrated into the overlay manager constant in bbp_vars.pas. Then, it is compiled again with the new info, linked, packed (with either lzexe or pklite), if pklite is used, the pklite header info is stripped. After that, the overlay manager tool sostool.exe throws all the necessary extra files (such as keys, default configs, dial sets, and .voc files) into the .exe and the distributable, final, big bluebeep.exe file is created. Any attempts in running bluebeep.exe before the whole process is done or leaving anything out is inevitably going to result in a nasty machine crash. THE SOURCE FILES a------bbp_bsli.pas 4658 3/23/94 14.10 source\ This file is the BlueBEEP Script Language Interpreter. I hacked it up in a very short time and it is not anything yet. Note to the hacker: This could use some extra functions, variable support, etc. This is probably one of the biggest expansion potentials for new version that could be made. a------bbp_conv.pas 3334 2/12/94 20.51 source\ Conversion lib. This has two conversion routines in it; the one to convert the color coded docs into an indexed plaintext file, and the one to convert the country code list (c-code.lst) into the data file bluebeep.ccd. Should be working perfectly, and doesn't need any improvements/fixes. Add any external file converting crap to this lib. a------bbp_info.pas 7748 4/25/94 23.39 source\ Handles all of the "Information" menu (doc reader, key export). Works. The doc reader is known to have some very minor bugs, and it could use an out of memory check (easy, I'm just too lazy to put it in :)) a------bbp_init.pas 21233 3/20/95 23.38 source\ This unit has the main routine initialize() which does all the loading and initializing when the program is first started, along with all of its dependants. Whenever you add new stuff, make sure you add all the necessary initialization routines (loading, allocating memory) here. If command line parameters are used, the appropriate routine from bbp_pom would be launched from here. a------bbp_pom .pas 68229 3/20/95 23.29 source\ Phreak Out Menu. Contains the juiciest bits of the code; the action mode (which means the actual dialer), the red box, the k0de/routing scanner, fonewerd and all the other crap. The Action Mode could use a good, index-based help system. Otherwise, it's fine. a------bbp_proc.pas 29044 4/11/94 00.20 source\ This lib contains most of the general utility functions and procedures; BlueBEEP-specific tool routines and maintenance stuff goes here. a------bbp_set .pas 41580 3/20/95 23.34 source\ This contains the complete setup routines and menus. Note that all the types are defined in bbp_vars and all the initializing is done in bbp_init. Werd. The CardChecker needs a new setup (it got fried in the big crash of '93), otherwise, it's k00l. a------bbp_tool.pas 12968 3/20/95 22.57 source\ The Tools menu. Phonebook import/export, starfield, that kind of stuff. Basically just code to import files from other dialers. Boring. Could need some additions for new dialers and terminals to import their phonebooks. a------bbp_vars.pas 16859 3/20/95 23.42 source\ All of the variables, types, file structures and constants are defined here. This is probably the most important part of the code because everything except local (temporary) variables is defined here. Carefully read through it, it's going to give you a lot of insight how the code works. If you add more global variables, make sure you add them here so they can also be used globally. Pascal has a 64k limit on the data segment, so be picky about what you declare global and what not. If you need large variables, consider using pointers blah blah blah... a------bbunit .pas 4984 4/25/94 22.29 source\ This is the lib that actually squeezes the tones out of the adlib chip. Also does the initializing. If you want to add support for other sound cards, do it here. Gee, I wish Pascal supported function overloading! Credit for most of this lib goes to Urmel (author of TLO, who wrote this stuff from the AdLib card Programmers Manual) and Elroy/ECR (who stole it from Urmel and tRaD3d it to me). a------bitmani .pas 2470 11/05/93 18.38 source\ Tiny little lib that enables you to play with the individual bits in almost any type of variable. Simple, basic, and perfect. Good to use because it makes the code easier to read. Pascal's bitwise operates suck, anyway. a------bluebeep.pas 2238 3/20/95 23.14 source\ The main code. It's actually very short and does NOT need any changes 99% of the time. Gee, I am so proud of it :) a------bsli .pas 1771 2/15/94 14.25 source\ External version of the BlueBEEP Script Language Interpreter. Has not been used since 0.06 or so. Check it out, if you improve the script language you should definitely keep this up to date, too. In the case of the bsli unit, it will keep up to date automatically (dependent). a------chksum .pas 850 5/04/94 01.53 source\ St00pid checksum routines I wanted to implement into the code time. Gee, I hope you can come up with something better than this! Not actually needed to compile the prog as of now. (Doug, you'll be laughing at this! Actually, any checksum/crypto freak will burst out laughing over this code. Don't bitch at me. I am just 1aYm.) a------editrout.pas 7323 11/23/93 23.30 source\ The edit fields for all the variables (strings, integers, words, etc). An important part of my user interface I am proud of. Werd. Supports cursor keys, ins/del, etc. If have a useful idea on how to improve it, go ahead. Don't fuck with it for no apparent reason if you can discipline yourself. a------errcheck.pas 907 3/09/94 07.04 source\ Little external tool that HAS to be compiled before you can run the build script. Checks the tpc.exe log for errors and invokes the editor for the appropriate file if there is one. Helps you out of typos without major hassles (managing big projects with TP is a real bitch). a------extras .pas 21532 3/23/94 15.28 source\ A lib of tiny goodies and utility functions I started when I was 12 and that I improved and rewrote many times every since. However, I can guarantee you that you will stumble over some REALLY childish code in there sooner or later. You have been warned. a------ferror .pas 521 2/12/94 19.31 source\ Fatal Error handling for BlueBEEP. Plain and simple. No comment. Doesn't need anything. Unless Windows, I didn't feel intrigued to add .wav support so I can play stupid samples when the prog crashes. Even if you're compelled, don't. There's more useful stuff in the world that you could spend your time on. a------grmenus .pas 4595 3/24/94 23.41 source\ The menu system. It's called grmenus because all the menus were set fixed to green before I added the multiple color set support. Talking about color, making the color for every class of item individually adjustible would be neat. Add it to bbp_set if you think that it would make sense. I actually started coding a neat little menu for this; e-mail me if you want to finish it; I didn't want to improve fragments and little useless code-bits with this release. a------grwins .pas 3378 3/25/94 02.23 source\ (Zooming) windows. Straightforward, no-bullshit code to draw square windows with colored frames. Works, is fast and never fails. a------keyunit .pas 743 11/21/93 21.01 source\ The key system for the keys you give to beta testers. It's kinda lame, not even remotely secure but lamer- and warezd00d-safe, and not really complex. If you want to use a code, you have to fill it into the appropriate space in bbp_vars and recompile the whole program. The resulting .exe will be personalized only for your beta tester and requires a handle and a password to start it up. Using the voice number the beta tester as the password is usually good enough to keep them from spreading the beta around. Since the phone number is not stored anywhere (just the resulting key), it's hard to hack it as well. If you give out betas and wanna keep 'em private, you can use this code as a foundation to develop a better system. a------litefix .pas 841 3/20/94 02.08 source\ Tiny program to change the (C) PKWAREZ note in pklited .exe files into a custom message you can specify. If you use pklite instead of lzexe to pack BlueBEEP, this will, through the build script, automatically take care of it so you can spend the time you would use on patching it with a hex editor on the finer things of life. a------lscomm .pas 18206 3/14/94 02.57 source\ Litespeed comm unit. It's buggy and it sucks. Based on some PD code and slightly modified. Use a better comm unit or completely rewrite this crap when you get a chance to (won't werk with certain com ports, etc.) a------menus .pas 2715 10/05/93 12.46 source\ More menu routines. All of the menu routines in BlueBEEP have the option of default choices and mouse support. If you want to integrate a new way of interfacing with the program, making changes to those fundamental routines will have effects on the program as a whole. The wonders of oop. Wewp. a------mouseio .pas 2299 3/24/94 23.21 source\ Mouse interface routines. A bundle of functions I first wrote years ago and then gradually made changes and/or bugfixes to it. Should be bug free and complete by now. Don't fuck with it unless you know what you're doing because most of those are interrupt routines. a------optimer .pas 1998 10/05/93 12.34 source\ A timer unit that is mostly used to control delays and timing before and after tones, tone durations, dialing speeds and delays and so on. Came with bbunit and is hence obviously a courtesy of Urmel. I am using this because it's way more precise than the delay() routines that Borland provides, and we all know how crucial timing is when you're out there trying to get that break right.. a------pdial .pas 5933 11/05/93 18.44 source\ The pulse dialing routines for the pulse dial / line interface. Simple, straightforward and bug free. a------sbvoice .pas 7790 3/20/95 23.53 source\ Soundblaster .voc tools such as playback, recording, loading, etc. Used by the card talker and everything else in BlueBEEP that uses voc files and samples. You could add better memory management. Except for that, it's almost perfect. Wrote it myself from scratch, and it took a lot of time to piece together all the required info about the driver and such. If you want to use it in your own progs, credit me (see top of file). a------sos .pas 10057 4/25/94 22.27 source\ The Smart Overlay System, another innovative idea by me. Allows you to keep all your data in the .exe file and cheating your code into believing that they are still external files. Replaces the routines for opening, closing, reading from and writing to files and hence opens you a door to making all your config and data files completely invisible. Didn't you ever wish that some of the commercial programmers used stuff like this so they didn't have to litter your hard drive with ten million files? Well, I did. That's why I coded this. You are highly encouraged to use this in your own programs as long as you give me credit. Could use a function to delete files out of the overlay (another one of those things that are obvious but which I am too lazy to implement). a------sostool .pas 799 4/17/94 19.26 source\ A little tools which takes advantage of the sos lib and allows you to add, list and browse the files in an overlay. This has to be compiled before you can compile BlueBEEP because build.bat uses it to create the final .exe file. a------types .pas 590 11/06/93 17.20 source\ Definition of a couple of weird data types I use. Generally, you should add BlueBEEP-specific type definitions to bbp_vars, but if you add a generic type that you might use later in something else, put it here. a------vgagraph.pas 1870 2/12/94 21.20 source\ Cheap and slow routines to interface with the VGA card in MCGA mode (320x200x256). Used by the star field and some of my older intros. a------video .pas 1369 11/05/93 22.12 source\ Handles the detection and adressing of color/mono text cards. Upon startup, it automatically detects what kind of card you have installed so all the direct writes to the video RAM can be adressed properly. I think the autodetection still fails sometimes, but I am not sure. Works on 99% of the system I tested it on. 22215 3/20/95 23.45 source\inc\ 21934 3/20/95 23.46 source\inc\ 5589 3/20/95 23.47 source\inc\ Those three include files are the video ram images of the ANSIs that are displayed throughout the program; the Bart Simpson screen, the BlueBEEP logo, and the Telekom logo. If you are modifying these, make sure you use TheDraw and save it as pascal code. Then just don't forget to update the identifier names. And if you want to free up some data segment space during expansion work on the source, these are some potential data segment memory munchers that you could zap.