Filename | Size | Description of the Textfile
adden01.txt | 5526 | Addendum Issue #01: Introduction (February 13, 2002)
| adden01r.txt | 4746 | Addendum Issue #01: The End: Revised (May 1, 2002)
| adden02.txt | 3865 | Addendum Issue #02: Ultra-Old Ultra-Rad Hardware (February 14, 2002)
| adden03.txt | 2482 | Addendum Issue #03: Tyler Durden: Fight Club (February 15, 2002)
| adden04.txt | 2455 | Addendum Issue #04: The Phoenix (February 17, 2002)
| adden05.txt | 2002 | Addendum Issue #05: Coffee, Rats and Monkeys (February 17, 2002)
| adden06.txt | 2071 | Addendum Issue #06: Oooo the Pain! (February 17, 2002)
| adden07.txt | 2987 | Addendum Issue #07: Happiness Comes from the Inside (February 18, 2002)
| adden08.txt | 3740 | Addendum Issue #09: Yourself, Family and Friends (February 21, 2002)
| adden087.txt | 2166 |
| adden088.txt | 7993 |
| adden089.txt | 5610 |
| adden09.txt | 2490 | Addendum Issue #09: 486dx2 Vs. The Brain (February 25, 2002)
| adden090.txt | 5326 |
| adden091.txt | 6562 |
| adden092.txt | 9537 |
| adden093.txt | 7481 |
| adden094.txt | 3482 |
| adden095.txt | 7343 |
| adden096.txt | 3872 |
| adden097.txt | 8362 |
| adden098.txt | 7805 |
| adden099.txt | 9080 |
| adden10.txt | 7536 | Addendum Issue #10: Star Trek: A Testament To the Stars (February 27, 2002)
| adden100.txt | 4579 |
| adden101.txt | 12957 |
| adden102.txt | 5155 |
| adden103.txt | 12048 |
| adden104.txt | 14951 |
| adden105.txt | 9474 |
| adden106.txt | 5759 |
| adden11.txt | 5147 | Addendum Issue #11: Silly Beer Advert (March 4, 2002)
| adden12.txt | 4029 | Addendum Issue #12: CGI: Computer Generated Idiots (March 13, 2002)
| adden13.txt | 4402 | Addendum Issue #13: "Mainstream" People (March 14, 2002)
| adden14.txt | 5081 | Addendum Issue #14: I Hate Rap (March 16, 2002)
| adden15.txt | 7849 | Addendum Issue #15: The Phoenix is Back (March 17, 2002)
| adden16.txt | 10668 | Addendum Issue #16: Douglas Adams' View of Australia (March 20, 2002)
| adden17.txt | 6328 | Addendum Issue #17: Women, Men and Consumables (March 26, 2002)
| adden18.txt | 14261 | Addendum Issue #18: Simple Sentient Steak (March 28, 2002)
| adden19.txt | 13573 | Addendum Issue #19: Thayky and Froskey (March 30, 2002)
| adden20.txt | 10195 | Addendum Issue #20: Jock's Shock Shop (April 1, 2002)
| adden21.txt | 3585 | Addendum Issue #21: RIP Addendum (April 1, 2002)
| adden22.txt | 5456 | Addendum Issue #22: Eggbeater (April 4, 2002)
| adden23.txt | 5565 | Addendum Issue #23: The Sleeping Series Part 1: Dormancy (April 4, 2002)
| adden24.txt | 5664 | Addendum Issue #24: The Sleeping Series Part 2: Missing the Arms of Morpheus (April 6, 2002)
| adden25.txt | 5468 | Addendum Issue #25: The Sleeping Series Part 3: Incubus (April 8, 2002)
| adden26.txt | 3690 | Addendum Issue #26: The Food of Gods (April 9, 2002)
| adden27.txt | 13696 | Addendum Issue #27: A Biological Report on Aliens (April 10, 2002)
| adden28.txt | 4082 | Addendum Issue #28: Santa Claus: The Scientific Explanation (April 12, 2002)
| adden29.txt | 7453 | Addendum Issue #29: I Like Writing (April 15, 2002)
| adden30.txt | 6380 | Addendum Issue #30: Everything is Wrong (April 15, 2002)
| adden31.txt | 2274 | Addendum Issue #31: Dear Mrs Entity (April 18, 2002)
| adden32.txt | 5589 | Addendum Issue #32: He's Not my PAL (April 9, 2002)
| adden33.txt | 4362 | Addendum Issue #33: Perception and Colors (April 22, 2002)
| adden34.txt | 24767 | Addendum Issue #34: Hacking and Hackers Explained (April 23, 2002)
| adden35.txt | 1995 | Addendum Issue #35: Normal? Bah! (April 26, 2002)
| adden36.txt | 11871 | Addendum Issue #36: A Painful Matter for Me (April 27, 2002)
| adden37.txt | 1987 | Addendum Issue #37: Mutiliation Shock Find (April 27, 2002)
| adden38.txt | 6491 | Addendum Issue #38: Assorted Poetry (April 28, 2002)
| adden39.txt | 1990 | Addendum Issue #39: I Just Want Something I Can Never Have (April 29, 2002)
| adden40.txt | 7656 | Addendum Issue #40: German Gunman Sought Revenge (April 30, 2002)
| adden41.txt | 6480 | Addendum Issue #41: Education? As If! (May 2, 2002)
| adden42.txt | 4025 | Addendum Issue #42: We Advise.... (May 3, 2002)
| adden43.txt | 6330 | Addendum Issue #43: William, Mary and the Brain (May 7, 2002)
| adden44.txt | 5526 | Addendum Issue #44: My Staple Theory (May 8, 2002)
| adden45.txt | 3590 | Addendum Issue #45: A World to Live In (May 8, 2002)
| adden46.txt | 3096 | Addendum Issue #46: Calico Shubunkins (May 10, 2002)
| adden47.txt | 3939 | Addendum Issue #47: Moby Music (May 12, 2002)
| adden48.txt | 3388 | Addendum Issue #48: The Thoughts of a Non Sleeper (May 14, 2002)
| adden49.txt | 7762 | Addendum Issue #49: Say No to Star Wars Part 1: Reasons to Love the Trek (May 16, 2002)
| adden50.txt | 4175 | Addendum Issue #50: Say No to Star Wars Part 2: General Star Wars Rants (May 17, 2002)
| adden51.txt | 8937 | Addendum Issue #51: Say No to Star Wars Part 3: Top Ten Lists (May 18, 2002)
| adden52.txt | 7756 | Addendum Issue #52: We Don't Have the Right! (May 19, 2002)
| adden53.txt | 3831 | Addendum Issue #53: Cold (May 20, 2002)
| adden54.txt | 1664 | Addendum Issue #54: Not Bright Ideas (May 20, 2002)
| adden55.txt | 10748 | Addendum Issue #55: The Gospel According to Steak (May 21, 2002)
| adden56.txt | 7334 | Addendum Issue #56: World = Pancake? (May 21, 2002)
| adden57.txt | 2704 | Addendum Issue #57: I Was an Animal! (May 25, 2002)
| adden58.txt | 5901 | Addendum Issue #58: The Exiled Seagull with the Inverted Head I (May 27, 2002)
| adden59.txt | 3802 | Addendum Issue #59: Poor Mr. Orwell (May 28, 2002)
| adden60.txt | 3028 | Addendum Issue #60: What Does Addendum Mean to Me? The Rant and Rave Remix (May 28, 2002)
| adden61.txt | 4001 | Addendum Issue #61: What Does Addendum Mean to Me? The Official Rendering (May 29, 2002)
| adden62.txt | 9101 | Addendum Issue #62: It Could Only Happen to poor Old Jimmi (May 31, 2002)
| |